Subido por Alejandra Carolina Rosales P

Marketing 4.0: Kotler's Theories & Digital Engagement

As an advertising and marketing professional myself, first of all, I would like to start by
talking about the concept of marketing. In business, marketing is the process of
exploring, creating and delivering válue to customers to satisfy the needs of a target
market in terms of goods and services.
According to the theorist Philip Kotler, marketing is a social and managerial process
by which groups and individuals obtain what they need and want by generating,
offering and exchanging products of value with their peers.
Kottler is considered the father of marketing as he was the creator of the first marketing
book in 1967 sixteen sixty seven called "marketing management" and his aim was to
put the discipline of marketing on a solid foundation of social sciences, based mainly on
economic studies (of which he is a professional), mathematics and psychology. With the
rise of the internet in the early in 90s nineties. Kottler updates his books every 3 years
incorporating the latest concepts and trends, moving from offline advertising (BTL,
ATL, ATT), to the new digital universe, which more and more companies want to
according to kotler defines it as:
"...It is the one that emerges in today's information age based on information
technologies. Informants are well informed and can compare different offers of
similar products".
In 2017 (twuenty seventeen) the book Moving from Traditional to Digital
(marketing4.0), is the new contribution of the master Philip Kotler together with
Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan to the changes that are occurring as a result of
the continuous evolution of society(sósiedy)and technology, after the first
approach(e`proch) that reprisented MARKETING 3.0 (in 2010 twuenty ten) on the new
ways to reach rèch the consumer.
Marketing 4.0 is defined as the new stage steich of marketing. It’s main(mein)
objective is to generate a sense of trust and loyalty with our(aour) customers. It
combines online interaction with digital marketing and offline interaction with
traditional marketing. Brands are integrating online and offline channels trying to
combine the best of both worlds; the immediacy of online channels and the intimacy of
online channels with the differentiating power of offline actions. Through this so-called
"omni-channel" strategy, a transparent and consistent(ken'sistent) experience is
expected(ikxpected). In addition E’DISHEN to this multiple relationship between
brand and consumer, it is complemented by machine-to-machine connections through
artificial intelligence which improves marketing productivity(DY), and the human-tohuman connection which improves customer engagement(INGAJMENT and
Marketers, on the other hand, need a range RÀNJ of tactics to engage inGAJ the
customer. There are three new techniques to increase engagement(INGAJMENT in the
digital age AIJ. First, companies can use mobile apps to enhance(inhans) the digital
customer experience. Second, they can use social CRM to engage customers in
conversations and provide solutions. And finally, they can use gamification to guide
customer behaviours.
Examples of Marketing 4.0
Chatbots; Without a doubt, most digital businesses have a chatbot on their website. The
aim(ám) of these chatbots is none(nón) other than to resolve(rézalv) customer queries
(quiris) more quickly, impruving the user experience.
Creation crieichon of ine’vadiv content; the Internet is already full of content, but not
all content is appropriate, so it is vital to generate valuable vályble content for our aur
potential customers.
Accompanying akempenién our customer; Perhaps(perjaps) for many this is unknown,
but the big brands are already implementing this 4.0(four point ou) marketing strategy.
In this way we will make our potential customer feel comfortable(kemfordel), safe and
accompanied in their buying process as if it were a physical shop (e-commerce shops).
Women, young people and internet users are the most influential group in the digital
age and are the key to marketing the digital economy. Young people are
pioneering(píoniring)new products and technologies, as well as being trendsetters
themselves. In the digital economy, marketers need to focus on three main sources of
influence: their own, others' and external. This is called the O-Zone, which can be very
useful in optimizing our marketing efforts.
Digital marketing and social media is a very broad field and continuous
innovation(nowadays nowdaz marketing five point ou), with the ad/vent of the digital
era every day companies, institutions or independent marketing professionals, are in the
task of ivolving with the help of social networks, websites, and marketing departments,
to promote their products or services and build a link with their target audience, to
attract more customers and position themselves as leaders in the competitive global