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What does the term "history" mean? Knowledge that acquired by investigation
When did the Fergana tragedy occur? May 1989
When was Soviet Union formed? 1992
Why was referendum hold after independence? In order to strengthen its independence
Middle ages. 5-19 century
Flag - 18 nov 1991, State emblem - 2 jul 1992, Anthem - 10 dec 1992
Human rights. The right to life; the right to freedom and inviolability of the person; inviolability of home; the
right to freedom of movement; freedom of thought, speech and convictions
When was the human rights declaration adopted? 10 dec 1948
Which countries participated in formation USSR? Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian
Consequences of perestroyka? Cause of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the revolutions of 1989 in Eastern
Europe, and the end of the Cold War
When was constitution adopted? 8 dec 1992
When was presidential form of government adopted? 24 mar 1990
Why did the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan decided to grant the status of the Constitutional
Law to the Law "On the Fundamentals of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan"? The resolution
states that the articles of the Constitutional Law should be remained in force if they contradict even the
provisions of current Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Which approach is most popular in the periodization of history? Civilizational
Which Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan regulates the right to vote of citizens? "On guarantees of citizens'
Following freedoms can be considered as political rights. The right to form trade unions, political parties and
other public associations; the right to submit applications and proposals, and to lodge complaints with
competent state bodies, institutions or public representatives
Following freedoms can be considered as economic and social rights. The right to own property, the right to
work, fair conditions of labor and protection against unemployment
Why was the death penalty abolished in Uzbekistan? As a sign of implementation of concrete measures to
liberalize criminal penalties
Which party’s goal is to support vulnerable and needy segments of the population in Uzbekistan? The People's
Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
1. Why was the presidential elections in 2015 held 3 month later? parliamentary elections was taken place at the
same time
2. What period does the second stage of parliament cover? 1995-2004
3. Who can initiate the law? The president, cabinet of ministers, constitutional and supreme court
4. Who was appointment of Islam Karimov in 2000 (second)? Abdulhafiz Jalolov
5. When was the decree “On the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers under the President of the Uzbek SSR”
issued? 15 nov 1990
6. Why it was decided to extend the powers of President from 1997 to 2000? To continue large-scale reforms
7. What does term "parliament" mean? To talk from French
8. When was the first election? 29 dec 1991
9. Responsibilities of Vice-president (prime minister). preside at the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers, sign its
decisions; submits proposals to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the appointment and dismissal
of khokims of regions and the city of Tashkent
10. When was the last presidential elections held? 4 dec 2016
11. Which case may not The Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
be dissolved? During the state of emergency
12. What is the procedure of appointment of khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent? Prime minister
submit proposals
13. Which case shall the vote of no confidence in the prime minister be deemed as adopted in oliy majlis? The
vote of no — confidence in the Prime Minister shall be deemed as adopted, if not less than two thirds of the
total number of deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, respectively, vote for it.
Functions of parliament? representing electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government’s activity
The presidential republic presents. the state with an elected president, where the head of state is also the head
of the government
Which position does the President of Uzbekistan hold upon completion of his term of powers? a lifetime
member of the Upper Chamber
Who was the youngest presidential nominee in the history of Uzbekistan? Sarvar Sadullayevich Otamuratov
On January 9, 2000, Islam Karimov's candidacy was proposed by Fidokorlar National Democratic Party
According to scholars, the modern concept of parliamentary government emerged in 18 century
The supreme state representative body shall be the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan that exercises
legislative power
Currently, the chairman of the Upper chamber is Narbaeva Tanzila Kamalovna
The term of powers of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of
Uzbekistan – 5 years
What is the main task of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan? to ensure guidance over
effective functioning of the economy, social and cultural development, execution of the laws, and legal acts of
the President
Who was assigned to the post of Vice-President on November 15, 1990? Shukrullo Mirsaidov
Which position did the President hold in the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the
Decree “On the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers under the President of the Uzbek SSR”? Chairman
What organization has the right to present the nominee of a Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan? A
political party won the elections
Labor productivity in comparison with country’s average. 40% behind the country
Function of unified tariff scale. linking employees' salaries through tariff rates, to the minimum wage.
Percentage of agricultural goods. 80%
GDP of Uzbekistan in Soviet period? 12 ranked
Share of ready products. 50%
Privileges of lonely pensioners. Lonely pensioners have been exempted from payment for housing and
communal services, provided free access to medicines, essentials, and free public transport.
What measured were taken under the decree “On Measures for Price Liberalization"? a wide range of
industrial goods, technical means in Uzbekistan have been approved by the fixed (free) prices and tariffs. The
government has set the boundaries of prices for food and industrial goods in limited quantities for the
protection of the population and the highest tariffs for certain types of services.
How many banks in 1991? 6
Chairman and its deputy elections. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court and Deputy of Chairman shall be
elected among its judges at the Constitutional Court Council. The person who has obtained the majority of the
votes of the total number of members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be
considered as elected. The Constitutional Court shall consist of seven judges of the Constitutional Court,
including the chairman and deputy of chairman.
Which book illustrated “the uzbek model of development” firstly? “Uzbekistan - own model of transition to
market relations"
When was the international republican cultural center established? 13 jan 1992
Who is a chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan? Abdusalomov Mirza-Ulubek
The Competences of Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan: gives a conclusion on the compliance
of the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
laws of the Republic of Karakalpakstan - laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan; provides interpretation of the
norms of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Judicial power is one of the main independent branches of state power and carries out activities aimed at the
administration of justice in society
The term of office of a judge in one court shall not be less than: 2 years
16. The Constitutional Court shall be elected upon the nomination of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
by the upper chamber of oliy majlis among the experts in the field of politics and law recommended by the
Supreme Council of Judges of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including the representative of the Republic of
17. What spheres of the economy were covered in the first stage of privatization in Uzbekistan? housing stock and
18. When was the second stage of privatization begun? 1994
19. What is a strong social policy? protection of socially vulnerable segments
20. How was the process of privatization taken place? By selling state property
21. How many national cultural centers of different nationalities and ethnicities operate in Uzbekistan? 137
22. Ignorance of social problems of population can lead to instability in the country
23. What was the outcome of the decree of the Cabinet Ministers of Uzbekistan on "The Further Improvement of
the Unified Tariff Scale of Labor Payment"? the categories of labor payment decreased in 22 period
24. When was the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Measures for Price Liberalization" issued? 1992