Subido por Milena Stoyanova


Discover How to be Free of
Restriction Series using the Tarot
• T arot Discoveries How To Free A Narcissist From Your Thoughts
• T arot Discoveries How To Free A Co-Dependent Relationship
• T arot Discoveries How To Engage Love & Creation (Manifesting)
You’re an Intuitive-Sensitive so you feel jumpy sometimes,
hyper aware and forever on the lookout to make sure you
can live a calm life. You’ve been so used to this it’s been your
normal for longer than you can remember.
This level of awareness has served you well, it’s taught
you about truth, about love and it’s taught you about
connection. You’ve watched how people are desperate
to have what you have; a calmness, a gentleness and
a distinct lack of restlessness. You’ve noticed generally how
scared people are and how they are obsessed with what
others think. You remember how you used to be that way.
Now you want to keep it that way, you like the calm,
you like the really not minding what others think,
you want to stay away from drama but keep an openness
of connection to others. However, it’s easy to appear
aloof or superior if you don’t keep a balance between
self-protection and becoming stand-offish.
You’re in that transition phase of
moving from being stressed in your world over
to the ‘how can I help other people’ world. You can see
how what you’ve learned is something powerful for
others but you want to protect yourself from not only
drama, but from meanness too.
Using the tarot, this series of online workshops will help you
free yourself from restriction, frustration and stagnation
into your life finding a new sense of balance, expression and
creation, a feeling outside of the hamster wheel of panic.
There are three to choose from, choose them individually or
take up the special price offer for all three. You will receive
instructions and worksheets prior to the sessions.
Do you have to know the tarot? No you don’t. All you need
is a desire to escape the tightness of feeling frustrated by
restriction. Go ahead now and choose your workshops.
Online Workshop: Tarot Discoveries How To Free A Narcissist From Your Thoughts
You’re ready now to leave parts of the past that have
haunted the quietness of your private thoughts. The times
you’ve felt devalued, diminished and outright embarrassed.
Sometimes it’s just sneaked up on you, other times people
have triggered it, a snigger here and there, looking at their
watch when you’re talking.
Reminders of early life smallness, childhood bullying,
full of themselves relationships with emotionally immature
partners who broke your heart, all create an inner pressure
of ‘will I ever feel good enough?’
What if you could bypass inadequacy? What if you knew
straight up that you’re right when you feel something is off?
How different would life have been if you’d walked away
the moment someone became a bit iffy or even better,
if you knew how to retort without creating wounds?
You probably wouldn’t be carrying ‘never good enough’ and
you would have done those things you always wanted to do.
Now you can get to that place of feeling secure,
valued and in your own power by understanding how to
recognise narcissistic behaviour in others using the tarot.
No more guessing games or wondering if it’s you.
No more obsessing over whether they like you or not or
why they’re ‘funny with you.’ You’ll get to shake off any
shivery shame and refocus, back to what you want,
what you’re best at.
When: Friday 19th November 2021
6.30pm – 8pm UK Time LIVE and
Replay available within 24hrs
Free From Narc £149
All 3 of Series £295
Have to know the tarot? No
Tarot you recommend? Shadowscapes
Online Workshop: Tarot Discoveries How To Free A Co-Dependent Relationship
You’re ready now to relinquish control of relationships that
leave you with a sinking feeling, a longing and a sense of
unrequited love. You really want to let go of that feeling of
desperation that you can’t control where you’ll do anything,
just anything to feel appreciated. The marriage where you
feel invisible, the relationship with your child or children, no
matter their age, where you feel taken for granted, used.
The relationship you haven’t had for years, given up on
because you’re not sure you can trust yourself not to
be desperate.
Co-dependency is a connection killer; it leaves you with
a sense of not belonging anywhere, of disconnection from
family, friends and community; a feeling of being unlovable,
saddled with the wish to be left alone forever.
Now you can get to that place of feeling you can enjoy
new relationships, excitement, emotional connection,
creativity, new experiences and a sense of empowerment
by understanding how to free co-dependent behaviour
using the tarot.
No more giving up your personal power, buried in a life
pattern of self-neglect. No more randomly losing your
peace and serenity to frightened, panicky, guilt and
shame. You’ll get to shake off low expectations and feel
empowered to expect more from life.
When: Friday 3rd December 2021
6.30pm – 8pm UK Time LIVE and
Replay available within 24hrs
BUY NOW Free From
Co-Dependence £149
All 3 of Series £295
Have to know the tarot? No
Tarot you recommend? Shadowscapes
Online Workshop: Tarot Discoveries How To Engage Love & Creation (Manifesting)
You’re ready now to express your feelings and fears so
as to avoid misunderstandings, sabotage and emotional
abandonment. You never really had a chance to ‘do it right’
because you’ve never experienced what ‘doing it right’
looked or felt like. It’s not your fault you’ve always felt
others know some secret about successful relationships and
a lucky life where everything falls in their lap,
and you don’t.
Now is the time for you to draw on your capacity to see
flaws as opportunities for growth rather than collapse, for
you to experience ‘progress not perfection’ as your new inner
chant and allow yourself to skip through the grand door of
worthiness, love and manifesting exactly what you want.
It’s not your fault others always seem to know when to
make the right move in life, whether that’s house, job or
relationship, rather than sleep walking into dithering.
When love is quiet, it’s easy to be stunned into stillness,
inactivity, procrastination and ‘stuff gathering.’
6.30pm – 8pm UK Time LIVE and
Replay available within 24hrs
Now you can get to that place of feeling you can declutter
life and you don’t have to cure life of imperfections.
Emotional connection can become more natural, creativity
can sky-rocket, new experiences can become your norm and
a sense of empowerment can be yours by understanding
how to free co-dependent behaviour using the tarot.
No more giving up your personal power, buried in a life
pattern of self-neglect. No more ‘waiting for the right
circumstances’ before you’ll allow opportunities to flourish
or assuming flaws make you unworthy.
When: Friday 17th December 2021
Love / Creation £149
All 3 of Series £295
Have to know the tarot? No
Tarot you recommend? Shadowscapes