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Services RACC Member
The RACC offers its members different modalities (service packs) according to their
needs and interests.
In order to enjoy these services, members must reside in Spain or Andorra, be registered
in the RACC Data Base and abreast of payment of the yearly fee.
The services described in points 3 to 9 are specific for each member modality, and
therefore, in order to know their scope, you have to consider the specific indications
in the respective Modalities entitled section of each of the headings. The services
under heading 11 and 12 are also specific for each modality. The remaining points, this
included, are common to all modalities.
The guarantees established in these services to members of the Real Automóvil Club de
Cataluña (RACC) are in effect from 1 March 2015. They do not constitute a contract
and may be modified according to the RACC’s criteria; the current guarantees being
applicable at all times and available to members in any of the local offices or through
the Club website.
All housing expenses, if any, will be covered by the RACC to a maximum limit of 15
calendar days.
c) Moving or repatriation of the member’s vehicle due to breakdown, accident
or robbery.
The RACC will cover all expenses of moving or repatriating the vehicle whenever the
vehicle driven by the member should need – due to breakdown or an accident occurring
over 200 km away from the member’s usual place of residence – repair involving more
than 3 days of immobilisation or 8 hours of repair according to the make’s price list. The
RACC shall move or repatriate the vehicle to the workshop designated by the member
located in their place of residence or 50 km from their home at the most.
In the event of vehicle robbery, and if it is recovered once the member has returned
home, the RACC will also deal with performing this service. To have this done, the
member must demonstrate that the corresponding report has been made to the
competent authority when they have become aware of the event.
d) Legal deregistration of the vehicle.
In the cases stated above, if the member does not wish to have the vehicle repatriated,
With a telephone call to the 24/365 Alarm Centre, the RACC will help the member
and/or bear all authorised expenses derived from the covered assistance services. The
telephone number for asking for vehicle assistance and/or personal assistance, as well as
the RACC will take care of the administrative steps needed for the legal deregistration
of the vehicle in the place in which it is located. This means, that in this case, the vehicle
will neither be moved nor repatriated and that the RACC will move the vehicle to a car
breaking centre to have it taken out of circulation.
urgent health assistance and doctor on-call service, home assistance, or legal assistance
e) Expenses of housing or custody more than 200 km from the member’s home.
appears on the rear of the membership card. The RACC will not be liable nor carry out
The RACC will cover all housing or custody expenses that might have been produced
any service that has not been previously requested at the Alarm Centre.
with regard to the vehicle involved in an accident, breakdown or which has been stolen,
In the telephone call asking for assistance, members must indicate their name,
from the time when the member reports the event to the Alarm Centre and provided the
membership number, the place where they are located, the type of help they need and,
vehicle is over 200 km from the member’s residence. The maximum limit covered by the
if possible, a contact telephone number for the Alarm Centre to be able to determine
RACC for this concept will be 15 natural days.
the necessary action, and so that the member might be duly informed and receive the
assistance he/she requires as fast and effectively as possible.
The members must identify themselves to the person who is going to give them the
service by showing them their RACC membership card and National Identity Document
or another document demonstrating their identity.
f) Transport expenses to recover the vehicle.
When the vehicle involved in an accident or breakdown has been repaired in the place
of the event and the member has already returned home or to their destination if they
have chosen this option, the RACC will cover all expenses of travel, in a public means
of transport, for the member or such a person who might be designated thereby to
When a member calls for vehicle assistance, their presence alongside the vehicle will
recover the vehicle.
be essential, and the service must be requested within a maximum time of 48 hours of
The RACC shall bear the expenses, provided that they are due to a breakdown or
the event occurring (breakdown or incident), except for an accident or another cause
of force majeure.
accident that happened over 200 km away from the usual residence of the member
and that it involved more than 3 adys of immobilisation or 8 hours of repair according
to the make’s price list.
a) Emergency repair in the place where the vehicle is immobilised.
This guarantee will be given in Spain and Andorra and will be applied from the member’s
home (km 0).
This service will also be given in the event of robbery if the vehicle is later recovered in a
fit state for circulating, provided the member has reported the robbery to the competent
authority when they have realised it.
g) Sending of spares.
If the broken down vehicle is over 200 km from the member’s usual residence and being
repaired there, and it were not possible to have the necessary spares in the place where
When a vehicle driven by a member is unable to start or continue its journey due to
the vehicle is being repaired, the RACC will deal with sending them by the most suitable
breakdown or an incident (this being understood as lack of fuel, punctures, etc.), the
RACC will provide an emergency repair, if possible, in the place where the vehicle is
immobilised, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
The labour will be free and the member will only have to pay the cost of any spares that
might be necessary in repairing the vehicle.
b) Vehicle towed to a workshop.
Only the costs of transport shall run to the RACC, and the member shall pay the cost of
the parts and all customs duties that might have to be paid.
h) Extractions.
If the vehicle rolls over or suffers an accident that takes it off the road, leaving it unable
to return to the road by its own means, the RACC will leave it in such a state that it might
If the vehicle cannot be repaired in the place where it has been immobilised due to
circulate or be towed or transported. The RACC covers these expenses to a maximum
breakdown or an accident, the RACC will deal with towing it to the nearest authorised
amount of 300 euros, taxes included.
service workshop of the make of the vehicle, or to a workshop chosen by the member
in the place closest to the breakdown or accident.
However, if the vehicle is immobilised under 200 km from the member’s home, they will
be entitled, if they wish, to have the vehicle towed to a repair workshop in the place of
their residence or at most 50 km from their home.
If when the towing is carried out, the workshops are closed (due to public holiday, night
i) Search for and location of vehicles stolen in Spain.
In the event of robbery of the vehicle, and the corresponding report having been made
to the competent authority when it is known, the member may ask the RACC to take
part in the search for it, by reporting the vehicle data to all of our units, which will try
to locate it.
hours, etc.), the vehicle, on the criterion of the RACC, will either be towed to a public
j) Assistance on non-asphalted roads and forest paths and tracks.
garage or to the base of the RACC collaborator giving the service or the member’s car
The RACC will assist and/or tow the vehicle, provided the vehicle which requires
park, and on the first working day it will be moved to the workshop.
assistance is on a road on which circulation is licit and access is possible, and which leads
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to an inhabited centre or place (rural accommodation, restaurant, dwelling, etc.), or one
This service is limited to 1 service per year per person covered by these services (per
of cultural interest.
membership card).
k) Replacement vehicle.
p) Assistance for bicyles
If the vehicle of the member, provided that it is a private car, after receiving assistance
The bicycle assistance service is provided within a radius of 100 km from the member’s
by the RACC due to breakdown, should require a repair in a workshop involving more
home and on asphalted, not asphalted roads, forest tracks and paths, always provided
than 1 day of immobilisation, the RACC will offer the member the chance to have a
that they are accessible and with permitted access, and that can be reached by a
replacement vehicle, of the most convenient category according to the RACC’s criteria,
motorised vehicle equipped to be able to provide the assistance service to the member.
and subject to availability, during the time of the repair but not longer than 3 days.
Emergency repair in the place where the bicycle is immobilised. This service is
In order to receive this service, the member must request it at the Alarm Centre,
provided in Spain and is applicable from the member’s home (km 0) up to a radius of
submitting the repair order from the workshop.
100 km. If the bicycle ridden by the member should not be able to start or continue
This service is limited to 1 service per year per main member covered by these services.
l) MOT home service
If the vehicle of the member has to undergo technical inspection (MOT), the member
may ask for a professional driver or towing vehicle, according to the RACC’s criteria, to
pick up the vehicle at home and bring it back after the respective test. This service only
the journey due to a breakdown or accident (this being understood as loss of tyre
pressure, punctures, chain breaks, non-adjusted components or any other incident that
hinders the bicycle from being normally used and ridden) the RACC will provide an
emergency repair, if possible, in the place where the bicycle is immobilised, with a
maximum duration of 30 minutes. The labour will be free and the member will only
have to pay the cost of any spares that might be necessary in repairing the bicycle.
includes the travel and time needed by the professional to pass the test, the rest of the
Bicycle towed to a workshop. If the bicyce cannot be repaired in the place it is
costs being directly borne by the member (fees and taxes included), provided that the
immobilised due to a breakdown or an accident, the RACC will have the bicycle towed
MOT centre is located within 50 km from the member’s residence.
to a repair workshop located in the place of their residence or at most 100 km from
m) Assembly of car accessories at home
If the member needs to install or assemble car accessories, he/she may ask for a
their home.
q) Third party insurance in bicycles.
technician-mechanic to make the installation or assembly at the member’s home, always
The insurance covers the financial consequences of personal injuries, damages, direct
provided that the necessary means are available.
and consequential, for which the member is extra-contractually liable during the use of
The member must have and provide the technician-mechanic with the respective
instruction manual, as well as all pieces and tools provided with the accessory.
The vehicle should preferably be parked in a covered, duly lightened place.
The assembly service only includes the following accessories:
Child restraint and safety systems.
Vehicle carrier systems (bicycle racks, ski carriers).
the bicycle, according to the applicable legal regulations, which are caused involuntarily
and/or accidentally to third parties, always provided that:
These damages are caused during the normal riding and/or use of bicycles.
The use and/or riding is carried out within a radius of 100 km from the member’s
The guarantee is limited to 30,000 €.
This limit includes also, given the case, the payment of legal fees and expenses related
The travel and labour of the technician (30 min labour included) are free, but the
to the legal and personal defence of the member. The fulfilment of the requirement of a
member will have to pay for the costs of the materials or pieces used for the assembly
bond to guarantee the civil liability is also guaranteed.
which have not been provided by the member himself.
The allocation of specialised staff to carry out the assistance will be made not later than
72 hours after the request.
n) Vehicle safety-check at home
The member is entitled to request safety-checks of his/her car at home. This service
consists of the check and verification of several safety aspects and elements of the
vehicle made by a technician-mechanic and always provided that the necessary means
are available.
The vehicle should preferably be parked in a covered, duly lightened place.
The check, with a maximum duration of 1 hour, will consist of the following verifications:
However fines and sanctions of any nature whatsoever are not covered.
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Extension and Beneficiary. And the
Spouse modality has the right to asides 3.1.p) and 3.1.q).
The content of the services described under this heading are applied with the following
Asides 3.1.k), 3.1.l), 3.1.m), 3.1.n), and 3.1.o) are only applicable to the modality Senior
For the Caravan modality, aside 3.1.b) does only imply the right to be towed to the
workshop of their choice in the place of their residence, or to the workshop closest to
Level checks: oil, coolant, brake fluid.
their home town which is able to carry out the repair; and as regards aside 3.1.c) the
Check of the tyre pressure and condition.
repair must entail more than 5 days of immobilisation or 8 hours of repair, according to
Battery and lights check.
the fees of the brand, for the tractor vehicle driven by the member. In these cases, the
Electronic check of the vehicle. (This service will only be provided to cars manufactured
in 1995 or later). The result and the detail of the diagnosis depend on the features and
technical specifications of the manufacturer of each vehicle.
The travel expenses and labour of the technician are free, but the member will have to
RACC shall move or repatriate it to the workshop designated by the member located in
their place of residence, or to such a workshop designated by the member which is able
to perform the repair. Aside h) covers a maximum amount of 500 euros, taxes included.
Aside 3.1.f) is not applicable to the Caravan modality.
pay for the costs of the replaced pieces and materials.
The allocation of specialised staff to carry out the assistance will be made not later than
All cars, mopeds, motorcycles, motor homes, mixed vehicles and light lorries for private
72 hours after the request.
use up to 3.5 t (MAW), with a length of under 6 m and a height below 3 m; all trailers
o) Workshop at home.
The member may request the RACC to pick-up his/her vehicle at home, in order to take it
to the workshop -within a maximum radius of 50 km from the collection point- in which
the repair and/or check shall be made and to bring it back home afterwards. The service
includes the delivery at and pick-up from the workshop in the same request.
In order to pick-up the vehicle at the workshop, the member will have to pay the amount
and caravans up to 750 kg MAW, as well as bicycles in general.
All members who have contacted the Caravan modality will be entitled to assistance for
the caravan for private use declared by the member as the beneficiary of the services,
with a maximum weight of up to 3.5 t (MAW). In this case, the assistance is for the
vehicle and not for the person.
of the invoice to be paid at the workshop in advance, by credit or debit card. If this
Spain, remaining European countries and non-European countries on the Mediterranean
condition is not complied with the car will not be picked up.
coastline, except for the bicycle assistance, which is provided only in Spain and Andorra.
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Those derived from negligence in the maintenance of the vehicle or its undue use. If
As regards the service of a replacement vehicle (3.1.k) all costs derived from the car
rental after the 3 days covered by these services are excluded.
the vehicle is the object of reforms not legalised by Vehicle Technical Inspections (MOT)
On the other hand, all consumption expenses (fuel) and other specific expenses
or expressly authorised by the vehicle manufacturer, the RACC will accept no liability
concerning the rental vehicle provided by the RACC, such as tolls and car parks, will be
for any possible damage caused by its towing.
covered by the member, who will also deal with any parking and traffic fines they have
All costs of fuel, tolls and expenses; vehicle repairs carried out in any workshop,
spares and theft of luggage and material, personal objects or accessories included in
the vehicle.
Any expense or sanction that might be derived from exceeding the weight limit,
which is set at 3.5 t, which will run to the member in all cases.
To be entitled to the services established in the event of vehicle robbery, it will be
necessary to demonstrate that this was reported immediately to the competent
The RACC accepts no liability for any damage or spoilage that might occur to the load
transported by the vehicle as a result of giving the service.
All accidents or breakdowns caused as a result of participation in organised outings or
crossings. Driving off-road, practising extreme activities or sports in general or driving
all-terrain (4WD, trial, enduro, etc), except those cases included in aside 3.1.j). This
exclusion is neither applicable to aside 3.1.q) nor to non-competitive tourist activities
for classic vehicles, both in organised tours as well as outings.
All accidents or breakdowns occurring in the practice of official or private sports
competitions, and in training, testing and challenges. This exclusion is not applicable
This replacement car service is only applicable to private cars for private use, excluding
motorcycles, mopeds, vans, lorries, etc.
Service 3.1.k) includes both breakdowns that have been assisted by the RACC and any
check or maintenance work on the car.
Asides l), m), n) and o) of service 3.1. are not applicable to classic vehicles.
The accessories’ assembly service does not include any accessory that includes electric
and/or electronic systems, as well as accessories which are only intended as decoration
or not related to safety or carrying goods on the vehicle.
The service request for aside 3.1., letters k) l), m), n), o), p) and q) implies the use of one
of the yearly mechanic assistances.
As regards aside m), the RACC reserves the right to not assembling the mentioned
accessories in all those cases in which the technician detects that these might be defect.
Moreover, the RACC is relieved of any responsibility derived from the assembly of
accessories as they are easy to manipulate.
to aside 3.1.q).
Expenses inherent to the dismantling and recognition by the workshop to determine
the extent of the breakdown.
The RACC will not give the service provided in aside 3.1 c) abroad, with regard to the
repatriation of vehicles with provisional foreign or Spanish registrations.
To be entitled to the services, the corresponding administrative authorisation must be
had to enable any of the vehicles that are the object of assistance to be driven.
The vehicle will only be opened if the owner or habitual driver of the vehicle is present
and authorises it, or in the event of requirement by the forces of order in cases where
the member loses the keys or leaves them inside the passenger compartment and is
unable to open it.
The RACC will not provide bicycle assistance service for free on rented bicycles,
including the rental of public bicycles.
As regards third-party liability insurance for bicycles (3.1.q), the following items are
Third-party liability derived from any professional, union, political or associational
The damages caused to objects belonging to third parties that are in the power of the
insured or people under their responsibility.
a) Services in the event of vehicle immobilisation due to breakdown, accident
or robbery.
In the event of vehicle immobilisation, and if the repair is not possible in the same day
as the event, the member, relatives covered by the services and the remaining occupants
of the vehicle driven by the member may choose between the following non-cumulative
1) If the breakdown or accident occurs 200 km or more from the member’s home, the
member might choose between stayong in a hotel of up to 3 stars while the repari
goes on, for a maximum of 3 night, if the incident happens in Spain, or 4 nights if it
happens abroad, or to get a rental car while the vehicle is repaired and for a maximum
of 2 days. However, the rented car must be returned in the same country it was rented
and cannot be driven out of the limit of the country in which the incidence happened.
2) Transfer in the most ideal means of transport in the opinion of the RACC, to the
member’s home or to the destination of the trip, on the choice of the member, provided
the expenses do not exceed those of returning home.
In the event of robbery, for the service to be provided it is necessary for the
Damages derived from responsibilities that are the object of compulsory insurance.
corresponding report to have been presented before the competent authority at the
The payment of fines and sanctions imposed by courts or competent authorities and
time when the person has become aware of the robbery.
the consequences of the failure to pay them.
Damages arising out of the participation of the insured in races, bets or contests of
any type, or when the participation is not as an amateur.
Regarding bicycles, if the bicycle is repaired on the same day, the member can choose
between being taken to the breakdown point or back home (within a radius of 100 km).
This service will be subject to the particular conditions of the vehicle rental company,
Damages arising out of the practise of sports as a professional.
to the availability of the said companies in the area or country where the incident has
Third party liability directly or indirectly arising out of the use of the bicycle in acrobatic
occurred and to their conditions (credit card, age…).
exercises, while practising sports or using equipment that is especially designed to carry
out the above mentioned exercises.
If the member has to be transferred as a result of a breakdown or accident in the vehicle
they are driving, the RACC will also cover all expenses caused by transporting pets
Third party liability directly or indirectly arising out of the use of the bicycle for
owned by the member -up to 75 kg in weight- travelling with them at the time of the
commercial or business purposes, including the rental or paid use, courier services or
incident, providing there is no other passenger able to deal with transporting the animal
passenger tansport against payment.
and it were not possible to use the vehicle in which they were travelling to transport
Bodily injuries caused to employees or family members of the insured.
Third party liability of the insured which are already covered by any other specific
insurance policy.
Damages caused to the bicycle or to good which are the property of the insured or of
people that are not legally recognised as third parties.
Damages arising out of infractions or the voluntary failure to comply with rules, or
that are the caused by the insured in bad faith.
Damages caused as a consequence of the consumption of alcohol, drugs or narcotics,
which have not been prescribed by a doctor.
Claims that the member may rise due to injury or damage against third parties.
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them. This transfer will be carried out in the most ideal means of transport in the opinion
of the RACC and will be subject to the limitations thereof.
This service will also be applicable in the event of vehicle disappearance due to robbery,
provided the corresponding report to the competent authority at the time when the
person has become aware of the incident is presented.
b) Services in the event of vehicle immobilisation due to the unavailability of
the driver of the vehicle.
If in the course of a journey, the member driving the vehicle should be incapacitated
for driving and the remaining occupants were unable to take their place, the RACC will
provide one of the following options:
1) Transfer of a family member to take over the vehicle.
To be able to provide the service, they must contact the Alarm Centre by telephone,
2) Sending of a professional driver.
which is available 24 hours a day.
The option of transporting the vehicle and its occupants back home or to their destination
i) Sending of medicines and personal objects.
is possible, provided that the costs, in the latter case, are not higher than those needed
When a member is under medical treatment and leaves their medication at home,
to return back home. The RACC will only cover the expenses of the professional driver,
and the said medication is difficult or impossible to locate in the place where they are,
and not those of the remainder (relating to the vehicle and its occupants).
the RACC will do all that is necessary to receive such medicines and send them to the
The RACC may repatriate the vehicle by other means, the choice being the ideal
member by the most ideal means, wherever this is possible. The member shall cover the
alternative in the opinion of the RACC.
cost of the medicines and all customs duties which might have to be paid.
If the vehicle to be repatriated should be towing a trailer exceeding 750 kg in weight, the
The RACC will send the member, wherever they are, any objects which might be
Caravan modality should be contacted for this service to be applicable.
considered of prime necessity and which the member should have left at home when
c) Solutions in the event of loss of car keys.
where the member should be.
If the member should not have the keys to open the vehicle, the RACC has two options
Likewise, the RACC will organise and cover the cost of sending all objects of prime
for assistance, and may choose the alternative they consider most ideal:
necessity that the member should leave in the place where they have been on their
they started their journey, provided they are difficult or expensive to replace in the place
Opening of the vehicle by mechanical means, when this is possible and provided that,
journey to the member’s home. For all of the cases indicated in this caption, the RACC
in addition to the member, the owner or habitual driver of the vehicle, a member of the
will only assume the organisation and cost of sending for objects and medicines up to a
security forces is present at the time of opening.
maximum 10 kg and a maximum amount of 180 euros, taxes included.
Sending of duplicate keys to the member, if these are provided by some relative or a
person indicated by the member.
The RACC will only give the service, provided the country of sending allows the said
objects and medicines to be sent and/or held.
d) Early return in the event of death or serious illness of a relative.
j) Search for and transport of luggage and personal effects.
If in the course of a journey of the member or a relative covered by the services, their
If a member or relative covered by the services should suffer the loss or robbery of their
spouse, father, mother, children or brothers and sisters should die or suffer a serious
luggage and/or personal effects on a trip, the RACC will collaborate in looking for them
illness with a risk of death in Spain, and the means used for their journey should not
and, if they are recovered, will deal with sending them to their home or to the place on
allow them to return early, the RACC will cover the cost of transferring them and any
their trip where they are at the time.
direct relatives accompanying them (up to first grade blood or affinity) to the place of
burial or hospitalisation of the relative, provided that it is located in Spain.
k) Compensation due to robbery, destruction or loss of luggage by a public
passenger airline company, or any other means of public transport, for trips
e) Early return in the event of an incident in the member’s home.
contracted through the RACC travel agency.
The RACC will deal with transferring the member or relative covered by the services
This covers all objects of personal use needed on the trip against:
in the most ideal means of transport when any incident should occur in their habitual
dwelling (the one appearing in our database) which should leave it inhabitable, or when
Robbery, understood as the theft of material goods with violence or intimidation of
people or using force.
entry thereto has been forced, leaving it accessible to any person. This service will take
Total or partial destruction while the passengers are travelling.
place provided the people covered are unable to return to the home by the means
Loss while passengers are travelling.
initially planned.
The maximum annual compensation per membership card and for all losses suffered by
To be able to receive this service, the member or person covered by the services must
the member and relatives covered by services in the course of a trip will be 600 euros,
certify that the corresponding report has been made of the event to the competent
taxes included. The compensation for luggage shall incur depreciation for use of 20% in
authorities, before asking for assistance.
the first year and 30% in the second and thereafter following the purchase.
f) Legal guarantees abroad: forwarding of the costs of automobile legal defence,
The evaluation of the months is applied according to the criterion of proportionality with
interpreting and bonds.
respect to the indicated percentages.
If as a result of a traffic accident incurred abroad by a member, any civil or criminal
Nevertheless, any objects of value are guaranteed within certain limits:
proceedings should be called for, the RACC shall provide the defence and shall forward
such an amount to cover the costs of lawyers, procurators and/or legal costs to an overall
limit of 1,500 euros, including taxes.
Jewels, objects made with a precious metal, precious stones, pearls and watches are
only guaranteed against robbery, and only if the member should be wearing them.
All photographic, cinema, recording or sound or image reproduction material and
In such a case, the RACC will also forward the amount of any bonds which might be
any accessories, leather garments and hunting rifles are only guaranteed when the
imposed to guarantee their provisional freedom or personal assistance in court up to a
member is carrying them.
maximum 7,000 euros, including taxes. Likewise, the RACC will forward up to 1,500
euros for the costs of interpreting derived from intervention in such proceedings.
The maximum limit of the compensation or all of the objects of value will be 50% of
the limit of the guaranteed sum.
In any case, the member shall make a written acknowledgement of the debt in favour of
The application for compensation must be made within a maximum time of 15 working
the RACC, agreeing to return the requested amount within a maximum time of 1 month
days from the end of the trip, unless justified cause that should prevent this. After this
from the date of the request.
time, the RACC may claim damages caused by the lack of communication. The member
g) Forwarding of funds abroad.
If during a trip abroad, the member or a relative covered by the services should be
deprived of cash due to robbery, loss of luggage, illness or accident, or if the vehicle
should suffer a breakdown and require funds for the repair to be made, the RACC will
deal with sending up to 2,500 euros, taxes included, to cover all necessary payments,
the said amount previously having to be placed with the headquarters of the RACC by
will receive a form which they must complete, and attach all indicated documents to
justify the application. All of this documentation shall be sent to Av. Diagonal, 687,
08028 Barcelona.
The member must, in any case, report the guarantees contracted with other insurance
companies for the same risk. In the event of receiving compensation there from or from
the public transport company itself, the RACC will contribute to the compensation in
proportion to the insured sum without this being able to exceed the amount of 600
means of a third person.
euros, taxes included.
h) Urgent messages.
In the event of theft, the member must present a report on the same day of the event to
The RACC, using all means within its reach, will deal with sending the member all urgent
the police authorities closest to the place of the crime.
messages that might be given by their relatives, or any which the member or any person
In the event of total or partial destruction in transport by a public passenger transport
covered might need to send them, but do not have the necessary means to do so.
company, the certifying document provided by the company must be presented.
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In the event of loss in transport by a public passenger transport company, a certificate
d) The parents of the member or spouse (over 65), who live in their home and travel
issued by the company stating the events must be presented.
with the member.
The member shall provide all proof that might be required on the existence and value of
e) Other under 18s, whether or not they are relatives of the member, who live in their
the luggage at the time of the event.
The member’s declaration must be accompanied by the following documents to justify
their application:
Membership number (abreast of payment at the time of the event).
Original of the police report.
Certificate of the damage or loss issued by the company.
Original purchase invoices or documentation certifying the existence of the objects.
Invoices of repair or, in the absence thereof, certification that a repair is not possible.
Detailed list with prices of the objects stolen, lost or damaged.
Indication of the guarantees taken out with other insurance companies for the same
l) Extension of stay abroad due to the loss or theft of passport or any identifying
documentation necessary for travelling.
If during the trip abroad, the member or relative covered by the services should lose or
have their passport, or any other identifying documentation necessary for leaving the
home and travel with the member.
f) The remaining occupants of the vehicle in the event of accident, breakdown or
robbery, when it is driven by the member.
Moreover, it has to be considered, that the services described under this heading are
applied with the following considerations:
Asides 4.1.a), 4.1.b) and 4.1.c) are only applied to the modalities entitled to mechanical
assistance stated under aside 3.2., including the exclusions and limitations of aside 3.5,
excepting the exclusion of rented vehicles.
It will be given throughout the world, more than 25 km from the member’s home (10
km in the islands). Should de vehicle be immobilised due to breakdown or accident, the
member and the rest of the occupants will be taken to the destination of the vehicle or
to the member’s home, according to the respective services.
In the Home modality, the area is limited to the national territory. The Home modality
does only have international coverage, if the trip on which the event occurred has been
contracted in an RACC Travel Agency.
country or entering Spain, stolen, and are obliged to extend their stay for this reason,
Asides 4.1.a), 4.1.b), 4.1.c) and 4.1.f) will only be provided in Spain, the rest of Europe
the RACC will cover all expenses of accommodation in a hotel until the documentation
and non-European countries on the Mediterranean coastline.
is replaced. If the documentation of a minor has been lost or stolen, the RACC will also
In the Caravan modality, these services have the same geographical scope as the services
cover the accommodation expenses of a person of age accompanying them. Maximum
related to vehicle assistance.
coverage is given of 60 euros per day and person, to a total limit of 300 euros per
person, including taxes.
To be able to receive this service, the member or person covered by the services must
certify that the corresponding report has been made of the event to the competent
authorities, before asking for assistance.
m) New trip as compensation for urgent health repatriation.
If the RACC should organise health repatriation due to an illness or serious accident
suffered by the member on a trip, the repatriated member and any person accompanying
them and covered by the services, if they have also been repatriated along with the
member, shall be compensated with a new trip, provided it has been contracted through
the RACC travel agency. The member will have a maximum time of 1 year from the date
of repatriation to make use of this guarantee.
This trip will be for a similar amount and characteristics as the trip contracted in the
RACC travel agency by the member, and shall never exceed 3,000 euros per person,
including taxes.
This guarantee is only applicable when the trip on which the repatriation has occurred
All hotel and restaurant expenses, except for those provided in section 4.1.a) and
4.1.l), all expenses of taxis, tolls, theft of luggage, material and personal objects, except
those provided in section 4.1 k); and the hotel expenses concerning the exclusions
referred to in aside 5.4 concerning Urgent health assistance are excluded.
The costs to return to the member’s home stated in asides 4.1.d) and 4.1.e) will be
borne by the RACC starting from a driveable road or an inhabited village. Should the
member be in a remote location, the transport from the point of origin to a driveable
road or an inhabited village will be borne by the member.
Consumption expenses (fuel) and other specific expenses concerning the rental
vehicle, such as tolls and car parks, will be paid by the member, who will also deal with
any parking and traffic fines they have incurred.
All additional expenses derived from transporting pets (muzzle, cage, lead, etc.).
In order to have the right to the service mentioned in section 4.1.d), the member and/
or the accompanying relatives must show the return ticket and a medical report stating
the death or serious illness, which will previously have to be approved by the RACC.
In relation to the luggage guarantee contemplated in point 4.1 k), the following is
has been contracted in the RACC travel agency, and provided that the compensation
a) All robbery, destruction or loss caused with intention by the members themselves
trip is contracted in a RACC travel agency.
or as a result of their negligence and/or resulting from a decision of the competent
The guarantee will not be applied:
authority, in the event of war, whether it be declared or not, popular demonstrations
and movements, acts of terrorism and sabotage, or any other case of force majeure.
a) When the repatriation has not been organised by the RACC and its medical team.
b) All robbery, destruction or loss caused by moving.
b) When the reason for the repatriation has been mental illness.
c) Robberies committed by the personnel of the member in the exercise of their
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Expansion, Home, Bene¬ficiary
and Member Spouse, with the following limitations:
There is family coverage for the modalities Senior and Senior Plus.
All people indicated in the following special cases are considered family members
covered by the services (family cover).
Entitled are the member, as such, and also:
d) All loss of objects left unsupervised in any public place.
e) Destruction resulting from a problem in the object itself, from its normal and
natural wear and tear, spillage of liquids, fatty materials, colourings or corrosive
substances forming part of the member’s luggage.
f) Destruction of fragile objects, pottery, glass, porcelain and marble.
g) Theft, loss, forgetting or simple mislaying of objects.
h) The following objects: documents, identity cards, credit cards, magnetic cards,
transport tickets, cash, share certificates and keys.
a) The partner of the main member, having hired the modality Member Spouse and
i) The following belongings: bicycles; trailers and caravans; surf, kitesurf or windsurf
living in the same home as the main member.
boards; boats, motorcycles and other means of transport; skis or snowboards, and
b) Children under 18 who have the RACC Junior modality (a free membership card for
all kinds of sports equipment.
children of members under 18). Children having become of age in this year will also
j) Professional material.
be entitled, as long as the main member has not been renewed in the annual period in
k) Musical instruments, works of art, antiques, collections and goods.
which the child has reached this age.
l) Glasses, contact lenses, prostheses and orthopaedic apparatuses of any kind.
c) Children of the member of any age with an officially recognised physical or mental
m) Telephone units, videogames, personal computers, printers and any computer
disability living with them in their home and in their charge.
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g) Costs of travel and stay for a relative in the event of hospitalisation.
If in the course of a trip, a member or member of his/her family covered by the services
a) Transfer or health repatriation of the injured and sick.
has undergone a high-risk intervention using advanced technology which requires less
If a member or relative covered by the services should suffer from illness or accident on a
than 5 days hospitalization but at least 7 days of observation before travelling back and
trip, which might make it necessary for them to be hospitalised, the RACC will, wherever
they are not in the company of any other adult relative, the RACC will provide a member
possible, try to ensure that treatment is given in an ideal Hospital Centre located in their
of the family residing in Spain with a return ticket to be able to be by their side.
place of residence or as close as possible to it.
Likewise, the RACC will cover the cost of his/her staying in a hotel of up to 3 stars for a
The RACC will cover:
maximum 5 nights.
has been admitted in a medical centre and hospitalisation of over 5 days is expected, or
1) All expenses of transfer to the most nearby clinic or hospital. In the event of a traffic
h) Transport or repatriation of the deceased and transfer of relatives
accident, all occupants of the vehicle will be entitled to the service.
accompanying them.
2) Provision of a medical team which, in contact with the medical service attending
If in the course of a trip a member or relative covered by the services should die, the
them, will jointly determine the best treatment to be given and their transfer to another
RACC will deal with the corresponding formalities in the place of the death, and with
hospital centre. The RACC will cover all expenses of this transfer and it will be their
the transport or repatriation of the corpse to the place of burial, provided this is carried
medical team which determines the most suitable means of transfer, depending on the
out within the province of residence.
urgency or severity of the case.
3) All expenses of transfer or repatriation to their home, when the injured or sick
person is released.
In the event of sudden mental illness diagnosed irrevocably by a specialist, the repatriation
will take place provided the health authorities in the place where the person is located
and the means of transport to be used should allow this.
If the member or relative covered by the services was travelling alone, the RACC will
provide a relative of the diseased, residing in Spain, with a return ticket to be able to be
by his/her side.
Likewise, the RACC will cover the cost of his/her staying in a hotel of up to 3 stars for a
maximum 5 nights.
If the relatives covered by the services who were accompanying the person at the time
b) Transfer or repatriation of accompanying relatives.
of their death should be unable to return by the means initially planned, or because their
When the member has been transferred or repatriated due to illness or accident and
return ticket should not allow this, the RACC will deal with transporting them to the
their accompanying relatives covered by the services are unable to return home by the
place of burial or their home in Spain.
initially planned means, the RACC will deal with their transport to the place where the
member is hospitalised and then to their homes.
If the relatives indicated in the above paragraph should be children under 15 or disabled
relatives of any age and should have no relative or person of confidence to accompany
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Expansion, Home, Beneficiary and
Member Spouse, with the following limitations:
them on the trip, the RACC will provide a person to travel with them to the place where
There is family coverage for the modalities Senior and Senior Plus.
the member is hospitalised and/or to their homes.
And all people indicated in the following special cases are considered family members
c) Emergency medical expenses due to accident or sudden serious illness on a
trip in Spain.
covered by the services (family cover):
Entitled are the member, as such, and also:
If, as a result of an accident or serious illness occurring on a trip in Spain, the member
a) The partner of the main member, having hired the modality Member Spouse and
or relative covered by the services should need emergency primary medical assistance,
living in the same home as the main member.
the RACC will cover the medical expenses up to a maximum 600 euros, taxes included,
b) Children under 18 who have the RACC Junior modality (a free membership card for
per person and loss.
children of members under 18). Children having become of age in this year will also
This guarantee is subsidiary to the services covered by the Social Security or any other
body or insurance entity obliged to provide assistance.
d) Medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and hospitalisation expenses abroad.
be entitled, as long as the main member has not been renewed in the annual period in
which the child has reached this age.
c) Children of the member of any age with an officially recognised physical or mental
disability living with them in their home and in their charge.
If the member or relative covered by the services should require medical assistance due
d) The parents of the member or spouse (over 65), who live in their home and travel
to sudden illness or accident occurring abroad, the RACC will cover all medical expenses
with the member.
incurred abroad up to a maximum 30,000 euros, taxes included, per person and loss,
e) Other under 18s, whether or not they are relatives of the member, who live in their
relative to:
Hospitalisation expenses.
home and travel with the member.
The remaining occupants of the vehicle in the event of accident, breakdown or robbery,
Medical and surgical expenses and fees.
when it is driven by the member. These will only receive the cover provided in aside 5.1
The cost of the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
a) point 1).
The limit for medical costs in the Home modality is of 12,000 euros, taxes included, per
person and loss.
e) Continuation of the trip after hospitalisation abroad.
If the member or a member of his/her family covered by the services who has been
interned due to sudden illness or accident in a hospital centre located abroad should be
It will be given throughout the world, more than 25 km from the member’s home (10
km in the islands), except in the event of a traffic accident, in which, for the transfer or
health repatriation service for the injured, it will be given from the place where it has
occurred (from km 0).
released within a period of time which should make it feasible for them to continue the
In the Home modality, the area is limited to the national territory. The Home modality
trip that they were doing, the RACC will cover the transport of the member and a person
does only have international coverage, if the trip on which the event occurred has been
accompanying them to the place where the rest of the expedition is located, or to the
contracted in an RACC Travel Agency.
place where the member should currently be according to the established travel plan.
f) Expenses of convalescence abroad.
If the member or relative covered by the services should, by medical prescription, require
an extension to their stay, the RACC will cover the cost of accommodation in a hotel of
up to 3 stars for a maximum 7 nights.
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All injuries occurring in the exercise of a profession or manual work, and those derived
from sports in general.
There is a general exclusion of all accidents and injuries caused by the practice of
alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, artistic skiing, ski jumping, mono skiing or snowboarding,
jet ski and ice-skating, except for the service of transferring the injured.
In all of these cases, intervention (rescue) on and off the pistes is excluded.
Suicide, and illnesses and injuries resulting from the attempt and those caused
intentionally by the member to themselves.
Illnesses, injuries or pathological states caused by the intentional ingestion or
administration of alcoholic drinks, drugs, toxic substances, narcotics, or by the use of
medicines without medical prescription.
All expenses incurred in any kind of prosthesis or orthesis, damage or breakage
All births and pregnancies (except for unexpected complications in the first six months
of gestation).
Any kind of chronic or pre-existing psychic illness.
In Spain and abroad, the RACC does not cover in the expenses of fewer than 18
euros, taxes included.
Sea rescue costs of the member or any of their family members while travelling in a
Abroad, the RACC will only cover those medical expenses justified by means of a
medical report and previously approved by the RACC.
All costs of burial, coffin and funeral, in the event of transfer or repatriation of the
An exclusion is established on all kinds of medical expenses for therapeutic purposes,
beauty treatment or dentistry.
Costs of preventive medicine.
The RACC will not cover any sanitary travel or repatriation of the member and/
or accompanying relatives if they have not submitted at medical report previously
approved by the RACC, as well as a copy of the return ticket.
Therefore, by way of information, the following will be considered urgent services:
Breakage of glass in doors and/or exterior windows or any which generally isolate the
dwelling from the exterior.
Lack of electricity supply throughout the home or in any room in which there are
freezers, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers or similar elements.
Lack of electricity supply, preventing the normal operation of heating, cooling
equipment, heat pumps, air-conditioning or similar units.
The service of locksmiths in the event of the member being unable to enter or leave
their dwelling. Due to its nature, this situation will always be considered urgent.
When the home is without a water service.
Plumbing services to restore the normal operation of wash basins, toilets, bath tubs,
showers or similar elements.
The service operates 24/365. Urgent services will be solved according to what is
established below for every type of service. The repair service will be provided with the
maximum possible immediacy and in all cases within 3 hours of the member requesting
the service. All travel and labour are free (maximum 4 hours not cumulative). The cost of
the materials runs to each member, who must pay this at the time of the repair.
a) Urgent locksmith service.
In cases in which members are unable to enter or leave the habitual dwelling for any
accidental events such as loss, mislaying or theft of keys, or the lock being rendered
useless by attempted robbery or any other cause which prevents the dwelling or the car
park to be opened, if it is a house, as well as the opening of interior doors, both inside
the house and of terraces and balconies, the RACC will send a locksmith to carry out the
necessary urgent repair for the opening. Lock changes and key extractions are included,
and the possible material costs will be borne by the member.
b) Emergency electricity service.
When as a result of a fault in the particular installations of the member’s habitual
A 24/365 telephone medical advice and guidance service. By calling the assistance
number, you will be attended by an RACC doctor to advise you on the possible
alternatives for resolving aspects related to the health of a member or their family. The
dwelling a lack of electrical power is caused in any or all of the rooms, the RACC will
send an operator to perform the necessary emergency repair to restore the electrical
supply, provided the state of the installation should allow this.
c) Emergency plumbing service.
service includes the coverage of a psychologist on call on every day of the week, from
When there is a breakage in the fixed water conducts in the member’s dwelling, the
9 am. to 9 pm.
RACC will send an operator to perform the necessary emergency repair for the fault to
be resolved.
a) Advice on the use of certain therapies and medicines, and their correct administration
d) Emergency glass service.
and expected effects, whether or not they might be desired.
In the event of accidental breakage of any glass in exterior doors or windows of the
b) In the event of emergency, the RACC will mobilise the most suitable resources
member’s dwelling, the RACC will send an operator to perform the necessary emergency
depending on the pathology and availability in the area, the cost of which will run to
the member.
c) Provide the first instructions on what to do while waiting for the arrival of the
necessary resources.
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Expansion, Home, Beneficiary,
Member Spouse and children under 18 living with the member, having modalities with
family cover (Senior Plus, Senior, and Senior Expansion).
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Expansion, Home, Driver,
Beneficiary and Member Spouse.
The RACC offers home assistance to residents in Spain who are members and
beneficiaries with a membership card.
Throughout the national territory, both for the member’s habitual dwelling and for their
second residence.
This is a telephone consultation service, and the RACC doctors can never make any
The first residence must coincide with the address of the member which appears in the
diagnosis of illnesses or prescribe medicines.
Club database.
The second residence will have to be owned by the member, beneficiary or spouse, or it
Home assistance services aimed at solving or relieving situations of special discomfort or
seriousness in the normal enjoyment of the member’s home.
Requests will only be considered urgent services which refer to:
must be demonstrated by a bill paid by standing order that it is effectively inhabited by
any of the above figures.
If a member were unable to demonstrate the ownership or use of the second residence,
they will be offered the assistance, except for the door opening service, but by paying
for the service.
The RACC guarantees all work done for 6 months, providing the material used, supplied
by the operator or the member, is new, and the replaced materials for 24 months, or
short of this, the guarantee offered by the manufacturer. Members have an unlimited
number of services each year.
MARCH 2015
8.1.1 Repair and refurbishment service
a) Relating to locksmith service:
Changes of cylinder, locks or repairs of any kind, except for those caused by the
intervention of the urgent locksmith service (aside 7.1.a).
Repairs will be the work intended for maintaining or replacing elements which are faulty,
broken or damaged by use or time, with an amount not exceeding 200 euros and/or not
The garage door in communities of proprietors.
taking longer than 5 working days.
Opening of wardrobe, junk room, safe and similar doors.
However, refurbishment is improvement work done to the member’s dwelling, intended
The door opening service can only be requested by the member, the beneficiary and/
to modify or perform partial changes thereto, the amount of which exceeds 200 euros
or the member’s spouse who must hold the membership card and be present when the
door is opened (should the main member, beneficiary or member’s spouse not be able
to be present, he/she will have to expressly authorise a third person or there must be
a representative of the competent authorities). The home of the member, beneficiary
and which might last several days.
Whenever members might need it, the RACC will provide a qualified professional to
attend all repair and refurbishment services required and which include the following:
and member’s spouse holding a membership card is the home address provided by the
a) Masons
main member as usual residence for the RACC database, and it is the responsibility of
b) Aerial specialists
the member to keep the data of the beneficiary and (or the member’s spouse updated
c) Varnishers
in the RACC database, as well as to notify the RACC about any change of the home
b) Relating to the electricity service:
Repairs of faults in mechanisms such as sockets, conductors, switches, etc.
The repair of faults in the lighting elements such as lamps, bulbs, fluorescent tubes,
The repair of faults in a heating apparatuses, electrical appliances and generate any
fault in an apparatus which uses electricity.
d) Heating
e) Carpentry
f) Metalwork
g) Locksmiths
h) Glass
i) Electricity
j) Carpet layers
The damage caused by overloading due to wire “bridges”.
k) Plasterers
Faults to alarms or security systems in the dwelling.
l) Watchmen
Faults in exterior rooms, store rooms or similar spaces.
m) Boilers
Faults that have to be dealt with by the power supplier.
n) Plumbing
Repair or faults in meter rooms or elements of the community of proprietors.
o) Glass cleaning
c) Relating to the plumbing service:
Repairs to faults in taps, cisterns, tanks and generally any element outside the water
conducts of the dwelling.
p) General cleaning
q) Marble specialists
r) Removals
Replacements or sections of piping of over 25 cm.
s) Parquet specialists
Repair or improvement work, even though this might be done in the operator’s first
t) Blind operators
4 hours of work.
u) Painting
Replacement or repair of stopcocks, cisterns, water pumps or similar elements.
v) Entry phones
Blockage or clearing.
w) Upholsterers
Gas conducts.
x) Air conditioning
Faults in pipes located in meter rooms, in water conducts before the stopcock
y) Household electrical / leisure
(ventilation shaft, community area) and generally any which affect elements of the
community of proprietors.
d) Relating to the glass service
z) Awnings
As regards the repair and refurbishment service, the RACC will bear the cost of
transporting the professionals to the member’s home, and the members will be
Glass in interior doors, tables, cupboards or mirrors.
responsible for the professional labour and the cost of materials. In any case, the
Damage by flaking, scratching, surface damage or similar.
respective quote is free. As regards the repair service, the amount of the materials must
The cost of the glass itself is not covered (materials).
be paid at the time of the repair and in the case of a refurbishment, 50% at the start of
Objects of decoration, sculptures, glass with an artistic value or similar elements.
Lamps, bulbs, glass units, crockery, vitro ceramic hot tops, glass in electrical appliances,
televisions, screens, monitors, personal computers, solar panels and generally any glass
which does not form part of the building.
e) General exclusions and limitations
In any urgent service provided, repair work which is not urgent or amounts to
the work, 25% when the work is half done and 25% when it is finished.
As regards the repair of white goods, the RACC will bear the cost of transporting the
professionals to the member’s home and the quote or the diagnosis of the failure. The
member will have to assume the cost of professional labour, and the cost of materials,
needed for the repair.
improvement, although this might be done in the operator’s first 4 hours of work and
The professionals carrying out the service will give a 6 month guarantee on the repair,
the cost of materials used in urgent repairs.
provided the material used and supplied by the operator or by the member is new, and
The RACC does not cover or guarantee any service which has not previously been
requested and authorised through the RACC Alarm Centre.
If the service started as urgent has to be derived to a repair service, the specific conditions
defined for the said kind of service will be applied.
with respect to the replaced materials, a minimum guarantee of 24 months or, in its
place, the guarantee offered by the manufacturer.
Exclusions and limitations for repairs:
Repairs to alarms and safes.
Any service which has not previously been requested and authorised through the
RACC Alarm Centre.
Home assistance services aimed at solving or relieving a certain situation in the member’s
home which are not included under heading 7 Urgent Home Assistance.
MARCH 2015
Repairs to dwellings leased by the member to other people.
Exclusions and limitations for refurbishments:
Any service which has not previously been requested and authorised through the
RACC Alarm Centre.
The cost of quotes requiring the intervention of architects, engineers or any qualified
In both cases, the RACC simply provides the contact with professionals to attend the
repair and refurbishment services required by the member, and is not responsible for the
provision of the services which the said professionals give in the member’s dwelling, from
the time they accept the quote presented or agree on the work to be done with the said
The RACC simply provides the contact with professionals to attend the handyman
assistance services required by the member, and is not responsible for the provision of
the services which the said professionals give in the member’s dwelling, from the time
they agree on the work to be done with the said professional. The RACC is therefore
relieved of any responsibility derived from the action of any of the professionals whose
contact they have provided. Such responsibility, in any case, will lie with the management
professional. The RACC is therefore relieved of any responsibility derived from the action
of the repair to be done.
of any of the professionals whose contact they have provided. Such responsibility, in any
8.1.3 Home facilities inspection service
case, will lie with the management of the repair to be done.
8.1.2 Handyman or Do-it-yourself home service
The home facilities inspection service includes a yearly visit to the members home to carry
out the necessary checks, inspections and controls according to the service provision
Assistance service at home for do-it-yourself repairs. The “handyman” does not replace
confirmation sheet received by the member.
a professional (plumber, electrician, etc.). The services carried out are:
The checks, with a maximum duration of 1 hour, will be carried out by means of a visual
Hanging curtains, paintings/pictures, clotheslines, bathroom accessories, mirrors,
clothes racks, wardrobe bars.
Installing and connecting shower heads; mounting shelves, shelving and thermal fluid
radiators that do not need electrical changes.
Finishing plates: floor trims (filler-plates between two different floorings) wall-edge
Isolating windows: only placing a draught excluder between leaf and frame, fixing
glass with silicone.
Repairing or installing roller blinds (including change of strip, slats) with cord, strip or
handle mechanism, hidden in a box.
Changing or installing knobs, doorknockers, handles and springs in interior wooden
Changing hinges in small doors of kitchen/bathroom furniture and wooden auxiliaries.
Assembling kit-type furniture.
Gluing wooden chairs, tables and beds.
Mounting or changing socket and switch trims, bulbs, neon tubes, fluorescents and
Installing lamps, wall lamps or ceiling lights, provided that there is no need to change
the wiring.
Adjustment of loose taps and change of clippings, if any.
Bleeding radiators.
Silicone sealing of bathtubs, showers, toilets, sinks.
Filling small holes in non-tiled walls (caused by drills to hang paintings, accessories...).
The professionals carrying out the service will give a 6 month guarantee on the repair,
provided the material used and supplied by the operator or by the member is new, and
with respect to the replaced materials, a minimum guarantee of 24 months or, in its
place, the guarantee offered by the manufacturer.
Exclusions and limitations:
Any service which has not previously been requested and authorised through the
RACC Alarm Centre.
Installing lamps, wall lamps or ceiling lights, if it is necessary to create a new lighting
point, installing halogen lamps.
Changing sockets, plugs and switches having to manipulate electric wiring; installing
glass-ceramic sockets.
Mounting or changing glass.
Interior door locks, door or window chafing and everything related to main access
doors (locks, bolts, catches, handles,...).
The handyman or Do-it-yourself home service is limited to 1 service per year.
The travel and labour are free until a maximum of 2 hours (in a row). After the second
hour, the member will have to bear the cost of professional labour. The cost of materials
and travel is always borne by the member. These costs must be paid at the time of repair.
Should a service that started as a free service last longer than 2 hours, the specific
conditions for the respective type of service shall be applied, and the member will have
to pay for the professional labour and the materials.
The services may be provided from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., from Mondays to Fridays (except
public holidays) and according to the availability of the professional.
MARCH 2015
inspection of the member’s home, following an internal inspection protocol established
by the RACC, according to the general principles of good practice and recording the
information needed for the purpose to be achieved.
A diagnosis report will be drawn as a result of the inspection, including an expert opinion
on the condition of the facilities observed at the member’s home. This report shall not
replace any technical reports and compulsory documents established by law.
Moreover, the issuance of this report does not free the owner from carrying out regular
maintenance and using the facilities correctly in order to guarantee the conditions
established in the report.
The home facilities inspection shall include:
General check of the electricity system.
General check of the heating system.
General check of the air conditioning system.
General check of the plumbing system.
The aim of the inspection is to describe the apparent condition of the most representative
systems or components of the home. It is a general inspection on a first-diagnosis level to
know the essential characteristics of the systems or components.
The result of the inspection corresponds only to the conditions in which the inspection
is actually carried out. The result may never be extrapolated to other parameters that
may condition it.
Exclusions and limitations:
Only visible elements will be inspected. Any element hidden by false ceilings,
machinery, electrical household appliances, personal objects, etc. are not included in
the inspection.
The devices available in the home during the inspections are only checked to establish
the presence of connections to the respective networks, as well as their appearance.
The devices are not moved from their place and may hide defects for which the
inspection will not vouch.
The device inspection does not include any confirmation about the calibration of
thermostats, the functioning of clocks, switched-on lights, etc.
The home facilities inspection service is limited to one service per year.
Limitations of the electricity system check
The inspection of switches, sockets and light points will be carried out on a
representative sample.
The hidden elements of the electricity system are not the object of the inspection.
The inspection does not include remote control devices, alarm systems and their
components, low voltage networks (systems, components, secondary wiring, antennas,
computer wiring, satellite TV systems and wiring, nor any element forming part of the
main electricity distribution system).
Limitations of the heating system check:
The scope of the inspection of the heating system does not include a detailed
assessment of the heat generating system (e.g. the boiler).
According to law, the owner is responsible for keeping and maintaining the elements
in good condition, and for keeping the respective compulsory certificates.
The suitability of the heat supply and its distribution within the home are not the
object of the inspection.
The heat exchangers of the heaters and the inside of the chimney shafts are not the
object of the inspection either.
Limitations of the cooling system check:
Advanced calculation systems (CAD systems, database servers, etc.).
Experimental, home-made PCs.
The RACC accepts no liability for any loss of information or damage to the systems
It is not the aim of the inspection to assess the suitability of the cool air supply and
of the computer systems as a result of the actions derived from the interventions in
its distribution within the home, nor to measure the pressure of cooling liquids, the
devices which contain or are infected by a virus, malicious codes (trojans, worms, etc.)
condition of the filters, the possible charge losses or the performance of the devices.
spy software, peer to peer programmes or any other program, application or software
The inspection is limited to assessing the apparent condition of the devices and their
reaction when switched-on.
Limitations of the plumbing system check:
The hidden parts of the plumbing system are not the object of the inspection.
The aim of the inspection of plumbing systems and sanitation facilities is to check all
accessible mechanisms.
installed with or without the member’s knowledge thereof in the member’s computer,
acting maliciously.
In general, the RACC accepts no liability for damages caused by the undue use of the
8.1.5 Technological assistance service
The services may be provided from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., from Mondays to Fridays (except
Home assistance service providing the member with a network of qualified professionals,
public holidays).
Spain-wide, to be able to attend requests about the technological equipment at
Complimentary services
This is a visual inspection and check service of the facilities in the member’s home and
therefore, the specialists cannot carry out repair services during the visit.
Should it become necessary to request a repair service at the member’s home, the RACC
provides you with a network of services and professionals who, in order to solve the
incidences at home, will provide:
home. This service includes the installation, removal, commissioning, connectivity and
configuration of technological equipment.
All travel and labour are free for the member. Should it be necessary, the member would
only have to pay for the materials.
Devices entitled to the service:
a) TDT
Urgent locksmiths, plumber, glass and electricity services.
b) Computer
Repair services.
c) DVD-Video
Refurbishment services.
d) Home Cinema
8.1.4 Chat-based online computer query service
Remote computer assistance, provided that the incidents are derived from the personal
use of the computer at the member’s home: The member receives assistance to cooperate
e) Digital Camera
f) Digital Videorecorder
g) TVs
h) Videogame consoles
in the solution of doubts or problems with the computer. It includes solving incidents,
i) Media Centre equipments
administration and configuration of systems and help with the use of applications. It is
j) Video projectors
provided through the Internet, with a remote control tool. These queries are free, but do
not include the telecommunication service charges to be paid by the member and which
Exclusions and limitations
are needed to have access to the services. The number of queries a member can make is
There is maximum limit of 1 intervention per year per member, with a maximum of 2
unlimited. The service is available 24/365.
hours per intervention, neither accumulable nor dividable. From the second hour, the
Supported products:
a) Operating system: All Windows operating systems (95, 98, 2000, XP and Vista 32 bits,
Home and Professional versions).
b) Software (in PCs with Windows operating system):
Office programs: Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Frontpage and
Internet programs: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Outlook and
Outlook Express, Eudora, MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger.
Multimedia programs: Acrobat, Windows Media Player, Real Audio and the main
codecs on the market.
Data compressors: Winzip, Winrar.
member will have to bear the cost of professional labour, the transport and the cost of
materials, which must be paid at the time of the repair. The cost of materials is always
borne by the member.
The service request can be made on working days (except public holidays) from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The service on site may be provided on working days at
the member’s home. The RACC simply provides the contact with professionals to attend
the technological assistance services required by the member, and is not responsible for
the provision of the services which the said professionals give in the member’s dwelling,
from the time they agree on the work to be done with the said professional. The RACC is
therefore relieved of any responsibility derived from the action of any of the professionals
whose contact they have provided. Such responsibility, in any case, will lie with the
management of the services to be provided.
Copying programs: Nero.
Peer to peer: emule, Kazaa, edonkey.
The RACC offers home assistance to residents in Spain who are members and
Antivirus software and firewalls: Panda, Norton, Symantec, McAfee.
beneficiaries with a membership card.
Driver management (of any of the aforementioned devices).
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Expansion, Home, Driver,
b) Hardware (in PCs with Windows operating system): internal components of the
computer, tabletops or laptops (graphic card, sound card, network cards, etc.) monitor,
keyboard, mouse, printers, modem, CD and DVD readers and writers, scanner, external
storage devices, webcam, PDA.
Exclusions and limitations
The following products are currently not supported:
Operating systems of the UNIX family.
Bene¬ficiary and Member Spouse, with the following limitations:
Asides 8.1.2 to 8.1.5 are only applicable to the modalities Senior Plus and Home.
The territorial area is Spain, with the following clarifications:
The first residence must coincide with the address of the member which appears in
the Club database.
The second residence will have to be owned by the member, beneficiary or spouse, or
Operating systems of the Mac® OS family.
it must be demonstrated by a bill paid by standing order that it is effectively inhabited
Server platforms.
by any of the above figures.
MARCH 2015
The RACC provides legal assistance by telephone in the member’s personal and family
area, and gives advice and draws up claims to defend consumers and users, advice
Members will decide whether they finally give the case to the collaborating lawyers’
office, and have to pay the stipulated fees in accordance with the conditions mentioned
above, without these applying to the procurator’s fees or judicial expenses.
and written appeals against administrative infringements in traffic, circulation and road
The visit to the network of collaborating lawyers’ offices will be conditioned to the
system of visits established by each of them.
e) Appeals against fines.
a) Advice.
Telephone attention for queries resulting from the application of Spanish law. These
Attention for all kinds of queries related to administrative sanctions concerning general
queries will be dealt with immediately, although any cases whose complexity requires a
traffic, or relative to a sanctioning proceeding already underway.
deeper analysis may be resolved within a maximum time of 72 hours from reception of
the documentation, if it is necessary to make an analysis.
Preparation of appeals
The resolution of queries therefore also includes the analysis of the documentation
Once it has received the necessary documentation with sufficient time to be able to handle
that might be necessary and which must be provided by the member according to the
it, the RACC will draw up the pertinent texts which have to be presented, exclusively
indications they receive. The subjects of Spanish law which may be consulted, excluding
for administrative proceedings. The person who appears on the administrative report as
public or private International Law and Mercantile Law, are the following, amongst
the presumed infringer will authorise the RACC in writing to draw up and present the
discharges and appeals. To do this, they must send the necessary documentation which
Civil: family, obligations and contracts, inheritance and successions, real rights, extra
contractual responsibility and defence of consumers and users.
Penal: crimes and offences.
Labour: work contract and dismissal, retirement, unemployment allowances, pensions
and social security.
will be indicated by the RACC when they contact them through the channels enabled to
this effect. The Administration will send the member the resolution of the appeal directly.
Presentation of texts
The RACC will present the texts before the pertinent administrative bodies.
Tax: income-tax, inheritance tax and stamp duty, and local taxes.
Administrative: inheritance liability and administrative proceedings.
The modalities entitled are: Senior Plus, Senior, Senior Extension, Home and Beneficiary.
Due to the specific nature of the subject, the advice concerning labour and tax questions
will be general.
The member’s spouse and children under 18 (reported in the Club database) who live
in the member’s home are also entitled. The member must have a modality with family
b) Urgent legal service.
cover and road assistance (Senior Plus, Senior and Senior Expansion).
Telephone attention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, when the queries concern situations
The content of the services described under this heading are applied with the following
of legal urgency related to the use and ownership of a vehicle. Other queries which
cannot be considered of legal urgency, in the judgment of the RACC, will be attended
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The situations of legal urgency open for consultation are the following:
Asides 9.1.b) and 9.1.e) are not applicable to the Home modality.
Road accidents.
The service deals with legal questions applicable in Spanish law and occurring in Spain
Vehicle robbery or theft.
within the scope of the physical person.
Vehicle immobilisation.
The service is provided from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Member detention in police or judicial dependencies.
c) Preparation of consumption complaints.
Preparation of all claims which may occur in relation to defending consumers and users.
The RACC will simply draw them up in accordance with the data provided by the
The RACC will advise on all queries concerning any area of Spanish law (not mercantile
law), except for those which directly or indirectly affect or might affect the interests of
the RACC, or which might undermine its image and/or professional prestige.
member and they will be sent them by fax or electronic mail. The maximum time for
The RACC advice is based on the data provided by the member, and they can accept
preparing will be 72 hours from the moment that the member provides the necessary
no liability with regard to the complete provision of the documentation by the member
data for them to be drawn up. Their signing, presentation and subsequent processing
and/or the veracity thereof.
will run to the member.
In everything related to the ownership or use of vehicles, the RACC will draw up any
The RACC reserves the right to decide which queries, given their special complexity,
have to be attended and analysed personally by a lawyers’ office.
kind of written claim that might be necessary for presentation to a repair workshop,
The preparation of claims not contemplated in section 9.1 c), and the preparation
dealer’s, vehicle manufacturer or company giving automobile related services, depending
and revision of tax declarations, or the performance of calculations of work, pensions,
on the type of incident. In such cases, the RACC will sign the claims and will carry out
golden handshakes, etc.
the corresponding presentation to the company giving the service. The RACC will also
The expenses and processing of judicial proceedings if necessary.
deal with preparing and presenting all pertinent texts when a claim is made concerning
the state heritage responsibility as a result of something derived from circulation, the
holding or possession of a motor vehicle, providing the said service is not covered by the
Cases of a complexity which means that they require personalised attention by the
collaborating office.
The RACC is relieved of all responsibilities derived from the action of any of the
vehicle insurance policy.
d) Lawyers’ offices.
collaborating lawyers’ offices, which will be exclusively responsible for the technicaljuridical management of the case.
If it is necessary to start judicial proceedings or to resolve a highly complex query, the
RACC provides members with a network of lawyers’ offices which work with them and
will attend them under special conditions.
The first visit will be free, and in this case the office will give members the previous quote
in writing, without commitment. Furthermore, the collaborating lawyers’ office will give
In the case of appeals against fines, the persons described under Modalities entitled
must appear as having been reported in the corresponding notification.
members a 10% discount on the final lawyers’ fees, which will be calculated on the basis
The RACC Master Card is a free credit card with no annual maintenance fee, exclusive
of the fees recommended by the Professional Bar to which they belong.
for RACC members, which also identifies its holder as a member of the Club.
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When paying for purchases using the card, discounts may be obtained in more than
The RACC also reserves the right to deny the service when the vehicle having an accident
6,000 establishments associated with the RACC Master Programme. Likewise, every
or breakdown was driven under the effects of alcoholic beverages or toxic drugs,
time payment is made with the card, RACC BONUSES are assigned which may be
narcotics or psychotropic substances, regardless or whether the member requesting the
exchanged for exclusive gifts and discounts.
assistance is the driver or an occupant of the respective vehicle.
RACC Master card holder: Physical person, member, over 18, in whose name the cards
All accidents occurring while taking part in official or private sports competitions, and
are issued personally and non-transferable. The RACC is entitled to change this definition
in all training, trials and betting, participation in excursions and organised crossings not
at any time, in order to let other member modalities become RACC Master Card holders.
related to classic vehicles.
The RACC Master Card may be issued by two banks, CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group)
and Banco de Sabadell, according to the bank details given by the member and RACC
membership card holder when joining the Club.
All risks caused by sports and tourist adventure activities, and those which are
practised basically using the resources offered by nature in the medium in which they
are developed, and in which risk is an inherent factor, such as rafting, white-water
descents, canoeing, kayak, waterskiing, windsurf, trekking or cycling (on non-asphalted
Thus, if the bank details of the main member when joining the Club are from CaixaCard
tracks), auto 4x4, motorcycle raid, quads, bungee jumping, river descents, paragliding,
(“la Caixa” Group) the issuing bank of the RACC Master Card will be the same. But if
heliskiing, hidrobob, hydro-sledge, alpine climbing, climbing, diving, parachuting, hang
the bank details of the main member when joining the Club are from any other bank,
gliding, ultra light flying and potholing.
the issuing bank of the RACC Master Card will be Banco de Sabadell.
The awarding of this card is subject to criteria of risk evaluation by the issuing entities,
All injuries or body accidents resulting from criminal activities, provocations,
arguments, fights and duels, carelessness, betting or any risky or daring event.
CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group) or Banco de Sabadell, and its activation is optional by the
The services in points 4.1.b), 4.1.m), 7.1.d) and 9.1.c) will not be applicable for
members having been in the Club for under one year. This exclusion is not applied to
The main member will receive the RACC Master Card at the address provided as the
members of a group which has been centrally attracted.
habitual residence for the RACC database 45 days after becoming a member. For
The RACC will deny assistance to any member not keeping abreast of payment of the
reasons of security, the RACC Master Card will not be activated when it is sent. To
yearly fee.
be able to use it both to pay in trades and to withdraw cash through automatic cash
dispensers, it must be activated.
The RACC is entitled to decide at any time, according to its internal policy, which member
modalities will receive the RACC Master Card 45 days after becoming a member.
The bank order of the RACC Master Card will be issued, in the case of the main member,
to that account provided by the main member, holder of the RACC member card when
joining the club, the account holder being the same as the card holder. However, the
member holding the RACC membership card may modify the account at any time and
associate the card with the most convenient banking entity for them, provided the
member with RACC membership card, the beneficiary holding a card or the member
spouse is the holder of the account and the entity is one with an office in the Spanish
Any changes of the bank account made by the member during the term of the RACC
Master Card contract will not imply the automatic change of the issuing bank, and
therefore will not imply the issue of a new card either.
Likewise, the main member must inform the RACC of any change of address. The
member shall also inform the RACC of any change in the bank account associated with
the RACC Master Card. For the correct management of the RACC Master Card, the
RACC will inform any of the issuing banks, CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group) and Banco de
Sabadell, of the changes of address reported to the Club by the member and those of
the associated bank account reported to the Club by the holder of the RACC Master
Card .
To be able to issue the RACC Master Card, the RACC must have a bank account for the
member, to make all charges and payments caused as a consequence of the contract.
The RACC will not answer for delays or non fulfilments due to force majeure, of the
special administrative or political characteristics of a certain country. In any case, if
direct intervention were not possible, the holder will be reimbursed (presenting the
corresponding original receipts) for all expenses that they might have incurred and which
are guaranteed in our services on their return to Spain or, if necessary, once they are in
a country where the above circumstance does not occur. The RACC will not answer in
general for any violent events or actions of the armed forces or the security forces in
times of peace.
Nor will we answer for any possible damage or robbery to vehicles before the arrival of
the assistance sent by the RACC, or when they are parked in a public or private car park.
The assistance services will be given provided the time away from the habitual dwelling
is not over 60 days per trip. In the event of longer stays, and for persons accompanying
who are not members of the RACC, it is possible to contract a supplementary travel
assistance policy from a local office.
Likewise, the RACC will not answer for losses occurring in cases of force majeure
(war, demonstrations and popular movements, acts of terrorism and sabotage, strikes,
uprisings, restrictions on free circulation, and earthquakes, nuclear radiation, pandemics
and other catastrophic phenomena).
These services have a waiting period of 48 hours, starting from the date on which the
modality was contracted, provided that the respective fees have been paid.
In any case, no service will be provided for all those accidents, incidents or illnesses
Along with the RACC Master Card, they will receive the general conditions of contract
occurred before the date on which the member joined the Club.
of the card, and the operation they must carry out to activate and begin to enjoy the
The RACC will always make available the details of those providers it considers most
exclusive advantages it offers.
suitable to provide the services requested by the member and which are not provided
directly by the RACC.
The following general risks are excluded from coverage in all guarantees:
All illnesses or injuries which are caused as a result of chronic problems or disorders
prior to the beginning of the trip, and all complications or relapses.
All guarantees and services which have not been asked for from the RACC and which
have not been carried out with all through its agreement save in the case of force
majeure or demonstrated material impossibility.
The RACC reserves the right to deny the service if an undue use of the assistance service
is detected as a consequence of a professional, non-authorised use or a use aimed at
In all those cases in which the RACC limits its service to provide the details of a service
provider, the RACC will not be liable for the services provided by them. The RACC is
therefore relieved of any responsibility derived from the action of any of the professionals
whose contact they have provided. Such responsibility, in any case, will lie with the
management of the service to be provided.
All services requiring specialised RACC staff to travel will be only provided if the needed
means are available.
The maximum number of free mechanical assistances per year will be 6, except for the
Senior Expansion modality which will have 5.
providing services to a business.
Likewise, the RACC reserves the right to deny the service if it is requested as a
consequence of fraudulent acts or caused by negligence or notoriously hazardous or
Your data and any which you might provide in the future will be included in a personal
daring acts by the member, driver, occupant or the people travelling with the member.
data file held by the RACC in accordance with what is established in Organic Law
MARCH 2015
15/1999 (LOPDCP). Your personal data will be dealt with for the establishment and
correct development of your contractual relations with the RACC, the communication
of any type of advantage that the club may get for you, and commercial offers of the
activities developed by this Entity directly or through companies of the RACC Group by
means of different channels, including electronic means. The companies of the RACC
(insurance sale), SERVICIOS RACC, S.A., (vehicle sale), RACC TRAVEL, S.L. (travel sale),
SERVIHOGAR GESTIÓN 24H, S.L., (household assistance), CODI SERVI, S.L., (issue and
reception of telephone calls) and RACC, S.L., (commercial promotion and direct sales).
Likewise, please be informed that the personal data you provide us as a member will
be forwarded to the travel agency RACC TRAVEL, S.L., with VAT number: B-65365975,
with the aim of designing and providing you with commercial travel offers, speeding up
the hiring of these offer – should you be interested in them- and for the application of
the advantages your are entitled with for being an RACC member. If you do not wish
this forward to be done, you may tell us using any of the usual means of communication
with the Cub.
In order to provide members with the greatest possible advantages, the RACC can
keep you informed of their own offers or promotions or those of others which might
be of interest, on any kind of support, related to the following sectors of activity:
telecommunications, financial, leisure, training, large consumption, para-pharmacy,
automotive, water and energy, vigilance and security services and non-governmental
organisations. If you do not wish to receive the above mentioned offers, you may notify
it by any of the usual means of communication with the Club.
Likewise, you authorise your data to be subject to standardisation and purification
processes for suitable maintenance of the database and to avoid sending you redundant
offers or others which are not suited to your interests, and your details may also be used
to draw up profiles to allow a better service to be given.
The RACC will inform you about the data which are necessary to become a Club member
and to be able to provide you the services offered. Once your relationship with the Club
has ended, the said data will be kept in order to send by any channel future offers of
products and service which might be of interest and are related to the aforementioned
sectors of activity. If you do not wish to receive the above mentioned offers, you may
notify it by any of the usual means of communication with the Club.
Please be informed, that any change in your personal data must be notified to the RACC
in order to be able to treat the data correctly. If you have provided the personal data of
any of the dependent modalities (beneficiaries, member spouse, juniors or others which
The assistance services will be given to the member or to the beneficiary with a
membership card by calling the RACC Alarm Centre.
The address of the member, the beneficiary and the member spouse with a
membership card will be that provided by the holder member as their habitual
residence for the RACC database. The address of the member, the beneficiary and the
member spouse must coincide, as well as the bank order. Likewise the member holding
the membership card will notify the RACC of any change of address or bank domicile.
By giving the RACC a bank account number for the direct debiting of the membership
fee, the member expressly authorises the RACC the yearly payment of the fee for as
long as he/she does not cancel the membership.
Any failure to pay the annual quota by the member will cause the temporary
suspension of their rights and, as a result, the suspension of the right to be given the
services described in this document, both by the member and the beneficiary. In the
event of asking for any service while the situation of non-payment should be in effect,
the cardholder shall pay the amount thereof, and ask for reimbursement once their
situation has been corrected.
The RACC membership card is personal and non-transferable.
Payment of the first annual payment by the member supposes the acceptance of
all of the conditions included in this document which will be applicable to them, and
membership is considered automatically extended if there is no written declaration of
a wish not to renew.
To know the updated prices of the different modalities, you may ask for information
at any of our branch offices or enter the Club website, where you can consult the prices
which hold at any time.
Telephone number to lodge complaints about basic services related to the Medical
Service and the RACC MASTER card: 900.700.702, from Monday to Friday, from 8
a.m. to 9 p.m. For the rest of the service, please call FONORACC during the same
working hours.
When the service required is the luggage guarantee, if they find the stolen or lost
objects, the member will be obliged as follows:
The member must advise the RACC in writing from the time at which they become
aware of this.
If the RACC has not yet paid them, the member must take possession of the objects.
The RACC will only cover any expenses of possible damage and partial losses, providing
they are covered by the conditions of the RACC membership card.
might be established in the future), you will be responsible for informing the people
If the RACC has already paid, the member may choose between: abandoning the
whose contact details have been provided to the RACC concerning the process of the
objects and leaving them in the possession of the RACC, or preserving them and
data, their inclusion in the said file and the address indicated for the effects of exercising
returning the compensation they have received to the RACC, deducting all damage or
their right of access, rectification and cancellation.
partial loss. If the member should fail to opt either way within a time of 15 days, the
According to what is established in article 34.e of the LOPDCP, you authorise the RACC
RACC will consider that the member has chosen to abandon the goods.
to forward your data to third parties, with the above mentioned terms and conditions,
in any part of the world, even though they might not offer a level of protection similar
Urgent personal and health assistance travel services covered by the company
to that of the LOPDCP.
RACC Seguros Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., domiciled in Barcelona,
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition or cancellation in writing
to the address of the RACC, Av. Diagonal, 687 de Barcelona (ref. LOPD).
Furthermore, in order to be able to offer you the free RACC MASTER financial card, we
inform you that the personal data identifying your person, your condition as a member
and your bank details which as a member you gave the RACC when joining, will be
sent when you are registered as a member to CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group), with VAT
number A-58513318 and registered office in Barcelona, at Avda. Diagonal, 621, C.P.
08028; or to Banco de Sabadell, with CIF A-08000143 and registered office in Plaça Sant
Roc, 20, Sabadell, C.P. 08201, according to what has been established herein as regards
the RACC Master Card. This communication is made exclusively for the mentioned banks
to be able to print out the card, the contractual conditions and activation instructions
of which will be sent to you soon along with the card, and so that you might be able to
apply to contract the card if you are interested. These data will be included in a file held
by CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group) or Banco de Sabadell and both entities must preserve
them confidentially for a maximum 5 months. After this time, your data will be cancelled
if you have not asked for the formalisation of the referred contract. You may access your
data at any time to ask for them to be consulted, updated, rectified or cancelled, by
writing to CaixaCard (“la Caixa” Group) or Banco de Sabadell at the above mentioned
addresses. When activating the card, you authorise the RACC to notify CaixaCard (“la
Caixa” Group) or Banco de Sabadell the updates or changes of your data.
MARCH 2015
at Avda. Diagonal, 687. DGS. C-708.