Subido por Jaime Curry Martín

Exercise & Healthy Eating: Speaking Test Material

Healthy eating:
In some parts of the world as meny as 1 of every 10 children are now obese, wich
means they are so overweight its bad for their health.
But why do you think it is such a big problema?
The doctors recommend eating every day 5 portions of food every day. We need to eat
fruit and vegetables because they contein vitamins and fibre our body needs to stay
We also need to consume every day dairy food every day because it gives us calcium
that is very important for our bones.
Proteins are also very important specialy for children that are griwing. Proteins can
help us repair our body after an illness or injury.
We need fats and sugars in our diet because they give us energy. But we need them in
the right cuantity. If we eat more tan we need our body cant burn all the energy, this is
when we get fater.
How can we eat less fats:
-dried fruit
-trim fat of the meat
-stiem or beak
-skimmed milk
-ovoid fast food and sweets.
-drink wáter, about 8 glasses every day, weight
Benefits of doing exercise:
-feel healthier
-Our heart will be stronger
-oour lungs will be moer eficient.
-our inmune system will be impruve
-out muscles will be stronger
Benefits of being healthy:
Many health problems associated with the digestive system are a result of a por diet.
The problems we can have are not seen now but in the future.