UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA ANDREA LUCIA SANCHEZ MARTINEZ TEACHER MELISSA GALVAN DE LA OSSA FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SCIENCES FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAM MONTERÍA - CÓRDOBA 2023 Be optimistic without leaving reality aside 1. Sometimes it seems to be very complicated to be optimistic, because not all the time it's good to be optimistic too. What I do think is that being optimistic is also to assume responsibilities both in our attitude and in the things in which we have control. That is why we must try to face situations with much more responsibility, we don´t think about those events in which we do not have control( such as the answers of those, or the mistakes that affected us. Focus on what you can act on to get a solution. 2. It is also about being optimistic in the face of adversity, as well as adopting a proactive rather than reactive stance, this even so attitude motivates movement rather than stagnation. So instead of asking specifically ourselves why my life is not going in the direction I want it to go, at that moment we must ask ourselves how I can do better. This change is equally important as with better attitude will finally make us realize that the tsunami we thought was consuming our life was nothing more than a passing shower. First, being positive does not mean taking everything as if nothing matters. Likewise, positive people appreciate the good things in life and try again and again to look at the bad things from a different perspective; and they know immediately that a crisis is always an opportunity to start over. For example, some people say or see the crisis as an opportunity. Others, on the other hand, do not see it as an opportunity, so it depends on how you look at it. In addition, one of the great advantages of being optimistic in life is that this attitude makes it possible to face difficulties with perseverance and to face any kind of adversity with resilience, which is the ability of people to overcome traumatic circumstances. This is possible because optimism is synonymous with empathy, activity and emotional intelligence. In particular , if you are optimistic , you will be more creative and will not drown in a glass of water. In other words, you will be able to see problems as challenges and opportunities. In summary. 3. Introduction ¿Can we turn the tables? The most recent neurological studies found that two brain areas, the RACC and the Amygdala, are linked to optimism. This same research states that fewer cells than normal are detected in both areas of people's brains when the dominant mood is depressive, and pessimistic. From my point of view, it doesn't mean seeing everything rosy either, because you can't ignore problems, nor pretend that life is perfect. I simply believe that you have to focus on the good in a situation and what you can do to make things better. There are those who are able to remain optimistic and hopeful, while others become depressed, so each person chooses the attitude with which they face the things that happen to them. Therefore, choosing the attitude is something fundamental.¡Optimism goes hand in hand with action. It is about finding a balance between positive and realistic thinking!