Subido por Guadalupe Sanchez

SURPASS Student Book 1: Unit 1 Answer Key

[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Unit 1
Nice to meet you!
Listening & Speaking
Box #1 = Image #4, Box #2 = Image #2, Box #3 = Image #3, Box #4 = Image #1
2 Listening
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. b
3 Grammar
A 1. I’m
2. You’re
3. I’m not, He’s
4. We’re, aren’t
Q: b
Sample answers
My full name is Guadalupe. Sometimes people call me Lupe or Lupita.
B 1. T
2. F – Mike is short for Michael.
3. F – People often use short names with their friends and family.
4. T
5. F – William Jefferson Clinton goes by Bill Clinton.
Listening & Speaking
name, first, last
Sample answers
1. Mary’s first name is easy to spell.
2. Penelope’s first name is difficult to spell.
3. Mark Hunt’s last name is easy to spell.
4. Alison Schofield’s last name is difficult to spell.
5. Echo has the most unique name in our class. Her name is not common.
Where are you from?
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
A 1. Spanish
2. Peruvian
3. South Korean
4. French
5. British
6. Mexican
7. Brazilian
8. Chinese
9. Egyptian
10. Turkish
11. Japanese
12. American
C Spain – Barcelona, Peru – Lima, South Korea – Seoul, France – Paris
Egypt – Cairo, Turkey – Istanbul, Japan – Tokyo, the US – New York
Brazil – Rio de Janeiro, China – Beijing, the UK – London, Mexico – Mexico City
A 1. Mark: Spain, Jinhee: South Korea
2. Raul: Mexico
3. Henry and Emily: the UK
Sample conversation
A: Who’s your favorite celebrity?
B: My favorite celebrity is Beyoncé.
A: Where’s she from?
B: She’s from the US. She’s American.
A 1. Are
2. Is
3. Are
4. it is
Q: a
4 Speaking
1. Liz: South Korean
2. Victor: Brazilian
3. Adel and Emma: British
4. Shawn and Sarah: American
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5. Ben: Chinese
6. Maria: Spanish
B 1. Beijing, China
2. the Great Wall
3. Peruvian
4. ceviche
5. French, singer
C 1. delicious
2. popular
3. excited
Peru, France, Peru, Peru, popular, Peru
Sample answers
• Food: baklava
• Ingredients: a pastry with nuts
• Place: Hagia Sophia
• Details: famous historical site
Sample conversation
A: Hi, I’m Emir. I’m from Turkey. Nice to meet you.
B: Hi, I’m Hana. Nice to meet you too.
A: Where are you from, Hana?
B: I’m from Tokyo, Japan. I want to visit Turkey. What kind of food should I try?
A: Baklava is popular in Turkey. It’s a pastry with nuts.
B: Great! What places should I visit in Turkey?
A: You should visit the Hagia Sophia. It’s a famous historical site. You’ll really enjoy it.
Practical English
Sample conversation
A: What’s your email address?
B: My email address is …
International English Institute Registration
First Name: Pedro
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Cell Phone: 415-413-0703
Email: [email protected]
Max Gym Registration
First Name: Sumi
Cell Phone: 434-524-9520
Email: [email protected]
Sample conversation
A: What’s your name?
B: My name is Emir.
A: What’s your address?
B: My address is 123 Blair Lane.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m twenty years old.
A: What’s your cell phone number?
B: It’s 123-456-7890.
A: What’s your email address?
B: It’s [email protected].
Unit 2
2A Jobs in the community
B 1. a fashion designer
2. a firefighter
3. a reporter
4. a teacher
5. a lawyer
6. a chef
7. a dentist
8. a salesperson
9. a flight attendant
10. a computer programmer
Sample conversation
A: What job is most interesting to you?
B: I think being a reporter is a very interesting job because you get to talk about the news.
A: What job is the least interesting to you?
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
B: I think being a flight attendant is the least interesting job because you have to deal with angry
2 Listening
1. weather reporter, is
2. lawyer, isn’t
3 Grammar
A 1. His
2. Jenny’s, her, Her
3. My
4. Their
5. Our
Q: a
C 1. My
2. Becky’s
3. her
4. his
5. Our
6. Their
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• Robots can have cleaning jobs.
• Robots can have jobs collecting and analyzing information.
• Robots can have jobs fixing things.
B 1. F – Zora stands on a table and teaches exercises to students.
2. F – Robear is a nurse.
3. T
4. F – Robear looks like a giant teddy bear.
5. T
C 1. delivery
2. patient
3. exercise
6 Listening
1. b
2. c
3. a
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
4. b
7 Writing & Speaking
A Sample answers
1. Cookbot
2. a cooking robot
3. cook delicious meals
4. four arms
Who’s in your family?
B 1. grandfather (grandpa)
2. grandmother (grandma)
3. father (dad)
4. mother (mom)
5. uncle
6. aunt
7. sister
8. brother
9. cousin
C Sample answers
A: Who is Amanda?
B: She's Emily's grandma.
A: Who's Maggie?
B: She's Emily's mom.
A: Who's Sam?
B: He's Emily's dad.
A: Who's Ben?
B: He's Emily's uncle.
A: Who's Sara?
B: She's Emily's aunt.
A: Who's Emma?
B: She's Emily's sister.
A: Who's Jack?
B: He's Emily's brother.
A: Who's Jenny?
B: She's Emily's cousin.
2 Listening
1. parents
2. 45
3. sister
4. aunt
5. teacher
6. Seventh
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
3 Grammar
A 1. Is
2. are
3. old
4. are they
5. is
Q: b
4 Writing & Speaking
B Sample answers
1. five
2. my mother, father, one brother, one sister, and me.
3. My mother's name is Lily. My father's name is Rick. My brother's name is Tony. My sister's name
is Ana.
4. My father is a teacher. My mother is an artist. My brother is a mail carrier. My sister is a college
5. My mother and father are both fifty years old. My brother is twenty-five years old, and my sister is
twenty years old.
C Sample writing
I'd like to tell you about my family. There are five people in my family. They are my mother, father,
one brother, one sister, and me. My mother's name is Lily. My father's name is Rick. My brother's
name is Tony. My sister's name is Ana. My father is a teacher. My mother is an artist. My brother is
a mail carrier. My sister is a college student. My mother and father are both fifty years old. My brother
is twenty-five years old, and my sister is twenty years old. I love all my family members!
5 Reading
B 1. grandpa
2. salesperson
3. sisters, brothers
4. only
5. dad’s
6 Listening
1. T
2. F – Gina is Rachel’s mother.
3. F – Shawn is Rachel’s grandpa.
4. T
5. T
6. F – Rachel’s cousins are at the family reunion.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Practical English
B 1. How are you?
2. Thank you
3. Goodbye
4. Good night
5. I’m sorry
C I’m great. – I’m fine.
Don’t mention it. – You’re welcome.
Have a nice day! – Enjoy your day!
Sweet dreams! – Sleep tight.
That’s okay. – That’s alright.
2 Listening & Speaking
C 1. You’re kidding! My mother has the same name.
2. That’s amazing. That’s my dream job!
3. Wow, she looks just like you!
4. Oh, he looks very young.
Review Test 1
A 1. c
2. a
3. a
4. b
B 1. c
2. e
3. h
4. g
5. d
6. b
C 1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
A 1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. b
B 1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. c
C 1. your
2. my
3. his (Josh’s)
4. their
5. our
A 1. Peruvian
2. Chinese
3. British
4. Japanese
5. American
B 1. How’s it going?
2. I could be better
3. Nice to meet you
4. How about you?
C 1. grandmother (grandma)
2. uncle
3. cousins
4. brother
5. sister
D 1. dentist
2. fashion designer
3. teacher
4. flight attendant
5. chef
Unit 3
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
3A Things you carry
A Sample answers
• I often carry a cell phone.
• I often carry my wallet.
• I often carry a cell phone charger and earphones.
B 1. a makeup bag
2. a cell phone
3. a wallet
4. tissues
5. mints
6. a cell phone charger
7. earphones
8. an umbrella
9. a mirror
10. a book
11. a pen
12. sunglasses
13. a comb
14. a notebook
C Sample answers
• I remember a wallet, a laptop computer, sunglasses, and a plant.
• I remember a wallet, a credit card, and a cell phone.
2 Listening
1. an umbrella
2. a mirror
3. notebooks
3 Grammar
A 1. your pen, two pens
2. an apple, two apples
B 1. that, a wallet
2. this, a mirror
3. those, earphones
4. these, mints
Q: a
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• I think the man in the red shirt is interested in drawing pictures.
• I think the woman in the striped shirt and jeans is interested in digital devices.
1. a sketchbook
2. pencils
3. medicine
4. hair bands
5. a first-aid kit
6. bandages
7. a sewing kit
8. safety pins
9. a tablet
10. a laptop
11. a phone battery
12. a charger
C 1. T
2. F – There is a notebook, a sketchbook, pens and pencils in Will’s bag.
3. T
4. F –Jenna has a tablet, a laptop, a charger, and an extra phone battery.
6 Listening
1. a Her phone is out of battery.
b The man suggests she ask Katie for a charger.
2. a It has a notebook, some pens, and a sketchbook inside.
b The two speakers have the same kind of bag.
3. a At first, the man wants bandages.
b The man wants a hair band because his hair is in his eyes.
7 Writing & Speaking
B Sample conversation
A: I have a book, sunglasses, earphones, and a wallet.
B: I have earphones, a cell phone, and a wallet in my bag.
A: We both have earphones and a wallet.
In my closet
A Sample answers
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
• I have sweaters, skirts, pants, and jackets in my closet.
• I have lots of shoes, hats, and ties in my closet.
• I have dresses and scarves in my closet.
B 1. a turtleneck
2. a shirt
3. a sweater
4. shorts
5. a dress
6. a blouse
7. a jacket
8. a coat
9. jeans
10. pants
11. a T-shirt
12. a skirt
C a pink blouse
a green dress
blue jeans
a black jacket
a red sweater
a brown turtleneck
a yellow T-shirt
orange shorts
D Sample answers
• I have lots of blue jeans in my closet.
• I have a red coat and a black coat in my closet.
2 Listening
1. He needs a good shirt for his job interview.
2. The blue shirt is too small.
3. The white shirt is too big.
4. Hiro thinks yellow is not a good color to wear to a job interview.
3 Grammar
A 1. good
2. blue, small
3. white
4. big
5. new
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Q: a
C 1. a
2. a
3. b
4. b
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• My closet is well-organized. I donate, sell, or throw away clothes that I don't wear anymore.
• My closet is not well-organized. There are too many clothes I don't wear in my closet.
B 1. Take everything out of your closet.
2. Put the clothes in groups.
3. Donate or throw away!
4. Store seasonal or special clothes in other places.
5. Hang your clothes in your closet again.
6 Listening
1. a
2. c
Practical English
A 1. ten euros
2. fifty cents
3. ten dollars
4. ten cents
5. ten pounds
6. five pence
B 1. cashier
2. receipt
3. change
4. cash
5. price tag
6. fitting room
7. customer
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2 Listening & Speaking
A dress, pink, fitting room, small, medium, small, 80.44, Cash, receipt
B Sample conversation
(S = Salesperson, C = Customer)
S: Can I help you?
C: Yes, I’d like to buy a sweater.
S: What size are you looking for?
C: I’m looking for a size small.
S: We have a red sweater in a size small.
C: Do you have any other colors? I want a blue sweater.
S: I’m sorry, we only have blue sweaters in size medium or large.
C: Okay, I’ll try on the red sweater.
S: Sure. The fitting room is over there.
C: I’d like to buy this red sweater in a size small and medium. I will get the medium for my sister.
S: Shall I gift wrap it?
C: Yes, please.
S: Your total is $80. Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?
C: Cash, please.
S: Okay. Here’s your change and receipt.
C: Thank you!
S: Thank you, have a nice day.
Unit 4
Everyday life
A Sample answers
• I get up at seven o’ clock.
• I go to bed at midnight.
B 1. It’s two thirty.
2. It’s eleven forty-five.
3. It’s twelve o’clock.
4. It’s ten oh nine.
C 1. get up
2. take a shower
3. have breakfast
4. go to school
5. start class
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
6. have lunch
7. leave school
8. get home
9. have dinner
10. do housework
11. take a bath
12. go to bed
2 Listening
• Rachel: 1. 8:00
• Mike: 1. 7:00
2. 9:15
2. 7:15
3. 4:30
3. 12:30
4. 11:20
4. 8:10
3 Grammar
A 1. don't
2. go
3. starts
4. have
5. doesn’t, goes
Q: a
C 1. go, goes
2. do, do not do (don’t do)
3. does not have (doesn’t have), has
4. watches
5. studies
6. plays
4 Listening & Speaking
A 6:00, read the newspaper, don’t, 7:00, have dinner
5 Reading
B 1. F – Erica doesn’t eat breakfast.
2. T
3. T
4. F – She usually starts homework at midnight.
5. F – Hunter uses a scheduling app.
6. F – Alex thinks Erica should do her homework before going to her part-time job.
C 1. hang out
2. dorm
3. stay up
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
6 Listening & Speaking
A Sample answers
• I think Alex's advice is the most helpful. It's better to finish homework early.
• I think Madeline's advice is most helpful. Everyone needs breakfast.
B 1. 4:20
2. goes to bed
3. 7:30
4. has breakfast
5. sister
C Sample answers
• You should spend less time hanging out online.
• Try making breakfast before you go to sleep. You can eat it while you walk to class.
• Why don't you do your homework at the library before you come back to your dorm?
4B Online habits
A Sample answers
• Today, I checked the news on my phone.
• I used social media on my tablet.
• I played games on my smartphone.
• I listened to music on my way to school.
B 1. shop online
2. check social media
3. text my friends
4. take pictures
5. check the news
6. do online banking
7. listen to music
8. send emails
9. watch videos
10. play mobile games
2 Listening
1. a – Y, b – Y
2. a – N, b – Y
3. a – Y, b – N
4. a – Y, b – Y
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
3 Grammar
A 1. Do, do, Do, don’t
2. Does, does, Does, doesn’t
3. Do, do, Do, don’t
Q: b
C 1. Do you check your email every day?
2. Does your best friend text you a lot?
3. Does your family use social media?
4. Do your friends play games on their phones?
D Sample conversations
A: Do you check your email every day?
B: Yes, I check my email every morning.
A: Does your best friend text you a lot?
B: Yes, my best friend texts me several times a day.
A: Does your family use social media?
B: My siblings use social media, but my parents don't.
A: Do your friends play games on their phones?
B: Everyone I know plays games on their phones.
4 Speaking
B Sample answers
This is my classmate, Zach. He often posts things on social media. He also often watches videos
online. However, he never uses online banking. He only sometimes shops online.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• Yes, I think I need to spend less time on my cell phone. I use it late at night. I can't get any sleep!
• No, I think my cell phone use is fine. I also spend plenty of time with friends and family.
B 1. F – Most people check their phones over 200 times a day.
2. F – A “digital detox” means turning off all your digital devices for a certain period of time.
3. T
4. T
6 Listening
B 1. Today’s topic is digital detox.
2. Rebecca is always on her phone. She even has trouble sleeping because of this.
3. Rebecca wants to know if there is an app that can help her.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Everyday life
A 2nd = second, 5th = fifth, 9th = ninth, 12th = twelfth, 20th = twentieth, 31st = thirty-first
B February, April, August, October, December
2 Listening & Speaking
A April 30, April 30, mom, mother’s, May 2
4 Listening & Speaking
C Sample conversation
A: Hey, Chloe. It's Helen.
B: Hi, Helen! It's been a long time.
A: I know! Do you have any plans this Friday? What about having a cup of coffee?
B: This Friday? I’m afraid I can’t. I already have plans on that day.
A: What about May 17 then?
B: Thursday?
A: Yes. Let’s go to the cheesecake café.
B: All right. What time should we meet?
A: Let’s meet at a quarter after seven.
B: That sounds good. See you then.
Review Test 2
A 1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
B 1. c
2. f
3. e
4. a
5. d
6. g
C 1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
A 1. c
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c
B 1. b
2. a
3. c
4. a
5. c
C 1. do
2. Do
3. don’t
4. Does
5. doesn’t
A 1. take
2. play
3. listen
4. checks
B 1. start class
2. go to bed
3. do housework
4. leave school
5. take a bath
C 1. sunglasses
2. makeup bag
3. mints
4. cell phone charger
5. umbrella
D 1. a turtleneck
2. a blouse
3. shorts
4. a jacket
5. jeans
Unit 5
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
My favorite sports
A Sample answers
• I'm from the USA. Basketball and football are popular in my country.
• I'm from Canada. Snowboarding is popular in my country.
• I'm from Australia. Surfing is popular in my country.
• I'm from South Korea. Soccer and baseball are popular in my country.
B 1. tennis
2. soccer
3. football
4. basketball
5. snowboarding
6. swimming
7. volleyball
8. surfing
9. golf
10. baseball
2 Listening
1. Linda has two tickets to a baseball game.
2. Ben likes swimming and tennis.
3. Yes, Ben plays tennis.
4. Linda likes baseball and snowboarding.
5. No, Linda just likes watching baseball on TV or at the stadium.
3 Grammar
A 1. What
2. How
3. Who
4. Where
Q: a
C 1. Where
2. How often
3. Who
4. Why
5. What
4 Speaking & Writing
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
soccer, tennis, football, basketball,
swimming, snowboarding, surfing
volleyball, golf, baseball
B Sample answers
1. I like soccer and basketball.
2. My favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi. My favorite basketball player is LeBron James.
3. I like to play soccer.
4. I practice soccer every day. I play soccer games on Saturdays.
5. I want to try surfing. It looks exciting and I also like swimming.
6. I like team sports. I like to work together to win games.
C Sample writing
Danielle likes soccer and basketball. Her favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi and her favorite
basketball player is LeBron James. She likes to play soccer. She plays soccer games on Saturdays.
She wants to try surfing because it looks exciting and she also likes swimming. She prefers team
sports to individual sports because she likes to work together to win games.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• I want to try snowboarding. It looks exciting.
• I don't want to try ice hockey. It looks difficult.
B 1. T
2. F – Curling has two teams of four players.
3. T
4. F – Ice hockey players shoot a puck into a net.
5. F – Snowboarding started in the 1960s.
6. F – You only need a board to go snowboarding.
C 1. spin
2. slide
3. sweep
(in a clockwise direction)
broom, stick, puck, snowboard, stone
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
6 Listening
What Sports
It’s easy to learn.
He loves snow and speed.
7 Sample answers
• You can do this on a mountain.
• It is an individual sport.
• You need special boots, a board, goggles, a heavy coat, and snowpants.
• There are no official rules. But you should take classes first so you can do this sport safely.
• My sister told me that it is difficult but fun to learn.
What’s in your fridge?
A Sample answers
• I like eggs, apples, tomatoes, and yogurt.
• I don't like salmon, lettuce, or cheese.
B Answers
1. tomatoes
2. cheese
3. rice
4. eggs
5. bananas
6. milk
7. apples
8. chicken
9. yogurt
10. onions
11. bread
12. salmon
13. lettuce
14. carrots
15. pasta
16. beef
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Meat & Protein
Sample answers
1. I eat grains the most. I have rice or bread with every meal.
• I eat from all the food groups each day.
• I don’t like vegetables. I eat them sometimes, but not every day. I eat from every other food group,
• I think I have healthy eating habits. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit for snacks.
• I don’t have healthy eating habits. I eat a lot of fast food and salty snacks. I should eat more fruit
and vegetables.
2 Listening
1. Nick suggests making pasta for lunch.
2. Amy has five tomatoes, some onions, some bacon, and some beef in her refrigerator.
3. Amy doesn’t have any carrots or cheese in her refrigerator.
4. Amy will make some salad.
3 Grammar
A 1. any, any
2. some
3. tomatoes, tomatoes
4. any, cheese
5. beef, some
Q: b
C 1. any, any, some
2. any, any, an
3. a, an, some
4 Writing & Speaking
A Sample answers
1. I want to make a turkey sandwich for lunch.
2. I have turkey and bread in the refrigerator.
3. I need to buy lettuce and tomato for the sandwich
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5 Reading
B 1. People in Barcelona usually eat five times a day.
2. The biggest meal of the day is usually lunch.
3. People in Barcelona usually start dinner at 8:30 p.m.
4. Paella’s yellow color comes from saffron.
5. Tapas are like appetizers.
C 1. ingredient
2. worth
3. appetizer
6 Listening
1. F – It is almost 9 p.m.
2. T
3. F – They want gambas al ajillo, calamares and sangria.
4. T
7 Speaking
1. I eat breakfast at eight o'clock, lunch at noon, and dinner at six o'clock.
2. I'm from Japan. In my country, some traditional foods are miso soup, sushi, and sashimi.
3. I recommend The Sushi Place downtown. Their sushi tastes similar to what you can buy in Japan.
4. Tokyo is famous for sashimi.
5. There is a famous market called Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo. If you visit there, you can get
sashimi directly from the vendors in the market.
Practical English
Listening & Speaking
A Would you like wheat or white bread?
Honey mustard, please.
Would you like anything to drink?
Anything else?
Your total is $7.18.
B Sample conversation
A: Next, please! May I take your order?
B: I’d like a cheesesteak sandwich.
A: Would you like wheat or white bread?
B: White bread, please.
A: Which sauce would you like? We have honey mustard, ranch, and hot chili.
B: Hot chili, please.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: I’ll take a soda.
A: Anything else?
B: That’ll be all. Thanks.
A: You’re welcome. Your total is $9.38.
B: Thank you. Here you go.
2 Listening & Speaking
A drink, order, drinks, steak, some fish, grilled salmon, sirloin steak, How would, Medium, dessert
C Sample conversation
(S = Server, C1 = Customer 1, C2 = Customer 2)
S: Hello, I’m Stacy. I’ll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink?
C1: I’ll have coke, please.
C2: I’ll have coke too.
S: Okay, I’ll bring your drinks first.
C1: Brian, what are you going to order?
C2: I think I’ll have the grilled chicken. What about you?
C1: Well, I’d like the Greek salad. Um, I think I’m ready to order. How about you?
C2: I’m ready too.
S: Are you ready to order?
C1: Yes. I’ll have the soup of the day and the Greek salad, please.
S: Thank you. And you? What would you like?
C2: I’d like the grilled chicken, please.
S: Would you like any sides with that?
C2: I’ll have coleslaw, please.
S: And for dessert?
C1: I’ll have a slice of pecan pie.
C2: I think I’m okay.
S: Okay. I’ll have your food out soon.
Unit 6
Around the home
A Sample answers
I live in an apartment on the tenth floor. It has three bedrooms. It's not very large, but I like it.
B 1. toilet
2. bathtub
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
3. lamp
4. bed
5. dresser
6. microwave
7. stove
8. sink
9. refrigerator
10. table
11. chair
12. TV
13. bookcase
14. sofa
15. armchair
2 Listening
1. T
2. F – The living room looks small.
3. T
4. F – There are three bookcases and two armchairs in the big bedroom of the two-story house.
5. F – The two-story house has a bathtub.
3 Grammar
A 1. is
2. are
3. isn’t
4. aren’t
5. Is there
6. Are, aren’t
7. are there
8. are
Q: a
4 Speaking
A 1. The cat is on the chair.
2. The cat is in the box.
3. The cat is next to the tree. / The cat is beside the tree.
4. The cat is under the hat.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5 Reading
A Sample answer
I want to stay in the Juvet Landscape Hotel. It looks peaceful and quiet.
B 1. The Kakslauttanen Artic Resort is in Finland.
2. Each igloo at the Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort has a bed, a toilet, and heating.
3. The V8 Hotel is in the Motorworld Region just outside of Stuttgart, Germany.
4. There are two car museums near the V8 Hotel.
5. The Juvet Landscape Hotel is on a farm in Norway.
6. Near the Juvet Landscape Hotel, you can go hiking, skiing, visit a spa, or relax and enjoy nature.
6 Listening
1. Maria is looking for a hotel to stay at for her honeymoon.
2. People can see the northern lights and the stars from the igloos.
3. People can go skiing, snowmobiling, ice sledding, and dogsledding near the hotel.
4. Going dogsledding is on Maria’s bucket list.
7 Speaking
A Sample answers
• The key doesn't work.
• There are no tooth brushes in the bathroom.
• The phone doesn't work.
Around the home
A Sample answers
I do lots of household chores. I have to wash the dishes and take out the trash every day.
B 1. vacuuming the house
2. washing dishes
3. cooking
4. mowing the lawn
5. cleaning the bathroom
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
6. watering the plants
7. mopping the floor
8. feeding the pets
9. ironing clothes
10. washing the car
11. doing laundry
12. taking out the trash
C Sample answers
1. I wash the dishes the most. I wash the dishes every day.
2. I like watering the plants. It's relaxing and easy.
3. I don't like taking out the trash. The trash smells bad.
2 Listening
1. F – Linda is taking a train to see the Matterhorn.
2. T
3. F – Linda’s father is ironing his clothes.
4. F – Linda’s grandmother will come over to her parents’ house tomorrow.
5. T
3 Grammar
A 1. I’m cooking
2. He’s ironing
3. We are washing
4. Are, taking
5. Is, watering
6. Is, playing
Q: b
C 1. is not mowing (isn’t mowing), is watering
2. are, doing, am cooking
3. is taking
4. Are, having, is mopping, am feeding
4 Listening & Speaking
B Sample answers
1. If I am at home, I'm probably cleaning up after dinner.
2. a. If I'm on vacation, I'm at the beach.
b. I'm swimming.
c. I'm with my friends.
d. I'm staying at a hotel near the beach.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Sample conversation
A: Hi, Ariana.
B: Hi, Sean. What are you doing?
A: I’m cleaning up after dinner. What about you?
B: I’m on vacation in Hawaii. I’m at the beach.
A: Right now?
B: Yes! I’m with my friends. We’re swimming at the beach. It’s fantastic! I wish you could be here.
A: So where are you staying?
B: I’m staying at a hotel near the beach. It’s really cool.
A: That sounds amazing! Have a great time!
B: I will! Talk to you later. Bye!
A: Bye.
5 Reading
1. lemon
2. brush
3. microwave
4. baking soda
Natural products
baking soda
You can clean …
– the oven
– the microwave
– the sink
– the toilet
– the shower floor
– the oven
– the microwave
– the toilet
– the mirrors
– carpet stains
– furniture
– the sink
olive oil
– furniture
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
C a. spread
b. cut
c. spray
d. scrub
e. wipe off
f. flush
g. mix
h. pour
6 Listening
1. The host is talking about how to clean your home using some natural cleaning products.
2. The host cleans a microwave.
3. The host makes a paste with baking soda and water first.
4. If you don’t have a few hours, you can use lemon juice to clean your microwave.
5. Let the microwave steam for five minutes after it turns off and it will smell fresh again.
7 Speaking
A Sample answers
1. You can clean counter tops with vinegar. You can clean stains with baking soda. You can use
olive oil to clean cast iron pans.
2. You can use cornstarch to starch clothing when you iron it.
3. I always use dish soap to remove oil stains from clothing.
Practical English
A Sample answers
I consider the location, the amount of space in the apartment, the cleanliness of the apartment, the
cost, and how well I get along with the roommate.
B 1. (public) transportation
2. location
3. parking
4. downtown
5. renting
2 Listening & Speaking
A 1. 2 bedrooms → 1 bedroom
major bus route → nearest subway station
2. East side → West side
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
No pets allowed → All pets allowed
B Sample conversations
B: Where is it located?
A: It’s downtown. / It’s on the west side of the university campus.
B: How much is the rent?
A: It’s $875 per month. / It’s $720 per month.
B: How many rooms does it have?
A: It has one bedroom, one bathroom, and a large kitchen. / It has two bedrooms, a large bathroom,
and a kitchen.
B: How close is it to public transportation?
A: It’s a two-minute walk to the nearest subway station. / It’s a five-minute walk to a major bus route.
B: Are pets allowed?
A: No, pets are not allowed. / Yes, all pets are allowed.
B: What is the neighborhood like?
A: It’s in a busy neighborhood close to beaches and restaurants. / It’s in a quiet neighborhood close
to parks.
B: Is there parking?
A: No, there’s no parking available. / Yes, there’s an underground parking garage.
C Sample answers
1. Yes, I would like to live near my university.
2. I would like to have a large bathroom.
3. I don't have any pets.
4. I do have a car.
5. I would like to rent the second apartment because of the large bathroom and underground parking
3 Writing & Speaking
A Sample answers
• Location: South of the university campus. A 15-minute walk to campus.
• Rent: $500/month per person
• Rooms: 1 room available in a 2-bedroom apartment. There’s a large kitchen, a small bathroom,
and a living room. There is storage available in the garage.
• Public Transportation: There are two bus stops nearby. It takes 5 minutes to walk to either bus
• Pets: Only small pets in cages are allowed.
• Neighborhood: The neighborhood is quiet and has lots of parks and schools. There is a busy street
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
with shopping and restaurants within a five-minute walk of the apartment.
• Parking: There is no parking lot. You need to park on the street.
• Contact: Kathleen Gill 336-479-7532 [email protected]
Review Test 3
A 1. a
2. b
3. c
4. a
B 1. a, c
2. b, h
3. d, e
4. f, g
C c, d, e, h, i
A 1. b
2. a
3. c
4. a
B 1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
C 1. are you doing
2. I am watching (I’m watching)
3. I am watching (I’m watching)
4. I am coming (I’m coming)
5. Are you taking
6. I am not taking (I’m not taking)
A 1. baseball
2. surfing
3. swimming
4. basketball
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5. volleyball
B 1. dresser
2. lamp
3. microwave
4. sink
C 1. milk
2. bread
3. eggs
4. banana
5. Yogurt
D 1. feed the pets
2. do the dishes
3. iron the clothes
4. mow the lawn
5. take out the trash
Unit 7
Places in the community
A Sample answers
• There is a library near my house.
• There is a school near my house.
• There is a bus stop and a hospital near my house.
B 1. restaurant
2. bookstore
3. coffee shop
4. drugstore
5. subway station
6. bus stop
7. bakery
8. movie theater
9. post office
10. supermarket
11. police station
12. park
13. library
14. bank
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
15. mall
16. parking lot
17. hospital
2 Listening
1. 20% OFF → 30% OFF, bank → drugstore
2. Seventh Street → Ninth Street, Saturday → Friday, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. → 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
3 Grammar
A 1. between
2. across from
3. next to
4. on the corner of
Q: a
4 Speaking & Writing
A 1. between, and
2. next to (beside)
3. across from
4. on the corner of
Sample conversations
A: Where’s the parking lot?
B: It’s across from the hospital.
A: Is there a police station? Where is it?
B: It’s on the corner of Eighth Street and Green Avenue.
A: I’m looking for a drugstore.
B: It’s next to the coffee shop.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
The most beautiful street I ever visited was Fifth Avenue in New York. It has lots of lovely shops and
tourist attractions.
B 1. T
2. F – The Arc de Triomphe is at the end of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.
3. T
4. T
5. F – The Tour de France finishes its final stage on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.
C 1. Fancy
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2. tourist attraction
3. cheer
6 Listening
1. Paris
2. take pictures
3. good food
4. in front of
5. Tour de France
Places in the community
A Sample answers
• I see a Ferris wheel.
• I see a bridge.
• I see a theater.
• I see a street with red lanterns.
B 1. walk across a bridge
2. go to a market
3. take a bus tour
4. ride a cable car
5. walk around town
6. go to a museum
7. go to a palace
8. relax in a park
9. ride a Ferris wheel
10. see a musical
C Sample answers
I would like to visit San Francisco. I'd like to take the bus tour and visit the Golden Gate Bridge.
2 Listening
1. London
2. ride a Ferris wheel
3. relax
4. see lots of musicals
3 Grammar
A 1. can you
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2. can’t
3. see
4. Can we, can’t
Q: a
C 1. d
2. a
3. c
4. f
5. b
6. e
4 Speaking
A Sample answers
1. Yes, you can visit historical sites in Minneapolis. You can see the stone arch bridge and the old
flour mill.
2. You can visit farmers’ markets in many different parts of Minneapolis.
3. Minneapolis has lots of art museums. There is the Weisman Art Museum and the Minneapolis
Institute of Art.
4. You can get a good view of Minneapolis from the top of the Guthrie Theater or the Stone Arch
5. You can take a bus tour and see many tourist attractions, such as the Saint Paul Cathedral,
Minnehaha Falls, and the State Capitol Building.
6. You can take a night tour. Real Ghost Tours is a popular nighttime walking tour. You can learn
about the history and legends of the Twin Cities.
7. There are lots of things for kids to do. There is the Minnesota Children’s Museum, Como Zoo and
Como Town amusement park, swimming pools, lakes, and playgrounds all over the city.
8. There are lots of theaters in Minneapolis. The Guthrie Theater is an old and famous theater with
regular performances.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
Some of the places featured on the tours are the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum. I know that
the Vatican Museums has art from the Renaissance and the Colosseum is an ancient stadium.
B 1. You can get into the museums quickly with Skip-the-Line tickets.
2. You can see art by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo.
3. You cannot take photos in the Sistine chapel.
4. Yes.
5. The night tour takes three hours.
6. No, you can only see the exterior of the Colosseum on the night tour.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
C 1. quiet
2. masterpiece
3. huge
4. expert
6 Listening
A 1. The customer wants to take the tour on September 1st.
2. The Vatican Museums Small-Group Tour starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.
3. The customer makes reservations for the Vatican Museums Small- Group Tour and the Night
Walking Tour.
4. The tours cost $99.40 in total.
7 Speaking
A Sample conversation
A: Where do you want to travel?
B: I want to travel to Europe.
A: When would you like to go?
B: I’d like to go there in December.
A: What would you like to experience there?
B: I’d like to visit historical sites.
B Sample answers
1. Rome and Florence in Italy
2. visit the Vatican Museums and Uffizi Gallery, see lots of historical sites (Colosseum, the Roman
3. pasta, espresso
Practical English
A 1. Turn left.
2. Turn right.
3. Go straight.
4. It’s on the left.
5. It’s on the right.
2 Listening & Speaking
A A. the bank
B. the mall
C. the drugstore
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
B Sample conversation
A: Excuse me. Is there a coffee shop nearby?
B: Yes. Go straight for one block. It’s on your right. It’s next to the post office.
A: Thank you very much.
3 Listening & Speaking
A Sample answers
• When I travel, I usually take a bus or walk.
• When I travel, I usually take the subway.
B 1. restaurant
2. bank
3. coffee shop
4. information center
5. hotel
C 1. bus, Central Park, Green
2. subway, Clark, next to
3. bus, Main, King, between, and
D CA Tower, subway, York, corner, CA Tower, across from, 15
Unit 8
Do you remember?
A Sample answers
1. The man is in the kitchen tasting some food.
2. The woman is at home eating soup.
3. The children are at home, and the boy is pulling the girl's hair.
4. The woman is a teacher in a classroom. She is reading to her students.
5. The man is in a stadium cheering at a sports game.
6. The students are studying in a library.
7. The woman is relaxing at home.
8. The people are waiting for an interview.
B 1. awful
2. great
3. mean
4. nice
5. noisy
6. quiet
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
7. relaxed
8. nervous
C mean – nice, nervous – relaxed, awful – great, noisy – quiet
D Sample answers
1. Yes, I am usually nervous before job interviews.
2. My brother and sister are nice to me.
3. My house is noisy because my brother and sister are still young.
4. My school's food is awful.
2 Listening
A 1. first grade, fun, mean
2. coffee shop, awful, nice, relaxed
B Sample answers
My first grade teacher was Ms. Miller. She was very nice. She taught me many things. I liked her.
3 Grammar
A 1. was
2. were
3. weren’t
4. Was, was
5. Were, weren’t
B 1. was, was
2. were, were
3. Was, wasn’t
4. Were, were
4 Writing & Speaking
A were, wasn’t, were, weren’t, was
B Sample answers
1. My favorite restaurant has a casual atmosphere.
2. The servers were friendly and helpful.
3. The food is not expensive.
4. The food is also delicious. That's why I like that restaurant.
C Sample writing
I would like to recommend Palace Pho Restaurant. My friends and I went there on Saturday. The
atmosphere was casual. The servers were friendly and very helpful. The food was not expensive,
and it was also delicious! I recommend you eat at Palace Pho Restaurant if you like pho or any kind
of noodles.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5 Reading
A Sample answers
• I know that Audrey Hepburn and Robin Williams are famous actors.
• Michael Jackson was a famous singer.
B 1. N
2. Y
3. Y
4. Y
5. N
6. Y
C 1. ambassador
2. director
3. Miss
6 Listening
1. Kelly is reading a book about Audrey Hepburn.
2. Audrey Hepburn was famous for her beauty and warm-hearted personality. She was also a
famous actress.
3. Ted likes Robin Williams because he was a great comedian and a talented actor.
4. Ted’s favorite movie as a child was Disney’s Aladdin.
What did you do?
A Sample answers
Last week I watched the World Cup on TV and shopped at the mall. I also played basketball with
my friend.
B 1. shop for clothes
2. clean the house
3. play sports
4. watch TV
5. stay out late with my friends
6. call my friend
7. study for a test
8. visit my friend
9. cook dinner
10. work late
C Sample answers
On weekdays, I usually watch TV, play sports, and clean my house.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2 Listening
1. watched TV, called her friend
2. Yes, she did.
3. No, she didn’t.
4. Yes, she did.
3 Grammar
A 1. stayed, watched
2. didn't
3. shopped
4. watched, cried
5. Did
6. didn't
Q: a
C 1. studied
2. cleaned, washed
3. did not stay (didn’t stay)
4. Did, play, did not (didn’t), stayed
5. did, arrive, arrived
4 Speaking
Sample conversations
A: Did you visit your friends yesterday?
B: Yes, I visited my friends yesterday.
A: What’s your name?
B: My name’s Clarissa.
A: Did you call your friends yesterday?
B: No, I didn’t call my friends yesterday.
A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I cooked dinner.
A: What’s your name?
B: My name’s Mario.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
This story looks like it's about the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Some
people probably needed help. They probably went to Canada.
B 1. Almost 7,000 people visited Gander.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2. The people of Gander cooked all day to feed the visitors.
3. The visitors were from all over the world.
4. The hosts set up televisions so the visitors could watch the news.
5. The visitors thanked the people of Gander by creating a college scholarship for its students.
C 1. scholarship
2. accept
3. land in
4. invite
6 Listening
1. F – Luca was flying from Rome to New York.
2. T
3. F – Luca was nervous.
4. T
5. F – A family in Gander let Luca use their phone to call his family in Italy.
Practical English
A Sample answers
• I went to Phnom Penh, Cambodia last month. It was really big and noisy. I visited a famous temple
called Angkor Wat. It was the most memorable moment of the trip. I took lots of pictures there.
• I went to San Diego last summer. It was wonderful. There were lots of natural things to do. I spent
most of my time at the beach. I watched the sunset there. It was the most memorable sunset ever.
1. E
2. S
3. A
B 1. was, jumped
2. walked, enjoyed
3. shopped
4. tried, liked
5. started
6. visited
7. watched, tried
2 Listening & Speaking
how was your trip
There were
Did you visit
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
Did you enjoy
Where did you stay
Sample conversations
A: Edward, how was your trip to Phnom Penh?
B: It was really big and noisy. There were lots of people everywhere.
A: Did you go to Angkor Wat?
B: Of course. I went there and took lots of pictures.
A: What about food? Did you enjoy the food there?
B: Yes. It was fantastic! I had amok, which is a delicious kind of curry with various ingredients. It
was delicious!
A: Where did you stay?
B: I stayed in a hostel downtown. It was really cozy.
A: That’s great. I’m glad you had a good time.
A: Mario, how was your trip to San Diego?
B: It was wonderful. There were lots of natural things to see.
A: Did you go to the beach?
B: Of course. I spend most of my time there.
A: What about food? Did you enjoy the food there?
B: Yes. It was fantastic! I had lots of fresh seafood. It was delicious!
A: Where did you stay?
B: I stayed in a hotel near the beach. It was really convenient.
A: That’s great. I’m glad you had a good time!
3 Reading & Writing
A 1. Luke was in Amsterdam yesterday.
2. He stayed in a hostel downtown.
3. He visited interesting bars and restaurants, the Anne Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum.
4. Seeing Anne Frank’s room was the most memorable moment of the trip for him.
5. His favorite food was fondue.
6. He shopped at a cheese store.
B Sample answers
1. I went to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA last week.
2. My trip was amazing. My family drove there.
3. We stayed at a campground.
4. We visited the Grand Canyon and Lake Powell.
5. The most memorable part of the trip was seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. It was
beautiful and amazing.
6. The food was good. We cooked some food at the campsite and also ate in restaurants. We didn't
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
try anything new, but everything we ate was delicious.
7. There was a shop near the Grand Canyon. We bought souvenirs
Sample writing
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
SUBJECT: I’m Back!
Hello, Luke!
I just got back from my vacation today! I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time. It was beautiful
and amazing. It was the most memorable part of the trip. My family drove there! We stayed at a
campground. I also visited Lake Powell. The food was good as well. We cooked some food at the
campsite and ate in restaurants too. We didn’t try anything for the first time, but everything we ate
was delicious. On my last day, I shopped at a small shop near the Grand Canyon. I bought a souvenir
for you, so let’s hang soon!
See you then!
Review Test 4
A 1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
B 1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. No
C c, d
A 1. c
2. a
3. a
4. b
B 1. a
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
2. c
3. b
4. b
C 1. watched
2. happened
3. cried
4. reminded
5. Did
6. loved
A 1. great
2. quiet
3. nervous
4. mean
B 1. ride a Ferris wheel
2. walk across a bridge
3. see a musical
4. take a bus tour
5. go to a museum
C 1. d
2. c
3. b
4. a
D 1. bakery
2. bookstore
3. parking lot
4. hospital
5. mall
Unit 9
9A The big day
A Sample answers
1. The people are standing in front of a house. They look happy.
2. The people are sitting together on a bench. They look happy.
3. The man is standing in front of a building. He looks sad.
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
4. The people are standing outside at a wedding. They look happy.
5. The people are in an office. They look happy.
6. The family is together. They look happy.
7. The woman is standing in front of a school. She looks happy.
8. The couple are looking away from each other. They look sad and angry.
B 1. bought a home
2. fell in love
3. lost my job
4. got married
5. got a job
6. had a baby
7. went to college
8. broke up with my boyfriend
2 Listening
1. a, e
2. b, c
3 Grammar
A 1. lost
2. broke up
3. got
4. bought
5. had
6. got
B 1. lost
2. bought
3. went
4. broke
4 Speaking
B Sample conversations
A: When did you get married?
B: I got married in 2025.
A: What did you do in 2030?
B: I bought a home.
5 Reading
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
A Sample answers
I think the man got injured when he went hiking in the mountains. It looks like he lost his arm.
B hear – heard
see – saw
take – took
go – went
write – wrote
make – made
give up – gave up
cut – cut
find – found
have – had
fall – fell
know – knew
get – got
C 1. F – Aron went hiking alone in April 2003.
2. T
3. F – Aron had a vision of his future son during the accident.
4. T
5. F – Aron still loves hiking and climbing.
D 1. alone
2. conference
3. vision
6 Listening
1. Dave saw the movie 127 Hours yesterday.
2. Aron was an engineer.
3. Aron wrote his name and the date on the rock.
4. After he got out of the canyon, Aron wrote a book about his life, got married, and had a baby.
How was your weekend?
A Sample answers
On the weekend, I like to go out with my friends. I like to watch movies with my friends or go on short
B 1. had a birthday party
2. swam at the pool
3. ate at a restaurant
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
4. took an art class
5. met friends
6. drove to the beach
7. rode my bicycle
8. saw a movie
9. read books
10. ran a race
2 Listening
1. R
2. J
3. S
3 Grammar
A 1. ran
2. swim, met
3. drove
4. read
C 1. saw
2. swam
3. took
4. rode
5. had
6. ate
4 Speaking
A Sample conversations
A: Did you meet friends last weekend?
B: Yes, I met friends last weekend.
A: Did you read books last weekend?
B: No, I didn’t read books last weekend.
A: What did you do last weekend?
B: I rode my bicycle and swam at the pool.
5 Reading
A Sample answers
I have seen this movie. I liked it. It is a fun fantasy movie about a girl trapped in the magical land of
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
B 1. The Wizard of Oz
2. Dorothy, aunt and uncle
3. dropped
4. funny
5. touching
6. awards
C 1. courage
2. classic
3. touching
4. nominate
5. theme
6 Listening
• Plot: picked up, woke up, met, traveled, found
• My Opinion: silly, fantasy
7 Speaking
A Sample answers
• Movie Title: Black Panther
• Actors/Actresses: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o
• The movie was: a sci-fi movie, an action movie, a superhero movie
• Rating: ★★★★★
• The movie had: interesting characters, an exciting plot, great scenes
• My Opinion: I liked it because it had such interesting characters. The villains were especially
B Sample answers
I recently saw the movie Black Panther. It stars Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, and Lupita
Nyong'o. It was a fantasy action movie and a superhero movie.
I give the movie a five-star rating because it had interesting characters, an exciting plot, and great
scenes. I especially liked the interesting villains. I recommend this movie to people who like action
Practical English
A 1. G
2. G
3. B
4. B
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
5. B
6. G
B 1. graduated from college
2. got a promotion
3. had a car accident
4. lost my wallet
5. broke my cell phone
6. won a contest
2 Listening & Speaking
A Sample answers
• Good: You use these expressions when someone tells you good news about their life.
• Bad: You use these expressions when someone tells you bad news about their life.
• Neutral: You use these expressions when someone tells you general news about their life that is
neither good nor bad.
Sample conversations
A: What’s new with Jane?
B: She got a promotion.
A: That’s awesome!
A: What happened to Paul?
B: He had a car accident.
A: Oh, no!
B 1. Congratulations!
2. That’s awesome!
3. I’m sorry to hear that.
4. That’s too bad.
5. I’m glad to hear that.
6. Oh, no!
3 Writing & Speaking
A Sample answers
Good events
1. Passing a test
2. Getting a good job
3. Getting married
Bad events
1. Having a car accident
2. Getting sick
[Answer Keys] SURPASS Student Book 1
3. Losing your wallet
Unit 10
Talents and skills
A Sample answers
I can draw and paint well. I'm also good at cooking and baking.
B 1. dance ballet
2. speak a foreign language
3. paint pictures
4. sing karaoke
5. fix computers
6. draw cartoons
7. write stories
8. bake cookies
2 Listening
1. Yes, Gary can bake many different things.
2. Gary wants to be a famous pastry chef in the future.
3. Melissa can’t bake.
4. Melissa can draw cartoons and speak Spanish.
5. Melissa wants to be a cartoonist in the future.
6. No, but he is trying to learn French.
3 Grammar
A 1. can you
2. can’t
3. can
4. paint pictures well, can
Q: a
4 Speaking
A • Musical or Artistic: dance, sing, play an instrument
• Athletic: swim, play sports, run fast
• Technical or Mechanical: fix cars, fix computers, write software
• Academic: write essays, speak foreign languages, solve math problems
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5 Reading
A Sample answers
• The City Art advertisement interests me because I'm good at art.
• The Mill City Youth League advertisement interests me because I like sports.
• The Kitchen Intern advertisement interests me because I want to be a chef.
B 1. F – City Art paints on weekends from May to September.
2. F – You can volunteer for the Fall Festival.
3. T
4. T
5. F – You can visit Mill City Youth League’s website for more information.
6. T
C 1. intern
2. apply
3. sign up
4. coach
5. tutor
6. non-profit
6 Listening
1. classifieds
2. non-profit
3. part-time job
4. basic tools
5. build
6. math tutor
What are your plans?
B 1. work out at the gym
2. travel to Asia
3. take a ballet class
4. practice the piano
5. study French
6. play in a band
7. go camping
8. go to the countryside
9. volunteer at a nursing home
10. visit relatives
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2 Listening & Speaking
A 1. volunteer at a nursing home
2. Tiffany
3. go camping
4. French
B Sample answers
On my next vacation, I'm going on a road trip with friends. We are going to visit national parks. We
are going to go camping. We are going to take lots of pictures and buy souvenirs.
3 Grammar
A 1. going to study
2. going to take
3. going to practice
4. going to travel
5. going to play
Q: a
4 Speaking
A • Student A: China, friends, a week, a guesthouse
• Student B: Spain, family, two weeks, a hotel
B Sample answers
• Where? the Grand Canyon
• With whom? friends
• How long? three days
• Where to stay? campground
• I’m going to go there next winter vacation.
• I’m going to get there by car. It’s going to be a road trip.
• I’m going to take lots of pictures and buy souvenirs.
Sample conversation
A: What are you going to do on your next vacation?
B: I'm going to travel to the Grand Canyon.
A: Who are you going with?
B: I'm going with my friends.
A: How are you going to get there?
B: I’m going to get there by car. It’s going to be a road trip.
A: How long are you going to stay there?
B: I'm going to stay there for three days.
A: Where are you going to stay?
B: I'm going to stay at a campground.
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A: What are you going to do there?
B: I’m going to take lots of pictures and buy souvenirs.
A: Sounds great!
5 Reading
A Sample answers
For my next vacation, I'm going to the Grand Canyon with some friends. I am going to work extra
hours at my job to save up money.
B save a lot of money, practice guitar at home, work full-time get a part-time job, earn money playing
C 1. bank account
2. continue
3. rent
4. earn
6 Listening
1. T
2. F – Chris is saving money so he can graduate debt-free.
3. T
4. F – He is going to work part-time at the ice cream shop.
5. T
Practical English
A Sample answers
• You bring gifts to a birthday party.
• You bring food or drinks to a dinner party.
• You bring food, drinks, or household gifts to a housewarming party.
• You bring gifts for a baby or a new mother to a baby shower.
• You bring food or drinks to a barbecue.
• You bring gifts or money to a wedding reception.
2 Vocabulary & Listening
A 1. make a guest list
2. put up decorations
3. send out invitations
4. prepare food
5. set the table
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B 1. make a guest list
2. send out invitations
3. prepare food
4. put up decorations
5. set the table
3 Listening & Speaking
birthday party, bake cookies, bake cookies, drink, a bottle of wine, 7, 3
4 Writing & Speaking
A Sample answers
1. I'm going to have a barbecue party.
2. I'm going to have my party in my backyard.
3. I'm going to have my party on April 21 at 7 p.m.
4. I'm going to provide hot dogs and pork ribs.
5. Guests should bring their own drinks for the party.
6. The last day to reply is April 15.
Sample answers
You're invited to Hailey's barbecue party.
Where? in my backyard
When? on April 21
Time? at 7 p.m.
food is provided / BYO drinks
RSVP by April 15
Love, Hailey
Review Test 5
A 1. b
2. a
3. a
4. c
B 1. b
2. e
3. f
4. c
5. d
C 1. No
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2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. Yes
A 1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
B 1. a
2. c
3. a
4. b
C 1. got
2. had
3. took
4. saw
5. ate
A 1. read
2. ran
3. met
4. swam
B 1. bake cookies
2. draw cartoons
3. speak a foreign language
4. play the guitar
C 1. a
2. b
3. d
4. c
D 1. went to college
2. had a baby
3. fell in love
4. lost my job
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