1. Why do you want to study this course? 2. Why have you chosen this particular institute? 3. What initially sparked your interest in this area? 4. What experiences do you have? (first or second hand) 5. What is your overall purpose for doing this course? 6. What skills are required and do you have them? 7. What specific method or techniques are required for this course? 8. Wha would you get out of this course? 9. What are your future career goals, and how will this course help? Course Notes, points to elaborate: Techniques to equip you with the tools that will help you successfully design, implement and evaluate environmental policy in a variety of settings. the primary disciplines of economics, planning and environmental policy, with additional specialisms in finance and law. articular methodologies used include data evaluation, case evaluation, legal analysis, textual analysis, the convergence of theory and empirical data and advanced critical evaluation. Successful environmental policy depends on the ability of its makers to bring together scientific information, analytical thinking and an awareness of the legal, socio-economic and political realities of environmental regulation. The programme offers advanced training in environmental law, economics and methods enabling students to successfully design, implement and assess environmental policy in a variety of settings, at national and international level. Analytical, quantitative and qualitative methods; Environmental law (international, European and comparative dimensions) Environmental economics and policy-making The nature, causes and implications of environmental problems The programme also focuses on developing students’ ability to approach policy questions in an informed, methodical and critical manner. epth. Students are also exposed to cutting-edge research and professional practice in environmental policy through the departmental and C-EENRG seminar series. Environmental Policy MPhil students further benefit from feedback from and exposure to the state-of-the-art research that is being undertaking within C-EENRG. EP course is designed and structured with the emphasis on its practical use and on the development of critical employment skills. The MPhil in Environmental Policy is accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The RICS is an international organisation with over 100,000 members and membership of the RICS conveys a number of benefits. Graduates of the Environmental Policy course are eligible to enter the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC), successful completion of which entitles full membership of the RICS. The RICS also offers free membership to students whilst they are taking accredited courses. Information about the RICS, the APC and the benefits of membership can be found a To help students to transition to their planned careers, the MPhil in Environmental Policy offers a mentorship scheme pairing each student with an established environmental policy practitioner. ity to do Development courses alongside environmental law really appealed [to me the combination of having economic, social and legal aspects, The MPhil also allows you to tailor your course of study to your own interests and to emphasise the legal or the economic aspects of environmental policy. PGR04 Institutions and development I (Michaelmas Term) (1 unit) Energy and climate change (Lent Term) (1 unit) EP06 Energy and climate change (Lent Term) Las Ciencias Ambientales surgen para mejorar la calidad de la tierra, del agua, y el aire, para gestionar recursos y para administrar sistemas sustentables. A lo largo de los últimos años los problemas ambientales a causa de la utilización extrema de los recursos, pasaron a ocupar un sitio fundamental en la preocupación de la sociedad. Si piensas que las Ciencias ambientales pueden ser lo tuyo, la ecología y el medio ambiente deben ser una de tus preocupaciones principales Estas dos áreas combinadas brindan herramientas para la evaluación, planificación, administración y conservación de los recursos naturales y para buscar soluciones a los inconvenientes que existen hoy en dia. Crea estrategias medioambientales Encuentra formas en las que la actividad humana provoque el menor daño posible al medio ambiente, es un tema de gran importancia en todo el mundo. Tendrás el rol de estudiar al entorno, identificar las necesidades y, sobre todo, planear y crear estrategias efectivas para que se pueda mejorar la economía de los países. elegir esta carrera tendrás entre tus prioridades buscar soluciones para resolver los conflictos medioambientales existentes y mitigar el daño que han causado a nuestro entorno. Además, se pueden definir las políticas ambientales como las estrategias que se realizan desde las diferentes instituciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, que a través de la elaboración y aplicación de diferentes normativas ambientales, buscan hacer frente a los problemas ambientales existentes. Fomentar una economía innovadora y circular en la que se proteja, se valore y se restablezca la biodiversidad y se reduzcan al mínimo los riesgos para la salud derivados de problemas de medio ambiente, potenciando la resiliencia de la sociedad desvinculando el crecimiento del uso de los recursos. ta es de las profesiones ambientales que cuentan con una visión holística del problema medioambiental: tendrás que conocer sobre políticas públicas, el funcionamiento natural del medio ambiente, las necesidades económicas de las empresas y los requerimientos de las comunidades para proponer alternativas de mejor uso de los recursos naturales. Tomás Further notes: Open personal statement with something about the institutions and department. Something short and simple. Mention something specific about the course. How the programme will help me. Talk about my academic record and my ability to do other things and contribute to society. I plan to keep playing an active role in my community, I am particualty keen to join the ecologosit society.. This year I will be taking a course on energy politics. Talk about course on the Paris Agreement and energy politics, inspiration through the Paris Agreement essay. How policy fails, states not being engaged. I want to be able to tools available for environmental policy and regulation, and the diverse contexts within which they operate, and evaluate the impact of policies for the economy, society and the natural environment.