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Tariff Communication Approval Process - TOC Logistics

Tariff Communications
It is the responsibility of the process owners to question/report any suspected/possible discrepancies that may
significantly impact process/safety by notifying supervision.
1. Purpose
The purpose of this work instruction is to outline the tariff communication approval process.
2. Scope
This process applies when new or updated tariffs are submitted to Sales and Account Management.
3. Responsibilities
Sales, Account Managers and Tariff Team – Approval process and Communication flow.
4. Cross Reference
5. Software System (As Applicable)
6. Process (See Next Page)
Revision Date: 7/9/2019
Uncontrolled When Printed
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Tariff Communications
6. Process
There may be exceptions to the process that still achieve the intended result.
1) Tariff Team provides new or updated tariff to AM/Sales
a) Outgoing email to AM/Sales
FROM: “[email protected]”
CC: TOC tariff team in copy
SUBJECT: T##### - start with T#
2) AM/Sales sends new or updated tariff to Client
a) If questions regarding tariff, Sales/AM to reply to [email protected], adding any other necessary teams to
cc, and asking questions or request to schedule meeting.
b) Sends to customer within one business day of tariff receipt
c) CC [email protected] when sending to customer
d) If New tariff or new lanes on existing tariff or rate increase –
i) Tariff team will file email or pdf approval when received for NRA compliance
ii) Tariff team remind Sales/AM every 48 hours until client approval received.
iii) If Tariff team does not see approval within six business days, cc and escalate to Solutions Director on third
iv) If Sales/AM is struggling to get approval, Sales/Am escalation should be to General Manager (GM) to
explain situation. If GM decides to exempt the tariff from formal approval, GM will notify Tariff team to
implement pricing without formal approval.
e) If Rate Decrease, New Supplier on Existing lane, Date Extension, BAF or PSS –
i) Email to customer includes verbiage:
“This is a courtesy notice of updates to your tariff. No approval necessary. Continued booking of shipments
constitutes client acceptance of these changes/additions.”
ii) Tariff team will file mail to client for NRA compliance.
7. Approval Team
General Manager
Solutions Director
Tariff & Rate Maintenance Supervisor
QA Review / Approval Verification
J. Lissman
M. Klage
K. Hively
J. Garrett
On file with QA
8. Revision Log – For Document Control Use Only
Revision Date
Revision Description
Revision Level
Created work instruction
K. Hively
Switched order of steps d) iii and iv |
revised step e wording
K. Hively
Revision Date: 7/9/2019
Uncontrolled When Printed
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