ENGLISH WORKSHOP – PEDAGOGICAL GROUP EVALUATION PORTFOLIO IDENTIFICATION: Surnames and names: Suyon Mendoza, Gleydi Zulema. Specialty: Initial Education. EVALUATION PORTFOLIO STRUCTURE PART ONE HOMEWORKS I have presented and all my 16 tasks and them have been reviewed. From this group I have selected task one as the best. From this group I have selected task seven as the best 1 3 2 7 6 5 4 P( 7 ) P(1) From this group I have selected task nine as the best best 9 10 8 11 From this group I have selected task fourteen as the 12 P( 9 ) Therefore, my portfolio contains 4 auto evaluated assignments. 13 14 15 5 P( 14 ) 16 AUDIOS I have presented the 3 audios and they have been listened to. From this group I have selected the audio three as the best. A1 A2 A3 A(3 ) Likewise, I am presenting my Last Audio. PART TWO: TAREAS AUTOEVALUADAS Y SELECCIONADAS POR CADA PARTICIPANTE HOMEWORK - 1th- Pedagogical Group Student name: Suyon Mendoza, Gleydi Zulema Specialty: Initial Education Instruction. Write the questions that correspond to the following answers. 1. S1: What time do you wake up every Monday? / What time do you wake up on Mondays? S2: I wake up at 7:30 a.m. every Monday. 2. S1: What time do you have lunch on weekends? / What time do you usually have lunch on weekends? S2: I usually have lunch at 1:00 pm on Weekends. Instruction. Write down five of your daily routines. 3. I wake up at seven in the morning 4. I go to work at 8 in the morning 5. I get home at one o'clock in the afternoon 6. I get home at one o'clock in the afternoon.. 7. I go to the shower at four in the afternoon Instruction. Answer these questions. 8. S1: Where are you? S2: I am in the study room. S1: Where is Peter? S2: Peter is in the dining room. /He´s in the dining room 9. S1: What’s that? S2: That´s a roof. /It’s a roof. 10. S1: What’s this? S2: This is an ugly house. It’s an ugly house. S1: What’s this? S2: This is a stair It’s a stair. HOMEWORK 7th – Pedagogical Group Student name: Suyon Mendoza, Gleydi Zulema Specialty: Educaciòn Inicial I. Instruction. Two friends, Albert and David, are talking about the weather. Suppose you are David. Write the correct answer on the lines. Picture 1 1. Albert: How is the weather like in Picture 1? David: The weather is cloudy. 2. Albert: In Picture 1 you can see a lot of clouds, aren’t they? David: Yes, you are right. Picture 2 3. Albert: How is the weather like in Picture 2? David: The weather is rainy. 4. Albert: In Picture 2: The child uses an umbrella, because is raining, isn’t it? David: Yes, you are right. 5. Albert: What can you see in Picture 3? David: I can see a rainbow Picture 3 6. Albert: How many colors are there in a rainbow? David: There are seven colors in a rainbow, they are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet. II. Instruction. Mark an "x" inside the parenthesis of the correct answers. 7. A tornado is "a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground," Picture 4 A. That’s right ( x ) B. That’s wrong ( ) C. I don’t know, ( ) III. Instruction. Take a look at some experiences in your life, then answer these questions. 8. How is the weather like in your city today? It´s cloudy. 9. How was the weather like in your city yesterday? The weather was sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. 10. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Maybe the weather will be hot, tomorrow. HOMEWORK 9th – Pedagogical Group Student name: Suyon Mendoza, Gleydi Zulema Specialty: Initial Education Human body’s parts Instruction. Write the name of the human body parts, which you hear; according to the numbers indicated by the respective arrows. For front view of the female image; from left to right and top to bottom. For rear view of the male image; from left to right and top to bottom 9 14 12 3 16 6 7 1 19 __ 20 5 21 4 15 8 11 13 10 18 2 1. groin 2. toes 3. armpit 4. pubis 5. abdomen 6. thorax 7. navel 11. knee 12. Breasts. 13. calf 14. shoulder blade. 15. wrist 16. back 17. foot 17 8. hand 9. shoulder 10. foot 18. ankle 19. Lumbar región or loin 20. hip 21. buttock HOMEWORK 14th – Pedagogical Group Housework Headaches Student name: Suyon Mendoza, Gleydi Zulema Specialty: Education lnitial Instruction. Respond appropriately to what is requested in each item; for which write your answers on the respective lines. 1. S1: What does Sophia do every Tuesday? S2: Sophia does the breakfast dishes every Tuesday. 2. S1: Who washes the car every Saturday? S2: Jacob does it. 3. S1: According to Sophia's chart, how often does Tom and Jacob go grocery shopping? S2. Tom and Jacob go grocery shopping once a week. 4. S1: Who in the Smith Family works more times a week? S2 Jacob works more times a week in the Johnson family. 5. S1: What does Sam Johnson do on Mondays and Sundays? S2: Sam does the breakfast on Mondays and he does the dinner dishes on Sundays. 6. S1: How often Jacob takes out the garbage? S2: Jacob takes out the garbage five times a week. 7. S1: What do Sam and Sophia do on Mondays? S2: Sam does the breakfast dishes and Sophia does the dinner dishes, on Mondays. Instruction. Mark with an “x” inside the parenthesis of the correct answers: 8. According to Sophia's Chart: A. Adela works more times than Sam ( ) B. Sam works more times than Adela ( ) C. Sam and Adela work the same number of times. ( x ) D. None of the above is true ( ) 9. According to Sophia’s Chart: Tom works only five times a week. That’s right ( x ) That’s wrong ( ) I don’t know ( ) 10. According to Sophia’s Chart: no one washes the car on Mondays. That’s right ( x ) That’s wrong ( ) I don’t know ( ) 11. When Sophia said: I have to do all work around the house. Was she right? Yes ( ) No ( x ) I don’t know ( ) PART THREE. ENCUESTA DE OPNIÓN: Correctamente llenada, según las indicaciones que aparecen en el mismo formato de la encuesta. ENCUESTA DE OPININION ACERCA DEL NIVEL DE DESEMPEÑO LOGRADO EN EL TALLER DE INGLÉS – GRUPO PEDAGÓGICO Apellidos y Nombres: Chavez Suarez Arabel Danae Grupo y/o Especialidad: Initial Education Integrantes del “Taller de Inglés” Pedagogical Group”. La presente encuesta de opinión tiene por finalidad conocer su apreciación acerca de su nivel de desempeño logrado en el referido Taller, para lo cual debe leer cada uno de los apartados, y según su criterio, marca lo conveniente. Se le agradece por anticipado la veracidad en sus respuestas. Marque con una “x”, sólo una vez en cada aspecto. NO LLENAR:APRECIACIÓN Y OBSERVACIONES. Apreciación Presentación de tareas Asistencia y puntualidad Aspecto Condiciones 1*Asistí a todas las sesiones con puntualidad.…………..............( x ) 2*Asistí a todas las sesiones, no siempre, con puntualidad.…..( ) 3*Asistí a 14 y/o 15 sesiones de aprendizaje…........................... ( . ) 4*Asistí a 13 sesiones…………….……….………………......... ( ) 5*Asistí a menos de 13 sesiones…………..……..…….……( ) 1*Cumplí con realizar y enviar todas mis tareas puntualmente. ( ) 2*Realice y envié mis tareas, pero no siempre puntualmente .. (X ) 3*Cumplí con realizar y enviar mis tareas, sin puntualidad……( ) 4*No cumplí con enviar algunas tareas…..………...…......….....( ) 5*No envié tareas…………………………..…………………...( ) Conclusión Participación en clase Presentación de audios Portafolio de evaluación 1*Cumplí con autoevaluar las 16 tareas, organizar y remitir el portafolio de acuerdo a lo indicado y dentro del plazo establecido, …………………………….…..….……………………….( X ) 2*Cumplí con autoevaluar las 16 tareas, organizar y remitir el portafolio de acuerdo a lo indicado y con retraso mínimo del plazo indicado…………………..………………………………..…..( ) 3*Cumplí con autoevaluar las 16 tareas, organizar y remitir con retraso…………………………………….…………..………..( ) 4*No organicé portafolio de evaluación………….…….…..…..( ) 1*Cumplí con realizar y enviar mis 4 audios (incluyendo el “Last audio” puntualmente…..…………………………………….….( x ) 2*Cumplí con realizar y enviar mis audios, con poca puntualidad………………….….………….………….….( ) 3*Cumplí con realizar y enviar mis audios, sin puntualidad…………………..……………………………...…..( ) 4*No cumplí con enviar (…… ) audios........................................( ) 5*No envié audios……………………………………..…...…... ( ) 1*Participé activamente en todas las sesiones de aprendizaje…. ( ) 2* Participé en activamente (en 14 de 16) sesiones…………..…( ) 3*Participé en algunas sesiones…………………….……….( X ) 4*Participe en sólo en 3 y/4 oportunidades……………………..( ) 5*No participe………………………………………….………..( ) 1*Logré 2*Logré 3*Logré 4*Logre 5*Logré el 100% de lo que aspiré aprender. al menos del 85% al 95% de que aspiré aprender entre el 70% al 84% de lo que aspiré aprender entre el 55% al 69% de lo que aspiré aprender menos del 55% de lo que aspiré aprender. ( ) ( ) (X ) ( ) ( ) La tarea N° 11 lo envié con tardía Observaciones