COMMUNICATION INTERFACE TO VERBAL/MOTOR DISABILITIES PEOPLE BASED ON EYE-TRACKING TECHNOLOGYEYE-COM CONFIDENTIALITY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONSIDERED PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, SINCE ITS RELEASE WOULD REPRESENT SUBSTANTIAL BENEFITS TO THIRD PARTIES OTHER THAN SANTIAGO MIGUEL FERNÁNDEZ FRAGA. THIS DOCUMENT INCLUDES PROPOSED SOLUTION DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT SCOPE, TO SATISFY MARKET NEEDS. SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT SANTIAGO MIGUEL FERNANDEZ AUTHORIZATION. 1. DESCRPCTION Technological communication interface that allows to follow the eye movements of a person to infer what he looks and what he sees, to improve the communication skills and use of electronic devices of people with motor/verbal disabilities in order to provide them with greater development opportunities and improve their quality of life as well as that of your families by a computer application and an eye-tracking device. 2. OBJETIVE This project objective is to improve verbal communication skills and the management of computer applications of digital tablets and computer equipment through the adaptation of eye-tracking technology. The development of the project will be carried out in the city of Querétaro, Mexico. To carry out the objectives of this project, two computer applications will be developed, one for verbal communication and the other for the management of computer applications. Eye-tracking technology will be used that will allow the movement of the eyes to be used to control digital tablets and desktop or laptop computers. Different eye-tracking devices will be purchased with their respective development licenses, as well as mobile devices to ensure the compatibility of technologies and ensure correct operation. Additionally, a support system will be acquired that allows mounting the eye-tracking device to computer equipment and is easy to use for the end user. Finally, a website and promotional videos will be developed for the commercialization of the solution, for which 4 people will be hired for the development and for the commercialization operation. The project is focused on providing people with verbal and, or motor disabilities, an accessible and low-cost computer application so that they can communicate more efficiently in the environment in which they develop as well as being able to control computing devices. That are currently an important part of daily life either as work tools, entertainment or personal management. Currently in the Mexican market there is only one company that has this technology but its costs are not accessible to the majority of the population. We consider a niche of opportunity in the social part to provide solutions to people with disabilities and in the commercial part we will have the Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 1 de 11 advantage of satisfying a National and Latin American demand with an affordable and easy-to-use product that practically does not currently exist in a company that satisfies this need. 3. HEADLINE 3.1. Target product Eye tracking technology is used to study the eye movement of people, it is a new and objective way to observe human behavior. Currently it has been detected that this technology has important applications in areas such as Psychology, Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Artificial Intelligence, Education, Ergonomics, among others. As well as in the business area where the key areas focus on brand value, market segmentation, new product development, pricing decisions, product location decisions and promotion and mainly on social market studies. According to the market research report "Eye Tracking Market with COVID-19 Impact Analysis by Offering (Hardware, Software, Services), Tracking Type (Remote and Mobile), Application (Assistive Communication, and Human Behavior & Market Research), Vertical, and Geography- Global Forecast to 2025 ", estimates that the global market for eye tracking technology will reach 1,028 million dollars in 2025, with an average growth rate of 24.5% between 2020 and 2025. 3.2. Target Market Motor disability is a life condition that affects the control and movement of the body, generating alterations in the movement, balance, manipulation, speech and breathing of people, limiting their personal and social development. This occurs when there are alterations in the muscles, bones, joints or spinal cord, as well as by some affectation of the brain in the motor area impacting on the mobility of the person (National Human Rights Commission, Mexico). The origin of this disability can be congenital or acquired either by illness or accident or simply by age. Disability can affect anyone in many ways during their life cycle, and the causes that cause it are also diverse. There are people with disabilities who have it from birth and others who acquire it during their lives, whether by accident, illness, aging process or a violent event. For every 100 people with disabilities, 41 acquire it due to illness, 33 due to advanced age, 11 due to birth, 9 due to accident, 5 due to other causes and 1 due to violence. (National Survey of Demographic Dynamics, ENADID 2014). Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 2 de 11 Percentage distribution of disabilities, by type of disability according to cause of disability. Note: The percentage is calculated with respect to the total number of disabilities. Each disability has a cause (INEGI, ENADID 2014). In 2018, according to the results of the National Demographic Dynamics Survey (ENADID), there are about 120 million people in Mexico. Of these, almost 7.8 million report having great difficulty or not being able to do some of the basic activities for which they are investigated (people with disabilities), around 15.9 million have mild or moderate difficulties to perform the same activities (people with limitations) and 96.6 million people indicate that they have no difficulty in carrying out these activities. This means that the prevalence of disability in Mexico for 2018 is 6.3%. In Querétaro this rate is 6%. The complexity of the disability condition, which can affect various areas of people's functioning, the number of limitations reported is greater than the number of people with disabilities (ENADID 2018) Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 3 de 11 139,200 , 6.83% Source: INEGI 2014 Querétaro, México 5,851 , 0.29% 553,036 , 27.13% Población Sana Población con limitación en alguna actividad 1,215,545 , 59.63% 40,490 , 1.99% 84,250 , 4.13% Población con problemas de comunicación Población con problemas de movilidad Población con discapacidad sin participación económica Población en edad estudiantil con discapacidad (15-24 años de edad) 4. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION 4.1. Problematical The United Nations (UN), in the convention on the human rights of persons with disabilities (2006) establishes that: “All members of society have the same human rights, which include civil, cultural, economic, political and social”. These rights include the right to education and work. 4.1.1. Education Access to education places a social advantage over those who do not have it. People with disabilities are part of a population group that faces multiple complications to access and remain in the educational system The General Law for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities defines inclusive education as one that encourages the integration of people with disabilities into regular basic education schools, through the application of specific methods, techniques and materials (Official Gazette of the Federation of the United Mexican States, 2011). School attendance of the population with disabilities may be conditioned by factors such as access, proximity, programs and also by the type of disability they have. The results of the 2018 National Demographic Dynamics Survey (ENADID) show that 46.5% of the population with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 29 attends school, a lower percentage than the population without disabilities (60.5%). This situation shows the need to build inclusive educational scenarios, in order to achieve the integration of the population with disabilities into schools, and teaching tools to ensure their permanence. The ability to read and write represents one of the basic skills for any individual and, in turn, allows them to fully interact in any field. However, when a person does not have these skills and is disabled, he finds himself in an unfavorable situation. According to ENADID 2018, 67 out of 100 people with Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 4 de 11 disabilities between the ages of 6 and 14 know how to read and write a message, a figure that is much lower than that of the population without disabilities (89.5%). In the State of Querétaro, 5,851 young people of student age suffer from some type of disability (INEGI, 2010). The ages of students in this condition are between 15 and 24 years old. These young people suffer from some type of motor or intellectual disability, blindness and lack of mobility to walk, listen and communicate, among other factors, stand out. 4.1.2. Employment Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the right of persons with this condition to work on equal terms with others is recognized (UN, 2006). The 2013-2018 National Development Plan mentions that in Mexico there is still an important gap in access to job opportunities for people living with disabilities, since unemployment is one of the main concerns to be addressed. Economic participation rate of the population aged 15 years and over, by sex and disability status 2018 (percentage). Note: The population that did not specify their age is excluded. (INEGI, ENADID 2018). Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 5 de 11 Concept Mexican National Population Population with limitation in some activity Population with communication problems Population with mobility problems Population with disabilities without economic participation Population with disabilities than student Percentage 100% 5.1% 8.3% 33% 2.9% National 120’000,000 5’739,270 476,359 1’893,959 3,480,000 Percentage 1.7% 1.46% 8.3% 29.2% 4% Querétaro 2’038,372 84,250 40,490 553,036 139,200 2.6% 3’120,000 0.18% 5,851 4.2. Oportunity Value “TOBII” brand, In México there is that offers solutions with eye-tracking devices mainly for services in the commercial area; regarding the area of services for people with disabilities, it has four associates in the Mexican Republic: “Access Technology” and “Braille SA”, “ADAPT-TAAC”, “Technoasist” and “Soluciones en Tecnología Adaptada” located in Guanajuato, Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mexico City respectively. Adapted Technology Solutions has equipment and applications for direct sales, the other companies only function as sales contact for Mexico. 4.3. Market Analysis Eye tracking technology is being applied in fields such as marketing, ophthalmology, recreation, education, and learning. 98% of human beings have control over the movement of their eyes, independent of their motor condition and / or intellectual condition. The global trend and forecast of the eye tracking device market for 2025 is $ 183 million USD Source: Grand View Research, January 2020 Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 6 de 11 Source: Future Market Insights, August 2018 4.4. Market Technologies Available Eye-tracking, allows you to follow the eye movements of a person to infer what they are looking at and what they see. It monitors and records the way in which a person looks at a certain scene or image, in which areas they fixate their attention, for how long and in what order they follow in their visual exploration. Camera Mouse, free computer application that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer simply by moving your head. Traker Glass, Dev ice in the form of glasses. Its main characteristic is that by means of a mini-projector it projects a virtual image on our retina that is mixed with the real image that we see with our eyes. Neuro-Tasker, a brain interface that allows you to control the computer cursor through brain signals to control applications such as navigation, writing and selection of elements. Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 7 de 11 4.5. Proposed Technology Eye-tracking is a technology that makes it possible to follow a person's eye movements to infer what they are looking at and what they see. Technologies that make it possible to monitor and record the way in which a person looks at a certain scene or image, in which areas they fixate their attention, for how long and in what order they follow in their visual exploration. 4.6. Proposed Solution Develop a communication interface based on eye-tracking technology to communication and use of computer applications that will help the inclusion of people with motor/verbal disabilities in academic and work activities that will improve their quality of life. This type of interface is a natural way to increase human capacities, by providing a new interaction link with the outside world and is especially relevant as an aid for people with a motor / verbal disability as well as for their families. Eye Tracking System Functionality Model Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 8 de 11 The communication interface will be designed based on a virtual keyboard, which selection keys will be through eye tracking, to form words and phrases, which will be reproduced in sound (voice) use a button. The interface will have the autocomplete function to give greater agility to the use of the application. Other functionalities: buttons with predefined phrases to "houses", "work" "daily" and user-specific. You can configure the language, the type of voice (male, female) and the creation of phrases. The application management system will have a navigation panel that will allow the user to select between the different activities to be carried out on a computer equipment: write texts, send emails, select applications, raise and lower screens, command control (copy, paste , erase, etc.), combined with a virtual keyboard for the writing part. The systems will be developed for Windows platforms to computers and digital tablets. Communication system Application manager system Finally, a website will be developed to allow commercialization, which will allow the user to purchase the product, obtain information for the installation and use of the system through videos and documents, and online technical support. The site will allow downloading of applications to reduce operating costs and the device will only be sent by parcel. The website will have an extra in the development of a security application to protect the copyright of the product. 4.7. System components Computerized communication system based on two functionalities: icons and virtual keyboard. The icons part will represent elements of daily life (greetings, I want ..., I feel..., etc.) which will be selected sequentially to be formed the user's needs in a verbal environment. Virtual keyboard the letters of the keyboard will be selected to form words and phrases, in both cases they will be reproduced in sound (voice) by means of a button. The system will have the prediction and autocomplete function to give greater agility to the use of the application. Eye tracking device which will detect eye movement, as well as blinking. It has USB communication for computer equipment and electronic tablets. The device has its calibration and configuration application. Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 9 de 11 Support for electronic tablets which will allow to attach the eye tracking device to electronic tablets based on the natural ergonomics of sight and facilitate the functionality of operation with the user. 5. DEVELOPMENT BUDGET CONCEPTS PIECE 2 UNIT COST 1,200 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROTOTYPE DESIGN (HARDWARE) INDUSTRIAL DESIGN PROTOTYPE (HARDWARE) MANUFACTURING TEST PROTOTYPES TABLETS SUPPORT DESIGN SUPPORT MOLD MANUFACTURING TEST SUPPORT MANUFACTURING PACKAGING DESIGN PACKAGING PRINTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 1 1 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 1 3,750 13,750 17,500 250 1,750 2,500 240 750 100 2,500 3,750 13,750 17,500 2,500 1,750 2,500 2,400 750 1,000 2,500 PROJECT LEADER OPERATING ENGINEERING SERVICE SERVICE 1 1 4,500 6,000 4,500 6,000 TABLET SURFACE S.O. WINDOWS TOTAL (USD CURRENCY) Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL COST 2,400 55,150 Página 10 de 11 6. CRONOGRAM ACTIVITIES Acquisition of digital tablets Software development Functional testing of the software Development of the eye tracking prototype eye tracking prototype testing industrial design of the eye tracking device eye tracking device functional tests manufacture of test devices Comprehensive testing software and eye tracking device tablet stand design tablet stand manufacturing tablet support tests packaging design packaging tests packaging printing e-commerce platform development e-commerce platform testing MONTH 1 MONTH 2 MONTH 3 X X X X X X X X X MONTH 4 MONTH 5 MONTH 6 MONTH 7 MONTH 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7. CONTACT Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga [email protected] Cel. 52 + 442.117.8617 Dr. Santiago Miguel Fernández Fraga © Página 11 de 11