BHT-206L1-MM-2 , MAINTENANCE MANUAL VOLUME 2 INSTRUMENTS-ELECTRICAL-AVIONICS NOTICE The instructions set forth in this manual, as supplemented or modified by Alert Service Bulletins and other directions issued by Bell Helicopter Textron and Airworthiness Directives issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, shall be strictly followed. A Subsidiary of Textron Inc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE COPYRIGHT 1993 POST OFFICE BOX 482. AND BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON. A DIVISION OF TEXTRON CANADA LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76101 3 DECEMBER REISSUE 15 JANUARY 1977 1993 BHT-206L1-MM-2 Additional copies of this publication may be obtained by contacting: Commercial Publication Distribution Center Bell Helicopter Textron P.O. Box 482 Fort Worth, Texas 78101-0482 BHT-206L1-MM-2 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES , On a revised page the portion indicated by a vertical line. Original .............. Revision ............. of the text and illustration 0 .... .3 December 1 .. .14 September Page No. 1977 1978 Vol. Date/ Rev. No. Cover ................................... Title ..................................... PN ...................................... A/B ...................................... 1-1/1-2 .................................. 1-3/1-4 .................................. 95-l - 95-2 ............................. 95-3/95-4 ................................ 95-5 - 95-12 ........................... 95-13/95-14.. ........................... 95-15/95-18 ............................. 95-17 - 95-20 .......................... 95-21/95-22 ............................. 95-23 - 95-24 .......................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 affected Revision ............. Revision ............. Reissue ............. by the latest revision is 2 ......... 15 April 1980 3. ........ .15 July 1981 0 ..... .15 January 1993 Page No. 96-1 - 96-20 ........................... 96-21/96-22 ............................. 96-23 - 98-40 .......................... 96-41/96-42 ............................. 98-43 - 96-48 .......................... 96-49/96-50.. ........................... 96-51/96-52 ............................. 96-53/98-54 ............................. 97-1/97-2 ................................ 97-3 - 97-30 ........................... 98-l - 98-50 ........................... 98-51/98-52 ............................. Index 1 - Index 6 ...................... Vol. Date/ Rev. No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE This complete reissue of Volume 2 supersedes original Volume 2 dated 3 December 1977 and Revisions 1 through 3. Please discard original Volume 2 and revisions. - A/B E VALUATE L OGISTICS P L UBLICATIONS Have you found something wrong with this manual - an error, an inconsistency, unclear instructions, etc? Although we strive for accuracy and clarity, we may make errors on occasion. If we do and you discover it, we would appreciate your telling us about it so that we can change whatever is incorrect or unclear. Please be as specific as possible. Your complaint or suggestion will be acknowledged we will tell you what we intend to do. You may use the enclosed Customer Feedback applicable, to inform us where we have erred. Your assistance is sincerely appreciated. and form, as CUSTOMER FEEDBACK FAX TO: MANAGER, MANUAL TITLE: MANUAL NUMBER DATE OF ISSUE: DATE OF LAST SECTION, WHAT NOW (817) 280-6473 (If Assigned): PARAGRAPH AFFECTED: COMPLAINT? READS: SHOULD Your PUBLICATIONS REVISION: CHAPTER, IS THE TECHNICAL READ: Name Address Position- Telephone Company Fax Reference No. (Your (Fold Initials in thirds, No. & Date) with address exposed, tape and mail.) TAPE HERE From ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLD ON DOTTED LINES AND TAPE. TAPE HERE IMPORTANT HELICOPTER SALE NOTICE Please complete this Form and return by Mail or FAX (817-280-3224, Attention: CPDC) to Bell Helicopter Textron. This will insure that the New Owners receive Helicopter Textron Technical Manuals and updates to their Bell Bulletins. Model of Helicopter Sold or Purchased Bell Serial Number Registration Number Company or Individual who purchased Helicopter Address City State Zip Code County FAX No. Telephone No. TAPE HERE From P. 0. BOX 482 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101-0482 FOLD ON DOTTED LINES AND TAPE. TAPE HERE BHT-206L1-MM-2 CHAPTER CONTENTS Paragraph Number l-l l-2 - 1 - INTRODUCTION MAINTENANCE Title ................................. Scope of manual Use of manual .................................... PROCEDURES Chapter/Section Number 1-00-00 1-00-00 Page Number 3 3 1-00-00 Page 1/2 BHT-206L1-MM-2 INTRODUCTION l-l. SCOPE OF MANUAL. This maintenance manual (Volume II, Model 206L1, instruments, Electrical, Avionics, and Wiring Diagrams) includes the necessary data to provide helicopter operators with field maintenance procedures. Table l-1. List TITLE CHAPTER INTRODUCTION INSTRUMENT SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AVIONICS SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS ALPHABETICAL INDEX 1-2. of chapters 1-00-00 95-00-00 96-00-00 97-00-00 98-00-00 INDEX 1 USE OF MANUAL. Preceding each Chapter is a Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures to enable the user to quickly determine where the information sought can be found. The data in each chapter is divided into systems (DC Power Systems, Indicator Systems, Caution and Warning Systems, etc.). These systems are further divided into subsystems. As an example, under DC Power Systems would follow: Battery System, External Power System, Generator System, and StarterIgniter System. The wiring diagrams, also, are provided as System Wiring Diagrams for ease of troubleshooting and circuit analysis. The last chapter of this manual, the Alphabetical Index, lists all primary headings with crossindexing. NOTE Model 206L1 series maintenance manuals are currently being reformatted and revolumized. Chapters 95 through 98 have been updated and are in Bell Helicopter’s Automated Technical Publications (ATP) system. To expedite this information to the field for the benefit of our customers, existing Volume 2 is reissued using the inprocess format for chapters 95 through 98. 1-00-00 Page 3/4 BHT-206L1 CHAPTER CONTENTS Paragraph Number 95-l 95-2 95-3 95-4 95-5 95-6 95-7 95-8 95-9 95 - MAINTENANCE -- ................................. Pitot-static system.. .............................. Removal - pitot tube and static ports ......... Cleaning - pitot-static system ................. Inspection - pitot-static system ............... Installation - pitot tube and static ports ....... Testing - pitot-static system .................. Airspeed indicator ................................ Altimeter .......................................... Inclinometer ...................................... 95-23 95-24 95-25 95-26 95-27 95-28 95-29 -- 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 10 IO 10 IO IO 10 10 13 13 13 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 15 15 15 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 17 17 17 17 17 17 95-00-00 18 INSTRUMENTS Navigation instruments ........................... Standby magnetic compass ...................... Calibration - standby magnetic compass ...... PROPULSION Page Number INSTRUMENTS instruments NAVIGATION 95-20 95-21 95-22 Chapter/Section Number Instrument system ................................ Troubleshooting instruments ...................... Instruments maintenance practices ............... Removal - instruments ........................ Inspection - instruments ...................... Installation - instruments ...................... Instrument panel maintenance practices .......... Removal - instrument panel .................. Installation - instrument panel ................ Flight SYSTEM PROCEDURES Title FLIGHT 95-l 0 95-l 1 95-12 95-l 3 95-14 95-15 95-l 6 95-l 7 95-18 95-19 INSTRUMENT -MM-10 INSTRUMENTS Propulsion instruments ........................... Dual tachometer .................................. Operational check - dual tachometer ......... Gas producer tachometer ......................... Operational check - gas producer tachometer Engine oil temperature/pressure indicator ........ Operational check - engine oil temperature/ pressure indicator .............................. 95-00-00 Page 1 BHT-206L1-MM-10 CONTENTS Paragraph Number 95-30 95-31 95-32 95-33 95-34 95-35 95-36 95-37 95-38 95-39 95-40 95-41 95-42 - MAINTENANCE (Cont) Chapter/Section Number Title Bleeding pressure gage line - engine oil temperature/pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator.. Operational check - transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bleeding pressure gage line - transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel quantity indicator.. .......................... Fuel pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operational check - fuel pressure indicator.. . Engine torquemeter.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Operational check - engine torquemeter.. .... Bleeding - engine torquemeter gage pressure line............................................. Turbine outlet temperature indicator.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance - turbine outlet temperature , indicator........................................ Operational check - turbine outlet temperature indicator and circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . MISCELLANEOUS 95-43 95-44 95-45 95-46 95-47 95-48 95-49 PROCEDURES Page Number 95-00-00 95-00-00 18 18 95-00-00 18 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 18 19 19 19 19 95-00-00 95-00-00 19 19 95-00-00 20 95-00-00 20 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 95-00-00 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 19 INSTRUMENTS Miscellaneous instruments ........................ DC loadmeter ..................................... Engine hourmeter ................................. Operational check - engine hourmeter ........ Clock.. ........................................... Free air temperature indicator .................... Maintenance - free air temperature indicator FIGURES Figure Number 95-l 95-2 95-00-00 Page 2 Title Instrument Instrument panel......................................~ ...................... piping installation ................................................ Page Number 8 12 BHT-206L1 -MM10 TABLES Table Number 95-1 Title instruments troubleshooting.. ............................,................... Page Number 6 95-00-00 Page 3/4 BHT-206L1-MM-10 INSTRUMENT 95-1. INSTRUMENT b. SYSTEM. Instrument system is divided into four categories; flight, navigation, propulsion, and miscellaneous. All indicators are installed in hinged instrument panel, figure 95-1, except pilot standby compass, hourmeter, and free air temperature indicator. Pilot standby compass is mounted in a support attached to right side of cabin structure, slightly forward of instrument panel. Hourmeter is mounted in nose compartment and free air temperature indicator is mounted in windshield. 1. Flight instrument system consists of pitotstatic system and following instruments and panels: a. Airspeed Gas producer C. Engine indicator. oil d. Transmission indicator. tachometer temperature/pressure oil temperature/pressure e. Fuel quantity indicator. f. Fuel pressure indicator. g. Engine torque h. Turbine indicator. meter. outlet temperature indicator. indicator. 4. Miscellaneous instrument following instruments: b. Altimeter. C. Inclinometer. d. Airspeed limitation panel: In mph (effective 45154 through 45238). helicopter S/N (2) In knots (effective 45239 and subsequent). helicopter S/N (1) 2. Navigation instrument system pilot standby magnetic compass. 3. Propulsion instrument following instruments: a. SYSTEM Dual tachometer system consists includes of a. Hourmeter. b. 8-day clock. C. Free air temperature d. Loadmeter. system includes indicator. 95-2. TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUMENTS. Malfunctions pertaining to basic aircraft instruments are typical. Table 95-l in conjunction with wiring diagrams in Chapter 98 are used as a guide in troubleshooting. indicator. 95-00-00 Page 5 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table INDICATION TROUBLE 95-l. Instruments OF PROBABLE Excessive scale error. moves backward. Indication Indicator only half. fails to operate. reading No reading (TOT). on indicator in tachometer. polarity. Replace. Interchange leads. Leads connected to wrong terminals on indicator. Refer to wiring diagram. Circuit breaker. Replace Faulty wiring. Repair as necessary. Defective tachometer Replace. TURBINE Incorrect ACTION TACHOMETER Weak magneto Reversed CORRECTIVE CAUSE DUAL Pointer troubleshooting Harness transmitter/ generator. OUTLET circuit breaker. TEMPERATURE Calibrate ohms. not calibrated. Open or defective breaker. circuit harness Check and replace breaker. Loose co n n e c t i o n s o n indicator, terminal block or connector. Clean and tighten Open thermocouple Check harness. harness. 5 to faulty 100 circuit connections. , Inaccurate readings. TOT light inoperative. 95-00-00 Page 6 Shorts or open in engine thermocouple harness. Check harness. Improper thermocouple resistance. Check harness. Defective TOT circuit wiring. loop overtemp Replace or repair wiring. Defective TOT overtemp circuitry in indicator. Replace indicator. 6 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table 95-1. Instruments troubleshooting (Cont) ! INDICATION TROUBLE OF PROBABLE TOT light does not illuminate at appropriate overtemperature indication. Defective indicator. Overtemp needed. CAUSE overtemp circuit CORRECTIVE circuit in adjustment ACTION Replace indicator. Replace indicator. ALTIMETER Pointer indicates (altimeter). incorrectly Leak in static line. Static vent Defective plugged. instrument. ENGINE Low reading Sluggish on indicator. OIL TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE Obstructed reading. Inaccurate indicator. Sluggish line and/or fitting. Sludge in pressure ENGINE Low reading on indicator. Obstructed or sticking Defective reading. NOTE - Instruments must be tested and repaired at an authorized repair station. Disassembly of an instrument is not recommended, or clean line and/or or clean line and/or TORQUEMETER line and/or fitting. Replace fitting. Replace indicator. indicator. Bleed line. line. except station. MAINTENANCE Replace fitting. Bleed line. line. Sludge in pressure 95-3. INSTRUMENTS PRACTICES. Repair as necessary. at an authorized repair Removal, cleaning, inspection, and installation procedures for all instruments is basically the same. Therefore, a single removal and installation procedure will be used for all instruments. 95-4. 1. REMOVAL - INSTRUMENTS. Ensure battery switch is OFF. 95-00-00 Page 7 BHT-206L1-MM-10 VIEW A VIEW C VIEW B A2 A1 3 A ENGINE OVSP TEST VIEW NOTES A1 Effective helicopters S/N 45154 thru 45728. 2 Effective helicopters S/N 45729 and subsequent. Effective helicopters S/N 45154 thru 45790. Figure 95-00-00 Page 8 95-l. Instrument panel 206L1-M-95-1 206-075-276R BHT-206L1-MM-10 2. Disengage glareshield that instrument panel. three attach studs forward console shroud 3. Disengage six studs that instrument panel to console structure. of to attach 95-7. INSTRUMENT PANEL MAINTENANCE PRACTICES. PROTECT INSTRUMENTS FROM FRONTAL DAMAGE AND WIRES AND TUBES FROM BEING TWISTED AND STRAINED WHEN TILTING INSTRUMENT PANEL AFT. 4. Tilt instrument panel aft. 6. Remove screws that attach instrument instrument panel and remove instrument. INSPECTION 1. Inspect glass. 2. 95-6. 1. - Disconnect glareshield that instrument panel. three attach instrument panel. studs forward console shroud of to attach 3. Tilt instrument panel aft and instruments (paragraph 95-4). remove 4. Disconnect instrument panel. electrical harness from 5. Remove hinge pin at bottom of instrument panel and remove panel. for loose or cracked - INSTRUMENT of range markings. is mounted - properly in 1. Align hinge halves on instrument panel and console structure. Insert hinge pin. 2. Clamp panel. INSTRUMENTS. electrical harness to instrument battery switch is OFF. 3. 2. Position instrument in instrument and install mounting screws. - INSTRUMENT 2. Disconnect six studs that instrument panel to console structure. 95-9. INSTALLATION PANEL. INSTALLATION Ensure to INSTRUMENTS. instruments Check legibility 3. Check instrument - 95-8. REMOVAL PANEL. 1. 5. Disconnect electrical connector or tubes from back of instrument. Place protective cover on connectors, tubes, and openings into instrument. 95-5. 5. Tighten three studs forward of glareshield that attach console shroud to instrument panel. Install instruments (paragraph 95-6). panel 3. Remove protective cover and connect electrical connectors or tubes to instrument. 4. Close instrument panel and tighten six studs that attach instrument panel to console structure. 4. Close instrument panel and tighten six studs that attach instrument panel to console structure. 5. Tighten three studs forward of glareshield that attach console shroud to instrument panel. 95-00-00 Page 9 BHT-206L1-MM-10 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 95-10. FLIGHT air to blow lines clear of any obstructions or moisture. INSTRUMENTS. Flight instrument system includes pitot-static system and airspeed, altimeter, and inclinometer indicators. Refer to paragraph 95-3 for instrument removal, inspection, and installation procedures. 95-11. PITOT-STATIC 1. REMOVAL PORTS. - 95-14. INSPECTION SYSTEM. - and connect PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM. Pitot tube (1, figure 95-2) is mounted on a support located in most forward part of cabin nose bubble just right of helicopter centerline. This tube supplies impact air to airspeed indicator. Static air pressure for instrument operation is obtained from two static ports. Ports are located on aft edge of left and right lower plastic panels of cabin nose bubble. 95-12. STATIC 2. Reinstall drain plugs pressure and static lines. and/ PITOT TUBE AND 1. Inspect all lines and fittings. 2. Visually check lines for chafing, and damage. 3. mounting, Inspect pitot tube and static ports. 95-15. INSTALLATION AND STATIC PORTS. - PITOT TUBE Position pitot head sleeve on pitot head. Remove cover from wire ends, and connect electrical wiring to pitot head. 1. Ensure all electrical power is OFF. 2. Remove screws and lockwashers attaching pitot head sleeve to pitot head and pitot tube support. 2. Remove caps or covers from openings in pitot head and pressure line and connect pressure line to pitot head. 3. Hold pitot head and slide sleeve forward until coupling in pitot pressure line is exposed. Disconnect pressure line and cap or cover opening in line and in pitot head. 3. Align holes in pitot head sleeve with holes in pitot head and in pitot tube support and install attaching lockwashers and screws. electrical wiring, if existing, 4. Disconnect and cover wire ends. Remove pitot head and sleeve from helicopter. Disconnect static line 5. Disconnect tee from static port. from 6. Remove nut and washer from static and remove static port and baffle. tee. port 4. Install washer. static port and baffle with nut and 5. Connect to tee. tee to static port and static 95-16. TESTING SYSTEM. SPECIAL 95-13. CLEANING SYSTEM. - Page 10 PITOT-STATIC TEST EQUIPMENT PITOT-STATIC 1. Remove drain plugs and allow moisture to drain out. Disconnect pressure and static line from instruments and use filtered compressed 95-00-00 - TYPE OR MODEL MB-1 (Tactair) equivalent or NOMENCLATURE Static Field Tester line BHT-206L1-MM-10 NOTE Altitude and airspeed indicators are functionally tested during following procedures, in addition to pitot-static system. Refer to step 14 in this paragraph if test set is not available. airspeed airspeed VALVES ON TEST SET ARE SENSITIVE AND SHOULD BE OPERATED SLOWLY AND WITH CARE TO AVOID POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO INSTRUMENTS. INSTRUMENTS ARE EASILY DAMAGED BY IMPROPER MANIPULATION OF VALVES ON TEST SET. Connect Tactair MB-l, or equivalent, pitot-static system field test set hoses to pitot and static connections on test set. Connect appropriate hoses to pitot tube and one static port on helicopter. Seal remaining static port on helicopter with tape. Check connections for tightness. 1. 2. Open both vent valves in lines to equalize. Close test set. to allow pressure all five valves on 3. Set barometric pressure dials on helicopter and test set altimeter indicators to barometric pressure at test site, if known, or to 29.92 inches Hg. Check helicopter altimeter reads same as test set altimeter within ±20 feet. If readings do not agree, perform one of the following adjustments: . . indicators and check helicopter indicator reads 120 ± 4 knots. 6. Close pressure source valve with helicopter airspeed indicator reading 120 f 4 knots. After 5 minutes, check airspeed indication has not dropped more than 10 knots. 7. Slowly open pressure vent valve. Check airspeed indication returns to indicator’s minimum limit. a. When 29.92 inches Hg is set, adjust helicopter altimeter to test set altimeter. b. When ambient pressure is set, adjust helicopter altimeter to actual test site altitude, if known. If not known, set altimeter to agree with test set. 4. Pressurize pressure tank on test set until sufficient pressure for test is indicated on pressure dial (approximately 50 inches Hg or I 170 kPa). NOTE Pressure in tank may be replenished as required for test. 5. Open pressure vent valve approximately 1/4 turn. Slowly open pressure source valve. Close pressure vent valve. Leave pressure source valve open until airspeed indicator on test set reads 120 knots, then close pressure source valve. Maintain this -pressure by manipulation of pressure source valve as required. Gently tap on helicopter and test set NEVER BREAK A LINE OR REMOVE A FITTING TO VENT DAMAGE TO SYSTEM. INSTRUMENTS MAY OCCUR. 6. Pump vacuum side until approximately 20 inches Hg (68 kPa) is indicated on vacuum 1 dial. 9. Slowly open vacuum source valve. Check both altimeter and airspeed indicator readings increase. Slowly bring airspeed to approximately 120 knots and close vacuum source valve and pressure vent valve. Hold airspeed at 120 knots and increase altitude indications by manipulation of cross bleed and vacuum source valves. Tap gently on helicopter and test set altimeter and check loss in altitude does not exceed 100 feet in 1 minute. 10. 95-00-00 Page 11 BHT-206L1-MM-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 13 Altimeter Airspeed indicator Torque meter Engine oil indicator Transmission oil pressure disconnect Engine oil pressure disconnect Torque pressure disconnect Transmission oil indicator Static port tee Static port Switch - transmission oil Tee Pitot tube Pitot tube disconnect Static port Static port tee 206Ll-M-95-2 Figure 95-00-00 Page 12 95-2. Instrument piping installation BHT-206Ll -MM-l 0 11. Slowly decrease vacuum until test set altimeter reads 1000 feet. Maintain this reading by manipulation of vacuum source valve as required. Gently tap on test set and helicopter altimeter and check helicopter indicator reads within ± 20 feet of test set indicator. provides an airspeed reading in miles per hour by measuring difference between impact air pressure from pitot tube and static air pressure from static ports. Refer to paragraph 95-11 for specific maintenance and testing of pitot-static system. 12. Slowly open vacuum vent valve and observe helicopter and test set altimeter return to approximate ground level readings. Altimeter furnishes direct reading of helicopter height in feet above sea level. This indicator is connected to static air system to sense atmospheric pressure. An external adjustment knob is provided to make adjustments for variations of prevailing barometric pressure. Refer to paragraph 95-11 for specific maintenance and testing of pitot-static system. 13. Open pressure and vacuum vent valves. After system pressures are equalized, remove test set from helicopter. Remove seal placed on static port. 95-18. 95-19. 14. An alternate method pressure line is as follows: of checking pitot a. With the system installed, apply regulated air pressure to pitot intake. When airspeed indicator shows a reading of between 50 and 100 mph, close off pressure line. ALTIMETER. INCLINOMETER. Inclinometer consists of a curved glass tube, ball, and dampening fluid. The ball indicates when helicopter is in directional balance, either in a turn or straight and level flight. If helicopter is yawing or slipping, ball will move off center. Tap lightly on panel near indicator watching for a drop in reading which would indicate leakage. If reading drops more than 5 mph in 1 minute, check line connections, correct leakage, and repeat test. b. 95-17. AIRSPEED Airspeed indicator instrument. This INDICATOR. is a standard single scale pitot-static indicator 95-00-00 Page 13/14 BHT-206L1-MM-10 NAVIGATION 95-20. NAVIGATION Navigation standby paragraph inspection, 4. Start helicopter standard procedures. INSTRUMENTS. instrument consists of the pilot magnetic compass. Refer to 95-3 for instrument removal, and installation procedures. 95-21. STANDBY COMPASS. MAGNETIC Magnetic compass is a standard, nonstabilized, magnetic type instrument mounted on a support attached to right side of forward cabin. Compass is used in conjunction with a compass correction card located below compass. 95-22. CALIBRATION MAGNETIC COMPASS. - STANDBY Check compass for excessive card oscillation, card element not level, and sluggish card before positioning helicopter on compass rose. 1. 2. Position helicopter on compass rose. Observe the following precautions prior to start of compass compensation test procedures. a. Ensure all magnetic material and equipment in helicopter is secured in normal flight position. b. Ensure controls normal flight position. and levers INSTRUMENTS are in C. Ensure personnel near or in helicopter have no magnetic material on their person. d. Ensure all magnetic objects, such as trucks, automobiles, or other aircraft, are moved from compass rose area. 3. Secure helicopter right-hand skid to compass rose holding fixture. Use helicopter ground handling wheels or equivalent to support helicopter when rotating to different headings. engine according to 5. Turn power on to all equipment, except landing lights. Allow approximately 3 minutes for equipment to stabilize. 6. Set E-W and N-S adjustment screws on standby compass to zero position. Zero position is when dot of screw is aligned with dot of frame. NOTE Attempt to place helicopter in simulated flight condition while swinging compass. 7. Swing helicopter to magnetic north heading. Adjust N-S adjustment screw until compass reads exactly north. 6. Swing helicopter to magnetic east heading. Adjust E-W adjustment screw until compass reads exactly east. to magnetic south 9. Swing helicopter heading and note resulting error. Adjust N-S adjustment screw to remove one-half of error. Swing helicopter to magnetic west 10. heading and note resulting error. Adjust E-W adjustment screw to remove one-half of error. NOTE Maximum deviation on cardinal headings shall not exceed f 2 degrees. Maximum deviation on 30degree headings shall not exceed + 5 degrees. 11. Swing helicopter in successive magnetic 30-degree headings and record all errors on compass correction card. 95-00-00 Page 15/16 BHT-206L1-MM-10 PROPULSION 95-23. PROPULSION INSTRUMENTS. Propulsion instruments installed consist of dual tachometer, gas producer tachometer, engine oil temperature/pressure, transmission oil temperature/pressure, fuel quantity, fuel pressure half of fuel pressure/loadmeter, engine torquemeter, and turbine outlet temperature indicators. Refer to paragraph removal, inspection, procedures. 95-24. 95-3 for instrument and installation 3. Disconnect electrical connector (1G2P1) from turbine tachometer generator and connect to matching receptacle on test set. Check that the turbine rpm pointer on the rotor and turbine rpm tachometer indicator reads upscale and at approximate rpm of the tachometer generator. 4. Disconnect electrical connector (1G2P1) from the test set and reconnect to turbine tachometer generator. 95-26. DUAL TACHOMETER. Dual tachometer, reading in percent, furnishes both rotor rpm and power turbine rpm information. This instrument is powered by rotor tachometer and power turbine tachometer generators. Generators are selfgenerating and are not connected to electrical system. Normal operation of helicopter is when rotor rpm and power turbine rpm indicator needles are synchronized and in green arc. 95-25. OPERATIONAL TACHOMETER. INSTRUMENTS CHECK - DUAL I TYPE I H337 OR MODEL TEST EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE Howell Engine Set or Alternate Test I. Disconnect electrical connector (1G3P1) from rotor tachometer generator and connect to matching receptacle on test set. Energize test set tachometer generator. Check that rotor rpm pointer and turbine rpm tachometer indicator read upscale at the approximate speed that test set generator is turning. 2. Disconnect electrical connector from test set and reconnect tachometer generator. (1G3P1) to rotor TACHOMETER. Gas producer tachometer, reading in percent, furnishes gas producer rpm information. This instrument is powered by gas producer tachometer generator. Generator is selfgenerating and is not connected to electrical system. OPERATIONAL CHECK 95-27. PRODUCER TACHOMETER. SPECIAL TYPE H337 SPECIAL GAS PRODUCER OR MODEL TEST - GAS EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE Howell Engine Set or Alternate Test I. Disconnect electrical connector (1G1P1) from gas producer tachometer generator and connect to matching receptacle on test set. Check gas producer indicator reads upscale and reads approximate rpm of tachometer generator. 2. Disconnect electrical connector (1G1P1) from test set and reconnect to gas producer tachometer generator. 95-28. ENGINE OIL TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE INDICATOR. Engine oil temperature/pressure indicator dual instrument providing temperature is a and 95-00-00 Page I7 BHT-206L1-MM-10 pressure indications. Temperature side of instrument is part of a bridge circuit with resistor element of temperature bulb located in engine oil tank. Indicates engine oil temperature in degrees centigrade. Indicator and temperature bulb are matched electrically in bridge circuit and do not require calibration. Pressure side of instrument is precalibrated in pounds per square inch and is included in a piping installation which provides direct (wet line) readings to indicator. Calibration of system is not required on installation. Bleeding of pressure gage lines is required if air is allowed to enter the pressure lines. 96-29. OPERATIONAL CHECK OIL TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE INDICATOR. - 1. Close breaker. IND ENG/XMSN 2. Check indicator ambient temperature. TEMP reads 95-30. BLEEDING PRESSURE - ENGINE OIL TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE INDICATOR. ENGINE circuit approximate GAGE LINE Disconnect pressure gage line at engine inlet and place end of line in a receptacle so end will be covered by accumulated fluid in receptacle. Station an observer at receptacle to observe when a bubble free flow has been established. 1. 2. Remove mounting screws; carefully tilt instrument panel aft. Protect instruments from frontal damage, and wiring and tubes behind panel from being twisted: or strained. Disconnect pressure gage line at instrument and connect a low pressure filler gun, filled with engine oil (Chapter 12), to gage line. Apply pressure slowly to displace fluid in line. Continue to force engine oil into line until a steady flow is established at aft end. 3. When bleeding has been satisfactorily completed, remove filler gun arid-. connect gage line to instrument. Take precaution to hold fluid loss to a minimum while connecting line. Carefully close instrument panel, taking care that wiring and tubes behind panel stow 95-00-00 Page 16 without twisting or interference. Secure panel. Connect aft end of gage line at engine. 95-31. TRANSMlSSlON OIL TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE INDICATOR. The transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator is a. dual instrument providing temperature and pressure indications. The temperature side of the instrument is part of a bridge circuit with resistor element of temperature bulb located in oil filter head and indicates transmission oil temperature in degrees centigrade. Indicator and temperature bulbs are matched electrically in bridge circuit and do not require calibration. Pressure side of instrument is precalibrated in pounds per square inch and is included in a piping installation which provides direct -(wet line) readings to indicator. Calibration of system is not required with installation. Bleeding of pressure gage lines is required if air is allowed to enter pressure lines. 95-32. OPERATlONAL CHECK TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE INDICATOR. 1. Close breaker. ENG/XMSN 2. Check indicator ambient temperature. TEMP IND reads circuit approximate 95-33. BLEEDING PRESSURE GAGE - TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE/ PRESSURE INDICATOR. LINE 1. Disconnect pressure gage line at transmission and place end of line in a receptacle so that end will be covered by accumulated fluid in receptacle. Station an observer at the receptacle to observe when a bubble free -flow has been established. 2. Remove mounting screws; carefully tilt instrument panel aft as necessary. Protect instruments from frontal damage, and wiring and tubes behind panel from being twisted or strained. Disconnect pressure gage line at the instrument and connect a low pressure filler gun, filled with-transmission oil (Chapter 12), to gage line. Apply pressure slowly to - BHT-206L1-MM-10 . , displace fluid in line. Continue to force oil into line until a steady flow is established at the aft end. 3. When bleeding has been satisfactorily completed, remove filler gun and connect gage line to instrument. Take precaution to hold fluid loss to a minimum while connecting line. Carefully close instrument panel, taking care that wiring and tubes behind panel stow without twisting or interference. Secure panel. Connect aft end of gage line at transmission. 95-34. Fuel fuel part units FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR. quantity indicator provides readings of supply quantity in pounds. Indicator is of a bridge circuit which includes tank and three float elements. 95-35. FUEL PRESSURE Fuel pressure indicator, located in instrument panel is a dual indicator with loadmeter indicator. Electrical circuitry is provided from fuel pressure transmitter to indicator. Indicator is precalibrated in pounds per square inch and requires no calibration when installed. 95-36. OPERATIONAL PRESSURE INDICATOR. CHECK Fuel pressure transducer passenger door. is located aft of right 1. Remove fuel fuel compartment. pressure FUEL transducer 95-38. OPERATIONAL TORQUEMETER. CHECK - from 2. Connect transducer to regulated air pressure source and reinstall electrical connector on transducer. 3. With electrical power turned on (28 Vdc from battery or APU), slowly increase air pressure to a maximum of 30 psi (207 kPa). Fuel pressure indicator should indicate same as source pressure ± 3 psi (20.7 kPa). 95-37. ENGINE TORQUEMETER. Engine panel, torquemeter, located in instrument is precalibrated in percent. This ENGINE 1. Disconnect torque pressure line from engine, and attach pressure hand gun to torque pressure line. 2. Apply 57 to 59 psig (393 to 407 kPa) pressure. Check torquemeter reads 100 ± 2 percent. 95-39. BLEEDING - ENGINE TORQUEMETER GAGE PRESSURE INDICATOR. - instrument is included in piping circuit to lower firewall disconnect which continues to engine accessory drive gearbox (forward side of engine). No calibration of torquemeter is required when installed. See paragraph 95-30 for bleeding 95-40. TURBINE INDICATOR. OUTLET LINE. procedure. TEMPERATURE Turbine outlet temperature (TOT) indicator is a part of turbine outlet temperature system which includes indicator, related wiring, and engine associated components. Indicator receives temperature indications from bayonet type thermocouples mounted in turbine exhaust outlet. Indicator is graduated in degrees Celsius and electrical power is supplied from 28 Vdc bus through TOT circuit breaker. Effective on helicopters S/N 45729 and subsequent, and helicopters incorporating Technical Bulletin 206L-86-133, a red warning I light is incorporated on face of TOT indicator. Light will illuminate if red line temperature (810 degrees) is exceeded for more than 10(+2, -0) seconds. It will remain illuminated until power is removed from indicator or circuit is reset with TOT OVERTEMP LIGHT reset switch. If circuit is not reset, light will illuminate any time power is applied to indicator. 95-00-00 Page 19 BHT-206L1-MM-10 95-41. OUTLET MAINTENANCE TEMPERATURE - TURBINE INDICATOR. SPECIAL TYPE Refer to paragraph 95-3 for maintenance turbine outlet temperature indicator. of 95-42. OPERATIONAL CHECK TURBINE OUTLET TEMPERATURE INDICATOR AND CIRCUITRY. If electrical power is removed from TOT indicator, OFF flag will appear and pointer will remain at its last reading. For example: if last reading was 500°C when electrical power was removed, pointer will continue to read 500°C until electrical power is reapplied. If temperature has dropped to 30°C, pointer will motor down to read 30°C when power is reapplied. This is not sticking, but normal indicator operation. If thermocouple leads are opened while electrical power is applied indicator pointer will spin or motor. This, also, is normal indicator operation. thermocouple loop resistance Disconnect electrical connector (1M4P1) from back of TURB OUT TEMP (TOT) indicator. Measure resistance across terminals on thermocouple terminal board (1TB1) located in engine compartment. Check resistance of engine thermocouple loop is 1.0 ± 0.50 ohms. b. Measure resistance between pins D and E of connector (1M4P1). Resistance readings shall be between 5 and 20 ohms. Reconnect (1M4P1). 2. TOT TOT system functional 95-00-00 Page 20 electrical check: OR MODEL Barfield Type 2312G EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE Turbine Temperature Test Set a. Set FUNCTION switch on tester to IND mode. Adjust test set meter for ambient temperature variations, if required. NOTE 1. Engine check: TEST connector b. Remove wire (E7A-AL) from terminal board (1TB1). Connect black lead from test set to terminal of wire (E7A-AL). Connect red wire from test set to wire (ESA-CR) on terminal board (1TB1). c. Close TOT IND circuit breaker (1CB10). Press and hold TEST switch on test set while positioning CAL/ADJUST knob to 738 degrees on the dial. Pointer on TOT indicator should indicate 738 ± 5 degrees (low end of yellow range mark). NOTE On helicopters S/N 45729 and subsequent and helicopters incorporating Technical Bulletin 206L-88-133, if TOT indicator pointer indicates above red line (810 degrees) for more than 10(+2, -0) seconds, red TOT overtemperature warning light on face of indicator will illuminate. I d. Press and hold TEST switch while positioning CAL ADJUST knob to 810 degrees on dial. TOT indicator pointer will indicate 810 ± 5 degrees (high end of yellow range mark and leading edge of red line). e. On helicopters S/N 45729 and subsequent and helicopters incorporating Technical Bulletin 206L-86-133, perform following check of TOT warning light circuit: (1) If red over-temperature warning light did not illuminate in preceding step, press and hold TEST switch on test set; and adjust CAL/ ADJUST knob to a setting slightly above 810 degrees (approximately 812 to 815 degrees). I I BHT-206Ll Red warning illuminated. light shall illuminate and remain (2) Press and hold TEST switch and position CAL/ADJUST knob below 810 degrees (800 degrees for example). Red TOT warning light shall remain illuminated. (3) warning Reset TOT circuit breaker. Red light should go out when power is removed restored. but illuminate again when -MM-l 0 power is (4) Reset TOT warning light circuit by positioning TOT LT TEST switch to RESET. Red TOT warning light shall go out. f. Open TOT IND circuit breaker. Disconnect test set leads and reconnect wire (E7A-AL) to terminal board (1TB1). 95-00-00 Page 21122 BHT-206L1-MM-10 MISCELLANEOUS 95-43. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTS. Miscellaneous instruments installed consist of DC loadmeter, engine hourmeter, 8-day clock, and free air temperature indicator. Refer to paragraph 95-3 for instruments removal, inspection and installation procedure. 95-44. DC LOADMETER. DC loadmeter measures and indicates output of generator in percentage. Indicator is a dual instrument providing loadmeter and fuel pressure indications. 95-45. ENGINE HOURMETER. Engine hourmeter is mounted in compartment aft bulkhead. Hourmeter mechanism is calibrated in hours registers engine operating hours. 95-46. OPERATIONAL HOURMETER. CHECK - nose clock and one hour. A control knob on case starts pointers when pressed, stops both pointers when pressed a second time, and returns both pointers when pressed a third time. A second control knob winds and sets the clock. 95-48. FREE AIR TEMPERATURE INDICATOR. Free air temperature indicator is windshield mounted at top of right windshield just to right of center post. The probe portion is exposed to outside temperatures through windshield and is protected by a sunshield. The indicator provides a direct reading of outside air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. 95-49. MAINTENANCE - FREE TEMPERATURE INDICATOR. 1. Remove follows: free air temperature AIR indicator as ENGINE 1. Close HOURMETER circuit breaker. Check “power on” indicator on hourmeter is not moving. 2. Close CAUTION LIGHTS circuit breaker. Check “power on” indicator on hourmeter is not moving. 3. Temporarily, disconnect electrical connector (4S1P1) from engine out sensor. Check that “power on” indicator is moving. 4. Reconnect electrical connector (4S1P1) to the engine out sensor. Check that “power on” indicator is not moving. 95-47. INSTRUMENTS CLOCK. The clock is an 8-day, wind-up clock with added stop-watch feature for elapsed time. It has a sweep-second pointer and a minute totalizer hand to indicate elapsed time up to a. Unscrew and remove sunshield, dished washer, and one case washer from outside of windshield. Remove indicator and b. washer from inside of windshield. other 2. Inspect follows: indicator a. leaking free air temperature Inspect seals, indicator case for discoloration as and b. Check mounting and that reading agrees with a standard indicator known to be correct. 3. Install follows: free air temperature indicator as Place case washer over probe of a. thermometer with flat side of washer next to indicator case. Insert probe through mounting hole from inside windshield. 95-00-00 Page 23 BHT-206L1-MM-10 b. Place other case washer, flat side out, on probe outside windshield. Seat washer shoulders in mounting hole. Install dished washer, with outside edge curving toward windshield. Position indicator scale correctly before tightening. 95-00-00 Page 24 C. Place sunshield securely. over probe and tighten BHT-206L1-MM-10 CHAPTER CONTENTS Paragraph Number 96-1 96-2 96-3 96-4 96-5 96-6 96-7 96-8 96-9 96-10 96-11 -- 96-12 96-13 96-14 96-15 96-16 96-17 96-18 96-19 96 - ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM PROCEDURES Title Electrical systems ................................ Equipment list .................................... Starter/generator/igniter systems troubleshooting ................................... Lighting system - troubleshooting ............... Electrical power loading .......................... Electrical power - DC ........................... External electrical power ......................... Wiring ............................................ Miscellaneous electrical components ............. Removal - miscellaneous electrical components .................................... Installation - miscellaneous electrical components.. .................................. Inspection - miscellaneous electrical components.. .................................. Control panels - electrical ....................... Removal - control panels ..................... Inspection - control panels .................... Installation - control panels ................... Circuit breakers ................................... Removal - circuit breakers .................... Installation - circuit breakers .................. Chapter/Section Number Page Number 96-00-00 96-00-00 7 7 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 9600-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 96-00-00 19 96-00-00 19 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 9600-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 DC POWER SYSTEMS 96-20 96-21 96-22 96-23 96-24 96-25 96-26 96-27 96-28 96-29 96-30 96-31 96-32 96-33 96-34 DC power systems ............................... Battery system .................................... Maintenance - battery ........................ Removal -battery ............................. Installation - battery .......................... Battery relay ...................................... Removal - battery relay ....................... Installation - battery relay ..................... External power system ........................... External power receptacle ........................ Removal - external power receptacle ......... Installation - external power receptacle .. . ... External power relay .............................. Removal - external power relay ............... Installation - external power relay ............ 96-00-00 Page 1 BHT-206L1-MM-10 CONTENTS Paragraph Number 96-35 96-36 96-37, 96-36 96-39 96-40 96-41 96-42 96-43 96-44 96-45 96-46 96-47 96-46 96-49 96-50 96-51 96-52 96-53 96-54 96-55 96-56 96-57 96-56 96-59 96-60 96-61 96-62 96-63 96-64 - MAINTENANCE 96-00-00 Page 2 (Cont) Chapter/Section Number Title Generator system ................................. Generator ......................................... Inspection - generator ........................ Voltage regulator.. ............................... Removal - voltage regulator .................. Inspection and repair - voltage regulator ..... Installation - voltage regulator ................ Adjusting - voltage regulator .................. Line control relay ................................. Removal - line control relay .................. Installation - line control relay ................ Generator reset switch ........................... Removal - generator reset switch ............. Installation - generator reset switch ........... Generator shunt .................................. Removal - generator shunt ................... Installation - generator shunt ................. Starter-igniter system ............................. Operational check - starter system circuitry . . Starter ............................................ Starter relay ...................................... Removal - starter relay ....................... Installation - starter relay ..................... Field-igniter relay ................................. Removal - field-igniter relay .................. Installation - field-igniter relay ................ Igniter ............................................ Starter switch ..................................... Removal - starter switch ...................... Installation - starter switch .................... DC INDICATOR 96-65 96-66 96-67 96-66 96-69 96-70 96-71 96-72 96-73 96-74 PROCEDURES Page Number 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 SYSTEMS DC indicator systems ............................. Temperature bulbs ............................... Removal - temperature bulbs ................. Installation - temperature bulbs ................ Tachometer generators ........................... Removal - tachometer generators ............ Installation - tachometer generators .......... Fuel quantity system ............................. Description - fuel quantity system ............ Calibration procedure - fuel ‘quantity system . . 32 32 32 BHT-206L1-MM-10 CONTENTS Paragraph Number - MAINTENANCE 96-87 96-88 96-89 96-90 96-91 96-92 96-93 96-94 96-95 96-96 96-97 96-98 96-99 96-100 96-101 96-102 96-103 96-104 96-105 96-106 96-107 96-l 08 96-109 96-110 (Cont) Chapter/Section Number Title CAUTION 96-75 96-76 96-77 96-78 96-79 96-80 96-81 96-82 96-83 96-84 96-85 96-86 PROCEDURES AND WARNING Page Number SYSTEM Caution and warning system ..................... Caution light panel ............................... Removal - caution light panel ................. Installation - caution light panel ............... Operational test - caution light panel ......... Engine out warning system ....................... Operational test - engine out warning system Engine rpm sensor ............................... Removal - engine rpm sensor ................ Installation - engine rpm sensor .............. Low rotor rpm caution system .................... Operational test - low rotor rpm caution system ......................................... Rotor rpm sensor ................................. Removal - rotor rpm sensor .................. Installation - rotor rpm sensor ................ Transmission oil pressure caution system ........ Operational test - transmission oil pressure caution system ................................. Transmission oil pressure switch ................. Removal - transmission oil pressure switch ... Installation - transmission oil pressure switch Transmission oil temperature caution system ..... Operational test - transmission oil temperature caution system .................... Transmission oil temperature switch .............. Removal - transmission oil temperature switch.. ........................................ Installation - transmission oil temperature switch.. ........................................ Battery hot warning system ....................... Operational test - battery hot warning system Battery relay caution system ..................... Operational test - battery relay caution system ......................................... Engine chip detector caution system ............. Operational test - engine chip detector caution system ................................. Transmission chip detector caution system ....... Operational test - transmission chip detector caution system ................................. Tail rotor gearbox chip detector caution system . . Operational test - tail rotor gearbox chip detector caution system ........................ Fuel filter caution system ......................... 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 37 37 37 37 37 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 38 38 38 38 38 96-00-00 96-00-00 38 38 96-00-00 39 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 39 39 39 39 96-00-00 96-00-00 39 39 96-00-00 96-00-00 39 40 96-00-00 96-00-00 40 40 96-00-00 96-00-00 40 40 96-00-00 Page 3 BHT-206L1-MM-10 CONTENTS Paragraph Number 96-111 96-112 96-113 96-114 96-115 96-116 - MAINTENANCE 96-124 96-125 96-126 96-127 96-128 96-129 96-130 96-131 96-132 96-133 96-134 96-135 96-136 96-137 96-138 96-139 96-140 96-141 96-142 96-143 96-144 96-145 96-146 96-147 Operational test - fuel filter caution system ... Fuel pump caution system ........................ Operational test - fuel pump caution system . . Fuel flow switch .................................. Fuel low caution system .......................... Generator failure caution system ................. 96-00-00 Page 4 CONTROL AND Page Number 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 SYSTEMS Lighting Systems ................................. Interior lighting system ........................... Cockpit light ...................................... Removal - cockpit light and base ............. Installation - cockpit light ..................... Instrument and control panel lighting ............. Operational check - instrument and control panel lighting ................................... Cabin lighting ..................................... Exterior lighting system ........................... Position lights .................................... Removal - position light ....................... Installation - position light .................... Removal - tail light ............................ Installation - tail light ......................... Operational check - position lights ............ Anticollision light .................................. light ................... Removal - anticollision Installation - anticollision light ................. Operational check - anticollision light ......... HS strobe power supply (flasher unit) ............ Removal - HS strobe power supply ........... Installation - HS strobe power supply ......... Landing lights ..................................... Replacement - landing lights ................... Operational check - landing lights ............ Landing light relays ............................... Removal - landing light relays ................ Installation - landing light relays .............. Landing light switch .............................. Removal - landing light switch ................ Installation - landing light switch .............. ENGINE 96-148 96-149 (Cont) Chapter/Section Number Title LIGHTING 96-117 96-118 96-119 96-120 96-121 96-122 96-123 PROCEDURES ACCESSORIES Engine control and accessories systems Fuel boost pumps ................................ ......... 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 96-00-00 96-00-00 47 47 SYSTEMS BHT-206L1-MM-10 CONTENTS Paragraph Number 96-l 50 96-l 51 96-l 52 96-153 96-154 96-155 96-156 96-157 96-158 96-159 96-160 96-161 96-162 96-163 96-164 96-165 96-166 96-167 96-168 96-169 96-170 96-171 - MAINTENANCE Operational check - fuel boost pumps ........ Fuel valve ........................................ Operational check - fuel valve ................ Fuel dump valve .................................. Operational check - fuel dump valve .......... Fuel dump switch ................................. Removal - fuel dump switch .................. Installation - fuel dump switch ................ Fuel valve switch ................................. Removal - fuel valve switch ................... Installation - fuel valve switch ................ Engine deicing/anti-icing system .................. Operational check - engine deicing/anti-icing system ......................................... Engine deicing/anti-icing switch .................. Removal - engine deicing/anti-icing switch ... Installation - engine deicing/anti-icing switch Governor actuator ................................ Operational check - governor actuator ........ Governor rpm switch ............................. Removal - governor control switch ............ Installation - governor control switch .......... Particle separator ................................. CONTROL - Page Number 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 51 51 51 51 51 51 96-00-00 96-00-00 96-00-00 53 53 53 SYSTEM Flight controls system ............................ Operational check - flight controls system .... Hydraulic bypass solenoid ........................ Removal - hydraulic bypass solenoid ......... Installation - hydraulic bypass solenoid ....... Control boost/hydraulic system switch ............ MISCELLANEOUS 96-178 96-179 96-180 (Cont) Chapter/Section Number Title FLIGHT 96-172 96-173 96-174 96-175 96-176 96-177 PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL Miscellaneous electrical system .................. Defogging blowers ................................ Operational check - defogging blower ........ SYSTEM 96-00-00 Page 5 BHT-206L1-MM-10 FIGURES Figure Number 96-1 96-2 96-3 96-4 Title Equipment location - electrical ............................................. Overhead console panel (typical) ............................................ Starter-generator brush wear ................................................ ......................................... Transmitter and test set connection Page Number 11 21 26 34 TABLES Table Number 96-1 96-2 96-3 96-00-00 Page 6 Title Equipment list - electrical .................................................. Starter/generator/igniter systems troubleshooting chart ...................... ............................................ Lighting systems troubleshooting Page Number 7 15 16 BHT-206L1-MM-10 ELECTRICAL 96-l. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Table SYSTEMS. Controls for the electrical systems are located on the overhead console and instrument panel. Control, regulating, power transfer, and malfunction monitoring equipment is located throughout the helicopter. An equipment list (table 96-l) is provided to assist in equipment identification and troubleshooting tables to assist with maintenance. See figure 96-1 for equipment location and Chapter 98 for individual systems wiring diagrams. EQUIPMENT LIST. Table 96-1. Equipment list - NOMENCLATURE 1B1 1B2 1B3 1B4 1B5 1B5P1 1B6 1B8P1 1CB1 1CB2 1CB3 ACTUATOR, GOV RPM ACTUATOR, ENG DEICE FUEL PUMP, RIGHT FUEL PUMP, LEFT FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE CONN, FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FUEL PRESS XMTR CONN, FUEL PRESS XMTR CIRCUIT BREAKER, STARTER CIRCUIT BREAKER, IGNITER CIRCUIT BREAKER, GOV CONT CIRCUIT BREAKER, ENG DEICE/ANTI-ICING CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUEL BOOST RIGHT CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUEL BOOST LEFT CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUEL VALVE 1CB4 1CB5 1CB6 1CB7 electrical 1CB8 CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUEL CITY/PRESS IND CIRCUIT BREAKER, ENG/ XMSN TEMP IND CIRCUIT BREAKER, TURB OUTLET TEMP IND CIRCUIT BREAKER, HOURMETER CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUEL BOOST LEFT EMER CIRCUIT BREAKER, ENGINE OVERSPEED CIRCUIT BREAKER, ENGINE PAR SEP PRG DIODE, STARTER RELAY DIODE, HOURMETER CHIP DETECTOR, UPPER ENG CONN CHIP DETECTOR, LOWER ENG CONN CHIP DETECTOR, XMSN CHIP DETECTOR, TAIL ROTOR CHIP DETECTOR, XMSN CHIP DETECTOR, FREEWHEELING TACH GEN, GAS PRODUCER CONN, GAS PRODUCER TACH GEN TACH GEN, PWR TURB CONN, PWR TURB TACH GEN TACH GEN, ROTOR CONN, ROTOR TACH GEN CONN, ENG FW DISC. NO. 1 CONN, ENG FW DISC. NO. 2 CONN, XMSN DISC CONN, ENGINE CONN, ENGINE OVSP SW RELAY, STARTER RELAY, HOURMETER RELAY, W/A LOW FLUID VALVE, FLUID DUMP VALVE, W/A SOLENOID CONN, W/A SOLENOID VALVE 1CB9 1CB10 1CB13 1CB14 1CR1 1CR4 1E1 1E1P1 1E2 electrical REF DES list - NOMENCLATURE 1CB12 The purpose of table 98-l is to provide maintenance personnel with the necessary information to correlate equipment designator, equipment location, system wiring diagrams, and text. Reference Designators (Ref Des) are assigned to each piece of equipment and is common on system wiring diagrams and text. Equipment (Cont) REF DES 1CB11 96-2. 96-1. 1E2P1 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 1G1 1G1P1 1G2 1G2P1 1G3 1G3P1 1J1 1J2 1J3 1J4 1J5 1K1 1K2 1K5 1L1 1L2 1L2P1 96-00-00 Page 7 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table 96-1. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical Table 96-l. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical REF DES NOMENCLATURE REF DES NOMENCLATURE 1M1 1M1P1 1M2 INDICATOR, FLUID QTY CONN, FUEL QTY IND INDICATOR, ENG OIL PRESS/ TEMP CONN, ENG OIL PRESS/TEMP IND INDICATOR, XMSN OIL PRESS/TEMP CONN, XMSN OIL PRESS/ TEMP IND INDICATOR, TURB OUTLET TEMP CONN, TURB OUTLET TEMP IND INDICATOR GAS PRODUCER TACH CONN, GAS PRODUCER TACH IND INDICATOR, DUAL TACH CONN, DUAL TACH-PWR TURB CONN, DUAL TACH-ROTOR HOURMETER CONN, ENG FW DISC NO. 1 CONN, ENG FW DISC NO. 2 CONN, XMSN DISC CONN, ENGINE CONN, ENGINE OVSP SW TEMP BULB, ENG OIL CONN, ENG OIL TEMP BULB TEMP BULB, XMSN OIL CONN, XMSN OIL TEMP BULB SWITCH, FUEL DUMP SWITCH, XMSN OIL TEMP SWITCH, XMSN OIL PRESS CONN, XMSN OIL PRESS SWITCH SWITCH, FUEL FILTER PRESS CONN, FUEL FILTER PRESS SWITCH SWITCH, LEFT FUEL FLOW CONN, LEFT FUEL FLOW SWITCH SWITCH, RIGHT‘ FUEL FLOW CONN, RIGHT FUEL FLOW SWITCH SWITCH, TEST ENGINE OVSP 1S11 1S12 1S13 1S14 1S14P1 SWITCH, W/A SYSTEM SWITCH, W/A INJECT SWITCH, FLOAT SWITCH, W/A PRESSURE CONN, W/A PRESSURE SWITCH SWITCH, DIFF PRESSURE CONN, DlFF PRESSURE SWITCH SWITCH, FUEL LOW LEVEL SWITCH, TOT LIGHT TEST SWITCH, TOT OVERTEMP LIGHT RESET TERM. BD, TURB OUTLET TEMP THERMOCOUPLE, ENG IGNITER XMTR, UPPER FUEL QTY CONN, UPPER FUEL QTY XMTR XMTR, LOWER AFT FUEL QTY XMTR, LOWER FWD FUEL QTY BATTERY CIRCUIT BREAKER, LOADMETER CIRCUIT BREAKER, LOADMETER CIRCUIT BREAKER, GEN FIELD CIRCUIT BREAKER, GEN RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER, AUX RECEPTACLE DIODE, BATT RLY DIODE, BATT RLY DIODE, EXT PWR DIODE, LINE CONT DIODE, LINE CONT CONN, START-GEN FW DISC CONN, EXTERNAL PWR RELAY, BATTERY RELAY, EXTERNAL PWR RELAY, LINE CONT RELAY, FIELD/IGNITER INDICATOR, LOADMETER/ FUEL PRESS 1M2P1 1M3 1M3P1 1M4 1M4P1 1M5 1M5P1 1M6 1M6P1 1M6P2 1M7 1P1 1P2 1P3 1P4 1P5 1RT1 1RT1P1 1RT2 1RT2P1 1S2 1S3 1S4 1S4P1 1S5 1S5P1 1S7 1S7P1 1S6 1S6P1 1S10 96-00-00 Page 6 1S15 1S15P1 1S16 1S18 1S19 1TB1 1TC1 1Z1 1Z2 1Z2P1 1Z3 1Z4 2BT1 2CB1 2CB2 2CB3 2CB4 2CB5 2CR1 2CR1 2CR2 2CR3 2CR3 2J1 2J2 2K1 2K2 2K3 2K4 2M1 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table 96-1. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical Table 96-1. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical REF DES NOMENCLATURE REF DES NOMENCLATURE 2M1P1 CONN, LOADMETER/FUEL PRESS IND STARTER-GENERATOR CONN, STARTER-GENERATOR FW RESISTOR, LOADMETER SHUNT SWITCH, BATTERY SWITCH, GENERATOR RESET TERMINAL BOARD, PWR DIST SENSOR MODULE, BATTERY OVERTEMP CONN, MODULE, BATTERY OVERTEMP SENSOR MODULE SWITCH, BATT. OVRTMP SENS. MODULE SWITCH, BATT. OVRTMP SENS. MODULE VOLTAGE REGULATOR CONN, VOLTAGE REGULATOR SWITCH BOX, PILOT COLL SWITCH, GOV RPM SWITCH, LANDING LIGHT SWITCH, STARTER PANEL, PILOT MISC LIGHT, PILOT MISC PANEL LIGHT, PILOT MISC PANEL SWITCH, ENG. DEICE/ANTIICING SWITCH, CONT BOOST SWITCH, CAUTION LIGHT DIM SWITCH ENG PARTICLE SEPARATOR PURGE PANEL, PILOT FUEL CONT. LIGHT, PILOT FUEL CONT PANEL SWITCH, FUEL VALVE PANEL, OVERHEAD CONSOLE CONN, OVERHEAD CONSOLE PANEL CYCLIC STICK, PILOT SWITCH, PILOT CYCLIC STICK BUTTON SWITCH, PILOT CYCLIC STICK TRIGGER AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS PANEL 4A6J1 CONN, AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS PANEL CIRCUIT BREAKER, CAUTION LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER, PITOT HEATER CIRCUIT BREAKER, DIRECT GYRO AND ATTITUDE IND PANEL, CAUTION CONN, CAUTION PANEL CONN, CAUTION PANEL PITOT HEATER CONN, PITOT HEATER DISC RELAY, LOW ROTOR HORN MUTE RELAY, ENGINE OUT HORN MUTE ALARM, ENG OUT WARNING ALARM, LOW ROTOR RPM COMPASS, PILOT LIGHT, PILOT COMPASS INCLINOMETER, PILOT LIGHT, PILOT INCLINOMETER INDICATOR, ATTITUDE CONN, ATTITUDE INDICATOR INDICATOR, DIRECTION CONN, DIRECTION INDICATOR INDICATOR, TURN AND SLIP CONN, TURN AND SLIP SWITCH, ENG OUT SENSOR CONN, ENG OUT SENSOR SWITCH SWITCH, LOW ROTOR RPM SENSOR CONN, LOW ROTOR RPM SENSOR SWITCH SWITCH, LOW RPM COLL CUTOFF SWITCH, CAUTION LIGHT TEST 2MG1 2P1 2R1 2S1 2S2 2TB1 2U1 2U1P1 2U1S1 2U1s2 2VR1 2VR1P1 4A1 4A1S1 4A1S2 4A1S3 4A2 4A2DS1 4A2DS2 4A2S1 4A2S2 4A2S3 4A2S4 4A3 4A3DS1 4A3S1 4A4 4A4J1 4A5 4A5S1 4A5S2 4A6 4CB1 4CB2 4CB3 4DS1 4DS1J1 4DS1P1 4HR1 4HR1P1 4K1 4K2 4LS1 4LS2 4M1 4M1DS1 4M2 4M2DS1 4M3 4M3P1 4M4 4M4P1 4M5 4M5P1 4S1 4S1P1 4S2 4S2P1 4s3 4s4 4s5 4TB1 SWITCH, WARNING TERMINAL BOARD, COLL/CYCLlC MUTE PILOT 4TB2 TERMINAL INST PNL PILOT BOARD, 96-00-00 Page 9 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table 96-l. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical Table 96-1. Equipment (Cont) list - electrical REF DES NOMENCLATURE REF DES NOMENCLATURE 5A1 5A1S1 CYCLIC STICK, COPILOT SWITCH, COPILOT CYCLIC STICK BUTTON SWITCH, COPILOT CYCLIC STICK TRIGGER CIRCUIT BREAKER, INST LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER, LANDING LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER, ANTICOLLISION LIGHT CIRCUIT BREAKER, POSITION LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER, COCKPIT LIGHT VOLTAGE REGULATOR, LIGHT 5V) LIGHT, FWD SHINING LANDING LIGHT, DOWN SHINING LANDING LIGHT, ANTICOLLISION STROBE CONN, ANTICOLLISION STROBE LIGHT CONN, ANTICOLLISION STROBE LIGHT LIGHT, TAIL POSITION LIGHT, LEFT POSITION LIGHT, RIGHT POSITION LIGHT, COCKPIT LIGHT, LOWER LH POSITION LIGHT, LOWER RH POSITION LIGHT, CABIN LIGHT, CABIN LIGHT, CABIN LIGHT, CABIN CONN, TAIL FIN DISC CONN, TAILBOOM DISC CONN, TAIL LIGHT DISC CONN, INSTRUMENT LIGHT CONN, CABIN LTS RELAY, FWD SHINING LDG LT RELAY, DOWN SHINING LDG LT RELAY, LIGHT DIMMING CONN, TAIL FIN DISC CONN, TAILBOOM DISC 8P3 8P4 8P5 8PS1 8PS1P1 CONN, TAIL LIGHT DISC CONN, INSTRUMENT LIGHT CONN, CABIN LTS POWER SUPPLY, HS STROBE CONN, HS STROBE POWER SUPPLY TRANSISTOR, LIGHT DIMMING TRANSISTOR, LIGHT DIMMING RESISTOR, LIGHT DIMMING RESISTOR, LIGHT DIMMING RESISTOR, LIGHT DIMMING SWITCH, CABIN LT SWITCH, CABIN LT SWITCH, CABIN LT SWITCH, CABIN LT SWITCH, PILOTS PASS LT TERMINAL BOARD, INSTRUMENT LIGHT TERMINAL BOARD, POSITION LIGHTS CONTROL, INSTRUMENT LIGHT POTENTIOMETER, INSTRUMENT LIGHT POTENTIOMETER, INSTRUMENT LIGHT SWITCH, INSTRUMENT LIGHT CIRCUIT BREAKER, HYDRAULIC BOOST SOLENOID, HYDRAULIC BYPASS CONN, HYDRAULIC BYPASS SOLENOID -BLOWER, LH DEFOG BLOWER, RH DEFOG CIRCUIT BREAKER, DEFOG BLOWER CIRCUIT BREAKER, HEATER POWER FILTER, LH DEFOG BLOWER FILTER, RH DEFOG BLOWER SWITCH, VENTILATOR HEAT SWITCH, HEATER-START SWITCH, UPPER LOCK PIN SWITCH, LOWER LOCK PIN 5A1S2 8CB1 8CB2 8CB3 8CB4 8CB5 8CR1 8DS1 8DS2 8DS3 8DS3J1 8DS3P1 8DS4 8DS5 8DS8 8DS7 8DS10 8DS11 8DS13 8DS14 8DS15 8DS16 8J1 8J2 8J3 8J4 8J5 8K1 8K2 8K3 8P1 8P2 96-00-00 Page 10 8Q1 8Q2 8R1 8R2 8R3 8S2 8S3 8S4 8S5 8S6 8TB1 8TB2 8U1 8U1R1 8U1R2 8U1S1 9CB1 9L1 9L1P1 10B1 1082 10CB1 1OCB2 1OFL1 1OFL2 1 OS1 1 OS2 2483 2486 Figure 96-l. Equipment location - electrical (Sheet 206L1-M-96-1-1 BHT-206L1-MM-10 1 of 4) 96-00-00 Page 11 SHT-206L1-MM-10 96-00-00 Page 12 Figure 96-1. Equipment location - electrical (Sheet 2) 206L1-M-96-1-2 BHT-206L1-MM-10 206L1-M-96-1-3 Figure 96-1. Equipment location - electrical (Sheet 3) 96-00-00 Page 13 BHT-206L1-MM-10 VIEW B 206L1-M-96-1-4 Figure 66-00-00 Page 14 96-l. Equipment location - electrical (Sheet 4) BHT-206L1-MM-10 includes typical malfunctions that may occur in a helicopter and can be used as a guide. 96-3. STARTER/GENERATOR/IGNITER SYSTEMS - TROUBLESHOOTING. When troubleshooting starter/generator/igniter systems, refer to table 96-2. This table Table INDICATION TROUBLE 96-2. Starter/generator/igniter systems troubleshooting chart OF Starter fails to operate when start switch is depressed. PROBABLE CAUSE Battery. Circuit breaker. Replace battery. Replace circuit breaker. Repair as necessary. Starter relay. Replace relay. External power relay. Replace relay. Starter worn. brushes Repair as necessary. excessively Replace starter. Adjust power. output Igniter circuit breaker. Replace circuit breaker. Field/igniter Replace field/igniter burned out. Voltage from too low. external power relay. Igniter exciter No generator output indicated with electrical equipment turned on. ACTION Faulty wiring. Armature Igniter fails to operate when starter switch is depressed. CORRECTIVE box. Replace exciter Faulty wiring. Repair wiring. Voltage Replace regulator. Open generator Line control field circuit. relay. from external relay. box. regulator. Repair as necessary. Replace relay. 96-00-00 Page 15 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table INDICATION TROUBLE 96-2. Starter/generator/igniter systems PROBABLE Defective CAUSE CORRECTIVE circuit breaker. (Cont) ACTION Replace starter/generator. Replace loadmeter. Replace as necessary. of lighting systems, refer table’ includes typical Table 96-3. Lighting systems troubleshooting OF PROBABLE Lights fail to illuminate. Defective CAUSE breaker trip. CORRECTIVE wiring. ACTION Repair as necessary. Circuit breaker. Replace circuit breaker. Defective Replace switch., Wires improperly structure. bonded to Shorted wiring. switch. Bond as necessary to provide good electrical connection. Repair as necessary. Anticollision light fails to flash when circuit breaker is energized. Defective supply Both indicator and control panel lights fail to illuminate when instrument light control is rotated clockwise. 8Q1, 8Q2, 8R3, 8U1, circuit breaker. Repair as necessary. Only control illuminate. Defective Replace transistor. 96-00-00 Page 16 - malfunctions applicable to lighting systems helicopter and can be used as a guide. 96-4. LIGHTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING. While troubleshooting to table 96-3. This winding loadmeter. Loadmeter Circuit chart OF Armature or field short circuited. INDICATION TROUBLE troubleshooting panel fails to H.S. strobe transistor power (8Q2). Replace supply- H.S. strobe power BHT-206L1-MM-10 Table INDICATION TROUBLE 96-3. Lighting systems troubleshooting OF PROBABLE CORRECTIVE CAUSE 8U1 defective. B rig ht n e s s Ie v e I o f instrument/light and/or control panel lights are inoperative. Only indicator illuminate. lights fail to Instrument/light control. - 1. ELECTRICAL DC Generator transistor Defective resistor Defective transistor Capacity: 200 Ampere Generator 137 amperes (continuous) 300 amperes (2 minutes) 400 amperes (5 seconds) 2. Basic Helicopter Operating battery charging load). Loads (8Q1). (8R3). (8Q2). zener POWER LOADING. Output-Load (rheostat) Defective Defective (8CR1). 96-5. (Cont) (less diode Replace unit. Replace unit. Replace transistor. Replace 32.63 amperes 31.27 amperes 31.15 amperes Take-Off 5 seconds 2 minutes 15 minutes 32.15 amperes 31.26 amperes 31 .I 1 amperes Cruise 5 seconds 2 minutes 15 minutes 32.15 amperes 31.25 amperes 31 .1 1 amperes resistor. Replace transistor. Replace diode. Landing 5 seconds 2 minutes 15 minutes 50.85 amperes 49.95 amperes 37.35 amperes Emergency 5 seconds 2 minutes 15 minutes 22.65 amperes 21.75 amperes 21.62 amperes 3. Battery Charging 17 AH Battery Start and Warm-Up 5 seconds 2 minutes 15 minutes ACTION Load: 57.80 to 3.70 amperes 4. Auxiliary Kits Operating added equipment). Heater kit ECU Flight instruments* Auto relight** Cargo hook** VHF receiver VHF transmitter ADF Voltage converter OMNI/ILS Indicator Loads (optional 16.70 amperes 39.50 amperes 5.90 amperes 0.50 amperes 14.00 amperes 1.02 amperes 3.10 amperes 1.00 amperes 0.10 amperes 0.20 amperes 96-00-00 Page 17 BHT-206L1-MM-10 Audio panel Transponder Pop-out floats** Rotor brake 1.33 1.30 4.00 0.40 amperes amperes amperes amperes Avionics kits:*** VHF receiver VHF transmitter ADF receiver Voltage converter OMNI/ILS indicator Audio panel Transponder 1.02 3.10 1.00 0.10 0.20 1.33 1.30 amperes amperes amperes amperes amperes amperes amperes Avionics kits:**** VHF NAV/COMM receiver VHF NAV/COMM xmtr OMNI/ILS indicator Audio panel Isolation Amp ADF receiver Transponder 0.56 amperes 0.20 1.84 1.10 0.59 1.11 amperes amperes amperes amperes amperes ELECTRICAL POWER - DC. Helicopter is equipped with a 28 volt direct current electrical system. Power for this system is obtained from a nickel-cadmium, vented, 24 volt 17 ampere-hour battery and a 200 ampere (derated to 137 amp&es), 30 volt combination starter-generator. Major components of dc power system include battery, starter-generator, voltage regulator, relays, and circuit breaker& All circuits in electrical system are single wire with a common ground return. Negative terminals- of starter-generator and battery are grounded to helicopter structure. 96-7. EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL Page 16 letters (Example)(E17B20N) E Circuit 17 Wire Number B Wire Segment 20 Wire Size N Ground WIRING Function IDENTIFICATION C Control D Instrument Circuits flight instrument) E Engine H Heating, J Ignition K Engine Control L Lighting N Ground P DC Power Q Fuel and Oil Circuit R Radio-Navigation W Warning CODE Surface lnstrument Ventilating (Other than Circuits and De-icing Circuit Circuit Circuit and Emergency 96-9. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS. ELECTRICAL POWER. External power may be supplied to helicopter by a receptacle located on lower front section of helicopter fuselage. 96-00-00 WIRING. All wires are marked with identification and numbers: 2.75 amperes *Includes pitot tube heater. **Momentary load only. ***S/N $5154 through 45600 ****S/N 45801 and subsequent 96-6. 96-8. In this category are relays, solenoids, rheostats, switches, circuit breakers, plugs, leads, connectors, wiring, receptacles, shunts, shock mounts, capacitors, diodes, BHT-206L1-MM-10 transistors, lights. resistors, inductors and panel 96-l 0. REMOVAL - MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. 5. Inspect leads and wiring for loose corrosion damaged terminals, chafing, insulation, excessive mechanical stress, broken strands, damaged shielding, shorted shielding, routing and mounting conditions. 6. Inspect shunts for corrosion, proper mounting, scratches, physical damage and discoloration (indicating excessive overloading). BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE ANY ELECTRICAL COMPONENT, DISCONNECT BATTERY. 1. Remove attaching 2. Identify 3. Remove 7. Inspect shock mounts for retention, proper mounting, cracks, distortion, corrosion and bonding. 6. Inspect relays and solenoids for loose connections, broken contact pins, damage to case, insulation between contact pins, evidence of corrosion, pits, or discoloration. hardware. wires. component. 9. Visually check diodes for loose connections and broken leads. Check suspected faulty diode front to back conductivity ratio with standard ohmmeter. 96-l 1. INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. 1. Install component and attaching hardware or clamps. 2. Attach connectors. identified secure terminals with and/or 96-l 2. INSPECTION - MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. Inspect rheostats for proper mounting, corrosion, burned element, damaged wiper, cracks and correct resistance. I. 2. Inspect switches mounting, corrosion, OFF position. 10. Visually check panel lights for corrosion and burned elements. 96-13. CONTROL ELECTRICAL. Controls and control panels are mounted overhead console and instrument panel. 96-14. REMOVAL PANELS. 4. Inspect plugs, connectors and receptacles for proper mounting, contact corrosion, damaged contacts, broken wires, faulty contacts, insert cracks and faulty insulation. - in CONTROL NOTE Removal procedure for all panels is basically the same. A single removal procedure may be used for any panel. for weak detents, proper and continuity in ON and 3. Inspect circuit breakers for proper mounting, corrosion, actuation for circuit power on and power off and reset retentions. PANELS - I. Disconnect 2. Ensure all electrical battery. power is OFF. 3. Disengage fasteners holding panel mounting. Lift panel from mount and disconnect electrical connector. 96-00-00 Page 19 BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-15. INSPECTION PANELS. - 96-16. REMOVAL BREAKERS. CONTROL 1. Visually inspect for scratched, broken edge lit panels. chipped or 1. Disconnect 2. Ensure INSTALLATION 96-16. PANELS. 1. Connect electrical 2. Position panel 3. Engage fasteners. 96-17. CIRCUIT - CONTROL all electrical 4. Disconnect and cover wire power is OFF. fasteners assembly. wiring ends. and to appropriate 5. Remove mounting from panel assembly. nut and 96-19. INSTALLATION BREAKERS. - 1. Position breaker install mounting nut. in panel Remove cover 2. connect to breaker. from open breaker lift breaker CIRCUIT assembly and connector. in mount. BREAKERS. Circuit breakers are mounted on overhead console. Circuits can be separated and closed by operating these trip-free, push-pull circuit breakers (figure 96-2). See miscellaneous electrical components for additional maintenance information. 96-00-00 Page 20 CIRCUIT battery. Disengage 3. appropriate panel Visually inspect for loose wiring 2. connections, damaged or faulty switches, damaged connectors, and broken or missing mounting fasteners. - 3. Close fasteners. panel assembly wire ends and and engage BHT-206L1-MM-10 206L1-M-96-2 206-075-013F Figure 96-2. Overhead console panel (typical) 96-00-00 Page 21/22 BHT-206L1-MM-10 DC POWER SYSTEMS 96-20. DC POWER SYSTEMS. DC power systems consist of battery, external power, starter/generator, and starter-igniter systems. Refer to Chapter 98 for individual system wiring diagrams. 96-21. BATTERY SYSTEM. Battery system consists of battery, battery relay, battery switch, and related wiring. MATERIALS REQUIRED NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-237 Varnish, Resistant, b. Check battery compartment is clean and free from alkaline deposits. If corrosion is present, remove with diluted boric acid solution. Retouch varnished surfaces, if necessary, with alkali-resistant varnish, (C237). 2. Ensure battery is charged. A fully charged battery can be determined by moving battery switch from BAT to OFF and observing effect on generator loadmeter. If change in indication is less than 5 amperes, battery is fully charged. No other maintenance, servicing, or inspection of battery is authorized. NOTE Alkaline TT-V-119 Do not service nickel-cadmium batteries while installed in the helicopter. Remove battery and service, as required, by authorized battery shop personnel only. NOTE For more information on consumable materials, refer to BHT-ALL-SPM manual. 96-22. MAINTENANCE - 96-23. 1. BATTERY. Clean battery and battery compartment follows: 1. as REMOVAL Unlatch - BATTERY. and raise nose access door. 2. Loosen clamps from battery. and remove 3. Remove connectors and protect ends. Remove battery remove battery. 4. holddown 96-24. DO NOT USE EQUIPMENT THAT HAS BEEN USED ON LEAD ACID BATTERIES. 2. Connect 3. Install vent tube and tighten 4. Secure nose access door. Clean battery with brush or wash with water. a. from battery DO NOT USE WIRE BRUSH. ENSURE VENT PLUGS ARE CLOSED BEFORE CLEANING AND BATTERY EXTERIOR I‘S COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE RETURNING TO USE. a dry, stiff INSTALLATION vent - terminal bolts and BATTERY., 1. Position battery in helicopter in place with two holddown bolts. connectors tubes and secure to battery. clamps. fiber 96-00-00 Page 23 BHT-296L1-MM-10 96-26. BATTERY RELAY. 96-29. EXTERNAL RECEPTACLE. Battery relay, located in nose section forward of battery, is an electrically operated switch controlling battery current to main bus bar. It is actuated by a battery switch, located in overhead console, which opens and closes circuit to relay energizing coil. 96-26. 1. REMOVAL Disconnect 2. Retract terminals. BATTERY 1. protective nipples wires from attachment relay relay relay screws 3. Position terminals. protective 4. battery. EXTERNAL - and 2. Remove protective wire to relay. POWER Set battery switch to OFF. 2. Remove attachment screws and extract receptacle enough to gain access to power cables. and protect and lift relay BATTERY install covers 1. Remove and connect attaching receptacle 2. Position install attachment screws. MAXIMUM EXTERNAL SHOULD AMPERES. EXTERNAL in helicopter and and connect 96-32. nipples - protective cover from wire ends cables to receptacle. to cover relay POWER SYSTEM. EXTERNAL POWER RELAY. External power relay, located in nose below battery in landing light compartment, is an electrically operated switch between external power receptacle and main bus bar. It is controlled through small positive pin from external power source which energizes circuit to activating coil of relay. 96-33. REMOVAL RELAY. CURRENT LIMIT OF POWER SOURCE NOT EXCEED 1000 External power system consists of external power receptacle, external power relay, and related wiring. 96-00-00 Page 24 EXTERNAL 96-31. INSTALLATION POWER -RECEPTACLE. 1. Position screws. 96-28. to expose - power cables; protect 3. Disconnect terminals and tag wires for identification. 96-27. INSTALLATION RELAY. Connect External power receptacle located in front center at nose section is a polarized receptacle used as a contact point for external power plug in. 96-30. REMOVAL RECEPTACLE. RELAY. battery. 3. Disconnect ends. 4. Remove free. - POWER 1. Set battery external power. 2. Remove access panel. - EXTERNAL switch landing 3. Retract protective terminals. to OFF. light nipples POWER Remove compartment to expose relay BHT-206L1-MM-10 4. Disconnect ends. 5. Remove free. 96-34. POWER wires from attachment screws INSTALLATION RELAY. Position screws. 1. 2. Remove relay wires. relay relay - and protect and lift relay MATERIALS NUMBER NOMENCLATURE c-304 Solvent, Type Insignificant 4. Install panel. NOTE and protective 96-35. protective landing light GENERATOR install covers For more information on consumable materials, refer to BHT-ALL-SPM manual. mounting and connect 96-37. nipple to cover compartment relay INSPECTION Check for terminal - GENERATOR. board damage. 2. Check brush cover for dents, loose or bent pins, broken spring, or damaged insulation. access SYSTEM. 3. Clean exterior of unit with a clean cloth moistened with cleaning solvent (C-304). With a clean, dry cloth, wipe unit dry and clean splines of driveshaft. Generator system consists of generator portion of the starter-generator, voltage regulator, line control relay, generator reset switch, and generator shunt. Generator furnishes regulated voltage for all dc electrical components on helicopter. It switches onto main bus when generated voltage exceeds bus voltage by 0.30 to 0.42 volts. Line control relay connects generator power to bus and voltage regulator operates line control relay, regulates generator voltage, and provides protection against over-voltage and low voltage. 96-36. P-D-660, II, pH EXTERNAL 1. 3. Position terminals. REQUIRED GENERATOR. Starter-generator is located on underside of engine to right of helicopter center line. Refer to Chapter 71 for removal and installation procedures. DO NOT USE COMPRESSED FOR INTERNAL CLEANING STARTER-GENERATOR. AIR OF 4. Remove brush band cover and inspect for foreign material that has entered the unit. Remove material with a vacuum cleaner only. 5. Rotate splined shaft to check for fan rub and bearing condition. 6. Inspect appearance 7. commutator for a smooth with a light filming. bright Inspect brushes. a. Brush leads must be flexible a bright appearance. and have b. Brushes must have more than remaining (figure 96-3). 1/4 life 96-00-00 Page 25 BHT-206L1-MM-10 VIEW I VIEW II NOTE Starter - generator brushes shoud be replaced at or near the time brush wear indicates 1/4 life remaining. VIEW III Figure 96-3. Starter-generator Brushes must be properly seated. (A 100% seat in direction of rotation and minimum 75% axially is mandatory.) C. ENSURE BRUSH LEADS ARE SECURED. DO NOT RUB HAND ON BRUSH HOLDER. NOTE If brushes pass inspection they must be returned to their exact original position in starter-generator. 6. Reinstall brush band cover and lockwire attaching screws. If any of the brushes require replacement before next scheduled overhaul or inspection, tag unit with appropriate comment and send to overhaul shop. 96-00-00 Page 26 96-36. brush wear VOLTAGE REGULATOR A static type voltage regulator is located on equipment shelf above baggage compartment. It is adjustable from a 26.0 to 29.0 volt generator output by an adjustment screw located on end of regulator adjacent to connector. Regulator is a component of basic dc power system and functions in conjunction with. other components of system to prevent generator from being connected to line until operating voltage is attained. Voltage regulator prevents reverse current flow, opens generator field and line contactor relays in over-voltage ‘condition, and. holds generator connected to line unless voltage drops to a point where continued operation would be detrimental to electrical equipment. It also provides increased resistance in shunt field circuit to weaken shunt field of startergenerator during start operation, and maintains approximately 1.0 volt positive applied to generator terminal A, during start operation, to maintain generator residual magnetism. BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-36. REMOVAL REGULATOR. Set battery OFF position. and 1. 2. Disconnect protect with cap. 3. Remove washers. 4. - Lift regulator generator electrical four 96-43. VOLTAGE switches connector mounting screws to and and 96-40. INSPECTION AND VOLTAGE REGULATOR. REPAIR 1. - Visually inspect regulator case for 1. physical damage that could impair normal efficient operation of unit. (Cracked case, damaged contact pins.) Check for secure mounting of regulator. 2. Replace requirements regulator are not met. 96-41. INSTALLATION REGULATOR. - if inspection Position regulator and mounting screws and washers. install 1. four 2. Remove assembly. Connect electrical 96-42. ADJUSTING REGULATOR. connector - LINE CONTROL power is OFF. cover from electrical panel 4. Remove mounting screws and lift relay from shelf. INSTALLATION - wires. and washers LINE CONTROL relay on equipment shelf and 1. Position install with mounting screws and washers. Connect wires. to regulator. VOLTAGE 3. Install bus bars from generator starter relay. 4. Set multimeter to appropriate scale to measure 28 Vdc. Connect positive lead to dc bus located adjacent to voltage regulator and negative lead to airframe ground. Adjust voltage regulator by turning adjustment screw on face of regulator clockwise to increase voltage and counterclockwise to decrease voltage. Set regulator as follows: CONDITION - 3. Remove bus bars and disconnect Protect wire ends. 2. 2. REMOVAL Ensure electrical 96-45. RELAY. VOLTAGE RELAY. Line control relay is installed on electrical panel assembly located on equipment shelf above baggage compartment. Its function is to open or close power circuit between dc bus and generator. It is controlled by presence or absence of a proper output voltage from voltage regulator. 96-44. RELAY. from shelf. LINE CONTROL REGULATOR SETTING Below 59°F. 28 V. Above 59°F. 28.5 V. Install cover on electrical 96-46. GENERATOR RESET shunt and panel assembly. SWITCH. Generator reset switch is located on overhead console. This switch is a double pole, double throw, spring loaded switch with only momentary contact in RESET position. It completes generator field circuit in GEN position and supplies voltage to reset generator field in RESET position. 96-47. REMOVAL SWITCH. 1. Ensure electrical - GENERATOR RESET power is OFF. 96-00-00 Page 27 BHT-206L1-MM-10 2. Open overhead 3. Disconnect 4. Remove 96-46. RESET Install lockwasher 5. and protect wire ends. nut, lockwasher INSTALLATION SWITCH. 1. - Connect electrical 3. Close overhead GENERATOR console with 1. REMOVAL console. SHUNT. - GENERATOR Ensure all electrical 2. Remove assembly. cover 3. Retract terminals. rubber electrical nipples 5. Remove 96-51. SHUNT. mounting INSTALLATION 1. Position hardware. shunt expose electrical screws and washers. - and GENERATOR install 2. Disconnect igniter wire from and isolate wire from ground. igniter unit 3. Connect external power external power receptacle. source at 4. Energize external power source. Close ENGINE START circuit breaker. Depress starter switch on pilot collective stick. Check for approximately 28 Vdc at end of wire (K4A2) while starter switch is depressed. Connect 3. Install bus bar. 4. Position 96-00-00 Page 26 for zero mounting 6. Close ENGINE IGNTR circuit breaker. Depress starter switch on pilot collective stick. Check for external power source voltage at open end of igniter wire. 7. Release starter switch. Check voltage at open end of igniter wire. 6. Open ENGINE START IGNTR circuit breakers. and for zero ENGINE 9. Deenergize external power source connect wire (K4A2) to starter-generator wire to ignition unit. 96-54. 2. - panel to 4. Remove bus bar and disconnect wiring. Protect wire terminals. 96-53. OPERATIONAL CHECK STARTER SYSTEM CIRCUITRY. 5. Release starter switch. Check voltage at open end of wire (K4A2). power is OFF. from SYSTEM. 1. Disconnect wire (K4A2) from terminal C on starter-generator and isolate wire from ground. Generator shunt is installed on electrical panel assembly on equipment shelf above baggage compartment and provides a voltage drop proportional to current, to operate loadmeter. 96-50. SHUNT. STARTER-IGNITER panel assembly. Starter-igniter system includes starter portion of starter-generator, starter relay, field-igniter relay, igniter and starter switch. wires to switch. GENERATOR Install cover on electrical 96-52. and switch. switch in overhead and nut. 2. 96-49. console. and and STARTER. wires. nipples to cover terminals. Starter-generator, located on underside of engine, is energized by starter relay to start engine. Refer to Chapter 71 for removal and installation procedures. BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-55. STARTER 3. RELAY. Starter relay is installed on electrical panel assembly located on electrical equipment shelf above baggage compartment and supplies direct current to starter when starter switch is depressed. 96-56. 1. REMOVAL - Ensure electrical 2. Remove assembly. STARTER RELAY. power is OFF. cover from electrical panel Disconnect 4. Remove washers. 5. Remove 96-60. RELAY. and protect wire ends. four mounting INSTALLATION 1. Position relay assembly and install screws. - bus bar from relay. 2. Connect 4. Disconnect and protect wire ends. 3. Install cover on electrical 5. Remove mounting 6. Remove relay. 96-57. RELAY. INSTALLATION 1. Position relay install with washers - on electrical and mounting 2. Connect 3. Install bus bar. 4. Install cover on electrical 96-58. STARTER panel and screws. FIELD-IGNITER on electrical panel with four washers and Disconnect 96-61. and relay. 3. screws and washers. screws wires. panel assembly. IGNITER. Igniter, furnished with power turbine, is located below tachometer generator on lower left section of engine and consists of a low tension capacitor discharge ignition exciter. It provides a continuous ignition arc during engine start cycle. For additional information, refer to engine manufacturers maintenance manual. wires. 96-62. FIELD-IGNITER panel assembly. RELAY. STARTER SWITCH. Starter switch, located in collective stick switch box, is a double pole, single throw, push button type switch. When switch is pressed to START position a ground potential is furnished to energize starter and fieldigniter relays. Field-igniter relay is installed on electrical panel assembly located on electrical shelf above baggage compartment. It is actuated when start switch is depressed and supplies direct current to igniter and start field suppress section of voltage regulator. 96-63. 96-59. RELAY. 2. Remove switch plate mounting screws and lift plate sufficiently to gain access to switch wires. 1. REMOVAL Ensure electrical 2. Remove assembly. cover - FIELD-IGNITER power is OFF. from electrical 1. REMOVAL Ensure electrical - STARTER SWITCH. power is OFF. 3. Disconnect switch wires. 4. Remove switch from switch plate. panel 96-00-00 Page 29 BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-64. INSTALLATION SWITCH. 1. Align with indexing in switch plate. 96-00-00 Page 30 - STARTER key and install 2. switch Connect wires to switch. 3. Position plate mounting screws. on switch box and install BHT-206L1-MM-10 DC INDICATOR 96-65. DC INDICATOR 2. SYSTEMS. I lockwire and temperature bulb. 1. Screw temperature bulb into well or line fitting, tighten, and lockwire (C-405). 96-66. 96-69. TEMPERATURE BULBS. MATERIALS NUMBER NOMENCLATURE c-405 Lockwire, MS20995 C32 (0.032 Inch Dia) REMOVAL 1. Disconnect connector. protect - TEMPERATURE TACHOMETER connector electrical to GENERATORS. Tachometer generators are three-phase alternating current generators and provide ac power to drive dual and gas producer tachometer indicators. Rotor tachometer generator is located on forward left side of transmission. Power turbine tachometer generator is mounted on forward left side and gas producer tachometer generator is mounted on forward right side of power and accessory gearbox. 1. Disconnect connector. 2. Remove studs. - TACHOMETER and protect nuts and washers Remove generator electrical from mounting and gasket. 96-71. INSTALLATION GENERATORS. - TACHOMETER 1. Position gasket and generator mounting studs and install with washers nuts. -TEMPERATURE and INSTALLATION 2. Connect electrical temperature bulb. 3. For more information on consumable materials, refer to BHT-ALL-SPM manual. 96-67. BULBS. 96-68. BULBS. 96-70. REMOVAL GENERATORS. REQUIRED NOTE I Remove DC indicator systems consist of engine and transmission temperature indicator, turbine outlet temperature indicator, fuel quantity indicator, turbine power indicator (N2), gas producer indication (N1), and engine and rotor (dual tachometer) rpm indicator, and their respective sensing units. Refer to Chapter 98 for wiring diagrams. Electrical resistance type bulbs are used in engine oil and transmission oil temperature circuits. Each bulb is connected to an electrical resistance temperature indicator on instrument panel, and indicates an increase by rise of temperature in bulb core. Resistance elements of bulbs are hermetically sealed in metal wells. Transmission oil temperature bulb is located on left side of transmission and engine oil temperature bulb is mounted in a line near engine oil reservoir. I SYSTEMS 2. Connect electrical tachometer generator. connector on and to 96-00-00 Page 31 BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-72. FUEL QUANTITY 96-73. DESCRIPTION SYSTEM. - SYSTEM. positioned below empty mark and above white dot on face of indicator. FUEL b. Set battery switch to BAT or apply external power to helicopter. Close FUEL QTY PRESS circuit breaker. Fuel quantity indicator pointer shall indicate “0” pounds. If screw, necessary adjust “E” adjustment located on fuel quantity transmitter protruding above upper fuel cell, until pointer indicates “0” pounds. QUANTITY Fuel quantity system is composed of three fuel quantity probes, a fuel quantity transmitter, a harness, and a fuel quantity indicator. Two probes and a transmitter are installed in aft fuel cell and the other probe is installed in forward left fuel cell. The probes, which vary in capacitance as fuel quantity changes, form one leg of a bridge. Bridge output drives indicator located on instrument panel. Refer to Chapter 28 for removal and installation of fuel quantity probes and transmitter. 96-74. FUEL CALIBRATION PROCEDURE QUANTITY SYSTEM. SPECIAL Type TEST Gull P/N 001 (GTF-1) Repeat steps b. and c. d. adjustments are no longer necessary. - e. EQUIPMENT 361-016- Fuel Quantity Gage, Capacitance Type, Test Set until Remove jumper. 2. Perform following not empty: NOMENCLATURE OR MODEL Connect a jumper wire between test C. points T, located near top of transmitter. Pointer on fuel quantity indicator should indicate 600 pounds. If necessary, adjust F adjustment screw located beneath jumper on transmitter until pointer indicates 600 pounds. test when fuel cells are a. Remove- main fuel cell quantity probe located on upper section of aft fuel cell. , Fluke Model 8600A (DVM) Digital Voltmeter or Equivalent General Radio GR1434P Decade Resistor Equivalent NOTE or NOTE Calibration performed components with fuel empty can beonly with all system installed. 1. Perform following empty: test when fuel cells are NOTE Refer to fuel quantity and pressure wiring diagram in Volume 12. a. With electrical power OFF, observe pointer on fuel quantity indicator. It should be 96-00-00 Page 32 Fuel quantity probe must be isolated from helicopter structure before following tests are accomplished. b. Remove wires from terminals G, H, and L on fuel quantity probe. Attach a 44.95 pf capacitor across terminals H and L on fuel quantity probe. With electrical power turned OFF, C. observe pointer on fuel quantity indicator. It shall be positioned above white dot on face of indicator. d. Place battery switch to external power to helicopter. QTY PRESS circuit breaker. indicator pointer shall indicate necessary, adjust E adjustment on’ fuel quantity probe housing indicates 0 pounds. BAT or apply Close FUEL Fuel quantity 0 pounds. If screw located until pointer I I BHT-206L1-MM-10 e. Connect a jumper wire between test points T, located near top of fuel quantity probe housing. Pointer on fuel quantity indicator shall indicate 600 pounds. If necessary, adjust F adjustment screw located beneath jumper on fuel quantity probe housing until pointer indicates 600 pounds. Repeat steps d. and e. adjustments are no longer necessary. f. g. Remove jumper. h. Disconnect capacitor wires to main fuel cell probe. i. until Install 3. If empty accomplished as follows: and reconnect main fuel cell probe in fuel cell. and full calibration cannot be with fuel cells empty, proceed 206-063-656-l transmitter e. Disconnect housing assembly connector and connect GTF-1 test set as shown in figure 96-4. f. Set GTF-1 test set display select switch to RES (MEG), resistance function switch to A-B and resistance range switch to 100-l K. GTF-1 test set should indicate a minimum of 100 megohms. If indication is lower than 100 megohms, insulation resistance between high and low transmitter tubes is too low and transmitter should be replaced. If indication is good proceed to step g. g. Set test set to A-GND. Test minimum of 100 lower than 100 resistance between ground is too low replaced. resistance function switch set should indicate a megohms. If indication is megohms, insulation high transmitter tubes and and transmitter should be h. Set test set resistance function switch to B-GND. The test set should indicate a minimum of 100 megohms. If indication is less than 100 megohms, insulation resistance between low transmitter tubes and ground is too low and transmitter should be replaced. i. Check harness by removing and probes from aircraft. Place jumper across test points on fuel cell probe housing assembly and observe fuel quantity indicator. a. b. pounds, C. pounds, d. pounds, If indication is between replace 206-063-658-I 436 and 500 probe. If indication is between replace 206-064-618-I 375 and 435 probe. If indication is between replace 206-063-656-l 200 and 300 transmitter. (1) terminals Check continuity on harness. transmitter between H (2) Check continuity between L terminals on harness. If continuity is not found in either test, replace harness. NOTE If indication is other than stated in steps b., c., or d., check fuel cell and wiring as follows. 96-00-00 Page 33 BHT-206L1-MM-10 TANK Figure 96-00-00 Page 34 96-4. UNIT Transmitter and test set connection BHT-206L1-MM-10 ’ CAUTION AND WARNING SYSTEM 96-75. CAUTION SYSTEM. AND WARNING CAUTION The caution and warning system consists of caution light panel, engine rpm sensor and warning horn, low rotor rpm sensor and warning horn, associated components, and interconnecting wiring. Refer to Caution and Warning System wiring diagram in Volume 12. External or battery power may be used for all following operational tests. 96-76. CAUTION LIGHT PANEL. Caution light panel is energized by 28 Vdc bus and protected by 5 amp CAUTION LTS circuit breaker. Each capsule indicator light is in series with its respective caution system. 96-77. PANEL. REMOVAL - CAUTION 1. Disconnect electrical caution light panel. connector 2. Remove four screws light panel to instrument and remove panel. 96-76. PANEL. INSTALLATION LIGHT from that attach caution panel glare shield - CAUTION LIGHT 1. Install caution light panel on instrument panel glare shield with four attaching screws. 2. Connect light panel. 96-79. LIGHT electrical OPERATIONAL PANEL. connector TEST - Set battery switch to BAT external power to helicopter. 1. to caution CAUTION or apply 2. Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker and ensure that each segment is illuminated as listed below: LIGHT ENG OUT LOW ROTOR RPM TRANS OIL PRESS TRANS OIL TEMP BATTERY HOT BATTERY RELAY ENG CHIP TRANS CHIP FUEL FILTER T/R CHIP R FUEL PUMP L FUEL PUMP GEN FAIL ENGINE OVERSPEED LITTER DOOR OPEN FUEL LOW ALL SPARES ON/OFF CONDITION ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 3. Set DIM/BRT switch in middle position. Check each segment as indicated in step 2. 4. Press DIM/BRT switch momentarily DIM. Check caution lights do not dim. 5. Close INSTR LT circuit breaker. instrument lights control clockwise until closes. Press DIM/BRT switch to DIM. caution lights, which are listed as ON 2, are dimly illuminated. to Rotate switch Check in step 6. Press DIM/BRT switch to BRT. Check caution light segments are again brightly illuminated (as indicated in step 2) and remain brightly illuminated after the DIM/BRT switch is released. 7. Press DIM/BRT switch to DIM. Check lights remain dimly illuminated after the switch is released. 8. Depress PRESS TO TEST switch. Check all caution lights, including spares, are illuminated dimly. 96-00-00 Page 35 BHT-206L1-MM-10 9. Release PRESS TO TEST switch. Check caution lights are illuminated as listed in step 2. 96-80. ENGINE SYSTEM. OUT WARNING Engine out warning system provides a visual and audible indication of an engine out condition. The system includes ENG OUT warning light, located on caution panel, engine out warning alarm located on overhead console, and engine rpm sensor located on equipment shelf forward of instrument panel. Engine rpm sensor is connected to gas producer tachometer generator circuit and when gas producer rpm drops below 55 ±3 percent, engine rpm sensor provides an electrical ground to complete ENG OUT warning light and engine out warning alarm circuit. OPERATIONAL TEST 96-81. OUT WARNING SYSTEM. SPECIAL TYPE OR MODEL H337 TEST - 5. Decrease test rpm to 50 percent light is illuminated alarm is audible. set tachometer generator Check ENG OUT warning and engine out warning 6. Reconnect electrical connector to gas producer tachometer generator on the engine. 7. Reconnect rpm sensor. 96-62. electrical ENGINE 1. Disconnect sensor. - to rotor RPM connector from EQUIPMENT 2. Remove washers. NOMENCLATURE Test NOTE Engine out warning system may be tested in conjunction with gas producer tachometer indicator test procedure (Chapter 95). 1. Disconnect electrical connector from rotor rpm sensor and protect with cap or cover. 2. Disconnect electrical connector from gas producer tachometer generator and connect plug to appropriate receptacle on test set. 3. Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker, on overhead console. Check ENG OUT warning light is illuminated and engine out warning alarm is audible. Page 36 ENGINE electrical 3. four Remove engine 96-84. INSTALLATION SENSOR. 96-00-00 connector RPM SENSOR. 96-83. REMOVAL SENSOR. ENGINE Howell Engine Set or Alternate I 4. Increase test set tachometer generator rpm until ENG OUT warning light is extinguished. Check gas producer tachometer indicator reads 55 ±3 percent and engine out warning alarm is not audible. Test set and gas producer tachometer indicator should read approximately the same. attaching screws and rpm sensor. - ENGINE RPM 1. Position engine rpm sensor on equipment shelf forward of instrument panel and install with four washers and four screws. 2. Connect electrical connector to sensor. 96-85. LOW ROTOR RPM CAUTION SYSTEM. Low rotor rpm caution system provides visual and audible indication of low rotor rpm condition. This system includes ROTOR RPM caution light located on instrument panel, rotor rpm warning alarm installed on right side plastic headliner, and rotor rpm sensor located on equipment shelf forward of instrument panel. Rotor rpm sensor is BHT-206L1-MM-10 connected to rotor tachometer generator circuit and when rotor rpm drops below 90 ±3 percent, rotor rpm sensor provides an electrical ground to complete ROTOR RPM caution light and rotor rpm warning alarm circuits. A rotor rpm warning alarm disable switch is installed under copilot seat slightly forward of collective jackshaft. When collective stick is in extreme down position, a lever on jackshaft contacts switch and deactivates rotor rpm warning alarm. 96-66. ROTOR TYPE OPERATIONAL RPM CAUTION TEST SYSTEM. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT TEST OR MODEL H337 LOW Test rpm caution system may in conjunction with dual indicator (Chapter 95). Disconnect electrical connector from engine rpm sensor and protect with cap or cover. 1. 2. Disconnect electrical connector from rotor tachometer generator and connect plug to the appropriate receptacle on test set. collective stick 6. Move collective stick towards its lowest extreme. Check rotor rpm warning alarm is deactivated when collective stick is moved to within 1 ± 0.2 inch (25 ± 5 mm) from its extreme down position, measured at grip adjacent to switch box. If switch is not in tolerance, adjust tab on jackshaft under copilot seat. 10. Reconnect rpm sensor. 96-87. NOTE 3. Move extreme. 7. Decrease test set tachometer generator rpm to 85 percent. Check ROTOR RPM caution light is illuminated and rotor rpm warning alarm is audible. 9. Reconnect electrical connector tachometer generator on the engine. NOMENCLATURE Howell Engine Set or Alternate Low rotor be tested tachometer tachometer indicator is 90 ±3 percent. Test set and indicator should read approximately the same. to its lowest 4. Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker on overhead console. Check ROTOR RPM caution light is illuminated and rotor rpm warning alarm is not audible. 5. Raise collective stick and check ROTOR RPM caution light remains illuminated and rotor rpm warning alarm is now audible. 6. Increase test set tachometer generator rpm until ROTOR RPM caution light is extinguished and rotor rpm warning alarm is not audible. Check rotor indication on dual electrical to engine ROTOR RPM SENSOR. 96-66. REMOVAL SENSOR. 1. Disconnect sensor. 2. Remove washers. 3. connector to rotor Remove - ROTOR electrical four RPM connector attaching from screws and rotor rpm sensor. 96-69. INSTALLATION SENSOR. - ROTOR RPM 1. Position rotor rpm sensor on equipment shelf forward of instrument panel and install with four washers and four screws. 2. Connect electrical 96-90. TRANSMISSION CAUTION SYSTEM. connector to sensor. OIL PRESSURE Transmission oil pressure caution system includes TRANS OIL PRESS caution light and transmission oil pressure switch. 96-00-00 Page 37 -- BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-91. OPERATIONAL TRANSMISSION OIL SYSTEM. 1. Close CAUTION 4. TEST PRESSURE LTS circuit light is 3. Disconnect transmission oil pressure line at engine firewall. Connect a hand pressure gun to line leading to indicator. Gradually increase pressure until TRANS OIL PRESS caution light is extinguished. Check caution light extinguishes at a maximum increasing pressure of 36 psig (246 kPa). 4. Decrease pressure on the transducer until TRANS OIL PRESS caution light illuminates. Check that caution light illuminates at a decreasing pressure of 30 ± 2 psig (207 ± I 13.8 kPa). 5. Reduce pressure to zero. Disconnect hand pressure gun and reconnect aircraft transmission lines at the firewall. Check TRANS OIL PRESS caution light is illuminated. 1. Remove pedestal TRANSMISSION 3. Disconnect 96-00-00 Page 36 OIL access doors. 2. Disconnect electrical connector switch and protect with cap or cover. and cap pressure line. Position switch mounting hardware. hardware and switch. from TRANSMISSION in helicopter 1. 2. Uncap switch. pressure 3. Connect electrical 4. Install pedestal line and install and connect connector to to switch. access doors. 96-95. TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE CAUTION SYSTEM. Transmission oil temperature caution system includes TRANS OIL TEMP caution light and transmission oil temperature switch. 96-96. OPERATIONAL TEST TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE CAUTION SYSTEM. 1. OIL PRESSURE Transmission oil pressure switch, located in forward cabin section below instrument panel, is a pressure operated switch installed in transmission oil pressure indicator line and serves to energize a transmission oil pressure caution light on instrument panel, warning pilot of low oil pressure. 96-93. REMOVAL PRESSURE SWITCH. mounting 96-94. INSTALLATION OIL PRESSURE SWITCH. breaker. 2. Check TRANS OIL PRESS caution illuminated. 96-92. TRANSMISSION SWITCH. Remove CAUTION Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker. 2. Connect a temporary short between stud on transmission oil temperature switch and helicopter structure. Check TRANS OIL TEMP caution light illuminates. 3. ‘Remove short and check TRANS TEMP caution light is extinguished. OIL 96-97. ‘TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE SWITCH. Transmission oil- temperature switch, located adjacent to temperature bulb left side of transmission, is hermetically sealed, temperature operated, single-pole switch, that closes when. temperature of transmission oil rises above- safe operating range. This energizes a transmission temperature caution light on instrument panel. BHT-206L1-MM-10 MATERIALS REQUIRED 96-l 02. BATTERY RELAY CAUTION SYSTEM. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE c-405 Lockwire, MS20995C32 (0.032 Inch Dia) Battery relay caution system includes BATTERY RLY caution light and related circuitry for battery relay and battery switch. If battery relay remains energized when battery switch is set to OFF, BATTERY RLY caution light will illuminate. NOTE For more information on consumable materials, refer to BHT-ALL-SPM manual. 96-103. BATTERY I. 96-96. REMOVAL - TRANSMISSION TEMPERATURE SWITCH. OIL 1. Disconnect switch. from electrical 96-99. INSTALLATION OIL TEMPERATURE electrical 96-100. BATTERY SYSTEM. and unscrew switch 4. Connect jumper wire between terminals 11 and 12 of battery relay (2K1). Check BATTERY RLY caution light illuminates. - TRANSMISSION SWITCH. 5. Remove jumper. Check caution light extinguishes. tighten 96-104. CAUTION connector. HOT WARNING Battery hot warning system consists of BATTERY HOT warning light and internal battery over-temp sensor switches. Both switches in the battery are actuated when battery temperature reaches 145 ± 5°F (62.7 ± 2.5°C), which illuminates BATTERY HOT warning light. When BATTERY HOT warning light illuminates, battery charging circuit must be disengaged to allow battery temperature to drop. -- OPERATIONAL TEST HOT WARNING SYSTEM. All testing accordance instructions. shall with be accomplished battery manufacturers in ENGINE CHIP SYSTEM. BATTERY RLY DETECTOR Engine chip detector caution system includes ENG CHIP caution light, two engine furnished magnetic drain plug/chip detectors, and related wiring. In event of metal particles in oil, magnet will attract particles. When sufficient metal is attracted to complete circuit between pole and ground, ENG CHIP caution light will illuminate. For additional information on the magnetic drain plugs/chip detectors, refer to manufacturers engine manual. 96-105. OPERATIONAL TEST - ENGINE CHIP DETECTOR CAUTION SYSTEM. 1. 96-101. BATTERY LTS circuit breaker. switch to BAT. Check 2. Set battery BATTERY RLY caution light is extinguished. connector 1. Screw switch into transmission, and lockwire (C-405). Connect Close CAUTION 3. Set battery switch to OFF. Check BATTERY RLY caution light is extinguished. 2. Remove lockwire from transmission. 2. OPERATIONAL TEST RELAY CAUTION SYSTEM. Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker. 2. Remove electrical connector from one engine chip detector. Connect a temporary short between pin of connector and aircraft structure. Check ENG CHIP caution light is illuminated. 96-00-00 Page 39 BHT-206L1-MM-10 3. Remove short. Check light is extinguished. ENG CHIP caution 4. Reconnect electrical connector to engine chip detector. Check ENG CHIP caution light remains extinguished. 5. Remove electrical engine chip detector. short between pin of structure. Check ENG illuminated. connector from other Connect a temporary connector and aircraft CHIP caution light is 6. Remove short. Check light is extinguished. 1. Close CAUTION CHIP DETECTOR 1. related Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker. 2. Remove tail rotor gearbox chip detector and ground probe to helicopter structure. Check T/R CHIP caution light is illuminated. LTS circuit 96-110. FUEL FILTER SYSTEM. breaker. 4. Complete steps 1 through 3 for remaining transmission chip detector and freewheeling unit chip detector. Tail rotor gearbox chip detector system consists of T/R CHIP caution T/R CHIP CAUTION OPERATIONAL TEST CAUTION SYSTEM. Close CAUTION LTS circuit - FUEL breaker. 2. Disconnect electrical connector (1S5P1) from fuel filter differential pressure switch. Connect a temporary short between pins A and B on connector (1S5P1). Check FUEL FILTER caution. light is illuminated. short. Reconnect electrical 3. Remove connector (1S5P1) to fuel filter differential pressure switch. Check FUEL FILTER caution light is extinguished. 96-112. 96-108. TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX DETECTOR CAUTION SYSTEM. Check Fuel filter caution system consists of FUEL FILTER caution light, fuel filter pressure switch, and related wiring. Should fuel pressure drop below safe operating limit, fuel filter pressure switch closes and energizes FUEL FILTER caution light alerting pilot of clogged fuel filter. Fuel bypasses filter at this time. 1. 3. Reinstall chip detector and check TRANS CHIP caution light is extinguished. Page 40 and 96-109. OPERATIONAL TEST - TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX CHIP DETECTOR CAUTION SYSTEM. 96-111. FILTER TEST DETECTOR 2. Remove one transmission chip detector and ground probe to helicopter structure. Check TRANS CHIP caution is illuminated. 96-00-00 detector, 3. Reinstall chip detector. caution light is extinguished. Transmission chip detector caution system consists of TRANS CHIP caution light, two transmission chip detectors, a freewheeling unit chip detector, and related wiring. For maintenance instructions on chip detectors, refer to Chapter 63. 96-107. OPERATIONAL TRANSMISSION CHIP CAUTION SYSTEM. chip ENG CHIP caution 7. Reconnect electrical connector to engine chip detector. Check ENG CHIP caution light remains extinguished. 96-106. TRANSMISSION CAUTION SYSTEM. rotor gearbox wiring. FUEL PUMP CAUTION SYSTEM. CHIP caution light, tail Fuel pump caution system consists of R/FUEL PUMP caution light, L/FUEL PUMP caution light, right side fuel flow switch, left side fuel flow switch, and related wiring. BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-113. OPERATIONAL TEST PUMP CAUTION SYSTEM. 1. FUEL Close CAUTION LTS circuit breaker. 2. Disconnect electrical connector (1S8P1) from right side fuel flow switch. Check R/ FUEL PUMP caution light extinguishes. 3. Reconnect electrical connector side fuel flow switch and check PUMP caution light illuminates. to right R/FUEL 4. Disconnect electrical connector from left side fuel flow switch. Check L/FUEL PUMP caution light extinguishes. fuel tanks. To gain access to flow switches and for removal and installation procedures, refer to Chapter 28. 96-115. FUEL LOW CAUTION SYSTEM. Fuel low system, which is independent of fuel quantity system, illuminates FUEL LOW caution light when there is approximately 9.5 I gallons (35.91 liters) of usable fuel remaining. 96-116. GENERATOR SYSTEM. FAILURE CAUTION Generator failure caution system consists of GEN FAIL caution light, line control relay, starter relay, and related wiring. When line control is deenergized, GEN FAIL caution light circuit is completed to ground through line control relay. When starter relay is energized, GEN FAIL caution light circuit is completed to ground through the starter relay. 5. Reconnect electrical connector to left side fuel flow switch and check L/FUEL PUMP caution light illuminates. 96-114. FUEL FLOW SWITCH. Right and left side fuel flow switches are located in fuel pressure lines between forward 96-00-00 Page 41/42 BHT-206L1-MM-10 LIGHTING SYSTEMS 96-117. LIGHTING SYSTEMS. Lighting systems consist of interior and exterior lighting. Interior lighting system includes cockpit light, instrument and control panel lighting, and cabin lighting. Exterior lighting system includes position, anticollision, and landing lights. Refer to Chapter 98 for individual system wiring diagrams. 96-118. INTERIOR LIGHTING SYSTEM. Interior lighting system consists of cockpit, instrument and control panel lighting, cabin lighting, and related wiring and components. 96-119. COCKPIT LIGHT. Cockpit light is a multipurpose utility light designed to provide white illumination utilizing a narrow spotlight or wide floodlight beam. Light is protected by a 5 ampere COCKPIT LT circuit breaker. Controls for ON/OFF, DIM/ BRIGHT, and SPOT/FLOOD are par-l of the cockpit light body. 96-120. REMOVAL AND BASE. I. Ensure - electrical 2. Disconnect (4TB1). COCKPIT 2. Insert light wire through install black wire on terminal Install ground wire. 96-122. PANEL LIGHT Instrument and control panel lighting circuits are protected by a 5 ampere INSTR LT circuit breaker. Clockwise rotation of INSTR LT control closes attached switch and supplies 28 Vdc through INSTR LT circuit breaker to collector of transistor (8Q2), 100 ohm section of INSTR LT control (8U1) and light dimming resistor (8R1). At the opposite end of resistor (8R1), 5.2 Vdc is controlled by zener diode (8CR1) and is applied to transistor (8Q1) and 150 ohm section of INSTR LT control. The transistor base voltage is controlled by the INSTR LT control which controls brightness level of the indicators, control panels, compass, and inclinometer post lights. 96-123. OPERATIONAL CHECK INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL PANEL LIGHTING. power is OFF. board remove 4. Remove mounting nuts, washers, and spacer holding light base. screws, COCKPIT 1. Place light and spacer in position install screws, washers, and nuts. and and until and 3. Rotate INSTR LT control clockwise and check lights increase in brightness and are brightest at maximum clockwise. 4. Rotate control counterclockwise and check lights decrease in brightness and are extinguished at maximum counterclockwise. 96-124. - to OFF 2. Rotate INSTR LT control clockwise switch just closes. Check instrument control panel lights are dimly illuminated. black wire from terminal INSTALLATION AND CONTROL Rotate INSTR LT control I. close INSTR LT circuit breaker. 3. Disconnect ground wire and cockpit light wire from grommet. 96-I 21. LIGHT. INSTRUMENT LIGHTING. grommet and board (4TB1). CABIN LIGHTING. Four individual white cabin lights provide passenger area illumination at pilots discretion. These lights are protected by 5 ampere COCKPIT LTS circuit breaker. They are controlled by pilot CABIN LTS switch and 96-00-00 Page 43 BHT-206L1-MM-10 individual switches located near each light. When pilot CABIN LTS switch is placed in CABIN LTS position, all four cabin lights illuminate. When switch is placed in PASS position, each light can be individually controlled by associated passenger switch. 96-125. EXTERIOR LIGHTING POSITION LIGHTS. Position lights consist of upper horizontal stabilizer left and right side and lower cabin left and right side position lights and tail light. Position light lens or lamps may be replaced by removing one light fairing attachment screw and removing lens or lamp as necessary. 96-127. 1. REMOVAL - Check all electrical POSITION Remove Place insert nut. I. LIGHT. 1. Thread wire connect to light. - 2. Tighten coupling install three attaching 96-129. 1. REMOVAL Ensure electrical - POSITION 96-l 33. REMOVAL Page 44 and - - LIGHT. ANTICOLLISION NOTE When replacing flash tube in anticollision beacon, avoid touching glass portion of tube with fingers. Oil from finger will shorten life of tube. 1. Check all electrical nut; position screws. light and 3. retainer power is OFF. ring clamp power is OFF. and and remove Pull flash tube from socket. 96-l 34. INSTALLATION ANTICOLLISION LIGHT. LIGHT. 3. Disconnect coupling nut that attaches wiring insert to light and protect insert. 96-00-00 and install CHECK ANTICOLLISION 2. Release lens. screws on mount -screws. 96-132. and 2. Remove two attaching remove light from mounting. from wiring insert. and tighten coupling 2. Set POS LT switch breaker to OFF. Check side position lights and tail light are extinguished. nut TAIL LIGHT. I. Set POS LT switch breaker to POS LT. Check right and left side position lights and the tail light are illuminated. coupling through protection in position TAIL LIGHT. power is OFF. INSTALLATION - 96-131. OPERATIONAL POSITION LIGHTS. 2. To remove position lights, remove-three attaching screws and remove light’ from mounting. Back off coupling nut and disconnect electrical wiring from light. Protect wire end. 96-l 26. LIGHT. INSTALLATION 2. Position light tighten attachment SYSTEM. Exterior lighting system consists of position, anticollision, landing lights and related wiring and components. 96-126. 96-l 30. - 1. Insert flash tube into socket. 2. Reassemble retainer ring clamp and lens. 3. Position lamp support plate in base; install lens; install and secure retainer ring. BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-135. OPERATIONAL ANTICOLLISION LIGHT. CHECK 2. - Install landing Connect a. Set ANTI COLL LT switch breaker to ANTI COLL LT. Check anticollision light illuminates and flashes at a rate of 42 to 45 flashes per minute. I. 2. Set ANTI OFF. Check extinguishes. COLL the LT switch anticollision 96-136. HS STROBE (FLASHER UNIT). 96-137. POWER REMOVAL SUPPLY. b. install nuts. 96-136. POWER screws, INSTALLATION SUPPLY. Connect electrical - LANDING 96-140. LIGHTS. REPLACEMENT Remove 1. landing and attaching and wiring. LIGHTS. - LANDING b. Open or remove light access window. d. OPERATIONAL LIGHTS. CHECK power is OFF. nuts, spacers, landing lights. washers - 1. Close LDG LIGHTS circuit breaker. Set LDG LT switch to FWD. Check forward landing light illuminates. 3. Set LDG LT switch landing lights extinguish. 96-142. LANDING 96-143. RELAYS. REMOVAL to OFF. Check and Disconnect electrical wiring from lights and protect wire ends. Remove both LIGHT RELAYS. - Check all electrical LANDING wiring 3. Remove screws and washers relay and remove relay. 96-144. INSTALLATION LIGHT RELAYS. LIGHT power is OFF. 2. Disconnect all electrical relay and protect wire ends. lights. Check all electrical landing lights. I Install or close light access window. 96-l 41. LANDING 1. a. Remove C. bolts attaching m 2. Set LDG LT switch to BOTH. Check both landing lights illuminate. HS STROBE connector 96-139. and and Position forward light so lower forward edge of light is 6.00 inches (152.4 mm) forward of station 18. Aft light should be positioned so lower forward edge of light is 2.00 inches (50.8 mm) forward of station 18. and black washers, I. Position unit; install and tighten screws, washers, and nuts. 2. bracket spacers power is OFF. 2. Disconnect electrical connector and white wire. Protect wire ends. attaching to landing NOTE C. 3. Remove nuts. wiring Position light on mounting attaching bolts, washers, breaker to light HS STROBE Check all electrical 1. electrical lights. POWER SUPPLY - lights. - from the attaching LANDING I. Position landing light relay beneath base of instrument pedestal and install attaching washers and screws. 96-00-00 Page 45 BHT-206L1-MM-10 2. Connect all electrical 96-145. LANDING 96-146. SWITCH. REMOVAL 1. Ensure electrical wiring. LIGHT - 4. SWITCH. LANDING 96-147. INSTALLATION LIGHT SWITCH. Disconnect power is OFF. 96-00-00 Page 46 switch wires. - LANDING LIGHT 2. Remove collective stick switch plate mounting screws and lift plate sufficiently to gain access to switch wires. 3. Remove switch from switch plate. 1. Position index switch plate. 2. Connect key and install switch in wires to switch. 3. Position plate on switch mounting screws. boss and install BHT-206L1-MM-10 ENGINE CONTROL AND ACCESSORIES , 96-148. ENGINE CONTROL ACCESSORIES SYSTEMS. 2. Open FUEL BOOST RIGHT circuit breaker. Check right fuel boost pump ceases operation. AND Engine control and accessories systems consist of fuel boost pumps, fuel shutoff valve, fuel dump switch, fuel dump solenoid, fuel valve switch, engine anti-ice solenoid, and engine anti-icing switch. Refer to Chapter 98 for individual systems wiring diagrams. 96-149. FUEL BOOST SYSTEMS PUMPS. 3. Close FUEL BOOST LEFT circuit breaker. Set battery switch to BAT. Check left fuel boost pump (located aft on sump) operates. 4. Set battery switch to OFF. Check left fuel boost pump ceases operation. 5. Close LH FUEL BOOST circuit breaker. Ensure FUEL VALVE circuit breaker is open. Set FUEL VALVE switch to ON. Check left fuel boost pump operates. Two electrically operated fuel boost pumps submerged in fuel cell are accessible from bottom of fuselage. Both pumps are connected to a common fuel line and either will furnish sufficient flow for engine operation. Pumps are energized from separate circuit breakers in overhead console and may be operated separately or together. Refer to Chapter 28 for removal and installation of fuel boost pumps. 7. Open LH FUEL BOOST circuit breaker. Check left fuel boost pump remains inoperative. NOTE NOTE Left fuel boost pump will continue to operate if both FUEL BOOST LEFT (located in OVHD CSL) and LH FUEL BOOST (located adjacent to battery) circuit breakers are pushed in, fuel valve switch is ON, and battery switch is OFF. When operating on external power or aircraft generator power, with battery removed, battery switch must be set to BAT to activate left fuel boost pump. 6. Set FUEL VALVE switch to OFF. Check left fuel boost pump ceases operation. 96-151. 96-150. BOOST OPERATIONAL PUMPS. CHECK - FUEL NOTE Battery test. must be installed for this Sufficient fuel shall be added to fuel cell to ensure fuel inlet of pump is submerged by at least 1 inch. 1. Close FUEL BOOST RIGHT circuit breaker. Check right fuel boost pump (located forward on sump) operates. FUEL VALVE. Fuel shutoff valve, located above aft fuel cell on right side of helicopter, is an electrically operated motor driven valve and provides a means of shutting off fuel to engine. Valve is controlled by FUEL VALVE switch on instrument panel. Refer to Chapter 28 for maintenance procedures. 96-152. VALVE. OPERATIONAL CHECK - FUEL 1. Set FUEL VALVE switch to OFF and close FUEL VALVE circuit breaker. Set FUEL VALVE switch to ON. Check fuel valve opens. 96-00-00 Page 47 2. Set FUEL VALVE fuel valve closes. 96-153. switch to OFF. Check FUEL DUMP VALVE. Fuel dump valve, located on fuel sump, is an electrically operated solenoid valve and provides a means of draining-fuel tanks.. Valve ‘is controlled by FUEL DUMP switch located on RH lower aft side of fuel cell. Refer to Chapter 28 for maintenance procedures. 96-154. OPERATIONAL DUMP VALVE. CHECK - 2. Set FUEL VALVE switch to OFF. 3. Press FUEL DUMP dump valve opens. switch. Check 4. Release FUEL DUMP switch. dump valve closes. Check fuel 96-156. REMOVAL SWITCH. - FUEL DUMP 1. power is OFF. 96-157. INSTALLATION SWITCH. Connect 96-00-00 Page 48 electrical 1. power is OFF. Ensure electrical 2. Disconnect wire ends. . 3. Remove switch. FUEL VALVE electrical attaching 1. Position hardware, switch 2. electrical Connect hardware and remove 1. Close ENGINE breaker. FUEL DUMP wires to switch. and protect hardware and remove - FUEL VALVE and install with attaching wires to switch. Hot air solenoid valve is powered from 28 Vdc essential bus through ENGINE DEICE/ANTIICING circuit breaker and ENGINE DEICING/ ANTI-ICING. switch. When hot air solenoid valve is deenergized (valve open), hot air passes from compressor diffuser through valve to inlet housing. Hot air aids in preventing ice formation on hollow inlet guide vanes. . 96-162. ENGINE - wires 96-161. ENGINE DEICING/ANTI-ICING SYSTEM. and protect 1. Position fuel dump switch and install with attaching hardware. 2. - wires electrical 3. Remove attaching fuel dump switch. REMOVAL 96-159. SWITCH. fuel FUEL DUMP SWITCH. 2. Disconnect wire ends. SWITCH. 96-160. INSTALLATION SWITCH. Close FUEL VALVE circuit breaker. Ensure electrical FUEL VALVE FUEL 1. 96-155. 96-156. OPERATIONAL CHECK DEICING/ANTI-CING SYSTEM. DEICE/ANTI-ICING 2. Set ENGINE DEICING/ANTI-ICING on engine control to ON. Verify solenoid deenergizes. circuit switch hot air 3. Set ENGINE DEICING/ANTI-ICING switch to OFF. Verify hot air solenoid energizes. 4. Open ENGINE breaker. DEICE/ANTI-ICING circuit BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-163. ENGINE SWITCH. DEICING/ANTI-ICING 96-164. REMOVAL ANTI-ICING SWITCH. 1. Ensure electrical 2. Remove ENGINE DEICING/ power is OFF. electrical 96-169. REMOVAL SWITCH. CONTROL wires from switch. 3. Remove attaching from edgelit panel. hardware and switch 1. Install switch attaching hardware. Install electrical 96-166. in edgelit panel Ensure electrical with 3. Disconnect switch wires. 4. Remove switch from panel. ACTUATOR. Governor actuator is located on forward left side of engine and is a reversible motor that provides increase or decrease of governor setting. Actuator is controlled by GOV RPM switch on collective stick. Refer to Chapter 76 for maintenance procedures. UTILIZE CAUTION IN SWITCH REMOVAL TO PREVENT CHAFING OR DAMAGE TO WIRES. 96-170. CONTROL 96-167. OPERATIONAL GOVERNOR ACTUATOR. INSTALLATION SWITCH. - GOVERNOR CHECK 1. Install switch to plate observing indexing key is in proper position. 1. Close GOV CONT circuit breaker. Press GOV RPM switch to INCR. Check governor control actuator retracts. 2. 2. Press GOV RPM switch to DECR. Check governor control actuator extends. 3. Position plate mounting screws. 96-166. 96-171. GOVERNOR power is OFF. Remove switch plate mounting screws and lift plate sufficiently to gain access to switch wires. wires on switch. GOVERNOR 1. GOVERNOR 2. 96-165. INSTALLATION - ENGINE DEICING/ANTI-ICING SWITCH. 2. With switch in INCR position, circuit to actuator motor is completed and allows motor to move arm in one given direction. With switch in DECR position polarity to actuator motor is reversed, allowing actuator arm to move in opposite direction. When switch is in rest position, circuit is deenergized. RPM SWITCH. Governor control switch, located in pilot collective switch box, is a double pole, double-throw, spring loaded, momentary contact switch that enables pilot to increase or decrease governor rpm actuator setting. Connect that wires to switch. PARTICLE on switch box and install SEPARATOR. Particle separator is an integral part of 250C28 engine. For operation and maintenance procedures, refer to operation and maintenance manuals provided by Detroit Diesel Allison on 250-C28 engine. 96-00-00 Page 49/50 BHT-206L1-MM-10 96-172. FLIGHT CONTROLS FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM. 2. Flight controls system consists of hydraulic bypass solenoid, CONTROL BOOST/ HYDRAULIC SYSTEM switch and related components and wiring. Remove body. 96-176. BYPASS CONTROLS OPERATIONAL - Connect 96-177. SYSTEM Connect hydraulic helicopter and adjust system pressure. external for normal INSTALLATION SOLENOID. and - screw electrical valve off HYDRAULIC and secure connector. FLIGHT SYSTEM. 1. 2. Close CONTROL switch to required stick, and CHECK lockwire 1. Screw valve on body; tighten with lockwire. 2. 96-173. SYSTEM power to hydraulic CONTROL SWITCH. BOOST/HYDRAULIC CONTROL BOOST/HYDRAULIC SYSTEM switch, located in edgelit panel on pedestal, controls operation of hydraulic bypass solenoid. Refer to paragraph 96-9 and 96-13 for maintenance procedures. HYDR SYSTEM circuit breaker. Set BOOST/HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ON. Check only normal force is to operate cyclic stick, collective pedal controls. Set CONTROL BOOST/HYDRAULIC SYSTEM switch to OFF. Check cyclic, collective and pedal controls are much harder to move than in step 2. 3. 96-174. HYDRAULIC SOLENOID. 96-175. BYPASS REMOVAL SOLENOID. 1. Disconnect connector. BYPASS - and HYDRAULIC protect electrical 96-00-00 Page 51/52 BHT-206L1-MM-10 MISCELLANEOUS 96-178. MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEM. Miscellaneous electrical defogging blowers. 96-179. DEFOGGING - consists SYSTEM overhead console. Refer to Chapter 21 for removal and installation of defogging blowers. ELECTRICAL system ELECTRICAL of BLOWERS. A right and left defogging blower is provided in forward end of right and left side ram air/ defogging nozzles. Blowers are energized by DEFOG BLOWER switch breaker on 96-180. OPERATIONAL DEFOGGING BLOWER. CHECK - 1. Close DEFOG BLOWER switch Check defogging blowers operate. breaker. 2. Open DEFOG BLOWER switch Check blowers stop operating. breaker. -- 96-00-00 Page 53/54 BHT-206L1-MM-11 CHAPTER CONTENTS Paragraph Number 97-1 - 97 - MAINTENANCE AVIONICS PROCEDURES Chapter/Section Number Title Avionics system .................................. 97-00-00 Page Number 3 FIGURES Figure Number 97-l 97-2 97-3 97-4 97-5 97-6 97-7 97-8 97-9 97-l 0 97-I 1 97-l 2 97-l 3 97-14 97-I 5 97-l 6 97-17 97-18 97-l 9 97-20 97-21 97-22 97-23 Title Audio system (AUD-251H) (S/N 45154 through 45600). ...................... VHF COMM/NAV system (KX-170B) (S/N 45154 through 45600). ........... VHF COMM/NAV system (KX-170B) with audio system (AUD-251H) (S/N 45154 through 45600) ....................................................... Transponder (KT-76) (S/N 45154 through 45600) ........................... Transponder (KT-76A) (S/N 45154 through 45600) .......................... ADF (KR-85) with separate loop and sense antennas(S/N 45154 through 45600) ....................................................................... ADF (KR-85) with combined loop and sense antennas(S/N 45154 through 45600) ....................................................................... ADF-IFR . . ................................................................ Transponder - IFR .......................................................... Dual VHF transponders - IFR .............................................. NAV 1 - IFR ................................................................ NAV 2 - IFR ................................................................ Glideslope - IFR ............................................................ ....................................................... Marker beacon-IFR ......................................................... Audio system-IFR Caution light system - IFR .................................................. .................................................... DC power system -lFR ..................................................... Compass system -lFR ..................... Auxiliary speaker system (S/N 45601 and subsequent). ........ KMA-24H Intercommunication system (S/N 45601 and subsequent). KT-76A Transponder (S/N 45601 and subsequent) .......................... ................................... KR-87 ADF (S/N 45601 and subsequent). KX-155 NAV/COMM system (S/N 45601 and subsequent). .................. Page Number 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 I5 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 97-00-00 Page 1/2 BHT-206L1-MM-11 AVIONICS 97-1. AVIONICS SYSTEM. Customer requirements vary so extensively that a basic avionics system is not provided. Various systems are available in Bell installed kits, and will be installed when ordered by the customer. Manual coverage of these systems is limited to wiring diagrams of each configuration. Operational and maintenance procedures are available from equipment manufacturers. Listed below are the different configurations that can be installed. 1. 2. AUD-251H KX-170B audio VHF system. COMM/NAV 5. KT-76 KT-76A 6. KR-85 antennas. transponder. with 7. KR-85 ADF with sense antenna. * VHF transponders 11. NAV 1- IFR. 12. NAV 2 - IFR. 13. Glideslope - 14. Marker 15. Audio 16. Caution 17. DC power system 18. Compass system 19. Auxiliary speaker 20. KMA-24H 21. KT-76A 22. KR-87 23. KX-155 system. ADF - 9. Transponder - IFR. - IFR. light system - IFR. * system - IFR. with * separate loop a combined and sense loop and *S/N 45154 8. IFR. IFR. beacon system - - IFR. l transponder. ADF * Dual l 3. KX-170B VHF COMM/NAV AUD-251H audio system. * 4. 10. system. Intercomm Transponder. ADF. * system. l l * * ** NAV/COMM. through l ** 45600 IFR. “S/N - 45601 and subsequent IFR. 97-00-00 Page 3 BHT-206L1-MM-11 ANTENNA TRANSPONDER 206L1-M-97-4 206-077-050R Figure 97-4. Transponder (KT-76) 97-00-00 Page 8 , (S/N 45154 through 45600) BHT-206L1-MM-11 WINDSHIELD CENTER POST Figure 97-5. Transponder (KT-76A) (S/N 45154 through 45600) 97-00-00 Page 9 BHT-206L1-MM-11 / MATCHING Figure 97-7. ADF (KR-85) with combined loop and sense (S/N 45154 through 45600) antennas 97-00-00 Page 11 BHT-206L1-MM-11 MARKER RECEIVER 206L1-M-97-14 Figure 97-14. 97-00-00 Page 16 Marker beacon - IFR BHT-206L1-MM-11 411 206Ll-M-97-21 Figure 97-00-00 Page 26 97-21. KT-76A Transponder (S/N 45601 and subsequent) BHT-206L1-MM-12 CHAPTER CONTENTS Paragraph Number 98-I 98-2 98 - WIRING MAINTENANCE DIAGRAMS PROCEDURES Chapter/Section Number Title Wiring diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wire identification ................................ 98-00-00 98-00-00 Page Number 3 3 FIGURES Figure Number 98-I 98-2 98-3 98-4 98-5 98-8 98-7 98-8 98-9 98-10 98-II 98-12 98-13 98-14 98-15 98-16 98-17 98-18 98-19 98-20 98-21 98-22 98-23 98-24 98-25 98-26 98-27 98-28 98-29 98-30 98-31 Title DC power system simplified wiring diagram ................................. External power circuit ........................................................ Generator power circuit ...................................................... Battery power circuit ......................................................... Auxiliary power circuit ....................................................... Starter and igniter circuits ................................................... Fuel quantity and fuel pressure indicator systems ........................... Engine and transmission temperature indicating system ..................... Tachometer indicating system ............................................... Caution and warning system ................................................. RPM warning system ........................................................ Interior lighting system ....................................................... Position and anticollision lights .............................................. Landing light system ......................................................... Fuel control system .......................................................... Engine deicing/anti-icing system ............................................. Governor rpm system ........................................................ Hydraulic control system ..................................................... ................................ Defogging blowers...........................~ Turbine outlet temperature indicator system ................................. Hourmeter system ........................................................... Particle separator purge system ............................................. ............................................................ Flight instruments Engine overspeed ............................................................ Pitot tube heater ............................................................. Component replacement chart ............................................... ECS system ................................................................. Combustion heater ........................................................... Bleed air heater .............................................................. Cargo hook.. ................................................................ ................................................................ Pop-out floats Page Number 4 5 7 8 IO II I3 14 15 I6 I7 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 46 47 48 49 50 98-00-00 Page 1 BHT-206L1-MM-12 FIGURES (Cont) Page Number Figure Number 98-32 96-00-00 Page‘ 2 Engine auto-reignition.....................................................,.. 51 I BHT-206L1-MM-12 WIRING 98-1. WIRING DIAGRAMS. This section contains wiring diagrams for all basic electrical circuits in the helicopter. Individual system wiring diagrams are provided to assist maintenance personnel in understanding the circuits and components installed in the helicopter and in troubleshooting and tracing of inoperative and malfunctioning circuits. Standard symbols have been used where possible. DIAGRAMS 98-2. WIRE IDENTIFICATION. All wires on the systems wiring diagrams are identified by codes exactly as they are marked in the helicopter. The code or wire number indicates the circuit function, wire number, wire segment number, and wire conductor size. Wire identification may be accomplished by using the identification code listed in Chapter 96. 96-00-00 Page 3 BHT-206L1-MM-12 04 EFFECTIVITY 0 0 3 Helicopters S/N 45 194 through 4 Helicopters S/N 45601 45600 and subsequent 206L1-M-98-5 206-075-295T Figure 98-00-00 Page 10 98-5. Auxiliary power circuit LOADMETER FUEL PRESS 206-075-295T 206-064-617 Figure 98-7. Fuel quantity and fuel pressure indicator systems 98-00-00 Page 13 Figure 98-00-00 Page 14 98-8. Engine and transmission temperature indicating system Figure 98-9. Figure 98-14. Figure 98-15. BHT-206L1-MM-12 Figure 96-16. Engine deicing/anti-icing system 96-00-00 Page 23 BHT-206L1-MM-12 Figure 98-00-00 Page 24 96-17. Governor rpm system BHT-206L1-MM-12 Figure 98-18. Hydraulic control system 98-00-00 Page 25 BHT-206L1-MM-12 DEFOGGING Figure 98-19. BLOWER 3 and subsequent. 4 TEMPERATURE Figure 98-20. THERMOCOUPLE Turbine LOOP outlet temperature RESET indicator 0 system 98-00-00 Page 27 Figure 98-21. I BHT-206L1-MM-12 ON OFF SEPARATOR PURGE SWITCH 206L1-M-98-22 206-075-295N Figure 98-22. Particle separator purge system 98-00-00 Page 29 ; BHT-206L1-MM-12 Figure 96-24. Engine overspeed 98-00-00 Page 31 BHT-206L1-MM-12 EEI DIRECTIONAL GYRO AND ATTITUDE INDICATOR 206L1-M-96-25 206-075-295P Figure 98-00-00 Page 32 96-25. Pitot tube heater 206L1-M-98-26-1 206-075-295T Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 1 of 13) 98-00-00 Page 33 BHT-206L1-MM-12 LOADMETER -P962- 6 I I AIRFRAME GROUND 206Ll -M-98-26-2 Figure 98-00-00 , Page 34 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 2) BHT-206L1-MM-12 PILOTS MISCELLANEOUS ENGINE CONTROL DE-ICING PANEL SWITCH I DIM I LIGHT LIGHT Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 3) 98-00-00 Page 35 206L1-M-98-26-5 206-075-295N Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 5) 98-00-00 Page 37 BHT-206L1-MM-12 206L1-M-98-26-6 Figure 98-00-00 Page 38 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 6) ‘ 206L1-M-98-26-7 206-075-295T Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 7) 98-00-00 Page 39 BHT-206L1-MM-12 - UPPER i 3-20 3-20 206L1-M-98-26-8 Figure 98-00-00 Page 40 96-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 6) BHT-206L1-MM-12 COLLECTIVE SWITCH BOX I I 4 3 L Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 9) 98-00-00 Page 41 BHT-206L1-MM-12 ’ CAUTION LIGHTS I Figure 98-00-00 Page 42 96-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 10) BHT-206L1-MM-12 LIGHT DIMMING RELAY 206Ll-M-98-26-11 2Ow75-295P Figure 98-26. 98-00-00 Page 43 BHT-206L1-MM-12 46154 through 45193 03 04 Figure 98-00-00 Page 44 96-26. Component Helicopters S/N 45 194 through 45600 Helicopters S/N 45601 and subsequent replacement chart (Sheet 12) BHT-206L1-MM-12 LOW ROTOR MUTE RELAY Figure 98-26. Component replacement chart (Sheet 13) . 98-00-00 Page 45 BHT-206L1-MM-12 Figure 98-00-00 Page 48 98-29. Bleed air heater I - t Figure 98-30. Cargo hook . 98-00-00 Page 49 BHT-206L1-MM-2 Subject INDEX - MAINTENANCE Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject A - ADF (KR-85) with combined loop and sense antennas (S/N 45154 through 45600) .......... ADF (KR-85) with separate loop and sense antennas (S/N 45154 through 45600) .......... ADF-IFR ............................ Airspeed indicator ...................... Altimeter ............................... Anticollision light ..................... Installation - anticollision light...............................96-134 Operational check anticollision light. ................. Removal - anticollision light ..... Audio system - IFR .................. Audio system (AUD-251H)(S/N 45154 through 45800) ............... Auxiliary power circuit .................. Auxiliary speaker system (S/N 45601 and subsequent). ............ Avionics system ......................... F97-7 F97-6 F97-8 95-l 7 95-18 .98-132 96-l 35 .96-133 F97-15 F97-1 F98-5 F97-19 97-l B Battery hot warning system ........... Operational test - battery hot warning system ............... Battery power circuit ................... Battery relay ........................... Installation - battery relay .......... Removal - battery relay ............ Battery relay caution system ......... Operational test - battery relay caution system ............ Battery system ......................... Installation - battery ................ Maintenance - battery .............. Removal - battery .................. Bleed air heater ....................... 96-100 96-101 F98-4 96-25 96-27 98-26 .96-102 .96-103 96-21 96-24 96-22 96-23 F98-29 Installation - caution light panel .............................. 96-78 Operational test - caution light panel ......................... 96-79 Removal - caution light panel .............................. 96-77 Caution light system - IFR ........... F97-16 Circuit breakers ........................ 96-l 7 Installation - circuit breakers ....... 96-19 Removal - circuit breakers ......... 96-18 Clock ................................... 95-47 Cockpit light ........................... 96-l 19 Installation - cockpit light .......... 96-121 Removal - cockpit light and base..............................96-120 Combustion heater .................... F98-28 Compass system - IFR .............. F97-18 Component replacement chart ........ F98-26 Control boost/hydraulic system switch .............................. -96-177 Control panels - electrical ............. 96-13 Inspection - control panels ......... 96-15 Installation - control panels ......... 96-l 6 Removal - control panels ........... 96-14 D DC indicator systems ................... DC loadmeter .......................... DC power system simplified wiring diagram ....................... DC power system - IFR .............. DC power systems ..................... Defogging blowers .................... Defogging blowers .................... Operational check defogging blower ................. Dual tachometer ........................ Operational check - dual tachometer ........................ Dual VHF transponders - IFR ........ 98-65 95-44 F98-1 F97-17 96-20 F98-19 96-179 96-180 95-24 95-25 F97-10 E C Cabin lighting ......................... Cargo hook ............................ Caution and warning system .......... Caution and warning system ........... Caution light panel ..................... Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number 96-124 F98-30 F98-10 96-75 96-76 ECS system ........................... Electrical power loading ................. Electrical power - DC .................. Electrical systems ....................... F98-27 96-5 96-6 96-1 1-00-00 Index MM 1 BHT-206L1-MM-2 INDEX Subject Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Engine and transmission temperature indicating system ............................... Engine auto-reignition ................. Engine chip detector caution system ............................. Operational test - engine chip detector caution system............................ 96-105 Engine control and accessories systems............................. 96-148 Engine deicing/anti-icing switch ...... Installation - engine deicing/ anti-icing switch ................. Removal - engine deicing/ anti-icing switch .................. Engine deicing/anti-icing system.. .......................... Engine deicing/anti-icing system ............................. Operational check - engine deicing/anti-icing system ......... Engine hourmeter ...................... Operational check - engine hourmeter ......................... Engine oil temperature/pressure indicator ............................. Bleeding pressure gage line - engine oil temperature/ pressure indicator ................. Operational check - engine oil temperature/pressure indicator ........................... Engine out warning system ............. Operational test - engine out warning system ................ Engine overspeed ..................... Engine rpm sensor ..................... Installation - engine rpm sensor ....... ...................... Removal - engine rpm sensor ............................. Engine torquemeter .................... Bleeding - engine torquemeter gage pressure line ................................ Operational check - engine torquemeter ....................... Equipment list ........................... 1-00-00 Index MM 2 MAINTENANCE F98-8 F98-32 -98-104 96-163 .96-165 96-164 ..F98-16 -96-161 96-162 95-45 95-46 95-28 95-30 95-29 96-80 96-81 F98-24 96-82 96-84 98-83 95-37 95-39 95-38 96-2 (Cont) Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject Equipment list - electrical ............. T96-1 Equipment location - electrical F96-1 ....... Exterior lighting system .............. .96-125 External electrical power ................ 96-7 External power circuit .................. F98-2 External power receptacle .............. 96-29 Installation - external power receptacle ......................... 96-31 Removal - external power receptacle .............. 96-30 .......... External power relay ................... 96-32 Installation - external power relay ............................... 96-34 Removal - external power relay ............................... 96-33 External power system ................. 96-28 F Field-igniter relay ....................... Installation - field-igniter relay ............................... Removal - field-igniter relay ....... Flight controls system ................ Operational check - flight controls system .................. Flight instruments ..................... Flight instruments ...................... Free air temperature indicator .......... Maintenance - free air temperature indicator .............. Fuel boost pumps ..................... Operational check - fuel boost pumps ..................... Fuel control system ................... Fuel dump switch ..................... Installation -fuel dump switch ........................... Removal - fuel dump switch ...... Fuel dump valve ..................... Operational check - fuel dump valve ...................... Fuel filter caution system ............ Operational test - fuel filter caution system ................... Fuel flow switch ...................... Fuel low caution system .............. Fuel pressure indicator ................. Operational check - fuel pressure indicator ................. 96-58 96-60 96-59 .96-172 .96-173 F98-23 95-10 95-48 95-49 96-149 .96-150 F98-15 96-155 .96-157 96-156 .96-153 .96-154 .96-110 96-111 .96-114 .96-115 95-35 95-36 BHT-206L1-MM-2 INDEX - MAINTENANCE Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject Fuel pump caution system ........... Operational test - fuel pump caution system .................. Fuel quantity and fuel pressure indicator systems .................... Fuel quantity indicator .................. Fuel quantity system ................... Calibration procedure - fuel quantity system .................... Description - fuel quantity system ............................. Fuel valve ............................ Operational check - fuel valve ........................... Fuel valve switch ..................... Installation - fuel valve switch ........................... Removal - fuel valve switch ...... .96-112 .96-113 F98-7 95-34 96-72 96-74 98-73 .96-151 ..96-152 .96-158 Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject H Hourmeter system ..................... HS strobe power supply (flasher unit) ........................ Installation - HS strobe power supply ..................... Removal - HS strobe power supply ............................ Hydraulic bypass solenoid. ........... Installation - hydraulic bypass solenoid ................. Removal - hydraulic bypass solenoid ........................ Hydraulic control system .............. F98-21 98-136 96-138 96-137 .96-174 .96-176 ..96-175 F98-18 I .,96-160 96-159 G - (Cont) 95-26 Gas producer tachometer .............. Operational check - gas .............. 95-27 producer tachometer 96-36 Generator .............................. 96-37 Inspection - generator .............. Generator failure caution -.96-116 system ............................ F98-3 Generator power circuit ................ 96-46 Generator reset switch ................. Installation - generator reset 96-48 switch ............................. Removal - generator reset 96-47 switch ............................. 98-49 Generator shunt ........................ Installation - generator 96-51 shunt .............................. 96-50 Removal - generator shunt ......... 96-35 Generator system ...................... F97-13 Glideslope - IFR ..................... 96-l 66 Governor actuator ..................... Operational check 96-l 67 governor actuator ................. .96-188 Governor rpm switch ................. Installation - governor .98-170 control switch .................... Removal - governor control ..96-16 9 switch .......................... F98-17 Governor rpm system ................. 96-61 Igniter .................................. 95-l 9 Inclinometer ............................ Instrument and control panel lighting..............................96-122 Operational check instrument and control 96-123 panel lighting ..................... F95-1 Instrument panel ....................... Instrument panel maintenance 95-7 practices .............................. Installation - instrument ..95- 9 panel .............................. 95-8 Removal - instrument panel ........ F95-2 Instrument piping installation ........... 95-l Instrument system ....................... Instruments maintenance 95-3 practices .............................. .95-5 Inspection - instruments ............. ............ .95-8 Installation - instruments .............. .95-4 Removal - instruments ............ T95-1 Instruments troubleshooting F98-12 Interior lighting system ................ .96-118 Interior lighting system ............... K KMA-24H Intercommunication system (S/N 45601 and subsequent). ........................ KR-87 ADF (S/N 45601 and subsequent). ........................ KT-76A Transponder (S/N ............ 45601 and subsequent). F97-20 F97-22 F97-21 1-00-00 Index MM 3 BHT-206L1-MM-2 INDEX - MAINTENANCE Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject KX-155 NAV/COMM system N 45601 and subsequent) (S/ . . . . . . . . . . F97-23 L Landing light relays .................. .96-142 Installation - landing light relays............................. 96-144 Removal - landing light relays .............................96-143 Landing light switch .................. .96-145 Installation - landing light switch ............................ 96-147 Removal - landing light switch ........................... .96-146 Landing light system .................. F98-14 Landing lights ........................ .96-139 Operational check - landing lights ........................... ..96-14 1 Replacement - landing lights ........................... ..96-14 0 Lighting system troubleshooting 96-4 ....................... Lighting Systems ...................... 96-117 Lighting systems troubleshooting T96-3 ...................... Line control relay ....................... 96-43 Installation - line control relay ............................... 96-45 Removal - line control relay ....... 96-44 Low rotor rpm caution system .......... 96-85 Operational test - low rotor rpm caution system ................ 96-86 M Marker beacon - IFR ................. Miscellaneous electrical components ........................... Inspection - miscellaneous electrical components ............. Installation - miscellaneous electrical components ............. Removal - miscellaneous electrical components ............. Miscellaneous electrical system ...... Miscellaneous instruments ............. F97-14 96-9 96-12 96-l 1 96-l 0 96-l 78 95-43 N NAV 1 NAV 2 - IFR ......................... IFR ....................... 1-00-00 Index MM 4 F97-11 ..F97-12 (Cont) Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject Navigation instruments 95-20 ................. 0 Overhead console panel (typical) .............................. F96-2 P Particle separator .................... .96-171 Particle separator purge system ...... F98-22 Pitot tube heater ...................... F98-25 Pitot-static system ...................... 95-11 Cleaning - pitot-static system ............................. 95-13 Inspection - pitot-static system ............................. 95-14 Installation - pitot tube and static ports ........................ 95-15 Removal - pitot tube and static ports ........................ 95-12 Testing - pitot-static system ....... 95-16 Pop-out floats ......................... F98-31 Position and anticollision lights. ....... F98-13 Position lights ......................... 96-126 Installation - position light ........ .96-128 Installation - tail light .............. 96-130 Operational check - position lights ........................... ..96-13 1 Removal - position light .......... 96-127 Removal - tail light ............... .96-129 Propulsion instruments ................. 95-23 R Rotor rpm sensor ....................... Installation - rotor rpm sensor ............................. Removal,rotor rpm sensor RPM warning system .................. 96-87 ....... 96-89 96-88 F98-11 S Standby magnetic compass ............ Calibration - standby magnetic compass ................. Starter .................................. Starter and igniter circuits .............. Starter relay ............................ Installation - starter relay ........... Removal - starter relay ............. Starter switch .......................... Installation - starter switch ......... 95-21 95-22 96-54 F98-6 96-55 96-57 96-56 96-62 96-84 BHT-206L1-MM-2 INDEX - i MAINTENANCE Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject Removal - starter switch.. . . . . . . . . . . 96-63 Starter-generator brush wear.. . . . . . . . . . F96-3 Starter/generator/igniter . . . . . . . . . . . 96-3 systems - troubleshooting Starter/generator/igniter systems troubleshooting chart.................................T96-2 Starter-igniter system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-52 Operational check - starter system circuitry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-53 T , - Tachometer generators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-69 Installation - tachometer generators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-71 Removal - tachometer generators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-70 Tachometer indicating system.. . . . . . . . . F98-9 Tail rotor gearbox chip detector caution system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-108 Operational test - tail rotor gearbox chip detector caution system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96-109 Temperature bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-66 Installation - temperature bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-68 Removal - temperature bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-67 Transmission chip detector caution system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96-106 Operational test transmission chip detector caution system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96-l 07 Transmission oil pressure caution system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-90 Operational test transmission oil pressure caution system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-91 Transmission oil pressure switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-92 Installation - transmission oil pressure switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-94 oil Removal - transmission pressure switch.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-93 Transmission oil temperature caution system.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-95 Operational test transmission oil (Cont) Paragraph/Table/ Figure Number Subject temperature caution system............................. 96-96 Transmission oil temperature switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 96-97 Installation - transmission oil temperature switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-99 Removal - transmission oil temperature switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-98 Transmission oil temperature/ pressure indicator.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-31 Bleeding pressure gage line - transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-33 Operational check transmission oil temperature/pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 95-32 Transmitter and test set connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . F96-4 Transponder (KT-76) (S/N 45154 through 45600) . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . F97-4 Transponder (KT-76A) (S/N 45154 through 45600) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F97-5 Transponder - IFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F97-9 Troubleshooting instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-2 Turbine outlet temperature indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 95-40 Maintenance - turbine outlet temperature indicator.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-41 Operational check - turbine outlet temperature indicator and circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-42 Turbine outlet temperature indicator system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . F98-20 V VHF COMM/NAV system (KX1708) (S/N 45154 through 45600) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VHF COMM/NAV system (KX170B) with audio system (AUD-251H) (S/N 45154 through 45600) . . . . . . . . . Voltage regulator.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting - voltage regulator . . . . . . . Inspection and repair voltage regulator . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F97-2 F97-3 96-38 96-42 96-40 1-00-00 Index MM 5