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Process Design & Simulation: Aspen Plus & HYSYS

Introduction to Computer-Aided Process Design and Simulation
In general, chemical process engineers deal with two
types of tasks: design of a new process and simulation
of an existing process. These tasks can be simple or very
complex. To solve some simple problems, hand calculation can be used. The advantage of hand calculation is
deeper knowledge of the problem. However, in a complex
problem, the solution of many thousands of equations
is often required. Therefore, hand calculation of such
problems in real time is practically impossible and process simulators are an irreplaceable tool. Both design and
simulation tasks require specific approaches. A chemical process design starts with a requirement for a product and goes through different design steps. A simulation
task starts with a requirement for process modification or
optimization and continues with an analysis of the existing state of the art.
This chapter introduces the concept of this book for
the design of new and simulation of existing processes.
Hierarchy levels, depth, and basic steps of chemical process design are explained. Process chemistry concept,
technology variants, data collection, and process flowsheet development steps of conceptual design are also
discussed. This chapter also deals with process simulation programs, sequential modular approach, and
equation-oriented approach. The last part is devoted to
starting a simulation with Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS.
1.1 Process Design
For the development of a chemical engineering design,
the hierarchy level of the design problem has to be
defined first. Under the term of design in chemical engineering, we can imagine from the design of a single operation to a complete design of a chemical factory. The
hierarchy levels for design tasks in chemical engineering
are shown in Figure 1.1. The purpose of this book is to
present the major aspects of design of unit operations as
well as chemical plants.
Another aspect of chemical engineering design is the
depth of the design. Usually the design is divided into
two broad phases. The first phase is a conceptual design
including the selection of the chemical process, technology, process conditions, collection of required data,
issuing process flowsheets, selection, specification, and
chemical engineering calculations of equipment and preliminary cost estimation. The second phase is the basic
plant design including the detail mechanical design of
equipment, detail design of electrical and civil structures, and piping and ancillary services. Steps included
in the first phase are usually done by chemical engineers,
whereas those included in the second phase are done by
design specialists. In Figure 1.2, steps of the first phase
are shown in detail in rectangles with solid borders and
they create the subjects of study in this book. The steps
of the next basic design are only mentioned here and they
are shown in rectangles with dashed borders.
Design of a process starts with an idea to produce
a new product or to improve an existing product. The
requirement for a new product can result from the market request. If the initial analysis indicates that the idea
can develop into a project, a review of its chemical, technological, and economical aspects is initiated. Evaluation of process chemistry and possible raw materials for
the production of the required product is one of the
first investigations. The chemical reactions and catalysts
are selected in the context of local conditions, availability of raw materials, environmental, economic, safety,
and health effects. A chemical concept is often analyzed
simultaneously with the technological concept and rough
economic evaluation. Type of reactors, phase of reactions, types of separation units, and other technological conditions are investigated in relation to economic,
environmental, and local specifications. The next step is
the collection of necessary data for process design; most
often required data are material properties data, chemical reaction equilibrium, and kinetic data as well as phase
equilibrium data.
A process flowsheet is developed in a series of iterations started by a simple configuration of the main
equipment blocks. Selection of a suitable thermodynamic phase equilibrium model is the crucial moment
in the separation equipment design, such as distillation
column, separators, absorbers, extractors, and others.
Chemical Process Design and Simulation: Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS Applications, First Edition. Juma Haydary.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website: Aspen
Chemical Process Design and Simulation
Chemical industry
Chemical factory
Chemical plant
Unit operation
Chemical or
physical process
Figure 1.1 Hierarchy levels for chemical engineering design
Step-by-step or simultaneous solution of mathematical
models of individual nodes in the flowsheet provides
material and energy balance information and also, in
some cases, information on the main equipment size.
In this step, some case studies at the level of equipment
simulation are done.
To set optimal process conditions and cost minimization, a number of case studies employing flowsheet
configuration, external conditions, and requirements
have to be done. Process integration aimed at the maximization of energy efficiency is another impotent step of
process flowsheet development. Finally, the optimal process configuration is selected and its cost is estimated.
Often, cost estimation is required for more than one
alternative of the process. It can also serve as an objective function for optimization.
Note that sometimes the design steps become woven
together or their order may be altered and sometimes
not all steps may be necessary. Experience from already
existing plants pays a very important role in this process.
The majority of designs are based on previously existing
1.2 Process Chemistry Concept
Usually, new products are produced as a result of one
or more chemical reactions; however, in some cases only
Defining the required product
Evaluation of possible chemical concepts and selection of
suitable method
Evaluation of possible technologies and local conditions, reviewing
environmental, safety and health effects, selection of
suitable technology
Collection of data required for design (material properties data, chemical equilibrium
and kinetic data, phase equilibrium data, etc.)
Process flowsheet development, material and energy balances, equipment
selection and design, process simulation of the base case
Case studies, energy analysis, optimization of parameters
Preliminary cost estimation
Detailed mechanical equipment design, piping and instrument design, civil and
electrical structures design, detailed flwsheets
Project cost estimation
Construction of the plant
Figure 1.2 Main steps of a chemical plant design
1 Introduction to Computer-Aided Process Design and Simulation
physical processes are the subject of the design, for example, separation of a component or a group of components
from a natural mixture. Crude oil primary separation is a
good example of such processes.
If the new product is a result of chemical reactions,
the designing process begins with the search for chemical reactions leading to this new product. Initial local
conditions play an important role in the process chemistry selection. Use of an existing plant, modification
of an existing plant, and design of a completely new
plant are three different initial situations that affect
the selection of an appropriate chemistry for the new
product. The search for a potential chemistry begins
with books, textbooks, and encyclopedias. More detailed
information can be found in journals, patents, and other
The first result of an initial search is the answer to the
question, if exact chemistry of the required product production is known. The following answers to this question
are possible:
1. Yes, our required product is a pure chemical and the
stoichiometry of chemical reactions for its production
is known.
2. Our product is the result of a number of different
chemical reactions, where the stoichiometry of only
some reactions is known and balance at the molecular level is impossible.
3. Our product is the result of many chemical reactions
with unknown stoichiometry; technologies are developed based on empirical observations.
In many cases, more than one choice for raw materials for a new product is available. The appropriate raw
material and also the catalyst type are selected considering the best economic indicators satisfying environmental and safety conditions. An initial economic and environmental overview helps to exclude most inconvenient
methods from further investigation. Chemistry with the
best economic indicators may not be always the same; it
is strongly affected by local conditions such as availability
of raw materials, possibility of using existing technologies
and infrastructure, environmental regulations, availability of energy sources, and so on.
1.3 Technology Concept
When chemistry is selected, analysis of its various technology variants follows. The technology variations are
studied for chemistries that were not excluded by the process chemistry analysis. In conceptual design, the subject
of technology concept is to search for different technology alternatives for the selected chemistry including
r reactor variations,
r separation alternatives,
r alternatives for material stream recycling,
r concept of energy integration, and
r environmental, health, and safety effects.
In the reactor selection step, a very important decision
to be made is the choice between continuous and batch
processes, which is mostly influenced by the character of
the process and production capacity. For many processes
with considerable capacities, continuous processes are
preferred. The reaction phase is another important issue.
The conversion and process efficiency can be strongly
affected by the reaction phase. Reaction conditions such
as temperature, pressure, and heat transfer between the
reactor and surrounding environment (isothermal or adiabatic conditions) are other important parameters of
reactors. Most preferable temperatures and pressures for
chemical reactors are those near the ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure; many processes require
different conditions. However, for selecting high or low
temperatures and pressures there has to be a proper
Although the catalyst selection is a part of the chemistry concept, its methods of application and regeneration are usually studied as technology variations. Often,
the method of catalyst introduction determines the reactor type, for example, fixed bed reactors and fluidized bed
reactors. A chemical reactor usually requires very good
mass and heat transfer conditions. Therefore, reaction
phase, reaction conditions, and catalyst type determine
the type and structure of the reactor used.
Most often used continuous reactors are CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor) and tubular reactor. To
model CSTR reactors, the theory of ideal mixing is often
applied; whereas in tubular reactors modeling, the theory of plug flow is employed. For each reactor variant
for a given technology, environmental, safety, and health
aspects have to be also evaluated.
The reaction products are usually in form of homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures, and the required
product has to be separated, which usually requires a
series of operations. For heterogeneous mixtures, separation processes such as filtration, cyclone separation,
precipitation, sedimentation, and so on. are employed.
For the separation of homogeneous mixtures, separation
methods such as distillation, absorption, extraction, partial condensation, and so on. can be used. Different concepts for the separation of reaction products have to be
Before starting the flowsheet synthesis by process
simulation, the designer may prepare a short list of
material stream integration alternatives that have to
be considered for further studies. Even for simple
problems, the number of alternatives is very high. The
Chemical Process Design and Simulation
goal is to select suitable alternatives without detailed
simulation of all possible alternatives. The technology
has to be designed at the optimum recycling rate of raw
material considering also environmental, safety, and
health issues. Note that recycling of material streams in
the whole range may not always be the most effective
Variations of process energy integration have to be also
evaluated as a part of the technology concept. In this
step, the basic alternatives of the process energy integration are studied; detailed design of energy integration
and heat exchanger networks are the subject of the process integration accompanied by simulation of different
After the technology variations evaluation including
environmental, safety, and health aspects, the designer
has a short list of cases that need to be simulated using
a process simulator to make further decisions.
1.4 Data Collection
The quality of a simulation strongly depends on the quality of data and parameters of the model used. Data quality and availability are two of the most challenging issues
in many simulations. Simulation software used in chemical process design contains many databases of material
properties data and phase equilibrium data, particularly
for conventional components. However, in many cases,
independent experimental data are very helpful in the
results verification. In addition, for all nonconventional
substances, the material properties data and phase equilibrium data are missing. Also, phase equilibrium data are
not available for all possible binary pairs of conventional
components. Another type of required data is the chemical equilibrium data and kinetic parameters of chemical
Simulation software usually contains a property analysis tool. These tools are used for detail property analysis
of pure components and binary and ternary interactions.
Modeling of chemical reactors requires information on
reaction stoichiometry, equilibrium constant, and kinetic
parameters of chemical reactions. In some cases, the
reaction conversion is known, for example, in very fast
reactions, where full conversion is achieved immediately.
Equilibrium constants can be calculated by minimization of the Gibbs free energy. Simulation software provides these calculations; however, experimental values
of the equilibrium constant and its temperature dependence provide better results, and they can be used for
the verification of data calculated by Gibbs free energy
Rate equation and kinetic parameters of the used
chemical reactions enable to calculate reaction conversion and reactor sizes when using a kinetic reactor model.
Material Properties Data
As the easiest and a very good source of material properties data of conventional components, the database of
the simulation software is used. (See Example 2.6 in the
next chapter for ethyl acetate material properties data
If components that are not qualified as conventional
such as pseudocomponents, assays, blends, nonconventional solids, and so on. are present, some information on
their properties are required for their characterization.
The more properties are known, the better characterization of a nonconventional component can be achieved.
Phase Equilibrium Data
For a satisfactory design of separation and reaction
equipment, the quality of the model for phase equilibrium calculations has a crucial effect. The quality of the
model is given by its ability to describe the real process.
Phase equilibrium experimental data enable the verification of the used thermodynamic model (see Example
2.7). Vapor–liquid and liquid–liquid experimental data
have been published for thousands of binary systems in
databases such as DECHEMA and National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). However, for thousands of other binary systems, these data are not available. Parameters of phase equilibrium models based on
activity coefficients can be calculated by contribution
methods such as UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity
Coefficients (UNIFAC); in a real project design, experimental verification of the phase equilibrium model is
Reaction Equilibrium and Reaction Kinetic Data
1.5 Simulation of an Existing Process
Process modeling is not used only in the design of new
processes. It is considered as a very useful tool in existing
processes intensification and optimization. Increasing
the unit operation efficiency, minimization of material
and energy losses, and removal of different operational
malfunctions are usual reasons for existing processes
A simulation task starts with the definition of the goal
(goals) based on the requirement for an existing process
improvement. The next step is to study the process
technological schemes and documentation to extract the
information required for the simulation. Process technological schemes are usually very detailed and contain
1 Introduction to Computer-Aided Process Design and Simulation
different types of information. Only some information
can be used for process simulation. A process engineer
has to extract the necessary information and to create
the process flow diagram (PFD) based on simulation
goals and the technological scheme of the process. In
the next step, data from the plant operation have to
be collected. Some plant data can be used as the input
data to the simulator and some for the comparison of
model and real plant data. In addition, data described in
Section 1.4 have also to be collected for proper process
After the preparation of a simplified PFD and the collection of all necessary data, process simulation with different scenarios can be realized. Based on the simulation
results and their comparison with operational data and
analysis of different scenarios, the process modification
can be suggested.
1.6 Development of Process
Flow Diagrams
Development of a PFD for a design task usually starts
with very simple diagrams with no heat exchanger networks, reactor kinetic models, material, or heat integration. Figure 1.3 shows an example of a simplified flow diagram created for the design of vinyl acetate production
from acetic acid and acetylene. After calculating these
simplified schemes and gaining the knowledge on the
process background, the schemes can be improved by
including two side heat exchangers, reactor kinetic models, and material and energy recycling streams. An example of a more complex PFD for the same process (production of vinyl acetate) is shown in Figure 1.4.
In case of a simulation task, the starting point is the
process technological scheme to be analyzed and simplified for the simulation goals definition. The PFD required
for the process simulation is derived from the technological scheme by selecting equipment and streams that can
affect the simulation goal.
Simulation programs use block modules to model different types of equipment. Sometimes the simulation
flow diagram differs from the real PFD because real
equipment in a simulation program can be modeled by
one, two, or even more unit operation blocks; or, vice
versa, one operation block in the simulation software can
represent more than one real piece of equipment.
Two different modes of a PFD for process simulation
can be developed using a simulator: active mode and onhold mode. When the active mode is used, calculation of
the units is performed simultaneously with PFD creation
(after installing each unit operation block, its calculation
is done). In the on-hold mode, first the PFD is completed
and then the calculation is started.
1.7 Process Simulation Programs
Simulation is defined in (1) as imitation of the operation of
a real-world process or system over time. A more detailed
definition of process simulation is provided in (2): Simulation is a process of designing an operational model of
a system and conducting experiments with this model for
the purpose either of understanding the behavior of the
system or of evaluating alternative strategies for the development or operation of the system. It has to be able to
reproduce selected aspects of the behavior of the system
modeled to an accepted degree of accuracy.
Figure 1.3 Simplified PFD for the vinyl acetate production process design
Figure 1.4 More complex PFD for vinyl acetate production
Chemical Process Design and Simulation
1 Introduction to Computer-Aided Process Design and Simulation
r calculation
Unit operation
property models
Figure 1.5 Structure of a process simulator
The term “simulation” in this book is used in two different meanings. The first meaning indicates the calculation
type (design and simulation) as explained in the introduction of this chapter. The second meaning is modeling of
a process by a simulator.
Process simulation (modeling) plays a crucial role in
all process engineering activities including research and
development, process design, and process operation.
Larger extend of process simulation includes different
computer-based activities such as computer fluid dynamics, but the subject of simulation in this book is flowsheeting of chemical processes by software called process
Basically, process simulators can work in two modes:
sequential modular mode and equation-oriented mode
(see Section 1.7.1); however, they predominantly work
in sequential modular mode, where the output streams
of a unit model are evaluated from input streams and
the desired design parameters. Individual unit models are
solved in a sequence parallel to the material flow. Simulators are generally constructed in a three-level hierarchy
as shown in Figure 1.5.
Tasks of the flowsheet topology level are
r sequencing of unit modules,
r initialization of the flowsheet,
r identification of the recycle loops and tear streams, and
r convergence of the overall mass and energy balance of
the flowsheet.
Tasks of the unit operation model level are
r solving of each unit (such as heat exchangers, reactors,
separators, and so on) using input from the flowsheet
topology level with a specialized calculation procedure
for each unit type and
feedback of outputs from the unit calculation to the
flowsheet topology level.
Physical property mode level deals with
r calculation of thermodynamic models for phase equilibrium,
of enthalpy, entropy, and other
temperature-dependent properties of components
and streams, and
it has to be accessed by the unit operation mode as well
as the flowsheet topology level.
At each level, sets of nonlinear equations are solved
using the number of iteration loops and the interactive
solution procedure. More details of modular simulators
are presented in (3).
Table 1.1 shows a list of the most commonly used
process simulation programs. Each of them has its own
advantages and limitations. Aspen Plus enables steadystate simulation of a wide range of processes including production of chemicals, hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, solids, polymers, petroleum assays and blends, and
other applications. Aspen HYSYS is a very powerful simulation tool for hydrocarbon, chemical, and petroleum
applications. Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS are parts of
the program package AspenOne released by Aspentech,
Inc. Both software are applied in this book in the simulation of different types of processes. Released in December
2012 AspenOne V8.0, in 2016 AspenOne V9 and in 2017
AspenOne V10 represented a significant jump compared
to older versions, not only in graphics but also in functionality. Previous books on Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS
application used the older AspenOne V7 version, which
had quite different graphics than the currently available
versions. In this book, mainly AspenOne V9 was used;
however, in some examples also Versions 8.6 and 8.8 were
applied. Note that every process simulation software has
been developed based on the same chemical engineering
principles. If one manages the work with one of them, it
is easy to learn to work with the others.
Both Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus via Aspen Dynamics enable also dynamic simulation of processes. This
book, however, deals only with processes in steady state.
1.7.1 Sequential Modular versus Equation-Oriented
Basically, two different approaches can be applied for the
simulation of a system of unit operations interconnected
by material and energy streams. The first method widely
used by process simulators is the sequential modular
mode that divides the mathematical model of the whole
system consisting of thousands of equations into smaller
submodels (models of modules). The unit models are
then calculated independently of other modules, and the
output streams are evaluated based on the input streams
and design parameters. The solution sequence is generally parallel to material flow in the process. By recycling
the streams, the module input is changed, and therefore the module has to be reevaluated. More complex