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Homesickness Essay: Personal Experience in Exeter

Have you ever felt homesick? Describe your experience.
Around two years ago my sister and I lived for six months in a touristic city in south west of
England: Exeter. We had never been so far away from home… and in the blink of an eye we
realized that we really missed the familiar atmosphere from home. I found myself that I couldn’t
do what I used to do, and I couldn’t meet the people I liked to, and so I finally become aware
that nothing would be the same there.
Personally, what I missed the most was my family and friends. Making friends with new friends
in a foreign country was very difficult due to the lack of a natural and fluid communication.
However, this allowed me to establish relationships with other people who definitely helped me
to feel more comfortable in the new reality I had and I needed to face.
Not only did I missed my friends, but I missed my home, the quiet parks where I used to run
every day, my school, my little neighbors who waked me every single morning, my pet, my
room… in conclusion my whole previous life. Nevertheless, this experience made me appreciate
everything I had had.