Subido por Jesus Edgardo Peña Garcia

Canada: Geography, Climate, Economy & Attractions Overview

Canada is North American country, it´s longitude is from United States to Artic Circle in the
Canada is an industrial and technologically nation, it´s pioneer, advanced and selfsufficient about energy, because it has extensive deposits of fossil fuels and large
generation of nuclear and hydroelectric energy.
It´s one of the most developed countries in the world. It has a diversified economy, for
that reason is independent with natural deposits of natural resources.
The principal bussines is with The United States and Mexico.
The average temperature in winter and summer depends of the location. The winter can
be hard in a lot of regions of the country, especially in the interior provinces and praires,
where the continental weather with average daily temperatures of -15ºC, but can be
below -40ºC.
In regions without coast, the snow can cover the ground almost six months (more in the
The coast of British Columbia enjoys a mild weather with a winter warmer but rainy.
On the east and west coasts, the average temperatures generally don't exceed 20 ° C,
while between the coasts, the maximum average temperature in summer oscillates
between 25 and 30 ° C, with occasional heat waves in the interior that exceed 40 ° C
Given its enormous extension, the country has a varied topography and important climatic
differences, which provides a very diverse flora and fauna. A good part of the Canadian
territory is covered by forests of timber trees, where pine, cedar and maple stand out;
there are also territories dominated by wide meadow. The fauna is very extensive, so you
can find bears, wolves, coyotes, pumas, among other carnivorous animals. In the arctic
regions the fauna is typical of the tundra and it is home to a great variety of seals, whales
and polar bears. Beavers, porcupines, moles, and numerous rodents can be seen in some
regions. Some areas of Canada are also habitat to antelope, reindeer, and elk.
One of the most important attractions in Canada are:
The Niagara Falls, a set of waterfalls located on the Niagara River, in the northeastern part
of North America, in Canada. Located about 236 meters above sea level, their drop is
approximately 51 meters. It’s an easy and accessible place, as it is located just a little more
than an hour away from the city of Toronto by car. Without a doubt, it’s one of the most
famous and natural attractions in Canada. Besides the breathtaking view and the shocking
roar of the water, the city (also called Niagara Falls) is also a fun place with a carnival
atmosphere where you can spend a day or two.
* Toronto *
It is the largest city in Canada, inhabited by more than 200 ethnic groups that speak 120
different languages. It is one of the most favorite cities by the international students. In
addition to the cultural and entertainment variety, it is home to the iconic CN Tower, with
an impressive height of 553 meters, where people can enjoy dinner in its 360 restaurant
while having a nice view over the city.
Banff National Park
Banff National Park is in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Here you can enjoy camping
sites, long walks in summer or skiing in winter. If you are one of the less adventurous
people you can take a gondola ride to the top of a mountain where you can enjoy a good
bath in its pools which it is necessary to say that it has thermal waters while you
contemplate one of the best landscapes in Canada.
Whistler is a world-class ski destination. It is very known for being the site of the many
2010 Winter Olympics ski events, but don't let this fool you, Whistler is a stunning
destination any time of year. The city offers such a wide variety of hotels, restaurants and
shops. It is such an ideal destination if you are an active and enthusiastic person about
outdoor activities. It is important to mention that if you search photographs of the
beautiful landscapes of Whistler it will definitely take your breath away.
* White Horse *
Whitehorse is located in the northern part of Canada, and it is the gateway to many
stunning areas such as Alaska and the Yukon National Park, where you can explore
beautiful natural areas. During the day you can visit one of the many attractions that also
offer information about the Gold Rush. It is one of the most interesting places to visit in
Canada and if you are luck enough, at night you can look up at the sky and enjoy the
amazing northern lights in the city.
* Religion *
It is important to mention that although the country's Constitution does not establish any
official state religion, religious pluralism is an important part of Canada's political culture.
According to the 2011 census, 67.3% of Canadians are identified as Christians (they
represented 77.1% in 2001); of these, Catholics constitute the largest group (38.7% of the