¡Yo tengo un amigo que me ama…su nombre es Jesus! (I have a

Hola Amigos!
¡Yo tengo un amigo que me ama…su nombre es Jesus! (I have a friend who loves me…Jesus
is his name!)
Señora Luisa, February/March 2013
Kindergartners are singing “Mi Dios es Muy Grande” (My God is So Great) and continually review the
basic verbs and opposites learned so far. The students have been acting out “David and Goliath” entirely
in Spanish and the “audience” gets it! Pretty remarkable for only having 10+ hours of class so far! Our
new words are: SE CAE (falls down), LA PIEDRA (the rock), ¿QUIÉN ES? (Who is it?), ZAPATEA (stomps),
FELÍZ (happy), FURIOSO (furious), ENOJADO (mad), COME (eats), LA COMIDA (the food), EL OSO (the
bear), ¡AYÚDAME! (Help me!)
First graders will sing Rey de Reyes (King of Kings) and learn the vocabulary for another famous fairy
tale. New words: LA VENTANA (the window), EL LOBO (the wolf), EL CERDITO (the piggy), SOPLA (blows),
¡QUÉ DELICIOSO! (How delicious!), SE CAE (falls down), VIVE (lives), EL PAVO REAL (the peacock), EL
LEÓN (the lion), LA TORTUGA (the turtle). Cultural connection: fairy tales are told in variations to
communicate moral truth to children
Third graders sing Psalm 133 and communicate its meaning through dance. Their pronunciation is
amazing! Congratulations to Mrs. Wagner’s class for winning the competition for demonstrating great
unity and harmony. Third-grade students are especially crazy about skits! They love to add their own
details to embellish each mini-drama. New vocabulary for Episode 4 in our book, Una Semana Con Gabi,
is: EL JUEVES (on Thursday), SE PEGA (sticks to), ABRE (he/she/it opens), EL REFRIGERADOR (the
refrigerator), CIERRA (he/she/it closes), LA PUERTA (the door), EL IMÁN/LOS IMANES (the magnet/the
magnets), TIENE (MUCHA) HAMBRE (he/she/it is [very] hungry), ¡QUÉ RIDÍCULO! (How ridiculous!), HAY
(there is/there are), POBRE (poor).
FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Previous newsletters are posted on NCA’s website under Elementary, then
click on Specialists. Select specific newsletter under Jean Hale (alias: Sra. Luisa). These basic words will
be used from year to year at Northshore. Have fun! Remember: your child will remember 70% of what is
discussed with others and 95% of what he or she teaches you!
Questions regarding pronunciation?: http://www.spanishdict.com