4o unit 1 lifestyles-

Unit 1- Lifestyles
Assignment #3 Read this article and do these activities. Total: /50 marks
7 simple tipsto FEEL BETTER
when you #stay home!
Having a positive mental atmosphere is very important
,specially when you go through difficult times, therefore
,in this article we will share 7 tips to feel better when
you have to #stayhome, adapted from
#1)_E__ Sleeping 8 hours per day is very important to
have energy and it’s essential to feel good and to deal
with negative emotions.
#2)___ Doing physical activity can be positive because ,when we exercise, our body
produces endorphins that make us feel better.
#3)__ Helping another person is very positive for our self steem so, offer to go to
the shops for an elderly person from your family or your neighbourhood. If we help
people ,we will feel happier.
#4)__ Humans are social beings so we need to be in contact with the people we love.
So, call your relatives and friends everyday,if it’s possible, make video conferences
with them or whatsapp video calls if you can’t meet in person.
#5)__ Do activities that you like, such as drawing, painting, listening to music, dancing,
doing freestyle, writing songs, stories or poems, singing ,perfecting a skill , learning
something new, making a tutorial, playing with your sister or brother or doing any other
activity that distracts you and makes you feel good.
#6)__ A very good idea is to write 3 good things that happen to you every day and say
“thanks!” for them. This simple practice will have
a positive impact in your mental atmosphere and
your perception of reality.
#7)__ It’s natural that you experience anxiety,
frustration, fear and worry in this situation. So,
don’t be so hard on yourself. Accept these
emotions and think that you are doing the best
you can in this difficult context so, remember
that we are all resilient people and that we’ll get
through this.
Key vocabulary in the text
(aquí encontrarás el significado de las palabras
que están resaltadas en el texto).
go through: atravesar (v)
feel: sentir(se) (v)
share: compartir (v)
better: mejor
tips: consejos/ideas
stay quedarse (v)
deal with: lidiar con (v)
make us: nos hace (v)
self steem: autoestima
elderly person: adultx mayor
beings: seres
need: necesitar
relatives: parientes
such as: tales como
learning: aprender(v)
happen: suceder/pasar/acontecer (v)
anxiety: ansiedad
fear: miedo
worry: preocupación (también se usa como verbo- preocuparse)
resilient: resiliente(persona que tiene la habilidad de superar situaciones muy
difíciles y lograr seguir adelante y ser feliz).
get through: superar(v)
Reading Comprehension activities
1)Scanning! Read this text quickly and find:
a) 20 words which are similar to Spanish.
b) 5 free time activities
c) 4 emotions.
a) 20 words similar to Spanish in the text
eg: positive
(paragraph #1)
b) 5 free time activities:
eg: drawing (“dibujar”- paragraph #5)
c) 4 emotions
eg: frustration ( paragraph #7)
Activity 1:___/14,5 marks (0,5 marks each)
2)Read this article again and insert subtitles A-G into paragraphs 1-7.
/6 marks
A) Stay in touch with your friends and family
B)Do exercice
C) Solidarity is also good for you.
D) Do the things you love!
E) Sleep more
F) Be kind to yourself
G) Say “Thanks” for the good things in your life
Example: #1) E (Sleep more)
3) Multiple choice activity: Read this text again and choose the best option
( a - b or c).
/6 marks
eg: 0)
Sleeping 8 hours per day is necessary because...
a) ... it helps you to be beautiful.
b) ... it helps you to feel better.
c) ... it causes depression
0) b
1) Doing exercise is important because...
a) ... you look good
b) ... you don’t make friends
c) ... you feel good
2) When you #stay home, it’s essential to...
a)... have virtual contact with the important people in your life.
b)... look for new information about Coronavirus everyday.
c)... sit around and do nothing everyday.
3) To feel better it is good to...
a)... avoid virtual contact with your friends and family.
b)... have a positive mental atmosphere.
c)... repress your negative emotions.
*avoid: evitar
*repress: reprimir
4) VOCABULARY ACTIVITY: 4 WORD CHALLENGE: Write as many coherent
sentences as you can using 4 words from this text in each sentence,(key
vocabulary in the text), to practise vocabulary and writing.
La idea es primero, estudiar el vocabulario nuevo, saber su significado, hacer un
diagrama en el cuaderno con dibujos que representen las palabras nuevas, usar
diferentes colores, si es posible, grabarte diciendo las palabras y su significado,
escuchar la grabación con los significados varias veces, o cualquier otra técnica de
aprendizaje que te sea útil para incorporar vocabulario. Podés hacer los mismo con
otras palabras que hayas necesitado buscar en el diccionario, mientras hacías las
actividades de comprensión lectora porque no sabías qué quería decir.
Key vocabulary in the text
go through: atravesar (v)
feel: sentir(se) (v)
share: compartir (v)
better: mejor
tips: consejos/ideas
stay quedarse (v)
deal with: lidiar con (v)
make us: nos hace (v)
self steem: autoestima
elderly person: adultx mayor
beings: seres
need: necesitar
relatives: parientes
such as: tales como
learning: aprender(v)
happen: suceder/pasar/acontecer (v)
anxiety: ansiedad
fear: miedo
worry: preocupación (también se usa como verbo- preocuparse)
resilient: resiliente(persona que tiene la habilidad de superar situaciones muy
difíciles y lograr seguir adelante y ser feliz).
get through: superar(v)
Eg: You need to share your problems with your friends to feel better.
(vos) necesitás compartir tus problemas con tus amigxs para sentirte mejor.
Si te fijás, usé 4 palabras del vocabulario del texto y armé una oración con sentido.
Esa es la mejor forma de practicar e incorporar vocabulario nuevo.
Si se te dificulta formar oraciones, podés usar el material de apoyo para empezar
4to año de Inglés. Allí se explica cómo “armar” oraciones simples.
Activity 4:
/11,5 marks
5) Answer this question: What’s your opinion about this article?Be honest!
Activity 5:
You can use this language: (Lenguaje que podés usar para responder)
I agree with .... (estoy de acuerdo con)
I disagree with.....(no estoy de acuerdo con/estoy en desacuerdo con)
In my opinion,... (en mi opinión)
I think that....(yo pienso/creo que)
I personally believe that....(personalmente creo que...)
From my point of view, (desde mi punto de vista)
Besides, (además)
However,(sin embargo)
Thanks for doing Assignment #3!
/12 marks