Subido por Sour Yuuki


BT10 potential erratas needed:
004 [Bosamon] Should be Once Per Turn
009 [Shoutmon X4] Material Save should be a "Would", DigiXrosVSPsychemon(
012 [Shoutmon X4B] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
013 [Shoutmon X5] Material Save should be a "Would", DigiXrosVSPsychemon(
015 [Shoutmon X5B] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
024 [MetalGreymon] Material Save should be a "Would",
026 [DeckerGreymon] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
032 [Renamon] Plug-in should be in name not traits
046 [Palmon] Vegitation should be in the name of the trait(All Plant
traits count as Vegitation traits)
048 [Sunflowmon] Vegitation and Fairy should be in the name of the
trait(All Plant traits count as Vegitation traits)
053 [Ajatarmon] Vegitation and Fairy should be in the name of the
trait(All Plant traits count as Vegitation traits)
056 [Lotosmon] Vegitation and Fairy should be in the name of the
trait(All Plant traits count as Vegitation traits)
057 [Bloomlordmon] Vegitation and Fairy should be in the name of the
trait(All Plant traits count as Vegitation traits),
Your Turn eff should be a "while" effect instead of a "for the turn"
061 [SkullKnightmon: Mighty Axe Mode] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
063 [Hi-VisionMonitamon] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
066 [DarkKnightmon] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
073 [ChuuChuumon] Bagra Army should be in the name of the trait
077 [MadLeomon] DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?
086 [Omnimon (X Antibody)] for cost reduction it should be X Antibody
(the card) in its digivolution cards, not in traits
087 [Mikey Kudo] Your Turn eff should be a "would"
088 [Christopher Aonuma] Your Turn eff should be a "would"
096 [Burning Star Crusher] have to add "digimon" card with sec effect,
and adding is optional
097 [Blazing Memory Boost!] adding revealed cards to hand is optional
098 [Plasma Deckerdra Launcher] sec effect returns card to hand not deck
107 [Buzzing Fist] "up to 1" is not a real thing, it's just "1", there's
no "up to"
111 [Shoutmon (King Version)] Material Save should be a "Would",
DigiXrosVSPsychemon(支払う)?, adding from trash to hand is optional