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Create a Course Content Plan: Template & Guide

Create a
content plan
Step 1
Defining Your Course’s
Overall Transformation
Now that you’ve gained an understanding of your ideal audience, you’ll want to think about and
finalize what one major outcome your online course will deliver in one sentence.
This sentence is called your Overall Course Transformation, and it summarizes the most
important outcome to your dream customer. This is the better life they’re looking to live after
solving whatever problem is preventing them from doing that.
Of course, there will be many benefits to taking your course, and we’ll roll these subtransformations into the offer as well, but we need to select ONE overall course transformation.
If you don’t focus on one, your course content and marketing will be unfocused, bloated, and
confusing to prospective customers.
Tip: Treat this sentence as a work in progress. Keep coming back and refining it as you learn more
about your audience and craft your course content.
Using the template below, combine your course topic, ideal audience, the problem you’re
solving for them, how it’s solved, and the benefit of solving that problem into one sentence:
My course on
By teaching them
So they can
(Course Topic)
(Ideal Audience)
(Desired transformations)
Step 2
Identifying your course’s
To get your course’s overall transformation, students will need to achieve a few things first.
These are the milestones - or sub-transformations - on their path there. Milestones are tangible
achievements or steps that students make during the course. They are also going to be your
course’s main selling points or features, main selling points or features, supporting the overall
To identify these, think about where your students are now and where they want to be, and then
work backwards - breaking down the high-level steps they’d need to take to get there.
Overall Course Transformation:
After taking my course on starting a career after graduation, students will be
able to successfully complete each part of the hiring process, from application to
interview, so they can confidently find and start their dream job sooner.
My course’s milestones:
Create a Professional Resume and Cover Letter
2. Create a Professional Social Media Presence
3. Build a Professional Network To Find Career Opportunities
4. Be Able to Stand Out From the Crowd With Their Job Applications
5. Impress Potential Employers During a Job Interview
Below, brainstorm (in any order) potential milestones students will achieve on their journey to achieving
your overall course transformation:
Now, order these milestones into a path towards your overall course learning outcome.
Sometimes, milestones can be achieved in any order. If that’s the case here, front-load as much
value in your course as possible.
My Course’s Milestones: