Subido por Manuel Garcia

Hemingway Kits Engine Catalogue: Model Engines & Kits

Engine Catalogue No. E140 - October 2012
126 Dunval Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4LZ, UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1746 767739
Email: [email protected]
Hemingway Kits has been trading in the UK since 1976, providing small workshop owners with a growing range of
Workshop Accessory kits to improve productivity, capacity and accuracy. We believe strongly in the importance of well
researched and proven projects and are honoured to represent many of the world's most respected designers. It was
these same beliefs that lead us to acquire Woking Precision Models in late 2006, providing a continuing source for the
incomparable engine designs of Edgar Westbury, Laurence Sparey, G F King, Les Chenery, Eric Whittle, Colin Jones and
Len Mason.
We are proud to present the our range of classic model engines, developed for aero, marine, automotive, locomotive
and stationary scale applications. The collection includes 15 internal combustion engines of virtually every layout,
together with a growing variety of external combustion engines. We aim simply to provide the broadest and most
refined range of Engines Kits available.
Developing and exploiting the Steam Engine lead to unimaginable wealth and change – not least in Great Britain!
Like China today , from 1815 to 1870 Britain became the 'workshop of the world', producing finished good so efficiently
and cheaply that it could obliterate competition in almost every other market. In these halcyon days the UK supplied
over half the needs in manufactured goods of such nations as Germany, France, Belgium, and the United States!
To our growing range of Steam Engines we are now pleased to add Benjamin Hick's “Crank Overhead” engine, a vertical
installation which revolutionised mills and manufactories throughout the world in the 1850's.
“Induction, Compression, Ignition, Exhaust” summarises the detailed development work of Nikolaus Otto, Gottlieb
Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, Karl Benz and Rudolf Diesel during the final decades of the 19th century. The world then
In all of its many guises, the Internal Combustion (IC) engine has been more influential in promoting the development of
machine tools, precision measurement and metallurgy within the global industrial arena than any other product in the
last 100 years. This is equally true of the effect that model engines have had and are having on model engineering
practices. There can be no doubt that building a running IC engine requires patience, a methodical approach and
precision. The crisp bark of one's first IC engine springing into life places it's constructor within an elite global group. We
believe that it is the scale of this challenge that provides model engine builders with their unique satisfaction.
The Hemingway IC Engine range contains a diverse array of designs:
! 2 strokes with single transfer or Schnüerle porting
! 4 stokes with side valves, push rod driven overhead valves or full overhead cam
! Spark, glow plug and compression ignition variants
! Singles and Twins plus 4 and 8 cylinder layouts
! In-line, V and horizontally opposed construction
! Displacements from 0.63cc to 40cc
! Air cooled and water cooled cylinders and heads
! Drip, splash and forced lubrication
The commonality between the engines available from Hemingway Kits is that each has been exhaustively researched
and refined into an elegant package that has been proven to work and proven to work well.
As you read through the descriptions of each model, you'll get a flavour for which project appeals to you. Since Model
Engineers are such resourceful individuals, it would be unwise of us to predict that any of the projects are beyond the
capabilities of a novice. Never-the-less, for your first project we believe that it is particularly important for you to be
successful; one of the 2 strokes or side valve singles might prove to be a good starting point. As you progress and
become comfortable with the processes and methods involved then of course the sky's the limit and each of the projects
provides a different set of challenges and satisfactions.
Many customers purchase plans and construction notes for 2 or 3 of the engines before settling on a choice; running
through each build and visualising the set-ups required for their particular equipment.
For each engine we have listed a description of the material kit. This kit provides the constructor with the vast majority
of material required to complete the build in one sturdy box. We trust that customers will value this approach
compared with the more piecemeal availability offered in the past. In general, each kit will arrive with:
We have over 300 different foundry patterns and core boxes to support our engine range. Castings are hand poured
into treated greensand, fettled then bead blasted to improve their appearance. A majority of the major components
are poured in LM4 aluminium which can be machined at over 3 times the speed of steel, yielding an excellent surface
for gas and water-tight joints. Gunmetal castings are specified where a component has bearing surfaces and iron is
used for such parts as flywheels.
Some of our pattern equipment was first commissioned before the Second World War and we are in the process of
reconditioning and replacing patterns that have become unreliable. You may find that this creates a delay in the
availability of certain castings. Whilst delays are always regrettable we hope you will appreciate the benefits of this
approach; there is nothing quite so frustrating as discovering an insurmountable defect after several hours work on a
particular casting!
It is our intention to offer castings for the engines in complete sets rather than as individual items. However, if you
need to remake a component or if you are part way through an existing project, we will always be able to help.
Gear Blanks
4 stroke engines are designed with a 2:1 gear train to drive the camshaft from the crankshaft. Additional gears are
needed on some models to drive auxiliaries such as lubrication and coolant pumps. These gears are supplied with
accurately hobbed teeth and concentric bores. In general you will need to open the bore to suit your installation and
add tapers, bosses and keyways as per drawings.
Piston Rings
Most of the engines are specified to run with cast iron piston rings and the correct number are supplied with each kit.
The rings are fully machined, “cracked” then spread on precise formers to be heat treated in a controlled furnace over
a 20 hour period. The compressed rings are produced 0.001” oversize allowing constructors to “gap” them to suit
their cylinder bores.
Valve Springs
Valve springs are included for all 4 stroke engines. Oddly however, not all designers have specified an exact valve
spring… Westbury in particular seemed to assume that constructors would want to experiment with various wire
gauges and free lengths as they tuned their finished engines. We have researched requirements and commissioned a
number of new springs that we believe will be suitable. If you find any problems with our choice please do let us
If your chosen engine runs on ball races; you'll find these included in the material kit.
Sawn Bar Stock
Again, having researched each engine we have been able to bring together a majority of the bar material you will
require. Unless a designer has made a particular metallurgical argument, we have specified as follows:
! Crankshafts:
EN16T or EN8M high tensile steel for cranks machined from the round. EN3B steel for cranks
starting from a flat section.
! Cylinder Liners: Continuously Cast Grade 250 Meehanite Grey Iron.
! Connecting Rods: Duraluminium Rod (2014 - HE 15).
! Pistons: FM Aluminium (6082 - HE30).
! Valve Guides and Bushes: Leaded Bronze (PB102).
! Valves: Stainless Steel (1.403).
! Camshafts, Gudgeon Pins and Push Rods: Silver Steel.
! Carburettor Components: FM Brass (CZ121) in round square and hex sections.
! Contact Breaker Elements; Spring Steel (CS70 - EN42), Tuffnol, Nylon 66.
! Rocker Arms: EN3B steel.
! Miscellaneous Steel items; FM Steel (EN1A).
Barstock included within a kit is colour-coded and an identification chart is provided.
Other Materials
Ultimately, we intend that each material kit should be 100% complete. However, the kits are currently not exhaustive
and you will need to source a number of items including BA fasteners and any sheet materials.
Ignition Components
In this final section to the catalogue you will find everything required to run your engine, including coils, plugs, points
and a proven Hall effect electronic ignition system. These items should be order separately – they are not included
within our material kits.
Our customers' workshops vary considerably; from a flat belted 1920's lathe to a full CNC arsenal. At a minimum you
will require a dependable centre lathe of at least 3½” centre height (7” swing) and 13” between centres. A screw
cutting train is essential. In addition you will require some means of milling. Many of the set-ups described for the
earlier engines assume that the constructor will bore onto a faceplate and mill with a vertical slide. This is perfectly
feasible and acceptable but what a difference you'll enjoy if you own a light vertical miller as well!
Since precision is the “name of the game” for IC engines your measuring equipment is very important. You'll need an
accurate surface plate, height gauge, a DTI resolving down to 0.00005 (1/2 of a tenth) and good quality micrometers
and verniers. You should also consider investing is a Centering Microscope (see our Workshop Accessory range) to
ensure that your accurate marking-out is translated into accurate machining!
The surface finishes and fits required between pistons and bores or valves and guides cannot be achieved with a cutting
tool. You will need a means of lapping (or honing) internal and external cylindrical surfaces. We hope to release a
number of Hemingway Workshop Accessory Kits to assist in this and other dedicated engine operations.
Whilst a number of methods are offered by designers for the production of cams, you would be wise to invest in a
trustworthy Dividing Head and Rotary Table.
It may sound trite but we feel it is worth mentioning that the most important tool in the workshop is information. We
have included a small selection of books relating to IC engines and hope to expand this in the future.
The Atom Minor Mk 3 - Edgar T Westbury
6cc, Single Cylinder, 2-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine with Rotary Induction Valve.
The Wyvern - Edgar T Westbury
40cc, Single Cylinder, Side Valve, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol or Gas Engine. Water
Cooled with Open Crank
The Mastiff - L C Mason
25cc, Horizontally Opposed 4 Cylinder, Side Valve 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition Petrol Engine.
Water cooled with pumped lubrication..
The V8 Aero Engine - Eric Whittle
10.6cc, 90º V8, OHV, Push-rod, 4-Stroke, Glow Plug Engine. Air Cooled.
The Sparey 0.63cc Engine - L W Sparey
0.63cc, Single Cylinder, 2-Stroke, Compression Ignition, Diesel Engine. Air Cooled.
The Sparey 5cc Engine - L W Sparey
5cc, Single Cylinder, 2-Stroke, Compression Ignition, Diesel Engine. Air Cooled.
The Aero V-Twin - L W Chenery
15cc, 90º V-Twin, OHV Push-rod, 4-Stroke, Petrol Engine. Spark or Glow Plug Options
The Jones 605 - Colin Jones
10cc, Single Cylinder, 2-Stroke, Glow Plug Engine with Schnüerle Porting. Water or Air
Cooled Options.
The Whippet - Edgar T Westbury
10cc, Single Cylinder, Side Valve, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Water Cooled
with Splash Lubrication
The Seal - Edgar T Westbury
15cc, In-line 4 Cylinder, Side Valve, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Water cooled
with Splash Lubrication
The Seal Major - D Braid
30cc, In-line 4 Cylinder, Side Valve, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Water Cooled
with Splash Lubrication.
The Sealion - Edgar T Westbury
30cc, In-line 4 Cylinder, SOHC, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Pumped Coolant
and Lubrication
The Seagull - Edgar T Westbury
10cc, In-line 2 Cylinder, Side Valve, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Water Cooled
with Splash Lubrication.
The Wallaby - Edgar T Westbury
28cc, In-line Twin Cylinder, OHV, Push-rod, 4-Stroke, Spark Ignition, Petrol Engine. Water
Cooled with Forced Lubrication.
The Kiwi Mk2 - Edgar T Westbury
15cc, Single Cylinder, OHV, Push-rod, Spark Ignition Petrol Engine. Air and Water Cooled
Ransome & May Mill Engine – Geoffrey K King
Horizontal Steam, Single Cylinder, Slide Valve, Feed Pump, Governor, Ø7” Flywheel.
B Hick & Son Crank Overhead Engine – Geoffrey K King
Single Cylinder Steam, Ø7.5” Flywheel.
B Hick & Son Oscillating Engine – Geoffrey K King
Single Cylinder Steam, Ø3.5” Flywheel.
The Cygnet Royal – Edgar T Westbury
3 Cylinder Radial Steam
A selection of electrical components, books and other useful items
The Atom Minor Mk3
E T Westbury's development of the Atom series of single
cylinder 2-stroke engines began in the early 1930's and
continued throughout the war. Originally designed at
30cc, 15cc and then 6.3cc capacities, the Atom Minor
Mk3, the final evolution of the breed, was released in
1947 to conform with 6.0cc competition limits.
With its rotary induction valve, the Atom Minor Mk3 will
swing a Ø12" x 6" pitch propellor at 6,500 rpm in standard
trim. A tuned example, with a 10:1 compression ratio, was
bench tested in 1945 on wartime "clear pool" petrol and
returned 0.29 bhp @ 11,000 rpm, reving freely through
to 14,000 rpm. This would have provided 25mph performance in a 24" Hydroplane or 55mph from a 17", 6lb
Tether Car! The design however was conceived primarly
for model aircraft applications where it can be mounted
upright or inverted.
The ignition system proposed by Westbury offers simple
cam-operated contact breaker points. You may decide to
go this way or to use our up-to-date hall effect system, the
TIM-6. Although designed originally to accept a 3/8" x
24tpi (now M10 x 1.0mm) threaded spark plug, most
builders agree that the Rimfire VR2 (1/4" x 32tpi) is a more
pleasing match, aesthetically. You'll find more information
in our Engine Accessories section.
Many builders choose this as their first model engine. The
build is very well documented within Westbury's book,
"The Atom Minor Mark III" and, as a 2-stroke, avoids the
challenge of valve timing.
Atom Minor Mk3 - Full Material Kit
The kit includes all of the raw materials needed to complete the Atom Minor Mk3 as originally designed. Please
remember however that our full material kits do not include electrical components (points, coil, spark plug...)
which can be found in the IC Engine Accessory section.
The bill of materials includes 5 aluminium castings together with sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting and
high tensile steel, aluminium, bronze, cast iron, brass, Tuffnol, silver steel and spring steel) and fasteners.
Price: £76.50
Atom Minor Mk3 - Drawing Copy
An A2 sized copy of the latest drawing of the Atom Minor Mk3 and
its components. Customers are advised to work to this print rather
than the dimensions shown in construction manual.
Price: £15.00
Atom Minor Mk3 - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Atom Minor Mk3 engine. This includes 4 castings for
the following components:
! Body, Bearing Housing, Rear End Plate, Contact Breaker Bracket.
BK 1100
Price: £58.50
Atom Minor Mk3 - Westbury's Construction Manual
This 50 page, small format book was released in 1947 at a cost of 3
shillings (£0.15/$0.25) including postage!
The book's first review in the Model Engineer magazine in November
1947 announced:
"The miniature petrol engine described in this book is of 6cc capacity
and has been developed primarily for use in model aircraft. Its design
and construction have been carefully planned with a view to
ensuring that the merest novice with limited workshop facilities can
build one without trouble. The book describes and illustrates in
detail how the various castings and parts should be machined and,
provided that the instructions are followed, the constructor can rest
assured that the results of his efforts will be a little engine which will
give him absolute satisfaction. Mr. Westbury's instructions are clear
and concise, while the illustrations - mostly line drawings - leave
nothing to be desired"
Although re-printed many times in the past 60 years, no one has
thought to correct 3 errors in the drawings. This doesn't affect the
value of the construction advice but builders should order a copy of
the drawing also - which is correct.
Price: £5.95
The Wyvern
The Wyvern is a horizontal, open crank stationary engine
of the type that played a very important role in the
mechanisation of industry.
Otto cycle engines, burning gas or petrol, rapidly replaced
steam plant for small and medium sized applications from
around 1880 onwards. The first Otto engines borrowed
many of their structural features from contemporary
steam engine practice, including the open horizontal
frame of the orthodox mill engine. Crossely Brothers, the
UK licensees of the Otto patents, were responsible for a
number of important improvements including poppet
valves and the clerestory combustion chamber. Westbury
included all of these features in the Wyvern which was
designed and launched in 1963.
With a displacement of 40cc, the Wyvern was designed to
run at a constant 1,500 - 2,000rpm. Lubrication is from 3
wicked oil cups and the cylinder is water cooled. The
completed engine measures 12" x 8" x 6" wide across it's
two Ø6 ½" iron flywheels. The generous proportions (Bore
x Stroke = Ø1¼" x 2") and simplicity of the open crank
design allow this to be recommended as an engine project
for new comers. With a majority of its workings exposed, it
must also be said that a running Wyvern engine provides
much eye-appeal!
The Wyvern - Full Material Kit
The Wyvern material kit includes the vast majority of items required to complete the engine as originally designed.
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plug...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered opposite.
The bill of materials for the Wyvern material kit includes:
(18) Aluminium, gun metal and iron castings
(2) Iron Piston Rings
(2) Valve springs
Skew gear pair (2:1) required to drive engine's camshaft
(25) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting and stainless steel, bronze, cast iron, brass, Tuffnol, silver
steel and spring steel)
BA hex nuts
Price: £320.00
Wyvern - Drawing & Construction Notes
A set of 3 A3-size drawings together with the original construction notes compiled by E T Westbury, some
particularly useful observations from R V Hutchinson and more recent build details from Peter Rawlinson; 23
pages in all.
Price: £25.00
Wyvern - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Wyvern engine. This includes 18 castings for the
following components:
! Bedplate, Subplate, Cylinder Jacket & Head, Bearing Cap, Exhaust Valve Guide, Inlet Valve Housing,
Roller Guide, Inner Camshaft Bracket, Piston, Big End Bearing, Rocker Arms, Bracket, Oil Cap, Carb Body,
Price: £223.50
The Mastiff
Much like Westbury, Leonard Charlish Mason (always
“Len”) was a polymath with a large variety of interests and
disciplines. Following his ever popular design for Minnie,
the steam traction engine, he turned his hand to petrol
engines. The Mastiff is a genuine triumph of design.
Mason has bought together a number of creative, trendsetting features within a compact engine which is in fact
not difficult to build. Almost every aspect of the engine
has been considered from first principles rather than by
following convention.
Known as a great starter and a silky smooth runner, the
Mastiff is a compact unit with a particularly low centre of
gravity. The horizontally opposed layout provides a low
head height, great balance and a stiff crankcase and
crankshaft. With a Bore x Stroke of Ø3/4” x 7/8” the 4
cylinder Mastiff has a swept capacity of 25cc. The side
valve arrangement helps to reduce complexity whilst
providing ample breathing through Ø5/16” valves.
Mason's camshaft arrangement has considerable merit for
the constructor. Loose silver steel inlet and exhaust cams
are hardened separately then fixed with Loctite to a mild
steel shaft using an assembly jig to ensure perfect orientation.
A vertical shaft for auxiliaries (driven by 2:1 skew gears) is
used to power the distributor and oil pump. A pressure
relief valve and an external oil pressure indicator are
incorporated to ensure good lubrication from the shallow
sump. The engine can be built with either a single
horizontal or twin downdraft carburettors and the
manifold arrangement is neatly achieved without tortuous routing. As the engine was conceived for marine use,
water cooling is by thermo-syphon and details are given
for a suitable cooling tower for stationary applications.
The Mastiff is a big engine. It stands 6 ½” tall, 8 ¾” long
and 7 ½” wide over its ¼” x 32tpi plugs. Interestingly, the
hole spacing for the mounting bearers is an exact match
for the Myford cross-slide, making running-in a simple
Following a good deal of investigation, Hemingway Kits
has managed to track down and acquire the original
pattern set for this British classic and for the first time since
the late 1980's it is available for engine builders around
the world..
HE 2600
The Mastiff - Material Kit
The kit includes material for a majority of items required to complete the Mastiff. Constructors will need to find
fasteners and tubing and a few other items.
(21) Aluminium and gun metal castings
(4) Iron Piston Rings
(8) Valve Springs
(2) Timing Gear Train
(2) 2:1 Auxiliary Skew Gear Set
(2) Oil Pump Gear set
(28) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting, high tensile, stainless and silver steel, bronze,
casting iron, brass, Nylon and Tuffnol).
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plugs ….) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section
and drawings and construction notes can be ordered below.
Price: £544.50
Mastiff - Drawing & Construction Notes
The build is exceptionally well documented by Mason. 9 A2-sized drawings cover every aspect of the engine and
tooling to produce it. No fewer than 122 pages of construction notes complete the package. Mason describes
the build in such detail that one cannot fail to be successful with this project.
Price: £55.00
Mastiff - Castings ONLY
If you're particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials. This
item represents the casting set available for the Mastiff. This includes 21 castings for the following components:
Crankcase, Base, Sump, Timing Case, Timing Case Cover, Camshaft Cover Plate, Cylinder Block
(2), Cylinder Head (2), Cylinder Head Cover (2), Manifold (2), Dipstick Housing, Carb body (2),
Contact Breaker Case, Bearing Housing (2), Pump Body
Price: £440.50
The V8 Aero Engine
This elegant V8 won ME Magazine's coveted Gold Medal
at the 1995 Olympia Exhibition. A truly magnificent
project yielding a 10.6cc 4 stoke glow plug engine that is
guaranteed to turn heads wherever it is displayed or
Recreating an aero-engine layout that was popular in the
1920's, Eric Whittle's masterpiece closely resembles the
Airdisco (Air Disposal Co.) 120 and 200 hp units used by
Sir Geoffrey de Havilland in the DH51.
The engine will swing a Ø12" x 6" propeller at 7,000 rpm
yet idles smoothly at 2,500rpm. The engine is just 4½"
long with an overall weight of 15oz! With a 90º V8 layout
using overhead valves actuated by push rods, the engine's
bore x stroke = Ø0.460 x ½". Mr. Whittle states that this is
a straightforward engine to build, requiring no special
skills or equipment. What is required however is patience!
The award winning engine took 6 months to complete
and contains a total of 550 components. Fancy a challenge?
The V8 Aero Engine - Material Kit
The V8 Aero Engine is made entirely from bar stock. This
kit provides the majority of material required to complete
the build. Customers will still have to source additional
material including glow plugs and fasteners (8, 10 &
12BA). Plans and construction notes can be ordered
The bill of material includes 15 different sections of high
tensile, stainless and silver steel, iron, aluminium and
Dural together with the 3 specified ball races, cut blanks
for the pair of timing gears and the 16 valve springs.
Price: £128.00
V8 Aero Engine- Drawing & Construction Notes
A couple of A2-size drawings together with 39 pages of Eric Whittle's original build notes on this fabulous engine.
Price: £30.00
L H Sparey's 0.63cc Aero Diesel &
5.0cc Aeromodeller Diesel
0.63cc / 5.0cc
These 2 engine designs were launched within a 12 month
period in 1946/7. Owing to their simplicity, Laurence
Sparey's diesels went on to become among the most
popular IC projects of all time.
The engine designs are “diesels” or more correctly; 2
stroke compression ignition engines. They are best run on
a 50/50 mixture of di-ethyl ether and petrol but will burn
standard diesel fuel. A contra-piston is fitted, allowing
the compression ratio to be tuned once the engine is
running. In 1945 the British Air Ministry relaxed its total
ban on powered flight for models but set certain regulations including one that limited engine run-time to 45
seconds per flight. Each engine is fitted with a fairly
straight forward carburettor which includes a tiny “fuel
tank” which satisfied the standing rules!
Both engines share a similar layout based on a single
aluminium casting for the crankcase. The cylinder barrel is
cut from high tensile steel and the long piston is turned
from iron bar. no piston ring is required. The single piece,
overhung crankshaft is also machined from high tensile
steel and runs in a long bronze main bearing. Whilst the
original connecting rod was machined from gauge plate
modern constructors generally choose Duraluminium and
this material is included in the material kit. The transfer
port is made from thin folded sheet and is silver-soldered
to the cylinder. There are of course no contact breaker
points or cam, no coil and no spark plug!
Sparey was a true pioneer of model engines and powered
flight and these 2 projects are well known to all IC enthusiasts. Of the two, the larger unit is considered easier to
build owing to the size of the components. With a bore x
stroke of Ø5/16 x ½” and standing just 3” tall, the 0.63cc
unit can spin a Ø7” x 4” propeller at 5,600rpm. The 5.0cc
unit stands 4.6” tall with a bore x stroke of Ø11/16” x 7/8”
and will swing a Ø16” propeller at 5,600rpm.
The Sparey Diesels - Material Kits
These kits contain all of the material required to complete
the build. Along with the aluminium crankcase casting
your kit includes Sawn lengths of high tensile and free
cutting steel, iron, aluminium, Duraluminium, silver steel,
bronze, brass and spring steel, together with the necessary BA fasteners.
0.63cc Aero Diesel (HE 1000)
5.0cc Aeromodeller Diesel (HE 2100)
Price: £51.00
Price: £53.50
HE1000 - 0.63cc / HE2100 - 5.0cc
Sparey “0.63cc” Diesel - Drawing & Construction Notes
5cc Aeromodeller- Drawing & Construction Notes
These engine have now been modelled on our 3D CAD system and are furnished as 4 A3-size laser printed sheets
together with illustrated build notes from both L H Sparey and Ron Chernich.
Price: £15.00 each
HE1005 / HE2105
The Sparey Diesels - Crankcase Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
0.63cc Aero Diesel Casting (HE 1005)
5.0cc Aeromodeller Diesel (HE 2105)
Price: £16.50
Price: £19.00
The Aero V-Twin
The Aero V Twin has attracted significant interest since its
launch in 1983. Chenery's successful design has been
reproduced by hundreds of enthusiasts over the years and
examples can be seen flying on every continent. The
engine sounds magnificent on a nice slow, low pass.
The engine is a 15cc (0.91 cu in), 90º V Twin 4 stroke, with
overhead valves activated by push rods. The engine can be
constructed either for spark ignition or glow plugs and will
happily swing a 16" propeller at 6,000 rpm. The engine
weighs in at just 30oz (850g) less coil and battery pack and
would be perfect for scale models with wingspans of 60" 72".
With Bore x Stroke of Ø13/16" x 7/8", the Aero V Twin's
components are of a sensible size for construction on
virtually any lathe and mill. Mr. Chenery's construction
notes are highly detailed and we feel happy to propose
this project to those with 'moderate' abilities.
This great engine has now been further enhanced.
Moulds have recently been commissioned for investment
castings (lost wax), providing superb detailing and
The Aero V-Twin - Material Kit
The kit includes material for the major items required to complete the engine as originally designed.
The bill of materials for the Aero V Twin kit includes:
! (4) Aluminium investment castings
! (4) Iron Piston Rings
! (4) Valve springs
! (2) Ball Races
! Gear pair (2:1) required to drive engine's camshaft
! (26) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting, high tensile and stainless steel, bronze, cast iron, brass,
Tuffnol, Nylon and silver steel)
! BA hex nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plugs...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered opposite
Price: £238.00
The Aero V-Twin - Drawing & Construction Notes
11 A2-size drawings from L Chenery's originals together with a total of 21 pages of detailed build notes.
Price: £28.00
The Aero V-Twin - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Aero V-Twin engine. This includes 4 castings for the
following components:
! Crankcase, Gear Housing, LH & RH Cylinder Heads
Price: £118.50
The Jones .605
Designed by Colin Jones, this 10cc engine (0.605
employs "modern" principles to get the job done. In
common with most sports glow plug engines it features
'front' induction with the fuel/air mixture entering through
a hollow crankshaft. Also employed to good effect is a
classic Schnüerle port liner with exhaust, boost and 2
transfer ports on either side.
The engine weighs just 16oz. (450g) and can swing an 11"
x 7.5" propeller at 12,250rpm with standard fuel and
silencer fitted.
The engine is so well conceived that it's hard to believe the
designer had only owned a lathe for 6 months when he
embarked on this project! On this basis we are happy to
propose the Jones .605 engine to Aero-modellers of all
The Jones .605 - Material Kit
The material kit for this engine includes 3 aluminium castings, 16 lengths of bar material (Aluminium, Dural,
Brass, Bronze, Silver Steel, En8M Steel, Spring Steel) 1 Piston ring and fasteners.
To complete the engine constructors will require a 2 volt long reach glow plug.
Price: £89.00
The Jones .605 - Drawing & Construction Notes
An A2-size drawing together with 16 pages of notes from Colin Jones' original build.
Price: £25.00
The Jones .605 - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Jones .605 engine. This includes 3 castings for the
following components:
! Main Body, Bearing Housing, Rear Cover
Price: £47.50
The Whippet
The Whippet is an elegant 10cc, single cylinder, side valve,
4-stroke petrol engine. Designed for use in scale model
boats, the Whippet was released in 1963 and was one of
Edgar Westbury's final IC engine designs. Westbury felt
certain that the Whippet would "set new standards for
stamina, sprightliness and startability".
The engine is innovative in several respects. The crankcase
and cylinder jacket are integrated into a single casting
allowing the engine to have a broad base flange for
attachment either to a boat's floor or to a plinth for a
stationary installation. Also, by using a short stroke (bore x
stroke = Ø1" x ¾") and an additional idler gear in the valve
timing train, Westbury has kept the height of the engine
to a minimum. Aesthetically, this gives the engine a
distinctively compact appearance.
Westbury has taken great pains to simplify the design for
newcomers. The overhung crankshaft is housed in plain
bushes within a separate housing, avoiding the need for a
split big-end bearing. A simple barrel-throttle carburettor
is employed without the need for a float chamber. This is a
very pleasing project, requiring just your patience and
concentration to produce a classic model engine with
great charm.
If you have access to the Internet, you can see Ron
Chernich's build of this great little engine with detailed
notes and 100's of photographs.
The Whippet - Material Kit
The kit includes material for all of the major items required to complete the Whippet as originally designed. The
bill of materials includes:
! (10) Aluminium and Gun Metal Sand castings
! (2) Iron Piston Rings
! (3) Timing Gear Train
! (2) Valve Springs
! (18) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting, high tensile, stainless and silver steel, bronze, cast iron,
brass and Tuffnol)
! BA fasteners
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plug...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered opposite.
Price: £189.00
The Whippet - Drawing & Construction Notes
A single but highly detailed A2-size sheet, together with Westbury's original build notes. Further details are given
for a miniature recoil starter designed for the Whippet. (13 pages).
Price: £20.00
The Whippet - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Whippet engine. This includes 10 castings for the
following components:
! Body, Cylinder Head & Cover, Main Bearing Housing, Camshaft Bushes, Timing Case, Timing Bracket,
Piston, Carb Body, Flywheel
Price: £118.50
The Seal
One can imagine the stir this engine caused when it was
released in 1947! Westbury, in his efficient manner, was at
pains to explain the practical virtues of a multi-cylinder
layout for scale cruisers and launches up to around 4ft
long. "Reduced height... a more realistic marine installation..." 'Practical' be damned; this engine promised
constructors an end to the swingeing austerity of WW2.
During a period when less than 5% of UK households
owned a car, to build and run an engine that was every bit
as sophisticated as the real thing, was the answer to a
virgin's prayer! 60 years on (with around 40% of UK
households owning 2 or more cars!) building and running
the Seal offers no less satisfaction to the constructor.
The layout of the Seal owes a lot to pre-war automotive
design, using side valves and a two bearing crank to
reduce complexity. The combined inlet and exhaust
manifold casting is a brave and successful touch, as is the
HT distributor assembly. A carburettor design with
automatic mixture compensation is provided and can be
fitted in an up-draught or down-draught attitude.
The 10 castings for the Seal are aluminium, keeping the
weight of the engine to a minimum. The crankshaft,
perhaps the most demanding component, is cut from
high tensile steel bar and has a stoke of 11/16". With a
bore of Ø5/8", the swept capacity of the Seal is actually
13.8cc, rather than 15cc which is often quoted. The
engine block measures 3" x 3" x 4" (H x W x L).
The Seal is known as a good starter (how could it fail with
2 sparks per revolution?) and a very flexible runner. The
Seal is also known as a "rights of passage" project that each
must face before being dubbed a "craftsman". To help
constructors along their quest however, the build notes
are highly detailed, the castings are well proven and the
finished product is a valuable and renowned classic.
The Seal - Material Kit
The kit includes material for the major items required to
complete the engine as originally designed with a direct
mounted distributor. The kit is not exhaustive and
constructors will need to find (or make) various items
including hex fasteners (7 & 8BA). In time, we hope to add
a supplemental kit for those wishing to incorporate
Westbury's optional vertical distributor and water pump.
The bill of materials for the Seal kit includes:
! (10)
Aluminium sand
! (8) Iron Piston Rings
! (8) Valve springs
! (3) Timing gear train
! (2) Ball races
Price: £304.00
! (22) Sawn lengths of bar
material (free cutting,
high tensile, and silver
steel, bronze, cast iron,
aluminium, brass and
! BSF hex nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark
plugs...) can be found separately in the IC
Engine Accessory section and plans and
construction notes can be ordered opposite.
Seal - Drawing & Construction Notes
2 A2-size drawings together with 58 pages of illustrated notes on building the Seal. Now that's a project!
Price: £28.00
The Seal - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Seal engine. This includes 10 castings for the following
! Cylinder Block, Head & Cover, Sump, Bearing
Housing, Timing End Plate, Timing Cover, Manifold Body &
Cover, Carb Body
Price: £128.50
The Seal Major
At the launch of the Seal engine in 1947 Westbury noted
that "It is my intention to produce designs for engines of
both 15cc and 30cc, and equipped with either side or
overhead valves". In 1950, with input from Westbury, the
Seal Major was designed and released by David Braid.
This engine has proven to be equally as popular as the
Seal. The essential differences for the Major are based
solely in its capacity. Bore x stroke = Ø7/8" x 13/16" giving
32cc or With this simple change however, every
single casting becomes larger than the Seal. Larger
diameter pistons and liners dictate a longer, wider block,
head and sump. Additional length in these components
dictates a longer manifold…and so on.
Underneath it all however, this is the same elegant 4cylinder side-valve engine as the Seal. So, why would you
choose the Seal Major? A couple of reasons:
! As the American's say "nothing beats cubes" and
the Major has more umph. It performs well in 6ft
launches and will even power a 5 inch gauge
! For the constructor, the extra size of the components (generally 30 - 40% larger) is often welcome.
In August 1959, author and engineer Nevil Shute wrote to
a close friend:
"At the moment, however, the Seal Major engine is
engaging my attention, and that will keep me busy for
quite a time, although now that the book is finished I shall
be taking a month or two of holiday and shall get on with
it a bit quicker. So far, cylinder liners, pistons and gudgeon
pins, and valve guides are finished, together with the
timing spur wheels, and I am now starting work upon the
crankshaft to be followed by the camshaft. I think the best
plan on a job like this is to get all the bits and pieces made
and then to tackle the final erection in one go when
everything is to hand; otherwise one might tend to get in a
bit of a muddle and one might find that parts already
faced up and assembled might require some small
The Seal Major - Material Kit
Whilst not quite exhaustive, the kit includes material for the major items required to complete the engine as
originally designed with its direct mounted distributor. Constructors will need to find (or make) various items
including hex fasteners.
The bill of materials for the Seal Major kit includes:
! (11) Aluminium sand castings
! (8) Iron Piston Rings
! (8) Valve springs
! (3) Timing gear train
! (23) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting, high tensile, and silver steel, bronze, cast iron, aluminium, Dural, brass and Tuffnol)
! BSF hex nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plugs...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered below.
Price: £362.00
The Seal Major - Drawing & Construction Notes
3 A2-size drawings compiled by D Braid. No dedicated build notes are available for the Seal Major - this item is
supplied with Westbury's copious notes (58 pages) on the smaller Seal engine.
The Seal notes are perfect to demonstrate the processes and procedures; clearly all dimensions given in the text
should be ignored!!
Price: £28.00
The Seal Major - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Seal Major engine. This includes 11 castings for the
following components:
! Cylinder Block, Head & Cover, Sump, Bearing
Housing, Timing End Plate, Timing Cover, Manifold Body &
Cover, Valve Cover, Carb Body
Price: £167.50
The Sealion
The Sealion engine was released in 1959, coinciding with
the launch of BMC's Mini and the opening of the UK's first
motorway, the M1. The Sealion sports a gear driven
overhead cam; an expensive performance feature for
1959; limited to manufacturers such as Jaguar, Aston
Martin and Mercedes Benz. Whilst adding to the complexity of the valve train, the Sealion's SOHC arrangement
offers more efficient breathing with higher compression
ratios. This is a high performance engine and to many it is
also Westbury's most refined and ambitious project.
The Sealion has a bore x stroke of Ø7/8" x ¾" providing a
swept displacement of 29.6cc (1.8 The flat faced
cylinder head seats 8 vertical valves, operated by short
rockers from an offset, 8-lobe camshaft. The camshaft is
supported by 3 bearings within a separately mounted
housing, the base of which closes off the water jacket.
Westbury calls for a rocker cover formed from 1/16" sheet
but many constructors substitute a Perspex/Plexiglas
cover. The mechanism is simply too attractive to be hidden
Unlike the Seal and Seal Major engines, the Sealion's
crankshaft runs in 3 main bearings; 2 outboard ball races
and a central spilt-shell leaded bronze bush. Connecting
rods are machined from solid Duralumin and it is suggested that the big end cap bolts are security-wired. The
Sealion engine includes an oil and water pump; a total of
10 gears make up the drives to the camshaft and auxiliaries! A cast oil trough sits just out of reach of the crank,
providing a pool for the big ends to dip into and a baffle to
keep the sump level steady enough to prevent cavitation
of the oil pump. The material kit includes a moulded cap
for the distributor which is driven directly from the cam.
Whilst we cannot propose the Sealion as a first-project for
IC constructors, we can absolutely vouch for the integrity
and elegance of the design. Those craftsmen with a
methodical and patient approach will thoroughly enjoy
rising to the challenge.
The Sealion - Drawing & Construction Notes
2 A2-size sheets together with 38 pages of Westbury's meticulous notes.
Price: £28.00
The Sealion - Material Kit
The kit includes material for all of the major items required to complete the Sealion as originally designed. The bill
of materials includes:
! (10) Aluminium Sand castings
! (8) Iron Piston Rings
! (4) Timing Gear Train
! (2) 4:1 Auxiliary Skew Gear Set
! (4) Lubrication and Coolant Pump Gear Sets
! (16) Valve Springs
! (25) Sawn lengths of bar material (free
cutting, high tensile, stainless and silver
steel, bronze, cast iron, brass, Nylon
and Tuffnol)
! Moulded Distributor Cap
! (2) Ball Races
! BSF Hex Nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plugs...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered above.
Price: £526.50
The Sealion - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Sealion engine. This includes 10 aluminium casting to
make the following components, together with the injection moulded distributor cap:
! Cylinder
Block & Head, Camshaft Housing , Sump, Bearing Housing (Front & Rear), Timing Cover,
Manifold, Oil Trough, Carb Body
Price: £162.00
The Seagull
The Seagull engine was launched in 1950 and was based
aesthetically on a number of engines that were available
to power river and harbour boats of the period (Russell
Newbery DM, Stuart Turner P55). The layout will be
familiar to period Narrow Boat enthusiast where this type
of unit, coupled to a simple reversing box, would beat
away merrily until the cows came home. Westbury states
in the build notes that " ..there is a unique charm about a
really docile and flexible engine, which must be experienced to be believed...”
Westbury's Seagull is an in-line twin with separate, water
cooled cylinders and heads. The 2 pistons move in unison,
a form known as "360º Twin". The 10cc engine has a bore x
stoke of Ø3/4" x 11/16" and breathes through side valves,
reducing both the number of components and their
complexity. Certain successful features from the Seal
engine have been incorporated, including a combined
inlet/exhaust manifold casting, a carburettor with mixture
compensation and an oil trough to ensure good lubrication to the bottom end.
The Seagull will appeal to constructors of moderate ability
who appreciate genuinely great design.
The Seagull - Material Kit
The kit includes material for all of the major items required to complete the Seagull as originally designed.
Constructors will need to find or make fasteners (6 & 8BA hex screws). The bill of materials includes:
! (13) Aluminium sand castings
! (4) Iron Piston Rings
! (3) Timing Gear Train
! (4) Valve Springs
! (20) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting, high tensile, stainless and silver steel, bronze, cast iron,
brass and Tuffnol)
! BA Hex Nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark plugs...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory section and
plans and construction notes can be ordered opposite.
Price: £223.00
The Seagull - Drawing & Construction Notes
2 A2-sized drawings are supplied together with 46 pages of Westbury's illustrated notes on building the Seagull.
Whilst they are well drafted, a few details shown in the notes seem to be missing from the drawings... Armed with
both there should be no difficulties.
Price: £28.00
The Seagull - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Seagull engine. This includes 13 castings for the
following components:
! Crankcase Top & Bottom, Cylinder Jacket (2) ,
Head (2), & Cover (2), Timing Case & Cover, Manifold Body
& Cover, Carb Body
Price: £138.50
The Wallaby
Following the successful launch of the diesel powered
Aveling & Porter Road Roller in 1938, Westbury turned his
attention to developing an IC powered model locomotive.
In 1941 the 3½" gauge 1831 LMS Shunting Locomotive
was released. As one would expect, the design was highly
innovative and performance was exceptional. As
Westbury anticipated however, locomotive enthusiast
(then as now) would not easily abandon steam! The
powerful engine developed for this project however was
adapted to suit many application, including both marine
and stationary installations. In 1962 a "Mk2" version of this
much renowned engine was created and dubbed The
Those in-the-know site the Wallaby as an example of a
truly refined and durable power plant. Westbury, a master
of understatement simply noted that it was "an engine
capable of packing a good punch for its size, yet docile
and flexible withal, and not too difficult to construct".
With a bore x stroke of Ø1" x 1 1/8", the 360º vertical twin
provides a useful 29.0cc of swept displacement. Heavy
split main bearings ensure a rigid bottom end and the
camshaft, driven by broad timing gears, operates overhead valve gear via push rods. Unusually, the valves are
arranged so that the inlet ports are central and the outlet
ports outboard, facing fore and aft. The carburettor,
complete with float chamber is borrowed from the Kiwi
Mk2 and provides a good level of control with mechanical
mixture compensation.
The Wallaby - Material Kit
The kit includes material for all of the major items required
to complete the Wallaby as originally designed. Whilst
deemed by Westbury as an optional fitment, the material
kit includes the items necessary to add forced lubrication.
Why settle for less? A centrifugal clutch mechanism was
also developed for this engine but we have decided to list
this separately in the engine accessories section as we feel
it will be a valuable addition to many engines in our range.
The bill of materials includes:
! (17) Aluminium and Gun Metal castings.
! (4) Iron Piston Rings
! (4) Timing Gear Train
! (2) Pump Gears
! (4) Valve Springs
! (23) Sawn lengths of bar material (free cutting,
high tensile, stainless and silver steel, bronze, cast
iron, brass, Nylon 66 and Tuffnol)
! BSF hex nuts
Electrical components (points, coil, spark
plugs...) can be found separately in the IC
Engine Accessory section and plans and
construction notes can be ordered opposite.
Price: £345.00
The Wallaby- Drawing & Construction Notes
2 A2-size drawings together 30 pages of Westbury's original Wallaby notes. An additional drawing is supplied for
the Kiwi Mk2 carburettor, along with 4 pages of construction notes. For the purist, we have also included 24
pages of notes with drawing for the original "1831" suction carburettor. So 3 drawings and 58 pages of notes in
total to guide constructors through this unique project.
Price: £28.00
The Wallaby - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Wallaby engine. This includes 17 castings for the
following components:
! Body, Sump, Timing Cover, Cylinder Head & Cover, Pistons (2), Con Rods (2), Balance Weights (2), Bearing
Cover, Pump body, Inlet Stub, Valve Rocker Bearing, Carb Body, Float Chamber.
Price: £220.00
The Kiwi Mk 2
The Kiwi Mk2 is a 15cc, OHV 4 stroke with a big reputation. Originally designed by Westbury in 1935 it was a
tremendously popular project due in no small way to the
complete absence of commercially available model
engines during the war years. When updating the design
in 1960 Westbury commented that "the Kiwi has always
been the favourite of the beginner, who could be fairly
sure of making it and getting it to run successfully".
Westbury seldom quoted performance figures for his
designs, arguing that build quality varied so widely that a
hard number would be misleading. However... the Mk1
Kiwi returned 5/8bhp @ 8,500 rpm on Professor D H
Chaddick's custom built dynamometer; enough to power
a 24" hydroplane at 40mph! With its ball race main
bearings, stiffened crankcase and cooler running cylinder,
your Mk2 Kiwi could well hit 50bhp per litre!
The engine has a conventional British motorcycle appearance; perhaps a BSA C15 or a Norton ES2. With a bore x
stroke of Ø1" x 1 1/8", the Kiwi stands 6" tall from sump to
rockers. The Kiwi's simplified camshaft operates open
push rods, rockers and vertical overhead valves so aspiration of the running engine can be readily observed; a
fascinating feature! The carburettor for the Kiwi is simple
yet well conceived; providing the mixture compensation
that is essential to flexible running. A cast float chamber
accepts a balsa wood (or cork) float for further refinement.
Lubrication is via a metered drip feed system which is
remotely mounted from the engine.
The castings for this project are well proven and the
engine can be ordered with either an air cooled or water
cooled cylinder jacket and head. The Kiwi has been
successfully built and run by thousands of IC novices over
the past 70 years and we trust that, having built one, you
too will appreciate the appeal of this timeless classic.
The KIWI Mk 2- Material Kit
The Kiwi Mk2 material kit includes the vast majority of items required to complete the engine as originally
designed. Electrical components (points, coil, spark plug...) can be found separately in the IC Engine Accessory
section and plans and construction notes can be ordered opposite.
The bill of materials includes:
! (13) Aluminium and gun metal sand castings
! (2) Iron Piston Rings
! (2) Valve springs
! Valve timing gear pair
! (20)
Sawn lengths of bar material (free
cutting and stainless steel, bronze, cast iron,
brass, Tuffnol, silver steel and spring steel)
! BA hex nuts
Air Cooled Kiwi Mk 2 - HE1400
Water Cooled Kiwi Mk 2 - HE1500
Price: £215.00
The Kiwi Mk 2- Drawing & Construction Notes
The Kiwi Mk2 is set on 2 A2-size sheets with its carburettor shown on a separate A1-size drawing and CB layout on
a loose A3 drawing. Westbury's 1960 build notes are included for the Mk2 and, for posterity, we have include the
1935 build notes for the original Kiwi engine; 52 pages in all.
The drawings and notes contain all of the details required to build either the air or water cooled version of the Kiwi
Price: £30.00
HE1405 - HE1505
The Kiwi Mk 2 - Castings ONLY
If you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials you may prefer to order just the raw essentials.
This item represents the casting set available for The Kiwi Mk 2 engine. This includes 13 castings for the
following components:
! Crankcase Front & Rear,
Timing plate, Cylinder Jacket & Head, Piston, Con Rod, Timing Bracket, Tappet
Guide, Carb Body, Float Chamber, Balance Weights
Kiwi Mk 2 Air Cooled - (HE1405)
Kiwi Mk 2 Water Cooled - (HE1505)
Price: £138.50
Price: £138.50
The Ransome & May Mill Engine - 1850
Ransomes, founded in 1799, made
their name in chilled-cast ploughshares before entering the steam
markets in the early 1840's. This 8nhp
mill engine was demonstrated at the
Great Exhibition of London in 1851
with a size and functionality that set
the Ransome brand apart throughout both the British and Russian
The Ransome family of Ipswich, like
the Cadburys, the Clarks, the Lloyds,
the Wedgewoods and the Darbys, set
out with their Quaker beliefs to do
genuine good rather than simply to
make money. In 1849 James
Ransome erected a Workman's Hall to house "single men and lads....with a cheerful room to spend his evenings in
and to prevent a too early and therefore improvident marriage, in order to escape from the discomfort attending
a solitary existence".
Geoffrey King, a professional Engineer and member of the Newcomen Society, designed this 1/12th scale replica
in 1958 from an example which was in service until 1921. With a bore x stroke of ¾" x 1½", the engine has a
double acting slide valve with 4 bar guides, a marine type big-end, an eccentric driven feed pump, a hand cranked
stop valve and a Watts type governor, driven by ordinary chain running in grooved pulleys. Under steam the
engine is a delight, especially with its governor weighted for slow running. The engine sits on a bedplate measuring 9 1/8" x 2 ¼" with a flywheel diameter of 7".
Whilst construction is somewhat more involved than say a Stuart Victoria engine, the Ransome & May replica
pays-off handsomely with elegant gunmetal adopted for all of the major mechanisms.
Ransome & May - Material Kit
The material kit includes a majority of items required to complete the engine as designed. The constructor will still
need to locate a number of items however, primarily hex. fasteners between 6 and 12BA.
The bill of materials includes
(22) Castings of gun metal, iron and aluminium
Bevel gear pair (1:1) and Swiss clock chain required to drive engine's governor
Sawn bar material (free cutting and silver steel, bronze, brass and cast iron)
Price: £273.00
Ransome & May Mill Engine - Drawings ONLY
The engine is beautifully presented on 4 A2 sheets. Also included is an article by Mr. King detailing the engine's
installation in a 3 story Norfolk grist (flour) mill. No construction notes are available for this engine.
Price: £28.00
Ransome & May - Castings ONLY
If you want to minimise shipping costs or if you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials, you
may prefer to order just the essentials. This item buys the 22 castings available for The Ransome & May Mill
Bedplate, Cylinder, Portface, Valve Chest, Cylinder Covers (Front & Rear), Flywheel, Bearing & Cap,
Guide Bar Bracket, Guide Bars (4), Gland Sections (2), Eccentric Sheaf, Plummer Block, Plummer
Block Cap, Governor Bracket, Stop Valve, Outer Bearing, Stock for Brasses and Slide Valve.
Price: £217.50
B. Hick & Son – Crank Overhead Engine
Situated in the centre of Britain's cotton and coal industries,
Benjamin Hick grew his Bolton foundry business to employ over
400 men before his death in 1842. His son John then partnered
with William Hargreaves in 1845 to form Hick, Hargreaves &
Co, supplying a vast range of stationary and locomotive steam
engines, boilers, water wheels and mill gearing to customers at
home and overseas (including India, Russia, Spain, South
America, China, and Japan). In 1864, they were also responsible for the introduction of the highly efficient American Corliss
valve gear into the UK.
Continuing his father's great leap into the middle-classes, John
Hick MP represented Bolton in Parliament from 1868 - 1880. At
home in Lancashire however, he retreated regularly to his full
steam driven workshop where Mrs. Hick stoked the vertical
This particular 10nhp engine was shown by the company at the
Great Exhibition in 1851, alongside their diminutive 2nhp
Oscillating Engine. Geoffrey King, a professional Engineer and
member of the Newcomen Society, detailed this 1" to 1' replica
in 1956 from the original Hick drawing set. The vertical layout
made this engine particularly suitable for driving "manufactory"
line shafting, with the cylinder, valve chest and feed pump installed in a pit below. Where more that 10nhp was
required, gangs of engines could be coupled together and managed by a single boiler and "engineer".
Complete with its 7" x 8½" plinth the model stands almost 14" tall propelling a Ø7½" flywheel. With a bore x stroke
of ¾" x 1 7/8", the engine has a double acting slide valve, an eccentric driven feed pump and a Watts type governor, driven directly from the crank with bevel gears.
An imposing runner, the 'Crank Overhead' shows a great deal of movement when underway.
B. Hick & Son - Crank Overhead Engine - Material Kit
HE 5100
The material kit includes a majority of items required to complete the engine as designed. The constructor will still
need to locate a number of items however, primarily hex. fasteners between 6 and 12BA.
The bill of materials includes
(17) Castings of gun metal, iron and aluminium
Bevel gear pair (1:1) to drive engine's governor
Sawn bar material (free cutting and silver steel, bronze, brass and cast iron)
Price: £273.00
HE 5104
B. Hick & Son - Crank Overhead Engine - Drawings & Photos
The engine is beautifully presented on 4 x A2 sheets. No construction notes are available for the engine yet but,
we have included 27 colour photographs from a recent build, printed on 6 x A4 pages. These show a majority of
the major components.
Price: £24.00
HE 5105
B. Hick & Son - Crank Overhead Engine – Castings ONLY
If you want to minimise shipping costs or if you are particularly well stocked with supporting materials, you
may prefer to order just the essentials. This item buys the 17 castings available for The B. Hick & Son Crank
Overhead Engine:
Bedplate, Standard (2), Plumber Block (2), Plumber Block Cap (2), Brasses, Flywheel, Crank Web,
Eccentric Strap, Cylinder, Portface Block, Cylinder Cover, Valve Chest, Pump Barrel, Pump Valve
Price: £217.50
B. Hick & Son - Oscillating Engine
"These are indeed glorious times for the engineers!"
James Nasmyth, 11 July 1836
Following a six year appreticeship as a draughtsman with
Fenton & Murray, Benjamin Hicks left to become manager of
the Leeds Union Foundry, the largest steam engine works in
Lancashire. At this point, in 1810, he was just 20 years old. By
1833, B Hick & Son opened shop at the Soho Foundry in
Bolton, specialising in stationary steam engines for both
marine and industrial applications.
On Saturday June 30, 1838, under the heading "Procession in
Bolton marking the coronation of Victoria" the Bolton
Chronicle reported:
Mr. Hick's men, of the Soho Foundry, made a most splendid display of flags and
banners, upon which were painted representations of various steam engines
and machinery. The whole was tasteful and classical in the highest degree. All
the workpeople, numbering more than 400, engaged at the Soho Foundry,
were liberally regaled by Mr. Hick, with good old English fare, the dinner
consisted of roast beef, plumb pudding, and excellent ale. The appearance of
the men was most gratifying. Mr. Hick himself presided, and greatly added to
the conviviality of the occasion by his gentle manners and agreeable demeanour. The health of the Queen was proposed and drunk with the
most clamorous enthusiasm. A band was in attendance, which played during the dinner a number of popular airs, and after the repast, struck
up a merry dance. The evening was spent in unalloyed mirth, and concluded in a manner highly satisfactory to both master and men.
This elegant oscillating engine, producing 2nhp, was displayed under steam by Hick, Hargreave & Co at the Great
Exhibition in 1851 where it powered a Ryder forging machine. Like all oscillating engines, it is a real joy to watch!
Our model is a faithful "foot to inch" scale replica of the original, designed from company archives by Geoffrey
King in 1957. This is a small engine which can be produced on virtually any lathe. The bore and stroke measure
Ø7/16" x 15/16", the flywheel has a diameter of Ø3½" and the complete model measures 5¾"x 3½" x 5" (LxWxH).
With care and patience, this project will yield a delightfully proportioned engine with a captivating action.
B. Hick & Son Oscillating Engine - Material Kit
The material kit includes a majority of items required to complete the engine as designed. The constructor will still
need to locate a number of items however, primarily hex. fasteners between 6 and 10BA.
The bill of materials includes
(12) Castings of gun metal, iron and
Sawn bar material (free cutting and silver
steel, bronze, brass and cast iron)
Actuating spring
Price: £142.00
B. Hick & Son Oscillating Engine - Drawings ONLY
Presented on 2 highly detailed A3
sheets along with 10 pages of
illustrated construction notes from
Stan Bray.
Order a set and see what you'll be up
Price: £15.00
The Cygnet Royal
There can be no doubt that Edgar Westbury (1896-1970) was
a true, but unassuming, giant of the model engineering
fraternity. Designing and building over 60 unique IC and steam
engines, one wonders how he also found time to edit biweekly issues of the Model Engineer magazine for almost 20
Westbury's Cygnet Royal, a 3 cylinder radial steam engine was
conceived in 1962 as an experimental crossover between
steam and IC build techniques. It was designed as a marine
engine for use behind a flash steam generator, withstanding
high pressure (80psi and upwards) and running at high speed
(typically 3,000rpm +). In many ways, with its in-line orbital
distribution valve, it behaves as a 2 stroke IC engine but
running much more smoothly. The single throw crankshaft
runs on ball bearings within an oil filled crankcase.
As well as being a elegant curiosity, the Cygnet Royal is a good
deal lighter and more compact than conventional steam
engines of a similar output. Measuring around 4" x 4" x 4", the
engine has a bore x stroke of Ø5/8" x ½". Having 3 cylinders, the
Cygnet Royal is also a self-starting engine - just add steam (or
compressed air) and off it goes!
Cygnet Royal - Full Material Kit
The material kit includes a majority of items required to complete the engine as designed. The constructor will still
need to locate a number of items however, primarily hex.fasteners between 6 and 10BA..
The bill of materials includes
2 Iron Castings (Cylinders (3), Flywheel)
5 Aluminium Castings (Crankcase, Bearing
Housing, Cylinder Covers (3), Steam Chest
and Cover)
Sawn bar material (free cutting and silver
steel, bronze and cast iron)
Ball Bearings (2)
Price: £133.50
Cygnet Royal - Drawings ONLY
A single A1 drawing is
supplied, together
with Westbury's
original build notes
for this engine.
Price: £25.00
Hall Effect System (4.8 - 6.0 v)
HEA 1060
The basics of Spark Ignition are easy to grasp. The compressed fuel/air mixture
drawn into your engine is detonated by an electrical spark, generated when the
piston reaches Top Dead Centre (or within a few degrees). Now repeat - 100
times each second (6,000rpm)!
A majority of our IC Engines were developed to run with contact breaker points.
CB point systems rely upon the profile of a rotating cam to open and close the
gap between 2 tungsten "pads". Opening the points triggers the high tension
coil to send a single jolt down the HT lead and across the spark plug gap.
This method survived in the automotive markets until around 1979, when
Lucas, Bosch, Magnetti Marelli and Nipon Denso all changed over to transistorised, Hall Effect devices. Interestingly, the effect was discovered by Edwin Hall in
1879, 100 years before this application! The new devices signalled the demise
of points and fiendishly clever auto-advance mechanisms. Overnight there was
no gap to set, no mis-matched faces to arc and burn and no high speed pointsbounce.
The TIM-6c kit brings the same advantages to model IC Engines. In place of the
cam, a tiny rare earth magnet (Ø1/8" x 1/16" thick) is mounted on a drum or disc.
As this magnet passes in close proximity to a remotely mounted sensor, the
circuit board amplifies the current induced by the magnet and triggers the HT
coil. Kapow again!
The TIM-6c system arrives as a kit of 10 electrical components, a circuit board (1"
x 1 3/8" - easily hidden) and the necessary instructions. The TIM-6c system works at between 4.8 and 6.0V;
perfectly compatible with the "Exciter" coil shown below and any of our spark plugs.
One rare earth magnet comes with the kit so if you're building a single cylinder engine this is all you need.
Otherwise, you should order one extra magnet for a twin, 3 extra magnets for 4 cylinders and so on.
Price: £32.00
Additional Rare Earth Magnet
HEA 1070
Tiny magnet - Ø1/8" x 1/16" thick. Very strong for its size. With the TIM-6c system above, you'll need extra
magnets for multi-cylinder engines. Alternatively, if you know you're going to lose it, why not order a spare one in
Price: £1.70
Tungsten Points
HEA 1080
Tungsten contact breaker points, once prolific in automotive ignition systems, have become virtually unobtainable in recent years. Tungsten is a robust, brittle metal with a high resistance to temperature and a high melting
point – withstanding surface pitting for 100's of engine hours.
By a happy chance, we have obtained a decent stock of solid tungsten discs measuring Ø0.160” x 0.045” thick
with ground and polished faces. These can be easily brazed to spring steel or headless bolts with a silver based
material such as Easyflo. In theory at least… the tungsten can be machined with a carbide tool run at 100 – 200
rpm with a good supply of coolant.
Price: £1.40 each
Spark Plugs
! Rimfire VR2 Spark Plug (1/4” x 32tpi)
HEA 1090
Rimfire spark plugs were designed to outperform and replace the
older generations of miniature spark plugs from the 1930s
through the 1950s. Their physical sizes, designations, threads,
and reach are nearly identical to the plugs that were most
commonly used, but with added technological features to
increase an engines performance. They are manufactured from
the highest grades of material available and surpass that of most
full-size automobile spark plugs.
This plug size is specified for the Aero V Twin, the Whippet, the
Seagull, the Seal, the Seal Major and the Sealion engines. The
VR2 will also run perfectly in the Atom Minor Mk3, the Phoenix,
the Kiwi and the Wallaby even though these engines were
originally designed to accept larger 3/8” x 24tpi plugs. Many
constructors feel that the Rimfire VR2 is aesthetically more to
Price: £18.20 each
! Denso U20M-U (M10 x 1mm Pitch)
HEA 1095
These are among the smallest mass manufactured plugs available and benefit from having a mass manufactured price. They
are a suitable alternative for engines originally designed to accept
3/8" x 24tpi plugs that were commonly available in yester-year. In
our engine range, they will suit the Kiwi, the Atom Minor Mk3,
the Wallaby and the Wyvern. The Denso U20M has a reach of
0.339" and the hex measures 13.8mm AF. The plug benefits from
a patented U-channel ground electrode.
Price: £7.10 each
! Circular Discharge Plug
(¼” x 32tpi)
HEA 1000
These spark plugs are supplied as a material kit with drawings
and instructions for you to make your own! They are not difficult
to produce and you can vary the “reach” to some extent to suit
your particular installation. Whilst these plugs will run in most
applications, they are particularly suitable for slower running
engines which may have a tendency to oil-up conventional plugs.
Each kit includes plans, construction notes together and
sufficient material to produce 2 plugs!
Please note that you will also require a high temperature
adhesive such as JB Weld (HEA 1040).
Price: £15.00 each kit
Centrifugal Clutch Kit
HEA 1030
This assembly was designed by Westbury in 1941 for use
on his 1831 IC Locomotive and detailed again for the
Wallaby engine. We believe that this will be an interesting
accessory for other engines as well; allowing a simple
means of decoupling the engine from its load at low
engine speed. The kit comes with construction notes 2
gunmetal castings, sawn bar for an iron flywheel and a
suitable ball race. The 4 tension springs are not included.
You will need to experiment in order to achieve the best
results. If you need a spring winder and wire see our
Workshop Accessory Catalogue. Westbury suggests
engagement should begin at 800rpm and states there is a
“wide transition between first engagement and full
Price: £57.00
JB Weld
This product is the answer to a many a prayer! It is a 2 part
epoxy adhesive suitable for use on all of the materials
specified in our engines. What sets it apart from any-old
epoxy adhesive is its unique specification. It can withstand temperatures up to 500ºF. Once set, it is resistant to
water, petrol, oil and virtually any chemical including
acids. It can be used as an adhesive, laminate, plug, filler,
sealant, or electrical insulator. After 15-24 hours of curing
at room temperature, it can be drilled, ground, tapped,
machined, filed, sanded, and painted. It dries to a dark
grey (steel like) colour.
The product comes in 2 x 28.7g (1oz.!) tubes together
with instructions and interesting testimonials!
Price: £8.20
HEA 1040
We are pleased to report that a number of classic books are available to support our classic range of IC engines.
! Model Petrol Engines
Edgar Westbury
BK 1101
The author was an acknowledged expert on model petrol engines and this book still remains the leading work on
the subject, packed with useful information and designs. (1936: 226 pages small format)
Price: £11.95
! Diesel Model Engines -
Lt. Col. C E Bowden
BK 1102
The leading work on model diesel engines, full of ideas and designs for aircraft, cars and boats. (1947: 216 pages
small format)
Price: £11.95
! Small Internal Combustion Engines
Edgar Westbury
BK 1103
This is a practical handbook for the user of small gas, petrol or paraffin oil stationary engines, written by one of the
leading writers of the day. (1950: 120 pages small format)
Price: £9.50
! Model Glow Plug Engines
Lt. Col. C E Bowden
BK 1104
This book describes in detail glow plug ignition and indicates the sort of model in which the glow plug engine
gives of its best. (1949: 92 pages small format)
Price: £5.95
! Ignition Equipment
Edgar Westbury
BK 1105
This book is the result of Westbury's exhaustive research of very small ignition equipment in the late 1940's.
Practically every known form of ignition design is covered. (1948: 192 pages small format)
Price: £12.50
Terms of Business
We accept payment by credit & debit cards, cheque or UK Postal Order (payable to Hemingway Kits) and cash at your risk. We accept Visa,
MasterCard, Maestro and Switch cards. You may send your card information via post, phone, fax or over the Internet, making use of the 128
bit encryption with our on-line catalogue. If you are shopping from outside the UK, place your order and your card company will convert the
Pounds Sterling transaction to your own currency.
We have negotiated a 2/3 day delivery rate of £8.25 for all UK orders above 2kg. Below this weight, one of us will just have to walk down
to the Post Office....
For parcels weighing below 2kg, we will send your delivery by the Royal Mail's small packet service. Occasionally it makes sense for us to
split your kit into 2 separate boxes (say 1.9kg and 0.5kg) to use this service! Above 2.0kg we use Fedex and DHL. Typical delivery times are 5
days to either the Antipodes, the Colonies or the Continent. Please get in touch for a quotation.
Delivery Lead Times
In general, we "Make to Order" rather than "Make to Stock". We aim to despatch your UK orders within 3 business days and International
orders within 5 days. Occasionally, you'll catch us waiting for certain items (typically castings) to arrive.... At our option, we may decide to
forward your incomplete kit together with a note declaring the shortage(s). This allows you to make a start. We will then forward, at our
expense, the missing items once they are available. If the delay is likely to be substantial, or if we are missing an item without which you can't
start your project, we'll get in touch and discuss it with you - under these circumstances we won't process your payment until everything is
ready to ship.
VAT Included - Registration No. GB 876 6053 91
Hemingway Kits is registered for Value Added Tax and all of the prices shown include this tax at a rate of 20.0%. For shipments made to
addresses outside of the European Community, this tax will be discounted from your order before we process your card payment. This
discount (or refund) does not apply to shipping costs or orders for plans and books. Incidentally, to remove 20% from a tax-inclusive price you
must divide by 1.2 (NOT multiply by 0.8).
Your Satisfaction
It is very important to us that you are satisfied with your order. Please do contact us if you have a concern and we promise to address it
The occasional faulty casting is inevitable from the low volume processes that we employ. Any such casting returned to us will be replaced free
of charge, together with a credit note for the shipping cost which you have incurred. We cannot, however, accept claims for labour or other
costs arising from such faults.
There's also an infinitesimally small chance that YOU will scrap an item?! Please get in touch and you'll find we show great mercy in pricing
replacement materials.
All products are described and shown as accurately as possible. However, customers are given the full benefit, AT ONCE, of any improvements
to designs and specifications.
Our Satisfaction!
We love what we do and are always pleased to hear about your successful projects. Photograph are always welcome together with any
comments you can offer about your improvements, alternative set-ups and product configurations for specific machine tools or jobs.
Privacy Policy
Hemingway Kits do not disclose customers' information to third parties without their full consent.
We the suppliers, Hemingway Kits, will not accept responsibility for personal injury or damage to property arising directly or indirectly out of
the use by customers of our kits and workshop accessories nor will we accept liability for any claims made for personal injury or damage to
property resulting from customers carrying out any instructions supplied by us (such instructions being for information purposes only).
The placing of an order shall be deemed to be acceptance of the above terms of business.
Hemingway Kits, 126 Dunval Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4LZ, UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1746 767739
Email: [email protected]
126 Dunval Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4LZ, UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1746 767739
Email: [email protected]
Kit Code
Price £
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Expiry Date:
Issue No:
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Sub Total:
£ 8.25
Catalogue Discount (one per customer):
- £ 2.00
126 Dunval Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4LZ, UK
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1746 767739
Email: [email protected]
Kit Code
Price £
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Expiry Date:
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Sub Total:
£ 8.25