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TOEFL Writing Study Guide & Questionnaire

Instituto América de Estudios Superiores
Instrucciones del examen:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
1.- What are the two tasks in the TOEFL Writing Section?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
2.- What you must consider for both task in order to get a good grade in the Writing Section?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
3.- What is the approach from the evaluator for both tasks and in regards to the quality of your first
response essay?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
4.- What does Cohesion mean in the Writing Section?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
5.- Mention 3 techniques that can help you improve your cohesion:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
6.- What is the function of a transitional expression?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
7.- Examples of transitional expressions?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
8.- Is defined as the grammatical and lexical link within a text or sentence that holds a text together
giving it meaning?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
9.- Name the two main types of Cohesion:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
10.- What is the grammatical cohesion based on?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
11.- What is the lexical cohesion based on?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
12.- What may be a side effect of over using transitional expressions?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
13.- Explain what steps do we follow to define words?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
14.- Define homonym?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
15.- Define Homograph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
16.- What is a Parallel Structure?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
17.- How do we join Parallel Structure?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
18.- What do we mean by writing in a way that expresses your essential ideas without extra words
that don't add anything important?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
19.- Mention one technique that can help you make sentences concise:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
20.- What do we mean by empty words?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
21.- When we repeat words or meanings what happens to our writing?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
22.- Why choosing the best grammatical structure and variety is so important?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
23.- According to the guidelines to choose the best grammatical structure the subject and the verb
should always reflect what?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
24.- Postponing the subject with the structure like there is and it, is effective to do what?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
25.- If postponing the subject is not done correctly what may occur to our sentences?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
26.- What must we identify at the begging of the writing process?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
27.- In what cases do we use the passive voice?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
28.- When do we replace a verb?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
29.- The independent writing task of the TOEFL iBT will require the test taker to do what?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
30.- How many strategies to use the Independent Writing are there?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
31.- Name 3 of the Strategies to use the Independent Writing:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
32.- Write down the Organization of an Essay:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
33.- What part of the essay states the general topic and addresses the question directly and showing
both sides of the argument. It states the author's opinion and tells the reader that the essay will
focus on a specific idea or the controlling idea?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
34.- Name the part of the essay that supports and develops the controlling idea of problems that
was identified in the introduction:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
35.- What part of the essay also restates the topic and the controlling idea is repeated it contains all
of statements using different words from those used in the first paragraph. It has the concluding
statement that completes the essay?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
36.- What must we identify at the begging of the writing process?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
37.- What is the importance of identifying the Topic of the essay?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
38.- What question must we ask ourselves in order to identity the Topic?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
39.- This is the part of the question that tells you what you have to do to answer:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
40.- What will a mind map help with you with for the Writing section?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
41.- Mention some characteristics you may find in a Mind map:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
42.- Write the 4 stepsto create a mind map:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
43.- What do we when we check our mind map?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
44.- In the Independent writing task its advice to consider that the introduction will strengthen your
essay but also to:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
45.- It introduces the topic of the essay and includes a controlling idea that focuses your essay:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
46.- What three things do we need to write and introduction?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
47.- Mention one example of the phrases that will help focus your essay:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
48.- What do we mean by background information for the introduction?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
49.- You should give the reader some idea of what you are going to talk about in your essay and
may do so by adding these thru the development that will also tell your reasons
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
50.- Still from the 3 thing needed in the introduction what is the name of the part that represents
your position on the topic?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
51.- It's a process of working from the outside in?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
52.- In the Narrowing process what is the name of the section where you'll need to narrow your
topic in order to do research effectively. Without specific areas of focus?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
53.- n this part we have a narrower topic to decide what's interesting to you. One way to get ideas
is to read background information. What is the name of this section?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
54.- In Topic Narrowed by Initial Exploration will continue investigating about the narrowed topic
with what two purposes?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
55.- It's the final part of the diagram to narrow a topic?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
56.- Starting from selecting a topic how many steps do we follow in the process of Narrowing a
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
57.- Mentioned each step to Narrowing a Topic?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
58.- How long does it need to be(thesis statement )?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
59.- What is a thesis statement?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
60.- Mention one good tip in order to write a successful thesis statement:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
61.- Questions to Ask When Formulating Your Thesis?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
62.- What is the name of the special paragraph introduces the reader to the essay?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
63.- The introductory paragraph to a short essay usually attempts to do three things, which are?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
64.- By introducing what do we actually mean?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
65.- By introducing what do we actually mean?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
66.- What do we indicate in the introductory paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
67.- What do we state in the introductory paragraph?
Instrucciones: Answer true of false to the statements.
68.- Not every essay does all three in the first paragraph (introduce, indicate and state):
Instrucciones: Answer true of false to the statements.
69.- Adding all three in the first paragraph depends on how necessary that information will be to
the reader:
Instrucciones: Answer true of false to the statements.
70.- Sometimes, the entire first paragraph will serve no other purpose than to generate interest in
the subject:
Instrucciones: Answer true of false to the statements.
71.- You can lose your readers in the second and third paragraphs if do not make your purpose
Instrucciones: Answer true of false to the statements.
72.- Introducing the topic, indicating the structure and stating the thesis is the standard pattern for
the Introductory paragraph:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
73.- In the standard patter for the entire essay inside the topic we include what aspects?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
74.- What is the word count percentage of the Introductory passage?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
75.- It starts from defining a general topic all the way to what?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
76.- How many kinds of infective introductions we reviewed?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
77.- Explain what the placeholder introduction means?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
78.- What does restate the question introduction work?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
79.- Why do they call this type of introduction Webster's Dictionary introduction?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
80.- What is the main mistake an all five types of Introductory mistakes?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
81.- Define a developmental paragraph:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
82.- Name the four main characteristics for an effective paragraph:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
83.- What does the term unity refer to for the developmental paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
84.- What is the importance of Unity in the development of a paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
85.- For the development of a paragraph what does the Coherence refer to?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
86.- What does Adequate Development mean for the development of a paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
87.- What's a topic sentence?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
88.- Where does the topic sentence usually placed?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
89.- What is a paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
90.- What is the job of the topic sentence?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
91.- What does every topic sentence have?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
92.- Mention the two function a Carefully Thought out Topic sentence provides the author:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
93.- When understanding the role of the Topic sentence in the paragraph its advice to imagine the
paragraph to be a small essay, what is the Essay equivalent of the Topic sentence?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
94.- To develop an effective topic sentence what must we combine:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
95.- What is a good tip to make sure our Topic sentence is well developed?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
96.- What is a good tip to make sure our Topic sentence is well developed?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
97.- What is the difference between the main idea and the controlling idea?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
98.- How does the controlling idea affect the main idea or main topic?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
99.- How many characteristic does a Good Topic Sentence have?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
100.- Name one of the characteristics that makes a Good Topic Sentence?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
101.- What do we mean by a good topic sentence engages the reader by using interesting
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
102.- What is the focus of the supporting sentences?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
103.- What can the supporting sentence offer?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
104.- What kind of details can we add to a sentence?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
105.- How do details improve a paragraph?
Instrucciones: Read each statement and write down if the statement is True or False accordingly.
106.- You will have time to rewrite your essay during the test.
Instrucciones: Read each statement and write down if the statement is True or False accordingly.
107.- You must consider the 14 questions starting from the creation of your Mind map.
Instrucciones: Read each statement and write down if the statement is True or False accordingly.
108.- The introductory statement is must have on your essay.
Instrucciones: Read each statement and write down if the statement is True or False accordingly.
109.- Grammar mistake are not that important
Instrucciones: Read each statement and write down if the statement is True or False accordingly.
110.- To have a good essay you must cover the 14 questions
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
111.- What kind of introductions and conclusion are not favorable in the eyes of the raters?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
112.- What other kind of paragraphs do raters will not look favorably?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
113.- What is the recommended amount of words on the Independent Writing Task?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
114.- What does the integrated writing task of the TOEFL iBT test requires you to do?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
115.- What does any effective response begin with?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
116.- How many words does the Integrated Writing task require?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
117.- How many points do we review on the strategies to use for the Integrated speaking task?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
118.- Mention one of the seven points of the strategies to use for the Integrated speaking task:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
119.- How much time are you given to give your answer for the Integrated Speaking task?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
120.- What is the organization for and effective response?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
121.- Explain the content that makes Summary of ideas?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
122.- Define paraphrasing:
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
123.- What are the three key techniques for paraphrasing?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
124.- Why do we need to paraphrase for the response of the integrated writing task?
Instrucciones: Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly.
125.- When we paraphrase or summarize there two important things to consider, explain them:
Instrucciones: Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases, and sentence structure wherever you can
126.- Despite their massive size, elephants are known for being agile.
Instrucciones: Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases, and sentence structure wherever you can
127.- Because elephants consume up to 500 pounds of food a day, they are able to strip a forest
bare in no time
Instrucciones: Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases, and sentence structure wherever you can
128.- Over the centuries, lions have been used in art to represent power and magnificence.
Instrucciones: Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases, and sentence structure wherever you can
129.- Lions are social animals with one dominant male in each pride.
Instrucciones: Paraphrase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one.
Remember to change vocabulary, phrases, and sentence structure wherever you can
130.- Archibald McLeish, known for his poetry, was appointed head of the library of congress by
President Roosevelt in 1939.
Instrucciones: Write down Appropriate if the paraphrase is correct or Inappropriate if it's incorrect.
Original: "Long-term memory, that immensely complex storehouse, has also been most extensively
studied with the use of verbal materials, usually presented in the form of long lists. As we shall see,
this approach has resulted in some extremely important findings, but it has also been a bit
misleading. After all, remembering lists of words is somewhat different from remembering a
conversation, a recipe, or the plot of a movie" (Klatsky, 1975, p.17).
Long term memory is a complex storehouse that has been studied extensively using verbal
materials presented in the form of long lists. While this approach has resulted in some important
findings, it has been misleading. Remembering a list is not like remembering a discussion or a
movie (Klatsky, 1975).
Instrucciones: Write down Appropriate if the paraphrase is correct or Inappropriate. Original:
"Long-term memory, that immensely complex storehouse, has also been most extensively studied
with the use of verbal materials, usually presented in the form of long lists. As we shall see, this
approach has resulted in some extremely important findings, but it has also been a bit misleading.
After all, remembering lists of words is somewhat different from remembering a conversation, a
recipe, or the plot of a movie" (Klatsky, 1975, p.17).
Researchers usually study long term memory by having subjects attempt to recall aloud items from
long lists. Because such a task is different in important ways from the kinds of tasks long term
memory is usually called upon to perform, our findings are somewhat questionable (Klatsky, 1975)
Instrucciones: Write down Appropriate if the paraphrase is correct or Inappropriate. Original:
There is evidence to suggest that newsmakers are becoming particularly savvy about placing items
on the media agenda. When, for example, President Reagan was running for his second term, he
took a tour to promote his administration's record on environmentalism. The tour was full of photo
opportunities, including the president's standing on a fishing boat in the Chesapeake Bay and the
president's wearing a park ranger's hat at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.
Severin and Tankard (1992) noted President Reagan's shaping of news coverage when he ran for
reelection in 1984. By posing for a photo opportunity in a boat on the Chesapeake Bay, Reagan,
according to Severin and Tankard, aimed to present himself as especially concerned about
Instrucciones: Write down Appropriate if the paraphrase is correct or Inappropriate. Original:
There is evidence to suggest that newsmakers are becoming particularly savvy about placing items
on the media agenda. When, for example, President Reagan was running for his second term, he
took a tour to promote his administration's record on environmentalism. The tour was full of photo
opportunities, including the president's standing on a fishing boat in the Chesapeake Bay and the
president's wearing a park ranger's hat at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.
Evidence suggests that newsmakers are becoming particularly savvy about placing items on the
media agenda (Severin & Tankard, 1992). When President Reagan was running for his second
term, he took a tour to promote his administration's record on environmentalism (Severin &
Tankard, 1992). The tour was full of photo opportunities, including the president standing on a
fishing boat in the Chesapeake Bay and the president wearing a park ranger's hat at a cave in
Kentucky (Severin & Tankard, 1992, p. 256).
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
135.- Write the definition of Summary:
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
136.- Explain some strategies you can use to help you summarize from listening passages:
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
137.- What does the Integrated Writing Task require you to do?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
138.- What question in two poins are you asked for the Integrated Writing Task?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
139.- How do the reading passages interact with the listening passages in the Integrated Writing
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
140.- On the written passage in what paragraph must you look for the main idea?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
141.- Where do you locate the supporting ideas in the reading passage?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
142.- The opinion of the speaker will be stated in what part of the speech?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
143.- What must we focus to paraphrase to join the information on both reading and listening
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
144.- What are the three main criteria evaluators are looking for in your answer for the Integrated
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
145.- What do the evaluators mean by accurate development?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
146.- For the Integrated writing task what does Organization mean?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
147.- To help the reader go thru our work without getting confused we can apply 3 activities name
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
148.- Define redundancy:
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
149.- For the Integrated writing task what do the evaluators mean by the criteria Language use?
Instrucciones: Read carefully and answer.
150.- What activity in Language use criteria doesn't have to be perfect in order to get a high score?
Instrucciones: Read each paragraph and write its summarize version (Answers may vary)
151.- "Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in
their book, “Fortunate Sons.” The book says China sent one hundred twenty boys to America to
learn about developments that could help modernize their country."
Instrucciones: Read each paragraph and write its summarize version (Answers may vary)
152.- "Illiteracy is a problem in many of the world's poorest countries. Even in wealthier nations
like the United States, many children struggle with reading and writing. But in 19 cities across the
country [United States], the volunteers of Experience Corps are helping youngsters learn to read.
The volunteers, all over 50, work with students in low-income areas.”
Instrucciones: Read each paragraph and write its summarize version (Answers may vary)
153.- “Women entrepreneurs in the developing world often face challenges that limit their chances
for success and growth. They often have less access to education than men and have difficulty
getting financing on their own. But with an understanding of the essential aspects of doing business
– such as planning, financing, networking and marketing – they can overcome those obstacles.
That's where the 10,000 Women Initiative comes in. As Faiza Elmasry tells us, it's an investment in
education with dividends that benefit the businesswomen, their local communities and their
national economies."
Instrucciones: Read each paragraph and write its summarize version (Answers may vary)
154.- The office of International Students and Scholars (ISS) at Purdue University is located in
Schleman Hall.
Instrucciones: Read each paragraph and write its summarize version (Answers may vary)
155.- The car that was pulled over by the police officer yesterday just had an accident. That driver
is not careful.
Instrucciones: Read the following responses to the item and give them a score. Just write the
number A score of 5 is for a response that indicates strong writing abilities. A score of 4 indicates
average writing abilities. A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. Scores of 1,1, or 0
indicate a lack of writing abilities.
156.- Animals seem to be able to predict that an earthquake is coming and therefore, can be used as
a way to warn people to evacuate a city like Haicheng in China. However, according to the lecture,
it was not animals that warned the people of a coming earthquake. The authorities order the city to
be evacuated because there were small earthquakes before the big one. Sometimes animals do
behavior that isn't normal like fish leaping out of the water and dogs barking all the time. Because
animals have better hearing than people, they can hear the movement of the earth before the
people. That is why the dogs keep barking. However, according to the lecture, animals don't act
any differently. People just notice a behavior that they didn't noticed before because an earthquake
didn't forced them to notice the strange behavior. Score:
Instrucciones: Read the following responses to the item and give them a score. Just write the
number A score of 5 is for a response that indicates strong writing abilities. A score of 4 indicates
average writing abilities. A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. Scores of 1,1, or 0
indicate a lack of writing abilities.
157.- People believe that animals and things like fish and snakes know when an earthquake is
going to happen. They do "weird things like jump out of the water and if people pay attention to
the weird things they do, they would know that an earthquake starting. The lecture say that it is not
true that animals can to know that an earthquake happens. People focussing on their pets because
of the earthquake remember different things that did not really happen. Stories of animals who run
away is the people making up things because they have been upset by the catastrophe. The Chinese
City of Haicheng had a 7,3 magnitude quake in 1975 but nobody died because the authorities
predict the big quake and told everyone to leave the city. Score:
Instrucciones: Read the following responses to the item and give them a score. Just write the
number A score of 5 is for a response that indicates strong writing abilities. A score of 4 indicates
average writing abilities. A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. Scores of 1,1, or 0
indicate a lack of writing abilities.
158.The notion that animals could be used as an early warning signal to alert people of impending
earthquakes is not supported by the proven evidence. Many people believe that because creatures
seem to know when an earthquake is going to occur and act strangely or go missing, they can be
used as indications that there is danger. Because the animals have senses that are more acute than
those of people, they can detect minor movements in the earth or changes in the earths magnetic
field. However, the evidence that people give is their personal interpretation of an event after the
fact. Supposedly, pets run away when they sense a pending earthquake. However, a California
scientist researched reports of missing pets and did not find any correlation between the number of
animals reported to have gone missing immediately before an earthquake and those reported
missing during times when there is no seismic activity. People tend to remember events more
vividly when suffering trauma caused by something like an earthquake and therefore/ may
remember their dogs acting differently. However, the dog may have acted that way before, but the
pet owner did not notice because an earthquake had not yet occur to fix that behavior in their
minds. Even the evidence of the thousands of people being saved by animals in the Chinese
earthquake has proved false because some shock waves occurred before the earthquake and this
gave the people real warning of an impending disaster Score:
Instrucciones: Read the following responses to the item and give them a score. Just write the
number A score of 5 is for a response that indicates strong writing abilities. A score of 4 indicates
average writing abilities. A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. Scores of 1,1, or 0
indicate a lack of writing abilities.
159.There is earthquakes animal tell big. Go away and be saved. Score
Instrucciones: Read the following responses to the item and give them a score. Just write the
number A score of 5 is for a response that indicates strong writing abilities. A score of 4 indicates
average writing abilities. A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. Scores of 1,1, or 0
indicate a lack of writing abilities.
160.The people believe that animals can tell an earthquake since the ancient Greeks. Animals have ears
that can hear the earth move because of ultrasound. Even they know near epicenters. And animals
predict an earthquake in China and saving the lives of thousands of people. So animals are good for
people. Score:
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
161.- How many strategies to improve our score on the Integrated task did we review?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
162.- What is the main objective of task?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
163.- Explain the how does the strategy of Practicing Identifying Main ideas?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
164.- What are : Read 2 short academic articles or essays o similar or opposite views on a specific
topic. Read a longer article from a web site or magazine daily. Read academic articles in your own
language. Practice combining information that you have wrote with information that you have read
and listened to by writing a summary
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
165.- What kind of sentence are going to assure a good score?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
166.- How may we acquire grammatically complex sentences
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
167.- What is the most important thing to have a good score in the Integrated Writing Task?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
168.- Describe the essay or answer that would rank in the lowest score on this section:
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
169.- How many strategies to improve our score on the Independent task did we review?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
170.- Explain the first strategy to improve your score in the Independent task “Practice timed
writing before the day of the test”:
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
171.- Explain the first strategy to improve your score in the Independent task “Practice timed
writing before the day of the test”:
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
172.- What is the dynamic in regards of the Topic in question?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
173.- How can we be ready for the Topic?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
174.- What must you do in the case that you don't have any particular opinion on a Topic?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
175.- What must you ask yourself in order to fake an opinion?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
176.- Why must we always have an opinion for the Independent task even if it's a fake one?
Instrucciones: I.-Read the questions carefully and answer accordingly
177.- What are Write a basic thesis statement, give specific reasons and details and Stay on topic?
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
178.Some people claim that reading nonfiction works is beneficial whereas reading novels is a waste of
time. Those who think this way do not realize the importance of the novel. The fictional world
affects mankind in several ways. When people read a novel they are entering into a new world.
Frequently; the story takes place in a real part of the world at a particular time in history. The
reader then learns about this place and time. Also, the reader learns new words or about something
unfamiliar. For example, someone who lives in the mountains might learn ship terms. and how to
sail a schooner. Reading also stimulates the imagination. In our complex society, we need people
who can find ways of solving problems. People who have been reading a lot of fiction have
developed good imaginations. They can use their imaginations creatively to solve problems in
ways that other people could never dream of. Sometimes novels can change world events. For
example; Harriet Beecher Stowe's antislavery novel may have helped end slavery in the United
States. Sometimes novels can help us see things in a different way. Animal Farm may have
influenced many readers about communism. In conclusion, reading novels is not a waste of time. It
provides readers with many satisfying hours that teaches them about life, stretches their
imaginations, and focuses their minds on today's problems. Reading novels is and should always be
an important activity for the people in the world.
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
179.I think that reading novels is not a waste of time. In many years ago, people can't read. Therefore,
grandfathers told their little boy about the stories. That is how knowledge about things that happen.
For example, Helen of Troy. In these days, our grandfather don't tell stories. Most people in the life
know how to read. We read the stories that in before times grandfathers say them. We can read
about many adventures. People who don't want to read novels are not having a big adventure.
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
180.The main point is whether it is better to read fiction or nonfiction. The questions about this depends
on the people who read. I am going to talk about both people. The people who read the novels like
to emphasize with the characters in the book. They can feel what to be another people. They can do
things like traveling to the moon in their imagines during the read. On the other hand, the people
who read the nonfiction novels like to learn about facts. For these people, it solves problems and
make them happy. As you can see; I have discussed both novels and nonfiction works. Because of
the above mentioned things both novels and nonfiction work is very important in our living.
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
181.Nowadays people read nonfiction works is better. Because it gave technology. Also;gave too
much information the many things in the world. People need know too much nowadays can have a
good life.
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
182.agree with the people who claim that reading novels is a waste of time. It is silly to spend the time
reading about things that never can happen or that are not real such as science fiction is. But
nonfiction works are beneficial. There are many demands on our living these days. We must know
about a lot of math and science. We must know more about computers and computer technology.
Also/ it is important to learn about other people and cultures. These are real things that we learn
about them from nonfiction books. People used to read novels for entertainment. We do not need to
read fiction any more because of the television set. Now when people need to relax themselves,
they can watch TV or go to the movies. In conclusion/ we need to read nonfiction works to
improve our mental. Novels are no longer needed because things that are not real/ we can see on
TV. Therefore, reading nonfiction books is the more beneficial.
Instrucciones: II.-Read the Following Essays Give each essay a score from 5 to 0 · A score of 5 is
for an essay that indicates strong writing abilities. · A score of 4 indicates average writing abilities.
· A score of 3 indicates minimal writing abilities. · Scores of 2, 1, or 0 indicate a lack of writing
183.Nonfiction works refer to those books that are informative. Novels are books that tell a story.
Sometimes the story is completely made up. Sometimes it has real facts inside it. Reading either
kind of book is beneficial. Nonfiction works are not a waste of time. They are beneficial because
they teach us things about our world. The things they teach us may be interesting information such
as the history of our city. Sometimes the information is necessary for our lives such as a book on
first-aid techniques. Novels are not a waste of time either. They are beneficial because they help us
enjoy our lives. We can do things vicariously with the people an the book that we would never
experience in real life. Sometimes true events in history are more interesting because of the
viewpoint of the fictional character in the story. Since learning about life is necessary and since
both kinds of books help us understand our world better, we should read both kinds of books.
Therefore, the people who claim that reading novels is a waste of time are wrong about that. But
they are right that reading nonfiction books is beneficial.
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
184.- Define conclusion:
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
185.- What is concluding paragraph?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
186.- Why is it important to include a conclusion according to what was reviewed?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
187.- What are the following 1Restate the thesis statement in different words, 2. Restate the topic
sentences from the developmental paragraphs, 3. State your opinion or preference, make a
prediction, or give a solution and 4. Conclude with a statement that sums up the essay?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
188.- When writing a conclusion for the independent writing task, remember the following things:
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
189.- What does Keeping It Simple refer to when we're talking about the Independent writing task?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
190.- Explain “Be sure it completes the essay”:
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
191.- What is the Restating of the thesis statement?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
192.- Why is it important to restate the thesis statement?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
193.- In order to avoid monotony how must the restatement be written?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
194.- How may we change the words to restate the thesis statement?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
195.- What other ways do have to express the thesis differently?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
196.- What do we mean by “Restate closely related ideas”?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
197.- Define topic?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
198.- Mentioned a topic that could be discuss in the Independent Writing Task?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
199.- In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Is an
example of what?
Instrucciones: II.-Read carefully and answer accordingly.
200.- What are concluding sentences?
Instrucciones: IV.-Restate the following thesis statements.
201.- The original thesis statement was: Being diligent is an essential characteristic for many
reasons. The restated thesis statement could be:
Instrucciones: IV.-Restate the following thesis statements.
202.- The original thesis statement was: Smoking can cause health problems. The restated thesis
statement could be:
Instrucciones: IV.-Restate the following thesis statements.
203.- The original thesis statement was: Small cars get better fuel mileage than 4x4 pickup trucks.
The restated thesis statement could be:
Instrucciones: IV.-Restate the following thesis statements.
204.- The original thesis statement was: On average, people with college degrees earn more money
in the workplace. The restated thesis statement could be
Instrucciones: IV.-Restate the following thesis statements.
205.- The original thesis statement was: Foul language is common in movies. The restated thesis
statement could be:
Instrucciones: V.-Choose the correct concluding sentence from the choices given below
206.- Morning walk is a simple but excellent exercise. It enhances the flow of oxygen in blood and
relieves us of a lot of stress. It helps us to get rid off laziness and also induces good sleep in the
night. Another additional benefit is that morning walk exposes us to fresh air which keeps us in
touch with nature.
Instrucciones: V.-Choose the correct concluding sentence from the choices given below
207.- Happiness and life style go together. Some people constantly complain about petty things.
They hunger after luxuries which they cannot afford. They become frustrated and sick. Whereas
some others take things easy and keep themselves happy, cool and poised. In other words,
happiness can be experienced by cultivating healthy thinking
Instrucciones: V.-Choose the correct concluding sentence from the choices given below
208.- Play is usually associated with children. Many people consider it to be a waste of time and as
something unproductive. In fact, in early years of one's life, play plays an important role in the
process of learning. Children should be provided with opportunities to play
Instrucciones: V.-Choose the correct concluding sentence from the choices given below
209.Old age, the last stage of life, is solid and at the same time fragile. It is solid because the old people
carry a treasure of knowledge and experience. They are firm in their ideas and opinions. It is fragile
because of the declining physical capacities. Typically, the old people are more affected by a
feeling of being old than being physically old.
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
210.- Writing is not only a way to communicate, it is a tool for expressing your thoughts and
exploring new ideas. Ever since I was young, I have kept a diary. I wrote my thoughts in my diary
every day. Now that I am older, I still enjoy writing, and I often write short stories. Sometimes I
still like to write down my thoughts at the end of the day. It helps me understand myself better, and
it helps me see my life more clearly.
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
211.- My nephews Jason and Levi are like a ray of sunshine in my cloudy life. Every time I see
them, they make me smile, even if I'm in a bad mood. Although they are much younger than me, I
enjoy talking to them and sharing secrets with them. We like to go swimming and hiking as well as
playing basketball sometimes. My nephews look up to me, so I try to behave well and give them a
good example. I am glad my nephews live near me, and I am excited to watch them grow up.
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
212.- For people around the world, the Red Cross is often the difference between life and death.
For several years, the Red Cross has been helping people who are sick, victims of wars, and
victims of natural disasters. The Red Cross does not take sides, but rather helps anyone who needs
help. After Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the Red Cross worked hard and saved many lives.
Also, after Japan was hit by a tsunami in 2011, the Red Cross helped the people there get through
this difficult time.
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
213.- There are many reasons why I like wearing a uniform to school. First of all, it saves time. I
don't have to spend time picking out my clothes every morning. Wearing a uniform also saves
money. It's cheaper to purchase a new uniform than to go out and buy lots of school clothes. In
addition, I don't have the pressure of keeping up with the latest styles. Most importantly, wearing a
school uniform gives me a sense that I belong. I really think that it adds to the feeling of school
spirit and community.
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
214.- There are many reasons why I am against wearing a school uniform. For one thing, I don't
like they style of the uniform. The navy blazer and plaid skirt are too conservative for me.
Secondly, the uniform isn't comfortable. I prefer to wear baggy pants and a sweater instead of a
skirt and a jacket. Finally, I want the freedom to express my individuality through my style of
Instrucciones: VI.-Read the paragraphs below and complete them adding the missing a concluding
215.- Credit cards have a lot of advantages. First of all, credit cards are convenient because you
don't have to carry a lot of cash around. You can buy the products and services you need even if
you do not have cash in your pocket. In addition, credit cards are very helpful in emergencies.
Finally, you can become a better money manager as you learn to use credit cards responsibly
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
216.- I usually go skiing every weekend in the winter even though it is expensive. I love the feeling
of flying down a mountain. The views are beautiful from the top of a mountain and along the trails.
Even the danger of falling and getting hurt can't keep me away from the slopes on a winter da
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
217.- North Americans send cards for many occasions. They send cards to family and friends on
birthdays and holidays. They also send thank-you cards, get well cards, graduation cards, and
congratulation cards. It is very common to buy cards in stores and send them through the mail, but
turning on the computer and sending cards over the Internet is also popular.
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
218.- I enjoy summer sports like water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny and hot,
so I can go to the beach almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many summer days
working in my garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
First of all, we need money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also need more to pay
teachers' salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax money is
needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the city will have
serious problems if taxes are not raised soon.
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
220.For example, a person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane, and have dinner in
Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order with a factory in Hong Kong by
sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo can turn on a TV and watch a baseball game
being played in Los Angeles.
Instrucciones: VII.- Choose the best topic sentence for each group of supporting sentences.
221.One thing you must consider is the quality of the university's educational program. You also need
to think about the school's size and location. Finally, you must be sure to consider the university's
tuition to make sure you can afford to go to school ther
Instrucciones: VIII.- Write down the irrelevant sentence in each paragraph that follows.
222.- Cats make wonderful house pets. They are very loving and friendly. Cats are also clean. They
don't eat much, so they are not expensive. Unfortunately, some people are allergic to their hair.
Cats look beautiful and they're fun to have in your home.
Instrucciones: VIII.- Write down the irrelevant sentence in each paragraph that follows.
223.- The Japanese automobile industry uses robots in many stages of its production process. In
fact, one large Japanese auto factory uses robots in all of its production stages. Some Japanese
universities are developing medical robots to detect certain kinds of cancer. Another automobile
factory in Japan uses them to paint cars as they come off the assembly line. Furthermore, most
Japanese factories use robots to weld the parts of the finished car togethe
Instrucciones: VIII.- Write down the irrelevant sentence in each paragraph that follows.
224.- The packaging of many products is very wasteful. Often the packaging is twice as big as the
product. Packaging is used to protect things that are breakable. Many food items, for example, have
several layers of extra packaging. Most of these extra layers could be eliminated
Instrucciones: XIV.-Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. Make sure your topic sentence
expresses the main idea of the paragraph
225.- It never starts in cold weather. The horn and the left turn signal don't work properly. Worst of
all, the radio only gets one station and the CD player is completely broken. I wish I could get a new
Instrucciones: XIV.-Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. Make sure your topic sentence
expresses the main idea of the paragraph
226.- Miami is the perfect place to take a vacation. It is always sunny and warm. The beaches are
gorgeous, with soft white sand and beautiful water. There are many fine restaurants in the Miami
area, and most of the hotels offer terrific entertainment nightly.
Instrucciones: XIV.-Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. Make sure your topic sentence
expresses the main idea of the paragraph
227.- First and most importantly, the work is very interesting. I learn new things every day and I
get to travel a lot. In addition, my boss is very nice. She is always willing to help me when I have a
problem. I have also made many new friends at my job. Last, but not least, the salary is fantastic.
Instrucciones: XV.- All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite them to be proper topic
228.- My hometown is good.
Instrucciones: XV.- All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite them to be proper topic
229.- Email is useful.
Instrucciones: XV.- All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite them to be proper topic
230.- Tokyo is the biggest city in Japan.
Instrucciones: XV.- All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite them to be proper topic
231.- Badminton is fun.
Instrucciones: XV.- All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite them to be proper topic
232.- Pets are nice.
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
233.- Japan has long had deep misgivings about immigration.
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
234.- It is not illegal in some cultures to be married to more than one woman, but the monogamous
relationship is the most common.
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
235.- Some 10 million girls a year are married off before the age of 18 across the world, according
to a UNICEF report released this year
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
236.- How can we limit congestion on the roads?
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
237.- She recovered faster than the doctor expected
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
238.- I bumped into my old friend in town yesterday.
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
239.- Jim used to smoke a lot more
Instrucciones: XVI.-Restate each sentence.
240.- It sounds too good to be true.