Is a list of all the classes a student needs to take to earn a specific degree. Anything which is set or prescribed by someone or by organization or by institution that you need to complete with the help of your syllabus and course. Is a specific class on one topic, usually taught by one teacher, usually meeting in one specific location, and usually with a set number of students. Is a list of assignments and due dates for a student in a particular course. It lets students know what they will be doing each day during that class and before a particular class meets. Curriculum is the overall content, taught in an educational system or a course. Course is a path, sequence, development or evolution of a period. Describes the summary of topic covered or units like chapters in any subject. Curriculum actually contains all the A set of classes or a plan or study on learning materials: work-sheets, a particular subject, usually leading aims, rationale for studying, learners to an exam or qualification. and their proficiency level, content of curriculum (Syllabus), implementation of curriculum (method), assessment and evaluation. A document that may contain: content, goals details, time required and outlines. Anything which can be operational or functional for a specified thing. Same for all teacher: Curriculum covers all the activities and arrangements made by the institution throughout the academic year to facilitate the learners and the instructors. Established by the Ministry of education: It refers to the period of time established annually for teaching classes in an educational institution. Varies from teacher to teacher: is provided to the students by the teachers so that they can take an interest in the subject. Whereas Syllabus is limited to particular. Principal: Curriculum is a much broader term than syllabus. Curriculum is a Course because refers to the overall content, taught in an educational system or a course. Secondary: Because it is a period of time, related to the physical and mental development of students. The period required to complete your syllabus. Third: Syllabus, on the other hand, refers to a more specific subject area. Syllabus is a subject because is a set for a particular subject. • Andris Franco Villero • Isabel Santiago Díaz • Hilary Tapias Vásquez Thanks