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Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades Explained | DYNA Engineering

28/6/22, 11:45
Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades Explained - Blog - DYNA Engineering
DYNA Engineering
Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades & What They're Used For
When looking at rubber conveyor belts, on the surface they all appear very similar. However, when designed and manufactured
correctly, each different specification of rubber conveyor belting can have special properties to suit particular applications. The
following different rubber grades follow the ISO 433 standard.
Want to start off with the basics? Learn all about rubber/textile conveyor belts on our blog post ‘Understanding Textile Belts’. rubber is the,when compared to Grade N.
28/6/22, 11:45
Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades Explained - Blog - DYNA Engineering
Grade A - Abrasion Resistant
Abrasion-resistant rubber, also known as Grade A, is used when the conveyed
material is very rough and abrasive, and causes the rubber to wear from the belt
too quickly. The conveyor’s specific cleaning system, such as brushes, scrapers
and/or conveyor skirting, can also contribute to conveyor belt wear.
Grade A rubber is used when the wear of the conveyor belt would occur too
quickly when using general purpose grades. Even though Grade A rubber is more
costly than general purpose grades, the cost of removing and installing
replacement belts frequently can be excessive. Therefore, it may be more cost
effective to go with a higher-wear rubber.
An example of when you would use Grade A rubber belt would be on an iron ore conveyor. Iron ore is a very abrasive material and
would wear away standard rubber quickly. Grade A rubber would give the conveyor belt a greater life and more up time on the
Grade E – Static Electricity Conducting
As the name suggests, static electricity conducting rubber conveyor belting
conducts static electricity produced during the transport and conveying process,
and discharges the electric charge – usually into a grounding path.
Minimising sparks from static electricity is a necessity when in the presence of
potentially explosive materials such gases, liquids, powder and dust because the
risk of explosion can be deadly.
A common use of Grade E rubber belting is at a aluminium refinery. Aluminium
can commonly discharge excess electrons which can cause a static electricity
build up. Static electricity conducting belts are used to absorb the excess
electrons and discharge them safely.
Grade F – Fire Resistant
Fire-resistant belting is usually used when transporting heated materials. Rubber
has natural properties which can be ignited and burn.
Grade F rubber belting has added properties which increase the ignition
temperature and increases resistance to fire.
An example of the use of Grade F rubber belts are at underground mines, coal
mines and power stations. If a rubber conveyor belt were to catch underground,
the smoke and air hazards could be potentially fatal, therefore fire-resistant
belts are usually used to mitigate the risk.
Work at coal mines and power stations involve heat processes. Fire-resistant belts help to reduce the risk of the heated process
causing the conveyor belt to ignite.
Grade M & N – General Purpose
General-purpose rubber is the most common type of rubber conveyor belt and is
used when special properties are not needed to suit an application. rubber is the,when compared to Grade N.
28/6/22, 11:45
Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades Explained - Blog - DYNA Engineering
e spec al p ope t es a e ot eeded to su t a appl cat o .
Grade N rubber is lower quality compared to Grade M. Grade M rubber has greater
hardness, is more abrasion-resistant and is superior in strength when compared to
Grade N. Therefore the only difference between Grade M and Grade N rubber is the
quality of the rubber.
Grade S – Static Electricity Conducting and Fire Resistant
This is a combination of both Grade E and Grade F rubber. Grade S rubber conveyor belts are both static electricity conducting and
fire-resistant. The reason this combination exists is because combination is the commonly used.
Grade Z – Special Properties
Grade Z rubber belting is a specially designed conveyor belt to suit a particular purpose. This grade is used when the rubber properties
do not fit in any of the other categories.
Combined Grades
More than one grade can be used on a single rubber conveyor belt. For example, Grade MA rubber is both general purpose and
abrasion resistant.
DYNA Engineering Conveyor Belt Range
DYNA Engineering conveyor belts are available in a complete range of fabric and steel cord construction.
Our range includes rubber/textile belts, steel cord belts, and Chevron rubber belts.
Our belts are all made to Australian Standard and can incorporate all the grades and special properties mentioned above.
To find out what grades and special properties are best suited to your application, contact a DYNA Engineering representative today at
[email protected]
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28/6/22, 11:45
Rubber Conveyor Belt Grades Explained - Blog - DYNA Engineering
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DYNA Engineering is proudly Australian owned and operated in Bayswater, Western Australia.
We have been specialising in the design, manufacture and supply of quality conveyor components for over 30 years. We also offer conveyor related
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08 9473 4300 or 1800 801 558 rubber is the,when compared to Grade N.