Subido por Joshua Rolle

Joshua's Final Exam (1)

SCI 115SC – Final Term Exam – Spring 2021
Name Joshua Rolle Jr.
1) Spell out this acronym (2 points):
a) DNA – Deoxyribonucleic acid
2) Which sense do these genes activate (2 points each)
a) Pax-2 – sense of hearing
b) Pax 6 – sense of vision or sight.
Four points questions
3) Neil Shubin found his inner fish, Tiktaalik, in the year 2006 In the
Inuit language the name Tiktaalik means large freshwater fish.
4) A brief definition for DNA is
A molecule that contains the biochemical information for the
formation of all genetic material that develops into living
organisms .
5) Which of the following best describes the theory of evolution?
a) Physical changes in organisms caused by actions like giraffes
having long necks because they had to stretch for food
b) Belief that humans are able to alter their physical appearance
through better nutrition, more exercise and better education of
their offspring.
c) Genetic changes in populations, often producing changes in
observable traits of organisms over time
d) Exposing living organisms to nuclear radiation to produce
mutations that alter their genetic material
e) The ravings of a lunatic
f) All of the above.
6. Approximately what percentage of the human genome is devoted
to detecting different odors?
A. 3%
B. 10 %
C. 0.5 %
D. 50%
7. The mechanism used by odor molecules to attach to olfactory
receptors is called lock and key
8. Which is the largest gene family in the mammalian genome?
The largest gene family in the mammalian genome is the olfactory
9. Which well known scientist is credited with developing a “Natural
Selection” explanation of species evolution mainly based upon his
work in the Malay Archipelago?
Alfred Russel Wallace
Sir Richard Owen
Neil Shubin
Jerry Coyne
Charles Darwin
10. Which well known scientist is credited with this quote, “To
suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the
focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and
for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have
been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the
highest degree.”
Alfred Russel Wallace
Sir Richard Owen
Neil Shubin
Jerry Coyne
Charles Darwin
11. Show the correct order of the four 4 parts of the Scientific
Method and explain their functions. You may use a diagram, give
a written answer, or combination. (16 points)
Firstly, visualize so see exactly what describes or identify the
problem that is at hand. Next, decipher the problematic question,
and after the question has been asked, collect more information.
Afterwards a hypothesis is formed.
Secondly, in the procedural stage, the hypothesis is tested. And,
the experimental design.
Thirdly, these is the Observations and Data stage, in this stage
you make observations and formulate an experimental design, in
which is basically comprises with the ideas and actions of
assembling tables and graphs to display your data easily and simply.
Lastly, you must conclude, this is the stage where the hypothesis
can be supported or rejected based on the data provided and
analyzed and the results of the matter are then reported and
•Identify the problem (question
•Collect Information
•Form a hypothesis
•Test the hypothesis
•Experimental Design
Observations & Data
•Make observations
•Assemble tables and graphs
•Support or rehect hypothesis based on data
•Repord and publish results
Four point questions
12. Neuromast cells found along the lateral line of fish are believed
to be the precursor of the mammalian inner ear fluid neuro
13. Using a calendar as approximate extent of time since the Earth
was formed, on what month and day would Homo sapiens have
December 31
14. Name 4 groups of organisms that have opsin proteins for some
form of vision
Plants, Vertebrates, Jellyfish, and Reptiles
Chanoflagellates, Octopus, Jellyfish, and Vertebrates
Ostracoderms, Platypus, Dinosaurs, and Vertebrates
Jellyfish, Insects, Octopus, and Vertebrates
15. What is the significance placed upon the presence of collagen
and proteoglycans in the cells of and humans and other
organisms from an evolutionary perspective?
The properties of these molecules allow the ability for cells to
stick together and communicate with each other which is a
common trait of all organisms.
16. Name the three small inner ear bones that are responsible for
hearing in humans. (10 points)
The names of the three small bones inner ear bones that are
responsible for human hearing are the Malleus also known as the
hammer, the incus also known as the anvil and lastly the stapes that
is also known as the stirrup.
17. True/False Questions (2 points each):
a. T Commonality and similarity among organisms can be
seen in the Common Limb Plan
b. F According to Shubin, multi-cellular life began about 1
billion years ago
c. F If the finding of the Gabon fossils is accurately dated at
about 2 billion years ago, then they would appear in our
‘calendar’ year in the month of March
d. F Choanoflagellates are an advanced variety of sponge
e. T A significant increase in oxygen is credited with allowing
the “explosion” of life on earth about a billion years ago
f. T Opsin is the protein most associated with vision receptors
g. T Some DNA sequences are called switches that turn on
particular genes in chromosomes
h. T Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes
i. T One of the aspects that human beings share with other
mammals is a 3 boned middle ear
j. T Natural selection is the non-random differential
reproduction of genetic traits from one generation to the
next that usually allows those receiving certain genetic traits
as better able to survive or reproduce over those organisms
that do not receive those traits
EXTRA CREDIT- Of the 4 nucleotides of DNA (adenine, cytosine,
guanine, and thymine which one always connects to adenine?
Adenine usually always pair with thymine giving the A-T