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English 6º Primary

English 6º Primary
1.Fill the gaps with the correct form of verb to be
1. John ________ excited
2. Tiffany and Uma __________ (not) my friends
3. Heidi _______ kind
4. Ricardo, John and I ______ watching a film
5. They ______ (not) funny
6. ______ you in the park?
7. ______ your sister with my sister?
8. Five star hotels __________ (not). They ______ expensive
9. Lemons _________(not) sweet. They ______ sour
10. Europe and Asia ______ continents
2. Complete the text with the correct form of verb to be
My name _______ John. I _____ fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It ____ in the country.
It is quiet in the country. It ______ (not) loud in the country.
I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it _____ still
dark when I wake up. But, I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way the
country looks in the morning.
The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I ____ finished milking the cow,
I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make breakfast. She makes a delicious
breakfast. My mom ____ a really good cook.
Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t feed
them. She said it is because my sister ______ (not) strong. But I still don’t understand.
She is almost as strong as me! I guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After
all, the pigs can ______ pretty rough, especially when they ________ hungry.
The last thing I do _____ feed the chickens. That ______ easy. I just throw some food
down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While de chickens ______ eating, I go
into their house to collect their eggs. Chickens eggs _____ really good to eat. They _____
easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I ______ pretty busy.
3. Choose the correct answer
1) The bag (be) ________ blue.
A. am B. are C. is
2) The rocks (be) ________ hard.
A. am B. are C. is
3) The children (be) ________ young.
A. am B. are C. is
4) Thomas (be) ________ nice.
A. am B. are C. is
5) The game (be) ________ difficult.
A. am B. are C. is
6) They (be) ________ tired.
A. am B. are C. is
7) I (be) ________ thirty years old.
A. am B. are C. is
8) Susan and Juan (be) ________ married.
A. am B. are C. is
9) Teddy (be) ________ my friend.
A. am B. are C. is
10) We (be) ________ in English class.
A. am B. are C. is
4. Use the negative form of the verb to be
1) The old man (be) ________ wise.
2) The sun (be) ________ hot.
3) The children (be) ________ eating bananas. They (be, not) ____ ____ eating apples.
4) I (be) ________ happy. I (be, not) ____ ____ sad.
5) The racecar (be) ________ fast. It (be, not) ____ ____ slow.
6) My friend (be) ________ buying a new car. Her old car broke down. It doesn't work
7) I (be) ________ at the beach with my family. It (be) ________ hot and sunny
outside. The ocean water (be) ________ warm.
8) Ko and Jacob (be) ________ very smart. Ko (be) ________ a scientist and Jacob (be)
________ an engineer.
9) The library (be) ________ open until 9:00 p.m.
10) The school (be) ________ small. It (be, not) ____ ____ big.
11) The books (be) ________ new. They (be, not) ____ ____ old.
12) Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (be) ________ acting in the school play.
13) Beatrice (be) ________ at her house.
14) It (be) ________ hot outside. It (be, not) ____ ____ cold outside.
15) You (be) ________ finished with the quiz!
16) Judith (be, not) ____ ____ at home. She (be) ________ school.
1. Choose was or were
1) I (be) ________ tired last night.
F. was G. were
2) You (be) ________ happy last night.
C. was D. were
3) Richard and I (be) ________ excited last night.
C. was D. were
4) Javier and Roberto (be) ________ lazy last night.
C. was D. were
5) Julian (be) ________ angry yesterday.
C. was D. were
6) Rachel (be) ________ sleepy yesterday.
C. was D. were
7) The movie (be) ________ scary. I don't want to watch it again.
C. was D. were
8) Ko, Teddy, and Peter (be) ________ tired after the long drive.
A. was B. were
9) Jonathan (be) ________ hungry. So, he ate a sandwich.
A. was B. were
10) My mom (be) ________ helping the teacher at school yesterday.
A. was B. Were
2. Choose the correct form of to be in past simple
1) The party (be) ________ fun last weekend.
2) They (be) ________ watching a movie when Ernesto called. They (be, not) ____
____ watching TV.
3) Jessie (be) ________ tired. So, he went to sleep.
4) When she was a little girl, Margo (be) ________ very good at tennis. She practiced
every day.
5) My friends and I (be) ________ studying English last night.
6) Kendra (be) ________ in my sixth grade English class. We (be) ________ good
friends before she moved away.
7) The movie (be) ________ really boring. It (be, not) ____ ____ entertaining. We
stopped watching it before it was over.
8) After playing outside, my dog (be) ________ very dirty. She came into the house and
ran into my room. It (be) ________ such a mess!
9) I (be, not) ____ ____ eating a sandwich when you called. I (be) ________ eating a
10) The students (be, not) ____ ____ ready to take the test. They needed to study
3. Write the correct form of to be in present simple or past simple
“I ________(1) going outside,” said Jerry.
“Wait!” said Jerry’s mom. Don’t forget to wear your jacket. It ________(2) cold out
“But mom,” said Jerry. “I don’t want to wear it. I will be fine without it. Besides, it _____
_____ (3) that cold today.”
Jerry opened the door. The wind ________(4)blowing and the trees ________(5)
shaking. Leaves ________(6) falling to the ground. He shivered a little and stood behind
the door.
“Jerry!” shouted Jerry’s mom. “You close that door and get your coat young man.”
“But mom!” said Jerry.
“But what?” said Jerry’s mom. “I don’t understand why you don’t want to wear your
new coat. ________(7) there something wrong with it?
Jerry’s face turned red. “No!” he said. “Nothing’s wrong with it!” Then he covered his
mouth with his hand.
“Well then…” said Jerry’s mom. “Why don’t you want to wear it?”
“Well, mom,” said Jerry. “I kind of…well…gave it away.”
“You what?” said Jerry’s mom. “You gave it away?”
“Yeah. But don’t worry. It ________(8) okay. I gave it to Marvin. And he really needs it.”
“Well, every time I see him, he looks cold. He ________(9) always cold, actually. His
parents cannot afford to buy him a jacket.”
“Well, that ________(10)a very nice thing for you to do, dear. But now
what________(11) you going to do without a jacket?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll wear my old jacket for a little while.”
1. Complete these statements correctly
1. She ___________ (do) my homework.
2. They ____________(not- play) cards.
3. Your father ________ (be) very old.
4. Costa Rica ______ (have-not) an army.
5. We ____________ (live) in America.
6. Lorena __________ (watch) a movie.
7. José __________ (wash) his bike.
8. Diego __________ (run) two hours.
9. Maga __________ (work –not) at night.
10. Silvia __________ (cook) very good.
11. Our teacher ________ (bring) a ring.
12. I _________ (not –study) Spanish.
2. Choose the right answer. Compare them
1. She (relaxs – relaxes) every morning.
2. Luis ( don’t speak – doesn’t speak) French.
3. Cris (talks – doesn’t talks) to me.
4. George (brings – bringes) an apple to her.
5. I (forget – forgets) my notebook
6. Ana (gos – goes) to Costa Rica every year.
7. Mom (enjoies – doesn’t enjoy) Music class.
8. Dad (visits – don’t visit) his mother.
9. We (study – studies) everyday.
10. I (irons – iron) my pants.
11. Megan (uses –use) his phone.
3. Write the third person singular of the following verbs
play ____________
wash ____________
drive ____________
fly ____________
help ____________
watch ____________
like ____________
cry ____________
go ____________
teach ____________
carry ____________
start ____________
kiss ____________
tidy ____________
enjoy ____________
mix ____________
4. Complet with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets
1. Peter and his friends __________ to school by bus. (go)
2. Elephants __________ leaves and grass. (eat)
3. David's father __________ in a hospital. (work)
4. The bank opens at 9.30 and __________ at 4.30. (close)
5. Tom and Jim __________ football every day after school. (play)
6. Mr Jones is a teacher. He __________ History. (teach)
7. Our lessons __________ at 9.00 and __________ at 3.30. (start / finish)
8. My pen friend __________ in Japan. (live)
9. Mary and her brother __________ cartoons every Sunday morning. (watch)
10. John __________ his room every day. (tidy)
1. 1. _____________ modern life is stressful.
2. What’s _____________ capital of your country?
3. _____________ doctor earns more than _____________ teacher.
4. Do you know who invented _____________ computer ?
5. Have you seen _____________ newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.
6. Is this _____________ first time you’ve stayed at _____________ Hilton ?
7. Is _____________ Nile or _____________ Amazon _____________ longest river on
_____________ earth ?
8. Several million visitors _____________ year are attracted to _____________ ski
slopes of _____________ Alps.
9. I’ll meet you outside _____________ post office. I’ll be there in _____________
quarter of _____________ hour.
10. _____________ young people tend to think that _____________ life was more
difficult in _____________ past.
11. In my opinion _____________ education should be free.
12. _____________ education I got at _____________ school was excellent.
13. In some cities, _____________ cars have been banned from the centre.
14. I went to _____________ Buckingham Palace today. It was great.
15. I took _____________ train to London and then _____________ underground to
_____________Victoria Station. It’s _____________ short walk from there.
16. Would you like to come with us to see _____________ Titanic at the cinema
17. I had _____________ experience at work today.
18. The car sped past at 100 miles _____________ hour.
19. _____________ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in _____________ wold.
20. _____________ Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots.
21. We lived in _____________ Netherlands before moving here.
22. If you ever go to London you must see _____________ Tower of London and
_____________ Tate Gallery.
23. We noticed _____________ strong smell coming from _____________ refrigerator.
24. She lives in _____________ England, which is part of _____________ UK.
25. After his wife’s death he left _____________ home and joined _____________
26. He should have called me _____________ hour ago.
27. They visited grandmother in _____________ hospital.
28. _____________ history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is
_____________ history of the United States.
29. The Browns often watch _____________ television in the evening.
30. Munich lies in _____________ south of Germany.
1. The movie __________ start soon. Let’s find a seat and sit down.
2. A: ___________ your friend be at the party? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. Hello. Mr. Smith? This is Peter. I ___________ be at work today because I’m sick.
4. Those bags look heavy. Let me help. I ___________ carry the big one for you.
5. My brother ___________ speak to me because he’s very angry!
6. What time ___________ the sun rise tomorrow morning?
7. A: _______ you be twenty years old next month? B: No, I _______.
8. Flight CX793 ___________ depart from Gate 12 in ten minutes.
9. Do you think people ___________ live on the moon in your lifetime?
10. Yes, maybe I ___________ bake some cookies tomorrow.
11. A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: Yes, thank you. I __________ have a hamburger.
12. It ___________ be midnight in a few minutes. It’s time to go to bed!
13. When do you think we ___________ have our next test?
14. Maybe it ___________ rain tomorrow, and maybe it ___________.
15. A: __________ you marry me? B: Yes, I ___________!
2. Put the future simple in affirmative or negative
a. We ___________________________a good time in the swimming pool. It’s cold.
b. I ___________________________as a singer because I like music very much. (work)
c. My best friend _____________________________to the park because she is ill. (go)
d. My cousins _____________________________by plane. It’s very expensive. (travel)
e. They ___________________________their exams. They always study a lot. (pass)
f. Your brother _____________________________the film. It’s a western and she
loves them. (like)
g. It __________________________cold tomorrow. It’s august. (be)
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions
1. will/ Emma/ do/ what? _________________________________________
2. shopping/will/go/Emma? _______________________________________
3. like/Lara/the T-shirt/ won’t ______________________________________
4. think/ she/ I /will/ sing __________________________________________
5. replace/ what/ MP3/ players/will? ________________________________
6. won’t/ Alex/ pictures/ any/ take? _________________________________
4. Write sentences about what Ramón will do when he goes back to Mexico
1. He/go back to school (+) _______________________________________
2. He /take a vacation (-) _________________________________________
3. He /send lots of e-mails (+) _____________________________________
4. I think he/ see his Friends (+) ____________________________________
5. I’m sure he/ forget his time in the US (-) ___________________________