TEACHER’S RESOURCE BOOK Burlington Professional Modules BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Su per ior Gr a do S up Su Burlington Books Gr ao pe r io r G o i Ma ko B erior Z ik lo a Gr a u David Walker Includes: • Teaching Notes • Student’s Book Answer Key • Workbook Answer Key • Tests with Answer Key • Additional Speaking Tasks • Additional Writing Tasks ila Burlington Professional Modules: B USINESS Administration & FINANCE Teacher’s Resource Book by David Walker Burlington Books P.O. Box 54411 3721 Limassol Cyprus Burlington Books is an imprint of Danos Books Ltd. The publisher gratefully acknowledges the following for providing photographs: All photographic images in this publication are © Shutterstock Inc. All rights reserved by the publisher. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without permission in writing from the publisher. The publisher, however, grants permission to the teacher to photocopy those pages on which the symbol BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books appears. ISBN 978-9963-48-917-6 Copyright © 2014 Burlington Books 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Page Teaching Notes 4 Student’s Book Answer Key 6 Workbook Answer Key 27 Tests with Answer Key 45 Additional Speaking Tasks 105 Additional Writing Tasks 115 Teaching Notes Welcome to the Burlington Professional Modules series. Each of the Burlington Professional Modules consists of a Student’s Book, a Workbook and a Teacher’s Resource Book. The Student’s Book consists of 20 units, the topics of which have been carefully chosen to reflect specialised areas pertinent to specific career paths. Each unit presents useful functional language and topic-based vocabulary in a variety of authentic situations which your students may be expected to encounter in the workplace. Each unit is divided into two sections of two pages each. Each two-page section is structured as follows: •A short reading in the style of various authentic texts (for example: adverts, brochures, websites and notices) followed by comprehension questions. •A situational dialogue using clearly marked functional language followed by comprehension questions. • A variety of engaging vocabulary exercises in work-related contexts. •Tip! boxes that provide information on the use of everyday language, as well as additional cultural information. •A Your Turn feature which alternates between a listening activity and a speaking activity. Both activities exploit the functional language as well as the topic vocabulary, and provide students with the opportunity to practise new word and language skills. The Student’s Book also includes a Vocabulary Builder covering the unit vocabulary and a Writing Guide. The Workbook consists of three sections: •Practice of vocabulary and functional language by unit. • An optional grammar section including grammar charts and exercises. • Writing plan pages with useful language boxes. The Teacher’s Resource Book consists of answer keys for the Student’s Book and Workbook, listening scripts of the Your Turn listening feature in the Student’s Book, photocopiable tests together with their answer keys and additional unit-based speaking and writing tasks. Using the Student’s Book 1.Read the unit title with the class and ask students what type of information they expect to cover in this unit. 2.Before starting each two-page section, refer students to the relevant page in the Vocabulary Builder. Each unit has its own categorised vocabulary list covering all the vocabulary presented in the unit, as well as a bank of additional words for stronger students. Check that your students know this vocabulary and translate any items that they don’t know. Students can write the translation of the vocabulary items in the spaces provided, creating a glossary of all the vocabulary covered in the book. 3.Read or listen to the text. Also read the Tip! box, if there is one. Ask students to answer the questions about the text. If you wish, you can give your students a time limit before checking their answers in class. 4.Before listening to the dialogue, read the instructions. Then tell students to listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the functional language in colour. Ask students to complete the exercise. 5.Tell students to practise the dialogue in pairs. You may wish to ask for volunteers to act out this dialogue in class. 6.Tell students to read the dialogue again and to complete the exercise that follows. Then check the answers together with the students. 7.Tell students they are going to work on the vocabulary from the unit list. Each unit has a variety of exercise types, including picture-based exercises, multiple choice, gapped sentences and definitions, as well as authentic mini-texts such as adverts, posters, brochures and e-mails. Ask students to complete an exercise, then check their answers in class. Make sure you read through and explain any Tip! boxes that appear on this page. Remind students that there is a full vocabulary list at the back of the book. 8.Explain to students that at the end of each two-page section, there is a Your Turn feature, which gives them the opportunity to use the language they have learned in an authentic situation. At the end of the first section, this is a listening exercise. Tell students to listen to the recording and to complete the task. 4 Teaching Notes 9.Before starting the second two-page section of the unit, you may wish to revise vocabulary items and functional language from the previous section, especially if there has been an interval of some days between teaching these two sections. Once again, refer students to the vocabulary list at the back of the book before starting the second section of the unit. 10.At the end of the second section, the students will practise the language they have learned in this unit in an authentic speaking situation in the Your Turn feature. This often requires students to refer to information provided at the back of the book, and to complete a short task such as taking notes or completing a form. 11.At the end of the unit, check for a reference to the Writing Task in the Writing Guide. This reference appears in most units but not all. Tell students to read the writing model and to answer the questions. This will help them focus on the type of information that should be included in each writing task. In order to complete the task, refer students to the Writing Plan pages in the Workbook. Together with the Writing Plan and Useful Language feature in the Workbook, the Writing Guide forms a structured and comprehensive writing programme for your students. Using the Workbook At the end of each unit of the Student’s Book, you will find a reference to the Workbook. Exercises in the Workbook provide students with the opportunity to practise both the unit vocabulary and the functional language. In addition, there is an optional Grammar Practice section containing clear grammar charts as well as contextualised grammar exercises. This allows students to practise grammar structures while again revising unit vocabulary. Using the Teacher’s Resource Book The Teacher’s Resource Book contains materials that enrich and expand on the materials presented in the Student’s Book and Workbook. The Teacher’s Resource Book contains: 1.Answer Keys for the Student’s Book and Workbook. 2.Listening scripts of the Your Turn listening feature in the Student’s Book. These allow you to create extra activities of your own should you wish to do so. 3.Photocopiable tests. The tests are structured so teachers can test their students after every two units, after every four units, midway through the course and at the end of the course. Each test is scored out of 100 and covers Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Functional Language and Listening Comprehension. 4.Additional Speaking and Writing tasks. Like the tasks in the Student’s Book, these additional tasks reflect the Student’s Book units and practise the vocabulary and functional language pertinent to each unit. 5 Student’s Book Answer Key Catherine: O ur third manager, Clare Jackson, is on holiday right now, so you’ll meet her when she gets back. She’s in charge of customer relations. 1 Office Orientation, page 4 1 1. Mr Bruce Larson Mark:Are any members of the sales team in the office today? 2.Financial Director Catherine:Well, the reps are usually out of the office, meeting customers, but there’s a special meeting in the office today, so you’ll actually get to know the whole team. 3. Human Resources Director 4. Mrs Lucy Grant 5. Mr Gerald Trent 6. (four) Marketing Managers Mark: Great. Thank you, Catherine. 7. Financial Supervisors Catherine: M y pleasure. Now, let’s go to my office. I’d like to discuss the new catalogue with you. 8. Personnel Manager 2 1. desk 4. third 2. first 5. 302 3. big 6. fax machine 1. d 3. e 1. HR Department 3. Operations Department Conference Room 5. personal assistant 2. b 3. a 4. f 202 5. h 6. e 7. d 8. i 9. g 1. Personal Assistant (PA) Women’s Toilets 2. Personnel Manager 3. Junior Administrative Assistant 2 4. Production Team Leader 5. Financial Supervisor 6. Accounts Assistant 4 7. Senior Management 7 1. b 1 7 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a Catherine: Please call me Catherine. First, let me introduce you to my personal assistant, Jen Baker. Jen, this is Mark Hall. Mark:Good morning, Ed. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 1. 411 4. leader 2. fourth 5. Mrs Carlyle 3. question 6. lovely 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 5. Amy is taking Mrs Landy to the top floor. page 7 5 Mark: Nice to meet you, Jen. Jen: Nice to meet you, too, Mark. Catherine:Now I’d like you to meet Ed Harris, one of our marketing managers. He’s in charge of market research. Ed, this is Mark Hall, a new marketing manager. He’ll be in charge of producing promotional material. Men’s Toilets Lift 4.Mrs Landy doesn’t want anything to drink before the meeting. Your Turn Mark: Thank you, Mrs Smith. Stairs 1.Mr Chandler’s office is on the fourth floor at the end of the corridor. 7. a Catherine: Good morning, Mark. I’d like to take you around the Marketing Department and introduce you to my staff. 1. conference room 7. kitchen 2. ground floor 8. warehouse 3. toilet 9. car park 4. cafeteria 10. maintenance 5. top floor 11. stockroom 6. reception, lobby 6 7 1. c 2. b 3. d 1. cafeteria 2. stockroom 3. Finance Department Ed:Welcome, Mark. I look forward to working together. 6 207 203 4. CEO, third floor 1. c 5. a 206 2. Marketing, first floor 5 6 4. c Finding Your Way, page 6 1 Second Floor page 5 4 2. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 4. a 4. 601, 603 5. warehouse Student’s Book Answer Key Tick: 1, 3, 6, 8 2 Office Routines, page 8 1 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 2 1. office 4. 2. drink 5. F 6. T Purchasing Office Equipment, page 10 1 1. Mr Preston 4. £177.22 taking 5. helpful 2 3. arrive 2.the visitors come and go and who they’re visiting 3. office supplies 1. pink 4. £19.89 5. £14.69 6. Perfect page 11 4 4. file documents 1. 2 4. writing pads 2. staplers 5. 10 3. 12 5. type the agenda Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 1 19 6. 15% discount 3. 20 1. visitors 5 6 7 8 5. black and white 3. 10 2. £8.00 page 9 4 2. No, he hasn’t. 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 5 6 5. c 7 8 Your Turn Andrea:Can you come into my office please, Hollie? I’d like to discuss your tasks for today. Hollie: Certainly. Andrea:No, just take him to Operations and Marketing. Hollie: Is there anything else? 4. b 5. c 1. photocopier 5. scanner 2. projector 6. shredder 3. air-conditioner 7. filing cabinet 4. coat rack 8. wastepaper bin 1. c 2. e 3. f 4. d 5. a 1. run out of 5. special offer 2. Payment 6. run low on 3. discount 7. quantity 6. b Using Voicemail, page 12 1 1. new 4. messages 2. Kim (from the IT department) 2 Hollie:Fine, I’ll type the agendas and send them to all the participants. 4 5. access number 6. contact Lucy Forbes 3. long 1. send 4. office 2. listen 5. number 3. Of course 1. 4 2. 3 3. 1 4. 2 5. 7 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f page 13 5 6 Hollie:No problem. I’ll prepare the presentation today. Are these all the notes? Andrea:Yes, they are. I’ll take a look at the presentation when you’re done. Finally, would you check the stockroom to see if we need to order anything? After you take the inventory, make me a list of what we need and I’ll order the supplies this afternoon. 3. d 3 Andrea:Yes, Arnold has prepared agendas for several meetings that are scheduled for next month. I’d like you to type them and send them by e-mail to the relevant people. I’ve attached a list of participants for each meeting. Andrea:Next, I’m giving you the notes Arnold has prepared for his presentation next Thursday. Could you please prepare a presentation using PowerPoint? 2. a 4. charged Andrea:Well, first of all, Jay Carter is arriving at 11.00. I’d like you to receive him and show him around before his meeting with Arnold. Hollie:Should I show him all the departments? 1. e 7 1. d 1. location 4. modify 2. replay 5. save 3. retrieve 6. review 6. e Tick: 1, 3, 5 Hollie: Sure, I’ll take care of everything. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 7 Student’s Book Answer Key 1 31 61. Your Turn Julie:Tom, can you please help me record a couple of outgoing messages? i 2. b 71. Tom:Sure, Julie. First, enter your access code. Julie:All right. I’ve entered my access code. Now what? Tom: Dial 500*. Julie: 500*. OK. Tom:Now press 1 to record a daytime message or 2 to record a nighttime message. Have you got a message ready? Julie: Yes, it’s right here. I wrote it yesterday. Tom:Fine! All you need to do is press the “Program” button and begin speaking. When you have finished, press 3 to stop recording. Julie:“Program” before I speak and 3 to stop recording. OK. That sounds easy enough. How can I review my message? Tom: Great! Julie: Really? Thanks, Tom. Tom: Sure. Call me if you have any problems. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c Using the Intranet, page 14 1 1.instructions for logging into the company 3. a username and password 4. Accept all logical answers. 5. mustn’t 6. different times 2 1. read 4. room 2. written 5. now Tick: 1, 2 page 15 5 1. username 7. bold 2. password 8. cut 3. underline 9. copy 4. italics 10. paste 5. upper case letters 11. flow chart 6. lower case letters 8 9. j 10. g 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. b 2. it is documented in the mail log 3. a. Customer Service b. Mrs Holmes c. Human Resources 2 4 1. department 3. online 2. 15:00 4. second class 1. F y ou collect the mail from the outgoing mail basket in each department 2. F c heck that the address includes the correct postcode 3. T w eigh the envelopes and determine the postage 4. F u se second class post unless the item must reach its destination the next day 5. T a ll legal documents must be sent by registered mail page 17 51. 3. g 4. f 5. b 6. d 7. e 8. i 6 1. 3. D 4. S 5. S 6. S 7. S 8. S c 2. a D 2. S 7 9. h 1. International 5. mail log 2. sender 6. registered mail 3. collect 7. postcode 4. sort 1 42 Your Turn Sam:Monica, can I ask you some questions about the incoming mail procedure? Monica: Sure, Sam, what do you want to know? 3. important 4 7. h 8. f Handling Mail, page 16 1 1. stamp each document with the correct date Intranet 2. two 5. c 6. d 4 Tom:Press 4 to review your message. Then if you want to change something, press 5 and you can modify the message. Julie:I’m not sure if my nighttime message is OK. I wrote “This is Allan Hill Tours. Our offices are closed at the moment. Please call back between 9 am and 5 pm. For emergency situations, please press 111 now.” How does that sound? d 3. a 4. e Sam:Well, basically what is the most efficient way to sort the mail? Monica:I’d recommend dealing with registered mail first. Then you should sort the standard mail and leave the magazines and advertising material for last. Sam:OK, that sounds sensible. Can I throw the envelopes away after opening the letters? Monica:Yes, but check that you’ve emptied each envelope, and make sure the name and address of the sender are on the letter. If not, attach the envelope to the back of the letter. Sam:What happens if I open a confidential letter by mistake? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key Monica:If you accidentally open a confidential or personal letter, close it, write on the envelope, ‘opened in error’ and sign your initials. You can also apologise to the person the letter is addressed to. Sam:What do I do if a letter should go to more than one director or department? Monica:In that case, you should attach a routing slip to the letter. 5 Shipping, page 20 1 1. T 2. T 3. 2 4 5 7 1 54 6. 12 cm, 8 cm 8. 3rd February, 2013, 4.00 pm page 19 1. Put the goods in a box. 2. Weigh and measure each package. 3.Make sure the recipient’s address is written clearly. 4.One copy goes to the courier. 5.Access the courier’s website … / The website has got updates on all the shipments. 5 6 7 1. a, c 2. a, b 3. b, c 4. a, b 1. this side up 3. handle with care 2. keep away from heat 4. keep dry 1. measure 5. wrap 2. bubble wrap 6. update 3. inspect 7. height 4. good condition 8 1. signature 4. paperwork 2. parcel 5. insure 3. pick up 6. international 2. goods 7. boat 3. the sea 8. goods 4. size 9. prices 10. an estimated 1. onto 3. has come from 2. from 4. will arrive 1. compete 5. free of charge 2. guarantee 6. loss 3. contact 7. reliable Your Turn Mr Becker:Good afternoon, Mrs Sullivan. How can I help you? 3. address 4 1. transports Mrs Sullivan:Good afternoon, Mr Becker. This is Mrs Sullivan, Shipping Operations Manager at Wilson Microsystems International. 7. keep dry, keep away from heat 5. call 5. smartphones 4. free of damage 5. 17.9 kg 2. box 2. 20% 5. receives 4. computer parts 4. file 4. 2,000 3. The shipment was free of damage. 3. 2nd February, 2013, 11.00 am 1. organising 1. month 2. They guarantee fast shipping. 2. Birmingham, UK 2 6. F 1. They offer the best rates at the moment. 6 Using a Courier Service, page 18 1 1. DLT Electronics 5. T 3. a few Sam:Thanks, Monica. You’ve been a great help. Tick: 1, 3, 6, 7 4. F page 21 Sam: What’s a routing slip? Monica:Here, I’ll show you. It’s a special form for distributing a letter with a few recipients. You list all the people or departments who should see the letter in this form. Each person who reads the letter ticks his or her name and passes it on to the next person on the list. If the letter is very important, don’t use the routing slip. Photocopy the letter and give a copy to each director. F Mrs Sullivan:Ocean Shipping has given us a quote for a shipment to the port of Algeciras in Spain and I’m surprised we haven’t been offered a discount. Mr Becker:I’m sorry, Mrs Sullivan, but at the moment we can only offer a 20% discount on shipping orders over £1,200. Mrs Sullivan:But other shipping companies are offering better rates – with discounts on shipping orders over £1,000. Mr Becker:Yes, but I’m quite sure those companies don’t guarantee fast shipping. As you know, our freights are always delivered on time and free of damage. I’m sure your customers have never complained about our shipments. Loss or damage is never an issue for companies who work with us. Mrs Sullivan:That’s true. You are very reliable. Still, other shipping companies are offering better rates, and also the possibility of tracking shipments online. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 9 Student’s Book Answer Key Mr Becker:We are working on an online tracking system at the moment. It should be ready next month. Mrs Sullivan:Next month, really? Mr Becker:Yes, and I really don’t think anyone can compete with our excellent service. 6 Receiving Calls, page 24 1 1. Always answer a call before the third ring. 2.Greet callers by introducing yourself and your organisation. Mrs Sullivan:Mr Becker, would it be possible to meet with you at your offices to discuss our shipping requirements? Maybe you can offer us better shipping rates if we guarantee certain shipping volume? I’m sure we can find a solution. Mr Becker:I’m travelling to Brussels tomorrow but I’ll be back next week. We can meet next Monday at my office if that’s OK for you. Mrs Sullivan:Yes, next Monday sounds good. 1. quote 4. next month 2. 20 5. his office 3. fast shipping 3.Always ask for permission to put a caller on hold. 4.Tell the caller who you’re transferring him / her to and announce the caller to that person. 5.A message must include … the date and time of the call. 6.Before ending the call, make sure you’ve answered all the caller’s questions. 2 4 5 6 1. b 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. DS 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 2.Offers you assistance in finding reliable suppliers to match your requirements 2. introduce 3. Our personnel visit suppliers to ensure their professional standards. 4. avoid 1. money 4. recommend 2. price 5. paperwork 5. return your call 6. greet 7. ask for permission 8. create a positive impression 7 page 23 1. import-export 4. one or two 5. a sourcing company 3. buy 1. f 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d 6. c 1. start a business 5. foreign 2. resale 6. advantage 3. ensure 7. requirements 4. trade 8. shipping arrangements 1. minimise costs 5. sourcing 2. run a business 6. secure transactions 3. negotiations 7. follow-up 4. trust 8. manage risk 7. a 3. hang up 3. difficult 2. much money 6. b 1. speak clearly 6. minimise costs … means cheaper … business 7 5. phone 1. F 5.Packaging solutions and shipping arrangements 5 6 2. company 3. fax 4. Assistance in negotiations 4 4. Of course page 25 Import and Export, page 22 1 1. Connecting Buyers with Asian Manufacturers 2 1. manager 2 6 1. ring 5. line is busy 2. friendly tone 6. professionally 3. call you back 7. transfer calls 4. urgent 8. pleasant Your Turn Phone call 1: Robert:Good morning, L Brothers, Robert Martin speaking. How can I help you? Susan:This is Susan Peters. Can I speak to Mrs Stevens, please? Robert:I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message? Susan:Yes, could you ask her to call me at 0117555-1427? I have to talk to her about the Taylor contract. It’s quite urgent. Robert: Is that 0117-555-1427? Susan:Yes, and my name is Susan Peters. I’m the lawyer who’s handling the Taylor contract. Robert:OK, Ms Peters. I’ll make sure Mrs Stevens gets your message as soon as possible. Susan: Thank you, bye. Robert: Have a nice day. Bye. 10 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key Phone call 2: Isabel:Good afternoon, Technotoys, Isabel Crane speaking. Bob: Good afternoon. Is Jack Barnes in? Isabel: May I ask who’s calling? 7 Scheduling Meetings, page 28 1 1. 9th January, 2014 2. the conference room Bob:This is Bob Green from Top-Shop Department Stores. 3. 9.00 am 4. 1.30 pm Isabel:One minute, I’ll put you through. I’m sorry, sir, but Mr Barnes’ line is busy right now. Shall I put you on hold or would you like to leave a message? 5. presentation 6. sales figures 7. new marketing strategies Bob:I don’t mind waiting. I need to talk to him about our latest order. It’s very urgent. 8. microphone 9. refreshments Isabel:OK, I’ll connect you as soon as possible. I’m putting you on hold now. Bob: Fine. 10. 5th January, 2014 2 Isabel: Thank you for your patience. 4 Phone call 2: 3, 5 1. a 4. a 5. b 5. book a conference room 6. hold a meeting, check the diary 7. the quotes she received 8. contact / speak to Emma 1. afternoon 4. right away 2. go over 5. last week 3. delivery 6. invoice 7 8 2 17 Your Turn Tom: Good morning, Brooke. Brooke:Good morning, Tom. Can I help you with anything? page 27 Tom: Yes, I need you to organise our meeting with LabTools. 1. discuss 2. as soon as possible Brooke:Of course. When is the meeting scheduled for? 3. essential Tom:It’s going to take place on Wednesday, 4th March, from 10.00 am till 12.00 pm. 4. interrupt 5. get back to you Brooke: Is it an on-site or off-site meeting? 6. handles problems 7. regarding 4. a 5. f 6. g 7. e 1. more 5. didn’t talk 2. explain exactly 6. answered the phone 3. very 7. didn’t finish the 4. don’t answer 8. look at 2. a, b 2. postpone 4. attend / organise Call 2: Janet Blake, EL Gardening, Gerald, a delivery 3. b Tick: 1, 5, 6, 7 3. reschedule / postpone Call 1: Sara Fields, CI Exports, Nancy Ford, the contract 1. a, c 3. b 4. attend, reschedule 6. delivery of computer equipment 8 2. a 3. convenient, Let’s try for 5. it’s urgent 2. c 3. c 2. organise, light refreshments 4. products 1. d 2. b 1. participants 3. a copy of the contract 6 7 5. perfect 1. c 5 6 2. Bert 5 2. diary page 29 Following Up on Messages, page 26 1 1. Anne 4 4. morning 3. day Phone call 1: 1, 2, 4, 5 2 1. assistant 3. b, c 4. a, c Tom: It’s an on-site meeting. We’ll need the large conference room. Brooke:OK, I’ll book the large conference room for 4th March, from 10.00 till 12.00. Who’s going to attend the meeting? Tom:All the production team leaders will be there with me, plus the CEO. There are going to be four people from LabTools. Altogether, we’ll be 20 participants. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 11 Student’s Book Answer Key Brooke:I see – 20 participants, including the CEO. Do you need any audio-visual equipment for the meeting? Tom: Yes, we’ll need a laptop, a screen and a projector for our presentation. Brooke:Right, laptop, screen, projector. OK. I’ll organise the equipment. Shall I arrange some refreshments? Tom: Yes, some light refreshments, please – biscuits and cold drinks. Brooke:I’ll take care of that. Biscuits, cold drinks and I’ll arrange to have some fruit, too. There are always people on a diet. Tom: Good idea, Brooke. Brooke: Is there anything else I should know? 8 Planning Meetings, page 32 1 1. A discussion about new marketing region. 2. At the Bluemoon Restaurant. 3. An orientation meeting for new reps. 4. the financial situation 5. mid-April 2 4 3.Adam’s presentation: Robotic Technology News 4. 10:45-11:05 5. coffee break 1. 4th March 6. screen 2. 10.00 to 12.00 7. projector 3. large conference room 8. biscuits 4. 20 9. cold drinks 6. presentation: Unmanned Vehicles 7. 12:35-13:00 Booking Off-site Events, page 30 1 1. F 2. DS 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. 2 1. annual 4. projectors 2. participants 5. three 3. October 6. this week 8. lunch break 9. demonstration of new line of products 10. 16:00-17:00 11. Strategies for the Future DS page 33 5 1. line of products 1. find 6 7 8 3. exact 4. coffee breaks, lunch, dinner 5. convention hall 6. quotes, the end of the week / the weekend 2. opening remarks 6. name tag 3. attendance list 7. board of directors 2 29 5. h 6. f 7. a 8. g 5. in advance 2. auditorium 6. registration 3. buffet lunch 7. laser pointer 4. catered 8. success 1. laser pointers, podiums 2. display, audio-visual equipment 3. event, buffet lunch 4. convention centre, auditorium 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. a 1. day 4. three months 2. week 5. year 3. month page 31 12 5. hand out 4. closing session 2. 14th, 16th November 5. venue, exhibition 5. Future 2. 9:45-10:00 5. CEO 8 2. presentation 1.greet customers, hand out name tags and brochures Brooke: No problem. 5 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 61. c 2. b 3. e 4. d 7 1. convention 4. lunch break 3. 20 minutes Tom: Yes, I’d like you to take minutes at the meeting. 4 1. laptop Your Turn Richard:I see we are all here, so let’s get started. First of all, I’d like to welcome Thomas Cooper, our new northwest region sales manager. Thomas: Thank you for having me. Richard:I’d also like to introduce Leah Spencer, who’s recently joined our team. Leah:Thank you, Richard. I’m pleased to meet you all. Richard:OK, let’s begin. I know Sharon has handed out a copy of today’s agenda to everyone; however, due to a conference call I must take part in at 2.00, I’ve shortened the agenda a bit. So, I’d like to read out the items for today’s meeting. First, we’re BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key going to go over the report from the last board meeting, which was held on 24th June. Kevin is going to summarise the main points. Next, we’re going to discuss quarterly sales in the different regions. We’ll go round the table and each of you will give us a report of sales in your region during the last three months. After that, Nicole is going to give us a presentation on how we can improve our sales. We’ll see new methods to market our line of products. I’m afraid we won’t have time to discuss the new brochures today, but I’m going to schedule a special meeting for that next week. OK, let’s start with the report from the board meeting. 1. northwest 4. June 2. is 5. three months 3. conference call 6. aren’t 2. Jenny Dale, Susan Rogers 3. expanding the product line 4. the last quarter / three months ago 5.additional current purchasing information, Sales and Marketing Director (Rick May) 6.Chief Financial Officer (Dan Binder), 22nd October 4. after 2. make sure 5. everyone page 35 4. e 5. f 6. b 7. c 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. a Organising Exhibitions, page 36 1 1. marketing solutions, the latest marketing trends 2. 2nd-5th February, 2014 3. Agoda Convention Centre, Hong Kong 4.Fill in the registration form and send it in with a deposit. 5. by telephone, fax or e-mail 1. tomorrow 4. big 2. two 5. under 3. website 7. a main stand 3. award-winning adverts 8. pamphlets 4. laptops 9. giveaways page 37 5 6 1. b 7 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f 1. a, c 5. a, b 2. b, c 6. b, c 3. b, c 7. a, b 4. a, c 8. b, c 6. e 1. seen 4. famous 2. electronics 5. cupboard 2 41 1. variety 4. specifications 2. giveaways 5. deposit 3. display 6. feature Your Turn Lily:Good morning, Mr Arnold. My name is Lily and I’m phoning from The Apple Tree Convention Centre. I understand your company, Global Bookstore, is interested in taking part in our Book Exhibition. Mr Arnold: Yes, that’s correct. Lily: I’ve looked at your registration form, and I’d like to ask you a few questions about your requirements. First of all, what kind of books does your company publish? Lily:Travel books? Right, so your booth is going to be in the reference section. What size booth do you want? Have you got any specifications? Mr Arnold:Well, we need a medium-size booth with a stand for displaying our books. But we’d like to hang a banner that’s about two metres long above the stand – so it should be long enough for that. Lily:Two metres? That’s fine. 9 2 2. slogan Mr Arnold: We produce travel books. 3. who 4 Tick: 2, 3, 5, 6 5 1. g 2. a 3. d 6 1. b 2. b 3. a 71. a 2. b 3. b 6. website designs 5. video clips 8 Offices 1. Thursday 1.company logo 3. artwork Taking Minutes, page 34 1 1.5th, October, 2013, J Taylor and Sons Head 2 4 Mr Arnold:Good. Tell me please, how far from the train station is the exhibition located? Lily:The convention grounds are very close to the train station – a three-minute walk. But the convention grounds are huge, so it’s another five-to ten-minute walk to the exhibition itself. Mr Arnold: I see. Lily:There is a car park for the companies presenting at the exhibition. How many parking places does your company need, Mr Arnold? Mr Arnold:Um … we’re going to need three parking places, please. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 13 Student’s Book Answer Key Lily:Three parking places for Global Bookstore. OK. If you have any questions or requests, please call me, Lily, at 0131496-0088 and I’ll be happy to assist you. 7 Mr Arnold: 0131-496-0088. OK, Lily. Thank you. 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 2 52 5. d 4. ask interesting and thoughtful questions 5. nod your head, appropriate 1. Nice 4. international 2. pleasure 5. information 3. Purchasing 6. happy 3. T 4. F 5. T 1.Jake West’s company makes / produces home automation systems. 4.Jake’s company sells its products in the domestic market. 5 6 7 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 1. e 2. g 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. c 7. d 10 Making Travel Arrangements, page 40 1 1. TA132 8. 10th March 11.00 am 2. BCIA 3. 3rd March 3.30 pm 4. 4th March 8.00 am 5. TA145 6. BCIA 7. London, Heathrow 2 9. 10th March 11.00 pm 10. automatic, intermediate 11. Check Cars 12. 3 13. 3 1. change4. 2.55 am 2. CA9275. 7A 3. Tokyo page 41 4 1. Charlie at Fast Air Reservations 2. Because the business class is fully booked. 3. Hong Kong 4. 12.55 / Two hours before the flight 5 6 14 Tick: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 7. seat assignment 4. Unlimited mileage 8. drop off Your Turn Dave:I’ll take the compact, please. I’d like to pick it up at Orly Airport in Paris, on 7th November and drop it off at Marseille Airport on 14th November. Receptionist:Pick-up point Orly Airport, Paris, on 7th November. At what time? Dave: My plane lands at 11.15 am. page 39 2. T 6. insurance 3. driving licence Receptionist:We’ve got several types of cars to choose from. What class would you like – compact, intermediate or luxury? 3. business 1. F 2. passengers Dave: I’d like to rent a car for a week. 2. you find out 4 5. overweight luggage Receptionist: Good morning. How can I help you? Attending Business Events, page 38 1 1. important 2 1. rent a car Receptionist:OK, so the car will be waiting for you from 11.15. Now, you’re going to return it in Marseille on 14th November. At what time? Dave:My flight departs at 8.00 in the morning. Receptionist:Fine. The invoice will say by 11.15 am – so it’s exactly a week. How many people will be driving the car? Dave: Just me. Receptionist:OK, a compact car for seven days, pick up at Orly Airport in Paris and drop off at Marseille Airport is €175 with unlimited mileage. The price includes insurance. Dave:€175 with unlimited mileage and insurance. Good. And how much does it cost to rent a GPS? Receptionist: It’s €8 a day. Dave:€8 a day? OK, so please include a GPS. Receptionist:Can I have your name and address, please? Dave:It’s Dave Banks, 25 Kings Road, London. Receptionist:Dave Banks, 25 Kings Road, London. You’ll have to e-mail me a copy of your driving licence. Dave: Sure. I’ll do it right away. Receptionist:Great. That’ll be a total of €231. How would you like to pay? Dave: By credit card – American Express. Receptionist:OK. Please give me your credit card number ... Tick: 1, 2, 4 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key 1. Dave Banks 7. Marseille Airport 2. 25 Kings Road, London 8. 1 3. compact page 45 4 1. arrive (at work) 2. leave (work) 9. credit card 4. 7th November 10. €175 5. 11.15 am 11. €231 3. work hours 4. notify their manager immediately 5. getting some coffee 6. 14th November Booking Hotels and Restaurants, page 42 1 1. a central location 5 6 Tick: 3, 5, 6 1. overtime 2. maternity leave 2. rooms equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi 3. sick leave, sick note 3. several conference rooms 4. swipe your card, card reader 4. fitness centre, swimming pool 2 3 5 5. refuse, restrict No, it isn’t. 7 8 1. January 4. quotes 2. dates 5. seats 3. night 6. Chinese 1. The business trip is three days long. 3 6 2. single occupancy 3. with breakfast 4.get quotes from two or three hotels / book rooms at one hotel 5. dinner 1. a, b 4. a, c 2. b, c 5. b, c 1. b 2. f 1. F 2. T 3. a 3. F 1. single room 4. g 4. T 5. e 4. b 5. d 1. card reader 4. refuse 2. busy period, overtime 5. attend to 3. carry over 6. reject / refuse Your Turn Ruby: Hello, Mr Jones, can I please have a quick chat with you? Mr Jones:Come in, Ruby. Sit down, please. What can I do for you? Ruby:I’d like to go on holiday for two weeks. 6. d 7. c 5. F 5. cuisine, chef 2. low season 6. luxurious, standard room 3. business centre 7. bill, waiter 4. party 8. spa, swimming pool Mr Jones:That is short notice. You probably know that you’re supposed to give a month’s notice for a two-week leave. Ruby:I realise that, but my husband got an excellent deal for a holiday in Thailand and we’d really like to go. We haven’t taken a holiday together in two years. Mr Jones:Ruby, I’m sure you understand that this is a very busy period for the company. Ruby: Yes, I realise that, Mr Jones. 11 Time Clock Regulations, page 44 1 1.Employees get four weeks of holiday leave a year. 2.An employer can restrict when leave can be taken. 3.An employee can carry over a maximum of five days to the following year. 2 3. e Mr Jones:How many days would you like to take? 3. a, b 7 8 9 2. a Ruby:Well, I know that it’s short notice, but I’d really appreciate it if I could take holiday leave at the end of the month. page 43 6 1. c Mr Jones:You see, we’ll be handling the shipping of hundreds of packages next month and as you know, Anne will be on maternity leave and Daniel is leaving the company at the end of the month. So, we won’t be able to manage without you. I’m afraid I’ll have to say no. I’m sorry, Ruby. Ruby: OK, Mr Jones. I understand. 4.An employee must bring a doctor’s note if he / she is ill for three consecutive days. 1. two-week 4. Daniel 5.An employee doesn’t get paid when taking leave for a sick child. 2. less than 5. rejects 3. is 1. instructions 4. keep track of 2. right 5. long 3. ask BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 15 Student’s Book Answer Key Security in the Workplace, page 46 11. F 3. T 5. F 7. DS 2. DS 2 4. T 6. DS 8. T 1. office 4. files 2. desk 5. windows 3. day 4 1. press ‘in’ 2. in a locker / locked in a locker 3.clean desk of papers log off computer lock all doors, windows, drawers and filing cabinets page 47 5 6 7 1. e 3. j 5. c 7. f 9. i 2. h 4. d 6. a 8. g 10. b 1. D 2. S 3. D 4. D 5. S 6. S 1. lock, key 2. question 3. valuables, security guard 4. safety, surveillance system 8 1. valuables 5. firewalls 2. protect 6. alert 3. viruses 7. keys 4. security cameras 8. question 12 Customer Service, page 48 1 1. complained 5. mustn’t 2. reputation 6. solution 3. friendly, respectfully 7. Follow up to check 4. the customer’s / his / her problems and needs 2 1. seat 4. last 2. transferred 5. again 3. complaint 6. best page 49 4 5 6 7 1. a, b, c 2. b, c Tick: 1, 3, 5, 6 1. d 2. h 3. c 4. a 5. e 6. g 7. b 8. f 1. reputation 5. in the long run 2. argue 6. assure 3. enquiries 7. solve 4. treat 8. keep a promise 3 17 Your Turn Matt:Good afternoon, Lloyds’ Office Equipment. Matt speaking. How may I help you? Mrs Jackson:Hello, this is Mrs Jackson from Lake Tours. We’re having a problem with a photocopier we bought from you last month. Matt:What seems to be the problem, Mrs Jackson? Mrs Jackson: We keep having paper jams. Matt:I’m sorry about that, Mrs Jackson. I’ll transfer you to the technical department. They deal with paper jams. I’m sure they’ll solve the problem. Mrs Jackson: Thank you. Jade:Good morning, Lloyds’ Office Equipment. Jade speaking. How can I help you? Brian:Good morning, Jade. My name’s Brian Harris and I’m calling from Harford College. There’s a problem with the goods we ordered. Jade:Can you tell me the order number, please? Brian:Just a minute. Yes, it’s 25331-DK. Jade:OK, I see that you ordered five filing cabinets. What’s the problem, Mr Harris? Brian:We ordered five three-drawer filing cabinets, but we received two-drawer filing cabinets. Jade:Yes, I see that your order was for three-drawer filing cabinets, not two-drawer ones. I apologise for that, Mr Harris. I assure you we’ll solve the problem today. I’ll make sure the correct order reaches you by 5.00 this afternoon, and the wrong ones are picked up at the same time. Brian: Thank you, Jade. 1. Matt 6. Brian Harris 2. Lake Tours 7. two-drawer 3. paper jams 8. three-drawer 4. technical department 9. 5.00 this afternoon 5. Jade 10. picked up Handling Complaints, page 50 1 1. to complain about her family’s holiday / the hotel 2.small and uncomfortable, air-conditioner was old and made a noise, curtains were torn, problems with hot water, smelled of cigarette smoke 3. The swimming pool was closed for two days. 4. a full refund and compensation 16 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key 2 1. may 4. assist 2. goods 5. soon E-mail survey Advantages: fast, cheap, get information from thousands of interviewees, can attach pictures and sound files Disadvantages: people don’t like receiving this type of e-mail and don’t always open it 3. manager 4 1. Mikhail Romanov 2. Moscow Antiques 3. Amy Kim 4.all the goods are damaged / all the items are broken 5.talk to manager of Export Department (Mr Clark) Web survey Advantages: fast, cheap, can show demo, get responses from thousands Disadvantages: none mentioned 5 1. answers 5. the same place page 51 2. check 6. possibilities 5 3. listen to 7. fine with 4. worried 8. connected 1. The dress is torn. 2. The dress has got a hole. 3. The printer makes a noise. 6 7 4. The printer is broken. 5. The printer is missing a part. 1. b 6. The milk isn’t fresh. 6 1. be in touch 4. overcharge 2. under warranty 5. inconvenience 3. defect 7 8 1. f 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c 1. repair 5. pricing 2. consequences 6. make a claim 3. faulty part 7. due 4. compensation 8. credit your account 3. d 4. c 5. a 1. interested in 6. demo 2. factor 7. go ahead 3. find out 8. focus group 4. questionnaire 9. market research, 5. brandbuying habits 3 29 Your Turn Ron: Hello, my name’s Ron Burke and I’m calling from GoodPrice Foods. We’re developing a new series of cereal bars and we’d like to ask you some questions. Have you got a couple of minutes? Debra:Yes, no problem. Ron:Thank you. First of all, how often do you eat cereal bars? 13 Market Research, page 52 1 1. know what their customers want 2. the objectives 3. who, people 4. each interviewing method 5. long, simple 6.a small group of people, if there are any problems 2 2. e 1. product 4. open 2. answer 5. popular 3. thousands 6. Tuesday Debra:Well, I eat them quite often, especially when I go to the gym. I’d say about three times a week. Ron:What types of cereal bar do you prefer – chocolate, nut, fruit or honey? Debra:I like all kinds, but I guess my favourite is nut. Ron: What factors are important to you when choosing a cereal bar – the size, the packaging, the number of calories, the price or the brand? Debra:I look at the number of calories. I don’t want it to be too fattening. The price is an important factor, too. Ron: How much would you pay for a single cereal bar, from 25 to 50, from 51 to 75 or from 76 to £1.00? page 53 4Two of the following: Personal interviews Advantages: can show interviewees demo of the product Disadvantages: expensive, takes a long time Telephone survey Advantages: fast, cheap, reach more / a lot of people Disadvantages: people refuse to answer the questions, can’t show a demo Debra:Oh, certainly not more than 50. Ron: Are you loyal to certain food brands? Debra:Not really. I usually buy whichever products are on sale. Ron:Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you two personal questions. Debra:OK, go ahead. Ron: How old are you? Debra:I’m 46. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 17 Student’s Book Answer Key 7 8 Ron: Do you work? Debra:Yes, I’ve got a full-time job. 1. g Ron:Thank you very much. 5. no 2. nut 6. 46 3. number of calories, price 7. female 8. full-time job 4. 25-50p Marketing Strategies, page 54 1 Tick: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 2 1. home 4. cost 2. slow 5. think 3. increase 6. address 8 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. e 6. b Tick: 2, 4, 5 1. demonstrations 4. have never heard 2. sales 5. like 3. giving a free sample 6. sorry 1. in comparison to 4. specialise 2. stages 5. take advantage of 3. image Cash Flow, page 56 1 1. 1,225 5. 225 2. 2,250 6. 150 3. 355 7. 125 4. 385 8. 1,108 1. possible 4. small 2. three 5. bank 3. month page 57 4 1. Because they’re a profitable company. 2. Over £125,000. 3. To ask customers to pay in advance. 4.Because most of their customers are small businesses with cash flow problems. 5. To get a loan from the bank. 5 6 1. e 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c 1. period of time 4. left over 2. owe 5. stop operating 3. income 6. f 7. c 1. figures 4. profitable 2. purchase 5. gross, net, deductions 3 42 Your Turn Radio Host: Good evening to all our listeners. Today on Talking Business I’m going to interview Sue Rice, a business analyst who has worked in London since 1998. Sue, welcome to our show. Radio Host:Sue, we hear about businesses going out of business because of cash flow problems. Is a cash flow problem always so serious? Sue Rice:It can be. Let’s start by explaining how a cash flow problem is created. It often begins when customers make very slow payments. As a consequence, the business hasn’t got enough cash and it can’t pay its creditors – suppliers, shippers, etc., in time. Radio Host:What should a business in this situation do? Sue Rice:First of all, it should only pay the amounts that it absolutely has to – the employees’ salaries and suppliers’ invoices. Sue Rice:Probably not. At the same time, the business must try to collect the money its customers owe as soon as possible. It can offer discounts on invoices if they’re paid earlier. For example, offering a 2% discount on invoices paid within the next 10 days may help speed payments. Radio Host: Is there anything else to do? Sue Rice:Well, in general, to avoid having a cash flow problem, it’s a good idea to request that customers pay a third of their payments at the time a service is being ordered, a third while the service is being provided and only a third after completion. Radio Host:Sue, I’m sure our listeners will find your advice very helpful. Let’s take a commercial break now … 1. F 2. T 3. F Accounting, page 58 1 1. 195 2. Yes, it does. 3. 42 18 5. d Radio Host:And by doing that it can solve a cash flow crisis? 14 2 4. b Sue Rice: Thank you for inviting me. page 55 4 5 6 7 3. a 3.an increase, a decrease Debra:My pleasure, bye. 1. 2-3 times a week 2. e BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 4. F 5. T 4. 291 5. No, it hasn’t. Student’s Book Answer Key 2 1. clothes 4. loans 2. check 5. Absolutely 3 53 Mrs Conrad: Hello, Mr Rich. How can I help you? 3. goods 4 1. before 3. quickly / fast 2. balance sheet 4. owes page 59 5 6 7 1. Liabilities 4. property 2. Merchandise 5. Investors 3. assets 6. Turnover 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 1. equivalent 5. Equity 2. sign 6. in stock, out of stock 3. own 7. current, non-current 4. composition 8 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 15 Banking, page 60 1 1. £1,000 2.The interest rate is fixed for the duration of the loan. 3. £100 arrangement fee 4. the same day 5. between / over 12 months to 10 years 2 1. problem 4. cash 2. expenses 5. statements 3. bank page 61 4 1. To apply for a line of credit. 2. a credit card 3.No collateral is needed for an unsecured line of credit. 4. $50,000 5.financial statements 5 1. borrow 4. standing order 2. business account 5. terms 3. overdraw 6 7 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. b 1. projection 4. personal guarantee 2. deny 5. payment holiday 3. secured 8 Your Turn Mr Rich:Well, Mrs Conrad. As you know, I opened Clean Right, a cleaning service business, two years ago. At the moment we’re trying to minimise our expenses as much as possible, but we’re facing some financial difficulty. Times are hard for small businesses and it’s difficult to deal with slow-paying customers, so I’m here to ask for a line of credit. Mrs Conrad: How much money do you need? Mr Rich:Well, we were thinking of applying for a line of credit up to £75,000. Mrs Conrad:£75,000? And what are you going to do with this money? Mr Rich:We have to pay off some debts to our suppliers and we also need to purchase some new equipment. I assure you, Clean Right is a profitable business. Here are our financial projections for next year. They’re very good. Do you think our request will be approved? Mrs Conrad:Mr Rich, you’re a long-time customer at our bank and your credit rating is good, so I’m optimistic. Mr Rich:And how much is the arrangement fee for a line of credit? Mrs Conrad:The arrangement fee is only 1% and the monthly interest rate is just 7.25%. Mr Rich:A 1% arrangement fee – that’s £750, and a 7.25% monthly interest rate? I see. Mrs Conrad:And remember, you only pay interest on the amount of money that’s used. However, a £75,000 line of credit must be secured by collateral. Mr Rich:My house can be my collateral. The house’s market value is about £275,000. Mrs Conrad:OK. Leave all your documents and details with me. I have to discuss your request with the bank manager, but I’ll get back to you later today. Mr Rich: Thank you very much. 1. cleaning service 2. ask for a line of credit 3. £75,000 1. collateral 4. lent 2. projection 5. credit limit 3. branch 6. denied 4. suppliers 5. new equipment 6. 1% of the amount 7. 7.25% 8. His / Mr Rich’s house BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 19 Student’s Book Answer Key Insurance, page 62 1 1. 10% discount 4 7 Radio Host:Today on Business Adventure, we’re going to interview Jonathan Robinson, an e-commerce expert. Jonathan, can anybody make money from an online shop? 2. six interest-free monthly payments 3. a guaranteed courtesy van 4. employer’s liability insurance 5. £100,000, £10 million Jonathan:Well, it depends. First of all, before you invest time and money in setting up an online retail business, you should check if there’s sufficient interest in the products you want to sell. You can do this, for example, by writing a blog about the products. 6. negligence or mistakes 7. viruses 2 1. gardening 4. fees 2. three 5. money 3. staff 6. discount page 63 4 5 6 1. DS 1. e 2. T 2. f 3. F 3. c 4. DS 4. d 5. T 5. a 6. b 1. van insurance 2. fire insurance 3. public and employer’s liability insurance 4. professional indemnity insurance 7 Tick: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 16 Global E-commerce, page 64 1 1.The company offers free ready-to-use templates to create sites. 2.A feature to keep customers coming back for more. 3. This lists products directly on Facebook page. 4.Customers can browse and shop on their mobile phones. 5. Gather feedback from customers. 6. Payments by credit cards will be accepted. 7. Free support 24 hours a day. 1. silver 4. month 2. anything 5. products 3. charge 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b 2. a 3. b 4. f 5. c 6. d 1. templates 4. support 2. your shopping cart 5. a platform 3. unlimited bandwidth 8 20 Jonathan:They’re absolutely wrong. You must advertise. You should run creative promotions on social media for every occasion and season. You must update your website with fresh content if you want people to come back for more. Radio Host:OK, what about expanding your online retail business internationally? Is that very complicated? Jonathan:It’s not simple, but it’s worth the effort. You’ll have to adapt your online business to the local culture, as well as the local currency and payment methods. Radio Host:So it’s all about localisation? How are payment methods different abroad? Jonathan:In many countries, credit cards are not popular and they’ve got other payment methods. Tick: 1, 4 Tick: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 1. e Jonathan:You don’t need to invest much to set up an online business. You can use one of the e-commerce platforms available on the web. They’re really simple and will charge you a reasonable monthly fee. Radio Host:Jonathan, we have to take a short commercial break. We’ll be back with more information after the break … page 65 4 5 6 7 Radio Host:OK. Once you’ve checked your idea and decided you want to build your online shop, what happens if you haven’t got enough money? Radio Host:Some people think that once you’ve got an online shop, you can expect people to find the shop on their own. 5. e-risks insurance 2 Your Turn 1. compatible 4. Localisation 2. impose 5. worth the effort 3. adapt 6. retail Dealing with Suppliers, page 66 1 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 2 1. online 4. test 2. 30 3. produce BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 5. approve Student’s Book Answer Key 4 1. in business for over 30 years 4 18 2. high-quality products Alison:Hello, Joe. How was your time management course? 3. use an escrow service 4. 30-day returns policy Joe: Hi, Alison. It was very interesting. Alison:Really? What did you learn – any good tips? page 67 5 6 7 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a 1. f 2. a 3. g 4. e 5. b 6. d 1. handmade 5. sensible 2. prevent 6. intentions 3. packaging 7. intermediary 4. allow 8 1. fraud 4. go wrong 2. striking 5. neutral 3. venture 6. assess 17 Training, page 68 1 1. unmotivated, stressed 2. communication skills, conflict resolution 3. office 4. Laughter Yoga 5. an advisor 2 1. 15% 4. interpersonal 2. product 5. tired 3. big 1.He’s disappointed with Meg’s region’s sales figures. 2.Their product is the best. Their promotional material is excellent. The reps received big bonuses. 3.Two of the following: The sales team has lost its team spirit. The sales reps seem tired. The sales team has got a problem with interpersonal skills. 4.Using a company that specialises in teambuilding activities. 5 6 7 8 1. unmotivated 5. shocked 2. stressed 6. interpersonal 3. evaluate 7. strenuous 4. relaxed 8. prioritise 1. a 7. c Joe:Lots. I’ll give you my notes later. Most tips were quite logical, really. For example, you should keep a diary at work. At the end of each day, decide if anything was unnecessary and evaluate what took up too much time. Alison:That makes sense. What else? Joe:We learned about prioritising – deciding what’s most important and urgent to do. They also talked about phone calls. For example, you shouldn’t stay on hold for a long time, and if you leave a message, you should always make sure it’s absolutely clear. Anyway, enough about me. How was the bushcraft workshop? Alison:It was amazing – a real challenge! Joe:What did you do? Alison:Well, four of us spent 24 hours alone in the forest. We didn’t have any contact with the outside world – we couldn’t even take our mobile phones! We didn’t have a tent, but Tim, our instructor, showed us how to make a shelter. Then, we had to start a fire on our own. After that, we made fishing rods and caught fish in the river. If we hadn’t caught the fish, we wouldn’t have eaten anything that night. Joe:Wow! So what did you learn there? page 69 4 Your Turn 2. b 3. a 1. conflict resolution 4. treasure hunt 2. experienced 5. workshop 3. challenge 6. bonded Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6 Alison:We learned how to pull together as a team and make important decisions together. We also learned a lot about each other! We really bonded. Joe:Sounds great! But one thing I learned on my course about time management is not to stand around chatting with colleagues for too long! I’d better get back to my desk. Bye! Alison:Bye. 1. time 4. forest 2. diary 5. mobile phones 3. stay on hold 6. caught Teamwork, page 70 1 1. demotivated 2.Because research has proved that businesses achieve their goals more quickly and efficiently when they work as a team. 3.Because teams that work well together can settle conflicts easier. 4.Alison says some people work better on their own in a quiet place. 5. It stands or falls by personal accountability. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 21 Student’s Book Answer Key 2 1. survey 4. colours 2. line 5. focus 3. changes 6. meet 4 29 Brian:How’s your new job, Sandra? Do you get along with your supervisor? Sandra:Yes, Brian. She’s really nice. She has lunch with us in the cafeteria every day, and last week, we all went out for a drink after work to celebrate my birthday. page 71 4 1. problematic 2. new line of summer clothes 3. style Brian:Really? I wouldn’t want my boss to go out with me for a drink. Work is work and friends are friends. I think they should be kept separate. 4. style and colours 5. Thursday morning 5 6 7 8 1. cooperate 3. a reasonable 2. come up with 4. point of view 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 1. c 2. b 3. e 4. f 5. d Sandra:I see your point, but you spend most of your day at work. You can’t only talk about work all day. Naturally, people know a lot about your life – your family, your interests. 6. a 1. demotivating 5. Personal accountability 2. perform 6. facilitate 3. encourage 7. input 4. prove 8. commitment 18 Brian:I don’t know. My boss is a very good manager – a real leader. He’s excellent at giving service to customers. Everyone sees him as a model, an inspiration. You can learn so much from watching him work with customers. He really listens to them and resolves their problems in a calm, respectable manner. Sandra:He sounds great. Leadership Skills, page 72 1 1. F You can learn to be a leader. Brian:He is, and it doesn’t matter that I don’t know anything about him personally, except that he’s married and he loves rugby. He doesn’t socialise with his employees. 2. T Try to identify potential problems. 3. FMake sure your employees know what you are doing and planning. Sandra:But Brian, is he pleasant? Brian:Yes, he praises us a lot – he thanks us for our work. He also gives us excellent training sessions that are very motivating. 4. T receive continuous training 5. T Visit each department on a regular basis. 2 1. five 4. themselves 2. sit 5. short 3. fine page 73 4 1. to be a manager Sandra:Well, my manager’s training sessions are also very good. They’re interesting and clear and I feel comfortable asking questions. The only thing that bothers me is that she’s always answering phone calls in the middle of training sessions. It’s sometimes hard to focus. Brian:Well, I guess every manager has a different work style – there isn’t one correct way to do things. 2. solve problems / make decisions 3.make decisions / work things out for themselves 4. time to get her own work done Brian’s supervisor: 2, 3, 4, 5 Sandra’s supervisor: 1, 5, 6 5.a daily meeting (with her team) to discuss problems 6. learn from each other, more time 5 1. direct 5. approach 2. enhance 6. delegate 3. lead to 7. praise Strategy Planning, page 74 1 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d 2 1. Thursday4. 4. socialise 6 1. proactive 4. lack 2. implementation 5. vision 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 2. competitors5. prices 3. luxurious6. update 6. a 7. a 4 1. down the road from 2. water 3. personal, unique 22 electricity page 75 3. basis 7 Your Turn BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 4.to define the issues clearly 5. the board Student’s Book Answer Key 5 6 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. c 1. navigate 5. be caught off guard 2. overcome 6. substitute 3. put out fires 7. in the light of 4 40 Welcome to Radio NSF. Today we have some tips on how to prepare for a successful job interview. First of all, be on time. This is very important. Arriving late makes a very bad impression. Second, dress professionally. Don’t wear the same clothes that you wear to hang out with your friends. It’s important to make a good first impression. Third, answer questions clearly and politely. Don’t just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Give examples. Fourth, bring a copy of your CV and any other relevant documents. Make sure all your documents are well organised in one folder. Finally, practise. Make a list of the questions an interviewer might ask. With a friend, practise asking and answering the questions. Everyone gets at least a little nervous before an interview. It’s quite natural. If you follow these tips, you will feel confident during your interview – and will hopefully get the job. Oh … and one last tip – don’t forget to smile! 4. force 7 1. revolution 5. step back 2. distraction 6. set aside 3. reinvent 7. awareness 4. broader perspective 8. bargaining power 19 Applying for a Job, page 76 1 1. F a small team 2. F must participate in exhibitions 3. T identifying and targeting new markets 4. T lead and motivate a sales team 5. T ability to analyse local markets 6. T effective negotiating skills 7. F fluent in Russian 8. T relocation to Moscow 2 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 1. Pleased 3. challenge 2. Sales Manager 4. Russian page 77 4 1. Sales 4. loves 2. Business Studies 5. people Interviewing, page 78 1 1. Coventry 2. No, she didn’t. 3. Computer skills: Word, Excel, PowerPoint 4. English and Russian 3. three 5 6 1. c 2. a 5. 1 3. e 4. b 5. d 2 3. no problem 4. first year 3. educational background 5. Monday 4. logistical support 5. secondary school, vocational course 1. outgoing – introverted 2. insecure – confident 4 4. organised – messy 1. knowledgeable 5. anxious 2. organised 6. introverted 3. hard-working 7. insecure 4. responsible 8. messy 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. c page 79 5 3. hard-working – lazy 8 1. have a seat 2. details 1. headquarters 2. relocation 7 Your Turn 1. permanent 6. schedule 2. temporary 7. fire 3. starting salary 8. recruit 4. incentive 9. retirement benefits 5. shift work 6 7 8 10. health insurance Answers will vary. 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 23 Student’s Book Answer Key 20 Preparing a CV, page 80 1 1. six 4. Yes 2. Yes 5. No 3. Yes 2 1. Work experience 4. Education 2. Personal details 5. Work experience 3. Personal details page 81 3 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. a 4 Personal details: married, single, gender, male, divorced, female, marital status Education: graduate, certificate, Bachelor’s degree, formal training 5 1. single, divorced 4. personal details 2. formal training 5. current job Interviewer:That’s very impressive. So why do you want to leave your job with Orchard Fruit Juice? Jonathan:Well, I’d like to work in a larger company like yours, where I would be in charge of a bigger team. Also, I’d like to get experience in a different field. Interviewer:I see. I’m sure you understand that the Sales Director at our company is a very important position, with a lot of responsibility. We are looking for someone with excellent managerial skills. Why do you think you are a good candidate for this position? Jonathan:Because I’ve got a lot of experience in identifying and targeting new markets and I’m a very experienced negotiator. I also know how to motivate a sales team. Interviewer:Thank you, Jonathan. We’ll be in touch with you shortly regarding our final decision. 3. Bachelor’s degree 6. foreign language 4 49 Your Turn Interviewer:Welcome, Jonathan. Please tell me about your current job as Sales Manager. Jonathan:I work at the head office of Orchard Fruit Juice. I’m responsible for sales across the country and abroad. Interviewer:I see. According to your CV, you’ve been at Orchard Fruit Juice for four years. Jonathan: That’s correct. Interviewer:OK. It says here in your job description that you work closely with the Managing Director and that you are in charge of a sales team of 18 people. That’s a lot of responsibility. Jonathan:That’s right. We’ve got 12 people in the national sales department and another six in our export department. We sell to various countries in Europe and we’ve just started selling our products in Japan too. Interviewer:That’s very interesting. Can you tell me something about your personal achievements as the Sales Manager? Jonathan:Certainly. When I took up my position as the Sales Manager, I had a sales team of six people, and we sold our products only in the UK and France. Since I’ve been at the company, we’ve increased our market share in the UK by 15 per cent, and we now sell our products in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Hungary. 24 1. four 4. 15% 2. 18 5. team 3. Japan 6. a sales team Writing a CV, page 82 1 1. b 2. c 3. b page 83 2 1. Mr Hunter 2. In The Linton Gazette. 3. 28th April, 1988 4. Queen Mary’s College, Exeter 5. Yes, she is. 6. two 3 1. home address 2. reference from place of work BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Student’s Book Answer Key Writing Guide 7 page 106 1 An e-mail requesting a meeting page 102 1 1. The end-of-year report A business card 2. Wednesday, 17th August (from 14:00-16:00). 1 3. The relevant data on their projects. 1. Lucinda Chambers 4. Yes, they do. 2. Financial Director 3. 01632-960123 An e-mail accepting an invitation to a meeting 4. 42 Bridge Street, Meadowfield, England 1 1. Alex Croft, Financial Department. An e-mail introducing yourself 2. Yes, he does. 1 3. No, he doesn’t. 1. All employees at Millhouse. 4.The data on all their financial activities in Scandinavia over the past year. 2. Director of Human Resources. 3. Lincoln 4. At Young’s Department Store for six years. 2 page 107 pages 103-104 An e-mail requesting a quote 1 8 1. Mr Paul Carter An e-mail cancelling and rescheduling a meeting 1 1. Ed Chesterton, Head of Marketing. 2.Sales Department, Marketing Department and Management. 2. Daniella Ellis 3.We would be grateful if you could send us a quote for the items listed below. 3.Because some members of the Sales Department are attending an important exhibition on the date. 4.The payment terms are 30 days after the delivery date. In general, they are interested in express deliveries. 4.On 21st March in the conference room on the third floor (from 10:00 till 14:00). An e-mail providing a quote 1 9 1. To give a quote for office equipment. 2. No, they haven’t. page 107 3. 10% 4. Confirm the order within the next 48 hours. A leaflet for an exhibition 1 1. Fashion 2.12th-15th May, 2014 at Lakeside Exhibition Centre, Harrogate. 5 page 105 3. The UK and abroad. An e-mail dealing with shipping arrangements 4. Register before 28th February, 2014. 1 1. 7th June 10 2. Valiant 3. It is late. / The container hasn’t arrived. 4.Because the company could lose a lot of business as a result of the delay. page 108 An itinerary for a trip 1 1. At 13:00. (Monday, 4th June) 2. At the Hotel Piazza. (in Rome) 3. By taxi. 4.The e-tickets, hotel voucher and timetable of meetings. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 25 Student’s Book Answer Key 12 17 pages 108-109 page 110 A letter of complaint A job advert 1 1 1. Spare parts for their engines. 2.They are 8 mm too long and cannot fit into the engines. 2. Italy and Europe 3. To send a new order. 4. teamwork 3. three 4.Some form of compensation for the inconvenience. A response to a letter of complaint 1 1.Kenneth McGregor, Customer Service, Premier Parts 2. A letter of complaint from Mrs Warner. 18 page 111 An e-mail congratulating a colleague 1 3. He sent a new order by express delivery. 1.To congratulate her on her recent promotion to Head of Sales. 2. Three years. 4. To credit her account with a 20% discount. 3. She has a wonderful way with people. 4. He is sure she will do a great job. 13 page 109 19 A product description 1 1. Marketing Manager for Fashion Source. page 111 1. A purse. 2. Four (brown, black, red and cream) 3. Three An e-mail requesting job information 1 1. In the Rutland Express, 20th September. 2. Yes, she is. 4. Yes. It has a three-year guarantee. 3. If it involves travelling abroad. 4.Are they willing to accept applications from people without previous managerial experience. 14 page 110 20 A marketing report 1 1. 325,000 page 112 2. After June. 3. The sales of the Marvo73 tablet computers. 4. Europe 35,000 and Asia 70,000. A letter of recommendation 1 1. Mr Lawson. 2. She was Julia’s (her) lecturer for two years. 3. She showed great interest in her studies. 4.She was very pleasant and positive and got along with her fellow students. 26 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 3 1 2. send ... fax, send ... e-mail 3. type ... agenda, update ... mailing list page 4 1 2 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 4. receive ... visitors 6. b 4 1. Financial Director 3. type a letter 3. staff 4. schedule a meeting 4. Marketing Director 5. distribute the incoming mail 5. senior management 6. show our visitors around 6. Personal Assistant 7. order supplies 1. Personal Assistant 5 2. Marketing Director 3. keep track of 4. senior management 4. word processing, data entry 5. Chief Executive Officer 6 6. staff 1. describe 5. hire 2. develop 6. explain how to use 3. be in charge of 7. sell 1. ground floor 6. top floor 2. conference room 7. maintenance 3. warehouse 8. lift 4. toilets 9. reception 8 9 10 page 5 1. c 2. f 3. d 4. e 5. a 1. Go up the stairs. 4. Go down the stairs. 2. Turn right. 5. Go straight. 4. at the end of the corridor 3. waste paper bin 6. projector Tick: 1, 4, 5, 7 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 2. f 3. e 4. d 5. a 6. b dial the phone number 3. record an outgoing message 4. enter your access code 7. in front of, behind 3. g 5. press this button 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. e 6. listen to my incoming messages 3 2 page 6 2. a c 2. contact someone 6. Go past 1. c 5. photocopier Have students translate the sentences into their own language. 5. on your right 1 2 4. filing cabinet 2. air-conditioner 11. 2 1. 3. on your left 2. c 1. coat rack page 8 2. opposite 1. f 5. a packet of 3 1. between Say It! 2. a pair of Say It! 6. b 3. Turn left. 8 4. a box of 3. a roll of 7 5. car park 6 7 1. a sheet of page 7 4. assist 5 1. spreadsheets 2. prepare a presentation 3. Financial Director 4 1. take minutes 2. screen her calls 2. Chief Executive Officer 3 1. take ... message, deliver ... message 3. d 4. b 1. file documents 3. search the Internet 2. keep a log 4. answer incoming calls 4 1. fast forward 5. location 2. receiver 6. modify 3. volume 7. cord 4. delete 8. save 1. off the hook 5. review 2. loudspeaker 6. retrieve 3. loud 7. replay 4. rewind BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 27 Workbook Answer Key 5 1. paragraph 4. italics page 11 2. upper case letters 5. icon 7 3. underline 6.lower case letters 61. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b 8 page 9 7 8 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a 1. log in 4. reply 2. copy, paste 5. desktop 3. forward 9 10 11 2. b 3. b 4. b 4. log out 2. attachment 5. paragraph 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. a 6. fragile 1. insure 3. special instructions 2. update 4. paperwork 1. put the goods 2. attach our company label 3. fill in this form 4. delivered on time 2. job application 7. contract 3. request for information 8. product manual 4. customer complaint 9. directory 5. bank statement 1. stamp 4. sort 2. sign 5. collect 5 page 12 1 2 3 3 1. F 2. F 4 1. You weigh something to see how heavy it is. 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F 2. Domestic mail is sent in the country. 4 3.If a letter has got two enclosures, there are three things in the envelope. 4. The recipient got the letter. 5. You stamp the mail before you distribute it. 2. a 3. e 1 h e 2 4. f 5. d 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 1. freight container 4. load 2. worldwide 5. contact 3. reliable 3. weight 28 5. paper 3. protect Dialogue 2 6. d 6. receipt f 2. cool 4. includes the correct postcode 1. cheque 7 4. name 3. Make sure page 10 6 1. courier 2. check all the items 4 1. c 6. pick up, courier 5. weigh the envelopes 1. c 5 3. insured 1. collect the mail 1. copy Say It! 2 5. shipment Dialogue 1 5. a 3. font 1 4. this side up 2. paperwork Say It! Tick: 1, 3, 5, 7 1. a 9 1. good condition 4. guarantee 2. free of charge 5. free of damage 3. compete 6. loss 1. e 2. h 3. g 4. f 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. b 5 Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6 6 1. requirements 6. b 3 i g h t 4 n r m 5 6 g o o d s p a r c e l p c a r a g i l e k s c u 8 9 l e n g t h m a r k e 1. quote 5. manufacturer 2. start a business 6. investment 3. risk 7. ensure 4. advantages 8. profits page 13 7 8 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b Say It! 1. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 3 6 2. last minute 3. let’s try for page 14 1 Tick: 1, 2, 4 2 1. b 2. e 3. 3 1. transfer calls 4. notify d 4. a 5. on-site meeting 5. c 6. previous commitment 4 2. put you on hold 3. confirms 4. hang up 4. Book a conference room 5. ask for permission 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. b 5. Organise 6. light refreshments 6. d 5 page 15 6 c 2 r i t 4 d i c 6 u n a l 7 1 e g a r d i n g i s c u s s n t v a i l a b l e r 7 o r d e r u p 8 c u r r e n t 6 3 5 l p r i o r i t y 7 8 5. auditorium 3. laser pointer 6. beverage 1. currently, as soon as possible 1. was cut off 5. let me know 2. no reply 6. specify 3. handles problems 7. missed a call 1. accurate 4. set up 2. venue 5. beverages 3. take care of 6. provide 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. b 1. display 4. buffet lunch 2. memorable 5. event, success Say It! 4. essential, get back to you Dialogue 1 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. g Dialogue 2 1. e 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. b 7. b 8 page 18 1 1. opening remarks 2. line of products 4. is on another line 3. summarise Say It! Have students translate the sentences into their own language. 4. closing session 5. handed out, board of directors 2 7 1. conference call 4. brochure 2. free gift 5. attendance list 3. name tag page 16 3 4 5 1. cancel – d 2. suit – c 3. break – a 4. book a conference room – e 5. make it – b 2 4. menu 2. podium 3. detail 3. go over, comments 1 1. display page 17 2. out of town, reach 8 1. participants 2. Notify 3. create a positive impression 4 5 1. hold a meeting 1. Where 4. 9.00 meeting 2. at the Plaza Hotel 5. Who 6. demonstration 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. a 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 1. objective 5. major 2. pros and cons 6. task 3. training 7. clarify 4. focus 3. How many BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 29 Workbook Answer Key page 19 6 7 8 1. e 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. c 1. objections 4. actions 2. take notes 5. attract 3. expansion 6. raise 1. selection 4. analyse 2. present 5. assign Say It! 6. b 1. g 1 2 1. go over, details 2. greet, name tags and brochures 3. CEO, opening remarks 3 4. read through the agenda, objectives 5. everything, key 4 6. your notes, the participants 9 s p e c i f i c a t a i 5 m e x h i b p l 6 h d e p o s 7 l o g o e 8 t r e n d 2 3 i i i o n s a t m p t l e 4 1. booths, stands 5. features, displays 7 9 10 Tick: 1, 4, 5, 7 1. promotional material, catalogue 2. exhibit, stand 4. logo, slogan 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. c 5. overweight luggage 3. gate 6. passenger 1. via 4. land 2. e-ticket 5. waiting list 3. stopover 6. inbound flight 1. arrival 3. departure 2. voucher 4. outbound flight 1. unlimited mileage 5. drop off 2. driving licence 6. passenger 3. insurance 7. make a reservation 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b 1. show interest 4. make small talk 2. give you a call 5. achieve your goals 1. expand 4. rapidly-growing field 2. vendor 5. valued customer 3. represent 6. exchange 1. a 2. b 3. b 1. laundry service 4. luxury suite 2. business centre 5. double room 3. fitness centre 6. half board a. Wendy d. Janet b. John e. Mark c. David f. Lucy 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. e 1. cuisine 5. non-smoking 2. vacancy 6. tip 3. bill 7. standard room Have students translate the sentences into their own language. 11 page 24 1 3. enter a market 30 2. boarding pass Say It! page 21 9 4. driving licence 4. party 3. sign up, deposit 8 1. check in page 23 4. promotional material, catalogues 6 7 7. f boarding pass Renting a car: drop off, driving licence, unlimited mileage Both: make a reservation, itinerary, insurance 3. business cards, pamphlets 5 6. b 5 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6 Flying: seat assignment, take off, one-way ticket, 8 2. logo, slogan 3 4 5. c 4. rent a car page 20 2 4. e 10 Say It! 1 3. a page 22 3. issues 1 2. d 4. a 5. a 6. b 1. swipe your card 5. entitled to 2. holiday leave 6. regulations 3. clock in 7. refused 4. carry over 7. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 2 3 4 1. consecutive 5. give written notice 2. clock out 6. unpaid leave 2. is missing a part 7. card reader 3. insist on 4. part-time 8. sick note, sick leave 4. expectations 5. make a claim 1. b 2. d 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. c 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b 5 Danger: suspicious, break-in, virus, hacking Protection: security guard, firewall, security camera, surveillance system, alarm system 7 8 1. isn’t fresh 3. salary page 25 6 5 e w a c 3 p r o t e c o 5 u n f a m p a 7 u n a t t e n y 1 f i r 2 l 6. inconvenience, compensation 7. pricing, credit your account page 27 6 7 l t p u i l i a r p 6 k o d e d s y e 4 8 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6 1. consequences 4. expectations 2. is torn 5. is broken 3. isn’t fresh 6. faulty parts 1. making a noise 5. failed to meet 2. repair 6. disappointed 3. defect 7. due 4. be in touch Say It! Have students translate the sentences into their own language. Tick: 1, 2, 4, 8 1. comes in 5. damages 2. jewellery 6. security camera 3. danger 7. surveillance system 4. get information 13 page 28 1 Say It! Dialogue 1 1.clock in when they arrive and clock out when they leave 2. swipe their co-workers’ cards 3. notify their manager immediately 2 3 Dialogue 2 1. You press “in” when you enter 2. press your finger on the scanner 4 1. sound file 4. questionnaire 2. interviewee 5. on sale 3. series 6. brand 1. demo 4. options 2. concerned 5. test 3. loyal 6. don’t mind 1. method 4. factor 2. interested in 5. conduct a survey 3. find out 6. go ahead 1. a 3. keep your purse and other valuables there page 29 4. log off the computer when I leave 5 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 1. telemarketer 2. prospective customer 3. consumer 12 4. competitor page 26 1 1. assure 4. remind 2. treated 5. refunds 5. value 6 3. manner 2 3 1. rude 5. politely 2. impatient 6. respectfully 3. argue 7. satisfied 1. b 2. a 4. regret 2. specialise 5. appeal 3. persuade Tick: 2, 4 4. calmly 4 1. take advantage of 3. b 4. b 5. a 7 8 Tick: 1, 3, 5 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6 Say It! 1. d 2. g 3. h 4. f 5. a 6. c BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 7. b 8. e 31 Workbook Answer Key page 33 14 7 2. identity fraud page 30 1 1. revenue 4. waste 2. decrease 5. increase 3. premium 4. Public and employer’s liability insurance 5. insurance policy 3. purchase 2 3 4 5 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 6. professional indemnity insurance 5. c 7. Third party Tick: 2, 4, 6 1. a, b 2. b, c 3. a, c 4. a, b 5. a, c 1. repayment 4. cash flow statement 2. renovations 5. figures 8 page 31 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. g Tick: 1, 3, 4 1. e 2. d 1. can 7. f 4. reinvested in the business 5. no-claims discount 3. van insurance 6. in mind Dialogue 1 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d Dialogue 2 1.e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f 2 6. owe money Say It! 1. a 1% discount 2. over £330,000 to several suppliers 3. if we haven’t got enough cash 4. to take another loan 3 4 5. can be a good indicator 6. and little cash 5 7. a good inventory turnover 8. the business’ assets are much bigger 1. Customise 4. a template 2. host 5. encrypted 1. stylish 5. customised 2. accepted 6. retail 3. platform 7. localisation 4. shopping cart 8. browsed Tick: 1, 4 1. place an order 4. worth the effort 2. feedback 5. showcases 3. impose 6. post 1. b 1. branch 4. standing order 2. withdraw 5. payment holiday 3. deny Tick: 1, 4, 5, 6 1.current account 4. projection 2. arrangement fee 5. collateral 3. terms 6. branches Tick: 1, 3, 5 1.Legal fees 4. injured 2. payments 5. fire insurance 3. a i n t e 3. courtesy 32 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 4. f 5. c 6. d p r m e d i a r y e 3 4 5 n s v n 6 e n t r e p r e n e u r u r n g 7 t i n t e n t i o n s r k t 8 9 a i t r a f f i c l n l a g l t o e 10 e s c r o w 1 2 page 32 2. e page 35 6 15 6 6. b 3. unlimited bandwidth 5. land and buildings 4 5 2. negligence 16 1 3. aren’t 2 3 4. e-risks insurance page 34 2. £3 million 1 1. despite Say It! 3. increase 6 7 8 9 1. policy holder 5. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 7 1. sensible 5. returns policy 2. packaging 6. handmade 3. misunderstanding 7. venture Dialogue 2 1. What do you think of 2. it’s problematic 3. conducting a street survey 4. hidden 8 4. different points of view Tick: 1, 2, 4 5. that sounds reasonable Say It! 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. b 17 page 36 1 2 3 1. conflict resolution 4. experienced 2. workshop 5. interpersonal 3. unmotivated 6. stressed 1. b 18 page 38 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. d 1 2 3 6. c 1. help 5. learn 2. money 6. funny 3. feel comfortable 7. find something 4 5 4.have to finish something quickly 4 5 1. shocked 4. challenge 2. team spirit 5. strenuous 3. approach 6. prioritise Tick: 1, 3, 5 6 7 n p u t 3 c e 4 o v e r r a t e d l f 5 f l o 6 p a r a 8 7 p r o b l e m a t i c w o o i e 9 s v r l a e a e i k t t t n 10 11 a s p e c t s h a r e l t s 12 e x p r e s s e s 1 i 2 Tick: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 Say It! Dialogue 1 1. I’m very disappointed with 2. If you ask me 3. has achieved his target sales 4. a different approach 5. any suggestions 1. constantly 3. separate 2. proactive 4. reactive 1. delegate 4. direct 2. socialise 5. approach 3. identify 6. praise Tick: 2, 3, 5, 7 1. off guard a. step back 2. fires b. broader perspective 3. perspective c. put out fires 4. back d. bargaining power 5. power e. be caught off guard page 39 page 37 6 Tick: 1, 3, 5, 7 7 8 1. substitute 4. distraction 2. awareness 5. demanded 3. discipline 6. In the light of 1. role 5. chain 2. navigate 6. revolution 3. irrelevant 7. demand 4. threat 8. reinvent 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b Say It! Have students translate the sentences into their own language. 19 page 40 1 Positive: hard-working, dynamic, responsible, confident, knowledgeable Negative: insecure, messy, lazy, anxious 2 3 4 5 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a Tick: 1, 4, 5 Tick: 2, 3 1. retirement benefits 4. shift work 2. health insurance 5. fired 3. sensitive 6. ambitious BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 33 Workbook Answer Key page 43 page 41 6 7 8 1. f 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c 1. being active 4. join 2. gets along 5. several years 3. different times 6. perform well 1. starting salary 5. flexible about hours 2. schedule 6. good at multitasking 3. temporary 7. conscientious 4. fired 8. fast learner 6 7 8 1. domestic 5. rude 2. rewind 6. female 3. fire insurance 7. accrued expenses 4. bargaining power 8. this side up 1. b 4. a 2. a 3. c 1. achieve your goal 3. break the ice 4. place an order 1.Can you tell me about your educational background 5. put out fires 6. create a positive impression 9 1. a beverage 6. salary 3.why do you think you’re a good candidate for the job 2. attend 7. intention 3. An annual 8. regret 4. your starting salary will be £22,000 per annum 4. major 9. A crisis 5. It sounds like the perfect job 5. trend 10. discuss 2. Have you got any experience in marketing 6. We’ll be in touch 10 7. It was nice meeting you 1. b, c 3. a, b 5. a, c 7. a, c 9. a, b 2. a, c 4. b, c 6. b, c 8. a, c 10. a, c 20 page 42 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a Tick: 1, 4 1. b, c 2. a, c 3. a, c 4. a, c 5. b, c 1. managerial skills 4. Bachelor’s degree 2. career objectives 5. references 3. job description 5 Jobs and Positions: personnel manager, financial supervisor, head of IT, accounts assistant Teamwork: pull together, cooperate, collaborate, bond Shipping: consignee, port of origin, vessel, cargo At a Hotel: high season, double room, luxury suite, full board 34 6. c 2. distribute the incoming mail Say It! 1 2 3 4 5. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key Grammar Practice 5. Max receives visitors. 6. Max and Anna don’t send faxes. page 49 1 4 page 46 1 2 1. am 2. aren’t 3. is 4. are 5. isn’t 1. Where is Mr Morton’s office? 2. Who is Mr McKenzie’s personal assistant? 5 3. Are the toilets on the ground floor? 4. What is your name? 1. have got 4. have got 2. haven’t got 5. hasn’t got 3. has got 6. haven’t got 6 6. doesn’t distribute 3. do … prefer 7. does … update 1. Throw 4. Don’t touch 2. Don’t go into 5. Don’t use 3. Add 6. Turn off 5. Let’s call IT. 6. Let’s go to that conference. 5. are 2. have got 6. isn’t, is 3. isn’t, is 7. has got, is 4. has got 8. hasn’t got page 50 1. it 5. him 1 2. her 6. me 3. you 7. us 6. mine 2. hers 7. Their 3. your 8. my 5. theirs 3 9. yours 10. Her 1. are copying 4. is hiring 2. am checking 5. is putting 3. is teaching 2 1. His 4. our 1. Greg isn’t distributing mail. He is eating. 2.Gail and Melissa aren’t typing letters. They are talking. 3.Ed isn’t writing an e-mail. He is using the photocopier. / He is photocopying. 3 1. is … training – d 4. Is … holding – c 2. Are … having – e 5. are … typing – b 3. is … fixing – a 2 4 page 48 3 5. give 2. don’t make 1. is 4. them 2 1. destroys 4. Let’s clean the office. 5. What have you got for lunch today? c 1 8. does … put – b 3. Let’s give Mr Porter a discount. 4. Has Roger got an office on the top floor? b 7 7. do … do – d 4. Does … schedule – a 2. Let’s buy these folders. 3. Has the cafeteria got sandwiches? e 6 3. do … distribute – f 1. Let’s go home. 1. Have you got a pen? d 2. When have we got the meeting with James? a 5 6. Does … give – g 7 Possible answers page 47 4 5. does … use – h 2. do … get – c 4. Does … work 5. What time is your appointment? 3 1. Does … order – e 1. in the summer 4. every day 2. twice a year 5. usually 3. never 6. always 1. tries 4. file 2. watches 5. goes 3. update 6. work 1. Anna and Zoe type agendas. 2. Anna doesn’t prepare spreadsheets. 3. Max and Zoe don’t distribute incoming mail. 4. Zoe doesn’t take minutes at meetings. 1. Are you working at the moment? 2. Who is Mrs Smith talking to? 3. What are they preparing? 4. Is Amy writing her weekly report? 5. Where are Peter and Lisa sitting? page 51 5 6 1. b, c 2. a, c 3. b, c 4. a, c 1. doesn’t answer 5. am listening 2. is showing 6. isn’t sitting 3. send 7. drink 5. a, c 4. leave BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 35 Workbook Answer Key 7 1.Is Jamie working on a presentation at the moment? b 8 1. Were there, there weren’t, There were – d 2. Was there, there wasn’t – b 2. Why is the CEO talking to Louise now? e 3. Was there, there was – a 3.When do we usually send invoices to our customers? a 4. Were there, there were – c 4. Does Richard file documents every day? f 5.Who is the Marketing Director talking to right now? c 6. How often do you order office supplies? d 8 1. Lisa doesn’t work in the afternoons. 5 page 54 1 2. I like my new job. 3. Is Fiona talking to a customer now? 4. Are Richard and Peter coming to the meeting? 2 5. Who is answering the phones at the moment? 6. Our CEO travels to China every month. 3 4 2 1. the 4. any 2. a 5. an 3. much / a lot of 6. some / many / a lot of 1. Are there any messages for me? 2. There are some cheques for you to sign. 4 5. got 2. wrote 6. went 3. cost 7. left 4. brought 8. found 1. paid, sent – c 1. How many 4. How much 2. How much 5. How many 3. How many 6. How much 1. Megan didn’t pay the shipping bill. 2. Megan made a reservation for a flight to Lima. 3.Megan didn’t choose photographs for the new catalogue. 4. Megan didn’t talk to Mr Lee in Shanghai. 5. Megan shipped the order to Naples. 6. Megan met Mrs Ivanov for lunch. 5 1. Did you ask for a quote? – e 2. When did they receive the order? – b 1. a lot of, the 3. Why did Rob cancel the order? – a 2. any, much 4. Did the company track the container? – d 3. Are there, some, There is, many 4. How many, There aren’t, a lot of 5. How did they send the goods? – c 6 1. Did you speak to our contact in Dublin? 2. Where did you leave the documents? page 53 1. weren’t, were 3. were, wasn’t 2. were, wasn’t 4. was, was 1.Where were Katie and Joyce last Tuesday? They were at an exhibition. 3.How many copies of the documents did they give you? 4. Did Lisa teach you how to fill out the form? 5. Who did you call in Rome? 7 1. did … send 6. offered 2. left 7. did … arrive 3.Were the sales reps at a training session yesterday? Yes, they were. 3. did … use 8. had 4.Why was Mrs Spencer angry this morning? Because James was late for the meeting. 5. did … charge 2.Was Lara in the lobby to receive the visitors? No, she wasn’t. 7 1. did page 55 6. Is there a lot of paperwork to do? 6 6. stopped 5. flew, wanted – b 5. There isn’t much paper for the printer. 5 5. complained 3. saved 4. didn’t send, didn’t have – d 4. There aren’t any meetings today. 4 2. tracked 3. didn’t arrive, didn’t have – a 3. There is a fragile item in this box. 3 4. studied 2. worked, asked – e page 52 1 1. arrived 1. There was, there wasn’t 2. there weren’t, there were 3. there weren’t, there were 4. gave 8 9. Did … inform 10. told 1. She sent him an e-mail. 2. Did you speak to the shipper? 3. The container didn’t arrive on time. 4. When did they load the ship? 5. They didn’t call me. 36 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 3 6 1. wrap, won’t break 5. finishes, won’t meet 2. won’t make, are 6. will make, sell page 56 3. will … reach, need 7. will ... take place, isn’t 1 4. will go, want 1. am going to be 2. isn’t going to import 4 3. are going to discuss 2. will go, asks 4. aren’t going to pick up 3. Will … be, doesn’t return 5. is going to go over 4. will minimise, use 6. am not going to hire 2 5. will take, doesn’t come 1.Are Mrs Dawson and Bruce going to go over the AWP contract in the afternoon? 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 2.Is Mrs Dawson going to prepare a presentation for the marketing meeting at noon? page 59 3.What is Mrs Dawson going to discuss with Georgia? answers. 6 4. Who is Mrs Dawson going to meet at 3.30 pm? 5. When is Mrs Dawson going to have dinner? 3 1. No, they aren’t. 7 2. Yes, she is. 4. Dean Fischel, the CEO of Fischel Electronics. 8 1. am ordering 4. Is … participating 2. Are … sending 5. are going 9 1. will handle 3. will get back 2. won’t make 4. won’t sign 10 1. No one. 4. Nothing. 2. Nothing. 5. Nowhere. 1. There isn’t anyone in the conference room. 1. somewhere 4. someone 2. anything 5. something 3. anyone 6. anywhere 1. anyone, No one 2. anything, nothing 1. Who will be the next Managing Director? – e 3. anywhere, somewhere 4. something, anything 3. When will this meeting end? – c 4. How will we improve this product? – a 8 5. Will the cargo arrive in good condition? – b 1. Will … be, will sort – d page 60 2. will start, will … tell – c 1 3. will cost, will do – a 4. won’t have, will check – e 5. Will … remember, won’t forget – b 2 1. can – e 3. can – a 5. can’t – f 2. can’t – c 4. can’t – d 6. can – b 1. Can you take a brochure? 2. Can Mark hear the speaker? 3. Can Jack find his name tag? 7 4. Can Lisa come to the meeting? 5. Can the participants speak French? page 58 2 6. fills, sends – b 5. I didn’t go anywhere. 2. Will they give us a discount? – d 1 5. call, need – e 3. want, press – a 4. They haven’t prepared anything. 3. aren’t going 7 2. is, label – f 3. I didn’t call anyone. page 57 6 4. schedule, check – d 2. I’m not going to order anything. 5. At 19.00. 5 1. complains, am – c 3. No one. 3. Personnel problems. 4 1. send, will provide 1. reschedule 4. will see 2. won’t attend 5. doesn’t leave 3. suits 6. will be 1. unless 4. If 2. if 5. unless 3. Unless 6. If 6. Can we take the lift? 3 4 1. Yes, you can. 4. No, she can’t. 2. No, he can’t. 5. Yes, they can. 3. No, he can’t. 6. No, we can’t. 1. couldn’t 4. could 2. could 5. couldn’t 3. couldn’t BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 37 Workbook Answer Key page 61 5 1. Could James answer all the questions? – c 2.Could you help me, please? / Could you please help me? – a 3.Could you reschedule the meeting, please? / Could you please reschedule the meeting? – d 6 7 8 8 1. couldn’t 2. can’t 3. could 1. mustn’t 3. must 5. must 2. must 4. mustn’t 4. He mustn’t forget to make name tags. 9 10 1. a 2. b 2. When should we have the break? – c 1 2 6. might not 1. You should make small talk at conventions. 1. quieter than 4. better than 2. more attractive than 5. more modern than 3. bigger than 6. tastier than 1.The Golden Cactus Hotel is more popular than the Desert Inn. 5.The Excelsior Hotel is more luxurious than the City Hotel. 3 1. Room 154 is dirtier than Room 156. 2.The Park Hotel is more expensive than the Riverside Hotel. page 62 1. have to contact 4. has to tell 2. have to make 5. has to fill in 3. have to display 6. has to watch 1.Do … have to attend, doesn’t have to go, have to be 2. Does … have to make, has to create 3. Do … have to register, have to pay 3. Ed’s car is older than Lily’s car. 4. The waiter is friendlier than the chef. 5.The weather in London is wetter than the weather in Athens. 6. Doug’s bed is more comfortable than Ed’s bed. page 65 4 4.do … have to get, have to arrive, don’t have to be 1. don’t have to 4. doesn’t have to 2. doesn’t have to 5. mustn’t 3. mustn’t 6. don’t have to 5 3.Our company might try to enter the Russian market next year. 4.May we use the large conference room tomorrow morning? 2. the easiest 5. the hottest 3. the most famous 6. the most magnificent 1. AGA Cars, the biggest 4. AGA Cars, the most expensive 5. Bestcars, the most satisfied 6 1. more comfortable 5. more popular 2. longer 6. friendlier 3. most luxurious 7. worst 4. busiest 8. flattest 5. Mr Arnolds may not attend the closing session. 5 38 1. might not have 4. might make 2. may sign up 5. May I offer 3. May I see 6. may not be 4. the noisiest 3. Wheels-4-You, the worst 1. We may participate in the exhibition this year. 2. I might not have enough storage space. 1. the tallest 2. Car-world, the cheapest page 63 4 3. shouldn’t 4.The drive to Blackbridge is / takes longer than the drive to Greendale. 4. He should listen to the speaker. 3 5. have to 3. Mike rented a smaller car than John. 1. People mustn’t smoke here. 3. You must wear your name tag. 2 2. couldn’t 2.A flight to Amsterdam is cheaper than a flight to Paris. 2. He shouldn’t use his mobile phone here. 1 4. Can 10 4. Should David make the opening remarks? – d 9 1. may page 64 3. Where should we hold the conference? – a 11 5. c 5.You must always speak politely to the customers. 3. a 1. Who should present the new product? – b 4. a 4. I may assign this project to Helen. 1. He must book the conference room. 3. He must prepare the attendance list. 3. e 3. We / You don’t have to find new vendors now. 4. can 2.He mustn’t send out the invitations until next week. 2. d 2. You mustn’t enter that area. 4. Could they hold the meeting in Rome? – b 6 7 1. b BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 7 Possible answers 12 1. The Top Hotel is older than the Bay Hotel. 2. The Crown Hotel is the most expensive hotel. 3. The Bay Hotel is the most modern. 4. The Top Hotel has the worst service. page 68 1 5. The Bay Hotel is bigger than the Top Hotel. 6.The Bridge Hotel is cheaper than the Forest Hotel. 2 7. The Crown Hotel is the oldest hotel. 11 1. The Secure Now is not as cheap as the Shred-It. 3. The Secure Now is not as small as the Shred-It. 4. The Top Security is as large as the Secure Now. 5.The Top Security is not as expensive as the PaperCut. 1. not as high as 3. as long as 2. as popular as 4. better than 3 4 5 2. Was … wearing 5. Was … sitting 1. No, she wasn’t. 4. No, they weren’t. 2. No, he wasn’t. 5. Yes, he was. 1. were showing 4. weren’t working 2. Were … using 5. Was … discussing 3. wasn’t speaking 5. not attractive enough 6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct 6. too slow answers. 1. The auditorium is too crowded. 7 2. The girl isn’t tall enough. 3. The background is too dark. 4. Your dog is too friendly. 8 1. when 3. While 2. while 4. When 5. while 1. discovered, was checking 2. was searching, found 5. The boy isn’t strong enough. 3. were setting up, replaced 6. The corridor isn’t wide enough. 4. was waiting, called 5. was carrying, fell page 67 2. c 6. weren’t listening, was explaining 3. b 1. loudly 4. suspiciously 2. politely 5. professionally 3. well 8 4. Were … having 3. Were … talking 4. too expensive 7 1. Was … stamping 3. No, they weren’t. 3. private enough 1. c 1.Amy wasn’t making coffee in the kitchen. She was sorting the mail. page 69 1. not clear enough 2. too young 5 6 6. were sitting 5.Luke wasn’t standing on a chair. He was sitting on a chair. 6.The Top Security is as fast as the PaperCut. 4 5. was taking 3. were repairing 4.Dave and Andy weren’t weighing some parcels. They were packing parcels in bubble wrap. 2. The Top Security is not as big as the PaperCut. 3 2. were typing 3.Mr Lewis wasn’t reading a contract. He was talking on the phone. page 66 2 4. was planning 2.Nina and Pam weren’t filing some documents. They were working on / at their computers. 8. The Crown Hotel is smaller than the Forest Hotel. 1 1. was handling 13 page 70 1. carefully 4. high 2. comfortably 5. fast 3. angrily 6. badly 1. d – extremely 3. c – very 2. a – not at all 4. b – quite 1 2 1. have scheduled 4. have conducted 2. has assured 5. has booked 3. have filed 6. have analysed 1. begun 8. run 2. found 9. sent 3. forgotten 10. shown 4. gone 11. taken 5. kept 12. written 6. left 13. dealt 7. made BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 39 Workbook Answer Key 3 4 1. have sent / have taken 1. have planned 4. hasn’t made 2. have dealt 2. had 5. Has … prepared 3. have shown 3. Did … represent 4. has left 5 5. has forgotten 6. have sent / have written 4 3.We haven’t discussed the sales figures for October. 4. They haven’t shipped the goods to Amsterdam. 6. Robert and Peter haven’t gone to London. answers. page 73 7 8 3. Andrea has booked the conference room. 9 1. used to do, didn’t use to work 3. Erin used to exercise every day. 4. Erin didn’t use to participate in staff meetings. 6. Andrea has asked Zoe to type the agenda. 1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a 2. b 4. b 6. b 8. b 5. Erin didn’t use to attend conferences. 10 1.Did people use to have air-conditioning in the 1800s? 2.Did people use to work in tall buildings 200 years ago? 3.Did people use to send messages on mobile phones before the year 2000? 4.Did people use to file documents on PCs in the 1990s? 11 1. No, they didn’t. 3. Yes, they did. 2. No, they didn’t. 4. Yes, they did. 1. Have many people taken part in the survey? 2. Which target population have you chosen? 3. Has William conducted enough interviews? 4. Have we increased demand for the product? 5. What have people said about our products? 6. Where has Fiona put the sales analysis? 2. e 3. d 4. f 5. a 6. b 1. haven’t prepared 5. Has … left 2. Have … scheduled 6. hasn’t collected 3. has handed out 7. hasn’t made 4. have developed 8. Have … run out of 14 12 1. did that company go out 15 1 2 3 2. have been 3. Have you ever participated 4. began 5. hasn’t prepared 6. didn’t receive 1. yet ccept all logical and grammatically correct A answers. page 74 page 72 Tick: 1, 3, 5 1. Erin used to sleep late. 2. Erin used to go out on weekdays. 5.Andrea has prepared a PowerPoint presentation. 3 5. used to receive 4. didn’t use to transport, used to ship 4. Andrea hasn’t written opening remarks. 1 2 2. used to sell 3. didn’t use to prepare, used to type 1. Andrea hasn’t bought light refreshments. 1. c 4. used to be 2. didn’t use to communicate, used to send 2.Andrea hasn’t spoken to the IT department about projectors. 8 9 1. used to have 3. used to work page 71 7 5. haven’t seen 6Accept all logical and grammatically correct 5.Our company hasn’t begun producing telephones. 6 4. didn’t hold 2. Has … reached 3. talked 1. I haven’t hired more telemarketers. 2. David hasn’t rescheduled the sales meeting. 5 1. have … taken 1. c, 1 2. e, 2 40 4. b, b 4. hadn’t taken out 2. had conducted 5. Had … prepared 3. hadn’t arrived 6. hadn’t had 1. after 4. before 2. when 5. Until 3. by the time 4 5. d, 5 1. had worked 1. had checked 4. Had … lost 2. hadn’t received 5. had given 3. had gone out 6. hadn’t opened 4. since 2. a few minutes ago 5. last year 3. already 3. a, a 6. never BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key page 75 5 1.You had handled the problem by the time we arrived. / By the time we arrived, you had handled the problem. 6 2. that delivers computer parts in 24 hours 3. where we had our first exhibition 4. when we opened our e-shop 2.We hadn’t met until you introduced us at the exhibition. 3.Had you already locked the office door when you heard the noise? 4.Angie hadn’t printed the schedule before the meeting began. 5. who prepared the cash flow statement 6. which they created for us page 77 7 5.The marketing strategy wasn’t effective because Alan hadn’t completed the survey. 6 7 8 1. ended 5. didn’t order 2. hadn’t received 6. had forgotten 3. had taken off 7. Had someone taken 4. didn’t call 8. Did you understand 1. became 4. didn’t sign 2. had booked 5. Had … inspected 3. hadn’t hired 6. contacted 1.Andrew didn’t join us for dinner because he had already eaten at home. 2.By the time we returned to the office, the bank had approved the loan. 8 9 3. A chef is a person who / that prepares food. 4.A virus is something that / which can harm your computer. 5.A telemarketer is a person whose job is to sell things on the phone. 1.Joe Meyers is the person who / that is in charge of all the shipments. 2.The day when / that we’re supposed to meet is not convenient for me. 1. which you set up, the website 3. The shoes which I had ordered were handmade. 2. where you had the meeting, the room 4.The auditorium where we are having our presentation is not big enough. 3. when we usually have our exhibition, October 5.The woman whose business card I took is the Marketing Director of Holmes Fashions. 4. that I ordered, not the goods 5. who served you, the customer service representative 3. whose 1.A busy period is a time when / that a business has got a lot of work. 2.A container terminal is a place where cargo is kept. 16 5. when 1.The feedback that / which we received was very positive. 5.Craig is the production team leader whose team won a prize. page 76 4. where 5. who / that – b 4.Do you know the time when / that the convention begins? 10 2. who 2. where – d 3.The office building where I work is in the centre of town. 5.The shipment didn’t reach its destination because they hadn’t done the paperwork properly. 1. which 4. which / that – a 2.The Administrative Assistant who / that we hired last week is excellent. 4.Had there been a break-in before we installed the surveillance system? 2 1. whose – e 3. when / that – c 3.Had you begun the survey before the computer stopped working? 1 1. whose offices are on the fifth floor 17 page 78 1 3 1. would share 4. had to 2. came up with 5. had given 3. were going 6. hadn’t made 1. would see 4. had worn 2. designed 5. had received 1. which 4. whose 2. where 5. who 3. when Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2 4 5 page 79 Sentences: 1, 3, 5 1. that / which 5. who / that 2. that / which 6. where 3. whose 7. which / that 4. when / that 8. where 3. could visit 3 1. the year before 4. that day 2. then 5. that 3. his 6. the following week BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 41 Workbook Answer Key 4 1. she had had a strenuous week 2. Are ... usually delivered 3. he could deal with that problem 3. wasn’t done 4. Ms Stone usually prioritised her work 4. are held 5.he was evaluating their competitor’s product then 5. Were ... introduced 1. Mia said that she felt really stressed that week. 6. isn’t distributed 7 2.Sam promised that he would settle that conflict that day. 3. Zak announced that the merchandise was there. 4.Tina said that they had to solve that problem then. 5. Will hotel rooms be booked for us? 9 3. will be swiped 6. is never ordered 19 page 82 1 4. isn’t insured 2. aren’t given 5. are usually discussed 3. are always set 6. isn’t stored 1. Is market research done to get information? 2 1. were 4. wouldn’t lose 2. wouldn’t ask 5. got 3. d 4. a 1. was displayed 4. weren’t prepared 5. was left 3. wasn’t dealt with 6. weren’t signed 2. would motivate 5. wouldn’t take 1. If I knew English, I would work in the UK. 2.If he went to university, he would study economics. 3.If we had an air-conditioner, we would feel more comfortable. 4.If we opened an online shop, it would increase our sales. 5. c 2. were installed 4. weren’t 3 Possible answers 5. What are fragile items wrapped in? 2. e 1. prepared 3. would try 4. Where are meetings usually held? 5.If they installed security cameras, the premises would be safer. 4 1. If you asked him, he would hire you. 2. If we used this shipper, we would save money. page 81 1.Were the shipping arrangements made yesterday? 2. Was your / our loan approved? 3. Who was appointed head of sales? 4. Why were Mr Cooper’s meetings cancelled? 3. If they didn’t go by taxi, they would arrive late. 4.I would take it if the job didn’t require flexible hours. 5.If we didn’t work late, we wouldn’t finish the project on time. 5. When was the fax sent? 6. Where were the comments posted? 42 4. Are ... handled 2. won’t be provided 5. wasn’t withdrawn 3. What is a shredder used for? 5 1. were made 3. didn’t require 1. is assessed 1. b 7. won’t be certified 4.Will your company be represented at the convention? 2. Are the office supplies kept on this floor? 3 4 3. will be led 3. Will giveaways be handed out to customers? 18 page 80 2 6. won’t be made 2. Will the equipment be set up in the auditorium? 3.she had found the perfect venue for their / his convention; she needed their / his approval because she had to book it by the end of that month 1 2. will be presented 1. Will the meeting be postponed to 5th March? 1.they had received the goods the day before; they looked good 4.they had approved the loan he had requested the week before 5. will be provided 8 Possible answers 6.Harry said that they had participated in a workshop about conflict resolution the week before. 2.the MEG contract was problematic; they would discuss it when Tom got back 1. will be held 4. will be given 5. Max reported that he was checking the policy. 6 1. were praised 2. he would give the members of my team a bonus 6. Sophie hadn’t been there all week 5 6 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key 5 1.If he didn’t seem very shy, they would offer him the job. 2 2. Are ... updating 2.If she didn’t have to work overtime today, she would go to the cinema. 3. were inspecting, saw 4. Were ... taking, called 3.If the salary were high enough, I would take the job. 5. has been 6. didn’t reach 4.If you were fluent in German, you could work in our German office. 5.If there wasn’t a six-hour stopover, we would book that flight. 6.If there weren’t break-ins, they wouldn’t install the alarm system. 7. had had, hired 8. Had ... arrived, reached 3 1. b 3. Is ... shipping 4. won’t regret 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d 4 3. the heaviest 4. more knowledgeable than 3. hadn’t been 5. the most original 4. wouldn’t have survived 5. had given 5 1. would have said 4. would have explained 2. hadn’t received 5. hadn’t had 3. had produced 9 6 4. may 2. couldn’t 5. Should I 1. pay, stay 1.She would have been late for her interview if she had missed it. 2. receives, deals with 2.If we had realised the report was urgent, we would have stayed at work. 4. provides, won’t consider 3. will learn, work 5. were, would buy 6. would take, offered 7. had made, would have compensated 4.If I hadn’t attended the convention, I wouldn’t have met a lot of people. 1.If we hadn’t worked late, we wouldn’t have been exhausted all day. 2.I would have prepared the presentation yesterday if I had had time. 8. wouldn’t have been, had handled page 85 7 3.I was happy with the venue where we had our convention. 4.They would have hired her if she had been suitable for the job. 4.August is the month when / that I usually take holiday leave. 20 5.I’d like to interview the person whose CV I’ve just read. page 84 1. is 6. am going 2. haven’t started 7. How many 3. anyone 8. There were 4. will be made 5. shouldn’t 1.The air-conditioner that / which you sent had a faulty part. 2.What is the name of the Administrative Assistant who / that showed us around? 3.He would have shredded the documents if he had known they were confidential. 1 1. must 3. don’t have to 3.If we had / I had known they were interested, we / I would have sent them a catalogue. 10 1. bigger than 2. the best 1. hadn’t read 2. would have approved 8 1. aren’t going to participate 2. will approve page 83 6 7 1. doesn’t ... work 9. him 10. that 8 1.The CEO said that he / she had finally made a decision. 2.Anne said that she would book a flight for 15th June. 3.Mrs Stark said that she was leaving early that day. 4. Millie said that she usually received visitors. 5. Jake said that they hadn’t had time to discuss that issue. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 43 Workbook Answer Key 9 1. was installed 4. didn’t give 2. purchase 5. are the office 3. will be set up supplies kept 10 1. Can 6. are you leaving 2. have worked 7. where 3. started 8. me 4. am 9. should 5. closely 11 10. a lot of 1.In my opinion, Greg is less suitable than Phil for the job. 2. He used to work here many years ago. 3.If you lived in the city, would you take the bus to work? 4. Are there any messages for me? 5.You don’t have to use bubble wrap. These items aren’t fragile. 6. Debbie is not as organised as Samantha. 7. Let’s go out for lunch today. 8. I’d like to ask you some questions. 9.Dylan Matthews was called in for a second interview yesterday. 10. Unless you speak English, you won’t get the job. 44 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Page Test 1: Units 1-2 46 Test 2: Units 1-4 50 Test 3: Units 5-6 54 Test 4: Units 5-8 58 Test 5: Units 9-10 62 Test 6: Units 9-12 66 Test 7: Units 13-14 70 Test 8: Units 13-16 74 Test 9: Units 17-18 78 Test 10: Units 17-20 82 Midterm Test: Units 1-12 86 Final Test: Units 1-20 90 Answer Key 94 45 Test 1 (Units 1-2) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the e-mail. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) From: To: Subject: Maxine Fields Production Team Company News Hi everyone, The Maintenance Department is replacing the air-conditioners on the top floor this week, so the Human Resources Department is sitting in room 109 on the ground floor. They will be back in their offices on the top floor next Monday. As you know, our company is growing and we are hiring new staff. I am pleased to tell you that Tim Brooks is joining our department next month. He will be in charge of our South American account. I know some of you worked with Tim at Technostar and I’m sure you’ll make him feel welcome. The meeting with Simon Fields is on Wednesday at our Chapel Street offices. The meeting is in the small conference room on the second floor – the last room on the right. The meeting starts at 9.00 am. I will send an e-mail with the agenda later today. Good news: Mario’s Pizza is offering all our employees a 15% discount. Mario’s is located on 8 Rogers Street, opposite the bank. Regards, Maxine 1.The company is replacing its air-conditioners because they’re old. 2. Tim is working at the company now. 3.Tim already knows some of the company’s employees. 4.Simon Fields is coming to the company’s office. 5. The meeting on Wednesday will end late. 2 Answer the questions. (10 points) 1.Where does the Human Resources Department usually sit? 2. Why is the company hiring new staff? 3. What is Tim’s new job? 4.What is Maxine going to send the production team? 5. Why should employees go to Mario’s Pizza? 46 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 1: Units 1-2 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 points) stockroom w sell w payment w hire w quality w assist w cafeteria w describe 1.Your job will be to our personnel manager with his work. 2.I usually have lunch in the on the first floor. 3.Can you the problem to me? 4.You can get more office supplies in the . 5.Their products are expensive, but the is excellent. 6.How much did you last month? 7.We expect to receive the last by 30th March. 8.Our company wants to a new sales rep for our Leeds office. 2The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (8 points) 1.After cleaning my office, the shipping cost was full. 2.We’ll send the quantity with your order. 3.Don’t forget to check the wastepaper bin before you order. 4.You must put all confidential documents in the spreadsheets. 5.The stairs show that sales of our products are increasing. 6.We sell a large discount of computers at the end of the year. 7.The lift is not working. You’ll have to use the shredder. 8.The price before the invoice is £95.50. 3Match A and B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A special filing coat accounts word B a. cabinet b. assistant c. processing d. offer e. rack 1.Before the Internet, many people only used their computers for 2.Jack is the new for our financial supervisor. 3.File these papers in the in my office. 4.I’ll hang your jacket on the . 5.We have a this week. Buy two, get one free. . 4Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) B A a. He’s in room 484, opposite Marketing. 1. Should I keep a log of all our visitors? b. Yes, write their names here. 2.Can you explain how to use the new photocopier? c. Thank you. I’ll show you around. 3.Have you got a pair of scissors? I can’t find mine. d. Yes, I’ll send it to you soon. 4. Where does the Marketing Director sit? e.Yes, you’ll be helping Mrs Green, the 5. Your offices are lovely. assistant director. 6. Have you updated the mailing list yet? f. No, I gave mine to Anna. 7. We’ve run out of fax paper! g.No problem. I’ll just finish typing this 8.I’ll be working in the Financial Department, right? letter first. h. Already? We had two boxes last week! BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 47 Test 1: Units 1-2 5Complete the phrase in each sentence with the missing letters. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6 Can you pass me a s of p please? Lisa Barker’s office is i f o the car park, opposite room 24. Can you s am with Joe Fisher for next week? It’s important to k t o how you spend your money. Mr Jones is not in the office today. Can I t am ? It’s £18 for a pack of 20 highlighters. So, what is the p per u ? Can you s my c today? I’m very busy. I’d like you to p ap for the meeting with Waldon’s on Monday. Write the correct words next to the description. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. In the middle of two things b To leave a place e You use this to show a film. p To help someone a t The people who work in a company s Room where you make food k You use this to destroy personal documents. s r The first place visitors go to when they visit an office building. r Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1. Would you like something to drink? a. No thanks. b. I’d love a coffee. c. Both a and b. 2. How much is each pack? a. Each pack has five pens. b. Each pack costs £3.00. c. Both a and b. 3. Thanks for your help. a. You’re welcome. b. Certainly. c. Both a and b. 4. How do I get to the toilets? a. They’re on the first floor, next to room 284. b.Go straight. They’re at the end of the corridor. c. Both a and b. 5. Would you please type this agenda? a. With pleasure. b.I hope I remember all this. c. Both a and b. 48 6. Should I keep a log of the visitors? a. Yes, Alice will show you what to do. b. Yes, it should arrive by tomorrow. c. Both a and b. 7.Excuse me, I’ve got an appointment with Mr Chandler. a. Then I’ll show you around the office. b.He’s in room 383. That’s on the 3rd floor. c. Both a and b. 8.You’ll also be in charge of office supplies. a. Who do I order from? b. Should I keep an inventory? c. Both a and b. 9.The cafeteria is on the top floor. a. Nice to meet you. b. Let’s take the lift. c. Both a and b. 10.You’re responsible for receiving visitors. a. I’ll offer them something to drink. b. I’ll record the time they arrive and leave. c. Both a and b. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 1: Units 1-2 Listening Comprehension 2 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. (10 points) 1. Emma wants to talk about the people she works with / her job / Mr Brown. 2. Emma doesn’t like typing letters / data entry / sending e-mails. 3. Mr Fox understands why Emma wants to leave the company / do a different job / meet new people. 4.The administrative assistant is in charge of meeting sales reps / ordering supplies / scheduling meetings. 5. Emma wants to think about / apply for / hear more about the new job. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.Emma likes the she works with. 2.The company is with Emma’s work. 3.Emma wants to apply for the job of . 4.Mr Fox thinks Emma will the new job. 5.The sales reps sometimes need help . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 49 Test 2 (Units 1-4) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page. Then complete the sentences below. (10 points) Fastway Courier Service Frequently Asked Questions 1.When will my package arrive? You will receive updates on your mobile phone or e-mail, but you can also track the shipment of your package online. Just log in with your tracking number and password. You can also call Customer Service and speak to one of our representatives. 2.What happens if I am not available to accept a package? The courier will leave a note asking you to contact Customer Service. You can choose another delivery time, pick up your package from your local FastWay office or ask us to deliver it to a different address. 3.What payment methods do you accept? If you ship frequently, we recommend opening a FastWay account with us. This offers a discount and also the opportunity to pay by a monthly invoice. In general, customers can pay by credit card, either online or by calling Customer Service. We do not accept cheques. 4. Can I send fragile packages? All our couriers receive special training on handling both regular and fragile goods. Our shipments reach their destination safely and on time 99.8% of the time! 1.Customers get about their shipments on their mobile phones or e-mail. 2.Customers can track their shipments by phoning . 3.Customers are offered a discount if they . 4. Customers can’t pay with . 5.Couriers have learned fragile packages. 2 Answer the questions. (10 points) 1.Why does a customer need a tracking number and password? 2.When does the courier leave a note for a customer? 3.Where can customers pick up their packages if they aren’t home to accept their package? 4.Which customers should open a FastWay account according to the text’s recommendation? 5. Why does the text mention 99.8%? 50 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 2: Units 1-4 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (8 points) 1.invoice w subtotal w receipt w bank statement 2. reply w cut w paste w copy 3.photocopier w scanner w shredder w loudspeaker 4. wrap w mark w rewind w weigh 5. delete w replay w save w retrieve 6. column w heading w row w paragraph 7. price w cost w quality w payment 8. deliver w charge w send w distribute 2 Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1.If you don’t bring your own lunch to work, you can buy lunch at the kitchen / cafeteria / warehouse. 2.If you need some office supplies, go to the stockroom / maintenance / the lobby. 3.Why are you taking the lift / stairs / exit to the 19th floor? That’s crazy! 4.You should underline / handle / inspect each package before you send it. 5.Have you got a pair / sheet / roll of letter-sized paper? 6.Make sure all letters are signed / modified / developed before they are posted. 7.Can you type letters / deliver the message / schedule a meeting with the CEO for next Tuesday? 8.Write the address on the label / enclosure / directory and attach it to the package. 3Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (10 points) log out w update the mailing list w prepare a presentation w contact someone w off the hook show the visitors around w go past w in charge of w press this button w explain how to use 1.Tim is Head of IT. His department is all the company’s computers. 2.I need to from Coten International. Have you got their phone number? 3.Can you the building, please? 4.I left the phone by mistake. That’s why the phone didn’t ring all morning. 5. the CEO’s office. Then turn right and you’ll see it in front of you. 6.Can you the new fax machine? 7.You should always of your computer account at the end of the day. 8.I would like you to help me about our hotels in the UK for the meeting on Tuesday. 9.You need to to hear your incoming messages. 10.You need to before we send out the new catalogue to our customers. 4Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) A B 1. How should I send the contract? a.Yes, we’ve run out of paper and envelopes. 2. Should I underline the title? b.Yes, your job will be to assist Joe Green, 3.Is the company looking for new sales the Director. representatives? c.No, you can paste the information into the 4. Are you going to order office supplies today? e-mail. 5.I’ll be working in the Operations d.All legal documents should be sent by Department, right? registered mail. 6. Should I keep a log of the visitors? e. Yes, they want to hire another five. 7. Were there any enclosures with the letter? f. No, I think you should bold it. 8.Should I send the document as an g.No, Janice who works at the reception attachment? does that. h. Yes, they sent a cheque, too. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 51 Test 2: Units 1-4 5The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (8 points) 1.Please put these documents in the coat rack. 2.We’ll need the air-conditioner to show our PowerPoint presentations at the meeting. 3.Have you got a roll of scissors? 4.Would you like me to hang your jacket on the filing cabinet? 5.When will the special instructions arrive? We’ve got many customers who are waiting for their orders. 6.There’s a pair of sticky tape on my desk. 7.I’m hot. Turn on the projector. 8.The goods are keep away from heat and handle with care. 6 Complete the sentences. (8 points) 1.The CEO’s office is on the floor of the building. There’s a great view of the town from his window. 2.You should wrap the clock in bubble wrap. It’s very . 3.This package is quite heavy. The will be expensive. 4.We must the package – what are its length, height and width? 5.You need to the incoming mail to the employees by 9.30 am. 6.You must double on this icon to log into the program. 7.Does this copy in colour or only in black and white? 8.There’s a of six highlighters on my desk. Functional Language (10 points) Number the sentences in the correct order to form two dialogues. Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 a.Great. Thanks for your help. b. You’re right. I’ll cut and paste the details from the catalogue. c.Is this document OK? I want to send it out soon. d.I think I would also make the font bigger and bold it. e.Yes, I think so. But I would include some details about our special offer. 52 a.First enter your access code. b. Thanks for your help. c.Then press 1 to listen, 2 to save and 3 to delete. d. How do I check my incoming messages? e. What do I do after that? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 2: Units 1-4 Listening Comprehension 3 (20 points) 1Listen to the phone conversation and complete the sentences. (8 points) 1.John is invited to an interview for the job of 2.John’s interview is on morning. 3. Amy’s office is on the floor. 4.John will get to the interview by . 2Listen again and circle the correct answers. . (12 points) 1.Amy calls John in the morning / afternoon / evening. 2.Amy works for the Technology Department / Personal Assistant / Personnel Manager. 3.The discussed job mainly involves screening calls / going to meetings / writing letters. 4.Human Resources is near Amy’s office / the Financial Department / the Accounting Department. 5.John should park on Victoria Street / in the visitors’ car park / in the post office car park. 6.John should send an e-mail / fill in a form / call Amy before his interview. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 53 Test 3 (Units 5-6) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the advice column. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) SMALL BUSINESS OWNER Need advice about shipping? Ask Rick Bradford, shipping advisor. I have an online business selling sports equipment. Many customers do not complete their order when they see the high shipping rates. How can I avoid losing these customers? Matt Customers often cancel orders if they think the shipping costs are too high. Are you overcharging for shipping? You should charge customers only what it costs you to ship. If you don’t, your customers will become suspicious and shop somewhere else. Try to offer shipping on small light items, like socks, free of charge. I’ve just started my own electronics business and I need to save money. I’ve found a cheap shipping company online, but I’m not sure I can trust them. Tina It is important to minimise costs, but you must do it in the right places. Not all shippers are reliable. Your customers want to receive their goods on time and free of damage. Find out what is included in the quote the shippers gave you. Ask specific questions. How often do they pick up? What happens if your goods are lost? For more information about choosing the right shipper, go to www.sendmystuff.com. 1. Matt is losing many of his customers. 2.Rick thinks Matt is overcharging his customers. 3.Rick thinks Matt should offer his customers free shipping on some items. 4.Tina feels confident about the shipping company she found online. 5.Rick thinks Tina should choose a cheaper shipper. 2 Answer the questions. (10 points) 1. Why do many businesses lose customers? 2.What should businesses charge customers for shipping? 3.Why does Tina want to use a different shipper? 4.What should Tina find out from the shippers? a. b. 54 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 3: Units 5-6 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 points) requirements w volume w introduce w import w compete w negotiations w specify w advantages 1.There are to using a bigger shipping company. 2.Don’t forget to the colour and quantity when you order. 3.We can’t with their prices but we can offer better service. 4.We charge our customers by , not by weight. 5.I’d like to you to Mr Thornton, our new Financial Director. 6.You must check the for shipping to India. 7.Our company would like to Japanese products into the UK. 8.After two weeks of , the companies still can’t agree. 2Circle the correct response. (6 points) 1. I’ll be out of town next week. a. Where are you going? b. I was there last month. c. The train leaves at 4.00. 2. Alice has a very friendly tone of voice. a. Yes, she sounds very pleasant. b. Yes, it’s hard to hear her sometimes. c.Yes, she should make sure the customer is happy. 3.I’m sorry, Mr Brown’s line is busy at the moment. a. When will he be back? b. Should I take a message? c. Can you ask him to get back to me? 4. I’d like to go over the contract with you. a. Put it in the filing cabinet. b. We can do it after lunch. c. You shouldn’t go there. 5.You should have asked for permission before sending that fax. a. Is it OK if I send them a fax? b. Alright. I’ll send it later. c. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. 6.Please transfer my calls to Greg while I’m away. a. No problem. When are you leaving? b.No problem. Greg works on the top floor. c. No problem. I’ll put you through now. 3Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (10 points) 1.Can you put me through to line / extension / ring 463, please? 2.They’re unloading the vessel / consignee / port now. 3.You should try exporting to domestic / foreign / pleasant markets. 4.I’ve been trying to reach the company all day but there’s no reply / delivery / reference. 5.We guarantee fast shipping / trade / contacts. 6.The company made a big profit from their investment / opportunity / signature. 7.What are the requirements for sending special instructions / freight containers / container terminals to Japan? 8.You should avoid taking too many receipts / arrangements / risks when you start a business. 9.I’ve got an urgent message / opinion / impression for Mr Watkins. 10.What is the company going to do about the loss of our cargo / extension / negotiations? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 55 Test 3: Units 5-6 4Tick the sentences that are true. Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 points) 1.You should do a follow-up before you sign a contract. 2.Your customers should always be your first priority. 3.You should always greet your visitors when they leave. 4.It is difficult to work with people if you don’t trust them. 5.Workers load the ships with cargo after they leave the port. 6.You should always interrupt your customer when he is speaking. 7.Businesses should always try to answer customers’ calls before the third ring. 8.It’s important to know the job requirements before you go for an interview. 5 Circle the correct answer. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nicola does her job very loudly / clearly / professionally. Please send us a list of your rates / negotiations / paperwork. It is great / essential / responsible that we send the e-mail before 4 o’clock. Do you know the name of the director / manufacturer / courier that produced the goods? European countries do a lot of investment / trade / background with each other. Mrs Wilson is urgent / impatient / unavailable at the moment. Can I help you? What was the port of origin / volume / heading of this cargo? Do you have a buyer / shipper / vessel for your house? I’d like to guarantee / describe / discuss something with you. The company is losing money. We need to hang up / minimise costs / start a business. 6 Complete the phrase in each sentence with the missing letters. (8 points) 1.Buy two and get one completely f of c . 2.I was talking to Jane and we were c o in the middle of our conversation. 3. L me k as soon as you hear from Mr Bendon. 4.I r a b fixing computers from my house. 5.It’s important to learn how to m r in business. 6.Make sure you s all financial t on your website. 7.I need to talk to you as s as p . 8.Try and c a p i when you meet someone for the first time. Functional Language (10 points) Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. A 1. Why don’t you contact a sourcing company? 2. What discounts are they offering us? 3. I think I’d like to start my own business. 4. Is it possible to track their shipments online? 5. Can you please come into my office? 6. We only consider offers received in writing. 7. I understand Nancy Ford was looking for me. 8. One of the reps tried to assist us. 9.They are offering the best rates at the moment. 10. May I ask who’s calling? 56 B a. Are you sure? It’s very hard work. b. Then we should use them. c. Yes, it’s Mr Bennett from J-leasing. d. Was she able to help you? e. Can you recommend anyone? f.They can give us 15% if we pay by the 30th. g. Yes, of course. Can I just finish this e-mail? h.Yes, and they also send updates to your mobile. i.Yes, she wants to know why her shipment hasn’t arrived. j. I understand. I’ll send you an e-mail soon. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 3: Units 5-6 Listening Comprehension 4 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. (10 points) 1. Mr Wilson didn’t . a. get back to Peter b. return Mrs Ford’s calls c. leave James a message . 2. Mrs Ford’s order of bananas a. didn’t arrive b. arrived a week late c. arrived on Monday 3. What is Mrs Ford’s order number? a. A678 b. A768 c. A867 4. The workers are the freight container now. a. waiting for b. delivering c. unloading . 5. Mrs Ford will receive her order a. tomorrow afternoon b. yesterday afternoon c. this afternoon 2Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1. Where is Mr Wilson? 2. What is Peter’s job? 3.Why does Mrs Ford want to order from Fast Fruit? 4.Why doesn’t Mrs Ford want James to put her on hold? 5. What is Mrs Ford going to tell Mr Wilson? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 57 Test 4 (Units 5-8) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the e-mail. Then complete the sentences below. (10 points) From: Peter To: Laura Subject: While I’m away Hi Laura, As you know, I’ll be out of the office all next week. I’ll be attending the international trade exhibition in Birmingham until Thursday. On Friday, I’m going to meet two of our manufacturers in Birmingham to discuss new lines of products with them. Please take care of the following while I’m away: 1.Call Mr Stone and tell him that the freight container with his order arrived in Hull yesterday. The goods will be unloaded today and should reach him by tomorrow afternoon. 2.I’d like us to serve a buffet lunch at our product demonstration for Wilton’s next Tuesday. Please confirm with Kate from Wilton’s exactly how many people are coming and notify Denise by Thursday. She’ll organise the lunch. I’ve already booked the big conference room on the fifth floor from 10.00 to 15.00. There’s no need to organise any special equipment for the demonstration. The standard audio-visual equipment is enough. 3.We’re holding the quarterly sales meeting on 15th July, and I need to start preparing the agenda as soon as I get back. Please prepare the sales figures for the Asian market and e-mail them to me. While I’m away, you can contact me by e-mail or call my mobile phone if you have any urgent questions. Thanks, Peter 1.Peter is going to discuss new lines of products with 2.Laura needs to ask Kate . 3.Denise is going to . 4.The quarterly sales meeting is scheduled for 5.Peter asks Laura to prepare . 2 . . Answer the questions. (10 points) 1. Where will Peter be until next Thursday? 2. Where is Mr Stone’s order now? 3.What has Peter already done to prepare for the demonstration for Wilton’s? 4.Why does Peter mention audio-visual equipment? 5.How can Laura get in touch with Peter next week? 58 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 4: Units 5-8 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Add one of the words below to each of the word groups. (8 points) buffet lunch w postpone w buyer w monthly w exhibition w essential w no reply w guarantee 1. cancel w reschedule w 2. supplier w manufacturer w 3. urgent w critical w 4. catered w menu w 5. be cut off w miss a call w 6. ensure w risk w 7. daily w quarterly w 8. demonstration w display w 2The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. (8 points) Write them next to the correct sentences. 1.Increasing sales in the South American market is a follow-up for our new CEO. 2.We received a lot of positive name tags on our company website from our customers. 3. Priority for the convention opens on 14th June. 4.Visitors to the company should wear their objections at all times. 5.The profit left the port of origin yesterday. 6.The company made £50,000 cargo last year. 7.We always do a registration to make sure customers are satisfied with our service. 8.One of my main comments to buying that computer is that it is too expensive. 3Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) A 1.There are advantages to holding the meeting off-site. 2. I wasn’t at the orientation meeting last week. 3.Was Rick Jones at the board meeting last week? 4.We were thinking of making the shipping arrangements with Aldwych Shipping. 5.I didn’t enjoy Charles Upton’s presentation yesterday. 6.What’s the time frame for the project? 7.We’re spending too much money. How can we minimise our costs? 8. I’d like to speak to Janet Nelkin. B a.I’m afraid they aren’t very reliable. You should use James Brothers instead. b. I agree. He didn’t speak clearly. c.But it’s more convenient to have it in our offices. d.We guaranteed the customer it would be ready by 1st June. e. I’ll summarise the main points for you. f.She isn’t in the office right now. Is it something urgent? g.We could stop giving out free gifts at exhibitions. h.I don’t know. I’ll check the attendance list. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 59 Test 4: Units 5-8 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. (10 points) trust w announce w avoid w import w provide w introduce w set up w compete w interrupt w go over 1.Please don’t me when I’m speaking. 2.We’ll all the equipment in the auditorium. It’ll take about an hour. 3.Where does your company its tea from? 4.Our company has to with much larger companies. It’s not easy. 5.Our shipping manager, Jack, can answers to your questions about international shipping. 6.Let’s the sales figures together to prepare for the meeting on Tuesday. 7.You shouldn’t everything you read on the Internet. You must be careful. 8. I’d like to you to Mrs Fletcher, our new marketing representative. 9.The managing director is going to his plans for the company to all the employees. 10.We must making this mistake again. 5Write the word that fits the description. (6 points) 1.something that happens once a year a 2.happening in all parts of the world w 3. talk about d 4. sell again r 5.very important or necessary e 6.to say hello to someone who has just arrived g 6Match A to B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A staff laser friendly brainstorming light B a. refreshments b. meeting c. session d. pointer e. tone . 1.I always enjoy speaking to Rick on the phone. He’s always got a 2.You’ll need a when you give your presentation. 3.Management want to hold a on Tuesday for all employees in the company. 4.We should serve everyone at around 3.00 pm. 5.The idea came to me during a we had last month. 60 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 4: Units 5-8 Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1. Would Thursday 11th May suit Mrs Parker? a. What other requirements have you got? b.I’m afraid that won’t work as she’s got a previous commitment. c. We only consider offers made in writing. 2. I think I’d like to start my own business. a. May I ask who’s calling? b.The biggest problems are loss and damage. c.You mustn’t risk a large investment at the beginning. 3.How long is Adam’s presentation supposed to be? a.It’s an hour long plus 25 minutes for questions. b. Then we’ve got time for a 30-minute break. c. Let’s schedule it for 8.30. 4. What’s next on the programme? a.Let’s go over the programme so you can take care of all the details. b.The CEO has got 15 minutes for his opening remarks. c. What’s the closing session? 5.Hello, this is Brad Foster. I understand Janice Buxton was looking for me. a.I’m afraid Janice is currently unavailable, but she’s specified the issues to me. b. Can you please come into my office? c.Janice has got a meeting with Dan scheduled for tomorrow at 2.00 pm. 6. I’m thinking of running an import business. a.The first thing you need to do is choose products from a foreign source for resale. b. What discounts are they offering us? c.They are offering the best rates at the moment. 7.We want two catered coffee breaks a day as well as a buffet lunch and dinner. a. Let’s look at the order together. b. I’ll contact a few places and get quotes. c. One of the sales reps tried to assist us. 8.We are going to need the venue from 10th to 13th January. a.The reps are going to greet customers and hand out name tags and brochures. b. Will you require any special equipment? c. I’d like you to look for a venue. 9. Would you like to reschedule now? a. Let’s try for next week. b.I’m afraid that won’t work as I’ve got a previous commitment. c. I’m going to have to postpone the meeting. 10.They guarantee fast shipping. a.Why don’t you contact a sourcing company? b.Look for products that have got an advantage. c.Is it possible to track their shipments online? Listening Comprehension 5 (20 points) 1Listen to two phone conversations and circle the correct answers. (10 points) 1.Dan Martin is out of town / on the phone / unavailable now. 2.Dan wants to cancel / postpone / schedule a meeting. 3.Robert can’t meet Dan on Wednesday because he will be on holiday / has got a meeting / is out of the office. 4.John Sullivan doesn’t want to put Susan through / leave a message / stay on the line. 5.John’s order hasn’t arrived / arrived late / will arrive on Thursday. 2Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1.What did Dan Martin do on Friday according to Robert? 2.When does Robert prefer to meet Dan? 3.What was Mr Stevens doing when John called? 4.Who manages John’s account? 5.When did John last speak to Mr Stevens about his order? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 61 Test 5 (Units 9-10) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the advertisements. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) Business Travel Expo Riverview Exhibition Centre 21st-28th March, 2015 The travel exhibition that caters to the business world. Attract new customers and increase your business. Listen to talks from experts in the field of business travel. Meet buyers from large, well-established companies. Learn about the latest trends in business travel: booking systems, mobile telecommunications, hotels, medical assistance, luggage and more. Over 6,000 visitors from all over the world! For more information go to www.BusinessTravelExpo.com Royal Star Hotel “Best Small Hotel for Business Travellers,” Business Go Magazine Second Place, Best Spa Travel UK Readers Awards 2012 >Business Centre equipped with free wi-fi and conference rooms for your business meetings (up to 10 people). > Same day laundry service. > Spa and swimming pool. > First class restaurant offering local cuisine. >NEW restaurant opening in April 2015 catering for parties of up to 50 people. Exhibitors: Sign up by 1st November, pay the deposit and save 15% on booth rental. For guests attending the Business Travel Expo: > Special room rates. > Free shuttle service to and from the Riverview Exhibition Centre. Visitors: Register by 1st February and save £20 on the registration fee. Visit our website for more information or give us a call at 234 777 8888. 1.At the Business Travel Expo, visitors can learn about the latest trends in family travel. 2.Over 6,000 visitors come to Business Travel Expo every year. 3.Visitors will pay a higher registration fee if they register after 1st February. 4. The Royal Star is an award-winning hotel. 5.Guests attending the Business Travel Expo pay a special rate for the shuttle service. 2 Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.The Business Travel Expo is taking place from . 2.To get a cheaper rate, exhibitors should . 3.Royal Star Hotel guests can in the conference rooms. 4.Guests can eat at the hotel restaurant. 5.From April, the Royal Star Hotel will be able to . 62 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 5: Units 9-10 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1.Did you pay the telephone voucher / bill / quote this month? 2.Here’s our business card / slogan / catalogue with details of all our products. 3.Who organised / represented / specified last year’s conference? 4.We have a priority / quality / variety of products that you will find useful. 5.Please pay your logo / deposit / booth at the desk. 6.The company is expanding / rescheduling / forwarding their business in India. 7.The food participants / consignees / vendors are at the back of the exhibition hall. 8.The rooms at that hotel are really luxurious / thoughtful / well-established. 2Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) B A a. Yes, you should give him a tip. 1.I’m sorry, but the flight to Berlin is fully booked. b. No, I forgot to take my driving licence. 2.I’d like to make a reservation for tonight, please. c. Definitely. Here’s mine. 3. The waiter was very good, wasn’t he? d.Our standard rooms start from $99 a night. 4. We should exchange business cards. e. Yes, we had a 24-hour stopover. 5.What are your rates? f. Certainly. For how many people? 6. Have you seen the video clip we made? g. No, but I saw the TV commercial. 7.Did you rent a car when you were on holiday? h. Can you put me on the waiting list? 8. Did you travel via Rome? 3Match A and B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) AB 1. low a. language 2. room b. season 3. body c. ticket 4. seat d. service 5. return e. assignment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The restaurant is closed. Let’s call It’s much cheaper to travel in I’d like to book a You can tell from a person’s You can change your . . to Milan, please. if he’s interested in the conversation. up to 24 hours before you fly. 4The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (8 points) 1.The plane skills at 11.00 at Terminal 3. 2.I hope the conversation represents more easily than the last time. 3.Our menu lands 25 different flavours of ice cream. 4.The hotel had no passengers for the month of August. 5.What specifications do you need to be successful in business? 6.Mr Brandon always flows the company at the annual exhibition. 7.All features on Flight 363 to Rome are requested to go to Gate 24. 8.The equipment will be made according to the customer’s vacancies. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 63 Test 5: Units 9-10 5Complete the mini-dialogues with the words below. (10 points) take off w pamphlets w boarding pass w promotional material w renting a car w itinerary w delayed gate w unlimited mileage w check-in 1.A: Where is the ? B: The are under the table. 2. A: You’ll need to show your passport at the . B: What about my ? 3. A: The flight to San Diego is . B: Do you know when it will ? 4. A: is three hours before the flight. B: Are you sure? Check your . 5. A: Is it worth from that company? B: Definitely! They offer . 6 What do the people want? Write the correct phrase next to each sentence. (6 points) 1.“I’d like to eat all my meals at the hotel.” f 2. “I want a train ticket in one direction only.” o 3.“A place to exercise at my hotel.” f 4.“I need clean clothes.” l s 5.“Rooms for the CEO of our company.” e 6.“We need somewhere to keep our bags.” s c b s t s Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1. I represent Cosmic Import and Export. a. It’s a pleasure to meet you. b. What do you do there? c. Both a and b. 2. Check-in is two hours before the flight. a. Please have your boarding pass ready. b. Then we should leave home at 2.30. c. Both a and b. 3. What type of cuisine do you serve? a. Our head chef is from France. b. We serve mainly French food. c. Both a and b. 4.The direct flight on 22nd July has been cancelled. a. What about the flight on the 23rd? b. Is there a flight via Rome? c. Both a and b. 5.We’ll need a big banner with the company logo and slogan. a.I think the marketing department have one. b. Can you ask them? c. Both a and b. 64 6. The European market is very hot right now. a. Yes, but I think that is going to change. b. Yes, our sales are doing well there. c. Both a and b. 7. What are we going to feature on the laptops? a. We’ll put them on the stand. b. Mainly clips of our advertisements. c. Both a and b. 8.We’re checking out different hotels for a business trip. a.I can recommend the Lotus Hotel on George Street. b. This is a non-smoking area. c. Both a and b. 9. Where should we put the giveaways? a.We can display a few on the stand. b. They’re under the table, next to the stand. c. Both a and b. 10.We’ll also need a stand for promotional material. a. We’ll need the larger size. b. I’ll let the exhibition manager know. c. Both a and b. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 5: Units 9-10 Listening Comprehension 6 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation. Correct the sentences by changing the words and phrases in bold. (10 points) 1.Kate’s flight was supposed to take off 12 hours ago. 2.Kate is a technician for Tamcorp. 3.The flight to Toronto is delayed due to technical problems. 4.Mike checks the flights to Toronto on the departure board. 5. Mike paid for his stay in the airport hotel. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.Kate is Tamcorp at a meeting in Toronto. 2.Royal Air is offering passengers . 3.Mike tells Kate that 20 flights to and from Toronto . 4.Mike spent at the airport hotel in Chicago last year. 5.Kate is surprised to hear that Mike is . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 65 Test 6 (Units 9-12) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the letter of complaint. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) Dear Mr Jones, Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to give the details of my complaint about your hotel. I have stayed at the Lotus Hotel many times and have always been satisfied with your service. However, this time I was very dissatisfied with the way I was treated. I recently booked a double room at the hotel for 28th July. When we booked the room, we told the hotel receptionist we would be arriving at around 8 pm. Unfortunately, our flight arrived three hours late and we didn’t get to the hotel until 11 pm. The receptionist told us that there were no rooms available. She explained that according to hotel regulations the guests must pay for the room in advance if they want the hotel to keep the room after the expected arrival time. She apologised and said that someone should have told us this when we booked the room. After many phone calls, we found a room at the Royal Hotel. However, the price was £100 more than the room we had booked at the Lotus Hotel. I expect to receive compensation from the Lotus Hotel for the trouble and expense we experienced. Yours sincerely, Jenny Smith 1.Jenny usually enjoys staying at the Lotus Hotel. 2.Mr Jones has already spoken to Jenny about her recent stay at the Lotus Hotel. 3. Jenny’s flight arrived on time. 4.The receptionist at the Lotus Hotel was rude to Jenny. 5.Jenny thinks the Royal Hotel charges too much for its rooms. 2 Answer the questions. (10 points) 1. When did Jenny arrive at the hotel? 2. What was the problem? 3. What should the hotel have told Jenny? 4.What is Jenny’s complaint about the Royal Hotel? 5.What does Jenny want the Lotus Hotel to do now? 66 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 6: Units 9-12 Vocabulary (50 points) 1 Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1.I worked a lot of specifications / insurance / overtime last month. 2.Some people don’t like to be asked their slogan / age / vendor. 3.Don’t leave your bags or luggage unattended / stored / displayed at any time. 4.We spoke to the manager about the rude / non-smoking / luxurious hotel staff. 5.The job pays a voucher / trend / salary of £50,000 a year. 6.The hotel has got a restaurant on its itinerary / premises / firewall. 7.We asked Kate to help, but she flowed / refused / solved to do anything. 8.I’m thinking of accompanying / landing / displaying Jenny to the exhibition next year. 2The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (8 points) 1.Our company’s employees can take up to two weeks of laundry service a year. 2.A body language of the song has been watched 10,000 times on YouTube. 3.I walk at least an hour a day. I don’t need to join a standard room. 4.These planes are so small. There isn’t enough fitness centre for my luggage. 5.We took a storage space at the hotel to save money. 6.We offer our return ticket to homes, hotels, restaurants and hairdressers in the area. 7.I could tell from Alice’s unpaid leave that she was becoming impatient. 8.I’ve booked a video clip to Naples on AngelAir. 3Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (8 points) 1.The bill doesn’t include service. Don’t forget to give the waiter a deposit / nod / tip. 2.All requests for holiday leave must be restricted / approved / rejected by your department manager. 3.You will have to show your boarding pass at the spa / gate / exhibition before you get on the plane. 4.We can’t give you a refund, but we can exchange / monitor / question the item. 5.What skills do you need to be a co-worker / passenger / chef? 6.We alerted the security guard about the man’s commercial / potential / suspicious behaviour. 7.The card reader was broken when I arrived at work, so I couldn’t clock in / take off / clock out. 8.We have vouchers for this hotel, but we can’t use them in low season / high season / maternity leave. 4Match A to B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (12 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A half luxury personal valued room outbound B a. service b. board c. flight d. belongings e. customer f. suite with you when you get off the plane. 1.Don’t forget to take your 2.Does the hotel offer ? I’m really hungry, but I’m too tired to go out to a restaurant. 3.If I had more money, I would stay in the hotel’s . 4.We’ll be busy touring all day, so we only need to book at the hotel. 5.As a , we’d like to offer you a 20% discount on your purchase. 6.Which airport does the leave from? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 67 Test 6: Units 9-12 5Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (8 points) has got a hole w at our expense w written notice w in the long run w is missing a part w be in touch making small talk w failed to meet 1.It’s a lot of work to start a business, but I’m sure we’ll make a big profit. 2.It was nice meeting you. Here’s my business card. Let’s . 3.I just noticed that the dress I bought yesterday ! I’m going to return it to the shop right now. 4.People didn’t like the film. It expectations. 5.If you want to leave your job, you must give 30 days . 6.I don’t enjoy at exhibitions. I never know what to say. 7.We will replace the broken items . We’ve already sent them by courier. 8.We received the machine this morning, but it . It can’t work without it. 6Circle the correct response. (6 points) 1.The flight has got a stopover in Hong Kong 4.I’d like to rent a car. for an hour. a. Can I see your driving licence, please? a. I’d prefer a direct flight. b.We offer unlimited mileage on many of b.Make sure you do not have any overweight our cars. luggage. c. Both a and b. c. Both a and b. 5.John has asked to take some time off next week. 2.The Orchid is a popular award-winning restaurant. a. Tell him we’ll credit his account. a. What cuisine do they serve? b.Yes, I know. He has to deal with some b.I’ve heard it has got an excellent reputation. family matters. c. Both a and b. c. Both a and b. 3.We’re hoping to enter the European market 6.I see APS Security has got a vacancy for a next year. personal assistant. a. We value you as a customer. a.Yes, the company is expanding. It’s for the new Manchester office. b.Have you thought about how to achieve that goal? b.Yes, it’s for Susan’s job. She’s going on maternity leave in January. c. Both a and b. c. Both a and b. Functional Language (10 points) Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. A 1.We’re checking out different hotels for a business trip from 17th to 19th of July. 2. Hello, Mr Daniels. You wanted to see me. 3.I made a reservation for the CEO on a morning flight to San Diego on 12th July, but I have to change the reservation. 4.We’ll also need a stand for promotional materials. 5. I should log off the computer when I leave. 6.What happens if an employee forgets his swipe card or loses it? 7.I’d also like to know if we can book a private room for a party of 12 at the hotel restaurant. 8.This will have serious consequences for our business. 9.Hi, I’m Lynne Peters. I represent Allison’s Bakeries. 10. What are your rates? 68 B a.Certainly. Would you like to make a reservation now? b.He must notify his or her manager immediately. c.Nice to meet you. I’m Matt Johnson from Eden Nature Foods. d.Certainly. May I have the passenger’s name and flight number, please? e. Where will we put the giveaways? f.Yes, I’m afraid there have been complaints from customers about you. g. It’s $150 a night. h. How many people are we talking about? i.And remember to also lock all office doors. j.I’m sure we will find a way to compensate you for the inconvenience. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 6: Units 9-12 Listening Comprehension 7 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.Cathy works at . 2.This is Adam’s visit to the exhibition. 3.The Thompson Hotel needs to purchase a . 4.Adam says that the staff at APS were . 5.Wilton Hotels’ Manager is also at the exhibition. 2Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1.When is the Thompson Hotel going to open? 2.When did Adam see the Thompson Hotel? 3.Did the APS security surveillance system work well at Adam’s previous workplace? 4.What does Adam manage at Wilton Hotels? 5. Which stand at the exhibition is Adam going to look at next? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 69 Test 7 (Units 13-14) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the webpage. Then circle the correct answers below. (10 points) Amark Marketing Solutions Amark Marketing Solutions specialises in making marketing work for accountants. Take advantage of our experience with hundreds of accountants and stay ahead of your competitors. Two of our services: Telemarketing “We signed up for your services last week and already have an appointment with a company that is interested in our service.” Rick, Boston Accountants have always been told not to call prospective customers to try and sell their services. However, here at Amark we’ve developed a telemarketing system that works. Our telemarketers research prospective customers and only call companies that will be interested in your services. To find out more, click here. Social Media Social media is an effective way to promote your business, but only if you do it correctly. Many businesses open a Facebook account without understanding what they are doing. We can help you manage your social media page effectively. Find out how social media can help you by reading our articles here and watching our videos. Click here to find out what our clients say about us. . 1. Amark advises accountants how to a. set up their own business b. market their services c. become a telemarketer . 2. Rick has an appointment with a. a prospective customer b. a telemarketer c. an accountant 3.According to Amark, many businesses don’t on social media. know how to a. open an account b. publish articles c. market themselves 2 4. Accountants can watch a video to learn . a. how to use social media b.to hear what clients say about Amark’s services c. about telemarketing on 5.You can read recommendations from Amark’s website. a. marketing professionals b. Amark’s customers c. telemarketers Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.Amark has worked with . 2.People often told accountants that they shouldn’t 3.Amark’s telemarketers only . 4.According to Amark, social media can 5.If accountants can’t manage their own social media page, Amark 70 . . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . Test 7: Units 13-14 Vocabulary (50 points) 1 Circle the correct answer. (8 points) specialises w renovations w deductions w competitors w tests w wastes w regrets w shareholders 1.How much did the to your house cost? 2.Our are offering lower prices and better conditions. 3.My salary is £6,000, but after I only earn £4,800. 4.Our company in smart home technology. 5.Andrew money on things he doesn’t really need. 6.The company’s will be happy with the profits it made this year. 7.Mr Atkins spending all that money on a new computer system. 8.The company all of its products on focus groups. 2Match A and B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) AB 1. focus a. capital 2. accrued b. strategy 3. net c. group 4. marketing d. expenses 5. share e. worth 1. We’ve got over £200,000 of 2.The company raised £900,000 of 3.What did the 4.Bill Gates had a 5.We have to change our to pay out. to invest in the business. think of our new product? of over £78 billion last year. if we want to improve our sales. 3Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (7 points) 1.We owe at least £500,000 to our recipients / public / creditors. 2.Our gross income last month was £30,000 before insurance / tax / salary. 3. Accounts payable are listed as a company’s liabilities / regulations / refunds. 4.I hate it when telemarketers test / call / sell me at home. 5.Our revenue has increased / survived / solved by 20% since last year. 6.Can you provide the appeal / merchandise / figures for last month’s sales? 7.The company’s balance sheet shows that we made a profit / solution / composition last month. 4Tick the sentences that are true. Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 points) 1.A profitable company is a company that is making money. 2.Something current happened in the past. 3.A company’s property includes all its loans. 4.Retained earnings are reinvested in the business. 5. Turnover is the amount of money a company receives in sales. 6.Corporate income tax is money a business pays its investors. 7.An effective marketing strategy should attract new customers. 8.The public relations team makes sure the company has a good image. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 71 Test 7: Units 13-14 5Complete the mini-dialogues with the words and phrases below. (10 points) promotion w demand w interested in w conduct a survey w brand w go ahead w find out target population w gone out of business w I don’t mind 1. A: What of coffee do you usually buy? B: what I drink. I usually buy the cheapest. 2. A: There has been a lot of B: Yes, it looks like our 3. A: Did you know that Texco have B: Can you for our products. was a success. what happened? ? our products? 4. A: What kind of people will be B: Our is men over the age of 35. about online shopping habits. and do it! 5. A: We should B: Good idea. 6Complete the word or phrase in each sentence with the missing letters. (7 points) 1. An item i s is available for sale. 2. You can’t buy items that are o o s . 3. Items that are o s are sold at lower prices. 4. D is money you owe a person, company or bank. 5. A company’s a include its buildings, money and equipment. 6. A company’s e is its value after debts. 7.The c f s shows how much money is going in and coming out of the business. Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1.Perhaps the best method is to conduct a web survey. a. I think an e-mail survey is better. b. We won’t be able to show them the demo. c.Many people dislike receiving those kind of e-mails. 2. We specialise in repairing PCs. a. We could put the pictures on their laptops. b. What information do you want to find out? c. Can I have your business card? 3. Check the liabilities listed in the balance sheet. a. How can I check if they owe money? b. They still have a £200,000 loan to pay. c.They still have boxes of unsold products in the warehouse. 4. May I ask you a few questions? a. I’ll be in touch. b.OK, thank you. c. Of course. 5.We can offer them a 3% discount if they pay now. a. When are they going to pay us? b. I’m afraid that’s all I can offer now. c. I think we should offer them a little more. 72 6. We should conduct personal interviews. a. I think that will take too long. b.We should get thousands of responses. c. Who are our potential customers? 7. This offer is only valid till next Friday. a. Where is your office? b. I’ll have to think about it. c. What does the market research say? 8. You’ve got a point. a. I’m glad you agree with me. b. I’m glad you enjoy our product. c. I’m glad you accepted our offer. 9.Lots of inventory and little cash can be a bad sign. a. They can always ask for a loan. b.You should offer your customers a discount. c.It means they’re not managing to sell their products. 10.We have to pay over £125,000 to our suppliers next week. a. How much do we have in the bank? b.I don’t think we’ll have trouble getting a loan. c.We should only order from reliable suppliers. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 7: Units 13-14 Listening Comprehension 8 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. (10 points) 1. Ed is exhausted because he . a. worked very late b. got home at 2.00 am c. went to bed at 6.00 am 2. Brian Fisher has just bought . a. Beth’s company b. a new property c. a public relations company 3. Ed is trying to decide if he should a. take out a loan b. buy a new property c. sell his business . 4. Interest rates last year were a. higher b. lower c. the same . 5. Beth thinks Ed should a. go out of business b. buy new equipment c. go to his bank . 2Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1.What work is Ed doing for Brian? 2.What did Ed do last night when he came home from work? 3.What does Ed want to buy? 4.Why is Ed worried? 5.What is Ed going to do now? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 73 Test 8 (Units 13-16) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the online brochure. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) Hatton College Business and Finance Courses FE101 – Running your own business This course is for people who would like to start their own business but need help getting it started. Many small businesses fail in the first few years, because their owners haven’t got enough information or don’t know how to plan ahead. This course will prepare you to run your small business successfully. You will learn about finance, law, insurance and marketing. Course Structure First Month: Learn how to finance your business. Get real information about handling business accounts, credit lines, loans and payment terms. Second Month: Find out what a balance sheet and a cash flow statement are and why you need to understand them. Third Month: Find out how to reach potential customers. Study a variety of marketing strategies and techniques. The course is held one night a week and on some Saturdays for 13 weeks. The course starts in September, January and April. Please Note: 1. Students must be over 20 years old. 2. Our teachers do not provide advice on specific business ideas. For schedules and prices click on the course number above. Click here to fill out a registration form. For more information, please contact Jules Reardon at [email protected]. 1.Students will learn about three different types of business accounts. 2.Students will learn how to attract customers. 3.The course teaches online marketing techniques. 4. Some classes take place at weekends. 5.Teenage entrepreneurs with good business ideas can join the course. 2 Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 74 Small businesses often fail because they haven’t made a good The brochure mentions cash flow statements because Teachers will not give students . To find out how much the course costs, You should contact Jules Reardon if . . . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . Test 8: Units 13-16 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Add one of the words below to each of the word groups. (6 points) striking w promotion w interviewee w negligence w borrow w assets 1. fraud w debt w 2. telemarketer w consumer w 3. stylish w original w 4. lend w pay off w 5. campaign w demo w 6. merchandise w property w 2 Circle the correct answer. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We need to find ways to increase the traffic / platform / retail to our website. The packaging / localisation / renovation to the building will be finished by March. After five years, our business is now negotiating / profitable / encrypted. This company is Martin’s new business template / composition / venture. She offered her house as collateral / equity / terms for the loan. You have the premium / stage / option to cancel the policy at any time. The demand / turnover / figures for cheap housing has increased in the last five years. There was a value / misunderstanding / factor with the supplier about payment terms. That car has got a very original / loyal / hidden design. I’m concerned / sued / injured that the insurance premiums may be too high. 3Circle the correct response. (8 points) 1.I’d like to place an order for ten boxes of honey cereal bars, please. a.I’m afraid we’re out of stock at the moment. b. I’ll just check if we have got any in stock. c. Both a and b. 2. I’ve got a good idea! a. Can you find out what it is? b. What do you have in mind? c. Both a and b. 3. I can’t find the website of OTIC Insurance. a. I think they went out of business. b. I think they went wrong. c. Both a and b. 4.I regret taking out such a big loan. a.Yes, it’s going to take a long time to pay it off. b.We should have applied for a line of credit instead. c. Both a and b. 5.I’m conducting a survey. Would you mind answering a few questions? a. I don’t mind at all. b. You won’t regret it. c. Both a and b. 6. How does this insurance protect my business? a.You will be covered for $5 million. b.You can be fined if you’re not covered. c. Both a and b. 7.You should take advantage of our special offer. a. You’ll get all this for only $60. b. Until when is it valid? c. Both a and b. 8. It will be a lot of work to set up an e-shop. a. Yes, but I think it’s worth the effort. b.Yes, but it will be good for business if we are open round the clock. c. Both a and b. 4Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 points) current w competitor w effective w gross w compatible w courtesy w entrepreneur w feedback 1.Is the software with our computers? 2.After the accident, the insurance company offered us a van. 3.We’re getting good from our customers. They’re very happy with our products. 4.The business was started in 2002 by an English . 5.We offer better prices than our main . 6.Our income was over €300,000 last year. 7.Our CEO is Michael Branston. 8.We’ll have to find a more way to find new customers. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 75 Test 8: Units 13-16 5The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (10 points) 1. I can’t allow that I have made mistakes in the past. 2. I want to deny $300 from my account. 3.The company doesn’t increase smoking in its offices. 4. Do you owe a house? 5.I don’t know if the company can persuade much longer. 6.How do we regret something like that happening again? 7.If you don’t buy the company now, you might survive it later. 8.I own the bank a lot of money. 9.Do you think you could prevent the company to change suppliers? 10.John thinks sales are going to withdraw by at least 10% this year. 6Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1.If you provide services or advice in your work, you need . a. public and employer’s liability insurance b. professional indemnity insurance c. e-risks insurance 2. is money that a company must pay the government. a. A standing order b. The interest rate c. Corporate income tax 3. the money a customer pays a bank for setting up a loan. a. An arrangement fee is b. Shared earnings are c. Legal fees are 4. part of a company’s equity. a. Share capital is b. Accrued expenses are c. Accounts payable are 5.The of a company is its assets minus its liabilities. a. cash balance b. net worth c. credit rating 6. are money owed for goods or services that have not been paid for yet. a. Issue shares b. Accounts receivable c. Retained earnings is the people you hope to sell your 7.The product or service to. a. target population b. policy holders c. focus group if our e-shop becomes 8.We’re going to need successful. a. a payment holiday b. a personal guarantee c. unlimited bandwidth Functional Language (10 points) Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. B A 1.We have to pay over £125,000 to several a.Of course. I’m sure we’ll meet all your quality suppliers next week. I’m afraid we might requirements. go bankrupt. b.You must purchase employer’s liability insurance. 2. How about an e-mail survey? c.Our products are handmade and this allows us to 3. What is your returns policy? always produce high-quality products. 4. How are we going to set up an online shop? d.Perhaps, but I think the best method is to conduct personal interviews. 5. Could you send me some samples, please? e.There are e-commerce platforms that can provide us 6.I’d like to know what types of insurance you with everything we need. would recommend. f.Then the only solution is to take another loan. 7.The company’s balance sheet can be a good indicator of the business’ health. g.Items returned within 30 days, get a full refund. 8.You’ll get all this for only £100, but the offer is h.You mean the company may have a lot of goods in only valid for a few days. stock because it hasn’t succeeded in selling them? 9.I need a supplier who can make high-quality i.Well, I’ll have to think about it. Until what date is the light fixtures. offer valid? 10.Lots of inventory and little cash can be a bad j.I guess the most important thing is to check that the sign. business’ assets are much greater than its liabilities. 76 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 8: Units 13-16 Listening Comprehension 9 (20 points) 1Listen to a radio programme and complete the sentences. (12 points) 1. Dan Holt works as . 2. Today’s show is about the mistakes that 3. You should do market research before you 4. It’s important to find out what the 5.Emma wants to know if you must hire a all the information that Dan mentions. 6. Dan will continue giving advice after make. . buying habits are. to find out . 2Listen again and tick the things Dan mentions. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. How long it can take a new business to become profitable. Taking loans in order to start a business. Asking friends and family for their opinions about your business idea. How much money market research costs. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 77 Test 9 (Units 17-18) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1 Read the advice column. Then circle the correct answers below. (10 points) We all sometimes have problems at work. Share yours with our advisors and we’ll try and help. Tina: My boss often works 12-hour days and is constantly stressed. I’ve suggested that she delegate some of the work to me, but she says she doesn’t have time to think about what I can do. Jack: My boss is always criticising my work. It’s very demotivating to constantly hear that I’ve done something wrong. I get a good salary and don’t want to leave. . 1. Tina wants to a. help her boss b. do her boss’ job c. delegate some of her work . 2. According to Matt, Tina should a. draft the staffing schedule b. try to understand her boss c. suggest specific jobs she can do . 3. Jack wants a. to stay in his job b. to look for another job c. a job with a better salary 2 Matt: This kind of behaviour doesn’t encourage employees to do their job. I had a similar situation in my first job. I didn’t know what to do and it led to me leaving. It’s reasonable to approach your boss and ask him to show you how to perform your job better. If that doesn’t help, then it may be time to think about a new job. 4. Matt’s first boss . a. criticised him too much b. asked him to leave c. left the company 5. Matt thinks Jack should ask his boss to a. stop criticising him b. show him how to improve c. find him a new job Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 78 Matt: If she is stressed, it is hard for her to come up with ways you can help. Identify a few specific tasks you can perform. For example, saying, “I can draft the staffing schedule for next month,” is better than asking “Can I help you?” This shows that you understand what is important and gives her an idea how you can help. The advisors will help people who . It is hard for Tina’s boss to think of . Tina should show her boss that important. Jack doesn’t feel like working because . Matt thinks that if Jack’s boss doesn’t improve, Jack should BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . . Test 9: Units 17-18 Vocabulary (50 points) 1 Circle the correct answer. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Does the music express / bother / demand you? It is hard to work with so many distractions / bonuses / aspects. Not everyone has the basis / discipline / bored to work at home. The people in my department often facilitate / socialise / settle after work. I feel so relaxed / reasonable / shocked after my holiday. A good boss experiences / encourages / navigates his employees to share ideas. Pete is feeling very stressed / strenuous / reactive about the deadline. Everyone said the conference was excellent but I thought it was sensible / valid / overrated. We can’t experience / prove / collaborate that Larry stole the money. He makes some good points but they are often separate / problematic / irrelevant to the discussion. 2The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 The digital input began in the 1950s and is still continuing. Mario’s restaurant substitute has branches all over the country. This company is an important revolution in the field of fibre-optics. The people blame the government for the current economic implementation. Education is important, but it is not a force for experience. It’s going to be a crisis to finish the presentation on time. The inspiration is that our competitors are taking many of our customers. Where did you get the challenge for your idea? The chain of the plan will start in 2016. Sarah gave us some useful reality on how to continue. The company tried to overcome its economic expenses / difficulties / roles. Managers must learn how to delegate demand / commitment / responsibility to their employees. The workshop will enhance / reinvent / announce your leadership skills in the workplace. Jack came up with an interesting detail / manner / idea. You need good interpersonal laughter / skills / requirements to succeed at your job. Big businesses have more bargaining power with their settings / threats / suppliers. It’s important to know your employees’ strengths and requirements / awareness / weaknesses. The CEO praised Kate’s factor / campaign / contribution to the company’s success. Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (8 points) led to w point of view w pull together w set aside w work things out w step back team spirit w a broader perspective 1. Sometimes you need to and give yourself time to think. 2. We need if we want to understand the global economy. 3. It’s important to develop a good in your department. 4. The company some money for an annual Christmas party. 5. If we , we can finish the presentation by tomorrow. 6. I know you disagree, but try and see things from my . 7. Joe’s love of cooking a career as a chef. 8. I know we don’t always agree, but I’m sure we can . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 79 Test 9: Units 17-18 5What is the meaning of these sentences? Pay attention to the phrases in bold and circle the correct answer. (6 points) 1. Robbie gets along with his boss. a. Robbie and his boss work well together. b. Robbie agrees with his boss. c. Robbie cooperates with his boss. 2. Jane told a joke to break the ice. a. Jane wanted people to stop laughing. b. Jane tried to show that she was important. c. Jane wanted people to feel comfortable. 3.I didn’t finish my work because I’ve been putting out fires all morning. a.I’ve been doing everyone else’s work all morning. b.I’ve been solving urgent problems all morning. c.I’ve been worrying about everything all morning. 6 4. My phone rings constantly. a. My phone rings all the time. b. My phone sometimes rings. c. My phone rings once a day. 5. Julie was caught off guard by Tony’s reaction. a. Julie watched Tony’s reaction. b. Julie was surprised by Tony’s reaction. c. Julie didn’t understand why Tony was angry. In the light of recent events we will have to change 6. our plans. a.As soon as we found out what had happened, we changed our plans. b.We changed our plans after the recent events. c.We must change our plans because of something that has happened. Write the correct word next to the description. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. An idea about what should be done in the future. v n When you have no wish to do anything. u v To organise things so you do the most important first. p To have a good relationship with someone else. b d To decide the value of something. e t Needing a lot of energy and effort. s s Something that helps someone find something. c An expert who gives you an opinion about what you should do. a s v Functional Language (10 points) Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. A 1.What do you think of my idea? 2. Have you got any suggestions? 3.Now a new hotel is opening down the road from us. 4. What are you most concerned about? 5.I’m very disappointed with your region’s sales figures. 6.In my opinion, we should try some bonding activities for your team. 7. That sounds good to me. 8. Another issue is the lack of time. 9.This quarter, only one rep has achieved his sales targets. 10. The problem is I can’t make all of the decisions. 80 B a.Our team must learn to market the product more effectively. b. You have to when you’re the boss! c. What about conducting a street survey? d.We must gather more information about this new competitor. e.Good idea. Can we find someone to organise that? f. I think it’ll work. g. Glad you like my idea! h. That must be Alan. He’s very good. i. When is the deadline? j.Our food suppliers have just announced they’re going to raise their prices. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 9: Units 17-18 Listening Comprehension 10 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation. Correct the sentences by changing the words and phrases in bold. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 Mark started his new job on Monday. Mark is running a treasure hunt for Aldo’s. Aldo’s want to do something for their staff as soon as the restaurant opens. Aldo’s want to do an ice-breaking activity. Ella and Mark agree that if the staff feel more serious, there will be fewer arguments. Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1. What does Team Bright do? 2. What did Ella’s last boss organise? 3. What does Mark think of Aldo’s? 4. What problem do many restaurants have? 5. What does Mark think about doing a conflict resolution activity? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 81 Test 10 (Units 17-20) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the webpage. Then read the false sentences below and correct them by changing the phrases in bold. (10 points) ENTREPRENEUR TODAY Home News Archive Forum Contact Need help with your business? Ask our advisors. The Problem:My partner and I started a computer business three years ago. It’s successful now. The problem is we work round the clock. We haven’t got any time to socialise and constantly feel stressed. My partner wants us to hire an employee, but I’m anxious about the extra expense. Jim, Brighton Advisor #1:This is a common problem as businesses grow. Remember that you can’t expand the business if you are doing everything from marketing to photocopying. The reality is that the right employee will ‘buy’ you time to develop your business. Sometimes you need to set aside your worries and ask yourself, “Can I afford not to hire someone?” If you don’t, you might find yourself not only stressed, but with a business that fails to grow. Sally May Advisor #2:Your first employee doesn’t have to be full-time. You could start by hiring part-time help. If you pay your employee on an hourly basis instead of a monthly salary, it is less of a financial commitment for you, and you will also be able to see if the person is a suitable employee. You can hire an assistant five hours a week for £15 an hour. Only £300 a month will give you 20 extra hours to manage and expand your business. Robert Ericson 1. Jim and his partner own a marketing business. 2. They are complaining about working with each other. 3.Sally mentions that Jim and his partner are probably busy with office routines, like filing documents. 4. Robert recommends hiring the first employee for a full-time position. 5.According to Robert, it can cost as little as £15 to hire an assistant for a month 2 Answer the questions. (10 points) 1. How has running their own business affected Jim and his partner? 2. Why is Jim worried about hiring an employee? 3. What could happen to a business if it doesn’t hire employees? 4. What additional advantage does Robert mention to hiring an employee not on a full-time basis? 5. How much free time will hiring an employee give the owners, according to Robert’s suggestion? 82 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 10: Units 17-20 Vocabulary (50 points) 1 Add one of the words below to each of the word groups. (8 points) identify w bond w praise w unmotivated w retirement benefits w shift work w female w easy-going 1. outgoing w confident w 2. lazy w messy w 3. divorced w date of birth w 4. encourage w enhance w 5. temporary w schedule w 6. evaluate w prioritise w 7. health insurance w starting salary w 8. socialise w collaborate w 2 Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1. The company’s role / headquarters / chain is moving to a new building in the centre of the city. 2. Our sales reps earn bonuses / targets / certificates which can add up to £40,000. 3. There are approaches / circumstances / aspects of the job that I don’t enjoy. 4. I am studying for an overrated / advanced / insecure certificate in Business Finance. 5.Watching the film is not a substitute / vision / commitment for reading the book. They are two different things. 6. Mr Michaels had to reinvent / overcome / fire John as he was always late for work. 7. It will be much easier if team members cooperate / direct / demand with each other. 8. Our manager is a real revolution / career objective / inspiration to us all. 3 Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) A 1. Tom has come up with some creative ways to sell our product. 2. I think the company should be more proactive about finding new employees. 3. I didn’t know you speak fluent Russian. 4. At the next workshop, we will focus on customer service. 5. How did the digital revolution affect shopping habits? 6. Susan is a very conscientious worker, isn’t she? 7. It’s hard to work with so many distractions. 8. We can’t prove that Joe stole the money. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. B I agree. It’s not enough to post a job advert on the Internet. People read online reviews before buying and they compare prices easily. That’s why I prefer to work at home. I’m looking forward to hearing about them. Yes, she is always the first to arrive and the last to leave. I lived in Moscow for five years. I know. But everyone knows he did it. When will it take place? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 83 Test 10: Units 17-20 4 Match A to B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) AB 1. Bachelor’s a. hunt 2. current b. course 3. vocational c. power 4. treasure d. degree 5. bargaining e. job 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 can be a good team building activity. A With such few jobs available, workers haven’t got much with an employer. John preferred to take a instead of going to university. How long have you been in your ? The position requires a and at least two years experience. Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (10 points) in the light of w fast learner w point of view w caught off guard w managerial skills flexible about hours w step back w put out fires w set aside w good at multitasking 1. The job requires excellent leadership and . 2. I haven’t got any experience, but I’m a . 3. I can’t do more than one thing at a time. I’m not . 4. There will be some evening and weekend work, so we’ll need you to be . 5. You need to and give yourself time to make a decision. 6. From a financial it makes sense to sell the business now. 7. It’s important to some money to take a holiday once a year. 8. It’s better to plan ahead than to be surprised and . 9. the information that we received, we decided to change suppliers. 10.If you have to all the time, you’ll never do your work properly or have time to plan ahead. 6What is the meaning of these sentences? Pay attention to the phrases in bold and circle the correct answer. (6 points) 1.I know we have problems, but I think we can work things out. a. We don’t work hard enough. b. We can solve our problems. c. Let’s forget about our problems. 2.John and Colin have never managed to get along with each other. a. John and Colin have never argued. b. John and Colin don’t know each other. c. John and Colin have never been friends. 3.Recent weather conditions have led to an increase in prices of vegetables. a.Because of recent weather conditions, there is an increase in the prices of vegetables. b.There is no connection between recent weather conditions and the increase in vegetable prices. c.The recent weather conditions may cause vegetable prices to increase. 84 4.I haven’t come up with any ideas for the end-of-year party. a.I can’t think of good ideas for the end-of-year party. b.I can’t tell you my ideas for the end-of-year party. c. I can’t come to the end-of-year party. 5. If we pull together, we can finish the project. a. If we all meet, we can finish the project. b. If we relax, we can finish the project. c. We can finish the project if we cooperate. 6. We’re under pressure to finish the presentation. a.We have to persuade everyone to finish the presentation. b.We’re feeling stressed because we have to finish the presentation. c. It’s too late to finish the presentation. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Test 10: Units 17-20 Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1. What do you think of my idea? a. I think it’s problematic. b. I’m glad to be here. c. Both a and b. 2. Have you got any experience in sales? a.I’ve been working as a sales rep for Buxton Chemicals for five years. b. Why do you want to leave? c. Both a and b. 3. What are you most concerned about? a.A new hotel is opening down the road from us. b.Our food suppliers have just announced that they’re going to raise their prices. c. Both a and b. 4. There are a few problems to overcome. a.How about setting up a daily meeting with your team to discuss problems? b.We must define the issues clearly and try to break the problems down into smaller problems. c. Both a and b. 5. What are you finding difficult? a.The problem is I can’t make all the decisions. b. We could always look into both aspects. c. Both a and b. 6. Thank you for coming to the interview. a. I’ll be in touch. b. It was nice meeting you. c. Both a and b. 7. Your starting salary will be £60,000 per annum. a. That sounds reasonable. b.Good. So will you be able to start on the 17th? c. Both a and b. 8. What about conducting a street survey? a. That sounds good to me. b. I think we need a different approach. c. Both a and b. 9.Can you tell me about your educational background? a.So, why do you think you would be a good candidate for this job? b.Of course. I studied Business Studies at Greenforest College for two years. c. Both a and b. 10. If you ask me, the problem is the sales team. a. Have you got any suggestions? b.I agree. In my opinion, we should try some bonding activities for the team. c. Both a and b. Listening Comprehension 11 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. (10 points) 1. Joe the company workshop. a. enjoyed b. disliked c. missed . 2. Emma and Joe a. don’t work in the same company b. work in the same department c. work with Tim . 3. Joe was instructed to tell Tim a. a funny story b. a creative idea c. about the worst time of his life 2 . 4. Joe didn’t want to talk to Tim because he a. didn’t like him b. had never met him c. is Joe’s manager recommend having a laughter workshop to 5.Joe his boss next year. a. will definitely b. won’t c. might Listen again and complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The aim of Joe’s workshop was to encourage workers to Tim works in the Department. Joe didn’t invent . Emma doesn’t usually enjoy group activities, but she enjoyed After Emma’s workshop, everyone felt . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . . 85 Midterm Test (Units 1-12) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the webpage. Then circle the correct answers below. (10 points) Homesafe Alarm System XL623 Comments Alan:I wanted a reliable system that was easy to install with no monthly fees. A friend recommended Homesafe. I installed the alarm in less than an hour. Last week, Homesafe alerted me, as well as our local police, to a possible break-in. By the time I got home, the police had already arrived and caught a burglar trying to steal our TV. Homesafe costs a little more than similar systems, but it’s well worth it. >Alerts you by e-mail and SMS to any suspicious activity on your premises >View what’s going on at home on your mobile phone > Easy to install > Price: £250.00 Sale: £180.00 Tina Ray:I ordered the XL623 last month. When I checked my bank statement I saw that I had been overcharged by £50. When I call customer service, their line is busy and they put me on hold. There’s no option to leave a message. This is no way to run a business! Savings: £70.00 >Order by 3rd December for free delivery Paul M:I travel a lot and need to feel secure that my home is safe when I am absent. The problem is that Homesafe also alerts the homeowner to normal activities, like postal deliveries. I hope you solve this annoying problem. 1.Order a Homesafe alarm before 3rd December if you want to . a. save £70 b. install it easily c. get it delivered for free the police. 2. Alan arrived home a. after b. before c. together with 3. Alan is happy with Homesafe because a. it is not expensive b. it caught a burglar c. the monthly fees aren’t high 2 . . 4. Tina is trying to a. contact her bank b. contact customer service c. order Homesafe 5.Paul wants a reliable alarm system . because he a. is often away from home b. has already had a break-in c. often sees suspicious things Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1.Homesafe sends text messages when . 2. Homesafe is offering a discount of on their alarm system. 3. According to Alan, it took to install the Homesafe alarm system in his home. 4. Tina doesn’t want to be put on hold. She wants to at least . 5. Paul is annoyed because . 86 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Midterm Test: Units 1-12 Vocabulary (50 points) 1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. suspicious w luxurious w impatient w rude cancel w reschedule w postpone w replay access w feature w display w exhibit cheque w invoice w attachment w receipt domestic w worldwide w foreign w international refund w enclosure w replacement w compensation notify w remind w alert w modify weekly w daily w calmly w monthly 2Circle the correct response. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. Can you explain how to send a fax? a. Go to the end of the corridor. b. First, press this button. c.You need to answer all incoming calls quickly. I’m sorry, but Mrs Fields is out of the office. a.Can you please ask her to get back to me? b. I’ll be in touch with you. c. I’m sorry. I was on another line. I need some time off next week. a. I have to deal with some family matters. b. Prices are expensive in the high season. c.You do know this is our busiest period in the year. 4.This will have serious consequences for our business. a. That’s no excuse. b. I apologise most sincerely. c.We’ll know the answer in the long run. 5. Have you seen our latest line of products? a. Yes, I saw your banner at the exhibition. b. Have you got my business card? c.No, I haven’t. Can you send me your catalogue? 6.Can we hold the meeting on 30th September? a. That’s fine. I’ll book the conference room. b. I’d prefer to hold an on-site meeting. c. Have you got the attendance list? 7.Have you seen anyone suspicious on the company premises? a. No, but I’ll check the security cameras. b. No, I’ll notify the manager immediately. c.No, we installed an excellent surveillance system. 8.Would you like to make a reservation? a. When will it take place? b. No, I’ll get back to you next week. c.No, I’m afraid that won’t work as I’ve got a previous commitment. 3Match A and B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) A 1. light a. 2. product b. 3. body c. 4. boarding d. 5. special e. B manual pass offer refreshments language that he was becoming impatient with the CEO. 1. I could tell from his 2. We should offer at Monday’s board meeting. 3. Our will answer all your questions about how to use the program. 4.Enjoy our . Book your flight before 2nd March and you’ll get 15% off your car rental. 5. You have to show your passport and before you get on the plane. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 87 Midterm Test: Units 1-12 4 Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6 I’m afraid the conference room is unattended / unfamiliar / unavailable on Tuesday afternoon. How many sheets of paper can you put in the column / shredder / heading? Your registration will be charged / announced / confirmed as soon as we receive payment. Josh will represent the company at next year’s convention / auditorium / podium in Berlin. I can guarantee that we won’t increase / expand / develop our prices next year. We will offer compensation for the demonstration / inconvenience / reputation caused by the delay. Chef Antonio Santini’s beverage / menu / slogan includes something for everyone. The warehouse can unload / weigh / store the goods for up to 30 days. I’ve looked at your orientation meeting and would like to invite you for an interview. I don’t ensure online banking sites. Can you introduce the main points of yesterday’s meeting? My main priority to renting an office on Clark Street is that it is too expensive. I’d like to summarise you to Mr Larson, our Head of IT. Our objection for the next six months is to increase sales by 20%. The job application for new employees will be held in the conference room. I visit suppliers regularly to trust their professional standards. Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (8 points) ut you through w minimise costs w credit your account w small talk p go over w show you around w good condition w screen your calls 1. Miss Baxter will so you know where everything in the office is. 2. I’m sorry. I can’t to Mr Foster at the moment. His line is busy. 3. You can and only talk to people you want to speak to. 4. I apologise for the mistake. We will for the amount that we overcharged. 5. The car is 10 years old, but it is in . 6. Jack and I made some about football before the meeting started. 7. We can by using a different shipper. 8. We need to the paperwork for the shipping arrangements. Functional Language (10 points) Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. A 1. Where do the senior management sit? 2. I understand Roger was looking for me. 3. You were impatient and interrupted her. 4.I’m afraid I’m going to have to postpone the meeting. 5. What other requirements have you got? 6. First, enter your access code. 7. Let’s schedule it for 12th May at 8.30. 8. I think you should bold the dates. 9. Thanks for your help. 10. I think I’d like to start my own business. 88 B a.Would you like to reschedule now? b.You mustn’t risk a large investment at the beginning. c. You’re welcome. d. What do I do after that? e.I’m afraid that won’t work as she has a previous commitment. f.Yes. I’m afraid he’s currently unavailable, but he’s specified the issues to me. g. What about the font? Is it big enough? h. I apologise. i.We’ll also need a big stand for promotional material. j. On the tenth floor. The CEO is in room 111. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Midterm Test: Units 1-12 Listening Comprehension 12 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation. Correct the sentences by changing the words and phrases in bold. (10 points) 1. The administrative assistant is on sick leave. 2. The company has already started organising international exhibitions. 3. Sue and Jo disagree about when to visit an office in China. 4. According to Jo, Sue hates taking risks. 5.In China, Sue has met people who are interested in preparing promotional material for the company. 2Listen again and complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Eddie thinks Jo looks . The administrative assistant’s name is . Sue is in China for the . Jo and Sue didn’t expect the company to be successful after only Sue has already scheduled meetings with people in China. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . 89 Final Test (Units 1-20) Name: Mark: Reading Comprehension (20 points) 1Read the e-mail. Then write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) next to the sentences below. (10 points) From: To: Subject: Andrew Hartley David Jones Complaint about service Dear Mr Jones, I am writing to complain about the telephone service offered by Brown Bank. Last month, I spent two weeks in Italy. I had over £3,000 in my current account which was more than enough for my trip. However, when I tried to pay the hotel a sum of £1,000 that I owed for my stay, your bank rejected my credit card. No reason was given. An electronic message said, “Payment rejected. Contact your bank.” I called Customer Service. I was kept on hold for over half an hour. When a representative, Eve, finally answered, she insisted that my account was overdrawn by £3,000. I explained that the bank had made a mistake, but Eve refused to approve the payment until I transferred more funds to my account. I asked to talk to someone at my local branch, but Eve said that I could only leave them a message. As a result, I found myself in a foreign country with no money. (Luckily, I was able to borrow money from a friend.) When I returned home, I went into my local branch, and the staff there solved the problem immediately. Correcting the mistake was a simple procedure. I have been a loyal customer of Brown Bank for over 10 years and am very disappointed that when I really needed your help, you did not assist me. Yours sincerely, Andrew Hartley 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 Complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 90 Andrew travelled in Italy for three weeks. Andrew’s credit card was rejected when he wanted to pay the hotel. It took more than half an hour for him to get through to a Customer Service representative at the bank. Andrew was travelling in Italy with a group of friends. Andrew wants to close his account at Brown Bank. The hotel charged Andrew for his stay at the hotel. Eve refused to approve Andrew’s payment unless . Andrew’s friend . The staff at Andrew’s local branch were able to . Andrew became a customer of Brown Bank more than BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books . Final Test: Units 1-20 Vocabulary (50 points) 1Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (8 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 neutral w exhausted w stressed w lazy stylish w luxurious w striking w permanent argue w gather w discuss w persuade intention w purpose w laughter w target host w lend w owe w borrow crisis w threat w deduction w inconvenience slogan w brand w campaign w headquarters adapt w suffer w customise w enhance Add one of the words below to each of the word groups. (8 points) collaborate w column w profits w investor w delete w reliable w empower w width 1. cut w paste w 2. heading w paragraph w 3. height w weight w 4. loyal w responsible w 5. cooperate w share w 6. creditor w shareholder w 7. turnover w revenue w 8. trust w assure w 3 Circle the correct answer. (8 points) 1.The customers’ personal details and credit card data are sensible / decisive / encrypted, so they’re secure. 2. Please stop cancelling / interrupting / demanding me when I’m talking. 3. I’m sure we can clock out / pay off / set aside the loan by next December. 4. Alan sued his employer after he was reinvented / decreased / injured at work. 5. The reality / vision / power is that it’s not enough to be ambitious. You have to work very hard, too. 6. We had a four-hour relocation / schedule / stopover in Mumbai on the way to Australia. 7. I can’t work here. There are too many settings / distractions / ventures. 8. Joanna speaks fluent / conscientious / punctual French and Spanish. 4 Match the sentences in A to the responses in B. (8 points) A 1. I didn’t know Luke was married. 2. You can pay your premium in six interest-free monthly payments. 3. Where is the fitness centre? 4. We’re running low on paper. 5. My mobile phone is broken. 6. I’ve been under a lot of pressure recently. 7. Tom is knowledgeable and hard-working. 8. There’ll be a lot of prospective customers at the exhibition. B a. You should try to take some time off. b. Isn’t it still under warranty? c. But has he got the managerial skills required for the job? d. Then it’s important to create a positive impression. e. It’s on your right when you come out of the lift. f. I placed an order for 10 boxes last week. g. And do you offer a no-claims discount? h. Yes, I think you know his wife. She’s the Financial Director at Shuttle. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 91 Final Test: Units 1-20 5Match A to B to form phrases. Then complete each sentence with the correct phrase. (10 points) B a. call b. rating c. instructions d. list e. luggage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A overweight attendance conference credit special 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . We won’t get that loan if we don’t improve our We could try a . When is a good time to get everyone together? These days airlines charge high fees for . According to the , there were 17 people at the meeting. Have you got any for this delivery? 6Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (8 points) interest rate w broader perspective w registered mail w retirement benefits returns policy w waiting list w opening remarks w standing order 1. The salary is not great, but the job offers good . 2. I pay all my bills by , so they are always paid on time. 3. Mr Matthews will be making the at the conference. 4. Please send this cheque by . It’s very important. 5. Jack’s experience in the business gave him a of the industry. 6.According to our , customers can send back goods that they aren’t satisfied with within 30 days. 7. I’m afraid there are no seats on flight HW383, but we can put you on the . 8. The on the loan is 2.5%. Functional Language (10 points) Circle the correct response. 1. May I ask you a few questions? a. With pleasure. b. I’m afraid we’ve got different points of view. c. Both a and b. 2. What’s the matter? a. I think we might go bankrupt. b.This quarter only one rep has achieved his target sales. c. Both a and b. 3. The limit on our policy is £10 million. a. What other requirements have you got? b. That sounds reasonable to me. c. Both a and b. 4.You mustn’t risk a large investment at the beginning. a. You’ve got a point. b. That will definitely save time. c. Both a and b. 5. Could you send me some samples, please? a. No problem. b. What type do you want? c. Both a and b. 92 6.Can you tell me about your educational background? a. I studied marketing for three years. b. I’ll be in touch. c. Both a and b. 7.We’d like two catered coffee breaks a day, as well as a buffet lunch and dinner. a. I’ll contact a few places and get quotes. b.Fine. What other requirements have you got? c. Both a and b. 8. We specialise in repairing PCs. a. You can be fined if you’re not covered. b. What are your rates? c. Both a and b. 9. There are a few problems to overcome. a. You’ll get all this for only £60. b. What are you most concerned about? c. Both a and b. 10. Have you got any suggestions? a.You must gather more information about this new competitor. b.You must purchase employer’s liability insurance. c. Both a and b. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Final Test: Units 1-20 Listening Comprehension 13 (20 points) 1Listen to the conversation. Correct the sentences by changing the words and phrases in bold. (10 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 It was very busy for Peter on the first day of the convention. Cleanaway is the name of Peter’s company. Peter wants Lisa to set up a meeting with Human Resources. The company is looking for a new accounts assistant. Lisa is going to send Peter an insurance policy. Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points) 1. What type of businesses ordered products from Peter’s company at the convention? 2. Who does Peter describe as quite dynamic? 3. How does Lisa describe the quality of their cleaning products? 4. Where is Peter going to be on Wednesday morning? 5. How many people have applied for the job mentioned? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 93 Tests Answer Key 1 Emma: Yes and no. I like the people I work with, but I don’t enjoy my job. Units 1-2 Mr Fox: Why is that? Reading Comprehension, page 46 1 1. DS 2. F 3. T 4. T 2 1. On the top floor. Emma: It’s too much data entry. Sometimes I type letters, but most of the time it’s just data entry. 5. DS Mr Fox:I see. We’re very happy with your work, Emma, but I understand that after two years you may want to do something else. 2. Because the company is growing. 3.He will be in charge of the South American account. Emma: Yes. I’d like to apply for another job in the company. I heard you’re looking for a new administrative assistant to work with Mr Brown, the Marketing Director. 4. The agenda for the meeting. 5.Because they are offering all employees a 15% discount. Vocabulary, page 47 1 1. assist 2 3 5. quality 2. cafeteria 6. sell 3. describe 7. payment 4. stockroom 8. hire 1. wastepaper bin 5. spreadsheets 2. invoice 6. quantity 3. shipping cost 7. stairs 4. shredder 8. discount 1. d 2. a 3. e 1. word processing Mr Fox:Yes, that’s right. I’ll tell you a little about the job. You’ll be responsible for scheduling meetings for our sales reps. You’ll also be answering incoming calls and sending e-mails to our customers. Emma: That sounds a lot more interesting than data entry! 4. b Mr Fox:It is. I think you’ll enjoy the job. Tell me, Emma, do you know how to prepare a presentation? Emma: Yes, I do. Why? Mr Fox:The reps often prepare presentations for meetings, but they are busy – so it would be nice to have someone to help. So, how does the job sound to you? 5. c 4. coat rack Emma: It sounds great. I’d like to apply. 2. accounts assistant 5. special offer Mr Fox:Good. I’ll tell Mr Brown you’re interested and he’ll call you for an interview. 3. filing cabinet 4 1. b 3. f 5. c 7. h 2. g 4. a 6. d 8. e Emma: Thank you, Mr Fox. 1 page 48 5 1. sheet, paper 5. take, message 2. in front of 6. price, unit 2 4. keep track of 8. prepare, presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. staff kitchen shredder reception between exit projector assist 5. a 7. b 9. b 2. b 4. c 6. a 8. c 10. c 2. very happy 3. administrative assistant Emma: Good morning, Mr Fox. Well, I’d like to talk to you about my job. I’ve worked here for two years in the same job. Units 1-4 Reading Comprehension, page 50 1 1. updates 4. cheques 2. Customer Service 5. how to handle 3.open a FastWay account , page 49 Mr Fox: G ood morning, Emma. Please sit down. Now, how can I help you? 94 1. people 2 3. a Mr Fox: And you’re not happy? 5. apply for 5. preparing presentations 1. c 2 2. data entry 4. enjoy Functional Language Listening Comprehension 4. scheduling meetings 3. do a different job 3. schedule, meeting 7. screen, calls 6 1. her job 2 1. To log in for online tracking. 2. If he / she isn’t available to accept the package. 3. At their local FastWay office. 4. Customers who ship frequently. 5.It’s the percentage of shipments which reach their destinations safely and on time. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Answer Key Vocabulary, page 51 1 1. subtotal 2 3 John: Oh, that’s great. 5. replay Amy: I’ll just tell you a little about the job. Mostly, the job involves dealing with correspondence: writing letters and e-mails and sending faxes. You’ll also be scheduling meetings. 2. reply 6. paragraph 3. loudspeaker 7. quality 4. rewind 8. charge 1. cafeteria 5. sheet 2. the stockroom 6. signed 3. stairs 7. schedule a meeting 4. inspect 8. label John: That’s fine. Amy: Can you come next Tuesday morning the 10th? John: Tuesday morning? What time? Amy: How about 11 am? John: Yes, that’s fine. 1. in charge of Amy: Good. You should come to the Human Resources Department. We sit in room 284 on the second floor, next to the Accounting Department. 2. contact someone 3. show the visitors around 4. off the hook 5. Go past John: OK. Room 284, second floor. 6. explain how to use Amy: Our address is 23 Kings Road. We’re next to the post office. 7. log out 8. prepare a presentation John: I’ll come by car. Is there anywhere to park? 9. press this button Amy: Yes, we’ve got a visitors’ car park. The entrance is on Victoria Street, opposite the post office. You can park there. 10. update the mailing list 4 1. d 3. e 5. b 7. h 2. f 4. a 6. g 8. c John: Thanks. Amy: Oh and one more thing. I’m going to send you an e-mail with an attachment – it’s a form for you to fill in and bring with you when you come for your interview. Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday. page 52 5 6 1. filing cabinet 5. goods 2. projector 6. roll 3. pair 7. air-conditioner 4. coat rack 8. special instructions 1. top 5. distribute 2. fragile 6. click 3. postage 7. photocopier 4. measure 8. packet John: Me, too. Thank you. 1 2 2. Tuesday 4. car 1. morning 3. writing letters 4. the Accounting Department 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. a 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b Listening Comprehension 3 , page 53 John: Hello. Amy: Good morning. Is that John Brooks? John: Yes, it is. Amy: Hi, John. I’m calling from Austin Technology Solutions. My name is Amy Watson. I’m the personal assistant to Pam Carter, our Personnel Manager. John: Good morning. 3. second 2. Personnel Manager Functional Language Dialogue 1: 1. c Dialogue 2: 1. d 1. administrative assistant Amy: John, we’ve received your job application for the position of administrative assistant and Mrs Carter would like to invite you for an interview. 5. in the visitors’ car park 6. fill out a form 3 Units 5-6 Reading Comprehension, page 54 1 1. T 2. DS 3. T 4. F 2 1. Because of high shipping costs. 5. F 2. Only what it costs them to ship. 3.Because she’s not sure she can trust the one she found. 4. a. How often do they pick up? b. What happens if her goods are lost? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 95 Tests Answer Key Vocabulary, page 55 1 1. advantages 2 3 2. specify 6. requirements 3. compete 7. import 4. volume 8. negotiations 1. a 2. a 3. c thinking of using a more reliable company next time, like Fast Fruit. 5. introduce 4. b 5. c James: I’m very sorry, Mrs Ford. I’ll look into it. Can you give me your order number? Mrs Ford: Yes, it’s A768. James: Thank you. Just a minute. Mmm, can I put you on hold? 6. a 1. extension 6. investment 2. vessel 7. freight containers 3. foreign 8. risks 4. reply 9. message 5. shipping James: Mrs Ford? Mrs Ford: Yes. James: It seems that the ship with your order arrived at the port of discharge late. The workers are unloading the freight container now. 2, 4, 7, 8 1. professionally 6. unavailable 2. rates 7. point of origin 3. essential 8. buyer 4. manufacturer 9. discuss 5. trade 6 James: Of course. I’ll call you back as soon as possible. 10. cargo page 56 4 5 Mrs Ford: No, I have a lot of customers in the shop now. Can you call me back? Mrs Ford: And when will I receive my bananas? James: Tomorrow afternoon. 10. minimise costs 1. free, charge Mrs Ford: Thank you, James. I’ll tell Mr Wilson you were very helpful. 1 2 2. cut off 3. Let, know 4. run, business 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 1. Out of town. 2. Mr Wilson’s assistant. 5. manage risks 6. secure, transactions 3.Because they are more reliable than Fresh and Fruity. 7. soon, possible 4.Because there are a lot of customers in her shop. 8. create, positive impression 5. That James was very helpful. Functional Language 1. e 3. a 5. g 7. i 2. f 4. h 6. j 8. d Listening Comprehension 4 4 9. b 10. c , page 57 2.how many people are coming to the product demonstration Mrs Ford: This is Mrs Ford from Fresh and Fruity. I’ve left Mr Wilson two messages and I’m still waiting for him to return my calls. James: I’m sorry but Mr Wilson has been out of town since Monday. Mrs Ford: Who does Mr Wilson’s work when he’s out of the office? Units 5-8 Reading Comprehension, page 58 1 1.two of their manufacturers James: Wilson Imports. James speaking. 3. organise the lunch 4. 15th July 5. the sales figures for the Asian market 2 1.At the international trade exhibition in Birmingham. 2. In Hull. James: Peter Marshall is his assistant. 3.He has booked the big conference room on the fifth floor. James: Peter has been ill all this week. Can I help you? 4.Because he says the standard audio-visual equipment is enough. Mrs Ford: So, why didn’t Peter get back to me? Mrs Ford: Well, it seems there is no one else! It’s about my bananas. James: Excuse me? Mrs Ford: My bananas. I ordered four boxes. You were supposed to deliver them on Monday. I still haven’t received them. My order of apples arrived a week late. I’m 96 1. b 5.By e-mail or mobile phone. Vocabulary, page 59 1 1. postpone 5. no reply 2. buyer 6. guarantee 3. essential 7. monthly 4. buffet lunch 8. exhibition BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Answer Key 2 3 1. priority 5. cargo 2. comments 6. profit 3. Registration 7. follow-up 4. name tags 8. objections 1. c 3. h 5. b 7. g 2. e 4. a 6. d 8. f Susan: Just a minute. I’ll check his diary – Monday, at 11.00. Yes, that should be fine. See you on Monday. Bye. Have a good day. Susan: Royal and Adams, good morning, Susan speaking. John: Good Morning. This is John Sullivan from Orwell Books. Can I speak to Mr Stevens, please? page 60 4 1. interrupt 6. go over 2. set up 7. trust 3. import 8. introduce 4. compete 9. announce 5. provide 5 6 4. resale 2. worldwide 5. essential 3. discuss 6. greet 2. d John: I’ll stay on the line. It’s quite urgent. Susan: Maybe I can help you. 10. avoid 1. annual 1. b Susan: I’m afraid he’s on the other line at the moment. Shall I put you on hold or would you like to leave a message? 3. e 4. c John: Thank you, but Mr Stevens manages our account and I’d prefer to speak to him. Susan: I understand. Ah... Mr Stevens is off the phone. I’m putting you through now. 5. a Mr Stevens: Mr Stevens speaking. 1. friendly tone John: Hi. This is John Sullivan. It’s about our order. When I last spoke to you – on Monday – you guaranteed that we would receive our order by Thursday at the latest. Well, it’s Friday and we’re still waiting ... 2. laser pointer 3. staff meeting 4. light refreshments 5. brainstorming session Functional Language, page 61 1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. a 2. c 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. c Listening Comprehension 5 1 2 4. Mr Stevens. 5. On Monday. 5 5. F 2. sign up by 1st November 3. have business meetings Susan: Mr Martin is very sorry, but he has to postpone the meeting until next week. Robert: I can do Tuesday at 3.00, but Monday at 11.00 would be more convenient for me. Can Mr Martin make it then? Units 9-10 Reading Comprehension, page 62 1 1. F 2. DS 3. T 4. T 2 1. 21st-28th March, 2015 Robert: That’s right. Susan: Would 3.00 on Tuesday suit you? 1. He left a message for Robert Watkins. 3. He was (talking) on the phone. Susan: I’m afraid he is unavailable at the moment. Can I help you? Robert: That’s OK, but I’m going on holiday on Wednesday. Can Mr Martin make it before that? 5. hasn’t arrived 2. On Monday at 11.00. Robert: Good morning. This is Robert Watkins from Hills Exports. Can I speak to Dan Martin, please? Susan: Oh, yes. You’ve got a meeting with Mr Martin scheduled for Thursday at 2.00 pm. 4. leave a message 3. will be on holiday Susan: Royal and Adams, good morning. How can I help you? Robert: Well, I’m returning his call. He left me a message on Friday. 1. unavailable 2. postpone 4. local cuisine 5. cater for parties of up to 50 people Vocabulary, page 63 1 1. bill 2 5. deposit 2. catalogue 6. expanding 3. organised 7. vendors 4. variety 8. luxurious 1. h 3. a 5. d 7. b 2. f 4. c 6. g 8. e BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 97 Tests Answer Key 3 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 1. room service 4. body language 2. low season 5. seat assignment Kate: Inbound or outbound flights? Mike: Mmm ... Both! Kate: Oh, no! 3. return ticket 4 Mike: T his happened to me last year. I got stuck in Chicago for two days! 1. lands 5. skills 2. flows 6. represents 3. features 7. passengers 4. vacancies 8. specifications Kate: Two days! Sounds terrible! Mike: Not really. My company paid for a room in the airport hotel. I had the executive suite, and the hotel had a business centre and a great fitness centre. page 64 5 Kate: So you did some work and had fun? 1. promotional material, pamphlets Mike: Exactly. It wasn’t so bad! 2. gate, boarding pass Kate: What do you do? 3. delayed, take off Mike: I’m the new CEO at Tamcorp! 4. Check-in, itinerary Kate: You’re Mike Davenport? 5. renting a car, unlimited mileage 6 1. full board 4. laundry service 2. one-way ticket 5. executive suite 3. fitness centre 6. storage space 1. c 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a 2. b 4. c 6. c 8. a 10. b 6 Kate: Kate Summers. Mike: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate. 1 Functional Language Listening Comprehension Mike: Yes. And you are? 2 5. Mike’s company 1. representing 3. have been cancelled 4. two days Mike: No, I’m going to New York. 5. the new CEO at Tamcorp Kate: Our flight was supposed to take off at 2.00. Mike: That’s over an hour ago. Do you know why it’s delayed? 6 Units 9-12 Reading Comprehension, page 66 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 2 1. On 28th July at 11 pm. 5. DS Kate: I’m a marketing rep. 2.Because they arrived late, their room wasn’t available. / There were no rooms available. Kate: Tamcorp. 3.The hotel regulation: guests must pay for the room in advance if they want the hotel to keep the room after the expected arrival time. Kate: Yes, I ... 4. The price was £100 more than the Lotus Hotel. Mike: Who do you work for? Mike: Tamcorp?! Really? Airport A nnouncement: Passengers on flight JH517 to Toronto are informed that due to bad weather in Toronto, departure is delayed. Royal Air apologises for the inconvenience and is offering passengers light refreshments. Please show your boarding pass at the cafeteria next to Gate 24. Kate: They didn’t say when the flight will take off. Mike: I’ll go online and see what’s happening in Toronto. Oh, wow. Twenty flights have been cancelled. 98 2. marketing rep 2. light refreshments Kate: Excuse me. Are you also travelling to Toronto? Mike: I’m Mike. What do you do? 4. online 3. bad weather , page 65 Kate: No. But I heard that woman say something about technical problems. I can’t be late! I’m representing our company at an important meeting. Oh ... I’m Kate, by the way. 1. over an hour 5. Pay compensation for the trouble and expense. Vocabulary, page 67 1 1. overtime 2 5. salary 2. age 6. premises 3. unattended 7. refused 4. rude 8. accompanying 1. unpaid leave 5. standard room 2. video clip 6. laundry service 3. fitness centre 7. body language 4. storage space 8. return ticket BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Answer Key 3 4 1. tip 5. chef 2. approved 6. suspicious 3. gate 7. clock in 4. exchange 8. high season 1. b 2. f 3. d 4. e Cathy: Well, thanks for this information. I’ll tell our manager. What exactly do you do at Wilton Hotels? 5. a Adam: I’m the Manager of the business centres at all our hotels. Here’s my business card. 6. c Cathy: Is there anyone else here from Wilton Hotels? 1. personal belongings Adam: Yes, our Food and Beverage Manager. And from the Thompson? 2. room service 3. luxury suite Cathy: No, it’s just me. Our manager wanted to come, but he’s busy at the moment getting the hotel ready for the opening. 4. half board 5. valued customer Adam: Yes, I’m sure he’s got a lot of work. Well, I’m going to look at the laundry service stand now. Nice talking to you, Cathy. 6. outbound flight page 68 5 6 1. in the long run 5. written notice 2. be in touch 6. making small talk 3. has got a hole 7. at our expense 4. failed to meet 8. is missing a part 1. a 4. c 2. c 5. b 3. b 6. c 1 1. the Thompson Hotel 2. second 3. good surveillance system 4. often impatient with them 5. Food and Beverage 2 1. in March 2. when he was in the area the previous week 3. No. The cameras didn’t always work properly. Functional Language 1. h 3. d 5. i 7. a 9. c 2. f 4. e 6. b 8. j 10. g Listening Comprehension 7 4. the business centres 5. laundry service , page 69 Adam: Hi, Cathy. I’m Adam Jones. I see from your name tag that you work at the Thompson Hotel. Cathy: Yes, that’s right. And I see you work for Wilton Hotels. 7 Reading Comprehension, page 70 1 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 2 1.hundreds of accountants 3.call companies that will be interested in your services Cathy: Yes, that’s right. We’re only opening in March, so not many people have heard of us so far. Cathy: I was here three years ago. And you? 4.be an effective way to promote your business 5.can help you manage it Vocabulary, page 71 1 1. renovations Adam: I was here last year for the first time. The exhibition has really expanded. There are so many stands this year. Cathy: I’ve just come from the APS security stand. We want to invest in a good surveillance system. 2 Adam: Actually we were quite disappointed. The security cameras didn’t always work properly, and we felt their staff were often impatient with us. 5. wastes 2. competitors 6. shareholders 3. deductions 7. regrets 4. specialises 8. tests 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a 1. accrued expenses 4. net worth 2. share capital 5. marketing strategy Adam: We used an APS system at the last place I worked. Cathy: What did you think of them? 5. b 2. call prospective customers Adam: Yes. So Cathy, isn’t the Thompson Hotel the new hotel in east London? Adam: I was in the area last week and noticed the hotel building. Is this your first time at Hotel Expo? Units 13-14 3. focus group 3 1. creditors 5. increased 2. tax 6. figures 3. liabilities 7. profit 4. call 4 1, 4, 7, 8 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 99 Tests Answer Key 1 2 page 72 5 1. brand, I don’t mind 2. demand, promotion 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 1. renovations 2. He looked at the figures for his business. 3. gone out of business, find out 3. new equipment 4. interested in, target population 6 1. a 5. conduct a survey, Go ahead 4.He doesn’t know if he can afford the repayments. 1. in stock 5. assets 5. Have a cup of coffee. 2. out of stock 6. equity 3. on sale 7. cash flow statement 8 4. Debt Functional Language 1. a 3. b 5. c 7. b 9. c 2. c 4. c 6. a 8. a 10. a Listening Comprehension 8 Reading Comprehension, page 74 1 1. DS 2. T 3. DS 4. T 2 1. plan 3. advice on specific business ideas 4. click on the course number 5. you want more information Beth: You look exhausted Ed. Beth:Why didn’t you go to bed earlier? That’s not enough sleep. Ed:I’m doing renovations for a new customer, Brian Fisher… Beth:Brian Fisher? The Brian Fisher that owns the public relations company? Vocabulary, page 75 1 1. negligence 2 Ed: Yes. He’s just bought a new property. Do you know him? Beth:His agency did an advertising campaign for the company I work for. You weren’t doing renovations until 2.00 in the morning, were you? Ed:No, I was looking at the figures for my business. I was looking at my accounts, income, expenses, cash flow statement, that kind of thing. Beth: Why do you need the money? 3 4 Ed:Yes, but this equipment is on sale at the moment. The supplier is going out of business and he’s selling it at a 40% discount. Beth:Sounds good. You should take advantage of that! 5. promotion 3. striking 6. assets 1. traffic 6. option 2. renovation 7. demand 3. profitable 8. misunderstanding 9. original 10. concerned 1. c 3. a 5. a 7. b 2. b 4. c 6. a 8. c 1. compatible 5. competitor 2. courtesy 6. gross 3. feedback 7. current 4. entrepreneur 8. effective page 76 5 Beth:Interest rates are high in comparison to last year. Beth: If you wait, they might decrease. 2. interviewee 5. collateral Ed: I want to buy new equipment. Ed:I know. This isn’t a good time to take out a loan. 1. deny 6. prevent 2. withdraw 7. regret 3. allow 8. owe 4. own 9. persuade 5. survive 6 10. increase 1. b 3. a 5. b 7. a 2. c 4. a 6. b 8. c Functional Language 1. f 3. g 5. a 7. j 9. c 2. d 4. e 6. b 8. i 10. h Ed: I’m worried that I can’t afford the repayments. Beth: Have you actually been into the bank? Ed:Not yet. I’m going to do that soon. But first, I’m going to have a cup of coffee! 100 4. borrow 4. venture Beth:Any special reason? Ed:Yes, I want to take out a loan. I was trying to decide if I can afford the repayments. 5. F 2. you need to understand them , page 73 Ed: I am. I went to sleep at 2.00 this morning and was up again at 6.00. Units 13-16 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Answer Key Listening Comprehension 9 , page 77 Emma: This is Your Business, the show for small business owners. Today, I’m interviewing Dan Holt, an accountant who advises small business owners. Welcome, Dan! Dan: Thank you, Emma. Today, we’re going to talk about mistakes that new business owners make because they don’t want to spend a lot of money when they start their business. Vocabulary, page 79 1 1. bother Emma: You’ll have to explain that! Dan: Well, for example, many people start a business without doing any market research at all. These businesses often fail. It’s important to invest in market research. You need to find out if your new business offers a product or service that people really want. It’s not enough to ask your family and friends. You must ask prospective customers. Also, find out about their buying habits. Do they make online purchases or do they prefer to go into a shop and see for themselves? Emma: Do you have to hire a market research company to do all this? Dan: There are a number of ways to find out about your target population. For example, ... Emma: Dan, I know our listeners can’t wait to hear your suggestions, but we’ve got a short commercial break. We’ll be right back after the commercial ... 1 1.an accountant who advises small business owners 2. new business owners 4. prospective customers’ 5. market research company 6. the commercial break 2.ways to delegate work 3.she understands what is 4. his boss is always criticising his work 9. prove 5. relaxed 2 10. irrelevant 1. revolution 6. challenge 2. chain 7. reality 3. force 8. inspiration 4. crisis 3 4 9. implementation 5. substitute 10. input 1. difficulties 5. skills 2. responsibility 6. suppliers 3. enhance 7. weaknesses 4. idea 8. contribution 1. step back 5. pull together 2. a broader perspective 6. point of view 3. team spirit 7. led to 4. set aside 8. work things out page 80 5 6 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 1. vision 5. estimate 2. unmotivated 6. strenuous 3. prioritise 7. clue 4. bond 8. advisor 6. c Functional Language 1. f 3. d 5. a 7. g 9. h 2. c 4. j 6. e 8. i 10. b Listening Comprehension 10 , page 81 Ella: Have you started your new job yet, Mark? Mark: Yes, I started last week. Ella: What are you doing? Mark: Yes, we do treasure hunts too, but we also have other activities. I’m running a workshop for Aldo’s on Monday. Units 17-18 Reading Comprehension, page 78 1 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 2 1. have problems at work 8. overrated Ella: You mean like treasure hunts and survival weekends? We had a survival weekend in the last company I worked for. Our boss thought it would help our team bond as a group. 1, 3 9 7. stressed 3. discipline Mark: I’m working for Team Bright. They run these activities for companies to help increase team spirit. 3. start a business 2 2. distractions 4. socialise Emma: Are you saying new business owners worry about saving money when they should actually be spending more money? Dan: Yes, I am. You see, it can take two years for a business to become profitable, so it’s easy to understand why owners are concerned about wasting money. But many new companies go out of business simply because they don’t spend money! 6. encourages 5. b Ella: Aldo’s? Mark: They’re a chain of Mexican restaurants in the US. They’re opening their first branch in the UK next month. I think they’re overrated, but they’re very popular. Ella: Why does a restaurant want to do these teambuilding activities? 5. look for a new job BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 101 Tests Answer Key Mark: Restaurants often have a high turnover of staff. It doesn’t encourage good working relationships, so Aldo’s management decided to do a social activity for the staff before the restaurant opens. Ella: That sounds good to me. They’re being proactive. What activities are you going to do? Mark: Well, we haven’t finished planning it but as the staff are all new, I thought I’d start with something to break the ice and encourage people to talk to each other. Ella: And then? Mark: We haven’t decided yet. Aldo’s want to do some sort of conflict resolution activity. 2 3 4 4. a conflict resolution 2. workshop 5. relaxed 3. before 2 1.They run activities for companies to increase team spirit. 2. A survival weekend. 3.It’s overrated. 5. It’s too serious. 1. d 5. b 2. a 6. e 3. f 7. c 4. h 8. g 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 3. vocational course 4. current job 5. Bachelor’s degree 5 1. managerial skills 6. point of view 2. fast learner 7. set aside 3. good at multitasking 8. caught off guard 4. flexible about hours 9. In the light of 5. step back 6 1. b 2. c 10. put out fires 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b Functional Language, page 85 1. a 3. c 5. a 7. a 9. b 2. a 4. c 6. b 8. c 10. c 11 Emma: Really? Why? 2. round the clock Joe: There were these terrible team bonding activities which are supposed to encourage you to get along better with your co-workers. Emma: Do you mean like when you go off into the wild and have to survive as a team? 3. photocopying 4. part-time 5. an hour 1.They work round the clock and they feel constantly stressed. 2. Jim is worried about the extra expense. 3. It won’t grow. 4. You will be able to see if the person is suitable. 5. 20 hours a month 102 8. inspiration Joe: It was awful! Units 17-20 Vocabulary, page 83 1 1. easy-going 4. advanced Emma: Oh, hi, Joe. How was the workshop at your company? Reading Comprehension, page 82 1 1. computer business 2 7. cooperate Listening Comprehension 4. High turnover of staff. 10 6. fire 3. aspects 2. bargaining power Mark: That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell Aldo’s! 1. last week 2. bonuses 1. treasure hunt Mark: No, but it’s a bit too serious. I think it’s more important for employees to socialise and get to know each other. 1 5. substitute page 84 Ella: Is there something wrong with that? Ella: I agree! If the staff feel relaxed with each other, there will be fewer conflicts! 1. headquarters Joe: We didn’t have to find our way out of a forest but there were other activities that were just as bad. Emma: For example? Joe: Well, to break the ice they paired each of us with someone from another department. I was with Tim from Marketing. Emma: Tim from Marketing? Joe: Yes. I don’t know him well, but I really don’t like him. 5. shift work 2. unmotivated 6. identify 3. female 7. retirement benefits 4. praise 8. bond Emma: What did you have to do? Joe: We had to tell each other what had been the worst moment in our lives. Why should I tell someone I don’t really know or like about my personal life? BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Tests Answer Key page 88 Emma: Well, couldn’t you invent a story? Joe: I wanted to, but I couldn’t think of anything. I’m not very creative. 4 Emma: We had a laughter workshop at my company last week. Joe: What did you do? Emma: We did exercises to make us laugh and reduce stress. Like you, I don’t usually enjoy these group activities. I don’t see how they help us improve our interpersonal relationships in the workplace, but this one was actually fun. We all felt a lot more relaxed afterwards. 5 6 Joe: Sounds interesting. Perhaps I’ll suggest it to my manager for next year. 1 2 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c 2. Marketing 5. more relaxed Reading Comprehension, page 86 1 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 2 1.there is any suspicious activity on your premises 2. £70 3. less than an hour 4. leave a message 5.Homesafe also alerts him to normal activities. 5. domestic 2. replay 6. enclosure 3. access 7. modify 4. attachment 8. calmly 1. b 5. c 2. a 6. a 3. c 7. a 4. b 3 1. d 8. b 2. a 3. e 6. inconvenience 3. confirmed 7. menu 4. convention 8. store 1. job application 5. introduce 2. trust 6. priority 3. summarise 7. orientation meeting 4. objection 8. ensure 1. show you around 5. good condition 2. put you through 6. small talk 3. screen your calls 7. minimise costs 4. credit your account 8. go over 1. j 3. h 5. i 7. e 9. c 2. f 4. a 6. d 8. g 10. b 4. b 12 , page 89 Eddie: What’s the matter Jo? You look exhausted! Jo: I am, Eddie. I’m doing everyone’s work. Our administrative assistant, Tina, is on maternity leave and Sue has been out of the office all week. Eddie: Where’s Sue? Is she ill? Jo: No, she’s representing our company at the International Food Exhibition in China! Eddie: You only started the company 10 months ago and you’re already going to international exhibitions. That’s great! Jo: We’re really pleased. We didn’t expect to be successful so soon. Sales are increasing and Sue is talking about expanding the business. She wants to open an office in China! Eddie: Wow! What do you think? Jo: I’m not sure. I think we should wait. It’s too soon. I don’t want to take the risk now. That’s the difference between Sue and me. She doesn’t mind taking risks. I know we’re doing well in England, but we need to learn more about the Chinese market before we open an office there. Eddie: It’s not so easy running your own business, is it? Well, I’m sure Sue’s learning a lot at the exhibition. Have you spoken to her? Jo: Yes, she’s met a lot of people who seem interested in selling our products. She’s also given out lots of promotional material, and she’s even set up three or four meetings. Eddie: Chinese people want to sell your products? That’s great! I’m sure Sue is right about the Chinese office. She’s an excellent businesswoman. Go with her decisions! Midterm Test Units 1-12 2 2. shredder Listening Comprehension 4. the laughter workshop Vocabulary, page 87 1 1. luxurious 5. increase Functional Language 1. bond / get along better 3. a story 1. unavailable 5. c 1. body language 2. light refreshments 3. product manual 4. special offer 5. boarding pass 1 1. maternity leave 4. doesn’t mind 2. going to 5. selling their products 3. open BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 103 Tests Answer Key 2 1. exhausted Listening Comprehension 2. Tina 4. 10 months 5. three or four Final Test Units 1-20 5. DS 2. he transferred more funds to his account 3. lent him money 4. solve the problem immediately 5. 10 years ago Vocabulary, page 91 1 1. neutral 2 3 4 5. host 2. permanent 6. deduction 3. gather 7. headquarters 4. laughter 8. suffer 1. delete 5. collaborate 2. column 6. investor 3. width 7. profits 4. reliable 8. empower 1. encrypted 5. reality 2. interrupting 6. stopover 3. pay off 7. distractions 4. injured 8. fluent 1. h 5. b 2. g 6. a 3. e 7. c 4. f 8. d Peter: I’m at an off-site meeting on Wednesday morning, but the afternoon is OK. Now, what happened here while I was away? Did anyone apply for the position of administrative assistant? Lisa: Yes. We’ve had 20 job applications! Peter: Wow. Have you gone through them yet? Lisa: Yes, I have. Peter: And … ? Lisa: There’s one candidate I think we should invite for an interview. I’ll send you the candidate’s CV in a moment. page 92 5 1. e 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c Peter: Great. Thanks. 1. credit rating 2. conference call 1 3. overweight luggage 3. Marketing 5. special instructions 4. administrative assistant 5. the candidate’s CV 1. retirement benefits 5. broader perspective 2. standing order 6. returns policy 3. opening remarks 7. waiting list 4. registered mail 8. interest rate 2 1. hotels 2. The Marketing Director of Cleanaway. 3. excellent 4. at an off-site meeting Functional Language 104 1. quiet 2. competitor 4. attendance list 6 , page 93 Lisa: Hi, Peter. Welcome back. How was the convention? Peter: Thanks, Lisa. The first day was very quiet, but after we gave our workshop, a lot of people showed interest in our cleaning products. Lisa: That’s great. Peter:Yes. A few big hotels placed orders. But we mustn’t forget about our new competitor. Lisa: Cleanaway? Peter:Yes, Cleanaway. They’re running a very effective advertising campaign and they’ve just lowered their prices. I met their Marketing Director at the convention. He’s quite dynamic. Lisa: You’re not concerned about the company, are you? Peter:No, not in the long-term. Our company is profitable and I think we’ll be fine. Lisa: Our prices are higher than Cleanaway’s, but our customers know our cleaning products are of an excellent quality. Peter:That’s true. The quality of our products is excellent. Anyway, I want to hold a meeting with Marketing this week. Let’s try for Thursday. I don’t have anything scheduled then. Lisa: I’m afraid the conference room is booked all day on Thursday. How about Wednesday? 3. International Food Exhibition Reading Comprehension, page 90 1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. DS 2 1. £1,000 13 1. a 3. b 5. c 7. c 9. b 2. c 4. a 6. a 8. b 10. c 5. 20 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Speaking Tasks 105 Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 1 Student A: L ook at the floor plan of the Miller office building below. Give Student B directions to places on your floor plan. Continue until you have completed the missing information on your floor plan. J.T. Max Ltd. Sportswear Lester Brothers Lawyers Coffee 2 go Babysmart Children’s Toy Importer Stairs Coffee 2 go Toilets Sure Cam Security Lift Ground Floor Stairs Toilets Ground Floor Lift Student B: Look at the floor plan of the Miller office building below. Give Student A directions to places on your floor plan. Continue until you have completed the missing information on your floor plan. DocuServe Office Supplies Smith & Jones Tax Consultants Entrance Entrance Unit 2 Student A: Y ou work at Top Deal office suppliers. Phone your customer with information about your latest special offers. Then take their order. Top Deal Special Offers for July Only! • Paper Clips (box 200 units) – £1.50 • Highlighters – orange only (packet 4 units) – £4.00 • Scissors (packet 2 units) – £3.00 • Staplers (small only) – £1.50 • Sticky Tape (packet 4 units) – £5.00 Student B: L isten to the special offers from Top Deal office suppliers. Look at your list of supplies to order and decide what to order. Office supplies to order: - Paper clips (2 boxes) - Highlighters – green or yellow - 2 small staplers - Computer paper - Scissors – 4 pairs (2 packets) Top Deal Order Form: £ £ £ £ Total £ 106 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 3 Student A: Y ou are a new employee. Call the IT department to ask for help in accessing the company Intranet. Make notes for future reference. Student B: Y ou work in the IT department. Help the new employee, using the information in the chart. Company Intranet Step 1: Double click on the yellow star icon. Step 2: Choose Landmark2. Step 3: Username: type KatieG Unit 4 Student A: Y ou are a new mailroom clerk. Ask questions about the company’s systems for postal material and complete the chart. Student B: Y ou are a mailroom clerk. Answer the new worker’s questions about mailing procedures at your company. Use the information below. Sending Fragile Items: 1. 2. 3. Sending Contracts: Sending Catalogues: 1. Fragile items (clocks, glassware, etc.) must be wrapped in two layers of bubble’s wrap and placed in a cardboard box. 2. Place customer invoice inside box with article. 3. Check addressee name, address and purchase before sealing box. 4. Contracts and quotes to be sent by registered mail. 5. Catalogues to be sent by regular post. Unit 5 Student A: L isten to your business partner’s proposal. Ask questions to complete your notes. Then think of possible problems and decide if it’s a secure investment. Product: Source: Advantages: Disadvantages: Possible problems: Student B: T ell your business partner about a business opportunity that you think will help your business expand. Use the information below. Product: Mimoletta cheese Source: Les Deux Vaches, France Advantages: • Mimoletta not yet available in this country • Expected profit: 12% • Manufacturer agrees easy payment terms on first order • Established supplier Disadvantages: • Not sure local consumers will like this cheese • Manufacturer won’t sell small quantities BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 107 Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 6 Student A: Y ou phone Clarkson’s Papermill to speak to Mr Jakes. You need to speak to him about an order that hasn’t arrived. Student B: Y ou are the receptionist at Clarkson’s Papermill. Explain that Mr Jakes isn’t in the office and offer to take a message. Complete the message form below. Time: Date: Message for: From: Message: - Clarkson’s Papermill - Unit 7 Student A: Y ou need to reschedule a meeting at Compuserve between your manager, Ms Brigman, and Mr Johnson. Phone the Compuserve offices to reschedule, using the information below. Ms Brigman’s Schedule Monday, 3rd April 9:00 – 10:00 Meeting with Mr Johnson, Compuserve cancelled 10:00 – 11:00 11:00 – 12:00 Workshop with Sheila M 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch with Monier clients 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:00 15:00 - 16:00 Feedback meeting 108 Student B: Y ou are in charge of scheduling meetings at Compuserve. Use the information below to reschedule the meeting. Mr Johnson’s Schedule Monday, 3rd April cancelled 9:00 – 10:00Meeting with Ms Brigman 10:00 – 11:00 Conference call to offices in Japan 11:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 Presentation to Sales Reps 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 15:00 15:00 – 16:00 Feedback meeting BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 8 Student A: A sk and answer questions with your partner to complete the minutes for a team meeting that was held to organise a workshop. Then complete the actions in the chart. Date: Time: Location: Present: Absent: 9.30 am Boardroom #2, 3rd floor Judy Morrow (Marketing and Sales) ) Malik Sheraz ( Ruby Howson (Financial Director’s PA) Carl Redburn (Production) Task Assigned to 1. Time Frame Ruby Howson 2. Venue and catering 19th June (HR) 3. Andrew Robins (Marketing) 4. Plan four workshops Dave Woolich ( 22nd June ) 22nd June Student B: A sk and answer questions with your partner to complete the minutes for a team meeting that was held to organise a workshop. Then complete the actions in the chart. Date: Time: Location: Present: Absent: 12th June, 2014 Judy Morrow (Marketing and Sales) Malik Sheraz (Human Resources) (Financial Director’s PA) Carl Redburn (Production) Task Assigned to 1. Prepare budget Ruby Howson 2. Malik Sheraz (HR) (Marketing) 3. Product exhibition 4. Plan four workshops Time Frame 21st June 22nd June Dave Woolich (Marketing) Unit 9 You and your partner work for a pharmaceutical company. You have to prepare a proposal of what to include at a booth that your company will be setting up at an exhibition. Discuss the following and decide on three ideas: posters / banners / free samples / brochures / video materials BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 109 Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 10 Student A: Y ou are a hotel reservations clerk. Ask the client questions to complete the reservations form. Student B: You call the Orchid Hotel to make a reservation. Answer the reservations clerk’s questions using the information below. Orchid Hotel -Reservations Form- David and Sue Green + 2 children Address: 27 Walburton Road, Manchester Nationality: British Require: 2 standard rooms (non-smoking) 3-7 June Name: Address: Country: Reservation: Arrival date: Departure date: No. of adults: No. of children: Room Type: Smoking / Non-smoking Standard / Deluxe / Suite Unit 11 Student A: Y ou are the HR Director at SmartSystems. Answer Student B’s questions using the information below. SmartSystems oliday Leave: Each employee is entitled H to 21 days paid leave a year. Requests for leave need to be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. Sick days: Each employee is entitled to 15 days paid sick leave. Security Procedures: Employees must clock in and clock out each time they enter or leave the building. Employees must follow a “clean-desk” policy. All employees must wear an electronic name tag at all times. Student B: Y ou are a new employee at SmartSystems. Ask the HR Director questions and complete the notes below. Dear Employee: Welcome to SmartSystems. Please see below for our policies regarding holiday and sick leave, as well as our security procedures. Holiday Leave • number of days: • request for leave: Sick Leave • number of days: Security Procedures 1. 2. 3. SmartSystems 110 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 12 Student A: Y ou are Head of Customer Service. You need to speak to Vicky, a Customer Service Representative, about her work performance. Use the information below. Note: speak to Vicky as soon as possible!! - she doesn’t transfer calls to the correct person; interrupts customers; doesn’t allow customers to explain their problem. Student B: Y ou are Vicky, a Customer Service Representative. Listen to the Head of Customer Service’s complaints and explain your work performance. Use the points below and add your own ideas. • customers are often rude • I have many customers to speak to - I can’t spend a lot of time on the phone. • I’ve been more careful recently about transferring calls. Unit 13 Student A: Y ou own a company that produces snack foods. You want a market survey done to find out about the snacking habits of 20-25 year olds. Ask a market researcher about the options available to you and decide which one you will use. Options available: Student B: Y ou are a market researcher. Answer student A’s questions about the various market survey options below and advise him / her on which option to use. * street survey * telephone survey * online survey * e-mail survey * personal interviews (focus groups) Advantages of each: Unit 14 Student A: Y ou are thinking of buying a small art and printing shop. Ask an investment analyst what aspects of the business you need to check before deciding whether or not to buy it. Make notes. Student B: Y ou are an investment analyst. Answer Student A’s questions and give advice about the type of things he / she must check before buying the business. Talk about: * The company’s balance sheet (liabilities and assets) * Amount of inventory BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 111 Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 15 Student A: Y ou own a small bakery. You want to expand your business and open a café. Ask your account manager about a small business loan and complete the notes. Student B: Y ou are an account manager. Discuss the possibility of a small business loan with your customer and complete the notes. Angel’s Bakery Fensham High Street Need a loan of £8,000 to buy tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery and professional coffee machine. Repayment terms: will repay within 3 years Check interest rates – fixed or variable? How long before I need to start repayments? Meeting with J Rebus, owner of Amount requested: £ Reason for loan: Repayment terms: at fixed interest rate Note: 30 days grace period before repayments start. No need for personal guarantee if amount below £10,000. Do I need to supply personal guarantee? Unit 16 Student A: Y ou and your partner own a toy shop. You want to set up a website to sell your products online. Tell your partner about the advantages of setting up a website and answer his / her questions. Student B: Y ou aren’t sure you want to invest money in an online shop. Ask your partner questions. Student A and B should think about the following issues. »»How will we secure payments? »»How will we deal with suppliers? »»Who will design the website? »»How will we keep customers interested in the site? 112 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 17 Student A: Y our cosmetics company’s sales figures have fallen during the past year and you need to come up with ideas to market your brand. Discuss the ideas below with your partner and decide on a marketing strategy together. Add ideas of your own. Student B: Your cosmetics company’s sales figures have fallen during the past year and you need to come up with ideas to market your brand. Discuss the ideas below with your partner and decide on a marketing strategy together. Add ideas of your own. • Hire a famous model • Sponsor a local music event or fashion show • Give out free samples • Advertise on local radio • Advertise in teen magazines • Design young, trendy packaging • • • • Unit 18 Student A: Y ou and your partner are managers of a chain of arts and crafts shops. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart with the problems and possible marketing strategies. Student B: Y ou and your partner are managers of a chain of arts and crafts shops. Ask and answer questions to complete the chart with the problems and possible marketing strategies. ARTA ARTA Problems: •M any customers have started buying online from competitors. • • Problems: • Many of the art supplies are intended for professionals and are expensive. • • Customers are not always aware of new products. Possible Strategies: • Create a cheaper line of products for children and non-professionals. • • Offer afternoon or evening courses to demonstrate new products. Possible Strategies: • • Set up a website to sell products online. • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 113 Additional Speaking Tasks Unit 19 Student A: Y ou are the HR Director and are interviewing a candidate for a job as a team manager. Ask questions to complete the interview form below. Then discuss work hours and benefits. Interview Form Job title: Team manager – real estate development, sector 12 Name: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Education: secondary school university vocational Skills: Languages: Work Experience: Interviewer: Date: Impressions: Job Information Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30-5.00 Saturday 9.30-12.30 Starting salary: £60,000 per annum Holiday leave: 21 days Paid sick leave: 14 days Student B: Y ou are applying for a job as a team manager. Answer your partner’s questions. Use the information below. Then ask questions about work hours, salary and benefits to complete the form. Interview Form Job title: Team manager – real estate development, sector 12 Name: Sue Jones Address: 21 Walnut Lane, Ifield Telephone: 053 6578 9822 E-mail: [email protected] Education: university secondary school ✓ vocational Skills: excellent negotiating skills Languages: English (native), Italian (second language) Work experience: junior manager, Romax Estate Agents (3 years); Cobra Estates, trainee estate agent (2 years) Job Information Hours: Monday-Friday Saturday Starting salary: Holiday leave: Paid sick leave: 114 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks 115 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 1 An e-mail welcoming a new employee Write an e-mail to an employee welcoming him / her to the company. Include: your name and position in the company a short explanation of the structure of the company the names of departmental heads information about the company cafeteria, gym and any other employee facilities Remember to wish the new employee good luck in his / her job. To: From: Subject: , Useful Language Welcome to ... I’d like to describe ... ... is the CEO. The ... department has got ... The employee facilities include ... If you have any questions, please contact ... Wishing you good luck in your new job. Best wishes 116 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 2 An e-mail to new customers Write an e-mail to prospective new customers introducing your company. Include: the service/s you offer examples of prices your terms of payment special offers for new customers To: From: Subject: , Useful Language Our company supplies ... We specialise in ... We have been in business since ... We guarantee ... We are offering new customers ... Our payment terms are ... We deliver within ... days. We offer cash discounts of ... %. We have special offers on ... Sincerely / Yours sincerely / Regards BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 117 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 5 An e-mail to confirm shipping arrangements Write an e-mail to a customer confirming a shipment of goods that you have sent to them. Include: a brief description of the cargo the date it was shipped the port from where it was shipped the estimated date of arrival the port of arrival To: From: Subject: , Useful Language According to the shipping documents / our agreement, ... The cargo contained ... The cargo was shipped on ... The port of origin was ... The port of arrival is ... The estimated date of arrival is ... If you have any questions regarding this shipment, please contact ... Thanking you in advance / Sincerely / Regards 118 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 7 An e-mail about a scheduled meeting Write an e-mail informing your team of an upcoming meeting. Include: the date, time and place of the meeting the purpose of the meeting a short agenda the date by which team members need to confirm their attendance To: From: Subject: , Useful Language The ... meeting will take place on ... The meeting will start promptly at ... ... will be giving a presentation on ... We will also hear / learn about ... We will break for lunch / tea at ... Please confirm your attendance by ... Looking forward to our meeting. Yours sincerely BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 119 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 8 An e-mail to cancel and reschedule a meeting Write an e-mail cancelling and rescheduling a meeting. Include: the date and time of the original meeting as well as the names of the participants suggestions for alternative dates and times To: From: Subject: , Useful Language Unfortunately, we cannot hold the ... meeting on ... , as originally planned. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the meeting ... This is due to the fact that ... We would like to reschedule on ... or ... If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you. 120 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 9 An e-mail extending an invitation Write an e-mail inviting employees to an exhibition. Include: what the exhibition is about when and where it will take place what people can expect to see there why you think employees will find the exhibition interesting or helpful with their work a contact name and number for further enquiries To: From: Subject: , Useful Language Come and participate in ... You are invited to attend ... The exhibition will take place from ... to ... The exhibition will take place at ... It will feature ... The exhibition attracts ... The event will be of interest to ... The exhibition offers professionals the opportunity to ... For more information, contact ... BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 121 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 10 An e-mail with suggested itinerary Write an e-mail with a suggested itinerary for a company employee. Ask the employee for approval of the suggested itinerary. Include: details of outbound journey (date, time, place) date and time of arrival at destination details of hotel/s details of meetings (day, time, place and people who will be present) details of return journey To: From: Subject: , Useful Language Here are the final details of your trip to ... Your flight leaves on ... at ... Its time of arrival is ... An executive suite has been booked for you at ... While you’re there, ... will look after you. On ... , you’re going to have dinner with ... Your return flight is on ... at ... You’ll land in ... at ... We have arranged for a taxi to pick you up at ... I hope everything is to your satisfaction. If there are any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Bon voyage. Have a good trip. 122 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 12 A letter of complaint Write a letter of complaint about faulty merchandise. Include: the reason you are writing the letter the item you purchased where and when you bought it what is wrong with it the action you expect to be taken / compensation , , Useful Language I am writing with regard to ... I wish to complain about ... The invoice number is ... Unfortunately, we only received ... The ... was missing / is faulty / arrived late. You have made a mistake with the ... You have overcharged me for the ... Please send us a new order immediately. This has caused us great inconvenience. I feel that you should offer us some form of compensation. Please look into the matter as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 123 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 13 A short product description Write a short description of a new product created by your company. Include: a statement of what the product is who will find it useful what is special about it where the product is sold Useful Language ... is one of our new products for ... It’s made of ... It comes in a variety of colours / styles / sizes ... It has got ... Its unique features include ... You can use it to ... It is ideal for ... It comes with a ... guarantee. It is sold in / at ... 124 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 14 A marketing report Write a marketing report using the information in the chart below. Include: A summary of increases / decreases in sales Areas where the product is the most / least successful Predictions for sales in the coming year Sunbeam Car Ports Product Market Sales Jan.-June* Sales July-Dec.* Forecast for next year* SCP Basic Northern Europe 12,500 19,000 40,000 SCP Basic Asia 18,000 25,000 55,000 SCP Pro Northern Europe 12,000 8,000 10,000 SCP Pro Asia 19,500 10,000 13,000 * Number of units Useful Language This has been / hasn’t been a very successful year for ... The figures indicate that ... Sales have increased / decreased to ... in ... Our largest market ... Sales in ... rose / dropped significantly. Next year, we expect / don’t expect this trend to continue. The forecast is that sales will ... The forecast for next year is / isn’t very good / encouraging. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 125 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 17 An e-mail requesting information Send an e-mail to the Human Resources Department, asking whether they are hiring new employees in your field. Include: a description of the type of job you are interested in a short resume of your qualifications and / or previous work experience your contact details To: From: Subject: , Useful Language I am looking for a job / position that involves ... I am interested in working with ... My past work experience includes ... I have a degree / diploma in ... If you have any openings available, please contact me at the above e-mail address. 126 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Additional Writing Tasks Name: 18 An e-mail of congratulations Write an e-mail to a work colleague congratulating him / her on a successful marketing campaign. Include: the campaign your colleague was responsible for something about your colleague’s work skills and / or personal qualities wishes for your colleague’s continued success To: From: Subject: , Useful Language I was pleased to hear the campaign was a success. Congratulations on your marketing campaign! It comes as no surprise. Well done on a great job! I know you worked really hard. They certainly chose the best person for the job. I wish you every success in the future. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 127 Additional Writing Tasks Name: 19 An e-mail requesting information Write an e-mail requesting information about a job you saw advertised. Include: the job you are referring to where you saw the job advertised / how you heard about the job a request for more details To: From: Subject: , Useful Language I am writing in response to the advert for ... in ... I saw the position advertised in ... I am interested in applying for the position ... I would like some further information. I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions: I would appreciate it if you could give me more details regarding ... Does the work involve ... ? Are you willing to ... ? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely 128 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books Workbook Answer Key: Say It! 2 1. Tú eres responsable de recibir a las visitas. 2.Debes pedir suministros nuevos cuando sea necesario. 3. ¿Escribirías a ordenador esta carta, por favor? 4.Me gustaría encargar algunos suministros, por favor. 5. ¿Cuánto cuesta cada paquete? 6. ¿Qué tipo quiere? 7. Nos hemos quedado sin grapas. 8. Debería llegar para mañana a las 9:00. 6 1. ¿Puedo preguntar quién llama? 2.Tengo entendido que Richard Adams estaba buscándome. 3.Lo pasaré con nuestra directora de compras, la Sra. Riley. 4.Uno de los representantes de ventas intentó ayudarnos. 5.Solo tenemos en cuenta ofertas recibidas por escrito. 6.El Sr. Spencer no está disponible actualmente, pero me ha detallado los temas. 10 1.Me temo que primera clase está totalmente reservada. 2.¿Puedo conseguir la asignación de asiento ahora? 3. La facturación es dos horas antes del vuelo. 4.Estamos mirando diferentes hoteles para un viaje de negocios. 5. ¿Cuáles son sus tarifas? 6. ¿Qué tipo de cocina sirven? 12 1.Me temo que ha habido quejas de clientes sobre ti. 2. Eso no es excusa. 3. Fuiste muy impaciente y la interrumpiste. 4.Debes encargarte de las reclamaciones de clientes con profesionalidad. 5. Lo apreciamos como cliente. 6.Esto tendrá graves consecuencias para nuestro negocio. 7.Estoy seguro de que encontraremos un modo de compensarle por la molestia. 8. Estaré en contacto con usted. 18 1. Me parece bien. 2.El problema es que no puedo tomar todas las decisiones. 3. Otro asunto es la falta de tiempo. 4. ¡Está claro que eso nos ahorrará tiempo! 5. ¿Qué es lo que más te preocupa? 6. Hay algunos problemas que superar. 7.Debemos recopilar más información sobre esta nueva empresa de la competencia. 8.Debemos definir los asuntos claramente e intentar desglosar los problemas en problemas más pequeños. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Photocopiable © B Burlington Books 129