WINE FOLLY Life is too short to drink bad wine. –Anonymous An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 Copyright © 2015 by Wine Folly LLC Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. Most Avery books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchase for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, and educational needs. Special books or book excerpts also can be created to fit specific needs. For details, write [email protected]. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Puckette, Madeline, author. Wine folly : the essential guide to wine / Madeline Puckette and Justin Hammack. p. cm ISBN 978-0-39957596-9 1. Wine and wine making. I. Hammack, Justin, author. Book design by Madeline Puckette Contents Epigraph Introduction ii vi Fundamentals Wine Basics 2 Tasting Wine 12 Handling Wine 22 Food and Wine Pairing 30 Styles of WIne Styles of Wine 40 Sparkling Wine 44 Light-Bodied White Wine 54 Full-Bodied 70 Wine Regions Wine Regions of the World 176 Argentina 178 Australia 180 Austria 184 Chile 186 France 188 Germany 196 Italy 198 New Zealand 202 Portugal 204 South Africa 206 Spain 208 70 White Wine Aromatic White United States 210 Glossary 218 introduction Like wine? Want to know more about it? This book is for those of us who need simple guidance to get over the challenges of This guide is small getting into wine. It contains prac-on It’s a visualuseful refer-to tical knowledgepurpose. that is immediately ence guide designed help you find and enjoy great wine. specifically for everyday wine drinkers. Within these pages you’ll find: › Wine fundamentals › How to taste, handle, and Want more? Go store wine online. › A compendium of 55 different types of wine › 20 detailed wine maps › Hundreds of articles › How-to videos › In-depth Access Wine Folly’s extensive resources resources free online. The site is supported › Poster guides by hundreds of thousands subscribers andof maps and is used by consumers and and is used by consumers and professionals alike. Why Learn About Wine Perhaps you want to stock up on delicious value wines. Or maybe you want to navigate a restaurant wine list with confidence. Learning about wine starts with the realization that the wine world is a lot bigger than we think: There are over a thousand wine varieties to choose from . . . Fortunately, There are Every day, an thousands of average of 600 new wine wines are regions with releasedwhen ... wine isn’t overwhelming unique wines . . . you have a solid foundation. A good foundation leads to informed purchases and better-tasting wine. The Challenge Complete the following challenges and you will gain confidence both in choosing and tasting wine. Taste at least 34 of the 55 wines included in this book (just not all at once!). Take great tasting Try at least 1 wine from each of the 12 countries (pgs. 176–217). Learn how to blind taste (pgs. 12–21) your favorite singlevarietal wine. notes (pg. 21). Fundamentals learn basics Wine Basics of wine, What is wine Definition grape varieties, Wine Bottle regions, and what’s inside a single Facts Basic bottle of wine. Wine On drinking, sulfites, Characteristicsbottle sizes, and ways that bottles are labeled. Definitions of the 5 basic traits of wine: alcohol, acidity, tannin, sweetness and body. INSIDE A BOTTLE OF WINE learn basics / what-is-wine What is wine? Wine is an alcoholic beverage made with fermented grapes. Technically, wine can be made with any fruit, but most wines are made with wine grapes. Vintage refers to the year when the grapes were harvested. Non-vintage (NV) wines are a blend of several harvests. Wine grapes are different than table grapes. They are much smaller, they have seeds, and they are also sweeter than table grapes. A single-varietal wine is made with one grape variety (e.g., Pinot Noir, pg. 100). A temperate Regions with cooler climate is where climates grapes grow best. In make wines that North Amertaste more tart. Grapevines take a year to grow grapes. The harvest in the northern hemisphere is Aug.–Oct., and the harvest in the southern hemisphere is Feb.– Apr. A wine blend is made by mixing several wines together (e.g., Bordeaux blend, 134). Regions with warmer climates make wines that taste more ripe. ica, grapes grow from northern Mexico to southern / learn / basics / what-is-wine Wine Bottle Facts DRINKING Facts learn basics / wine-bottle-facts A bottle of wine contains the fermented juice of STANDARD Vitis vinifera grapes. Besides fermented grape juice, BOTTLE there is also a small portion of SIZE sulfur dioxide (aka “sulfites”) added as a A standard 750 ml bottle contains preservative. 5 servings of wine. Sulfite Facts STANDARD Sulfites affect about 1% of WINE POUR the general population, A standard pour is 5 oz (150 ml) and contains an average of 150 calories and 0–2 grams of carbs. HEALTHY DRINKING The National Cancer Institute and Wine wineries Bottle are required to label their wines if Sizes they contain more than 10 ppm (parts per million). In the US, wine has no more than 350 ppm sulfites and organic wine has no more than 100 ppm. In comparison, a can of Coke contains 350 ppm of Cancer Institute recommends that women have no more than 1 sulfites, french fries contain 1,900 ppm, and dried 3 examples of how wine is labeled By Variety Wines By Region Wines can be labeled can be labeled by grape by region. variety. This This French wine German wine has is labeled as a the name of the Bordeaux grape variety— Supérieur. If you Riesling—listed learn about By Name Wines can be labeled with a made-up name. More often than not, a named wine is a blend of grape varieties that is on the label. Each country about Bordeaux, you will learn varieties that is unique to the producer. Named learn basics / wine-label-101 / learn / basics / winecharacteristics Sweetness BONEDRY DRY OFF-DRY SWEET VERY LOW SWEET MEDIUMLOW AVERAGE SOUR VERY LOW SOUR MEDIUMLOW AVERAGE ASTRINGENT VERY LOW ASTRINGENT MEDIUMLOW AVERAGE MEDIUMHIGH VERY HIGH LIGHT LIGHTBODIED AVERAGE MEDIUMFULL FULL- Acidity Tannin alcohol body FULLBODIED Basic Wine Characteristics There are 5 characteristics that help define the profile of a wine: sweetness, acidity, tannin, alcohol, and body. Sweetness Sweetness in wine is derived from residual sugar (RS). Residual sugar is the leftover sweetness PERCEIVEDHIGHER when LOWER SWEETNESS: At the ACIDITY not all the grape must is fermentedsame intosweetness alcohol. level, ACIDITY wines with We describe sweetness as a taste that lower acidity taste Sweetness levels Sweetness levelssweeter than ranges from wines higher bone-dry tocan very sweet. It’s good towith know in still wines result in additional acidity. that a calories per 5dry oz wine glass: BONE DRY OFFSWEET VERY technically can contain up to a half teaDRY DRY SWEET 0–6 21–72 spoon of Sparkling wine sugar sweetness per levels glass. shown See in teaspoons the chart of cal. cal. 0 cal. and calorie levels per 10–21 72–130 sugar 5 oz glass:35–120 below for1–10 cal. cal. less than g/L RS g/L RS standardized vocabulary toDRY describe BRUT BRUT EXTRA DEMI1 g/L RS EXTRA 17–35 120–220 g/L RS g/L RS sweetness. NATURE BRUT DRY SEC 0–2 cal. 0–5 cal. 0–7 cal. 10–20 cal. 0–12 7–10 cal. 20–30 g/L RS 17–32 g/Lcal. 12–17 g/LRS cal. cal. 0–3 g/L 0–6 RS g/L RS 12–17 g/LRS RS cal. 32–50 g/L RS learn basics / wine-characteristics learn basics / wine-characteristics Acidity Acids are the primary attribute that contribute to wine’s tart and sour flavor. Most acids in wine come from grapes including tartaric, malic, and citric acid. Like many fruits, wine lies on the acid side of the pH Tannin scale, ranging from about 2.5– Tannin is is a neutral). naturally occurring 4.5 pH (7 polyphenol found in GRAPE TANNIN: One useful thing to know about Tannin comes plants. acidity Tannin in wine is is unique to red from skins, seeds, wine, since white and stems. that, as grapes ripen, they Grape tannin is wines ferment without skins. In become less acidic. Thus, bitter and wine, iscooler not climate a winetannin from a astringent but necessarily a flavor but a contains high where it’s hard to ripen levels of textural astringent USED/NEUTRAL grapes will producetaste. wines with LEMON YOGURT 2 pH 4.5 pH ACIDITY RANGE OF WINE: Wine ranges in acidity from 2.5 pH to 4.5 pH. A wine with a pH level of 3 has ten times more acidity than a wine with a pH level of 4. antioxidants. OAK OAK TANNIN: New oak barrels impart more tannin into wine than NEW OAK Tannin comes from two higher acidity. sources: grape skins and seeds, and from new wood barrels. used oak barrels. barrels. To taste tannin in wine, focus Alcohol The alcohol in wine comes from yeast converting grape must (sugar) into ethanol. Alcohol may also be added to a wine, which is called fortifying. A “HOT” WINE: Alcohol level is often described as a temperature because of how it feels in your throat. A “hot” wine has higher alcohol. Alcohol plays an important role in wine aromas. It’s LOW MEDIUMMEDIUM MEDIUMHIGH the vehicle by which aromas travel from the surface LOW HIGH Over Below 11.5– Body Body is not a scientific term, of the nose. 10% ABVwine to your13.5% 15% ABV 10–11.5% ABV 13.5– but a categorization of Alcohol also adds viscosiABV 15% ABV ty andfrom body to wine. You can style lightest to boldest. sense alcohol in the The four characterisTIP: Imagine the back of your throat as a difference tics of sweetness, acidity, tannin, between light-and burning sensation. BOLDER LIGHTER full-bodied and alcohol each WINES wines like the WINES affect how light or bold wine You can use terms likea“lightLESS MORE will taste. bodied” or “full-bodied” ACIDITYthe style ACIDITY to describe of wine difference between skim and full milk. ACIDITYthe style ACIDITY to describe of wine you want to drink. HIGHER LOWER learn basics / wine-characteristics learn basics / tasting-wine Tasting Wine How to Taste: Look How to Taste: Smell How to Taste: Taste How to Taste: Conclude The 4-step wine tasting method is a professional tasting technique that focuses a taster’s ability to separate and identify key characteristics in a wine and improve flavor and taste memory. How to taste wine COLOR AND HUE LOOK CLARITY AND OPACITY PRIMARY VISCOSITY AROMAS SMELL SECONDARY AROMAS TERTIARY AROMAS SWEETNESS WINE FLAWS ACIDITY TASTE TANNIN ALCOHOL BODY, PROFILE CONCLUDE BALANCE MEMORABLE FEATURES OPINION learn basics / tasting-wine How to taste: Look The 4 steps of wine tasting are: look, smell, taste, and conclude. How to Taste Wine: Look The color in wine is a scientifically complex topic. Fortunately, a seasoned taster can learn to identify clues about a wine just from inspecting the color, INSPECT: Angle the intensity, opacity, and viscosity. glass over a For a tasting size, pour a 3 oz (75 white backdrop and ml) serving. Attempt to view the inspect the wine with natural lightcolor, over intensity, a and white surface, such ashue a napkin or at the rim a piece of paper. of the glass. SWIRL: Swirl the wine to see the viscosity. Viscous wines have higher alcohol and/or residual sugar. COLOR: We look at the hue and compare it not necessarily to all wines but to other examples of WINE TEARS: Wine “legs” or “tears” is a phenomenon called the Marangoni effect INTENSITY: Observe the wine from the rim to the middle. You will see small differences in color the same wine—in that way we can see how it and clarity of a wine based on several factors, caused by fluid surface tension. Slowmoving learn basics tasting-wine wine-color CLEAR: UNOAKED AND COOL CLIMATE WINES PALE PLATINUM: A nearly clear white wine that refracts in the light will likely be PALE young and not COLOR: aged in oak. LESS PIGMENT the color of Wine HUE: GREEN TO COPPER MEDIUM LEMON: Several white wines have green hints in their color,Aincluding RED Grüner Veltliner TINT: and HIGHER Sauvignon Blanc. ACIDITY DEEP GOLD: OAK-AGED AND LATE HARVEST WINES DEEP GOLD: Oak aging will often give a white wine a deeper golden hue due to the A BLUEnatural oxidation VIOLET that happens TINT: while it agesLOWER in barrels. ACIDITY PALE GARNET: Pale red wines contain less of the red pigment anthocyanin. Pinot MEDIUM RED: Wines that tint red typically have higher acidity than wines that tint DEEP PURPLE: Opaque red wines contain more pigment. Aglianico, Malbec, Mourvèdre, Noir, Gamay, Grenache, and Zinfandel are blue-violet. Merlot, Sangiovese, Tempranillo, and Petite Sirah, Syrah, and Touriga Nacional learn basics / tasting-wine How to taste: Smell SMELL: Hold your AROMAS: Move glass just under your nose to your nose and sniff different positions once to “prime” around the your nose. Then swirl glass. Rich fruit your wine aromas are once and smell generally found on again. This time, the lower lip, smell the wine longer and floral aromas and slower and volatile but just as esters can be delicately. Switch smelled on the between sniffing and upper lip of the thinking. glass. LEARN TO SWIRL: Swirling wine releases aroma compounds into the air. PRIMARY AROMAS: Primary aromas come from grapes. Each variety has a range of possible aromas. For example, the white wine variety TERTIARY AROMAS: Tertiary aromas come from aging and controlled interaction with oxygen. For example, the nutty flavors in vintage SECONDARY AROMAS: Secondary aromas come from winemaking, specifically, from reactions caused by wine yeast and bacteria. For example, the OVERLOADED?: Neutralize your nose by sniffing your forearm. PERFUME: Avoid wearing strong scents when actively tasting wine. Sauvignon Blanc often smells like gooseberry or For example, the aroma of butter found in Champagne and Sherry are from years of aging. learn basics tasting-wine wine-faults How to identify Wine Faults “Corked” aka TCA Taint, 2,4,6Trichloroanisole Most corked wines smell strongly of wet cardboard, wet dog, or a musty cellar. Sometimes, however, a corked wine will just lack aromas and have very subtle musty aromas. Don’t worry, you can return a faulty wine. Reduction aka Mercaptans, Sulfur Compounds Reduction in wines smells like boiled garlic and cabbage. It happens when a wine doesn’t receive enough oxygen in bottle. Decanting should improve the smell, or you can stir your wine with a pure silver spoon. Oxidized aka “Maderized” Oxidized wines smell flat and are brown in color, much like an apple. Red wines will taste dry and bitter due to phenols (e.g., tannin) interacting with oxygen. Oxidized white wines typically have an apple cider–like odor. UV Damage aka “Light Strike” Light strike happens when wines sit under supermarket lighting for too long or are exposed to sun. exposed to sun. Light strike causes reduction. Avoid light damage Heat Damage aka “Cooked,” “Maderized” Wine starts to deteriorate quickly at 82°F and cooks at around 90°F (32°C). Cooked wines can smell wines can smell pleasant, like caramel and cooked fruits, but they will Spritz and Bubbles (in a non-sparkling wine) Occasionally, wines will ferment again in the bottle. This is easy to identify by the presence of spritz in a wine that’s in a wine that’s supposed to be still. These wines will learn basics / tasting-wine How to taste: Taste TASTE: Try coating your mouth with a larger sip of wine followed by several smaller sips so that you can isolate and pick out flavors. Try to pick out at least 3 fruit flavors and 3 other flavors—one at a time. IDENTIFY: Identify where the basic wine traits hit your palate: Sweetness is toward the front. Acidity makes your mouth water. Tannin is textural and dries your mouth out like wet tea bag. Alcohol feels like TIP: Spitting is more heat in the back common at of your throat. professional tastings. PROFILE: Now that you’ve tasted the wine, create a mental profile (or write one down) of the wine. Try to organize the flavors and aromas by their category. For example, if you taste vanilla, it might be due to oak. TIP: You can crossreference the variety section of this book for hints on how to categorize flavors. WINE Evolves ON YOUR PALATE ADVANCED: You’ll find that high-quality wines may have 2–3 distinct flavor profiles from start to finish. Taste Preferences Are Genetic How many taste buds are within the area of one hole punch on your tongue? nonSensitive Nonsensitive 10–25% of people Less than 15 taste buds. You can handle spicy food and love the richest, boldest flavors. Bitterness doesn’t bother you because you can’t taste at all. FACT:itAsians, You’re primed for Africans, and South drinking thehave a Americans most higherintense wines in the world. Average Taster 50–75% of people 15–30 taste buds. You can taste bitterness like tannin just fine, but it doesn’t make you wince in pain. You’re capable of loving most wines. Improve your palate FACT: simply Women are by slowing down and over two times paying more likely to be attention to supertasters nuances. HYPERSENSIT Hypersensitive “Supertaster”: 10– 25% of people taste buds. Everything tastes intense: salty, sweet, sour, oily, and bitter. You are not a fan of bitterness. The good thing is, sensitivity makes IDEA: The #1 way to you a more improve your conscientious sense of tasteeater. is to You’ll lean spend more toward delicate, proportion of supertasting genetics than than men. smooth time smelling wines.and identifying aromas. learn basics tasting-wine palate-test learn basics / tasting-wine How to taste: Conclude BALANCE: Now that you’ve tasted the wine, you can evaluate it. Do all the traits in the wine balance one another? TIP: A wine that’s out of balance will have characteristics that overpower other flavors in the wine, for example, a jarring acidic flavor that dominates the taste. IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY: Note a few key traits of the wine and commit them to memory: Traits or flavors specific to the grape variety. Flavors or traits unique to the region, vintage, or producer. BLIND TASTING bleh meh last meal YOUR OPINION: Take your time with wines that you enjoy. Identify what you prefer about them over other wines. You’ll find yourself to be more articulate when seeking new wines. At Wine Folly, we use a simple 4-point rating system with a focus on drinkability. REGIONAL A “last meal” Try COMPARISON: is so good you can the die happy. same variety over several regions to see how geography influences flavor. TASTING IDEAS Practice blind tasting with your friends. Have your friends each bring a bottle of wine in a bag or wrapped in aluminum foil. Then pour tastes of each VINTAGE wine and go COMPARISON: Find a around the table around the table discussing characteristics to identify each series of vintages by a producer for a specific wine to How to write useful tasting notes WHAT YOU TASTED/DRANK Producer, region, variety, vintage, and any special designation. WHEN YOU TASTED IT Wine changes as it ages. YOUR OPINION This is what really TIP: Try listing the matters. most obvious WHAT YOU flavors first. SAW This Will identify helpshelp create a winning themes. hierarchy of importance. WHAT YOU SMELLED WHAT YOU TASTED Be specific. Since we “taste” so much with our nose, add structural notes here, as well as anything unique that you TASTING PLACE didn’t in the MATS:get Available smell. in our resources section online: WHAT YOU DID Because wine is an mats experience. learn basics tastingwine wine-tasting-notes / learn / basics / handling Handling Wine Wine Glasses Serving Wine Wine Temperature Wine Storage Different types of wine glasses and tips on picking glassware. How to open and decant still and sparkling wines. Wine temperature best practices. Tips on storing wine short and long term. SPICY RED (SYRAH) LIGHT WHITE (SAUVIGNON BLANC) TULIP SWEET (SPARKLING) FORTIFIED (PORT) BOLD BOLD FLUTE SWEET RED WHITE (SPARKLING) WHITE (BORDEAUX) (MONTRACHET) (SAUTERNES) AROMATIC ROSÉ & RED AROMATIC (BURGUNDY) WHITE STEMLESS RED STEMLESS WHITE COUPE DRY (SPARKLING) FORTIFIED (SHERRY) STEMLESS SPARKLING RED WHITE SPARKLING learn basics handling wine glasses Wine Glasses There are many different wine glasses to choose from. Here are a few facts about wine glasses to help you decide what Crystal vs. Glass glassware is best for you. Crystal stemware refracts Hold stemmed glasses by the light due to its mineral stem and close to content. Minerals also the foot. strengthen crystal, allowing it Lead-free crystal glassware is to be spun very thin. dishwasher-safe. Traditionally, crystal glassware is leaded, but today there are Leaded crystal contains anywhere several lead-free from 1% to 30% options made with magnesium lead oxide. Fine and zinc. Most crystal is 24% or more. Leaded lead-free crystal is dishwasher crystal is not safe. However, Buying wine hazardous unless glasses? Stick in toit2 leaded crystal glasses are wine is stored glass styles most for many days. porous and IDEALshould be IDEAL suited to your FOR FOR drinking habits. hand washed with fragranceDELICATE, SPICY, free soap. AROMATICA NARROW BOLD A LARGE ROUND BOWL Stemmed vs. WINES WINES BOWL collects less Standard glass collects is technically stemless? Stems do more aromas from aromas and has less more fragile than not affect aroma or the larger wine surface taste. crystal but it’s spun thicker to taste. crystalwine but it’s spun thicker exposed exposed to air. surface. make it more durable. to Regular glass is dishwasher- Choosing Glassware STEMLESS OVERSIZEDAROMA RED RED COLLECTOR 5 oz 5 oz Casual tasting Mediumto encounters fullbodied high tannin red wines 5 oz Light reds, fullbodied whites, and rosé wines 5 oz SPARKLING WHITE DESSERT WINE 5 oz 5 oz 3 oz Spicy Better Whites, reds, for rosés, Fortified and vintage preserving and dessert sparkling,carbonation sparkling and in wines wines rosé sparkling wines wines learn basics handling wine glasses learn basics handling serving-wine Serving Wine The fundamentals of opening, pouring, serving, and decanting wine: Opening Still Wine REMOVE THE FOIL: It doesn’t matter if you cut the foil above or below the lip, although tradition is to cut below. THE WORM: Insert the worm off-center and rotate the screw until the worm is about 95% of the way in. Slowly pull the cork out to reduce breakage. STANDARD POUR: The standard serving size for wine is about 5–6 oz or 150–180 ml. Dry wines average 130–175 calories per glass depending on alcohol level. Opening Sparkling Wine THE CAGE: Remove the foil and untwist tab 6 times. Keep your TWIST: With 1 hand firmly holding the cork and cage, use your other RELEASE: When the cork pushes, resist it and slowly release it. Keep thumb on cage and cork—they will come off together. hand to rotate the bottom of the bottle. bottle at an angle for a second or two after you remove learn basics handling decanting-wine Aerating Wine to Improve Flavor Decanting introduces oxygen to wine. This simple step oxidizes stinky aroma compounds into less detectable smells. It also reduces the concentrationWHICH of certain acids and tannins, making DECANTER?: wine Get one you taste smoother. In short, it’s magic. love. It’s wise to get one that’s easy to fill, pour, and rinse. A wine aerator is technically more efficient although not as stately. POUR: For increased air-to-wine contact, pour wine so it WAIT: The bolder and more concentrated the wine, the longer WHAT TO DECANT: All red wines can be aerated. An aerated wine won’t store open for long, so be sure to decant only what you plan to drink. TIP: Smell sulfur? distributes on the sides of the glass as it fills. you should wait. 15–30 minutes is a good starting Don’t worry, it’s not sulfites. It just means your learn basics handling wine-temperature Wine Temperature Serving Temperature ICECOLD 38– 45°F (3-7°C) It’s useful to note that wines served at room temperature are served at 60–68°F, which is cooler than most homes. COLD 45– 55°F (7-13°C) CELLAR TEMP. 55–60°F (13-16°C) TOO COLD: Your wine might be served too cold if it’s lacking aroma and tastes sour. This is a common problem ROOM TEMP. 60– 68°F (1620°C) TOO HOT: Your wine might be too hot if the aroma burns your nose and smells medicinal. This is common with higher homes. for white wines stored in the refrigerator. Cup alcohol red wines that are stored in ambient learn basics handling wine-storage Wine Storage Storing Open wine Wines quickly deteriorate when exposed to oxygen or ambient home temperatures. So store open wines in a chiller at 50–55°F (10–13°C). If you don’t have a wine chiller, store open wines in your fridge and let them warm up for about an hour before serving. Recorking a wine stops outside oxygen from getting in, but it won’t remove the oxygen inside. A wine preserver such as a vacuum pump or argon gas preserver will keep your wine fresh longer. Aging Wine The ideal storage temperature is 50–55°F and 75% humidity. Wine ages four times faster stored in a pantry or closet. Bottles stored in variable temperature There are 2 types of wine fridges: thermoelectric and condenser. Thermoelectric chillers fluctuate with temperature but are more quiet. Condenser- temperature environments are also more likely to develop wine quiet. Condensertype chillers are louder and require maintenance learn basics / food-and-wine Food and Wine Pairing Flavor Pairing Theory Cheese pairing meat Pairing Vegetable Pairing Herb/Spice Pairing Food pairing is the practice of creating harmonious pairings by considering flavor, texture, aroma, and intensity. Learning to pair wine with food opens up a new range of wines to enjoy and explore. learn basics foodand-wine flavor-pairing Flavor Pairing Theory Flavor pairing is the practice of finding what foods go well together by paying attention to taste, aroma,vs. texture, color, Congruent Complementary temperature, and intensity. Flavors match together in a congruent or complementary manner. Congruent pairings have many shared compounds that combine together and intensify. Complementary pairings oppose and counteract each other to create balance. You can create amazing pairings by employing congruent pairings to amplify harmonious flavors and complementary pairings to counteract discordant flavors. Food and Wine Pairing Tips ACIDIC FOOD: High acidity foods make lower acidity wines taste flat. Match high acidity foods with PUNGENT FOOD: high acidity wines. Pungent flavors like Gorgonzola match with wines that have higher RICH FOOD: A high tannin red wine acts as a palate cleanser to rich, fatty proteins. SPICY FOOD: A cold sweet wine with low alcohol will counteract the burn of spiciness. BITTER FOOD: Bitter foods magnify the bitterness of tannin. Try pairing bitter SWEET FOOD: Sweet foods often make dry wines taste bitter. Try matching sweet acidity and sweetness. foods with low or no tannin wines with salinity and foods with a sweet wine. WINE pairing Considerations Piquant FAT SPICINESS salt Bitter sweet The 6 tastes are just a portion of what humans sense. Other tastes include fizziness, umami (meaty), Acid HARMONIOUS BALANCE: Create MATCH balanced pairings by matching the intensity DISCORDANT umami (meaty), numbness, electricity, soapiness, calcium, and coolness DISCORDANT of the wine with the MATCH intensity of the food. learn basics foodand-wine flavor-pairing learn basics food-and-wine cheese Cheese Pairing Fresh, Salty, and Sour Delicate FETA and Nutty COTIJA BRIE PANEER COMTÉ CHÈVRE GRUYERE SOUR CREAM HAVARTI MASCARPONE MOZZARELLA RICOTTA SWISS Strong and Firm ASIAGO CHEDDAR SMOKED GOUDA HALLOUMI MANCHEGO PARMESAN PECORINO TOSCANO Pungent BLUE CHEESE ÉPOISSES GORGONZOLA ROQUEFORT STILTON TALEGGIO meat Pairing Mollusk Fin Fish Shellfish White CRAB Meat Cured Meat Red Meat OYSTER CLAM HALIBUT LOBSTERPOULTRY CHARCUTERIE BEEF SHRIMP PORK COD BACON LAMB SALMON CHOP SALUMI VENISON SWORDFISH BASS TROUT / learn / basics / food-and-wine / meat learn basics food-and-wine vegetable Vegetable Pairing Green Veg. Root Veg. AVOCADOSQUASH BROCCOLICARROT ENDIVE TURNIP GREEN PUMPKIN BEAN BUTTERNUT KALE LETTUCE Allium Nightshade GARLIC TOMATO ONION EGGPLANT SCALLION CAPSICUM SHALLOT BELL PEPPER Bean BLACK CANNELLINI LENTIL NAVY PINTO Fungi CHANTERELLE CRIMINI MAITAKE PORCINI SHITAKE herb/spice Pairing learn basics food-and-wine herb-spice Fresh Herb Baking Exotic Spice Spice BASIL CINNAMON ANISE CILANTRO CLOVE TURMERIC CHERVIL ALLSPICEGINGER TARRAGON NUTMEG 5DILL VANILLA SPICE MINT SICHUAN SAFFRON CUMIN Red Resinous Pepper Herb ANCHO ROSEMARY ALEPPO LAVENDER CHIPOTLE OREGANO CHILI MARJORAM THYME SAGE Nut PEANUT ALMOND PECAN CASHEW Styles of Wine learn style Styles of Wine Sparkling wine Light-Bodied white wine Fullbodied white wine aromatic white wine rosé wine Light-Bodied red wine MediumBodied Red wine Full-Bodied red wine Dessert wine Wines in this book are organized from lightest to boldest within nine different styles. This categorization method is designed to help you quickly identify what a wine tastes like without having to try it. Occasionally, you may come across a wine that doesn’t fit neatly into this categorization wine categorization method. It is an exception to the rule. SECtion details NAME PRIMARY FLAVORS CHARACTERISTICS See pgs. 8–11 for details. VARIETY WINE/BLEND WINE FOLLY ADDITIONAL LINK FLAVORS Where to go POSSIBLE online for See pg. 16 for FLAVORS more details. information. Find out more about flavors and aromas on pg 16. aka (ALSO KNOWN AS) Other varietal names or regional names that are synonymous with wine. WINE STATISTICS ORIGIN Distribution and total world acres/ha (hectares) based on statistics from 2010–2014. RECOMME RECOMMENDED GLASS SERVING TEMPERATURE See pgs.28 See pg. 24–25 details.for details. DRINK BY DATE COST How long the basicThe average quality version of HOW CLIMATE lowest the AFFECTS price for a wine will age. TASTE OF decent WINE quality bottle How of wine. climate/vintage ADDITIONAL affects the INFORMATION flavor profile of a wine based on ripeness of grapes. learn style / sparkling Sparkling Wine Cava wine is Champagne Sparkling carbonated by Lambrusco yeast fermenting in an airtight Prosecco container. The 2 most common sparkling winemaking methods are called “traditional method” and “tank method.” Sparkling wine is produced throughout the world and often follows the same winemaking methods and methods and grape varieties found in Champagne. different sparkling winemaking Methods Tank “Charmat” Method EXAMPLE: Prosecco, Lambrusco BUBBLES: Mediumsize, spritzy Traditional method EXAMPLE: Champagne, Cava, Crémant, US sparkling wine, Metodo Classico (Italy), Cap bubbles and 2–4 atmospheres of pressure Classique (South Africa) BUBBLES: Small, “kah-vah” Traditional Method / learn / wine / cava Cava Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors QUINCE LIME YELLOW PEAR APPLE ALMOND Origin: Spain CAVA GRAPES: There are 3 primary grapes of Cava: QUALITY LEVELS: There are 3 quality levels, indicated by a CAVA sticker or band on (STANDARD) the bottle: 9 months MACABEO (aka Viura, Macabeu) adds floral, apricot, and berry flavors. XARELLO min. aging Cava is versatile with food because of its palate-cleansing effect. Try it with chili, huevos rancheros, nachos, tacos,DO and Cava hush puppies. de (Denominación Origen) is the only Spanish wine classification for a style of wine rather than a region. RESERVA 15 months min. aging XARELLO adds acidity. min. aging GRAN rather than a region. Still, around 95% of the production is in the learn wine / cava Champagne / learn / wine / champagne Profile FRUIT BODY BONEDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “shampain” Traditional Method CITRUS PEACH WHITE ALMOND TOAST CHERRY Origin: Champagne, France GRAPES: Champagne produces both white and rosé wines using just these 3 grapes: PINOT NOIR Adds orange and red fruit flavors. PINOT Non-vintage wines age for a NON-VINTAGEminimum of 15 months. COMMON STYLES Consistent house-style Vintage wines Champagne ages for a minimum of 36 months. More than 90% of Special cuvée Champagne is Champagnes agestyle made in the brut 100% Chardonnay an wines average —with less of 6–7 years than ato half gram of BLANC DE BLANCS PINOT MEUNIER BLANC DE NOIRS years than ato half gram of develop sugar pernutty glass. tertiary aromas. learn wine / champagne Lambrusco / learn / wine / lambrusco Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “lam-broosco” Tank “Charmat” Method STRAWBERRY CHERRY BOYSENBERRY RHUBARBHIBISCUS Origin: northern Italy FRUIT & SWEETNESS RED COMMON FLOWERS DRY ASTYLES lighter style LEVELS LAMBRUSCO Look for the word “Secco” on the label for a dry style. with these varieties/styles: LAMBRUSCO DI SORBARA LAMBRUSCO ROSATO (ROSÉ) BLACK FRUIT & POTTING SOIL OFF-DRY LAMBRUSCOA bolder style Quality Lambrusco wines are labeled DOC or “Denominazione di Origine Controllata.” The other common classification is IGT, Lambrusco is the “Indicazione name of more Geografica Tipica.” than 13 indigenous wine grapes, each with unique characteristics. The 2 most planted LAMBRUSCOA bolder style The word with these varieties: The 2 most planted Lambrusco varieties are Lambrusco Salamino learn wine / lambrusco Prosecco / learn / wine / prosecco Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “pro-seh-co” Tank “Charmat” Method CREAM GREENHONEYDEWPEAR HONEYSUCKLE APPLE MELON Origin: northern Italy QUALITY LEVELS: BRUT: 0–12 G/L There are 3 main quality levels RS of Prosecco: Up to a half gram of sugar per glass The most EXTRA DRY: common type of 12–17 G/L RS Prosecco Just over a half available gram of sugar per glass DRY: 17–32 G/L RS SWEETNESS LEVELS PROSECCO PROSECCO SUPERIORE Prosecco has about 3 atmospheres of pressure. Try pairing with cured meats and fruit-driven appetizers such as prosciutto-wrapped melon. Prosecco also pairs well with middleweight Asian RS Up to 1 gram of sugar per SUPERIORE middleweight Asian A higher quality dishes such as pad thai and learn wine / prosecco learn style / light-bodied-white Light-Bodied White Wine Albariño Grüner Veltliner Muscadet Pinot Gris SAuvignon Blanc Soave Vermentino Light bodied white wines are known for their dry and refreshingly tart flavor. Most lightbodied white wines are meant to be enjoyed young when they have maximum acidity and bold fruit. White or red wine grapes are collected and sorted. Grape bunches are destemmed. Grapes are pressed and separated from skins and seeds. Juice ferments into wine without skins. Wine is kept cool in storage tanks to settle and stabilize for a short period of time. Wines are clarified, bottled, and released shortly thereafter. Albariño / learn / variety / albarino Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “albareen-yo” aka: Alvarinho LEMONGRAPEFRUIT NECTARINE MELON WET GRAVEL Origin: Northern Portugal Albariño is particularly well suited to Thai, Moroccan, and Indian cuisine. melon and REGIONSThe AROMAS grapefruit aromas RIAS BAIXAS, SPAIN 90% of the vineyards here are dedicated to Albariño. The Val do Salnés area is noted as one of the most classic subregions. MINHO, found in Albariño come from a group of aroma compounds called thiols. Thiols are commonly found in light white wines from cooler-climate growing regions, such as Sauvignon THAI MOROCCAN INDIAN MINHO, PORTUGAL Alvarinho is one such as Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand and France and INDIAN learn variety / albarino Grüner Veltliner / learn / variety / gruner-veltliner Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors “GREW-ner FELT-lee-ner” dominant flavors YELLOW GREEN GREEN CHERVILWHITE APPLE PEAR BEAN PEPPER Origin: Austria QUALITY: There are 3 main quality levels of Austrian Grüner Veltliner: LANDWEIN Typically low alcohol wines made in bulk QUALITÄTSWEIN Austria’s mark of quality for Grüner LIGHT & ZESTY The most common and affordable style, known for tingling acidity and simple melon/lime flavors. DAC wines are labeled “Classic.” COMMON STYLES RICH, FRUITY, Grüner Veltliner pairs particularly well with aromatic vegetables, tofu, and Japanese cuisine. GINGER YUZU WASABI GREEN ONIO for Grüner Veltliner RICH, FRUITY, AND PEPPERY A richer style often labeled GREEN ONIO learn variety / gruner-veltliner Muscadet / learn / wine / muscadet Profile FRUIT BODY BONEDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors LIME “muss-kuhday” aka: Melon de Bourgogne LEMON GREEN APPLE PEAR SEASHELL Origin: Loire, France MUSCADET GRAPE: Melon de Bourgogne or just Melon is the grape of the Muscadet region in MUSCADET France. Two regions SÈVRE-ETmake up over MAINE 90% of appellation Muscadet This wine: produces over 70% of Muscadet wine. ON THE LABEL: It’s Muscadet is a classic common to match with see the words “sur shellfish, and fish and lie” on a bottle chips. Due of Muscadet. “Sur lie” to its high acidity, means “on Muscadet pairs the lees,” which is a with pickled term used to ingredients and describe a process vinegar-based sauces. where wine is LEMON aged on the dead yeast particles for a period of time. SHELLFIS FRIED FOO MUSCADETLees aging adds an MUSCADETLees aging adds an This appellation oily mouthfeel as well as yeasty learn wine / muscadet “pee-no gree” aka: Pinot Grigio, Grauburgunder Pinot Gris / learn / variety / pinot-gris Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors LEMON YELLOW MELON NECTARINE PEACH APPLE Origin: France and Italy PINOT GRIS: Pinot Gris is 1 of 4 common types of Pinot: PINOT BLANC A white wine grape PINOT GRIS In the Friuli-Venezia MINERALLY & DRYGiulia region Mostly known as Pinot of Italy there is a Grigio, unique style of from northern Italy,Pinot withGrigio called citrus notes and salinity. Ramato in which the juice FRUITY & DRY macerates on the This style is found Try in USA, pairing Gris grape skinsPinot for about Australia, and other with light to 2–3 days warmer flaky dishes, crab, make fish a pale-copperclimate regions. and huedsofter rosé. FRUITY & SWEET cow’s milk cheeses as a This style is found such mostly COMMON STYLES GRIS A gray-purple grape used as a This style is found such mostly triple-cream cheese. in Alsace, France, and offers flavors of lemon, peach, learn variety / pinot-gris Sauvignon Blanc / learn / variety / sauvignon-blanc Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “saw-veenyawn blonk” aka: Fumé Blanc GOOSEBERRY GREEN GRAPEFRUIT WHITE PASSION MELON PEACH FRUIT Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: Every region produces a different taste of Sauvignon Blanc. Here are a few examples of dominant fruit flavors by region: WHITE PEACH North Coast, CA, USA BARREL-AGED: A Like Sauvignon style made Blanc? You’ll find famous by Robert similar flavors in Mondavi in the Austrian Grüner 1970s when he Veltliner, Spanish renamed his Verdejo, French barrel-aged Gros Manseng and Sauvignon Blanc to Sauvignon Colombard,Blanc is a Fumé Blanc (“foom- and Italian parent of aye blonk”). Vermentino. Cabernet Sauvignon. Barrel-aged The cross Sauvignon Blanc happened naturally TARRAGON tastes creamy while between Cabernet Franc and PEAR CREAM LIME still exhibiting the variety’s trademark “green” Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc sometime during the 17th learn variety / sauvignon-blanc / learn / wine / soave Soave Profile FRUIT BODY BONEDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “swavay” aka: Garganega SALINE GREEN CHERVIL PRESERVED HONEYDEW LEMON MELON ALMOND Made in Veneto, Italy SOAVE GRAPE: Garganega (“gar-GAN-nehgah”) is the grape of Soave. The best vineyards are located on slopes in the hills above the walled city of Soave. SOAVE & SOAVE SUPERIORE A larger production zone. Soave LIGHT & ZESTY Young Soave wines taste of honeydew melon, saline, marmalade, and white peach, often with a subtle note of green almond. COMMON STYLES RICH, HONEYED & FLORAL Soave pairs very well with shellfish, chicken, tofu, and hardto-pair foods including split peas, lentils, and asparagus. Garganega is the same grape as Grecanico in Sicily. Grecanico wines tend to be bolder and more fruity, and Soave zone. Soave Superiore has longer aging reqs. RICH, HONEYED & FLORAL Older vintage Soave wines fruity, and Soave wines tend to be more lean and crisp. learn wine / soave Vermentino / learn / variety / vermentino Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “vur-mentino” aka: Rolle, Favorita, Pigato LIME GRAPEFRUIT GREEN ALMONDDAFFODIL APPLE Origin: Italy BITTERNESS: SARDINIA, ITALY Vermentino is often noted for having a Vermentino is bitter note on the second the finish that most planted tastes similar to grape in grapefruit pith. This Sardinia. Fine type of flavor Vermentino wines come from is referred to as phenolic the northern part of bitterness, which is a common the island. feature in several TUSCANY, ITALY REGIONS Due to its complexity, Vermentino stands up well to richer foods, including seafood gumbo, fried calamari, and In Southern France, tomato-based Vermentino is sauces. called Rolle and is a key blending grape in Provence Rosé. TUSCANY, ITALY Italian white Vermentino wines, including grows primarily Verdicchio, along the coast learn variety / vermentino / learn / style / full-bodied-white Full-Bodied White Wine Chardonnay Marsanne Blend Sémillon Viognier Full bodied white wines are known for their rich, bold flavors. These wines are often aged on their lees or in oak barrels to add unctuous flavors of cream, vanilla, and butter. White or red wine grapes are collected and sorted. Grape bunches are destemmed. Grapes are pressed and separated from skins and seeds. Juice ferments into wine without skins. Wines are aged in barrels for a period of time. During aging, malolactic bacteria convert “green apple-y” malic acid into “creamy” lactic Wines acid. are clarified, bottled, and released shortly thereafter. “shardunnay” Chardonnay / learn / variety / chardonnay Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors PINEAPPLE BUTTER CHALK YELLOWSTARFRUIT APPLE Origin: France Try serving a rich creamy PINEAPPLE & YELLOW OAKED RICH & COMMON Chardonnay warmer APPLE CREAMY STYLES at 55°F Found in California, Chile, (13°C). Warming it slightly will Australia, Argentina, Spain, release more aromas the bowlis the QUINCE Chardonnay & Côte de Beaune,into SOUTH& of the glass STARFRUIT world’s mostand Burgundy. AUSTRALIA make the winegrape. planted white BURGUNDY, UNOAKED LIGHT bolder. FRANCE Bourgogne Blanc is & ZESTY Unoaked styles normally 100% Chardonnay. can be SOUTH AFRICAfound in REGIONAL DIFFERENCES CALIFORNIA SPAIN NORTHERN ITALY found in SOUTH ITALYAFRICAMâconnais, ARGENTINA COASTAL Chablis, and western learn variety / chardonnay Marsanne Blend / learn / wine / marsanne-blend Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “mar-sohn” aka: Châteauneufdu-Pape Blanc, Côtes du Rhône Blanc QUINCEMANDARIN APRICOTACACIABEESWAX ORANGE Origin: Rhône Valley, France FRANCE: Generally, French white Rhône blends are light-bodied because they are a blend of many varieties, including Marsanne, Roussanne, Grenache Blanc, Clairette, Bourboulenc, and Viognier. THE BLEND: Because of the wide range of grape varieties that contribute to this blend,PEACH the & secretFLOWERS to the flavor of a particular Viognier wine lies in its dominant PEAR grape. & BEESWAX Marsanne & Roussanne If you prefer a richer style, look for white Rhône blends with higher proportions of Viognier and Marsanne grapes in theits blend. As name implies, the original white Rhône blend is from the Rhône in southern France, where today just 6% of USA: Marsanne and other white Rhône varieties CITRUS FRUIT today just 6% of the regional production is dedicated to white learn wine / marsanne-blend “sem-eeyawn” SÉmillon / learn / variety / semillon Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors LEMON BEESWAX SALINE YELLOWCHAMOMILE PEACH Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Sémillon LIME, SALINE, & wines from CHAMOMILE different regions, you’llBORDEAUX, notice some FRANCE taste PAPAYA, differences: HUNTERAPPLE, &VALLEY, LEMON CURD AUSTRALIA COMMON WHITE STYLES DESSERT BORDEAUX WINE BLEND A zesty white of Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon found in Graves, Bordeaux; Hunter SOUTH WASHINGTON AUSTRALIA Sémillon is the key varietal in Sauternes, which is a honeyed dessert wine from Bordeaux, France, WASHINGTON Hunter AUSTRALIA Bordeaux; Valley, Australia, STATE and CALIFORNIA Washington Bordeaux, France, made of Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc, learn variety / semillon “veeown-yay” Viognier / learn / variety / viognier Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors TANGERINE PEACH MANGO HONEYSUCKLE ROSE Origin: Southern France REGIONS FRANCE The Rhône Valley and LanguedocRoussillon AUSTRALIA South Australia, LIME, FLOWERS, & MINERALS Common in cool climate regions where wines do not undergo malolactic fermentation in stainless steel. SWEET PEACH & COMMON FLOWER The small Condrieu STYLES APRICOT, ROSE, region in the northern Rhône of France produces a very rare off-dry style of Viognier. South Australia, including Barossa Valley APRICOT, ROSE, & VANILLA Warm climate Viognier aged learn variety / viognier learn style / aromatic-white Aromatic White Wine white wines Chenin Blanc Aromatic have highly perfumed and sweetGewürztraminer fruit aromas can range from Muscat but dry to sweet Blanc in taste. Aromatic whites are RIesling ideal pairing partners with Asian Torrontés and Indian cuisine because they match well with sweet-and-sour flavors and quench spicy sauces. White wine grapes are collected and sorted. Grape bunches are destemmed. Grapes are pressed and separated from skins and seeds. Juice begins to ferment without skins. Fermentation is stopped before all the sugar has been fermented. Wine is kept cool in storage tanks to settle and stabilize for a short period of time. Wines are clarified, bottled, and released shortly thereafter. “shen-in blonk” aka: Steen, Pineau, Vouvray Chenin Blanc / learn / variety / chenin-blanc Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors LEMON YELLOW PEAR APPLE HONEY CHAMOMILE Origin: France PEACHES & COMMON FLOWERS SPARKLING South Africa STYLES Sparkling wines come from the Loire Valley in Vouvray, Saumur, and Montlouis, and in South Africa they are blended into offers a rich style with nectarine, honey, and meringue notes. Also available on warm vintages in Anjou, Montlouis, and Occasionally, you’ll come across a Chenin Blanc with bruised apple flavors—a sign of oxidation. Some Chenin Blanc wines are made in an oxidative Much of the Chenin style on Blanc grown purpose, including a in South is region in Africa the used brandy Loire for called production. Savennières. blended into Method Cap Classique. Montlouis, and Vouvray in the Loire. production. Savennières. learn variety / chenin-blanc / learn / variety / gewurztraminer Gewürztraminer Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors “ga-veertztram-ee-ner” dominant flavors LYCHEE ROSE TANGERINE GUAVA PINK GRAPEFRUIT Origin: Germany and France DRY & OFF-DRY There are several Gewürztraminer with sweet and floral aromas and a completely dry taste. This dry style can be found in Trento-Alto Adige, Italy; Alsace, France; and cooler areas in COMMON DESSERT STYLES WINE In Alsace, there are two very high-quality dessert wines produced with Gewürztraminer: Vendanges Tardives and Sélection de Try a dry Gewürztraminer with dim sum, Vietnamese cuisine, pot stickers, and dumpling soup. As a general rule, Gewürztraminer tastes best within a year or two of release. This is to ensure it has the highest possible acidity, which areas in California including Mendocino and Sélection de Grains Nobles (SGN). SGN is produced with acidity, which gives Gewürztraminer a crisp, fresh flavor. learn variety / gewurztraminer Muscat Blanc / learn / variety / muscat-blanc Profile FRUIT BODY SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “mus-kot blonk” aka: Moscato d’Asti, Moscatel, Muscat Blanc à Petit Grains, Muscat Canelli, Muskateller MEYER MANDARINPEAR LEMONORANGE HONEYSUCKL ORANGE BLOSSOM Origin: Ancient Greece and Italy MUSCAT: Muscat Blanc is an ancient grape with several closely related varieties: DRY & AROMATIC This style is most classically associated with Alto Adige, SWEET & LIGHTLY Italy; Germany; SPARKLING and Alsace, The most famous France. Muscat Blanc is Moscato d’Asti, which comes from the MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA The oldest— Cleopatra supposedly loved it COMMON SWEET STYLES DESSERT MUSCAT Several regions produce Muscat-based dessert wines, which can have loved it MUSCAT the Piedmont region in northern Italy. can have upward of 200 g/L of learn variety / muscat-blanc “REESEling” Riesling / learn / variety / riesling Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors LIME JASMINEPETROLEUM GREEN BEESWAX APPLE Origin: Germany REGIONS GERMANY USA Not sure if the wine is dry or sweet? As a general rule, if the wine is low alcohol (below 9% ABV) you can assume that it’spairs on Sweet Riesling the sweeter side of very well with the spectrum. spicy and spicedriven dishes, including Indian and Thai cuisine. Dry Riesling has enough acidity to Germany is known for the world’s best Riesling ranging in style from dry to sweet. Washingon State and New York produce dry and sweet Riesling. GERMAN LABEL TERMS: AUSTRALIA Clare and Eden Clare and Eden Valley produce dry enough acidity to pair wonderfully with oily lighter meats, like duck and learn variety / riesling “torrronTEZ” TorrontÉs / learn / variety / torrontes Profile FRUIT BODY DRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors MEYER LEMON PEACHLEMON ROSE PEEL PETAL GERANIUM Origin: Argentina DRY & ZESTY COMMON The Argentine region of STYLES Salta is known for making dry Torrontés with flavors of grapefruit, lemon peel, nutmeg, and saline. A TOUCH The high-altitude vineyards in Salta are known for producing high-quality Torrontés. Torrontés is an indigenous Argentine grape that is a natural cross with Muscat of Alexandria and the Chilean grape called País. Try Torrontés with delicately flavored meats and sweet-sour sauces such as miso-glazed sea bass orFISH teriyaki& SUSHI braised sesame tofu. BRAISED TOFU grape called País. A TOUCH SWEET learn variety / torrontes learn style / rose Rosé Wine Rosé Rosé wine is produced when red grape skins macerate in their juices for a period of time. Rosé is produced in every major country and is made of nearly every grape variety, both red and white. Rosé wines range in taste from dry to sweet. For example, a rosé of Tempranillo is usually always dry and savory. Whereas White Whereas White Zinfandel is almost always sweet and fruity. Red wine grapes are collected and sorted. Grape bunches are destemmed. Juice ferments with skins in a fermentation vessel for a short period of time. Before wine becomes deep red, it’s separated from the skins. The fermentation completes without the skins. Wine is kept cool in storage tanks to settle and stabilize for a short period of time. Wines are clarified, bottled, and released shortly thereafter. “rose-aye” aka: Rosado, Rosato, Vin Gris / learn / style / rose RosÉ Profile FRUIT BODY DRY/SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors STRAWBERRY ROSE HONEYDEW MELON PETAL CELERYORANGE PEEL Origin: unknown REGIONS FRANCE USA The rosé wines of France are dry and come mainly from Provence and LanguedocRoussillon. The blend typically includes Many new styles of rosé wine are introduced every year, but the largest rosé production is dedicated to An aroma collector glass will capture the subtle floral aromas that are harder to pick up in a regular white wine glass. In the US, the majority of Zinfandel grapes go toward the production of White Zinfandel. includes Grenache and Syrah. dedicated to Zinfandel. White Zinfandel. learn style / rose / learn / style / light-bodied-red Light-Bodied Red Wine Gamay Pinot Noir Light bodied red wines are translucent in color and tend to have moderately high acidity. They are known for their perfumed aromas that are best collected in a large globe-shaped glass. Red wine grapes are collected and sorted for quality and ripeness. Grape bunches are destemmed or go into fermentation as a whole bunch. Juice ferments with skins in fermentation vessels. Wine is gently pressed off pomace (seeds, stems, skins, etc.). Wine is aged in vessels for a period of time. During aging, malolactic bacteria convert “green apple-y” malic acid into “creamy” Wines are clarified, lactic acid. bottled, and released shortly thereafter. “gam-may” aka: Gamay Noir, Beaujolais Gamay / learn / variety / gamay Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors HUCKLEBERRY RASPBERRY VIOLETPOTTING BANANA SOIL Origin: France BEAUJOLAIS QUALITY BEAUJOLAIS LEVELS CRU BEAUJOLAIS VILLAGES High BEAUJOLAIS quality AND Mid-range BEAUJOLAIS quality NOUVEAU Basic 75% of BROUILLYAround Gamay from CHÉNAS CÔTE DE BROUILLY JULIÉNAS MORGON MOULIN-ÀVENT France comes from the Beaujolais region. Looking for quality? Seek out Gamay Noir from a Beaujolais Cru. A cru is a designated quality zone. There are 10 Beaujolais Crus. quality VENT Crus. RÉGNIÉ Beaujolais Nouveau is meant to learn variety / gamay Pinot Noir / learn / variety / pinot-noir Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “pee-no nwar” aka: Spätburgunder CRANBERRY CHERRYRASPBERRY CLOVE MUSHROOM Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Pinot NoirRASPBERRY wines from & CLOVE different regions, you’ll notice some taste differences: ZESTY ROSÉ A dry rosé tasting of elderflower, green strawberry, and sour plum. COMMON STYLES CALIFORNIA CENTRAL CRANBERRY OTAGO, NZ AND MUSHROOM SOUTH LIGHT RED Red wines vary Looking for varieties similar to Pinot Noir? You might also enjoy St. Laurent, Cinsaut, and There are 15 common Zweigelt. clones of Pinot Noir and each has a distinct flavor. The original home of Pinot Noir is in Burgundy, France. MUSHROOM SOUTH AUSTRALIA FRANCE Red wines vary greatly in taste based on in Burgundy, France. learn variety / pinot-noir learn style / medium-bodied-red Medium-Bodied Red Wine Barbera Cabernet Franc Carignan Carménère Grenache Mencía Merlot Montepulciano Negroamaro Rhône/GSM Blend Sangiovese Valpolicella Blend Zinfandel Medium-bodied red wines are often referred to as “food wines” because of their excellent ability to pair with a wide range of foods. Generally speaking, mediumbodied wines are characterized by dominant red-fruit flavors. Red wine grapes are collected and sorted to remove leaves. Grape bunches are destemmed. Juice ferments with skins in fermentation vessels. Wine is gently pressed off pomace (seeds, stems, skins, etc.). Wine is aged in barrels or tanks for a period of time. During aging, malolactic bacteria convert “green appley” malic acid into “creamy” Wines are clarified, lactic acid. bottled, and released after a period of aging. “barBEARuh” Barbera / learn / variety / barbera Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors BLACKBERRY SOUR LICORICE DRIED CHERRY HERBS TAR Origin: Italy REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Barbera wines from BLACKBERRY different JAM &regions, you’ll notice LICORICE some tastealcohol Higher differences: wines with more fruit flavors. COMMON STYLES: Looking for a Barbera is particular style? produced two ways Pay attention to wine UNOAKED that result in = RED descriptions twoFRUIT different when seeking out Aged in stainless flavor profiles: Barbera. The steel, color of the fruit (red Barbera often has vs. black) sour often helps to identify cherry, licorice, the style. and herb aromas along withIt’s useful to note that many a brisk exceptional Piedmont spicy taste. Barbera CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIAspicy taste. ARGENTINA OAKED = CHOCOLATE Barbera wines have slightly higher alcohol learn variety / barbera Cabernet Franc / learn / variety / cabernet-franc Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “cab-err-nay fronk“ aka: Chinon, Bourgueil, Bouchet, Breton STRAWBERRY ROASTEDRED PEPPER PLUM CRUSHEDCHILI GRAVEL PEPPER Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing 100% Cabernet Franc in different regions, you’ll notice these secondary flavors: RED BELL PEPPER Loire, France High-quality Cabernet Franc has high BLENDING often acidity and grippy IN tannins early on but will age Cabernet Franc is beautifully for 10– 15 years. Franc is used in Cabernet Bordeaux blends the parent as a grape of Cabernet support Sauvignon and character. Merlot. COMMON STYLES ZESTY & ZESTY & SAVORY At its best— tasting of red STRAWBERRY JAM learn variety / cabernet-franc Carignan / learn / variety / carignan Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “care-in-yen” aka: Mazuelo, Cariñena, Carignano LICORICEBAKINGCURED DRIED RASPBERRY CRANBERRY SPICES MEAT Origin: Spain Carignan is a highly productive, drought-resistant wine grape that grows well in desert conditions. Because of this, Carignan was historically overcropped, which produced lowquality bulk wine. Fortunately, several quality- Try Carignan as a Thanksgiving wine; it matches nicely with turkey, cranberries, roasted squash, and baking spices. Looking for value? Look for wines from Côtes Catalanes, Faugères, and Minervois appellations in LanguedocRoussillon, France. Also, you’ll find great buys from the Carignano del CRANBERRY Sulcis region in Sardinia, Italy. POULTRY BAKING qualityminded producers in Languedoc- BAKING SPICES learn variety / carignan “carmennair” Carménère / learn / variety / carmenere Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors RASPBERRY GREEN BELL PEPPER VANILLA BLACK BLACKBERRY PLUM Origin: France Carménère is a very old variety from Bordeaux, France, that has many taste similarities to Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Carménère could have become extinct had it not been mistaken for Merlot and The region of Colchagua in Chile RED FRUIT & GREEN PEPPER is well-known for fine Carménère. A lighter style Keep your eyes peeled with very little oak aging offers for the subregions of Los notes of red BLUEBERRY & Lingues or fruits, green CHOCOLATE Apalta there on good are less pepper, paprika, Today A richer style vintages. than 20 acres and cocoa that is made of Carménère in powder. with extended France. barrel aging. Tastes of COMMON STYLES for Merlot and planted in Chile during the 19th Tastes of blueberry, black pepper, chocolate, green learn variety / carmenere Grenache / learn / variety / grenache Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “grennnosh” aka: Garnacha LEATHERLICORICE DRIED GRILLED RUBY STRAWBERRY PLUM RED GRAPEFRUIT Origin: Spain REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Grenache wines & RASPBERRY from CLOVE different Higherregions, alcohol you’ll notice wines with some taste more fruit differences: flavors DRIED STRAWBERRY & HERBS Lighter wines with more herb and tobacco SPAIN AUSTRALIA In the glass, Grenache is a CÔTES DU translucent violetRHÔNE & CHÂTEAUNEUF- ruby hue that develops thick wine DU-PAPE tears due to its naturally higher alcohol. 70% of the vineyards in the highly acclaimed Châteauneuf-du-Pape CALATAYUD appellation in Rhône & PRIORAT Valley, France, are Grenache. Quality REGIONS LANGUEDOCROUSSILLON VINOS and tobacco AUSTRALIA flavors USA FRANCE VINOS DE Quality Grenache easily ages 15–20 years. learn variety / grenache “men-thee-uh” aka: Jaen, Bierzo, Ribeira Sacra Mencía / learn / variety / mencia Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors BLACKBERRY SOUR POMEGRANATE BLACK CRUSHED CHERRY LICORICE GRAVEL Origin: Spain SPANISH QUALITY LEVELS: Each subregion has a different aging system, but Mencia is a Highly prized Mencía generally: relatively unknown wines come wine grape from the from old hillside Iberian vineyards. No barrel or Peninsula that bottle-aging tastes remarkably In Portugal, Mencía requirements. similar to Merlot is called Jaen Check with wines from cool (pronounced “zsproducer for climates. The grape eyn”). specifics. CRIANZA/BARRICA NO CLASSIFICA grows mostly in the subregions of Bierzo, Ribeira CRIANZA/BARRICA Minimal aging in barrel learn variety / mencia “murrlow” Merlot / learn / variety / merlot Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors RASPBERRY CEDAR BLACK SUGAR CHOCOLATE CHERRY PLUM Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES BLACKBERRY & VANILLA When comparing Merlot wines from different regions, you’ll & RED PLUM notice some taste CEDAR AUSTRALIA differences: Looking for quality? High-quality grapes grow in BORDEAUX Merlot vineyards that struggle to concentrate the grapes. Look to hillside and highVENETO & FRIULI- elevation vineyards. VENEZIA GIULIA Merlot is often Merlot aged in misidentified as WASHINGTON American oak has Cabernet Sauvignon in STATE, USA rich herbaceous notes blind dill and SONOMA, CA, USAof tasting because cedar. NAPA, CA, USA REGIONS TUSCANY CALIFORNIA FRANCE SOUTH AFRICA AFRICA ITALY NAPA, CA, USA SOUTH ARGENTINA WASHINGTON cedar. they’re closely related (see Cabernet Franc, pgs. learn variety / merlot “mon-ta-pullchee-anno” Montepulciano / learn / variety / montepulciano Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors RED PLUM OREGANO TAR SOUR BOYSENBERRY CHERRY Origin: Southern Italy Montepulciano is the second most planted red grape in Italy. The majority of wines made from this grape are labeled “Montepulciano d’Abruzzo” and are from Abruzzo, Italy. Typically Montepulciano wines have red-fruit REGIONAL WINES: Looking for quality? Montepulciano Look for a is labeled wine with at least 4 Abruzzoby its regional name: years of age MONTEPULCIANO and expect to spend D’ABRUZZO between $20–$30 a bottle. Montepulciano is CONTROGUERRA commonly Marche ROSSO CONERO confused with Vino Nobile di Montepulciano—a wine from Tuscany made with Sangiovese. have red-fruit flavors similar to Merlot. High-quality CONERO COLLINE Sangiovese. learn variety / montepulciano “negrowamaro” Negroamaro / learn / variety / negroamaro Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors PRUNE DRIED BLACK BLACK BLACKBERRY CHERRY PLUM HERBS Origin: Puglia, Italy Negroamaro or “black bitter” is a native grape in Puglia, Italy. It grows mostly toward the very point of the “heel” of Puglia, Italy, along the Ionian Sea. The region is hot, so the best vineyards tend to be adjacent to the sea, where REGIONAL WINES Negroamaro is labeled by its regional name. The following regions contain 70–100% Negroamaro: Puglia Negroamaro is often blended with Primitivo (aka Zinfandel), where it complements the sweet red fruit flavors of Primitivo with tannin Try Negroamaro with structure, black fruit, barbecued and a smoky chicken and quality. herbaceous caramelized onion pizza, pulled pork sandwiches, sea, where cooler nighttime temperatures produce grapes Puglia SALICE sandwiches, fried mushrooms, or teriyaki. learn variety / negroamaro Rhône/GSM Blend / learn / wine / rhone-blend Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “roan” aka: GrenacheSyrah-Mourvèdre, Côtes du Rhône RASPBERRY BLACKBERRY DRIED GREEN HERBS BAKING LAVENDER SPICES Production Regions: France, Spain, Australia, USA, South Africa REGIONAL DIFFERENCES BLACKBERRY CÔTES DU & CLOVE When comparing Rhône blends from different regions, you’ll DRIED notice some taste STAWBERRY & SOUTH differences: HERBS ROUSSILLON SPAIN AUSTRALIA FRANCE Looking for value? LanguedocRoussillon, France, and La Mancha, Spain, offer good values. Look for wines with high proportions of The highest quality Grenache. GSMs come from Priorat and Méntrida, Spain; Châteauneuf-duPape, France; REGIONS RHÔNE (FR) LANGUEDOC(FR) CATALONIA (ESP) ARAGON (ESP) LA MANCHA & MADRID (ESP) FRANCE SOUTH WASHINGTON AFRICA MADRID (ESP) CENTRAL COAST, CA Pape, France; Barossa Valley, Australia; and Santa Barbara, CA, learn wine / rhone-blend Sangiovese / learn / variety / sangiovese Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “san-jo vay-zay” aka: Chianti, Brunello, Nielluccio, Morellino RASPBERRY POTPOURRI CLAY RED ROASTED POT CURRANT TOMATO Origin: Italy REGIONAL WINES: Sangiovese pairs with Sangiovese is rich meats RUSTIC commonly labeled by and tomato-based TOMATO & its regional dishes such as LEATHER Tuscany name. The following lasagna, pasta Traditional regions Bolognese, and production contain 60–100% pizza. maintains Sangiovese: Sangiovese is Italy’s Sangiovese’s top wine. It is herbaceous BRUNELLO DI produced primarily in flavors and high acidity by aging MONTALCINOTuscany, Campania, and wines in Umbria. well-used barrels that don’t Sangiovese was first COMMON STYLES CHIANTI ROSSO DI that don’t impart vanillalike flavors. ROSSO DI Sangiovese was first introduced MONTALCINO to California in the learn variety / sangiovese Valpolicella blend / learn / wine / valpolicella-blend Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “val-pollachellah” aka: Amarone CAROB GREEN SOUR CINNAMON GREEN CHERRY PEPPERCORN ALMOND Origin: Veneto, Italy There are 4 main grapes of Valpolicella. The Corvina and Corvinone grapes CORVINA & are CORVINONE known to produce Spicythe redhighest fruit quality wines. and green almond flavors Looking for value? Some Ripasso taste very similar to VALPOLICELLA Amarone at a fraction of the price. CLASSICO QUALITY LEVELS tart cherry and ash Amarone and Recioto are made with the apassimento method. Grapes are dried on straw mats over the winter to dark berries and highconcentrate acidity VALPOLICELLA SUPERIORE RONDINELLA Adds floral aromas and has aromas and has low tannin sugars and then VALPOLICELLA pressed and SUPERIORE fermented very learn wine / valpolicella-blend “zin-fan-dell” aka: Primitivo, Tribidrag ZInfandel / learn / variety / zinfandel Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors BLACKBERRY STRAWBERRY PEACH 5SWEET PRESERVES SPICE TOBACCO POWDER Origin: Croatia The origin of Zinfandel remained a mystery until DNA testing showed it was identical to Primitivo in Italy and Tribidrag in Croatia, where the grape originated. Zinfandel used to be prized and traded in Venice during the 1400s. CALIFORNIA, USA The best Zinfandel grows in the hills of Napa, Sonoma, Paso Robles, and the Sierra Foothills. Exceptional old vineyards can be found in REGIONS RED FRUITS & SPICE A lighter style with lower alcohol (~13.5%) has raspberry, rose petal, spice cake, sage, and black pepper flavors. COMMON STYLES JAM & SMOKED during the 1400s. Zinfandel naturally produces a found in Lodi. JAM & SMOKED CARAMEL A rich style with higher learn variety / zinfandel learn style / full-bodied-red Full-Bodied Red Wine Aglianico Bordeaux Blend Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec Mourvèdre Nebbiolo Nero D’Avola Petit Verdot Petite Sirah Pinotage Syrah Tempranillo Touriga Nacional Full-bodied red wines typically have high tannin, opaque ruby color from high anthocyanin content, and rich fruit flavors. Wines that are bold such as these can be enjoyed on their own or with equally boldflavored foods. Red wine grapes are collected and sorted. Grape bunches are destemmed. Juice ferments with skins in fermentation vessels. Wine is gently pressed off pomace (seeds, stems, skins, etc.). Wine is aged in barrels for a period of time. During aging, malolactic bacteria convert “green apple-y” malic acid into Wines are“creamy” clarified, lactic acid. bottled, and released after a period of aging. Aglianico / learn / variety / aglianico Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “alliyawn-nico” aka: Taurasi WHITE BLACK SMOKE GAME SPICED PEPPER CHERRY PLUM Origin: Southern Italy Aglianico produces wines with a deep color, high tannin, and acidity. It is considered one of the classic wines of Decanting improves Southern the taste Italy. of bold red wines like Aglianico. Decant this wine for at least 2 hours. AGLIANICO AGLIANICO WINESTAURASI DEL VULTURE Flavors of blackberry sauce, licorice, and smoke. 100% Aglianico from Mount Flavors of black raspberry, smoked meats, and cigar. Look for wines with around 10 years of age. IRPINIA, hours. Mount Vulture in Basilicata. IRPINIA, BENEVENTANO, & CAMPANIA Flavors learn variety / aglianico “bore-doe” aka: Meritage, Cabernet-Merlot Bordeaux Blend / learn / wine / bordeaux-blend Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors PLUM BLACK VIOLET GRAPHITECEDAR CURRANT REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Bordeaux blends from different regions, you’ll notice some BLACKBERRY, MENTHOL, BLACK CHERRY, taste differences: & VIOLET, & CEDAR BAY LEAF Expect ripe black fruitExpect with tart undertones of menthol, black and red chocolate, and allspice. fruit flavors with Wines may be bolder undertones with riper-tasting tannin. of violet, black pepper, and PASO ROBLES & NAPA, bay leaf. Wines CA, USA may taste lighter due to higher acidity. BORDEAUX, AUSTRALIA Blends dominated by Cabernet Sauvignon typically have grippier tannin and green peppercorn notes, whereas Merlot blends have The first Bordeaux smoother tannins blend to and more red become popular was fruit notes. not a red wine but a brilliant red rosé called Claret (“Clair-ette”). AUSTRALIA BORDEAUX, FRANCE MENDOZA, ARGENTINA Claret (“Clair-ette”). Today, Claret is rare but can still be found under learn wine / bordeaux-blend Cabernet Sauvignon Profile / learn / variety / cabernetsauvignon FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors “cab-er-nay saw-vin-yawn” dominant flavors BLACK BLACK RED BAKING CEDAR CHERRYCURRANTBELL SPICES PEPPER Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Cabernet Sauvignon wines from different regions, you’ll notice some BLACK FRUITS, RED FRUITS, taste differences: BLACK PEPPER, MINT, AND AND COCOA GREEN POWDER PEPPERCORN Cool-climate Warm climate BORDEAUX, CALIFORNIA, Cabernet regions lend FRANCE USA tends to exhibit to more fruitred fruit forward wines flavors and a with higher lighter body. alcohol and ripetasting tannin. AUSTRALIA ARGENTINA CHILE NORTHERN Cabernet Sauvignon is a natural cross between Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc that first appeared in Bordeaux in the mid-1600s. Today, it is the most planted wine grape in the world. SOUTH NORTHERN ITALY ARGENTINA learn variety / cabernet-sauvignon “malbek” aka: Côt Malbec / learn / variety / malbec Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors RED PLUM BLUEBERRY VANILLA SWEET COCOA TOBACCO Origin: South West France Malbec originated in South West France around Cahors but was never considered an important wine until Argentina revived the variety. Today, Argentina produces over 75% of the world’s Malbec wines. The majority of COMMON BASIC STYLES MALBEC A juicy style of Malbec with dominant red fruit flavors and balanced tannin, and is made with little to no oak In Argentina, altitude is a key quality indicator for Malbec. Higher-elevation Malbec will have higher acidity, more tannin, and additional flower and herb notes. In France, Malbec is mostly from Cahors in the South West region. The majority of Malbec in Argentina comes to no oak aging. West region. This wine, with a more earthy learn variety / malbec MourvÈdre / learn / variety / mourvedre Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “moore-ved” aka: Monastrell, Mataro BLACKBERRY BLACK COCOASWEET ROASTED PEPPER TOBACCO MEAT Origin: Spain This variety is very old and may have been introduced to Spain by the Phoenicians who traveled into Catalonia around 500 BCE. Mourvèdre is most commonly used as a blending grape, and is the “M” in the Looking for value? Bottles of Spanish Monastrell are SPAIN of superb value and don’t require Called Monastrell aging. in Spain Decant In Spain,Monastrell Monastrellfor is and found in at least 1 used in Valencia, Jumilla, hour. Cava to make Yecla, Almansa, sparkling rosé. and Alicante. In France, Mourvèdre is also made into a non-sparkling REGIONS FRANCE the “M” in the Rhône/GSM blend. It adds color, tannin FRANCE Single-varietal Mourvèdre into a non-sparkling rosé. You can find this style in Bandol, Provence. learn variety / mourvedre Nebbiolo / learn / variety / nebbiolo Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors ROSE “nebby-oh-low” aka: Barolo, Barbaresco, Spanna, Chiavennasca CHERRY LEATHERCLAY POT ANISE Origin: northern Italy Nebbiolo is considered one of Italy’s top red wines. It is perhaps more famously known by the names of its two top regions: Barolo and Barbaresco. Nebbiolo wines are palecolored and REGIONAL WINES: Nebbiolo is commonly labeled by its regional Piedmont name. The following regions contain 70–100% Nebbiolo: BAROLO Love Nebbiolo? Wines labeled as “Langhe Nebbiolo” offer exceptional value on good vintages. During the mid-1800s Barolo was a sweet red wine. BARBARESCO NEBBIOLO DALBA Barolo Chinato is a richly spiced red vermouth made with Nebbiolo. aromatic—features of a lightbodied wine— DALBA LANGHE with Nebbiolo. learn variety / nebbiolo Nero D’Avola / learn / variety / nero-davola Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “nair-oh davo-la” aka: Calabrese TOBACCO BLACK BLACK LICORICE CHILI CHERRY PLUM PEPPER Origin: Sicily, Italy Nero d’Avola is the most planted red variety on the Island of Sicily. The wines have very bold sweet fruit flavors and often a subtly sweet smoky finish. The spicy pepper flavors in Nero d’Avola become smoother with an hour of decanting. If you like the candied red fruit flavors of Nero Quality Nero d’Avola d’Avola, you might also enjoy other wines are often described as Sicilian red wines: having red NERELLO fruit, black pepper, FRAPPATO Try pairing Nero d’Avola with oxtail soup, beef and barley stew, or bacon burgers. Dishes with gamy and meaty flavors will bring out the wine’s bright, sweet fruit flavors. OXTAIL SOUP BEEF AND BARLEY BACON STEW fruit, black pepper, licorice, and spice cake flavors. NERELLO MASCALESE BACON STEW BURGER learn variety / nero-davola “peh-tee vur-doe” petit Verdot / learn / variety / petit-verdot Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors BLACK PLUM CHERRY VIOLET LILAC SAGE Origin: France Petit Verdot is highly desired as a blending grape because of its deep purple color, high tannin, and floral aromas. You’ll find this grape most commonly used in Bordeaux blends. If you would like to taste a singlevarietal Petit Looking for a bolder Bordeaux blend? Seek wines with a higher proportion of Petit Verdot and/or Petite Sirah. The most famous REGIONS SPAIN Found in Castilla-La Mancha where it adds dark fruit flavors to Bordeaux blends. BORDEAUX, Chilean Carménère, called “Purple Angel,” adds 10% Petit Verdot to embolden the wine with notes of varietal Petit Verdot, look in Washington State, BORDEAUX, FRANCE The classic “Left with notes of dark fruit, chocolate, and sage. learn variety / petit-verdot Petite Sirah / learn / variety / petite-sirah Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “peh-teet sear-ah” aka: Durif, Petite Syrah SUGAR-BLUEBERRY DARK BLACK BLACK PLUM CHOCOLATE PEPPER TEA Origin: France Petite Sirah is the offspring grape of Syrah and a rare black grape from South West France called Peloursin. Today, Petite Sirah grows primarily in California, where it’s often used to add body to Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Sirah is one of the best values for fullbodied red wine. Look for wines with extended oak aging or a small percentage Petite Sirah and of Zinfandel, which other opaque, acts to soften high-tannin red the high tannin. wines contain 2–3 times as many antioxidants as Petite Sirah will taste great alongside rich braised meats, barbecue, casseroles, and meaty pasta dishes. BARBECUE MEATY PASTA DISHES CASSEROL Sauvignon and Zinfandel. antioxidants as light, translucent red wines like Zinfandel and learn variety / petite-sirah “peeno-taj” Pinotage / learn / variety / pinotage Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors FIG BLACK BLACKBERRY CHERRY MENTHOL ROASTED MEAT Origin: South Africa Pinotage is the most planted red grape in South Africa. It was created by a scientist who crossed Cinsaut with Pinot Noir in 1925. The scientist, Abraham Herold, was attempting to create a wine that tasted Look for Pinotage wines with descriptions of both red and black fruit flavors, a hint that suggests a wine with more balance and complexity. SIMILAR WINES: you like Australian Shiraz or American Petite Sirah, you will enjoy the black fruit flavors SOUTH and sweet AFRICAN tobacco notes in PINOTAGE South African Avoid low-quality AMERICAN Pinotage. AUSTRALIAN bulk Pinotage. PETITE SHIRAZ The wines can have SIRAH a pungent note of tar and nail a wine that tasted like Pinot Noir but was hardy enough to thrive in note of tar and nail polish remover—a sign of learn variety / pinotage / learn / variety / syrah Syrah Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors BLUEBERRY PLUM “searah” aka: Shiraz TOBACCO MILK GREEN CHOCOLATE PEPPERCORN Origin: France REGIONAL DIFFERENCES: When comparing Syrah wines from different regions, you’ll notice some taste FRUIT-FORWARD SAVORY PLUM, differences: BLACKBERRY, OLIVE, & BLUEBERRY, & GREEN SWEET PEPPERCORN TOBACCO Medium-to fullbodied Full-bodied wines wines with with savory flavors of fruit-forward plum, olive, flavors of boysenberry, blackberry, leather, green blueberry, sweet peppercorn, tobacco smoke, bacon fat, and chocolate, cocoa powder Regions where Syrah is a single-varietal wine: SOUTH AUSTRALIA Regions where Syrah is blended with NORTHERN CÔTES other DU varieties: RHÔNE, RHÔNE CALIFORNIA, USA FRANCE COLUMBIA VALLEY, LANGUEDOCWA, USA ROUSSILLON, FRANCE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA, SPAIN chocolate, baking spices, and vanilla CALIFORNIA, USA bacon fat, and cocoa powder RHÔNE, FRANCE MANCHA, SPAIN EXTREMADURA, SPAIN CATALONIA, SPAIN learn variety / syrah Tempranillo / learn / variety / tempranillo Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors CHERRYDRIED FIG “temp-rah-neeoh” aka: Cencibel, Tinta Roriz, Tinta de Toro, Rioja, Ribera del Duero CEDAR TOBACCODILL Origin: Spain REGIONAL WINES: Tempranillo is Spain’s top red La Rioja wine. It’s typically labeled by its regional name. RIOJA Castilla y León RIBERA DEL AGING TERMS: Spanish wines can be identified ROBLE/TINTO by aging terms. Littlevary to no oak Rules from agingto region. region CRIANZA ~6–12 months aging in oak RESERVA YOUNG (ROBLE/CRIANZA) Juicy red fruit flavors, herbs, and a spicy kick SOME AGING (RESERVA) COMMON STYLES Red and black fruit flavors, dried roses, and baking spices LONG DEL DUERO RESERVA spices LONG AGING (RESERVA+) 12 months oak Dried red and black learn variety / tempranillo Touriga Nacional / learn / variety / touriga-nacional Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors “tor-ee-gah nah-see-unnall” dominant flavors VIOLETBLUEBERRY PLUM MINT WET SLATE Origin: Portugal Touriga Nacional is a deeply colored red wine grape that originated in the Douro Valley of Portugal. It has been traditionally used for Port wine, although several Portuguese winemakers have started to create dry red REGIONS DOURO Expect flavors of blueberry, black currant, violets, vanilla, and subtle notes of roasted meat. Wine is structured with fine gravelly ALENTEJO Alentejo produces a rich but juicy style with black and red fruit, violet, There are just under licorice, and 100 acres of usually a touchinofthe Touriga Nacional US,vanilla found from oak aging. mostly in Lodi, CA. create dry red wines with Touriga Nacional and the other primary fine gravelly tannins. DÃO from in oak aging. mostly Lodi, CA. learn variety / touriga-nacional learn style / dessert Dessert Wine Madeira Marsala Port Sauternais sherry vin santo Dessert wines range in style from off-dry to very sweet. The sweetest and highest acidity of these dessert wines can be cellared for many years to develop subtle nutty flavors. Some dessert wines are stabilized with the addition of brandy in a process called fortification. Fortified wines have high alcohol and can store open for up to a month. month. This book includes to examples of common dessert Types of Dessert Wine Fortified Wine Wines are preserved with the addition of spirits usually before all the grape sugar is fermented. Ice Wine / Eiswein Grapes freeze while still on the vine and are Late-Harvest WineDried Grape Grapes are harvested Wine Also late in the known as growing season when Passito in the sugar Italy. content is highest. Grapes are laid out to raisinate “Noble Rot” Wine and lose up to 70% of their Botrytis cinerea (aka moisture content. “noble rot”) is a fungal rot vine and are picked and that causes grapes Madeira / learn / wine / madeira Profile FRUIT BODY SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “mad-deeruh” Style: Fortified Wine BURNT WALNUT PEACH HAZELNUT ORANGE CARAMELOIL PEEL Origin: Madeira Island, Portugal QUALITY LEVELS & AGING FINEST/CHOICE/SELECT Aged 3 yrs by Estufa & made with Tinta Negramoll. RAINWATER Medium-dry style aged 3 yrs and typically blended w/T. Negramoll. EXTRA DRY: 0–50 g/L RS SWEETNESS LEVELS DRY: 50–65 g/L RS MEDIUM DRY: 65–80 g/L RS ESTUFA METHOD Wine is heated in tanks forTINTA a short NEGRAMOLL / 5COLHEITA/HARVEST period of time. RAINWATER YEAR/RESERVE/MATURE A single vintage Dry–sweet and basic Aged 5–10 years aged 5+ years by quality and typically Canteiro. Often a blended with Tinta single variety. Negramoll. CANTEIRO METHOD SERCIAL 10-YEAR/SPECIAL RESERVE Aged 10–15 years Multi-vintage blend by Canteiro. SOLERA Wines age naturally in The lightest, extra-dry barrels in style warm rooms or under (serve chilled) the sun. 65–80 g/L RS MEDIUM RICH/SWEET: 80–96 g/L RS Multi-vintage blend (serve chilled) by Canteiro. the sun. by Canteiro. Often a single First year of solera variety. is listed on the VERDELHO TYPES OF learn wine / madeira Marsala / learn / wine / marsala Profile FRUIT BODY SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “mar-saluh” Style: Fortified Wine STEWED VANILLATAMARIND BROWN TOBACCO APRICOT SUGAR Origin: Italy GOLD (ORO) STYLES Made with OFwhite grapes. MARSALA AMBER (AMBRA) Made with white grapes and cooked wine must. ROSSO (RUBINO) GRILLO Rare. A red Marsala with up to 30% white NERO grapes. D’AVOLA AGING TERMS & STYLES FINE/FINE IP All styles. Aged 1 year. SUPERIOR MARSALA FOR SUPERIOR All styles. COOKING Aged 2 years. RESERVE SWEET Dry to MARSALA semisweet. MARSALA WINE Aged 4+ years. Use for sweet sauces GRAPES SWEETNESS DRY with pork CATTARATOVIRGIN/VIRGIN (SECCO):0–40 and chicken or in LEVELS SOLERA g/L RS Dry. INZOLIA desserts such as Aged 5+ years. zabaglione. SEMISWEET VIRGIN (SEMISECCO): STRAVECCHIO/ PIGNATELLO NERELLO GRECIANO MASCALESE (SEMISECCO): STRAVECCHIO/ 40–100 VIRGIN g/L RS RESERVE SWEET/GD DRY MARSALA learn wine / marsala / learn / wine / port Port Profile FRUIT BODY TANNIN ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “port” Style: Fortified Wine CINNAMON CANDY STAR RIPE RASPBERRY APPLE ANISE BLACKBERRY SAUCE Origin: Portugal YOUNG PORT TAWNY PORT A youthful style of Port wine that’s aged for a short time and designed to be drunk immediately. Wines tend to have RUBY more spice Red fruit and notes and tannin. chocolate flavors with spicy acidity LBV (LATE BOTTLED VINTAGE) Oak-aged Port wines that age for several years develop nutty flavors from oxidation. Since they are aged by the winery, they can be enjoyed immediately. Raspberry, dried blueberry, cinnamon, clove, and caramel Red and black fruit flavors, spice, and cocoa with high tannin and acidity WHITE 10-YEAR 20-YEAR AGE-WORTHY PORT Stoppered with a standard corkPORT VINTAGE andSingle-vintage designed to Ports from age 40+ years. exceptional years. Expect to age for a minimum of 10 years and ideally 30–50 years. Fig, raisin, caramel, orange zest, and CRUSTED PORT A multi-vintage Port designed to age acidity WHITE Dried peach, white pepper, tangerine zest, zest, and cinnamon designed to age just like vintage Port. learn wine / port Sauternais / learn / wine / sauternais Profile FRUIT BODY VERY SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “sowturn-aye” Style: Noble Rot LEMON APRICOTQUINCE HONEY GINGER CURD Origin: France GRAPES: The sweet of Bordeaux are made exclusively withSÉMILLON white grapes. The popular choice. Sémillon adds body and tropical fruit notes. wines MAIN REGIONS: The name Sauternais refers to the dessertwine-producing areas in Bordeaux that are typically found close to the river where grapes often develop noble rot (see Glossary). Adds lime and An average glass of Sauternes has nearly 17 grams of sugar per 4 oz serving. However, due to the wine’s high natural acidity, the sugar level tastes SAUTERNES BORDEAUX SAUVIGNONMOELLEUX BLANC Some producers only produce sweet wines on vintages when white grapes develop noble rot. BARSAC Adds lime and grapefruit notes with BARSAC SAINTE- sugar level tastes balanced. learn wine / sauternais / learn / wine / sherry Sherry Profile FRUIT BODY OFFDRY ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors “share-ee” Style: Fortified Wine JACKFRUIT SALINE PRESERVED BRAZIL LEMON NUT ALMOND Origin: Spain DRY SHERRY STYLES FINO & SWEET SHERRY STYLES PX (PEDRO MANZANILLA XIMÉNEZ) These Sherry wines Sweet are Very light styles TheSherries sweetest are with madesalty with typically style made of Palomino Fino produced fruit flavors. Serve Pedro with Ximénez grapes and come in Pedro Ximénez chilled. with fig andor a range of styles Moscatel grapes. date flavors. depending on the winemaking method. Slightly bolder nutty style in A very sweet between Fino and style made of Oloroso. Muscat of Alexandria with caramel flavors. SOLERA AGING Sherry wines 4-SCALE employ a unique SOLERA multi-vintage aging technique calledwine a solera. New goes into Soleras are tiers the top scale, of barrels with 3 tois and finished wine 9 stepsincalled taken small criaderas,from or scales: portions the bottom scale. Wines “run the scales” for at least AMONTILLADO MOSCATEL PALO PALO CORTADO caramel flavors. for at least 3 years up to 50 years (or more). SWEETENED learn wine / sherry Vin Santo / learn / wine / vin-santo Profile FRUIT BODY VERY SWEET ACIDITY ALCOHOL possible flavors dominant flavors PERFUME FIG “vin sontow” Style: Dried Grape Wine RAISIN ALMOND TOFFEE Origin: Italy Vin Santo is made with the appassimento method. Grapes are harvested and laid out on straw mats for up to 6 months where STRAW they will dry and MATS lose 70% Then,about the raisinated of their are water grapes content. and put squeezed into oak or chestnut barrels to vinify. The Tuscany and Umbria are the main regions that WHITE VIN produce Vin Santo in SANTO Italy. You can also find excellent The most common type of passito-style aged Vin Santo is Malvasia Vin Santo has traditionally wines from Sicily dried fig, enjoyed called Malvasia almond, and during Easter week delle Lipari. toffee flavors and paired and is made with almond primarily with A rare style of biscotti. Malvasia Bianca COMMON STYLES GRAPES RAISINS RED VIN SANTO vinify. The fermentation is very slow and can A rare style of Malvasia Bianca Vin Santo and called Occhio di Trebbiano. Pernice biscotti. learn wine / vin-santo Wine Regions / learn / region Wine Regions Wine Regions Of the World Argentina Australia Austria Chile France Germany Italy New Zealand Portugal South Africa Spain UNited States WIne Regions of the world learn region / world-wine-regions There are over 90 countries making wine in the world. The 12 countries included in this book account for 80% of the wine produced in the world. 6.8 billion gallons of wine is enough to fill the area of 99 city blocks of Manhattan with 40 feet of wine. Cool vs. Warm Climate Wine Regions Climate affects the taste of wine. Generally, cool climates make wines with more tart flavors and hot climates make wines with more ripe flavors. Cool climate regions are known to produce fine white wines with higher acidity. Cooler growing regions are found in latitudinal Warm climate CLIMATE Hot climate regions WARM COOL HOT CLIMAT regions are known are known for REGION and white bolder red wines with CLIMATE for red REGION wines with moderate to REGION moderate to high low acidity. acidity. latitudinal zones closer to the poles, higher elevation Where Wine Grows LATITUDINAL ZONES WHERE GRAPES The WINE latitudinal zones GROW above illustrate a general overview of where wine grapes grow. It’s useful to note that some regions outside of these zones, including parts of Brazil, Mexico, and India, can also India, can also make wine due to their unique microclimates. Argentina learn region / argentina Argentina is a New World region that is most known for a bold and fruity style of Malbec. The country accounts for over 75% of the world’s Malbec wines. Top wines of Argentina MALBEC The country’s top wine ranges in LUJÁN taste fromDE juicy tart raspberry CUYO flavors to rich blueberry and SALTA sweet tobacco depending on Argentine Syrah vintage, quality, offers full-bodied and oak program. flavors of boysenberry, MENDOZA BONARDA (DOUCE NOIR) Also known as CABERNET Charbono in SAUVIGNON California, Bonarda is the second most planted LUJÁN Argentine Cabernet Argentine grape. Sauvignon DE Expect flavors of offers rich CUYO black TORRONTÉS black currant, MAIPÚ raspberry, mocha, Argentina’s licorice, and dried and tobaccoown leaf PINOT NOIR variety ranges in green herbs. flavors with taste from dry and MENDOZA medium tannin and Argentine Pinot Noir citrusy, pepperyto offers flavors off-dry acidity. with rich of ripe raspberries, aromas of peach rhubarb, and guava. UCO VALLEY MENDOZA LA RIOJA SYRAHUCO VALLEY SAN JUAN SALTA PATAGONIA boysenberry, licorice, plum, and cocoa. The best JUAN rhubarb, UCO VALLEY and spiced CATAMARCA minerals, (MENDOZA) plum. and guava. LA Australia learn region / australia Australia is most famous for Shiraz, a very rich, smoky, and fruit-forward style of Syrah. Australia has 3 distinct climate areas offering a range of wines. Western Australia South and Central Victoria and Tasmania WARM CLIMATE HOT CLIMATE COOL CLIMATE Western Australia is The largest area is famous for famous for unoaked smoky and rich Chardonnay. Shiraz, Sémillon, UNOAKED BOLD CHARDONNAY SHIRAZ A much cooler area produces Pinot Noir and Chardonnay with PLUMMY PINOT NOIR CHARDONNAY SHIRAZ Chardonnay. Shiraz, Sémillon, However, the and Chardonnay. region makes quite a Cooler micro SAUVIGNON BUTTERY Chardonnay with excellent acidity. This area tends NOIR Australia detail Austria learn region / austria Austria is a cool climate growing region famous for Grüner Veltliner wines. Austria is known for its minerally white wines and spicy red wines. Top wines of GRÜNER AUstria BLAUFRÄNKISCH (“blao-frankish”) A spicy medium red wine with red forest-berry flavors and dry tannin. VELTLINER The country’s champion wine (“zz-Y-gelt”) A ranges from light light-bodied red peppery Pepperycitrus with bold cherry flavors to richer regions flavors and a Reserve level NIEDERÖSTERREICH NIEDERÖSTERREICH herbaceous wines that are often slight NIEDERÖSTERREICH bitter note on oaked and Fruity THERMENR the finish. THERMENREGION Rosé have more tropical regions wines are fruity. fruit flavors. NIEDERÖSTERREICH NIEDERÖSTERREICH NIEDERÖSTERREICH TRAISENTAL LEITHABERG (BURGENLAND) Simple light red Known as wines tasting of Weissburgunder, red berries and this KAMPTAL ZWEIGELT BURGENLAND BURGENLAND CARNUNT CARNUNTUM WEINVIERTEL BLAUER PINOT PORTUGIESER BLANC KREMSTAL THERMENREGION red berries and this KAMPTAL WEINVIERTEL woody herbs with lighter tannin and WAGRAM wine offers floral aromas with a Chile learn region / chile Chile is a cool climate region most known for its lean and fruity Bordeaux blends. Chile is divided into 3 areas from the coast to the Andes Mountains. Coastal Chile inland valleys The Andes COOL CLIMATE WARM CLIMATE WARM CLIMATE Coastal Chile is chilled by the frigid Humboldt current. Wines that thrive here include slightly SAUVIGNON The inland valleys include the Central Valley Region and are known for elegant red wines. The The higher elevation vineyards in the foothills of the Andes produce red wines with tannin structure CHARDONNAY BORDEAUX SYRAH BLEND that thrive here include slightly SAUVIGNON saline citrusBLANC driven white wines known for elegant red wines. The zone focuses on red Bordeaux PETIT BLEND red wines with tannin structure CABERNET and, on good SAUVIGNON vintages, offer France learn region / france A wine region known for earthy and mineraldriven wines with heightened acidity. The country can be divided into three zones by the climate. Northern France Central France Mediterranean France COOL WARM WARM CLIMATE CLIMATE CLIMATE BORDEAUX SÉMILLON CHAMPAGNE LIMOUX Northern French Central France Mediterranean wines have very wines have French wines have SPARKLING BEAUJOLAIS high acidity, tart moderate acidity, medium acidity, ripe MUSCADET fruit, and mineral tart fruit, and fruit, and GAMAY PROVENCE flavors. soil flavors. rustic earthy flavors. flavors. REGIONAL PRODUCTION: GAMAY soil flavors. REGIONAL PRODUCTION: RED LOIRE SAUVIGNON PROVENCE rustic earthy flavors. ROSÉ REGIONAL RHÔNE/GSM PRODUCTION: BLEND France: Bordeaux learn region france bordeaux Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon originate in Bordeaux and are blended into the Classification of red Blend. Red Finding Quality eponymous Bordeaux wines make Pay attention to up nearly 90% of the production. bordeaux vintage and look for wines labeled by their sub-appellation. If you see the term “Grand Vin de Bordeaux” GOOD printed on the label, thisVINTAGES: is typically 2010, a 2009, producer’s best 2008, 2005, wine. 2003 “LEFT BANK” “RIGHT BANK” CÔTES 2000, DE 1998, BORDEAUX BORDEAUX BORDEAUX 1990, 1989 The west side of The east side of the Areas close to rivers the Garonne Garonne are called River is River is “Côtes” meaning predominantly predominantly “slope.” Wines Cabernet Merlot are Merlot blends Sauvignon. The blended with that taste of ROSÉ AND wines taste of Cabernet spicy red fruits, green CLAIRETFranc. black currant, Wines taste of bell pepper, Rich and deeply pencil lead, violet, leather, strawberry, and herbs with grippy colored dry rosé tobacco, cocoa, fig, plum, bold tannin. A group of dessert wines withvanilla, flavors and licorice with grilled almonds, Winesregions age 10 years. wine of red currant, This blend is mostly dense structured and with can be found along wild smoke strawberry, Sémillon and tannins. Many silky refined the Garonne peony, and rose Sauvignon Blanc and will age 20 years. tannins. Some will River. The largest hips. Clairet Top wines of Bordeaux BORDEAUX BLANC SAUTERNAIS Sauvignon will age 20 Blanc years.and hips. tannins. Some will Clairet tastes of age 30 years. (“Clair-ett”) was citrus, chamomile, the grapefruit, and River. The largest appellation is Sauternes, which France: Burgundy learn region france burgundy Chardonnay and Pinot Noir come from Burgundy. The production is about 60% Classification Terms Chardonnay of but Burgundy is most known for Domaine: a winery floral andWines earthy Pinot Noir. Burgundy Top wines of Burgundy CHABLIS Chablis produces mainly unoaked Chardonnay. Wines taste of CHARDONNAY yellow apple, (MÂCONNAIS) passion fruit, and The Mâconnais citrus, with high makes light acidity.aAt the unoaked style of Grand Cru level, Chardonnay with Chablis is made flavors of ripe more toasty with yellow oak. apple with with vineyards Negociant: a brand that buys grapes or wine Clos: a walled vineyard Lieu-dit/Climat: GOODplot vineyard VINTAGES: name listed on the 2013, 2012, label 2011, 2010, 2009, 2005 PINOT NOIR CHARDONNAY (CÔTE D’OR) (CÒTE D’OR) At the Village level, The Côte d’Or wines taste produces mainly rustic with notes of oaked Chardonnay. mushrooms, Wines taste potting soil, and of yellow apple, tart berries. lemon curd, CRÉMANT DE PINOTtart, NOIR Premier Cru and quince vanilla, BOURGOGNE (OTHER REGIONS) Grand Cru wines and hazelnut. A sparkling wine Côte Chalonnaise have moderate Look in the Côte de appellation produces tannin with that flavors also Beaune for produces white and Pinot Noir with of dried cranberry, high-quality rosé bubbly plummy fruit, candied Chardonnays wines with the and boysenberries, and hibiscus, vanilla, produced in this same clove, rose. method as style. along yellow oak. apple with hints of lemon zest, apricot, and a zesty finish. same rose. method as Champagne. The regional appellation offers clove, style. along with rustic earthy notes of dried leaves and potting France: Rhône Valley learn region france rhone The Rhône Valley is most known for leathery and fruity Southern Rhône red Classification of herbaceous Northern Finding Quality blends and savory Value-driven wines Rhône Syrahs. Rhône wines vary in taste year to year, so look for trends on the quality of the vintage overall. You’ll see less GOOD variation and more VINTAGES: age-ability from 2012, 2010, higher quality 2009, 2007, producers, particularly 2005, DU RHÔNE CÔTES DU RHÔNE ROSÉ & inCÔTES the 2001, 2000 RHÔNE RED TAVEL ROSÉ WHITE northern Rhône and Some of the Rhône rosé bursts Marsanne the crus. and highest acclaimed with wild Viognier are the southern Rhône strawberry and red champion grapes of reds have higher currant Rhône White. proportions of flavors. The deeply Wines are often Grenache in the colored rosés citrusy with notes CHÂTEAUNEUFblend. As bold as ofNORTHERN Tavel are said to of apple, beeswax, DU-PAPE RHÔNE these wines can have beenSYRAH a and One of the rarely boldest The birthplace be, they’re favorite of the of writer granite-like minerals. age-worthy Syrah offers rich oaked. Flavors and man’s Northern southern Rhône and range from sweet man,dense Ernestwines Rhône delivers the blends that typically candiedare made Hemingway. boldest whites with no lessto than 13 have a meaty edge with notes of raspberries different to them along leather and bacon almond, A rarity, white Muscat Blanc Top wines of The Rhône Valley MUSCAT BEAUMES DE VENISE different leather and bacon grapes. The fat. dominant varieties include Grenache, to them along with loads of black currant, licorice, plums, and almond, A rarity, white Muscat Blanc peach, and orange goes into blossom. what the French call a VDN or Germany learn region / germany Germany is a cool climate growing region known mostly for Riesling as well as ripe and rustic Pinot Noir. Top wines of Germany MÜLLERTHURGAU A simple aromatic white wine with The top German peach and floral grape, known for flavors that is aromatic wines that often a touch range in style sweet. FRANKEN from dry or “trocken” PINOT GRIS & RHEINGAU to sweet ice PINOT BLANC wine or “eiswein.” Germany produces a rich style of A simple medium Pinot Blanc red wine with (Weissburgunder) sweet MITTELRHEIN red fruit and flavors, an Pinot Gris RIESLING MOSEL PINOT NOIR Pinot Noir (Spätburgunder) offers cranberry, cherry, and subtle FRANKEN earthy flavors. Wines SILVANER are often likened to red A light dry white Burgundy. wine with high acidity and flavors of citrus zest RHEINHESSEN BADEN DORNFELDER PFALZ RHEINHESSEN RHEINHESSEN BADEN AHR RHEINHESSEN FRANKEN flavors, an herbaceous PFALZ green note, medium tannin, and spicy BADEN Pinot Gris (Grauburgunder) with white peach, citrus, citrus zest and green apple. FRANKEN Italy learn region / italy Italy is known for its concentrated rustic wines. The country can be divided into three major areas, each with a different climate. Northern italy Central Italy Southern Italy/Islands COOL CLIMATE WARM CLIMATE and MOSCATO herb flavors. REGIONAL D’ASTI PRODUCTION: have leather, and clay CANNONAU acidity, flavors. VERMENTINOmedium sweet (GRENACHE) fruit, and REGIONAL HOT CLIMATE Northern Italian Central Italian PROSECCO wines have higher wines have higher LAMBRUSCO VERMENTINO Southern Italian wines acidity, tart fruit, acidity, ripe fruit, REGIONAL D’ASTI PRODUCTION: PINOT flavors. VERMENTINO sweet (GRENACHE) fruit, and REGIONAL leather flavors. PRODUCTION: CHIANTI REGIONAL (SANGIOVESE) PRIMITIVO Italy: Tuscany learn region italy tuscany The region of Italy that specializes in Italy’s most planted grape: Sangiovese. What Chianti WinesTuscany are spicy and herbaceous when young 2.5 YRS: “GRAN and more fig-like as they age. Aging Grows Top dry wines of CHIANTI Tuscany Sangiovesedominant blend. Aged Chianti wines taste of preserved cherry, oregano, clay pot, sweet SUPER TUSCAN balsamic, espresso, BLEND and The colloquial sweet tobacco. name a blend Value for Chianti that includes tastes spicy and nonindigenous herbaceous with grapes as red notes ofsuch game, Merlot and fruits, and Cabernet Franc. SELEZIONE” Chianti Classico only 2 YRS: “RISERVA” Riserva wines from all 8 subzones 1 YR: CLASSICO, FIORENTINI, RUFINA GOOD Plus, other subzones labeled VINTAGES: as “Superiore” 2010, 2009, 9 MO: CHIANTI 2006, 2004 BRUNELLO DI OTHER TUSCAN MONTESPERTOLI 2001, 2000, MONTALCINO SANGIOVESE 1999,Chianti 1997 and 100% Sangiovese While with a regional Brunello are the clone called most well-known Prugnolo Gentile. Sangiovese CARMIGNANO Brunello is aged for wines of Tuscany, Blended 10–20% Chianti, Ch. Colli Arentini, Ch. 4 + years. there are several Cabernet Colline Pisane, VERNACCIA Wines taste ofDI SANother regional Franc/Cab. Sauvignon Ch. Colli Senesi and Ch. GIMIGNANO licorice, cedar, designations that Montalbano MONTECUCCO The “Fiore” Vernaccia wines vanilla, fig, and also18make great months aging & 34 are sweet red berries, Sangiovese: months aging for Riserv dry and minerally, supported by spicywith flavors VINO NOBILE DI of acidity and MONTEPULCIANO lemon, apple blossom, and moderate tannin. Aged for 24 months & pear. “Tradizionale” wines are 34 months for Riserva 6 MO: CHIANTI fruits, and Cabernet tomato. Franc. Wines are identifiable from “Tradizionale” wines are 34 months for Riserva MORELLINO DI similar to SCANSANO “Fiore” but usually feature a Aged for 8 months & bitter New Zealand learn region / new-zealand New Zealand is a cool climate region most known for its intensely flavored Sauvignon Blanc. Expect wines to taste tart, light-bodied, and elegant. Top wines of New Zealand SAUVIGNON PINOT NOIR CHARDONNAY BLANC Marlborough tends Bold lemon and HAWKE’S tropical fruit BAY The most flavors with crisp important wine of acidity and New usually a touch of Zealand explodes NELSON oak, which adds with flavors of toasty caramel and WAIRARAPA gooseberry, MARLBOROUGH vanilla flavors. HAWKE’S HAWKE’S passion fruit, lime, Both BAY dry and off-dry Wines styles range from bone-dry BAY tomato stalk, and with with A light fruity style grapefruit. notes of apple, pear, lime notes to lusciously with juicy sweet and honeysuckle, CANTERBURY/WAIPARA aromas of ripe tasting CENTRAL of apricots and and spice bread. to offer tart red fruit flavors, whereas Central Otago produces wines with ripe RIESLING raspberry flavors. MARLBOROUGH CENTRAL OTAGO GISBORNE PINOT GRIS BORDEAUX BLEND GISBORNE MARLBOROUGH NORTHLAND NORTHLAND honeysuckle, CANTERBURY/WAIPARA aromas of ripe tasting CENTRAL of apricots and and spice bread. VALLEY black cherry, honey. OTAGO baking spices, and AUCKLAND NELSON Portugal learn region / portugal Portugal is most famous for Port but also produces excellent dry wines with more than 200 native wine grapes. Top dry wines of Portugal ALICANTE TOURIGA TEMPRANILLO NACIONAL Tempranillo is labeledBOUSCHET as Quite possibly Portugal’s most important grape, used in Port and DÃO dry red blends. Wines offer flavors black Unique of woodsyplum, blackberry, tasting wines mint, and with notesviolet. of red “Aragonez” A rare wine grape in southern Portugal and that has red “Tinta skins and red flesh. Roriz” in the north. Wines FERNÃO Wines offerPIRES offer An aromatic wine bold black fruit and LISBOA smoky red fruit flavors, with blackperfumed pepper cinnamon, floral aromas. flavors with a Wines sweet When young, wines and bittersweet chocolate. are smoky are lean with sometimes blended tobacco finish. citrus pith flavors. with Viognier As they age, to add richer flavors ALL ALENTEJO OF TRINCADEIRA ARINTO PORTUGAL DOURO ALENTEJO fruit, barbecue ALL LISBOA fruit, barbecue smoke, hickory, LISBOA plum sauce, raisins, kerosene, ALL to add richer flavors of TEJO peaches OF and honeysuckle. PORTUGAL As they age, they develop flavors of lemon, almond, and South Africa learn region / south-africa South Africa is a hot climate region known for full-bodied savory reds and rich fruity whites. Much of South Africa’s wine grapes are used for brandy. Top wines of South Africa CHENIN BLANC CABERNET SAUVIGNON PINOTAGE Quality producers Wines are bold and offer wines with The country’s top blackberry, herbaceous wine offers 6 raspberry, and plum with flavors of main styles: fresh & SHIRAZ/SYRAH SÉMILLON with a smoky black pepper, black sauce fruity; rich & STELLENBOSCH PAARL Bolder Syrah sweet are rich and currant, and earthy Wines SWARTLAND CHARDONNAY unoaked; rich & wines with spicy full-bodied tobacco finish. notes of oaked; rich & flavors of black with flavors of graphite and clay. sweet; very sweet; Chardonnay grows pepper, licorice, Meyer lemon, and a sparkling well in the raspberry, and yellow apple, wax style called Cap cooler southern plum sauce. lips, and creamy Classique. parts. Wines have hazelnut. baked apple notes, PAARL PAARL PAARL STELLENBOSCH STELLENBOSCH STELLENBOSCH WALKER BAY SWARTLAND FRANSCHHOEK PAARL BAY baked apple notes, lemon zest, and vanilla flavors ELGIN (NW OF SWARTLAND hazelnut. STELLENBOSCH Spain learn region / spain A region most known for its full-bodied fruity wines with subtle claylike earth notes. The country can be divided into three major climates. Green spain Northern Spain Southern Spain COOL CLIMATE WARM CLIMATE HOT CLIMATE ALBARIÑO Northwest Spanish MENCÍA wines have high acidity, tart fruit, and mineral flavors. REGIONAL Northern Spanish wines have medium acidity, ripe fruit, and mineral flavors. VERDEJO REGIONAL GARNACHA GARNACHA Southern Spanish (GRENACHE) wines have MONASTRELL medium acidity, (MOURVÈDRE) sweet fruit, and rustic clay flavors. REGIONAL CAVA SHERRY REGIONAL PRODUCTION: REGIONAL GARNACHA PRODUCTION: (GRENACHE) REGIONAL PRODUCTION: SHERRY United States learn region / united-states The United States is most known for its bold, fruity red and white wines. Three regions produce the majority ofWHAT US wine. IS AN AVA? California WARM/HOT CLIMATE California wines have rich ripe fruit flavors and medium acidity. The coastal areas are cool enough for Pinot Noir and CABERNET Chardonnay. American Viticultural Areas (AVA) are grape-growing regions with distinguishing features that allow people to identify quality or taste or other traits of a wine that are unique to its geographic origin. There are over 200 AVAs. the Northwest The Northeast WARM/COOL CLIMATE A slightly cooler region than California, producing red wines with higher acidity and ripe fruit flavors. COOL CLIMATE A cool climate region most known for its native American hybrid grapes that survive icyNIAGARA winters. BORDEAUX CONCORD CHARDONNAY BLEND CABERNET Chardonnay. SAUVIGNON flavors. PINOT NOIR grapes that survive icyNIAGARA winters. Reds range from ROSÉsweet to slightly USA detail USA: California learn region united-states california A large and varied region known for bold fruit-forward wines. Three regions make most of California’s wine, and each region is suited for different wines. Top California Regions NORTH COAST CENTRAL COAST INLAND VALLEYS The North Coast contains Napa and Sonoma and can be split into two climate areas: the cooler Inland areas of coastal areas and Napa, theCOOLER warmer Sonoma, & inland valleys and Lake County CLIMATE hillsides. The Central Coast can be separated into two distinct climate areas: coastal valleys Inland areas that receive such as Santa morning fog, and COOLER hot,Barbara & Paso Robles dryCLIMATE inland areas. The Inland Valleys are hot and dry regions most known for largescale commercial wine production. The AVAs of Madera and Lodi make 75% of the PETITE wine in this area. TheSIRAH region has many old vineyard plantings of WARM CLIMATE HOT CLIMATE areas CABERNET Coastal CABERNET of San Luis Coastal areas of Sonoma, ZINFANDEL MUSCAT CABERNET CABERNET plantings of of San Luis of Sonoma, MUSCAT Petite Obispo & Santa Zinfandel, Napa, & SAUVIGNON SAUVIGNON Sirah, Portuguese Barbara Mendocino OF varieties like County USA: Northwest learn region united-states northwest The Northwest is characterized by fruit-forward wines with moderate acidity. Washington Oregon The region can be split into two major regions by climate. WARM CLIMATE Top Wines of Washington COOL CLIMATE Top Wines of oregon BORDEAUX BLEND PINOT NOIR Bordeaux blends from the dry and Atsunny its best, Oregon Pinot Noir Columbia has rich spicy flavors Valley area usually taste of raspberry, of cranberry, cherry, vanilla, and blackberry, milk allspice with subtle chocolate, and mint. Wines tend to have notes of tarragon. The best higher wines can be found in acidity, making them taste lighter the sub-appellations of the bodied. HighWillamette Valley. quality examples will age 10+ years. RIESLING PINOT GRIS Ranging from dry to sweet, Washington Oregon Pinot Gris offers Ranging from dry to sweet, Washington Oregon Pinot Gris offers Rieslings offer delicate aromas of pear, mouth-quenching acidity and flavors whiteofnectarine, and peony. The Glossary Aroma compounds enough to produce the are derived minimum from grapes and alcohol level. fermentation Chaptalization is illegal in the United The abbreviation of and are volatilized by the States and alcohol by evaporation of common in parts of volume, listed by alcohol. France. percent on a wine label (e.g., Astringent Clarification/Fining 13.5% ABV). A drying mouthfeel A process after Acetaldehyde typically fermentation A toxic organic caused by tannins where proteins and chemical that bind to dead Cruyeast compound that is salivary proteins cells are removed. To A French term meaning produced in causing them clarify, either “growth” our bodies in order to depart the a protein, such as Amino Acids which signifies a vineyard Carbonic to metabolize tongue/mouth. It casein (from Organic compounds area of ethyl alcohol. It is results in a rough milk) and egg whites Maceration that act as recognized quality. the cause of sandpapery or a vegan building blocks of A winemaking method alcohol sensation in the clay-based Diacetylagent like proteins.poisoning. Red where mouth. bentonite wine contains 300– An organic compound uncrushed grapes are Acidification or kaolin clay are 1,300 mg/L found placed in Brix (symbol A additive added. These of wine which proline in wine that tastes like a sealed vat and topped process common fining agents bind to °Bx) accounts for up butter. with in particles Relative densityWinesthe to warm 85%. and hot Diacetyl comes from oak carbon dioxide. climate growing and pull them from scale for sucrose aging created regions to increase dissolved in grape the wine, Appellation without oxygen have and malolactic acidity bydefined making it clear. juice used for A legally fermentation. low tannin adding tartaric or determining thejuicy fruit geographical and color with citric acid. learn basics / wine-terms ABV Esters geographical citric acid. location used to Acidification identify whereis less common in in a wine the grapes determining thejuicy fruit and color with potential alcohol flavors Esters level of a wine. ABV and bold yeast aromas. is about This Esters are one type of tasting term brandy. For example, about 30% of Port wine is spirits that raises the ABV to 20%. Glycerol A colorless, odorless, viscous, sweettasting liquid Grape: Clone that a Wineisgrapes by-product are cloned of for their fermentation. beneficial In red much traits wines there like other are about 4– agricultural 10 g/L andFor products. noble rot example, wines contain there are 20+ over g/L. 1,000 Glycerol has registered been region term winemaking scientific term term grape term (malic) to another type of Oak: acid European (lactic). MLF is common on nearly all red wines and European oak some (Quercus robur white wines, like sourced primarily in Chardonnay. It France and is responsible for creating Hungary. Depending the on where it is compound diacetyl, which grown it can range smells from medium Oxidation and tastes like butter.grained to very fine grained. When wine is exposed to Noble Rot Minerality European oak is too Noble rot is a Minerality is not thought to oxygen, known for adding much a chain of fungal infection be flavors of vanilla, chemical caused by Botrytis presence of trace minerals clove,in allspice, reactions occurs that cinerea, wine but more likely the and cedar. alters the common in areas presence compounds in the wine. with high Off-Dry of sulfur compounds, which One of humidity. It is sometimes taste like chalk, A term the obvious to describe changes a you considered a flaw flint, wine that is can in red grapes and or gravel. slightlyissweet. sense an increased wines, but in level of white grapes it is acetaldehyde, which appreciated for smells similar adding flavors of to bruised apples in honey, ginger, white wine marmalade, and and artificial raspberry chamomile, flavor and nail polish remover in red registered wines been clones of the making considered to sweeter. Pinot cultivar. add a Oak: nail polish remover in red wines. Oxidation is the opposite learn basics / wine-terms learn basics / wine-terms tasting term region term winemaking term scientific term grape term Phenols A group of several hundred chemical compounds found in wine that affect the taste, color, and mouthfeel. Tannin is a type of phenol called a polyphenol. Reduction When wine doesn’t receive enough air during fermentation, the yeast will substitute its need of nitrogen with amino acids (found in grapes). This creates sulfur compounds that can smell like rotten eggs, garlic, burnt matches, rotten cabbage, or sometimes positive traits like passion fruit or Residual Sugar (RS) wet flint rocks. Reduction is not The sugar from caused by “sulfites” being grapes left over added toinwine. a wine after fermentation stops. Some wines are fermented completely dry, and some are stopped before all the sugar is the sugar is converted to alcohol to create or present on grapes before fermentation. Wines range from about 10 ppm (parts per million) to 350ppm—the legal US limit. Comparatively, bacon contains nearly double that of wine and french fries contain about 2,000 ppm SO2. Sulfites Sulfites or SO2 is a preservative that is either added to wine Sulfur Compounds Sulfur compounds affect the aroma and taste of wine. In low levels they offer positive aromas of minerals or some tropical fruits. In high levels they smell of rotten eggs, garlic, or rotten cabbage. Terroir (“Tear-woh”) Originally a French word that is used to describe how a particular region’s climate, soils, aspect (terrain), and traditional winemaking practices affect the taste of the wine. Typicity A wine that is typical of a particular region or style. Vanillin The primary extract of the vanilla bean is also found in oak. Vinified The creation of wine by fermentation of grape juice. Volatile Acidity (VA) Acetic acid is the volatile acid in wine that turns wine to vinegar. In small levels it adds to the complexity of flavor and in high levels it causes the wine to spoil. Index acidity. See also highacid wines; low-acid wines; mediumacid wines additive acidification process, 218 perceived sweetness and, 9 range of, 10 in red versus blueviolet tinted wines, 15 volatile acidity, 220 aerating and decanting, 27 aging aromas developed during, 16 in oak barrels, 10, 15, 219 of Port, 165 solera process, 169 temperature and fridges for, 29 Aglianico, 132–33 Albariño, 56–57 alcohol content. See also highalcohol wines; lowalcohol wines; mediumalcohol wines aroma and, 11 Brix number, 218 calories and, 3, 5 of fortified wine, 218–19 percentages, ABV, 11, 218 “tears” and, 14 throat sensation, 11 Alvarinho (Albariño), 56–57 Amarone (Valpolicella Blend), 126–27 appearance of wine, to evaluate, 14 Argentina regions, 178–79 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Malbec, 138–39 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Syrah, 152–53 Torrontés, 90–91 aroma alcohol content and, 11 aroma compounds, 218 to evaluate, 16–17 glassware and, 16, 24 primary, secondary, and tertiary aromas, 16 aromatic white wines Chenin Blanc, 82–83 flavor pairing, 31–37 Gewürztraminer, 84–85 Muscat Blanc, 86–87 production stages, 81 Riesling, 88–89 Torrontés, 90–91 astringency, 10, 218 Australia regions, 180–83 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Chardonnay, 72–73 Merlot, 116–17 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Riesling, 88–89 Sauvignon Blanc, 64–65 Sémillion, 76–77 Shiraz (Syrah), 152–53 Austria regions, 184– Grüner Veltliner, 58–59 Barbaresco (Nebbiolo), 142–43 Barbera, 104– Barolo (Nebbiolo), barrels color imparted by oak, flavors imparted by oak 219 solera aging, tannin from new oak, Beaujolais (Gamay), Bierzo (Mencía), blind tasting, 20 body, 11. See also bodied wines; light-bodied wines; medium-bodied red wines boldness, Bordeaux Blend, bottles labels, 7 to open, 26 servings in, 3 sizes and names, to store, 29 Bouchet (Cabernet Fran 106–107 Bourgueil (Cabernet Fran 106–107 Breton (Cabernet Franc) 106–107 Brunello (Sangiovese), 124–25 bubbles in still wine, Cabernet Franc, 106–107 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Cabernet-Merlot (Bordeaux Blend), 134–35 Calabrese (Nero d’Avola), 144–45 California wines. See under United States calories, 3, 5, 9 Carignan, 108–109 Carignano (Carignan), 108–109 Cariñena (Carignan), 108–109 Carménère, 110–11 Cava, 46–47 Cencibel (Tempranillo), 154–55 Champagne, 48–49 Chardonnay, 72–73 “charmat” method sparkling wine characteristics, 44, 45 Lambrusco, 50–51 Prosecco, 52–53 Châteauneuf-du-Pape Blanc (Marsanne Blend), 74–75 cheese pairing, 31, 34 Chenin Blanc, 82–83 Chianti (Sangiovese), Chile Pinot Noir, 100–101 regions, 186–87 Sauvignon Blanc, Bordeaux Blend, 64–65 134–35 Syrah, 152–53 Chinon (Cabernet Cabernet Franc, Franc), 106–107 106–107 See region and Cabernet Sauvignon,climate. climate 136–37 color and hue, 14, 15 Cariñena (Carignan),corked wine, 17 108–109 Côt (Malbec), 138–39 Carménère, 110–11 Côtes du Rhône Blanc Chardonnay, 72–73 (Marsanne Petit Verdot, 146–47 Blend), 74–75 decanting, 27 Côtes du Rhône (Rhône/GSM Blend), 122–23 countries producing wine. See wine-producing countries dessert wines flavor pairing, 31–37 Madeira, 160–61 Marsala, 162–63 Port, 164–65 Sauternais, 166–67 Sherry, 168 types, 159 Vin Santo, 170–71 dry Marsala for cooking, 163 dry Sherry styles, Grüner Veltliner, Marsanne Blend, Muscadet, 60– Pinot Gris, 62–63 Prosecco, 52–53 rosé, 92–95 Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillion, 76–77 Soave, 66–67 Vermentino, 68 eiswein. See ice Durif (Petite Sirah), wine 148–49 dried grape wine about, 159 Vin Santo, 170–71 faults, 17 dry wines. See also Favorita (Vermentino), 68–69 off-dry wines; fish and shellfish pairing, sweet wines 31, 35 Albariño, 56–57 Cava, 46–47 Champagne, 48–49 Chardonnay, 72–73 flavor pairing cheese, 34 herbs and spices, meat and seafood, theory and considerations in, 32–33 types of foods, vegetables, 36 fortified wine fortification process, 218–19 Madeira, 160–61 Marsala, 162–63 Port, 164–65 Sherry, 168 France regions, 188–89 Bordeaux region, 190–91 Bordeaux Blend, 134–35 rosé, 92–95 Sauternais, 166–67 Burgundy region, 192–93 Chardonnay, 72–73 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Rhône valley, 194–95 Châteauneuf-duPape Blanc (Marsanne Blend), 74–75 Côtes du Rhône (Rhône/GSM Blend), 122–23 Muscat Blanc à Petit Grains (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 rosé, 92–95 Syrah, 152–53 fruity wines Nero d’Avola, Albariño, 56–57 144–45 Barbera, 104–105 Petit Verdot, 146–47 Bordeaux Blend, Petite Sirah, 148–49 134–35 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage, 150–51 136–37 Port, 164–65 Carignan, 108–109 Prosecco, 52–53 Carménère, 110–11 Rhône/GrenacheChardonnay, 72–73 SyrahGewürztraminer, 84–85 Mourvèdre Blend, Grenache, 112–13 122–23 Grüner Veltliner, 58–59 Riesling, 88–89 Lambrusco, 50–51 rosé, 92–95 Malbec, 138–39 Sauternais, 166–67 Merlot, 116–17 Sauvignon Blanc, Mourvèdre, 140–41 64–65 Muscat Blanc, 86–87 Syrah, 152–53 Negroamaro, 120–21 Torrontés, 90–91 Touriga Nacional, 156–57 Viognier, 78–79 Zinfandel, 128–29 full-bodied wines flavor pairing, 31–37 red Aglianico, 132–33 Bordeaux Blend, 134–35 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Malbec, 138–39 Mourvèdre, 140–41 Nebbiolo, 142–43 Nero d’Avola, 144–45 Petit Verdot, 146–47 Petite Sirah, 148–49 Pinotage, 150–51 production stages, 131 Syrah, 152–53 Tempranillo, 154–55 Touriga Nacional, 156–57 white Chardonnay, Marsanne Blend, 74–75 production stages, 71 Sémillion, 76 Viognier, 78 Fumé Blanc (Sauvignon Blanc), Gamay (Gamay Noir), 64–65 98–99 Garganega (Soave), 66–67 Garnacha (Grenache), 112–13 Germany regions, 196– Pinot Gris, 62 Pinot Noir, 100 Riesling, 88– Gewürztraminer, glassware, 23– glossary of terms, 218–20 grapes growing zones, primary aromas, wine versus table grapes, 4 Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris), 62–63 Grenache, 112 Grenache-SyrahMourvèdre Blend (Rhône), 122–23 grippy mouthfeel, Grüner Veltliner, GSM Blend (Rhône), 122–23 heat damage, 17 Touriga Nacional, Viognier, 78–79 herb and spice 156–57 Zinfandel, 128– pairing, 37 Valpolicella Blend, high-tannin wines high-acid wines Aglianico, 132– 126–27 Aglianico, 132–33 Vermentino, 68–69 Bordeaux Blend, Albariño, 56–57 Cabernet Franc, Vin Santo, 170–71 Barbera, 104–105 Cabernet Sauvignon, high-alcohol wines Cabernet Franc, 136–37 Aglianico, 132–33 106–107 Mencía, 114–15 Barbera, 104–105 Merlot, 116–17 Carignan, 108–109 Bordeaux Blend, Montepulciano, 134–35 Cava, 46–47 140 Champagne, 48–49 Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvèdre, Nebbiolo, 142–43 136–37 Chenin Blanc, 82–83 Carignan, 108–109 Nero d’Avola, 144 Gamay, 98–99 Chardonnay, 72–73 Petit Verdot, 146 Grüner Veltliner, Gewürztraminer, Petite Sirah, 148 84–85 58–59 Pinotage, 150– Grenache, 112–13 Lambrusco, 50–51 Port, 164–65 Madeira, 160–61 Madeira, 160–61 Rhône/Grenache-SyrahMalbec, 138–39 Mencía, 114–15 Mourvèdre Blend, Montepulciano, Marsala, 162–63 Sangiovese, 124 118–19 Marsanne Blend, Mourvèdre, 140–41 Tempranillo, 154 74–75 Muscadet, 60–61 Touriga Nacional, ice wine, 159 Muscat Blanc, 86–87 Mencía, 114–15 “hot” wine (high alcohol Merlot, 116–17 Nebbiolo, 142–43 content), 11 Nero d’Avola, Mourvèdre, 140–41 144–45 Nebbiolo, 142–43 Petit Verdot, 146–47 Nero d’Avola, 144–45 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Petit Verdot, 146–47 Prosecco, 52–53 Petite Sirah, 148–49 Rhône/GrenachePinotage, 150–51 SyrahPort, 164–65 Mourvèdre Blend, Rhône/Grenache122–23 SyrahRiesling, 88–89 Mourvèdre Blend, Italy regions, 198–99 Tuscany, 200– Brunello; Chianti (Sangiovese), 124–25 Jaen (Mencía), 114–15 labels, 7 Lambrusco, 50–51 late-harvest wine, 159 “legs,” 14 light damage, 17 light-bodied wines flavor pairing, 31–37 red Gamay, 98–99 Pinot Noir, 100–101 production stages, 97 low-tannin wines white Cabernet Franc, Barbera, 104–105 Albariño, 56–57 106–107 Grüner Veltliner, Gamay, 98–99 Carignan, 108 58–59 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Carménère, 110 Muscadet, 60–61 Chenin Blanc, Pinot Gris, 62–63 Valpolicella Blend, Grüner Veltliner, 126–27 production stages, Montepulciano, Madeira, 160–61 55 Negroamaro, Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec, 138–39 Pinot Gris, 62 Marangoni effect, 64–65 Pinot Noir, 100 14 Soave, 66–67 Prosecco, 52– Vermentino, 68–69Marsala, 162–63 Marsanne Blend, rosé, 92–95 looking at wine, 14 74–75 low-acid wines Mataro (Mourvèdre), Sauternais, 166 Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, 140–41 Mazuelo (Carignan), Sémillion, 76– 84–85 108–109 Soave, 66–67 Marsanne Blend, meat and seafood Torrontés, 90 74–75 pairing, Valpolicella Blend, Pinotage, 150–51 31, 35 126–27 Riesling, 88–89 medium-acid wines Vermentino, 68 Bordeaux Blend, Viognier, 78–79 medium-bodied red wine 134–35 Zinfandel, 128–29 Barbera, 104 Cabernet low-alcohol wines Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon, Cava, 46–47 106–107 136–37 Champagne, 48–49 Carménère, 110–11 Carignan, 108 Gamay, 98–99 Lambrusco, 50–51 Chardonnay, 72–73 Carménère, 110 flavor pairing, Grenache, 112–13 Muscadet, 60–61 Grenache, 112 Malbec, 138–39 Muscat Blanc, Mencía, 114– Marsala, 162–63 86–87 Merlot, 116–17 Montepulciano, Merlot, 116–17 Negroamaro, Negroamaro, 120–21 Petite Sirah, 148–49 production stages, Rhône/Grenache-Syrah Mourvèdre Blend, medium-tannin wines Carignan, 108–109 Carménère, 110–11 Grenache, 112–13 Malbec, 138–39 Negroamaro, 120–21 Syrah, 152–53 Zinfandel, 128–29 Melon de Bourgogne (Muscadet), 60–61 Mencía, 114–15 Meritage (Bordeaux Blend), 134–35 Merlot, 116–17 Monastrell (Mourvèdre), 140–41 Montepulciano, 118–19 Morellino (Sangiovese), 124–25 Moscatel (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 Moscato d’Asti (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 Nebbiolo, 142–43 Mourvèdre, 140–41 Negroamaro, Muscadet, 120–2160–61 Muscat Blanc, 86–87 Nero d’Avola, Muscat Blanc à Petit 144–45 Grains (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 Muscat Canelli (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 Bordeaux Blend, 134–35 Chardonnay, 72–73 Pinot Gris, 62–63 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Riesling, 88–89 Sauvignon Blanc, 64–65 Nielluccio (Sangiovese), 124–25 New Zealand regions, 202–203 noble rot wine about, 159, 219 Sauternais, 166–67 note-taking, 21 Pineau (Chenin Blanc), 82–83 Pinot Grigio (Pinot Gris), 62–63 Pinot Gris, 62–63 Pinot Noir, 100– Pinotage, 150–51 Port, 164–65 oak barrels flavors imparted by, 219 tannin from new barrels, 10 white wine color and, 15 off-dry wines Chenin Blanc, 82–83 Gewürztraminer, 84–85 Lambrusco, 50–51 Riesling, 88–89 Sherry, 168 pairing. See78–79 flavor Viognier, pairing open bottles, to store, Petit 29Verdot, 146–47 opening still (Petite and Petite Sirah sparkling Syrah), wines, 26 148–49 oxidized wine, 17, 219 Pigato (Vermentino), 68–69 Portugal regions, 204–205 Madeira, 160–61 Tempranillo, 154 Touriga Nacional, Primitivo (Zinfandel), 128–29 Prosecco, 52–53 red wines color, 15 flavor pairing, 31 full-bodied Aglianico, 132– Bordeaux Blend, Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Malbec, 138–39 Mourvèdre, 140 Nebbiolo, 142– Nero d’Avola, Petit Verdot, 146 Petite Sirah, 148 Pinotage, 150– production stages, Syrah, 152–53 Tempranillo, 154 Touriga Nacional, light-bodied light-bodied Gamay, 98–99 Pinot Noir, 100–101rosado/rosato (rosé), production stages, 92–95 97 rosé wine medium-bodied about, 93–95 Barbera, 104–105 flavor pairing, 31–37 Cabernet Franc, Sangiovese, 124–25 106–107 Sauternais, 166–67 Carignan, 108–109Sauvignon Blanc, 64–65 Carménère, 110–11 Grenache, 112–13 seafood pairing, 31, 35 Sémillion, 76–77 Mencía, 114–15 Merlot, 116–17 Montepulciano, 118–19 Negroamaro, 120–21 production stages, 103 Rhône/GrenacheSyrahMourvèdre Blend, 122–23 Sangiovese, 124–25 Valpolicella Blend, 126–27 Zinfandel, 128–29 reduction, 17, 220 region and climate. See also wineproducing countries appellation labeling, 7, 218 effect on taste, 4 grape harvest months, 4 serving aeration, 27 glassware, 23–25 to open bottles, 26 standard pour, 3, 5 temperature, 28 Sherry, 168 Shiraz (Syrah), 152–53 Soave, 66–67 solera aging, 169 South Africa regions, 206–207 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Chardonnay, 72–73 Chenin Blanc, 82–83 Pinotage, 150–51 Sémillion, 76–77 Shiraz (Syrah), 152–53 Mencía, 114– Monastrell (Mourvèdre), 140–41 Priorat (GSM Blend), 122–23 Spain Ribera del Duero; Rioja regions, 208–209 (Tempranillo), Albariño, 56–57 Sherry, 168 Carignan, 108–109 Spanna (Nebbiolo), Cava, 46–47 Garnacha (Grenache), 112–13 sparkling wines Cava, 46–47 Champagne, flavor pairing, Lambrusco, 50 to open, 26 production methods, 44–45 Prosecco, 52– sweetness levels and calories, 9 Spätburgunder (Pinot No 100–101 spritz and bubbles in stil wine, 17 Steen (Chenin Blanc), stemware, 23– storage and aging, styles aromatic white wines, 80–91 dessert wines, full-bodied red wines, 130–57 full-bodied white wines 70–79 guide to details, light-bodied red wines, 96–101 light-bodied white wine 54–69 medium-bodied red win 102–29 rosé wine, 92 sparkling wines, sulfites, 6, 220 sulfur smell, 27, 220 sweet wines Madeira, 160–61 Marsala, 162–63 Muscat Blanc, 86–87 Sauternais, 166–67 sweet Sherry styles, 169 Vin Santo, 170–71 sweetness levels, 9. See also dry wines; off-dry wines; sweet wines Syrah, 152–53 tank “charmat” method sparkling wine characteristics, 44, 45 Lambrusco, 50–51 Prosecco, 52–53 tannin, 10. See also high-tannin wines; low-tannin wines; medium-tannin wines tastebuds and taste preferences, 19 Taurasi (Aglianico), 132–33 “tears,” 14 tasting blind tasting, 20 characteristics to consider, 13 conclusion and notetaking, 20–21 evaluation of appearance and color, 14–15 evaluation of aromas, 16–17 sipping and profiling of flavors and aromas, 18 tongue sensitivity, 19 temperature for serving, 28 for storing and aging, 29 Tempranillo, 154–55 Tinta de Toro (Tempranillo), 154–55 Tinta Roriz (Tempranillo), 154–55 Torrontés, 90–91 Touriga Nacional, 156–57 traditional method sparkling wine Cava, 46–47 Champagne, 48–49 characteristics, 44, 45 Tribidrag (Zinfandel), 128–29 Riesling, 88–89 Syrah, 152–53 UV damage, 17 Valdobbiadene (Prosecco), 52–53 Valpolicella Blend, vegetable pairing, Vermentino, 68– vin gris (rosé), 92 Vin Santo, 170–71 vintage, 4 Viognier, 78–79 viscosity, 14 Vourvray (Chenin Blanc), 82–83 United States regions, 210–13 California, 214–15 Cabernet Sauvignon, 136–37 Chardonnay, 72–73 Merlot, 116–17 Muscat of Alexandria (Muscat Blanc), 86–87 Petite Sirah, 148–49 Pinot Noir, 100–101 Syrah, 152–53 Zinfandel, 128–29 Northwest, 216–17 Bordeaux Blend, 134–35 Chardonnay, 72–73 Pinot Gris, 62–63 Pinot Noir, 100–101 white wines aromatic Chenin Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Muscat Blanc, production stages, Riesling, 88–89 Torrontés, 90– color, 15 flavor pairing, 31 full-bodied Chardonnay, 72 Marsanne Blend, production stages, Sémillion, 76– Viognier, 78–79 light-bodied Albariño, 56–57 Grüner Veltliner, 58–59 Muscadet, 60–61 Pinot Gris, 62–63 production stages, 55 Sauvignon Blanc, 64–65 Soave, 66–67 Vermentino, 68–69 wine basic characteristics, 8–11 bottle sizes and names, 6 calories, 3, 5, 9 components, 3, 5 decanting, 27 labels, 7 storage and aging, 29 terminology, 4, 218–20 worldwide production, 176 winemaking Australia, 180 aromas developed Austria, 184– during, 16 Chile, 186–87 aromatic white wines,France, 188– Germany, 196 81 full-bodied red wines,Italy, 198–201 New Zealand, 131 202–203 full-bodied white wines, 71 Portugal, 204 glossary of terms, South Africa, 218–20 206–207 light-bodied red Spain, 208–209 wines, 97 United States, light-bodied white Zinfandel, 128–29 210–17 wines, 55 medium-bodied red worldwide producers, 176 wines, 103 rosé, 93 sparkling wine methods, 44–45 wine-producing countries Argentina, 178–79 learn book / about Sources Special Thanks Ahn, Y., Ahnert, S. 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Vol. 11, No. 4 Winter Pandell, Alexander J. “How pp. 55-58. 2011: Temperature Affects the Ag- Kym Anderson Director of Wine Economics, University of Adelaide Andrew L. Waterhouse Professor of Enology, UC, Davis Luke Wohlers Sommelier Tony Polzer Italian Wine Expert Geoff Kruth Master Sommelier Beth Hickey Sommelier Rina Bussell Sommelier Sam Keirsey Washington Winemaker Cristian Ridolfi Italian Winemaker Jeffrey and Sandy Margaret and Bob Chad Wasser Critique University of Adelaide University of California, Davis