Subido por Juan Perez

Greece: Culture, Beliefs, and Comparisons Presentation

Join me today to learn more about the country of the Greek gods, the beautiful islands and
the first host of the Olympic games, so here we go.
With this presentation, we will learn about Greece, its appearance, culture, beliefs and other
topics about this charming country.
But first, how much do we know about the country that gave birth to the famous
Olympic games?
I go to tell you about Greece with the iceberg Method
Religion in Greece. Greece is a country in which several religions are practiced. Although
the Greek population is not very diversified on these issues because the Greek population is
made up almost entirely (97%) of Orthodox believers. Thus, leaving only 3% of the
population belonging to religions such as Muslim, Catholic and Jewish. Greece is
characterized as one of the few countries that have a majority of people who belong to the
Orthodox Church. For the aforementioned, it is said that orthodoxy is strongly related to the
historical past of Greece. During the Ottoman Empire, from 1453 to 1821, the Orthodox
religion and its priests were an important element for the preservation and definition of Greek
The food in Greece. The cuisine of this country has very characteristic features of ancient
Greece, the use of cereals as daily sustenance, for example, the use of wheat to make different
types of bread. Likewise, being the Mediterranean, they have attributed the incorporation of
olive oil, aromatic herbs, vegetables, legumes and meats in many of their typical dishes. As
typical dishes, we can find lamb, sheep and birds.
The language in Greece has undergone many changes since ancient times. Today it is known
as demokiti (its modern variant) is the official language of Greece and Cyprus. There is also
a Greek-speaking minority in Albania. Greek belongs to the great family of languages
derived from a common language known for its Indo-European origin.
Beliefs in Greece. The Greeks developed complex mythology. The gods, beings known to be
immortal, but who also had human attributes. Most of the cults to these divinities had a festive
character, such as the theatre or the Olympic Games. Although these beliefs are not currently
explicitly noted, there is an important relationship between different elements present in
Greek Mythology and some characters from other mythologies or beliefs, common names
for gods and places on the planet and even expressions of modern speech, which are
"derived” Or that its meaning is directly related to these myths.
Greece´s geography has a mountainous territory, a warm climate and paradisiacal beaches,
which makes this country a tourist and world-attractive point. Greece is a country covered
between 70% and 80% of mountainous relief, with mountains of considerable height such as
the Mount of the Peloponnese. The Greek islands, around 6000, are located between Europe,
Asia and Africa, the country limits to the north with Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria and
to the northwest with Turkey. To the east is the Aegean Sea, to the west the Ionian Sea and
to the south the Mediterranean Sea.
The economy in Greece. Greece's economy was greatly influenced by its geographical
location, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea basin. The Mediterranean climate was not
conducive to developing rich agriculture in the style of Mesopotamia or Egypt. Trade was
the most relevant economic activity. Ships carried out exchanges made in currency, mainly
silver, extracted from the mines. The most important mining deposits were those of Laurión,
belonging to Athens. The Greek economy, unlike the past, is based on agriculture. The sector
represents 3.7% of gross domestic products (in Spanish is known like PIB) and employs
11.9% of the workforce. The main crops are tobacco and cotton. Greece also has an important
sheep industry and its fishing industry is well developed in the coastal areas.
After looking at the characteristics of the Greek country, an important question may
arise. What would the meeting of a Colombian with a Greek be like?
Hofstede model:
Power Distance: Greece is a society that believes that it must respect hierarchy and that
inequalities between people are acceptable. The different distribution of power justifies the
fact that the holders of power have more benefits than the less powerful in society.
Individualism: Greece is a collectivist culture, in this country people from birth onwards are
integrated into a strong internal group, especially if the family is extensive; They include
uncles, aunts, grandparents, and cousins who continue to protect their members in exchange
for loyalty. In short, as Colombians say, blood is thicker than water
Masculinity: Greece is a moderately masculine, success-oriented society. Men consider it a
personal honor to take care of their families. In Greece, the success of one member of a family
gives social value to the whole group by meeting a new person, so much so that Greeks speak
of important and successful people when they meet new people. Aspect in which they are
very similar to Colombians, who are always in search of success
Lewis model: If a Colombian were to meet a Greek, the culture shock would not be so
remarkable, since these two countries are characterized by being multi-active countries. For
example, both countries love to speak most of the time in a conversation, they are
characterized by being emotional, have strong body language and usually talk about
professional and personal issues without any problem.
Like all countries, there is a diversity of populations, which will be the most
interesting in Greece?
The Gypsys or Romanies
Who are they?
Gypsies are a group originating in India. This group shares a society and a culture with its
own characteristics that differentiate it from other cultures.
What characterizes them?
Currently, the population of the Romani people is approximately 15 million people
worldwide. Of these 15 million, about 70% live in Central and Eastern Europe. Where 2.47%
of the population of Greece is gypsy.
The language they have is Romani, of Indian origin.
The majority religion of the gypsy people is Christianity. Within Christianity, we find
Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals.
Although they are associated with nomadism, currently there is a large percentage of the
sedentary Romani population. However, in the past they were nomads.
What is the Origin of this subculture?
This origin has been known thanks to contemporary history studies, linguistic analysis and
genetic analysis. These genetic studies, which have become an important part of the study of
history, have confirmed that the Romani people originate from northwestern India. As they
were nomads, they changed places until they became present all over the world, including
Myths and legends of this subculture
Some of these myths gave the gypsies an Egyptian origin. For example, this assumption
occurred in the Modern Age in Spain. In the book El arenal de Sevilla, by Lope de Vega, it
is written that the gypsies came from Egypt.
An interesting myth is its biblical origin. Indeed, many scholars turned to the Bible to try to
find information about gypsies. Some of these scholars saw in the gypsies the cursed
offspring of Cain. It seemed logical that a poor and nomadic people were poor as a
consequence of a biblical curse.
In conclusion, we learned about the aspects that characterize Greece as a country, the Greeks
as a population and how their relationship with Colombians would be. We also managed to
learn more about a subculture that, although it does not come from Greece, has been in this
country for many years. With that presentation, we were able to see the diversity that this
country presents in different aspects, managing to captivate us with its attributes. For this and
more aspects I would like to travel to Greece and you?