Laura Martínez Alicia Lorencio Lucía Pérez Meditation for sleep Benefits for your mind and body What is meditation for sleep? Less in our head, aware of the present. more Meditation offers us a natural sleep aid all on its own. Rest the mind at the same time that you rest the body. What keeps people up at night? Technology. Pillow / though. Distractions. The sleep deprivation epidemic "I'll sleep when I'm dead. You snooze, you loose. A simple meditation to aid sleep Racing thoughts. Breaths. Counting your breaths (1 - 10). Meditation for quality sleep – during the day What to expect when meditationg to fall asleep Focused on a relaxing way. Allow yourself to relax. Other ways to improve sleep Routine. Sleep Environment. Diet. Physical Activity. Bedtime Preparation. Benefits of meditation for sleep Be in a good mood and with a lot of energy. Reduces the possibilities of a heart attack. Be more concentrated. You can calm your mind.