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Past Progressive Tense Worksheet - English Grammar

Activity: Completa la tabla con los distintos modos en el Past Progressive.
It was training
I dont want to eat
Are tou sad
if I want to eat
They weren’t playing
Am i wrong
I want to play
I dont want to play
I do homework
Carol wasn’t eating
Was I listening?
Whats is your name
Your were singing I didn't do homework How old are you
Sistema Educativo Estatal
Escuela Secundaria Gral. # 53 “Lic. Milton Castellanos Everardo”
02EES0137Z T.M.
Inglés 2º A, B, C, D
Profra. Aída Ruiz Peralta
Nombre: Sergio Madrigal Gomez
Semana del 31 de mayo al 4 de junio de ‘21 Activity: Escribe Was o Were según corresponda.
1. We were dancing.
2. The dog was barking.
3. The printer
printing out a photograph.
4. The students were writing a test.
5. Sue and Gareth was walking up the hill.