COVID-19 Impact on Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities

1. Freedom of movement. It is currently suspended, but it is a necessary measure
due to the risk involved in free movement.
2. Operability. The companies that allow the tourist environment to function are
paralyzed, which affects those people who carry out work at the points of origin,
connection and destination.
3. Destination point. In this period of compulsory social isolation, the accommodation,
local transport, restaurant and activity centers are waiting for the visitors who fill
their facilities.
COVID-19 has been claiming a high number of human lives worldwide and affects the
population of the tourism receiving point because it causes serious modifications in the
ways of life, uses and customs of its inhabitants, who will recover to the extent that they
can. resume their activities with the professionalism that characterizes them and to the
extent that they generate the necessary income to mitigate the needs of their family
This situation is complicated when the social aspect entails an economic problem, since
tourism allows a multiplier effect, meaning that the foreign exchange that enters a country
for this concept is generating other investments and expenses in different sectors.
Therefore, it can be concluded that:
A. Tourism is seriously affected by the economic and cultural changes that have taken
place in recent months, reducing its actions and cutting back each of the activities
that were scheduled.
B. Tourism is an eminently social activity. The repercussions of its processes as a
system largely involve the life of a population due to its multisectoral and
multidisciplinary nature. Faced with the crisis that the planet is experiencing at this
time, the business must assume a role of support and solidarity, putting into
practice hospitality, a vocation of service and proactivity. The professional in this
sector must be ready and attentive to give the best of themselves.
4. By recognizing tourism as a social fact that affects the daily life of a country, the
population must understand that this pandemic must become an opportunity to
promote the visit to local monumental spaces under new rules of the game that
avoid crowds, giving Opportunities to re-emerge for our businessmen,
professionals and national services, who, with their work and knowledge, will find
the lost balance, difficult, but not impossible to achieve again.