Subido por Anastasia Muñoz

Zero Conditional Worksheet: English Grammar Practice

Zero Conditional
I. Fill in the blanks using the verbs in brackets in the right form.
II. Match the sentences to make conditionals.
III. Complete the sentences to make conditionals.
1. If it doesn't rain, ____________________________________.
2. If you don’t sleep ___________________________________________.
3. If you study hard enough, ___________________________________________.
4. If you press that button, ___________________________________________.
5. If you break anything, ___________________________________________.
6. If I miss the bus, ___________________________________________.
7. If I don't do my homework, ___________________________________________.
8. If you mix red and white, ___________________________________________.
9. Farmers get very angry if ___________________________________________.
10. Coffee tastes better if ___________________________________________.
11. The table will break if ___________________________________________.
12. The police arrests you if ___________________________________________.
13. People tell lies if ___________________________________________.