Identidad Personal

We are equals as persons but we are all very different. We have a process of socilialitation. This
process have 3 components that are:
1.1 Socio-cultural components: The society that trasmited we the lenguage, some traditions, a
mentality... A determined way of understanding the life. We are very affectec by the people
like our familiy or friends. “I am I and my circustances” (Ortega y Gasset)
1.2 Socio-political components: Depends of the education that we recives we can think in one
way or in other, and differend the political ideologies.
1.3 Moral and religious components: Sometimes the people can develope religious believes that
can have a great or bad influence in their personal identities.
Our liberty is not a liverty without limts: In each situation we can choose one of the posibilities that we
have. We choose one or other. Some of the two or more ways are great or bad decission.
We are determinsm by our genetic dotation. The society in which we live, the education that we
recived, the religious believes, the moment of the history in thah we live.. However, condition is not
We are able to do some, but we are not able to do others things that we like to do. We can choice that it
happen around us, but we can not control all that will happenens in our life. And this determination is
something that no one know.
We have differents points of liberty:
4.1 External liberty: Consists in acting the way is convenent to us, respecting the laws of our
country and the social rules. This type of liberty disapear when someones is arrested, for
4.2 Inner liberty: Consist in being able of making convinent decisions for us about situasions
that affect us. This is complete moral liberty, and no one can prived us from it. We have to
recive good education for chooce the good election of our posibilities of liberty, for the good or
If we are free, we are responsible too.
Responsabilily is the capaticy to respond to the quiestion of the reason os our actions.
4.1 CASUAL DETERMINISM Is the thesis that future events are necessitated by past and
present avents combined with the laws of nature.
4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINISM Is a clymatic or geographical determinism which
holds the view that the physical environment determined culture.
4.4 BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM Is the type of determinism of our genetic endowment. Ç
4.5 THEOLOGICAL DETERMINISM Is the thesus that there is a God who determined all that
humans will do.
Determinism is not an excuse for people that commit crimes because the cause of a person moralily is
not necessarily themselves.