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Byzantine Art Graphic Organizer: Analysis Template

Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #48
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #49
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #50
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #51. San Vitale. Ravenna, Italy. Early Byzantine Europe. c. 526-547 C.E.
Brick, marble, & stone veneer; mosaic.
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose,
Cultural Influences)
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Themes Related to Interpretations:
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #52
Hagia Sophia. Constantinople (Instabul). Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. 532 – 537 C. E.
Brick & Ceramic elements with stone & mosaic veneer.
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Commissioned & supervised by Justinian in
Muslims destroyed most mosaics that were
Turned from
Minarets were not original to the building, they
were an Islamic addition’ they served a purpose,
similar to church bells, men would climb up the
minarets & call people to go to church.
Power dynamics
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
 Moullions when light reflected made the dome
look like it was floating by an act of holiness.
 Byzantine Building Characteristics:
Plain exterior, brick exterior central plan, lavishly
decorated interiors, domes.
Architects: Anthemius of Tralles & Isidorus of
 Pendentive technique.
 Each half dome has 2 half domes buttressing
against them to support the building,
 Basilika characteristics:
Narthex, nave, apse, dome.
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #53 Merovingian looped fibulae. Early medieval Europe. Mid-sixth
century C.E. Silver gilt worked in filigree, with inlays of garnets & other stones.
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Could be used as a pin, to attach garnets
together, etc.
Merovingian ruled a large part
Eagle was the pagan symbol of the Sun, &
also connects to St. John who is one of the 12
_ of jesus.
In shape of a crossbow to represent warfare
of the time.
Displayed prominently.
Used as a display of status & wealth; could
even be used to identify the wearer.
Frequently found buried.
Not much writing because they were
barbarians and illiterate.
Interlacing pattern is a trap for the devil &
evil spirits.
Fish & cross are symbols of Christianity.
Interlacing & zoomorphic were barbaric
Fish & cross are Christian characteristic.
Status of wealth & religion (this specific
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Cloissonńe technique, for decorating
metalwork objects w/ colored material held
in place or separated by metal strips or wire,
normally of gold.
Has interlacing, makes it look like the outline
is knotted.
Horror vacuí, fear of empty space; they
believed that high amount of detail was
pleasing to the eye.
Zoomorphic elements, inclusion of animals;
eagle, fish.
Unit 3 Graphic Organizers
Name Paola Pita
Designate Info: Slide #54 Virgin (Theotokos) & Child between Saints Theodore &
George. Early Byzantine Europe. Sixth or early seventh century C.E. Encaustic on wood.
Contextual Analysis: (Function/Purpose, Cultural Themes Related to Interpretations:
Theotokos means bearer of Christ
Piece was worshipping The Virgin Mary; it
was illegal to create anything that
worshipped any deity other than God.
Most pieces of this style were destroyed.
Graven image.
This piece survived because it was in Egypt
and it was not under the Byzantine Empire’s
Monastery where it was kept was under
Islamic rule so it was preserved.
Depict Mary as an intercessor. You pray to
her, & she goes to God for you. (Believed at
the time)
Warrior saints, men who went to war prayed
to St. Theodore & George. Older men prayed
to Theodore (older saint) and young men
would pray to St. George (younger saint).
Women would pray to Mary.
Would get passed around & people would
touch & kiss them.
Kept in icono stasis.
Visual Analysis—Significant Formal Qualities,
STYLE, Technique, FORM, Materials
Encaustic on wood: hot wax mixed with
pigment and put on canvas or wood.
St. Theodore on the left of Mary, St. George
on the right of Mary.
Characteristic of Byzantine art displayed in
piece: lack of anatomy, purple & gold robe
(on Mary), flat, full frontal, floating, & gold
Spatial ambiguity: throne is in front of the
two saints adding depth to the piece, making
it look like Mary is in front.
Difference in style of everyone depicted;
believed to have been painted by about 3
Halos & the perspective (Saints are looking
above viewer) give the piece an, other
worldly feel, byzantine characteristic.
Virgin & child (Jesus) looking away, said to be
looking into the future.