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OP-AMP Light-Controlled Oscillator Experiment Guide

Atılım University Department of Mechatronic Engineering
MECE 212
Experiment 8
In this experiment, you will work with an op-amp circuit which is used in a light-controlled
oscillator network.
An operational amplifier (or op-amp) is a high gain amplifier which is usually
powered using equal but opposite polarity voltage sources. The symbol and the circuit model
can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Symbol and circuit model for an op-amp
As it can be seen, the amplifier takes the difference between the two input signals and
amplifies it by a factor of Aod.
vo = Aod (v2 – v1) = Aod vd
Rin represents the input impedance and Rout represents the output impedance of the
amplifier. An ideal op-amp amplifier has the following ideal characteristics:
- Input Resistance is infinite.
- Output resistance is zero
- Open-loop voltage gain, Aod, is infinite
- Bandwidth is infinite
- vo=0 when V2 = V1
Because of these parameters, the op-amp is designed to be used in a feedback loop
rather than as a stand alone (open-loop) device. This means that in a practical opamp circuit,
there is usually an external path which feeds some of the output of the op-amp back into its
Figure 2-LM741 Opamp
Light-Controlled Oscillator
Figure 3-Light Controlled Oscillator Circuit Diagram
This circuit is a light-controlled oscillator, i.e., an oscillator whose output
frequency increases with the amount of light shining on it. The main components of this
circuit are the 741, a general purpose operational amplifier IC, and the light-dependent
resistor or photocell, which serves as the circuit's light collector.
The 741 in this circuit is configured as an oscillator driving a piezoelectric buzzer.
The output voltage of the 741 is used as input voltage to the inverting input, which
forces the output of the 741 to go back to the opposite level every time it changes state,
causing it to toggle between 'low' and 'high' continuously.
When the output of the 741 becomes low, this is fed back to the inverting input,
causing the 'high' voltage at the non-inverting input to 'dominate' and force the 741
output to go back to 'high'. When the output of the 741 goes 'high', this is again fed
back to the non-inverting input, which drives the output to go low, and the cycle starts
over again.
The rate at which the output oscillates depends on how fast capacitor C1 charges
and discharges, which in turn depends on the resistance across the light-dependent
resistor or photocell. The more light shining on the photocell, the lower is its
resistance. The lower the resistance, the faster capacitor C1 charges or discharges, and
the higher is the frequency at which the 741's output oscillates. This is why this circuit
is a light-controlled oscillator - its frequency of oscillation increases as the light shining
on it increases.
1) Set the light-controlled circuit in figure 3. Use figure 2 for op-amp connections.
Change the light on LDR by covering it with your hand. You must hear a changing
sound with changing illumination.
Measure the output signal by using oscilloscope both in light and dark.
In you report, comment on the results of experiment; put the graphs of output on
oscilloscope and compare them. Answer the questions below;
a) Why we use capacitor?
b) Why we use op-amp?
c) Why we use LDR?