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Equations systems worksheet

1.- Josefa is 7 years younger than her cousin Begoña and in 15 years the sum of their ages
will be 53 years. What is the age of each one?
2.- Sergio is 10 years older than his sister and in 2 years he will be twice her age. How old is
each of them?
3.- Eva is one-fifth her mother's age and 4 years ago she was 32 years younger. What are
their current ages?
4.- Angel's cousin is 12 years younger than him. In 5 years, twice his age will be equal to
that of Angel increased by 4. How old is each one?
5.- The sum of two numbers is 62. The triple of the first and the double of the second add up
to 162. What are these numbers?
6.- Two boxes of pears and one of apples weigh 37 kg. If a box of apples weighs 4 kg more
than a box of pears, how many kg does each of the boxes weigh?
7.- One number exceeds another in 5units and their sum is 29. Find them.
8.- The difference between two numbers is 8. If 2 is added to the greater, the result will be
three times the lesser. Find the numbers.