“Stage 3 Searching on the internet” Materia: Paths of Knowledge Alumno: Damaris Gutiérrez, Mauricio García Irma Garcia, Tayra Meyer Maestro: Mónica Pinzón Espinosa Grupo: 104 Place: Monterrey, NL Fecha: 15/10/2022 Title of the Web page iNaturalist URL or address https://www.inaturalist.org/journal Who is responsible of the site? Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline and Ken-ichi Ueda are the creators of this website Who are the destinataries? General public When was performed the last update of the site? Many publications are created on this page in the same day, so I would not say that this was the last, since they are endless. 'Last' post was on October 15, 2022 at 7:30PM. What is the topic of the site? Biology (animal and plants) Is the information clear? Sometimes it's not so clear at all Is the provided information is academic or popular? Popular, but it can serve them in the academic environment as long as it is something so specific Is the page easy to read? Does it have images, icons, or graphics to accompany the information? Yes, it does not have complicated vocabulary, it is very easy to read. On this page there are many images, depending on the post that users create