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Britten's Orchestra Guide: Instrument Worksheet

Benjamin Britten
Young person’s guide to the orchestra
In the introduction, the theme is initially played by the entire orchestra (tutti), then by each major
family of instruments of the orchestra:
1st variation (1:35)
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Strings
 Percussion
2nd variation (1:58)
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Strings
 Percussion
3rd variation (2:18)
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Strings
 Percussion
4th variation (2:35)
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Strings
 Percussion
Each variation then features a particular instrument in depth, in the same family order, and generally
moving through each family from high to low. Which instrument or instruments prevail in each variation?
Variation A: Presto (3:11)
Variation B: Lento (3:45)
 Recorder and harmonica
 Flute
 Violin and viola
 Oboe
 Flute and piccolo
 Clarinet
 Harp and violin
 French horn
Variation C: Moderato (4:48)
 Flute
 Oboe
 Clarinet
 French horn
Variation D: Allegro (5:30)
 French horn
 Oboe
 Piccolo
 Bassoon
Variation E: Brillante (6:28)
 Violin
 Viola
 Violoncello
 Double bass
Variation F: Meno mosso (7:10)
 Viola
 Double bass
 Violoncello
 Viola
Variation G: (8:11)
 Viola
 Violin
 Double bass
 Violoncello
Variation H: lento ma poco a poco Allegro (9:40)
 Viola
 Violin
 Double bass
 Violoncello
Variation I: Maestoso (10:45)
 Viola
 Harp
Variation J: L'istesso tempo (11:40)
 Horn
 Oboe
 Guitar
 Violoncello
 Trumpet
 Clarinet
Variation K: Vivace (12:40)
 Trombone
 Oboe
 Trumpet
 Clarinet
Variation L: Allegro pomposo (13:10)
 Trombone
 Oboe
 Trumpet
 Clarinet
Variation M: Moderato (14:25)
 Percussion (Guiro & washboard)
 Percussion (Maracas & Claves)
 Percussion (Timpani; Bass Drum & Cymbals; Tambourine & Triangle; Snare Drum & Wood Block;
Xylophone; Castanets & Gong; Whip)
 Percussion (Only Xylophones)
Fugue: Allegro molto (16:18) It’s played by each major family of instruments of the orchestra:
First the (16:18)
Then the (17:01)
 Woodwinds
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Brass
 Strings
 Strings
 Percussion
 Percussion
Then the (17:46)
And finally by the (18:08)
 Woodwinds
 Woodwinds
 Brass
 Brass
 Strings
 Strings
 Percussion
 Percussion
At 18:18, while the fugue still goes on, the brass section plays the theme and then the entire orchestra
concludes the piece.