TEACHING I Presented by: • Dayanna Cubillos • Diana Peña https://unipanamericanaeduco.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/PRACTICETEACHING1/EnVNpGiyhE9BvqAojENq6gBdvkvOmVNkyaYVIvQmgmttw?e=g5RRkO What is the Total Physical Response method(TPR It is a teaching scheme that combines speech with action and proposes teaching the language through physical activity The method is related to the theory of memory in psychology Its objective is to develop oral competence in the second language at initial levels Characteristics The acquisition of skills in another language can be assimilated more quickly if the kinesthetic-sensory system is stimulated. Compression and memory have very good results if they are through fine and gross motor skills. Origins of the Total Physical Response Method Developed by J. Asher, professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California, the method is related to the theory of memory in psychology. A connection to memory may be stronger if it is established through verbal repetition or through association with motor activity. Role of the teacher The teacher plays an active role as he directs the actions that learners perform. Role of the students Students have little influence on the content of learning, their basic roles consist of listening carefully and responding physically to the commands of the teacher. CLIL Method (Content Integrated Learning and Foreign Language) CLIL integrates both content learning and language learning. Using the CLIL, students learn one or more of their subjects in the specific language, often in English, but sometimes in a second language CLIL has three main characteristics: ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE CLIL HAS ITS ORIGIN IN DIFFERENT SOCIO-LINGUISTIC AND POLITICAL CONTEXTS CLIL IS AN APPROACH THAT INVOLVES THE DEVELOPMENT Author: 1994 by David Marsh What methodology do you use? CLIL / CLIL teaching is student centered and very flexible. The role of the teacher has 3 steps: 01 The first element is content 02 The second is communication 03 Cognition is the third element Student role Help students work independently