Subido por Ruben Segura Montes

Apollo Travel Booking Training Guide

What is the process when you cancel a Hotel? Please write all the details.
You only cancel with X and the segment, receive, ER and then your Tracs, if its with booking you
cancel it through the website and then on Apollo with X2! (2 segment number) and the same than the
What is the process when you cancel a Rental Car Booking? Please write all the details.
Cancel it with X and segment, receive, ER and Tracs, that’s all.
How can you send an itinerary from Apollo?
You can send it through GDD or #EMAIL, put your PCC and queue to send it and that’s all. It can take
minutes to the customer receive its itinerary.
Could you please write the process on a WN booking? (straight sale)
Aplica como las aerolineas de BSP, exactamente el mismo proceso.
Could you please specify the process for a WN exchange?
Si tienes ticket en *HTE puedes hacerlo en QE como cualquier boleto de BSP.
You said that when it is the 2nd change with WN, we need to call. However, what is the whole process
when you need to call to WN? What do you do in Apollo after the call as WN took over the booking?
What do you do when the ticket was not purchased, and flights are cancelled? Does the pax need to
do? How can I need to handle that?
We prefer to said to the client that his/her flights are not purchased yet, and we need to cancel the
itinerary to avoid a penalty from the airline. We ask to the client if he/she wants to buy it by
themselves or we can help them with it.
You said that if there is no FOP. There is no way to make new bookings.
We need to transfer them to support if they don’t know how to add the credit card or to navigation
support if they don’t know how to change it.
When can you process a new booking? Do you do that in Apollo.
Everytime they ask for it, its not a problem with Apollo accounts.
For Hotel modifications. Do you only process through segment? After you made the modification,
what else you run or need to add?
Yeah, you only click on segment number and it will appear a window to modify the reservation. And
then you only document and Tracs and that all.
For Rental Car modifications. Do you only process through segment? After you made the modification,
what else you run or need to add?
Same process than hotel modifications.
What are the Queues that you use and what are for? Please explain each one.
QEP/FF/52 exchanges
QEP/FF/66 new bookings
For exchanges send them to both because sometimes queue 52 delay a lot to make them
How do you process a refund?
Regular refunds – Add a ticket to CTE for refund
There is no need to send an email to CRC for a normal refund. The ticket will be added as 0.00 in the
value box until it is determined whether it will be refunded or held for the future . ( This does not
mean it has no value )
Rush refunds –
- Do cancel doc and email [email protected]
( must meet certain parameters & document it in the email - travel within 24 hours, timesensitive waiver, etc )
email box worked by CRC bi-hourly hours: 1900IST / 9AM est / 6AM pst to 500IST / 7PM est
/ 4PM ps
Refunds with a Waiver –
-Do NOT do not enter a ticket into CTE
-Do document J# with waiver information
-Do add OTH or any other things the airline waiver specifies
-Send an email to [email protected]
-email must contain ticket number(s), waiver code and any other info the airline advised
If there is an exception, airline exchanged outbound, the return is open and the client did not travel at
all, the refund needs to be processed through the airline.
If an airline has exchanged a ticket and now has ownership, the airline must process the refund. This
can easily be done on the airline websites for DL, UA, and AA. This is also an option during storms and
other major events many flight cancellations and there is a delay in processing by CRC
Agents should keep tickets on their queue until the refund is processed.
There is no Agent Intervention. Correct?
Only for IBM, for other companies nope
What are the common errors by Compleat? Please provide the details.
For Hotel/Car bookings. What is the TAU line that you need to add? Is it MAX and then sent it to
Compleat? If not, could you please advise?
You have to do this(picture) and then #MIS to send it to compleat and that’s all