Subido por Bacalao2002

West Side Story Viewing Guide

Name _________________________________ Class ________________ Date ______________________
West Side Story
Viewing Guide
What is the setting of this musical? _______________________________________________
What are the names of the two gangs in this story? _______________________ _____________
Which gang is made up of mostly immigrants? __________________________________
Where are these immigrants from? _____________________________________
Describe the officer who patrolled the area in which this story takes place by checking the boxes
that describe him below.
Concerned about the kids
Concerned about his job more than the kids
Other (please describe)
6. Describe the relationships of these girls and Bernardo. Maria was Bernardo’s
_________________________. Anita was Bernardo’s ____________________________.
7. Love at first sight? For this couple it was! Who fell in love during this story?
__________________________ and ________________________.
8. Where did Maria work? ____________________________________________________________
9. Where did Tony work? _____________________________________________________________
10. The gangs decided to have a war council. What was the purpose of this meeting?
11. What happened at the fight? Describe it using complete sentences. ______________________
12. What does “be cool” mean as performed in one of the songs after the fight?
13. In the final scene, what main character dies? _________________________________________
14. Who killed this character and why? _________________________________________________
15. Using complete sentences explain the lesson or morale of this story. _____________________
Copyright 2015 Tracy King. All rights reserved.
Name _________________________________ Class ________________ Date ______________________
West Side Story Answer Key
Viewing Guide
What is the setting of this musical? New York City
What are the names of the two gangs in this story? The Jets and the Sharks
Which gang is made up of mostly immigrants? The Sharks
Where are these immigrants from? Puerto Rico
Describe the officer who patrolled the area in which this story takes place by checking the boxes
that describe him below.
Honest Dishonest
Concerned about the kids
Concerned about his job more than the kids
Other (please describe) ___answers will vary__________________________________________
6. Describe the relationships of these girls and Bernardo. Maria was Bernardo’s
_____sister______________. Anita was Bernardo’s _____girlfriend_____________.
7. Love at first sight? For this couple it was! Who fell in love during this story?
_______Maria______________ and _______Tony_____________.
8. Where did Maria work? a dress shop
9. Where did Tony work? a soda shop/drug store
10. The gangs decided to have a war council. What was the purpose of this meeting? The purpose of
the war council was to work out the details of the fight: when, where and what kind of weapons.
11. What happened at the fight? Describe it using complete sentences. The gangs meet under the
highway. As Bernardo and Diesel begin to fight, Tony shows up and tries to stop them. Even
though Bernardo taunts Tony, Tony keeps his composure and tries to keep Riff from stabbing him.
Despite his efforts, Bernardo stabs Riff and then Tony stabs Bernardo. As the gangs see the lights
of police cars they run off.
12. What does “be cool” mean as performed in one of the songs after the fight?
It means “be calm” or “relax”.
13. In the final scene, what main character dies? Tony
14. Who killed this character and why? Chino shoots Tony because he knew that Tony killed Bernardo
and because he was in love with Maria.
15. Using complete sentences explain the lesson or morale of this story.
Answers will vary. Student responses may include references to not judging people because
they look different or are from a different country, violence doesn’t solve problems, etc…
Copyright 2015 Tracy King. All rights reserved.
Name _________________________________ Class ________________ Date ______________________
Movie Remake
Retell the story of West Side Story
using pictures. Then write a
sentence to describe what is
happening under each one.
Copyright 2015 Tracy King. All rights reserved.