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Nature, Internet & Celebrations: A Personal Presentation

Good afternoon everyone. On this occasion, I am going to present my project. First of all, It is important to say that mine will be
divided into 3 parts.
The first one will talk about Nature and Man.
The second one will talk about how the internet has helped us to break down barriers or build bridges.
Finally, the last one will be about celebrations.
Unit 4: I have been wondering about what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the relation between
Man and Nature?
We can't deny that our planet is a wonder. If you look across your window, you will be able to see parks, desert, dunes, farms, fields,
resorts, wherever you are.
As an example I will talk about OXAPAMPA
I have been visiting many places in the countryside and Peruvian forest since I was a kid, one of them is Oxapampa. This is one of
the most beautiful and amazing places I have been to.
I have already recommended it, many times so friends have told me that they have seen many beautiful landscapes and that the
food was one of the best they have ever eaten. I absolutely agree!
I remember that the last time I traveled was to Villa Rica and Oxapampa, we had the opportunity to visit a farm with various
I consider myself as a lover of the forest, I just enjoy going there! I have already bought my tickets to go to Oxapampa again so I
have been looking for things to do there. For example, I have found that if you walk along the path you will be able to see a
mountain in the form of a human sleeping :o. On the other hand, I haven't looked for a beautiful, cheap place to stay yet, Oxapampa
has many many hotels so It is not easy to decide, for example, since 2015 “Lola's farm”has been consider one of the best place to
stay, this is a kind of natural hotel where people can explore a small forest.
If you ask me about suggestions, the first I would say is that the place is considered hot so make sure you're keeping a hat with you,
besides that the path has some flatlands so you might need to eat some pills for your stomach. There is no risk so feel free to
explore what you want! But do not forget to protect the environment and you must avoid using plastic bags!
Unit 5: Did you think about how the internet has helped us to build bridges?
For example, in my case this has helped me to find the next place where I am going to live:
I have been thinking about it because I know that this is an important decision. I am planning to move to Okinawa, Japan. This
place is known as the "ancient place". I will be going there three months from now. I believe that this is perfect for me because I
will be able to break down barriers, I mean I am going to have the chance to live and experience new things with people that are
much older than me. When you go to social media and search about this place, you see that the people who live there share how
their life looks . The most impressive thing is to see people with 110 years alive, I mean here in Peru it is almost impossible, but not
there. Okinawa is safe, you do not have to worry about bulgars going to your house because of a status update. When living in
Okinawa, my aim is to have a 360 grade change in my lifestyle. For example I know that every morning I will be going to the best
cafe in the city, after that my university classes will start at 10 am and end at 3 pm; in the afternoon my friends are going to pick me
up to watch the movie because the best movies start at 5 pm. Furthermore, we are going to study at the library to practice. At the
end of the day, our tennis classes will be starting so at 8 pm I am organizing my stuff to be ready. To sum up, this is how my life will
look when I move to Okinawa.
Unit 6: To end this presentation, I am going to talk about my favorite celebration New Year
It is considered a global pagan holiday, it takes place on the 1st of January. According to research, there can't be a place where
people don't celebrate it, on the contrary, if you find out information on google, you will see that an island near Australia could be
the first place where you can be able to celebrate it, this holiday has evolved in many different ways, adapting and transforming the
culture of many people. This is why the New years celebration is so popular. If the new year comes, we (my family and I) will be
celebrating it with a party. We have the belief that a new year is a new beginning, a time when you can be able to make resolutions.
Some of the traditions we have when New years come are: we will be eating 12 grapes if it is 12:59; if the clock ticks 1:10 am, we will
light "chispitas" because we think that fireworks are very rude to our planet, and if people stop doing it, the environmental
contamination will be less on the year 2030. On the other hand, when New Year comes, my family tries not to cook that much
because we know that there may be people out there who don't have food; My uncles and ants always tell me that if I write a list
with the things I want to achieve, those will become truth, I personally believe that could work because I tried it, and at the time it
is working. To sum up, I would like to say that if you want to succeed, you must do something to achieve it, do not wait until the
new year to make your resolutions, this could work for a few people, but not for everyone so it is important to know that a new day
is a new opportunity