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Romanticism: Diderot, Rousseau & English Literature Analysis

Critical analysis card
Student read critically and attentively the following short articles: The Importance of Studying History and the
classics of English Literature. Following they have to complete the critical analysis card. Finally, students have to
get ready to have an academic debate based on their reading of the short articles.
Written by: Diana Yolanda Roldan Garcia
Theme: _The romantics nature/ liberty
Basic concepts
Critical reflection (300 words’ paragraph)
Denis Diderot Jeanjacques Rousseau
Romantic revolution
Freedom and liberty
for the individual
Encyclopedia God
English Romantic
poets Natural state
Revolutionary ideas
New generation
The video starts talking about one of the greatest revolutions in humanity, all this took
place in France in 1742, when two philosophers named Denis Diderot and Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, with different beliefs but something united them. Diderot was convinced
that the future would be built on reason and the finest privilege of our reason consists
in not believing in anything by the impulsión. These men believed the system of control
in France to be inhuman both were preaching freedom and liberty for the individual
they were playing a dangerous game by overriding the order and tax system maintained
by the state for its citizens.Rousseau had experienced a vision that would become the
single most important inspiration of the English Romantic poets he had seen that
emotion could unlock the prison of civilized society for him the key to freedom lay in
ndividual will and feeling. Old regimes of Europe would never accept the revolutionary
ideas of Diderot and Rousseau only a new generation could put them into practice in a
new world. Thomas Paine was one of many new Americans who reacted strongly and
violently to the imposition of taxes upon them by their English laws and rulers.
The second video talks about nature, where he explains the historical change of Great
Britain, where all the artists were inspired and it was a dramatic change. A group of
poets and novelists pioneered an alternative way of living and of looking at the world,
among them were William Wordsworth Mary Shelley and William Blake. This is the
story of man's escape from the shackles of Commerce and Industry to the freedom of
nature because in the 18th century Britain was being devoured by the voracious
demands of urbanization towns were turning into cities this was the age of Industry
and of manufacture.
Conclusion: (150 words’ paragraph)
In my point of view I believe that revolutions throughout time have arisen from several factors, and one of
them is change, which often seems to be something to fear for the high institutions that govern humanity,
these philosophers wanted to demonstrate the freedom that man possesses and not only physical, if not of
thought, to be able to take action for ourselves. As well as other philosophers who were part of this little
change for the English literature and society, as one of the events of Thomas Paine was the declaration of
independence, another event that was the change to have no king, no aristocracy and no national church,
in search of a free nation, where exist equal all men have an equal right to life liberty and the pursuit of
happiness this was the beginning of modern democracy and it was a clarion call for revolution in Europe.