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Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland Directory 2018

• Aquaculture licensing –
“DAFM actively working towards
achieving 600 licence determinations
by 2019” – Minister Creed
• BIM – Taste the Atlantic – a Seafood
Journey highlights variety of seafood
produced along the Wild Atlantic Way
• Brexit – “Irish government making
fisheries a priority in negotiations” - Irish
Fish Processors & Exporters Association
• MOREFISH – EU-funded research
to improve production, operational
efficiencies and management in Irish
freshwater aquaculture
Údarás na Gaeltachta, Na Forbacha, Co. na Gaillimhe
Teil:/Tel: (091) 503100 E: [email protected]
Page 4
Page 16
Karen Devereux
Donal Buckley
Michael Creed
Richard Donnelly
Niamh Doyle
Matthew Ferguson
Jeffrey Fisher
Lynn Gilmore
JFC Marine
David Lyons
Donal Maguire
Lorcán Ó Cinnéide
Jessica Ratcliff
SeaFest 2018
Skaginn 3X
Anna Soler Vila
Storvik Aqua
Aquaculture licensing: Minister Michael Creed confirms that DAFM is working towards determining 600 licences by 2019
Irish Aquaculture – 2017 review: Donal Maguire finds that 2017 was a largely positive year in terms of volume and output
Taste the Atlantic – a Seafood Journey: Richard Donnelly describes how BIM and Bord Bia are collaborating to highlight
seafood producers along the Wild Atlantic Way
Gery Flynn
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
+353 91 844 822
Mob +353 85 747 57 97
Email: [email protected]
Advertisement Manager:
Roger Cole
+353 1 285 91 11
Mob: +353 87 261 15 97
Email: [email protected]
Conleth Adamson
ICON Graphic Services
73 Foxfield Grove, Raheny, Dublim 5
01 831 8103
Mob: 087 673 7441
Email: [email protected]
Cover picture:
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Michael Creed T.D.
Page 32
Page 45
The Irish Sea Portal Project: Matthew Ferguson highlights how the shellfish sector in Ireland and Wales will benefit
from reliable science
The business end of aquaculture: Donal Buckley proposes four key dynamics that will shape the aquaculture industry
in the future
Irish Aquaculture - from stagnation to growth: Richie Flynn welcomes the government’s commitment to address
the licensing renewal and backlog
Irish seafood targets Asian markets: Bord Bia declares that Irish seafood exports remained buoyant through 2017
Food Safety Authority of Ireland: David Lyons outlines how public health is protected by monitoring and treating
fishery products
Brexit: Lorcán Ó Cinnéide of the Irish Fish Processors & Exporters Association says that fisheries is a government
priority in its negotiations
Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority: Risk analysis and its application in food safety management systems
Triskell Seafood Ltd: Niamh Doyle on another successful year for the County Sligo-based seafood trader, and
specialist equipment and clothing suppliers
Marine Institute: Dr Jeffrey Fisher highlights some new projects that will expand ocean forecasting and provide
more certainty for the aquaculture sector
SeaFest 2018: a taster of what to expect at Ireland’s largest maritime festival in Galway – June 29 – July 1
PHARMAQ: the global leader in vaccines and innovation for aquaculture unveils the semi-automatic and mobile NFT20
Steinsvik: suppliers of centralized feeding systems to the aquaculture industry for 25 years introduce their Next
Generation FeedStation
JFC Marine: Colin Concannon introduces his company’s latest blow moulded mussel float – the MF330
MOREFISH: EU-funded research to improve production, operational efficiencies and management in Irish freshwater
Seafish Northern Ireland: Dr Lynn Gilmore introduces three local seafood businesses at the heart of the
Northern Irish Seafood industry
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: Dr Anna Soler Vila and Jessica Ratcliff summarise their work on the
EU-funded INTEGRATE project
WEFTA 2017 – conference: new technologies that can be translated into profitable next generation solutions for
the seafood sector
Skaginn 3X: Sub-chilling is set to have a major impact on the fisheries and aquaculture industries by reducing
carbon footprint and extending product shelflife
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
New aquaculture licensing system to
balance industry needs with public
expectations for environmental protection
n the past few years we
have witnessed positive
developments for the
Aquaculture industry in
Ireland. The most recently
available BIM survey data
shows that there was an
overall increase in output
from Irish aquaculture of
some 10% across all the
species over the 2015 to
2016 period.
In 2016 the industry
produced approximately
44,000 tonnes of high value
seafood. Not only did the
volume of output increase,
so did the value which
reached a level of €168m at
first point of sale at the end
of 2016. These figures reflect
the growing global demand
for seafood which in turn
is underpinned by a strong
demand for differentiated,
quality-assured seafood
products within the EU28.
This increased activity is a
credit to all involved in this
vibrant industry.
It is undeniable that
the issue of aquaculture
licensing around our shores
is hugely complex and has
presented difficulties for
all stakeholders as well as
my Department for many
years. If there was a simple
solution to the problem
it would have been found
years ago and implemented.
The difficulties are
multifaceted and include
legislative, technical,
environmental and spatial
planning elements, and
more or less everyone seems
to have a strong opinion.
I have taken very decisive
action to make progress
on the administrative
challenges and I’m glad to
say that the fruits of that
action will become very
apparent this year.
A major development
during the past year has
been the publication of
the Aquaculture Licensing
Review Group report in
May 2017. The Review,
which I commissioned, is
a detailed examination of
the existing aquaculture
licensing process. The
Review Group undertook
comprehensive stakeholder
consultation and looked
at comparative national
and international consent
systems to determine best
practice for managing
a complex licensing
process in a transparent,
appropriate and legally
robust manner. A total of 30
separate recommendations
are contained in the Report.
Since receiving the
Report my Department
has engaged in detailed
consideration of all 30
recommendations with
a view to preparing
a comprehensive
Implementation strategy.
This strategy takes account
of all the issues that have a
bearing on the sustainable
development of the
I am confident that the
implementation of the
Review Group Report’s
findings will represent
a new departure in the
regulation of aquaculture
which will not only facilitate
the establishment of a well
functioning licensing system
but will also help to achieve
the necessary balance
between the very legitimate
needs of industry and public
expectations in relation to
environmental protection.
My Department is actively
working towards the
achievement of 300 licence
determinations for 2018
with a further 300 projected
for 2019. This will meet
a core recommendation
of the Aquaculture
Licensing Review Group.
While there will always be
licence applications in the
pipeline, the achievement
of 600 determinations over
the next two years will
effectively eliminate the
existing backlog. I’m sure
these commitments are
welcomed by those engaged
in the industry.
Ireland’s marine habitat
is one of its greatest assets.
Sustainable management
of aquaculture on licensed
sites is a central tenet of my
Department’s marine policy.
Aligned with this objective
I hope to see increased
provision of high quality
aquaculture produce in 2018
and beyond.
I wish all of you involved
in the Aquaculture and
Seafood industry in Ireland
further success in the years
Michael Creed T.D.,
Minister for Agriculture,
Food and the Marine
21st February 2018
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
washing machine
mussel declumping machine
▲ sacking scales
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Review of 2017 Irish aquaculture
Donal Maguire, Director of Aquaculture
Development at BIM
2017 was a largely positive
year for Irish aquaculture,
both in terms of volumn and
As we suggested in our
2016 review, the general
trend for aquaculture is one
of slow but steady growth in
output, coupled with strong
market demand both from
the domestic market and in
export performance.
The Irish salmon sector was
definitely the star performer
in 2017. Annual output rose
from almost 16,500 tonnes
in 2016 to 19,300 tonnes
in 2017. This impressive
uplift in output reflects the
improvements achieved by
Irish farmers in improving the
growing efficiencies on their
Stock survival was improved
and the average weight of
fish at the point of harvest
also increased. It may be
anticipated that the level of
output in 2018 will be largely
static, or perhaps even slightly
lower, than the 2017 figure.
This is because of stocking
limitations arising from a
shortage of available sites,
meaning that the Irish sector
will be characterised by a
pattern of “a year of plenty”
followed by “a year of scarcity”
until such time as a number
of key licence applications are
It is also heartening to
note that Ireland’s leading
salmon farming company was
amongst the most successful
global salmon farming
operators in 2017, in terms of
its biological and commercial
The Irish rock oyster, or gigas
oyster sector also enjoyed a
very solid year in terms of its
output and value to the Irish
economy. Production volume
rose from 9,600 tonnes in
2016 to just below 10,000
tonnes in 2017.
Whilst price was largely
static, it remained at a
comparatively high level of
around €4,380/tonne. It is
anticipated that this average
price per tonne of production
will increase in 2018 as an
increasing proportion of the
Irish output finds its way to
higher value markets in the
Far East and elsewhere.
Another factor which will
generate a significant rising
tide under the gigas oyster
sector will be the impact
of the Taste the Atlantic - a
Seafood Journey initiative
being heavily supported
by BIM. Arising from this,
an increased proportion of
participating oyster grower’s
output will be sold at a retail
level, or near retail level, to
the tourists following the
gastronomic trail as opposed
to being sold in bulk at
wholesale prices for export.
The inherently high quality
of Irish oysters being placed
on the international market
place is finally receiving
the recognition it has long
deserved. This effort is being
assisted and underpinned by
studies and promotional work
being done by BIM to support
the sector.
BIM, working very closely
with leading companies in the
Irish oyster sector, is exploring
new and innovative routes
to market which will allow
producers to access high value
niche markets more efficiently
and more frequently in the
future. This improved service,
together with the dawning
recognition of the very unique
and high quality nature of
Irish oysters, will underpin
growth in this sector for years
to come.
Production in the Irish farmed
mussel sector remained
steady between 2016 and the
end of 2017. The rope grown
sector had a somewhat lower
output in 2017 as compared to
2016, producing 8,500 tonnes
in that period as opposed to
9,700 tonnes in 2016. Price
remained static over the
2-year period at just less than
€700/tonne at the farm gate.
This stubbornly low price is
making for very tight margins
for the farmers operating in
this sector. BIM will seek to
attain Marine Stewardship
Council (MSC) sustainability
certification for Irish rope
grown mussels in 2018. It
is hoped that this widely
recognised sustainability
certification system will give
Irish rope grown mussel
producers access to higher
value markets for their
product and should in turn
lead to higher prices.
A higher price regime will
underpin a return to volume
growth in this important
sector. It is also encouraging
to see renewed activity in
the vacuum packed cooked
mussel processing sector. This
long life added-value format
has been the key to improved
prices in this sector in the
past. A renewal of valueadded processing in the rope
mussel sector should also
serve, along with improved
prices from MSC certification,
to bring about the conditions
to kick-start a renewal in the
volume of output from the
The bottom grown or seabed
mussel sector had a more
positive production year than
the rope grown sector. As
we anticipated in previous
reviews, the improved seed
mussel fishery seen over the
last 3 seasons is now beginning
to be reflected in the output
from the licensed aquaculture
plots. Production in 2017
was 7,781 tonnes compared
to 6,480 tonnes in 2016. The
value of the segment also rose
substantially over the period.
Seabed grown mussel output
was worth €9.2m to the Irish
economy in 2017 compared to
€5.9m achieved in 2016.
This uplift in volume was
achieved both as a result of the
increased volume of output
and an increase in the price
per tonne experienced by the
growers in the market place.
Price per tonne in 2017 was
€1,178 compared to €905 in
Taken altogether, 2017 was
quite a good year for the
sector as a whole, and whilst
some segments performed
more strongly than others, the
underlying trend was stable or
positive, which is heartening
for all concerned.
Barring unforeseen
biological or meteorological
challenges, we expect to see a
similar trend in 2018.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
The choice to establish production sites of best
quality waters, away from major production areas
as well as the geographic distribution of its 9 sites
between the Channel, the Atlantic Ocean,
and the Mediterranean Sea, allows Satmar to modulate
and secure its production. The complementarity
of Gatteville and Leucate hatcheries, located at more
than 1000 km from each other, guarantees the safety
of the product in case of any incident.
Satmar activity consists in the hatch and raise
mainly of oysters, but also of clams. Satmar produces
diploids and triploids oysters (GTS or by crossbreed),
Japanese clams, in spats, pregrowing, and half-grown.
The entreprise has 9 sites on the French coastline,
selected for the quality of their waters:
Gatteville-Phare, Lestre, Chausey on the Channel;
Landéda, Ile-Tudy, Bouin, Saint-Philibert,
Saint-Just-Luzac on the Atlantic Ocean;
Leucate on the Mediterranean Sea.
Crédits photos : Satmar -
Satmar is willing to preserve the essence of its products
and to protect the biological balance of its production
sites; therefore Satmar developed a production method
without any antibiotics. This process is based
on a sustainable production, less intensive than most
hatcheries and on the geographic distribution
of production sites. Satmar sites on Gatteville-Phare
and Saint-Just-Luzac are certified AB Biological Agriculture.
Taste The Atlantic - A Seafood Journey
A New Way To Learn More About How Irish
Seafood Is Caught And Farmed
Richard Donnelly, Aquaculture Business Planning Manager at BIM
Taste the Atlantic – A
Seafood Journey has grown
in importance since the
concept was first trialled
in Galway a number of
years ago. This trail is a
collaboration between
BIM and Fáilte Ireland
with the aim to highlight
key producers of a range
of seafood along the Wild
Atlantic Way.
In 2018 there will be
21 producers involved in
the project. In addition
to the fish species caught
along the coast, the trail
also highlights a range of
aquaculture species such
as salmon, mussels, oysters
and abalone. Each producer
represents a unique way of
telling their story of how
they work with the Atlantic
Ocean along the coast of
Developing a Local
Starting in Malin Head and
stretching the full length of
the Wild Atlantic Way, the
21 businesses dotted along
the route provide visitors
with a range of activities
from six different salmon
smokehouses to learning
about the history of oyster
culture and experiencing
the taste of mussels taken
straight from the sea. Fáilte
Ireland has also assisted
each of the producers to
develop a business that is
suitable for our ever growing
tourist industry. One of
the main benefits include
developing a local market
where the customer comes
to the producers but it also
offers a chance to meet
the people who earn their
livelihood from the Atlantic.
In addition to a chance
to meet producers, the
Taste the Atlantic journey
highlights restaurants where
participant’s seafood is also
sold. This allows travellers a
chance to taste the product
if they cannot visit the
producer directly. It also
encourages local restaurants
to engage with their local
seafood producers. This has
proved to be very successful,
and sales increases in
the region of 30% have
been recorded by some
To further support this
there are exhibitions on
the history and culture of
oysters in Doagh Famine
Museum in Malin Head and
another one in Lissadell
House in Co Sligo with more
to follow. Information on the
culture of mussels can also
be seen in Teddy O’Sullivan’s
Bar in Tuosist in Co. Kerry.
These locations coupled
with tours of a number of
farms provide the public
with a real opportunity
to discover the work and
craft involved in producing
premium mussels and
Recently a number of
new information signs also
provide the tourist with
details on the culture of
the key species produced
on the Taste the Atlantic
route. They are located at
strategic points along the
The summer of 2018
will, hopefully, be another
successful one for all the
participants of the Taste
the Atlantic route, and this
will be highlighted at BIM’s
participation at SeaFest
2018 from June 29 - July 1
in Galway -
For full details on the
Taste the Atlantic – Seafood
Journey please go to
com - Tastetheatalantic
Education is also a vital
component of the Taste
the Atlantic trail and four
information brochures are
available detailing how
salmon, mussels, oysters
and abalone are produced.
Ciara and Gerry O’Halloran of the Red bank Food Company
in New Quay, County Clare export a range of fine shellfish
worldwide - including their renowned Flaggy Shore Oysters
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
naissains d’huîtres sélectionnés
The Irish Sea Portal Project –
collaborative research in Ireland and Wales to enable
shellfish sector to access the best science available
Matthew Ferguson, ISPP Technical Assistant at BIM
echnology is central
to modern life, and
the development of
smartphones, internet
resources and mobile data
networks makes it possible
to access data, both on land
and at sea that would have
been impossible in the not
so distant past.
However, the
requirements of the fisheries
and aquaculture sectors
are complex, and trying
to find all the information
relevant to skippers, crew
and businesses can be
laborious, time-consuming
and frustrating.
The Irish Sea Portal Pilot
(ISPP)* is a project aiming
to meet the demand for
easily accessible data across
the Irish Sea in the bottom
grown (BG) mussel sector. As
part of the project, Bangor
University (BU) and Bord
Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) are
developing a web portal to
make relevant information
to the BG sector readily
available in a “one-stop
shop”. As this is a pilot study
to test the feasibility of a
wider Irish Sea portal, the
ISPP is focussing solely on
the BG mussel sector.
Project Synopsis
The primary aim of the ISPP
is to pilot the feasibility
and principles of a larger
Irish Sea Portal for use by
all within fisheries and
aquaculture. Using the BG
mussel sector as the select
pilot industry partners in
the project means we can
tailor the portal to their
Young mussel seed growing on ropes
needs and explore targeted
case studies, such as
juvenile shellfish settlement.
Using case studies means
we can take information
that is not readily available
and make it widely
accessible to growers in both
Irish and Welsh waters.
Through the ISPP, BU
and BIM will bring together
the Irish and Welsh
shellfish sectors, aiming
to generate growth with a
study focussing on juvenile
shellfish settlement, the key
basis for the bottom grown
mussel sector.
The project has several
workpackages and
deliverables to achieve these
objectives. These include
engaging with industry
stakeholders and small to
medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs), development of a
computer larval tracking
model, an assessment of
shellfish sustainability
and case studies in seed
collector systems and seed
Case Study:
Castlemaine Harbour
The final aspect described
above is one of the most
exciting aspects of the
project and on both sides
of the Irish Sea BU and
BIM have developed case
studies specific to the BG
mussel sector. In Ireland,
we have run trials using
rope grown seed as an
alternative to wild sourced
seed for BG culture. The
use of rope grown seed
has been demonstrated
in continental Europe as
a reliable, cost effective
source for bottom culture
and given the variable and
unpredictable nature of wild
seed, especially in recent
years, this may prove to be
an important feedstock for
the industry.
Our case study is
focussed on two bays in
the southwest: Bantry Bay,
Co Cork where seed was
collected, and Castlemaine
harbour, Co Kerry where
the seed was transferred to
bottom culture. Similar trials
are underway in Wales.
BIM leased a traditional
mussel longline in Bantry
and from the existing 110m
of headrope, deployed
1500m of three different
rope types to investigate
the best type for collecting
seed. During the six month
deployment, we saw
extensive seed settlement
on all rope types, growing to
an average of 23mm before
harvest in early October
2017. The harvest from
the full line yielded nearly
12 tonnes of seed. The
Mussel seed being collected for seabed culture
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Find out how Origin
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Origin Green, the world’s first national food sustainability
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Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
successful relay of this seed
to intertidal and subtidal
plots in Castlemaine
has shown the technical
feasibility of relaying rope
grown seed to BG culture in
However, subsequent
monitoring of the sites
has revealed mixed results
including loss from extreme
weather, predation and the
apparent clumping of seed
around existing mature
mussels within the project
area. This raises questions
about the size of relayed
seed, timing, substrate
suitability and predator
control which BIM hopes
to address with additional
trials in 2018.
markets and government
agencies on both sides
of the Irish Sea as well as
project-specific case study
data. We have engaged with
members of the bottom
grown industry on what
information does and does
not matter to them through
both questionnaires and
face-to-face meetings to
ensure the web portal is
targeted to the end users.
The web portal is due to ‘go
live’ in August 2018.
aim of the portal is to
provide a no-nonsense,
straightforward tool for the
bottom mussel industry
to get the information
that is relevant to them.
Using the opinions of
Portal Development
industry representatives
In addition to the case
from across the study area
studies, the development
we have distilled the most
of a web portal is a key
important information for
to use,
KNOX half Ad_Layout 1 12/06/2015 growers
09:08 Page
at sea, at home or in the
office. The portal will focus
on information such as
weather, tides, biotoxin
data, safety and historic
seed distributions in a
straightforward, userfriendly interface. The portal
will draw information from
a wide range of sources
including the Marine
Institute, SFPA, BIM, seafood
*The Irish Sea Portal Pilot
project is funded under the
European Union Inter-region
development fund, the
EU maritime and fisheries
fund (EMFF) and is a crossborder partnership between
Bangor University and Bord
Iascaigh Mhara.
The net result is quality
Custom manufacture of
all types of nets from our
own knotless netting.
Net sterilising, washing,
repair, renovation and
antifoulant retreatment
Mill Road, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire,
Scotland, KA25 7DZ
tel: +44 1505 682511
fax: +44 1505 682980
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Enhanced Safety Training
and Equipment Scheme
BIM wishes to announce an extension to its Enhanced Safety Training
and Equipment Scheme.
The scheme offers you the opportunity to upgrade your existing
compact Personal Flotation Device - with integrated Personal
Locator Beacon - to a new model Compact Supreme Personal
Flotation Device (PFD).
➤If your PFD is due for service please contact BIM Training
directly to avail of the improved jacket.
➤Anyone holding BIM’s Enhanced Safety Training card may
apply for the replacement Personal Flotation Device.
➤Fishers holding a Basic Safety Training card issued before
the introduction of the scheme on 21st January 2014 must
complete BIM’s Enhanced Safety Training course to be eligible
for the new PFD.
To avail of the scheme please contract us at:
NFC Greencastle +353 74 938 1068/938 1099
NFC Castletownbere +353 27 71230
CTU 1 +353 87 6837134/86 385 6885
CTU 2 +353 87 233 4620/86 385 6885
Please note that only the Personal Flotation Device
will be replaced under the scheme.
Ireland’s EU Structural and
Investment Funds Programmes
2014 - 2020
Co-funded by the Irish Government
and the European Union
by the European Maritime
and Fisheries Fund
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
The business end of aquaculture
Donal Buckley, Business Development & Innovation Director at BIM
lobally the trends
are excellent for
aquaculture - the fastestgrowing protein sector which is already overtaking
the beef industry, and
within a few years will
overtake wild fisheries to
become the world’s third
largest protein producer
behind poultry and pork.
This growth is driven
by a number of factors
including advances in
innovation and technology
and increasing consumer
demand for Omega-3rich, low fat digestible
protein. The efficient use
of feed is a key advantage
of aquaculture relative to
other farmed proteins,
allowing farmed fish to be
priced competitively versus
other animal proteins, even
though this industry is still
at a relatively early stage of
Irish Aquaculture
Within this context, the
Irish aquaculture industry
performed strongly during
2017, increasing in value to
€208 million - up 24% on
the previous year, with Irish
organic salmon increasing
40%, while seabed mussels
increased in value by 53%.
Looking forward, the
national aquaculture
development plan sets
the challenge of doubling
production to 80,000
tonnes by 2023. This
will require focus and
partnership between state
agencies and industry.
Among the many
changing factors, I suggest
there are four key dynamics
that will shape the
aquaculture industry over
the coming years:
•Practical business
•Managing through
•The social story
•Staying on top
of technology
Business planning: It is
essential to understand
your business model and
have a vision of how it
might look in two to five
years time. The old saying
is that if you don’t know
where you’re going any
road will get you there! To
this end, BIM offers new
tools on future planning
(Vision) and a business
model tool to address your
market offering, business
and partnerships models to
get to market, commercial
viability covering costs
prices and scalability. BIM
also has an expert and
independent business
mentor panel which is
freely available to industry
to start the planning
process. It is also worth
noting that investors are
increasingly interested
in seafood/aquaculture
businesses and that
having a valuation on your
business can assist new
Brexit challenge: While the
transition phase to the end
of 2020 ensures that there
will be changes to current
arrangements until then,
it is essential that Irish
aquaculture businesses
develop contingency plans
to deal with potential trade
tariffs and disruptions in
logistics to markets. While
the UK will remain an
important adjacent export
market, the imposition of
tariffs will mean a loss of
competiveness against UK
producers so it makes sense
to reduce reliance and
establish alternative market
options. Any soft or hard
borders will likely extend
time to market and reduce
shelf life on chilled products
being routed through
the UK to continental
markets, so alternative
distribution routes need to
be advanced.
Technology transfer:
working in partnership
with industry BIM works
to stay on top of global
technologies and transfer
best practices through
pilot developments and
technical assistance
through schemes such as
the Knowledge Gateways
programme. New
production techniques
and managing fish
health are essential to
increasing production,
quality and reducing costs.
Further development of
early warning detection
processes for biotoxins is
an industry priority.
Social story: Irish
aquaculture sustainably
produces some of the
world’s best seafood –
organic salmon, oysters
and mussels from pristine
waters. Sometimes
however, aquaculture
gets embroiled in
environmental issues
and misunderstandings.
Irish aquaculture has a
great story to tell and
we need to get it out
there to the public. Irish
aquaculture is supremely
green and is one of the
most efficient and most
sustainable forms of
protein production on the
planet. It is also seriously
good for consumers,
offering excellent taste
and nutrition. Taste of
the Atlantic – a Seafood
Journey, brought to you
by BIM in partnership
with Bord Fáilte, offers
consumers and tourists a
delightful opportunity to
experience Irish seafood
as well as seeing how it
is produced in some of
our most breath taking
land and seascapes.
Planned new education
programmes will create
an understanding and
appreciation amongst our
youth of the benefits of
aquaculture offering them
both career opportunities
and delicious, healthy,
smartly produced seafood.
With these dynamics in
place over the medium
term, Irish aquaculture
operations can grow
solidly and profitably,
playing its part in feeding
a rising global population
a healthier diet, while
using less of the planet’s
scarce resources.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
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Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Avoiding the rocks in fair winds
– how the momentum to develop
aquaculture can be captured at home
Richie Flynn,
Executive IFA
s 2018 opened, the sails
on European aquaculture
began to billow with the
combined forces of a number
of significant developments.
The momentum to develop
aquaculture moved
up several gears as a
combination of Brexit; a
very positive international
independent scientific
report; a review of the
Common Fisheries Policy;
and a highly constructive
European Parliament
initiative and the work of
the Aquaculture Advisory
Council combined to push
policy makers and industry
alike to take advantage of
the opportunity to develop
sustainable aquaculture.
Meanwhile in Ireland,
despite the relative flatlining
of production output and
problems with mussel
prices, the publication of the
Report of the Independent
Licensing Review Group* in
2017 had stirred politicians
and officialdom into finally
recognising that, with a lot of
work, we could start pushing
the rock up the hill again
to get a workable licensing
Effectively, the IALRG
report is the blueprint
for a new type of
industry in Ireland. If the
recommendations are
followed, we could have a
workable, efficient licensing
regime which is acceptable
to industry, the public and
the so-called “system”.
IFA’s Aquaculture team on their way to meet the Minister on licensing. L-R: Gerry O’Donoghue;
Richie Flynn; Kian Louet-Feisser; IFA President, Joe Healy; Michael Mulloy; Jan Feenstra; and IFA
Director General, Damian McDonald.
Minister Creed, who
commissioned the report,
also recognised this
opportunity. Although,
one suspects, he is faced
with the same obfuscation
and resistance to change
within his own Department,
there was a significant
breakthrough when, at
the IFA Annual General
Meeting in January 2018, he
announced that to clear the
backlog of applications for
renewals and reviews and
new licences, 300 licences
would be issued in 2018 and
a further 300 in 2019.
This left a lot of questions
and it subsequently turned
out that the 600 licences
referred to were exclusively
shellfish. While this is to be
welcomed, the question of
marine salmon licences has
got to be addressed as a
matter of urgency. And there
are a host of other questions
to be answered as well,
many of which were raised
at a special Oireachtas Joint
Agriculture Food and Marine
hearing with the Department
in March which is very well
worth reading .
The Committee heard the
Department saying that
the industry’s main issue
is with the long backlog of
renewal applications across
all sectors, in both SAC and
non-SAC areas. While this
has been the biggest factor
holding back our industry
from development for over a
decade, IFA has continuously
raised it with ministers, civil
servants, the EU Commission
and the Joint Committee
itself. However, our priority
is to have a working licence
system that is fit for
purpose, delivers an efficient
decision-making process, is
clearly timelined and cost
effective and is acceptable
to all stakeholders. That
objective is the industry’s
key to sustainability. The
clearing of the backlog is
vitally important but should
be seen only as a means to
clear the way to deliver a
functioning and acceptable
licencing process within
the context of an active
sustainable development
•The ECJ case continues
to be referred to at
every opportunity by
the Minister and his
Department. The case
occurred 11 years ago and
can be summarised as
follows –
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
•The case arose due to
successive government’s
neglect of the provisions
of the Habitats Directives
•The industry is not to
blame for the outcome
of the case which
identified massive gaps in
successive governments’
implementation of the
•It took years of
negotiation between
domestic departments
and the EU Commission to
produce a roadmap which
was then “rolled out” at a
very slow pace
•The industry continues
to lose momentum,
investment and markets
due to the lack of priority
given to the needs of the
sector in processing the
backlog of licences
•We now have a solid
political commitment to
clearing the backlog which
must be continuously
tracked by the Joint
Oireachtas Committee.
At the hearing and at
various meetings with
industry and in the Dáíl, the
Minister and his staff refer
regularly to a low amount of
applications for finfish. This
needs to be clarified:
All existing finfish licences
have an application in for
their renewal, in many cases
the industry is awaiting
further communication from
the Department. What is
required for renewals now
(which was not clear when
the applications were made)
is that most will now need
to include a licence review /
When it costs an applicant
in excess of €100,000 to
submit a finfish application
but these do not progress
(from the evidence to date)
for up to 10 years, it is not
surprising that the sector
has not submitted a high
number of new applications.
Every application submitted
has brought up new
requirements relative to the
previous application because
the guidelines are too broad
and the process is so slow,
and the Department and its
engineers demand that the
applicant addresses minutiae
which are barely relevant to
the operation of the farm.
As Aquaculture and Seafood
Ireland 2018 went to
press there continues to
be uncertainty within the
industry as to whether the
Department will implement
its policy of Maximum
Allowable Biomass on finfish
sites – which is the most
appropriate and scientifically
robust method of assessing
environmental impact used
throughout the rest of the
By early 2018, and despite
having the legislative tools
already in place within the
1997 Fisheries (Amendment)
Act, there have been no
pro-active changes to the
regulatory framework to
ensure that new and latest
best practices are adopted.
This is symptomatic of
the lack of advocacy for
the industry. It is totally
inadequate to say that “the
applicant can apply for an
amendment to the licence, if
this is substantive then the
usual consultative process
will apply”.
If an application for a
change takes 5 years with
the Department and a
further 1-3 years with the
Aquaculture Licensing
Appeals Board (ALAB) then
this is an unacceptable
answer; what is worse this
approach illustrates little
or no interest or appetite
to help the industry
progress and demonstrates
the increasing friction
between industry and the
regulators over the past
number of years. It is also
a contributing factor to the
supposed lack of industry
reputation with the public
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
(which we would strongly
dispute, particularly at local
level). The Department has
not enabled the industry
to improve by facilitating
best practice and is, in fact,
blocking the industry doing
so. This is equally a problem
for the shellfish and finfish
industry – the oyster sector’s
issues with disease over the
past few years having shown
the need for a responsive
and common sense
approach which apparently
is not recognised by the
Department or the Minister.
Within the IALRG report
there is a recommendation
to increase the period of
a licence to 20 years. The
Department has argued
that this would cause
delays because of foreshore
evaluations. The most
important point to make
here is that the renewal
date is technically irrelevant
if the system of licence
enforcement, regulation,
monitoring and application
for renewal are working
properly. In such a system,
it is only when breaches of a
licence or, in extreme cases,
that a licence would not
receive an automatic renewal
(similar to a driving licence).
Licence Extension
The Department also raised
the issue that the extension
to 20 years would impose an
unsustainable imposition of
rates on farm sites. However,
IFA has pointed out that
farmers already pay annual
licence fees to the State
through the Department of
Agriculture. The Department
has been aware that a new
foreshore Act to replace the
1933 Act (it’s been 8 years in
the making). It is not clear
whether or not the issue of
rates was raised with the
IALRG during the writing of
the report which may have
influenced this particular
recommendation. Within the
new foreshore act, it must
be possible to agree rates for
aquaculture, which is already
defined as “agriculture” for
valuation purposes under
the Valuation Act 2001.
There are members of
the public with legitimate
concerns about the licensing
process. Essentially, the
system causes problems of
perception with information
and transparency, and
we as industry get the
blame. Hence, we must
learn from the likes of local
authorities in planning and
the EPA in their licences
and the Department
must ensure the earliest
possible finalisation of
Recommendation 8.5 of the
Independent Aquaculture
Licensing Review Group
on the establishment of a
web–based Aquaculture
Application and Monitoring
System. This must include a
complete and user-friendly
application and monitoring
system and a single portal to
all relevant administrative,
engineering and scientific
Finally, In recognition
of the government’s
commitment to fully address
the backlog of licence
applications and renewals
by the end of 2019 (300
in 2018 and 300 in 2019)
it is imperative that the
bottleneck in the system is
not simply passed up the
line to ALAB. It is essential
that this body has sufficient
technical and administrative
resources to deal with
appeals in a speedy and
efficient manner. DAFM
and ALAB must agree a
Service Level Agreement and
make available the funding
required to allow ALAB
to process any appeal it
receives – whether for finfish,
shellfish or algae – within
the four month period
allowed under 56.(2)(a) of the
Fisheries (Amendment) Act
‘Irish Seafood exports remain
buoyant’ – Bord Bia
Karen Devereux
he value of seafood
exports increased by 9%
in 2017, to reach a value of
€614 million with average
unit prices reducing slightly
by 4% to €2,589/ton across
all species. These figures
reflect a 15% increase in
export volumes during the
The main EU markets,
namely France, Spain, UK,
Italy and Germany continue
to dominate seafood
exports, accounting for
approximately 61% of total
exports by value.
In 2017 France remained
the largest export market
accounting for 27% of
total export values and
growing by over 15% in
value despite fairly static
growth in export volumes.
Unit price increases in
excess of 14% drove the
value of exports to this
market during 2017. Spain,
Ireland’s second largest
export market, experienced
a slight decline in export
values by almost 3%, driven
by declining volumes of 7%
during this period.
Similarly, export values
to Italy and the UK both
decreased by around
7%, respectively, in value
terms. Trade to Germany
decreased by 2% in value,
against a backdrop of
declining volumes into
this market of almost 38%.
These figures demonstrate
the substantial increases
in unit prices of seafood
exported to Germany,
increasing by almost 58%
during 2017, and reflects
the strength of demand for
high quality Irish seafood
in this particular market.
Customers in a Japanese ÆON retail store are attracted to Irish mackerel and herring during Bord
Bia’s Irish Promotion in March 2018
Other markets in Europe
accounted for a 13% share
of total seafood export
values. Notable performers
during 2017 were the
Polish market with exports
increasing by 242%, and
the Dutch market which
grew in value by 56%.
The share of seafood
exports to international
markets is currently at
approximately 26% of
total export value - roughly
€160 million in value
terms. Ireland’s four main
African markets – Nigeria,
Cameroon, Egypt and
Ghana accounted for
almost 10% of total exports.
Exports to Nigeria were
almost 5% lower in value
compared to 2016 despite
an increase in volumes
of around 69%. Trading
conditions in the Nigerian
market continue to be
difficult, with a decline in
value driven by a significant
drop in the average prices
secured in this market
despite volume gains.
Seafood exports to Egypt
fell by 56% whilst exports
to Ghana and Cameroon
recorded very positive
performances, in value
and volume terms. Exports
to the four main Asian
markets - China, Hong
Kong, South Korea and
Japan - together increased
by an estimated 13%
in value terms in 2017
compared to 2016. Overall,
these four Asian markets
accounted for 11% of total
seafood export values in
2017. Taking into account
the wider South East Asian
markets to include Taiwan,
Vietnam, Singapore,
Malaysia and Thailand, this
region accounted for over
12% of total export values
in 2017.
This compares to
a share of just 7% of
seafood export values in
2013, demonstrating the
increased focus by the Irish
sector and Bord Bia in its
market development and
promotional efforts in this
region over the last five
Karen Devereux, Seafood
Sector Manager at Bord
Bia (the Irish Food Board),
says Asia will continue
to be an important focus
for the industry. “Bord
Bia’s recent investment
in a market prioritisation
study has provided the
Irish seafood industry with
an analysis of a range of
seafood markets in Asia,
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Europe and North America
across various categories,
including pelagic, salmon
and shellfish. These studies
provide an in-depth analysis
of the size, trends and
imports into these markets
and an assessment of the
relative attractiveness of
these markets for Irish
seafood exporters. In 2018,
Bord Bia will undertake a
‘deep dive’ into five of these
markets in Asia, specifically
looking at opportunities for
individual segments such
as pelagic in China and
Vietnam; live shellfish in
South Korea and Vietnam;
and frozen shellfish in
Asian Market Focus
China remains a key
developing market, with
exports growing 11% in
value and 16% in volume
in 2017. This is a key
export market for Irish
brown crab and oysters,
valued at €4.5 million and
€3 million, respectively.
Brown crab exports grew
by 20% in value terms in
2017. Similarly, the market
is performing strongly for
the Irish oyster sector with
exports to China increasing
by 106% to reach almost
€3m in sales.
The Irish pelagic sector
is also focusing some
attention on the Chinese
market in an effort to
diversify its customer base
with exports increasing
to China by 10% and
reaching a value of €10m in
2017. Through Bord Bia’s
Shanghai office, a range of
research, marketing and
promotional activities are
undertaken by Bord Bia to
support the Irish seafood
sector in this market.
Multiple on-line, foodservice
and in-store retail
promotions are coordinated
annually by Bord Bia to
generate awareness about
Irish seafood with trade and
end consumers in China.
Bord Bia coordinates an
Ireland Pavilion at the
China Fisheries Show which
takes place in November
each year and is the second
largest trade exhibition in
the world. In 2017 Bord
Bia had a record 15 Irish
seafood exporters on
its Pavilion and expects
to grow this number at
the show this coming
A new initiative planned
by Bord Bia for 2018 is the
establishment of an Irish
Oyster Group. This will
bring together the main
Irish oyster exporters to
China, and Bord Bia will
assist them to develop
premium positioning in
the Chinese market. Bord
Bia will invest significant
resources into a 2-year
programme to help this
sector achieve better
returns from the Chinese
market. Some of the key
initiatives that will be
coordinated by Bord Bia
on behalf of the group will
include a) the development
of a group logo that will sit
alongside the individual
brands on all point of sale
and marketing materials,
helping to distinguish this
product as Irish origin;
b) the development of
innovative packaging to
help lift the premium
positioning of Irish oysters
in China; c) recommending
cost effective technology
to help secure the supply
chain and alleviate the
counterfeiting of Irish
oysters in China and d) the
appointment of two master
importers in 3 distinct
regions in China which will
be provided with a Bord
Bia promotional plan to
grow the business of Irish
oysters through these
specific customers. This
will be assisted by group
promotional efforts online,
at retail and food service
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Promoting Irish live oysters, brown crab and langoustines at
Bord Bia’s China Shellfish Promotion in 2017
points. The programme will
have a minimum of 4 Irish
oyster exporters on board
and is due to commence in
May of this year.
Irish Pelagic
Exporters target
Japan is also a key target
market in 2018. In March,
Bord Bia, in partnership
with Aeon, promoted
a range of four Irish
mackerel, horse mackerel
and herring products
through an extensive
promotion in 100 Aeon
retail outlets across Japan.
The three-day campaign
raised awareness about the
quality and sustainability
credentials of seafood from
Ireland. To support the
tasting programme, Bord
Bia developed a range of
point-of-sale material to
help Japanese consumers
identify and recognise the
origin of the products instore and understand its
unique attributes.
This retail promotion is
a key element in Bord
Bia’s trade development
programme, focused on
identifying new market
opportunities for the Irish
seafood sector.
The mackerel and herring
on promotion are sourced
and packed in Ireland and
further processed and
packed in Japan and are
fully accredited by the
MSC’s fisheries certification
programme, guaranteeing
the sustainability
credentials of these
products to the Japanese
consumer. Irish pelagic
exporters to Japan are
also verified by Bord Bia’s
Origin Green programme,
the first national
sustainability programme
of its kind anywhere in the
Working at both producer
and manufacturing level,
Origin Green clearly sets
out Ireland’s ambition to
become a world leader in
the delivery of sustainable,
high-quality food and drink
products. Independently
verified at every stage,
this voluntary programme
sees Irish food companies
develop a sustainability
plan that defines clear
targets in areas of
sustainability, such as raw
material sourcing, energy,
waste, water and social
Japan International
Seafood and
Technology Expo
In 2017, nine of Ireland’s
leading seafood exporters
exhibited for the first time
at the Japan International
Seafood and Technology
Expo in Tokyo.
Bord Bia intends to
have a presence at this
trade event again in 2018
demonstrating its ongoing
commitment to this market.
In addition, it is working
to identify resources
that can be based on the
ground in Japan to work on
behalf of the Irish seafood
sector in identifying new
sales opportunities and
working closely with other
customers in the market
to raise the profile of Irish
seafood in this market.
Commenting on the
growing importance of
international markets for
the Irish seafood sector
Karen Devereux, Bord Bia’s
Seafood Sector Manager
said: “Ireland is a trading
nation and the seafood
industry is an important
part of our export strategy.
In 2017 we exported over
€600m worth of seafood
to more than 70 markets
around the world, with
Japan an increasingly
important destination. Our
exports to Japan reached
€15 million in 2017,
growing by 55% compared
to 2016, with mackerel
the key species exported,
growing in export value
by 85% between 2016 and
2017. Japan is now our
fourth largest market for
the Irish pelagic sector. In
recognition of the potential
for growth in the market,
Bord Bia intends to increase
our physical presence here
to support pelagic and
other seafood categories in
North American
Karen notes that the US and
Canada are also growing
markets, dominated mainly
by sales of fresh and
Ireland’s Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government,
Mr Eoghan Murphy T.D. launching Bord Bia’s Irish pelagic fish
promotion in ÆON stores in Japan in March 2018
smoked salmon and, more
recently, processed shellfish.
In 2017, the combined total
value of seafood exports to
the region was an estimated
€7m (split roughly, US
€3.3m and Canada €3.7m).
Bord Bia is working on
a range of initiatives to
increase the penetration of
Irish seafood in this market,
including coordinating an
Irish Pavilion at the Boston
Seafood Show for the last
three years. “This show
gives the Irish sector an
ideal platform to launch
new products and meet
with existing and potential
US customers,” she adds.
In March 2018, Bord
Bia had eight seafood
companies exhibiting on
the Ireland stand at this
Bord Bia also supports
export development into
the US market through
its annual Fellowship
Programme, which provides
seafood clients with access
to a dedicated sales and
marketing resource for an
18-month period. “A range
of seafood processors
have benefitted from this
programme over the last
six years. This has provided
these clients with the
necessary resources to help
research and develop sales
leads and business in this
Salmon exports to
North America command
a premium, as they are
organic and positioned at
the top end of food service
and retail channels. In the
last two to three years,
developments have been
made by a number of
shellfish processors, with
listings now secured for
products such as processed
mussels, live and frozen
crab, frozen prawns and
razor clams.
Says Karen Devereux:
“One of the main issues
impacting on sales
development into the US
market presently is that
there is currently a ban
on the exportation of live
oysters from Europe to the
US. There would appear
to be good opportunities
for the Irish oyster sector
to secure some premium
business in the US
market and the sector is
currently liaising with the
Sea Fisheries Protection
Authority on this matter
to see how this may be
progressed. A second issue
is that the US currently
does not have an organic
standard in place for
seafood. So, it is difficult
for the Irish salmon sector
and their trade customers
to overtly promote Irish
salmon as ‘organic’. The
sector is hopeful this will
change in the medium
term, affording them
further development
opportunities in this
Bord Bia is also
facilitating further buyer/
supplier contact for the
Irish sector in conjunction
with its Marketplace
International event which
will be held in Dublin
on April 12th. During
this event, Bord Bia
will be inviting some of
the leading US seafood
buyers from the retail
and food service sectors
into Ireland for a series of
one-to-one meetings with
Irish seafood companies.
During the course of this
event, a dedicated seafood
itinerary will be organised
for US buyers, with visits
to seafood processing sites
and fish farms to allow
potential customers to
see first hand the quality
environment in which
seafood is produced in
Ireland and with the
ambition of further
developing exports.
Bord Bia, through its
New York office, also works
on a one-to-one basis with
seafood clients assisting
them with identifying
potential importers and
brokers, coordinating
sector specific category
research to identify market
gaps and opportuntiies
for supply, coordinating
market itineraries and
undertaking store audits
on behalf of the Irish
seafood sector.
Salmon Success
Salmon exports had a
particularly strong year,
with all salmon producers
in Ireland now verified
under the Origin Green
programme. As global
demand for organic salmon
continues to rise, Karen
Devereux says the Irish
salmon industry is focusing
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
on organic production as
a means of differentiating
itself from other global
salmon producers. “Organic
production enables the
sector to position itself as a
niche, high quality producer
at the top end of the
European and US markets
securing a premium price
for an excellent product,”
she notes.
Irish organic salmon was
the first seafood product to
achieve the official French
Agriculture Biologique
(AB Bio) status and is
recognised as the market
leader throughout Europe.
“Organic salmon from
Ireland is among the
most environmentally
friendly and healthiest
salmon farmed in the
world. Our low intensity
farming techniques lead
to superior quality and
in consequence higher
demand. Organic salmon
from Ireland has become
a preferred reference for
major international buyers
because of our quality,
environmental, food safety
and certification criteria
which are tracked and
In 2017, the Irish seafood
industry experienced an
increase in export volumes
resulting in export growth
of 9 %, representing a
rise of €614 million in
value terms. A significant
contributor to this growth
was the increased demand
for Irish organic salmon.
Salmon exports increased
significantly by 70% from
€71 million in 2016 to €121
million in 2017.
The French market
continues to dominate
Irish salmon exports,
Old Gravel Works
South Walney Island
Barrow in Furness
LA14 3YQ
Seasalter (Walney) Ltd
accounting for 49% of the
total value of Irish seafood
exports. Further growth was
recorded in 2017 with sales
increasing to this market
by 54%. The German
market also posted strong
growth in 2017 increasing
by 25% in value and 33% in
volume. The Swiss market
also recorded a very strong
performance resulting in a
doubling of sales in 2017.
Exports of fresh salmon
grew very strongly to
Poland in 2017 increasing
by €21m, growing from
210 tonnes to 2,411
tonnes and putting it into
Ireland’s second largest
export market for salmon
accounting for an 18%
share of export sales. This
salmon is targeted at the
processing sector in Poland,
producing smoked salmon
for re-export into European
markets. A very robust
performance was also
recorded in Irish exports
of fresh salmon to Holland
which quadrupled to reach
almost €7m.
Salmon prices have been
firm due to stable global
production. Demand for
Irish salmon was again
higher than supply in 2017.
This is also being driven by
strong growth for organic
foods in core markets,
especially in France where
sales of organic food in
general increased by over
20% between 2016 and
2017, continuing a doubledigit growth trend over
several years. Demand is
expected to outstrip supply
for 2018, especially for
Irish organic salmon where
production is forecast
to remain stable or even
slightly decrease.
Our greatest
national resource
is our ocean
Kelsey Thompson
(Managing Director)
T +44(0)1229 474158
M +44(0)7785386499
Accounts: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland:
protecting public health by monitoring
and treating fishery products
David Lyons, Food Safety Authority of Ireland
uman fishery productborne parasitic diseases
primarily caused by certain
flatworms (cestodes),
flukes (trematodes) and
roundworms (nematodes)
occur infrequently in
aquaculture products from
Ireland. These diseases
are either caused by an
infection following ingestion
of viable parasites, or as an
allergic (hypersensitivity)
reaction against parasite
antigens which occurs for
nematodes of the family
The infrequency of
infection, particularly
in most EU countries,
means that the diseases
caused by these parasites
(opisthorchiasis, intestinal
trematodiasis, anisakiasis
or diphyllobothriasis)
are not, perhaps, as well
known as certain meatborne parasitic diseases
such as trichinellosis and
cysticercosis. However, in
less developed countries
they can represent as
significant public health
Fishery product-borne
parasitic infections have
generally been limited
to populations living in
low- and middle-income
countries. However, it
has also been noted that
the geographical limits
and populations at risk
are expanding because
of growing international
markets, improved
Histology section showing numerous larvae of the nematode parasite Anisakis sp. embedded in
the muscle tissue of wild Atlantic salmon
transportation systems,
globalisation of the food
supply and demographic
World Health
The World Health
Organization (WHO) has
estimated that the number
of people currently infected
with fish-borne trematodes
exceeds 18 million, but
worldwide the number of
people at risk, including
those in developed
countries, is more than half
a billion.
The recognition of the
public health significance of
these diseases is increasing
because of: intensification
of aquaculture;
environmental damage; a
lack of appropriate tools
for control; links with
poor sewage treatment
and poverty; and cultural
traditions of eating raw or
minimally processed fishery
Two farming practices
have been identified by
the European Food Safety
Authority as presenting
an increased risk to
farmed fish of infection
with anisakids. The first
relates to the feeding of
unprocessed marine fish
waste which, depending
on its origin, is likely to
be infected with larval
anisakids. Within Europe
this type of feeding is
not commonly practiced
but may be used in
cod and tuna farming.
Anisakis can be readily
transferred between fish
hosts and some studies
have found cultured trout
in fresh water infected
with Anisakis larvae that
were apparently acquired
through the feeding of
marine fish waste.
The second practice
that increases the risk of
infection in farmed fish
is the capture of juvenile
wild fish for subsequent
on-growing in captivity.
This occurs in both cod and
tuna culture in Europe. In
Norway cod for on-growing
are captured as 3-5g
juveniles and 1-2kg adults.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
The former are unlikely to
be infected with anisakids
but the latter, depending
on when they are caught,
are very likely to be
infected with Anisakis
and/or Pseudoterranova.
Notwithstanding this,
available information
indicates that where
Atlantic salmon is reared
in floating cages or
onshore tanks, and fed on
an artificial diet, the risk
of infection with larval
anisakids is negligible.
However monitoring
data is not available for
all other farmed fish
therefore it is not possible
to identify which fish
species do not present
a health hazard with
respect to the presence
of parasites. There is a
risk of infection, although
unquantifiable, if fish are
captured from the wild
for on-growing or are fed
unprocessed trash fish.
Low Risk
Farmed fish are generally
regarded as having a low
risk of infection with
larval anisakids. In this
respect the most studied
of the European farmed
species is the Atlantic
salmon with major surveys
completed in a number of
EU and non-EU countries.
Over the course of these
studies, several thousands
of fish were examined
but no anisakids were
detected in the flesh. For
example, in one study
of 720 farmed salmon
from 12 marine sites in
Scotland covering most
salmon farming areas of
the country, including
areas such as the Shetland
Islands, it was noted that
even though anisakids
are abundant in wild
fish, no infected fish from
aquaculture sites were
It has been suggested
The parasitic round worm Anisakis sp.
that anisakids have not
been detected in farmed
fish because of the nature
of the farming methods.
In many cases farmed fish
are reared in floating cages
raised off the sea bed or in
tanks on-shore, and are fed
an artificial pelleted diet.
This approach presents
relatively little opportunity
for the ingestion of infective
anisakid larvae. The use of
artificial diets also reduces
the risk of opportunist
feeding on wild prey.
In the case of freshwater
species, for example trout
reared in freshwater
tanks, ponds or raceways,
these very rarely suffer
parasitic infections that
present a risk to humans.
In cases where water
used for culture is drawn
from lakes and reservoirs
without filtration there
may be a risk of infection
with Diphyllobothrium
since copepods containing
infective stages may enter
the system and be preyed
upon by trout.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Freezing or heat
treatments remain the
most effective processes
guaranteeing the killing
of parasitic larvae, under
well-defined conditions.
For example, in relation to
wild-caught fish going for
human consumption, the
control of parasitic worms
is covered by Regulation
(EC) No 853/2004 (Chapter
III.D Section VIII of
Annex III). This part of
the legislation requires
that fishery products be
consumed raw or almost
raw; fishery products that
are to undergo a cold
smoking process; and
marinated and/or salted
fishery products, be frozen
at a temperature of not
more than -20°C in all
parts of the product for
not less than 24 hours. The
freezing treatment must
be applied to the raw
product or the finished
product. However, the
legislation also allows for
competent authorities
in EU Member States to
exempt food business
operators from the freezing
requirement where there
are epidemiological data
available indicating that the
fishing grounds of origin do
not present a health hazard
with regard to the presence
of parasites.
Treatments which provide
an equivalent level of
protection as freezing (-20ºC
for not less than 24 hours)
for the killing of Anisakis
larvae include freezing at
-35ºC for at least 15 hours
or at -15°C for at least 96
hours, at the core of the
fishery products and heat
treatment at >60ºC for
at least 1 minute. Many
traditional marinating and
cold smoking methods are
not sufficient to kill Anisakis
For further information
on fish parasites see www.
BREXIT Update: Irish fishing industry
representatives warned not to pick a
fight during negotiations with those
whose interests coincide with theirs
Lorcán Ó Cinnéide, National Secretary, Irish Fish Processors and Exporters Association
he disastrous Brexit
train, set in motion by
the UK referendum on
June 23, 2016 is finally
trundling towards its critical
junction of October 2018
when agreement will have
been reached either for a
transition period to the end
of 2020 or, in the event of
no agreement, that the UK
crashes out of the EU on
March 30, 2019.
The process has stalled
in many stations largely
by the refusal of the UK
to appreciate that things
are not as simple as some
thought – or, in the case
of some even now, are still
saying. Prospects were
made worse by the UK’s
decision in January 2017
to leave the Single Market
and the Customs Union
– neither of which was
required by the referendum
How all this will work
out is still anyone’s guess,
but it is really a question
for everyone – the UK
included – to avoid serious
damage. For Ireland, the
consequences will be worse
than for anywhere else
in the EU, and for Irish
fisheries and agriculture
most of all. It is astounding
that such uncertainty
remains at this late stage.
Reclaiming Their
The UK fishing industry and
the Brexiteers want the UK
Back row, l-r: John Kirwan, IFPO; John Lynch, IS&EFPO; Lorcán Ó Cinnéide, IFPEA; Seán
O’Donoghue, KFO; John D. O’Sullivan, IS&WFPO; Patrick Murphy, IS&WFPO; Alex Crowley,
NIFF; Karl McHugh, IFPEA. Front row, l-r: Frances O’Donnell, IFPO; Hugo Boyle, IS&EFPO;
Táiniste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Simon Coveney T.D.; An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar
T.D.; Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Michael Creed T.D.; Trudy Hyde, NIFA.
to ‘reclaim’ their waters, to
give higher quotas to their
industry in their 200 mile
zone – and less to others,
including Irish fishermen,
who have shared these
waters for years. The Irish
catching and processing
sector wants to retain full
access to these waters and
retain our share of the
catches in them. It is not the
Common Fisheries Policy
which decimated Hull and
Grimsby, it was the outcome
of the Icelandic Cod wars in
the mid- seventies.
Ireland clearly wants to
maintain the free trade
arrangements in fisheries
products which are so
crucial for our industry,
mindful of the high level
of trade with Britain itself
and that a great deal of
our seafood exports to
continental Europe and the
wider world are shipped
via Northern Ireland and
While the fisheries aspects
of the draft transition
arrangements which have
been agreed – maintaining
the status quo until 2020
– there is no certainty
that the overall transition
deal will be agreed at
all – meaning that the
UK could ‘crash out’ next
March with no security as
to access, quota or trade
arrangements. This would
be very serious, particularly
in relation to Mackerel
and Nephrops fishing,
processing and exporting,
our two most significant
fisheries. The EU published
a Note to Stakeholders
on April 9 2018 advising
just what the detailed
implications of a notransition outcome would
be, and it does not make for
pretty reading.
Making a working
assumption for the present
that a transition deal
will be agreed somehow,
the big question is: what
happens after 2020 and
thereafter? Will trucks
of fresh fish travelling
from Castletownbere
to Madrid be subject to
customs checks and more
bureaucracy if transiting
Britain? Will trucks of
frozen mackerel fillets from
Killybegs be subject to
the same passing through
Northern Ireland, and again
in Britain, and indeed again
in France on their way to
the continent?
Will Irish pelagic vessels
be able to target mackerel
west of the Shetland Islands
or Irish prawn trawlers
be allowed to fish in the
Smalls as they do now? Will
there be tariffs on exports
to the UK? These are the
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
re-negotiating our share
of EU fish quotas or even
to leave the EU altogether.
Ireland’s national interest
is overwhelmingly to
remain in the EU and as
such, it would be a very
unfortunate time to pick
fights with the very people
whose interests coincide
with ours in fisheries in
the Brexit negotiations.
The moves both by the
Irish government and the
industry to work with EU
and other countries with
similar interests represent
the only logical direction to
take – right now. It is not
a time to let our real - and
justified – frustrations on
other issues distract from
this and they should be
parked until after Brexit.
A great deal of detailed
work is ongoing at every
level to deal with these
real questions critical
to Irish, French, Dutch,
Belgian, Spanish, Danish
fishermen and processors.
It is vital that Ireland Inc –
industry, government and
representative organisations
– uses the opportunities
and mechanisms built up
through EU membership to
work closely together to sort
out these issues, while of
course doing detailed work
on our respective national
positions and lobbying hard
and effectively at EU level.
Our national position is
that we must preserve the
existing arrangements in all
these issues.
Some interests in Ireland
mistakenly believe that
Brexit is an opportunity
for Irish fishing and call for
issues. The Irish industry
has had to elbow its way
to the table to ensure that
seafood interests are given
due representation at a
national level. The Irish
government has had to do
the same in influencing
the Barnier negotiating
team which is conducting
the talks on behalf of the
EU – and us. Most of the
representative organisations
have been making selective
and effective alliances
at European level, most
notably through the
European Fishing Alliance,
but also through other
structures. There is regular
co-ordination with the
Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, with
Minister Creed to ensure
that the Irish seafood
position is advanced. The
Marine Institute and BIM
have been doing detailed
analysis in support of
The Irish industry
representatives – for once,
all speaking with a united
position – recently had an
extremely positive meeting
with Taoiseach Varadkar,
Tánsiste Coveney and
Minister Creed at which
all the critical issues were
discussed in detail, and it is
clear from those discussions
that fisheries is a priority
for government in the
And so we go forward
with strong government
support – hoping that
a transition deal will be
agreed, and with our eyes
on the ball as to the longterm – what happens after
the UK finally exits in 2020.
The proof of the pudding, as
usual, will be in the eating.
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Risk Analysis and how its application
in food safety management systems
he potential for the
development of Ireland’s
seafood sector is widely
acknowledged. With global
demand rising, it has been
identified as one of the
main drivers of export
growth for the agri-food
sector within Food Wise
Consumer trust in the
quality, provenance and
safety of our seafood
produce is essential to the
realisation of the collective
ambitions for the sector.
Food safety regulations
underpin that trust and
they place the obligation
of putting safe food on the
market with food business
operators. While Ireland
has a good track record
for food safety, greater
attention is required to the
areas of risk assessment
and hazard analysis at
the heart of a regulatory
framework that is aimed at
the reduction, elimination
and avoidance of risks to
human health. The actions
of a single food business
operator can impose
significant financial and
reputational damage on the
Risk analysis consists
of three components:
risk assessment, risk
management and risk
•Risk Assessment
Measuring a lobster
HACCP Principles
The conduction of a risk
assessment is similar
but not the same as the
conduction of a hazard
analysis. Hazard analysis
is carried out on the
application of the HACCP
principals, where known
hazards are identified and
steps are introduced to
prevent, eliminate or reduce
them to an acceptable level.
Hazards can be classified
as being physical, chemical
or biological. Establishing
critical limits at critical
control points separates
Fresh fish, iced and ready for market
acceptable and nonacceptable hazards.
Risk analysis in the food
industry is a much wider
information gathering
exercise than a hazard
analysis and are largely
based on the review of
available scientific data.
The result of the risk
assessment will therefore
be different from the
result obtained from a
hazard analysis. The link
between hazard analysis
and risk assessment is the
conduction of the analysis
to identify the hazard
should identify
information on the
nature and severity of
risks associated with
the hazard. Data for
the conduction of a risk
assessment is generally
obtained from a variety
of sources, such as the
producer, scientific
literature, general
technical information,
independent scientists,
regulatory agencies and
international agencies.
•Risk Management
involves the
introduction of
measures that are
proportional to the
risk, and based on
the outcome of the
risk assessment. It is
possible that different
risk management
strategies may produce
the same level of
Fishing vessels in Howth
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
protection with regard
to the management
of risks. A degree of
uncertainty can prevail
in the identification of
risks during the risk
assessment phase.
The practicability of
implementing any
mitigating measures
should be considered.
•Risk Communication
is essential at all phases
of risk assessment
and risk management.
The processes used to
evaluate risks should
be fully documented at
all stages and be made
available to key decision
makers including control
agencies and customers,
if requested.
Risk analysis processes
Checking fishing nets
should be reviewed
periodically and especially
after a change in the
current situation, such as
new information coming
to light. Such information
should be incorporated
into the assessment
process with the
management measures
being adapted accordingly.
The SFPA is committed
to working in partnership
with the seafood sector to
ensure the production of
quality seafood that is safe
for human consumption.
Food business operators
who adopt a meaningful
approach to food safety
provide protection
for consumers and
compliance with legal
requirements as well
as the provision of high
quality seafood products.
If you require further
information, please
contact Paul Duane at the
SFPA’s Food & Fisheries
Support Unit on
023 885 93 00.
The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA)
is the independent statutory body, legally
charged with the State’s sea-fisheries law
enforcement functions. The Authority enforces
the EU Common Fisheries Policy and seafisheries law generally and food safety law
relating to fish and fishery products.
The SFPA is strongly committed to playing its part in
ensuring a strong future for the Irish fishing industry,
working in consultation with all stakeholders. Ireland
has a safe, innovative fishing industry that is recognised
and respected worldwide, while its fish products are
acknowledged globally as healthy and nutritious foods.
Robust confidence in an effective regulatory service
plays a key role in maintaining that reputation and in
ensuring fair and sustainable usage of a shared marine
resource for which many compete. Good regulation
is required to protect it and ensure fish for future
generations as well as ensuring consumers worldwide
can enjoy Irish seafood safely.
+353 (0)23 8859300
Confidential Line: 1890 767676
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Larger team offering an expanded line at
Triskell Seafood
Niamh Doyle
t has been a year of
growth for Triskell Seafood
with lots of changes
inhouse and lots more
improvements to come.
In 2017 we got ourselves
back online with a fresh
new-look website at www. which
includes a full listing of our
growing product range.
“The response to the site
has been amazing,” says
Managing Director MarieAude Danguy. “We’re very
pleased to have received
so much positive feedback.
But most importantly, our
suppliers and clients can
now see the full range of
what we buy and sell, and
for most people that was a
real eye-opener.”.
Extended Product
Since last year Triskell
Seafood have worked
hard to significantly
increase the range of
clothing being offered,
with a wider selection of
gloves and jackets now
included as well as onshore carry-alls, lifejackets
and boots. Of course, we
continue to stock a full
selection of fleeces and
oil skin products from the
likes of Guy Cotten, Helly
Hansen, Northways and Le
As well as that we’ve
been thinking Irish! We are
delighted to report that we
have successfully developed
and tested a range of top
quality oyster hooks which
we get manufactured here
in the West of Ireland. To
date we’ve been selling
them exclusively to growers
in Ireland and the UK but
The team at Triskell Seafood: Marie-Aude Danguy; Niamh Doyle; Lorena McNicholas; Katarina
Tothova; Emmanuel René. Steve Rogers Photography
are pleased to confirm we
now also export to Europe
and the US.
The extended productline has meant that we
will need to remodel our
warehouse in Collooney
to increase capacity and
to provide more office
space for the growing
workforce. Marie-Aude is
focussed on “providing the
most cost-effective service
and being even more
efficient in terms of our
responsiveness to customer
needs.” The core values of
Triskell Seafood remain as
ever: reliability in service
and a focus on building
strong relationships with
customers and suppliers,
many of whom are both
customer and supplier at
the same time.
Going Greener
To meet these goals Triskell
Seafood has employed
Emmanuel René to work
full-time on sales and
commercial projects. As his
name suggests Emmanuel
is from France and has
spent many summers on
the family oyster farm. That
background in aquaculture
is proving a real boon
when he goes out on site
to meet the growers and to
demonstrate our new lines.
On the seafood front, we
have seen sustained strong
demand from our overseas
customers who appreciate
the quality of the product
coming from Ireland. We
are confident that sales
into Europe, and France in
particular, will see growth
again this year.
This year we are
determined to go greener
and to help you go greener
too! Together with BIM,
Triskell Seafood will be
rolling out a plan later this
year to facilitate oyster
growers to recycle their
old and used oyster bags.
We know that a number of
producers are faced with
ever-growing piles of old
bags taking up valuable
space on-site. Bringing
these to a dump or
recycling centre takes up
precious time and money.
To address this, we propose
to organise one central
location where we can store
the used bags from all over
the country, ready to be
collected and transported
back to the manufacturer
who will recycle the bags
into clean, green, gardening
and building products.
We’ll contact you later
in the year with more
details of this exciting
scheme. In the meantime
you can keep up to date
with what we’re up to at
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
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Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Marine Institute research supporting
aquaculture in 2018 and beyond
Dr Jeffrey Fisher, Director, Marine Environment and Food Safety Services at the Marine Institute.
push to expand ocean
forecasting capacities for the
country and provide greater
certainty for aquaculture
he Marine Institute
provides advice and
service in the aquaculturerelated areas of shellfish
safety, fish and shellfish
health diagnostics, marine
environmental chemistry,
sea-lice monitoring, and
aquaculture application
reviews for Natura site
interactions and impacts.
Relatedly, we pursue
externally funded research
to enhance knowledge in
aquaculture-related fields,
with aims to expand both
the depth of our external
collaborations and the
topical areas relevant
to aquaculture. As we
move forward into 2018
and beyond, we will be
intensifying our efforts
related to forecasting
ocean and climate change,
cognizant of the constraints
and opportunities to
aquaculture such oceanic
changes may create. Below,
I highlight a number of
new projects in play at the
Marine Institute that are
reflective of our strategic
The Atlantic INTERREG
COMPASS project involves
the development of a
coherent network of
monitoring buoys across
our regional seas to allow
for improved ocean and
water quality forecasting.
We are also working with
NUI Galway’s Variability
in Ocean Acidification and
Biogeochemistry (VOcAB)
project team, to determine
the seasonal variability in
the carbonate system in
Bantry Bay and Carraroe
test sites. As the carbonate
system is fundamental to
shell formation, this project
has direct implications to
understanding and adapting
to ocean acidification from
climate change that could
affect the future viability
of shellfish aquaculture in
The newly initiated
MONITOOL project aims
to field test passive
samplers for environmental
Shellfish Samples
contaminants to support
monitoring required under
the Water Framework and
Shellfish Waters directives.
The ASMARA project, which
aims to support industry
in developing strategies
to minimise the potential
for elevated arsenic
concentrations measured
in some seaweed products,
will be concluding in 2018.
This year will also see Cullen
Fellow, Andrew Power,
completing sampling around
the west coast for organic
and metal contaminants in
seabird eggs, with the aim
of testing the feasibility of
using seabird eggs as an
indicator of contaminants
in Irish Marine waters.
Throughout 2018, we will
also continue monitoring
contaminants in seafood.
A new area of concern for
the programme this year
will be ethoxyquin. The EU
Commission prohibits this
synthetic antioxidant in
organic production, and it is
the responsibility of Member
States to see that operators
comply with the organic
rules of production.
In the arena of fish and
shellfish disease research,
Photo Fionn O’Fearghail,Marine Institute
we completed the DAFMFIRM funded project
REPOSUS, which evaluated
the pathogenicity of Vibrio
aestuarianus to Pacific
oysters, and continue to
progress the VIVALDI project,
‘preventing and mitigating
farmed bivalve diseases’,
where trials were completed
in six bays around the
coast to investigate the
importance of management
factors to C. gigas mortality.
A Cullen Fellowship initiated
on cardiomyopathy
syndrome in farmed Atlantic
salmon, and a Marine
Institute funded PhD project
on Amoebic Gill Disease in
Atlantic salmon was also
completed in 2017.
Invasive Species
Of note, we confirmed four
outbreaks of crayfish plague
in 2017, following reports
of abnormal mortality
in white-clawed crayfish
(Austropotamobius pallipes)
in the River Suir, the River
Deel, and the Lorrha River
in County Tipperary. The
genetic diversity of the
isolates detected suggests
there have been at least
three separate introductions
of the pathogenic mould
into the country. Grantaid funding has now
been secured through the
National Parks and Wildlife
Services to pursue a two-year
National Crayfish Plague
Surveillance Programme,
furthering the development
of environmental DNA
techniques to identify the
distribution of the watermould, and the potential
presence of non-native
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Laboratory equipment
crayfish species. In a
somewhat related theme,
significant European
Maritime Fisheries Fund
(EMFF) funding has also
been secured to evaluate the
incidence of other marine
invasive species around Irish
coasts, some of which can
adversely affect aquaculture
and fishery operations.
This work will also involve
the further development of
environmental DNA methods
for invasive surveillance.
The velvet crab, Necora
puber were also sampled as
part of a project evaluating
the disease status of
velvet crab stocks with a
focus on the prevalence of
Paramarteilia sp. Further
sampling will continue
in 2018 with screening
and characterisation
work focusing primarily
on Paramarteilia sp.
Haematodinium sp. and
Microsporidian sp. The
findings from both of
these crustacean disease
cases highlight the need
for vigilance in monitoring
of pathogens of concern,
such that spread can be
Oyster Farm
Shellfish safety
In the area of shellfish safety,
2017 saw the completion of
the NoroRisk Project, a risk
assessment framework for
norovirus in Irish oysters,
and the laboratory work
for a Cullen Fellowship on
norovirus sample material
stability. Also in the area
of shellfish viruses, the
FoVira project commenced
investigations and method
developments for Norovirus,
Sapovirus, Hepatitis A &
E virus in shellfish. We
recently secured funding
from BIM for a two-year
research project to further
develop best practices for
norovirus monitoring of Irish
Oysters for export.
The ongoing MARBioFEED
project, initiated in 2016,
focuses on the isolation
of marine biotoxins using
enhanced biorefining
methods and the bulk
culturing of phytoplankton
for the production of
toxins, with the intent of
commercial application
and development. Topically
related, Sligo IT Cullen
Fellow, Stephen McGirr,
conducted a second
Photo Fionn O’Fearghail,Marine Institute
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
sampling survey aboard
the RV Celtic Voyager for
the toxic phytoplankton
Azadinium (AZA). AZA has
a significant impact on
shellfish production in
Ireland as both farmed and
wild shellfish can become
toxic to consumers when
they are contaminated with
Two new projects funded
under the Interreg Atlantic
Area call: Alertox Net looks
at new and emerging toxins
of human health concern;
and PRIMROSE will continue
developments in shellfish
biotoxin and microbiological
contamination forecasting.
PRIMROSE demonstrates
the Institute’s emphasis
on improving oceanic
forecasting service that is
useful to stakeholders such
as aquaculture operators.
and decision frameworks
to support EU Member
States towards establishing
a coherent and efficient
regulatory mechanism. A
draft consultation document
on new and flexible
approaches to licensing
is being produced that
proposes new approaches
and useful ‘tools’ to
establishing an efficient
and effective regulatory
INvertebrateIT is a new
innovative project funded
under the European
Union EASME’s EMFF in
the field of ‘transfer of
innovative solutions to
sea basin economies’. This
aims to help aquaculture
operators mitigate their
current dependence on
costly, volatile, and often
unsustainable fish feeds,
to diversify their business
and to contribute to a
better management of
valuable organic waste and/
or new algal substrates for
invertebrate production.
This proposed integrated
scheme builds on available
technology in insect
production and strategic
policy for the aquaculture
and waste sectors.
The Marine Institute,
together with AquaTT, are
the Irish partners in this
innovative cutting edge
project and have a role in
both developing a roadmap
for future work and in
setting up brokerage events
to facilitate technology
As first reported in 2016,
the Marine Institute is the
Irish partner in the Tools for
Assessment and Planning of
Aquaculture Sustainability
project. The four-year study
aims to establish new
strategies and models for
sustainable growth in the
aquaculture industry, and
hopes to create cost-efficient
management tools and
practices for the European
aquaculture sector to
investigate the limitations
to fish farming. The Marine
Institute is leading the work
package looking into new
management approaches
SeaFest shore to be a success this
lyboarding, seafood,
sailing and talks
by renowned wildlife
cameraman Doug Allan are
among the activities and
entertainment announced
by SeaFest 2018 organisers.
A weekend of seafaring
fun for those of all ages is
planned for Ireland’s largest
and most spectacular
maritime festival taking
place in Galway from June
29 to July 1.
Now in its fourth year,
SeaFest has quickly
become one of the most
popular summer festivals
in Ireland, attracting more
than 100,000 visitors in
2017. The national festival
aims to create awareness
of our maritime heritage
and celebrates the amazing
ways that our seas and
oceans enrich our lives.
Non-stop Activities
Dr Peter Heffernan CEO of
Doug Allan films in the Arctic
SeaFest 2017 Flyboarders
the Marine Institute said,
“SeaFest 2017 exceeded
expectations in terms of
attendance and also for
raising public awareness of
Ireland’s marine resources.
This year’s festival will build
on the entertaining and
educational experiences
offered at the 2017 event
to present a packed
Photo Sue Flood
Photo Andrew Downes
programme of free familyfriendly activities and
Galway Harbour will
be literally awash with
non-stop activities and
entertainment for all ages.”
Talks by award-winning
wildlife cameraman,
Doug Allan, will be one
of the highlights at this
year’s festival. Doug Allan
is most famous for his
work alongside Sir David
Attenborough on groundbreaking documentaries
such as BBC’s Blue Planet
and Frozen Planet.
Making a welcome
return is PowerFly’s World
Champion Flyboarders
who will showcase their
awe-inspiring skills up to 15
metres in the air right in the
heart of Galway Harbour.
The popular kayaking
and sailing sessions will
also return, with 600 free
kayaking sessions available
over the weekend, doubling
the number of places on
offer in 2017. Free try-sailing
sessions will also be on
offer, thanks to Irish Sailing.
Bord Iascaigh Mhara
(BIM) and Bord Bia will
be encouraging visitors
to get up-close to live fish
and shellfish species and
enjoy dynamic exhibits
and virtual reality displays
explaining how Irish
seafood is sustainably
caught and farmed. For
seafood lovers, some of
Ireland’s best known chefs
and fishmongers will
prepare culinary delights
using sustainably-sourced
produce, highlighting why
Galway was selected as
the European Region of
Gastronomy 2018.
An additional attraction
to the BIM and Bord Bia
Seafood Experience this
year will be Joan Mulloy,
a professional sailor
and daughter of mussel
producer Michael Mulloy
of Blackshell Mussels, who
is attempting to sail single
handed in the famous
Vendee Globe race. With
the support of BIM, she
will be promoting Ireland’s
connection with the sea
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
and the seafood producers
on BIM’s Taste the Atlantic
– a Seafood Journey trail on
the Wild Atlantic Way.
Tours of the
Commissioners of Irish
Lights vessel the Granuaile,
the Marine Institute’s
research vessel RV Celtic
Explorer, and an Irish naval
vessel will take place over
the weekend. The popular
Defence Forces display will
return, as well as the RNLI
and Irish Coast Guard.
Interactive exhibits and
displays, demonstrations,
inspiring talks and plenty
of workshops and activities
for kids are all part of the
festival programme.
The support from a wide
range of local, regional
and national agencies
is key to the success of
this national maritime
festival. SeaFest 2018 has
received support from
Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM),
Bord Bia, Commissioners
of Irish Lights, Department
of Defence and Defence
Forces, Galway City Council,
Galway County Council,
Galway Harbour Company,
Irish Coast Guard, Irish
Sailing, Mayo County
Council, Marine Institute
and the Royal National
Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).
SeaFest is a key part
of the Government’s
Integrated Marine Plan
for Ireland, Harnessing
Our Ocean Wealth
(HOOW) and its goal of
increasing participation
and engagement with the
sea. SeaFest is coordinated
by the Marine Institute,
on behalf of the Marine
Coordination Group. For
more information, follow
SeaFest on Facebook and
Twitter and visit https://
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
From Antigen to Antibody – PHARMAQ
FishTeq unveils the latest advancement
in fish vaccination technology
harmaq FishTeq,
the latest addition
to the PHARMAQ
family of companies,
is in the vanguard in
the development of
modular fish vaccination
machine technology.
The newest machine,
which is already on its
third iteration following
the implementation of
suggested improvements
by customers, is being
supplied throughout
Scandinavia, the UK and the
Mediterranean. The NFT 20,
is a semi-automatic device
which can be controlled
by a single operator and
moved from site to site
to provide fast, effective
and efficient vaccination
on sites not big enough to
justify one large fixed unit.
PHARMAQ’s vaccination
database, which is the
result of eight years of
experience and data
collection, shows that a
high level of precision at
the injection site can be
Fish passing through the NFT 20 are individually photographed; the site and depth of injection can
be adjusted to suit
consistently achieved when
vaccination is conducted
with good machines.
The NFT 20 is equipped
with ‘machine vision’. Every
fish going through the
machine is photographed
and the site and depth of
injection is adjusted to suit.
The system also logs the
vaccination data (vaccine
consumption, quantity and
sorting) which, if required,
can be sent by email to an
external database.
Each fish passing through
the NFT 20, be it salmon,
sea bass or trout, is
measured to an accuracy
of 1 mm. The machine
can handle fish ranging
from 100 to 250 mm in
length (20-150 grams).
In addition the fish can,
following vaccination,
be graded into three
different sizes. It is also
possible to set a minimum
size for vaccination
below which fish will pass
through unvaccinated.
These features may be
selected on a touch screen
Use Existing
+ Modular
The NFT 20 can be moved easily from site to site
The NFT 20, can be
integrated with existing
pre- and post- vaccination
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
infrastructure or, if
desired, PHARMAQ FishTeq
can, on request, assist
and advise on the design
and commission of a
complete anesthesia and
vaccination system. It is
also easy to configure up
to three NFT 20 machines
in series to raise the rate of
vaccination up to 25,500
fish per hour. PHARMAQ
FishTeq can assist here too.
Simple Operation Novel Features
Each NFT 20, can be
managed by a single
experienced operator
to whom PHARMAQ
FishTeq will provide the
necessary training. The
NFT 20 machine can be
modified to vaccinate with
two different vaccines
in one injection with
doses of 100µl and/or 50µl
going through standard
0.7x15mm needles as part
of PHARMAQ’s Twinjection
system. During operation,
vaccine units are stored in
a temperature-controlled
cabinet, a feature
designed to help maintain
consistency of vaccination.
All vaccination data is logged automatically and can be emailed to an external database
In addition, each vaccine
dosing unit is delivered
through independent
pumping units which
monitor dose supply.
Mobility is another key
feature of the NFT 20
machine. Placement in
a container means the
machine can be moved
between sites. Their
deployment on seawater
farms has necessitated
unfettered access to all
areas and components of
the machine by freshwater.
The same of course
applies to disinfectants
making the NFT 20, which
is constructed from acid
proof steel, a highly
bio-secure piece of fish
farming equipment. Once
disinfected the machine
simply needs to be supplied
with water, compressed air
and electricity and is ready
to go!
From the development
of vaccines through to
their safe and effective
administration – PHARMAQ
has completed the loop
from Antigen to Antibody!
For further information
please contact:
Jørn Ståle Pettersen +47
90071726 (jorn-stale.
[email protected])
Jan-Oppen Berntsen +47
90722369 (jan-oppen.
[email protected])
or visit PHARMAQ at stand
No 99 at Aquaculture UK in
Aviemore May 23-24.
Visit us on stand 99 at Aquaculture UK 2018
Untitled-1 1
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
09.03.2018 10.09.17
Steinsvik release
latest version of
FeedStation also blurs the boundaries between camera,
feeding, sensor and inventory systems, with essential
information never more than a keystroke away. The
software “talks” with your other systems thereby removing
the need for manual registrations and showing you key
information without having to open multiple software
teinsvik have been supplying centralised feeding
systems to the aquaculture industry for the last 25
years. And with 1000 systems already in use in landand sea-based sites Steinsik is recognised as the market
leader in this sector. All across Ireland you can find older
versions of Steinsvik systems, such as Are 126, GMT Feeder,
Multifeeder and the first generation FeedStation.
Years of experience gives Steinsvik a unique insight into
the day-to-day operations of fish farmers around the world.
This combination of knowledge and experience is now
condensed into their their system called Next Generation
FeedStation (NGF). All of the existing systems are fully
upgradable to the newest version.
on the
in the
Video Feed
FeedStation also allows you to control the cameras and
feed directly from the camera image. Information from
FeedStation is shown as an overlay on the video feed, and
can be controlled without switching between windows on
your computer, thus ensuring overview and control.
The most important feature of a feeding system allows the
farmer to focus on the fish; seeing and understanding how
the fish are performing are the key factors to optimizing
fish performance. The FeedStation enables fish farmers to
do this by highlighting the most important parameters and
keeping all necessary information at their fingertips.
Next Generation FeedStation provides a user-friendly
interface with a modern and clean design. All operations
can be undertaken using a PC, phone or a tablet.
FeedStation will automatically scale to the selected device,
providing the necessary overview and ensuring that the
right choices are made every time.
Multiple Users
Multi-user functionality means that two or more people
can be logged in at the same time. Operations such as
lice registrations and inventory adjustments can be done
without disturbing the person feeding.
Control Feeding
Remote Operations
Steinsvik’s FeedStation is designed for remote feeding. Out
of the box, you get an overview of all sites in your assigned
region and the possibility to control them all from one
interface. Automatic warnings across sites ensures that you
won’t miss a beat whether you are on or off site.
Automatic notifications from all the system components on
multiple sites and a full overview of the fish’s environment
provide a unique insight, enabling the farmer to make the
right choices to optimise fish performance day after day
and generation after generation.
Sometimes you may need help, and when you do, Steinsvik
is there for you. We offer 24 hours support, 7 days a week.
Skilled operators are ready to help you when you are stuck
and most cases are solved within minutes.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
JFC Marine Superior Performance Mussel Floats
Colin Concannon, JFC Marine Sales Manager
ith over 30 years’
experience in
the plastic moulding
industry, JFC specialise
in providing quality
rotationally moulded
plastic products. We
offer a complete range of
Mussel Floats, Navigation
Buoys, Navigation Beacons,
monitoring and control
systems to suit all marine
JFC is delighted to
introduce the MF330 our new blow moulded
manufactured mussel
float. This superior
performance mussel
float is designed and
manufactured for the most
demanding conditions.
Ideal for inshore and
offshore locations, they
are proven in the most
exposed conditions of the
Atlantic Ocean, and can
significantly improve the
profitability of mussel
farming enterprises.
The MF330 float has
been specifically designed
to withstand the pressures
of high waves and sits
steadily on the water,
even when loaded with
a full crop of mussels.
The patented stability fin
design ensures that our
floats have a low profile
in the water, causing
limited vertical motion
and reduced stress on the
mussels. Consequently, this
“reduced stress” on the
mussels means they can
concentrate on growing
as opposed to expending
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
their energy on trying to
remain attached to the
rope during turbulent
The design of the MF330
ensures that the mussel
holding lines do not
brush “up and down” so
preventing the crop from
falling back into the sea.
The end result is that
mussels produced using
JFC mussel floats, grow
larger and have a higher
meat quality, and are
much less susceptible to
losses. All of these factors
culminate in significantly
increased yields over a
shorter time period for the
mussel farmer.
JFC mussel floats
have the potential to
substantially boost the
profitability of the ropemussels industry whilst
simultaneously reducing
the number of mussel
floats required per site.
JFC Marine supply a
range of products to
the Aquaculture sector
including Abalone Trays,
Shrimp Graders and
Storage Tanks.
For further information
please contact
JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd,
Weir Road, Tuam,
Co. Galway, Ireland
T: +353 93 24066
E: [email protected]
and how to get them...
hile there are a
multiplicity of factors
contributing to the decline
of Irish aquaculture
production1, some of the
key challenges facing the
sector include (i) increased
production & operational
costs, (ii) the cost of
meeting ever-increasing
environmental compliance
& regulatory requirements,
(iii) under-investment within
the sector. It was against
this backdrop of sharp
decline in the freshwater
sector that the Department
of Agriculture, Food & the
Marine (DAFM) elected
to back a programme of
research to identify the
necessary scientific and
technological supports to
assist the sector meet and
exceed growth targets.
Out of this, the MOREFISH
programme was developed.
MOREFISH comprised a
multidisciplinary team of
engineering and scientific
expertise from the National
University of Ireland,
Galway and Athlone
Institutes of Technology,
industry stakeholders,
policy-makers and
commercial operators to
respond directly to critical
technical and policy gaps
identified by stakeholders
and the 2014 DAFM
research call.
The aim of the
programme was to develop
and test innovative
technologies and novel
production processes
to significantly improve
production output,
operational efficiencies
and management at inland
aquaculture sites in Ireland.
Achieving these goals is
Typical pond layout at one of the sites surveyed by MOREFISH (pic. A. Tahar)
also necessary to reconcile
the contrasting demands
of the growing national
aquaculture industry
with meeting the goals
of the Water Framework
Directive2. MOREFISH
ran from January 2015
to August 2017; the key
outputs and developments
are discussed below.
Benchmarking freshwater
aquaculture sector
completed extensive
independent onsite farm
monitoring at a level that
had not been completed
previously, representing
85.1% of the trout industry
production and 36.6% of
the freshwater industry
output. The team also
engaged with a novel pilot
scale configuration (i.e.
pill ponds) which is due
to ramp up to large scale
production volume in 2018,
with a view to establishing
a new high value export
sector for the freshwater
industry in Ireland.
Research and
development of methods
suitable to assess the
sustainability of the sector
were investigated. These
methods included the use
of life cycle assessment to
incorporate biodiversity
impacts and a sustainability
indicator ‘toolkit’ to enable
farms to effectively monitor
the impact of interventions
and process changes on the
operation of the site. From
the benchmarking of the
sector, recommendations
were provided to the
industry stakeholders
in terms of energy
potential savings and
farm operation. In terms
of academic output,
the MOREFISH platform
provided specialist
training and expertise to
high calibre early-phase
researchers that will act as
a conduit for transferring
knowledge on processes
and innovation to industry,
which will help with
intensive sustainability
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
One of the novel aeration units trialled at one of the farms (pic. A. Tahar)
of Irish aquaculture. The
team was also successful
in acting as a scientific
and technological hub for
networking stakeholders
in freshwater aquaculture.
One of the areas of the
MOREFISH platform
was the development
and optimization of
technology to address
challenges encountered
in the freshwater
aquaculture sector (i.e.
aeration/oxygenation and
disinfection). Extensive
aeration and oxygenation
studies, utilising
microbubble technologies
were conducted and
benchmarked against
industry benchmark
technologies (e.g. paddle
aeration systems and
diffused aeration
systems). A novel pulsed
ultraviolet light (PUV)
disinfection technology,
was also developed and
analysed for its efficacy
in removing pathogens
identified as the main
causes of disease and
mortalities within the
freshwater aquaculture
Engagement and
A core ethos of MOREFISH
was extensive engagement
with industry. This was
carried out through the
organization of 3 industry
meetings that gathered
together all freshwater
aquaculture stakeholders
in Ireland for the first time.
The MOREFISH project
received support from
industry, representative
bodies and other public
bodies for the continuation
of this forum, with the next
meeting expected to be
held in early 2018.
Key dissemination
outputs from MOREFISH
included presentations
given at both national
and international peer
reviewed conferences,
strong online and social
media presence (via www., participation
in different international
aquaculture training
events on recirculating
aquaculture systems
and life cycle assessment
and the presence of
international experts at
MOREFISH events. The
team also collaborated
(and continue to
collaborate) with a
variety of European
partners through these
workshops and projects
emanating from MOREFISH.
Local authorities were
also represented at the
MOREFISH industry
meetings culminating
in ongoing proactive
engagement with the City
and County Management
Association (CCMA).
Feedback during these
workshops resulted in
the team carrying out
an extensive review of
trade effluent licences.
This review aimed to
identify and advance the
understanding of the
challenges facing both
industry and regulatory
authorities in the
interpretation of the WFD
and its potential impact on
the future of the industry.
Key Recommendations
The main recommendations
from the MOREFISH
programme include:
(i)There needs to be
ongoing support for
the development and
application of new
technologies to assist
the Irish freshwater
aquaculture industry
meet the targets set out
under Food Wise 2025.
A new design of surface aerator being trialled (R. Cooney)
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
to aquaculture, energy
reduction interventions,
LCA studies, facilitate
water re-use and intensive
continual monitoring of on
site performance.
EcoAqua2 Team:
The novel pill-pond farm layout (R. Cooney)
(ii)Increased engagement
by Irish industry and
stakeholders with
leading EU academic
research institutions is
necessary to help fulfil
the potential of the
sector. Collaboration
with industry
stakeholders is key to
demonstrating and
validating technologies
and processes at higher
technology readiness
(iii)To facilitate and
prepare commercial
stakeholders for future
diversification into
alternative practices
including recirculation
aquaculture system
(RAS) based on
(iv)Ongoing engagement
with local authorities
to explore avenues to
proactively address
the challenges faced
by all parties in
implementation of
the Water Framework
Directive. The
development of a
risk-based approach
in applying the WFD
could be supported
by environmental
models (such as in for
predictive assessment
and decision-making.
(v)The tools developed
programme (e.g.
indicators, LCA) can be
used to help optimise
the sustainable growth
of the sector while
also demonstrating
its potential as a
low carbon food
production industry.
(vi)Such tools could
also underpin third
party certification
(e.g. Aquaculture
Stewardship Council
or Global Salmon
Initiative) and increase
consumer confidence
in Irish aquaculture.
(vii)The development of
online and real-time
monitoring systems
for measuring water
quality and analysing
microbial and algal
communities in
freshwater aquaculture
can lead to improved
management of
sites and enhanced
(viii)Establish a
demonstrator hub
facility for pilot
phase trialling of best
available technologies
in the form of the
Danish ‘Model trout
farm’ concept to define
a strategic roadmap
for the industry growth
and development, to
meet targets set out
under Food Wise 2025.
A key success of the
MOREFISH programme
has been the formation of
an independent platform
which can act as a scientific
repository for the industry,
and provide a forum for
the industry to establish
proactive engagement
among all stakeholders,
thereby supporting the
sustainable development of
the industry.
In late 2017, the MOREFISH
team commenced a further
2-year project “EcoAqua”.
EcoAqua has received
€348,781 in funding
under the European
Maritime Fisheries Fund
(EMFF), administered by
Bord Iascaigh Mhara,
through the Knowledge
Gateway Scheme, on behalf
of the Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Marine. The output of this
project will include new
process, operational and
technological interventions,
whilst also contributing to
the knowledge base within
the national aquaculture
sector. It has built on
capacity for, and developed
new partnerships focused
on, research and innovation
in environment and health.
The project aims to test
and optimise innovative
technologies and processes
developed through the
MOREFISH project. Key
areas of research under
EcoAqua include: water
treatment technologies
and their application
NUI Galway - College of
Engineering & Informatics;
Ryan Institute:
Dr Eoghan Clifford (Project
Coordinator)1,2, the late
Dr Richard FitzGerald1,
Mr Alan Kennedy (Project
Manager)1,2, Mr Ronan
Cooney1,2 and Mr Conor
AIT – Bioscience Research
Professor Neil Rowan
(PI, Bioscience Research
Institute Director)1,2,
Dr Andrew Fogarty1,
Dr Alexandre Tahar1,2,
Dr Siobhan Kavanagh1
and Ms Sarah Naughton1,2.
Alan Kennedy
Project Manager MOREFISH
College of Engineering and
NUI Galway
Email: michaelalan.
[email protected]
While European aquaculture has
experienced stagnation over the
past 20 years, the Irish sector
has seen continued decline &
shrinkage over the same period
with total Irish aquaculture
output declining from about
63,000 tonnes in 2002 to 40,000
tonnes in 2015. Over the period
2005 to 2015 both the trout
and salmon smolt freshwater
production has experienced
considerable fluctuation, with the
trout industry seeing a decline
from a high of approx. 900 tonnes
annual production in 2009 to a
level of 705 tonnes annual output
in 2015.
This is also set against a
background of meeting ambitious
targets set by Food Wise 2025 that
seeks to grown food exports by
€19bn by 2025.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Focus on
Northern Ireland
Dr Lynn Gilmore, Seafish Northern Ireland
Seafish Northern Ireland work across the seafood supply chain with everyone from fishermen to
aquaculture producers and fishmongers to seafood restauranteurs. Our mission is to support a
profitable, sustainable and socially responsible future for the seafood industry.
One of our ongoing initiatives is to develop a series of case studies on key seafood businesses in
Northern Ireland, and to date, twenty have been developed. This is one of a series of ideas aimed at
creating a suite of tools designed to allow industry to promote their businesses and the quality of
seafood produced in Northern Ireland. A local seafood cookery booklet and a suite of films featuring the
Northern Irish industry (available on the Seafish YouTube Channel) are other examples.
This article features three local seafood businesses at the heart of the Northern Irish seafood industry.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
028 9061 8088
Keenan Seafood Ltd
he Keenan family name
has been synonymous
with in the fish business in
Northern Ireland for three
generations. T Keenan and
Son (Fish Merchants) Limited
was established in 1942 and
now trades under the name
Keenan Seafood Limited led
by Gerry Keenan, whose
father and grandfather
established the original
The Belfast- based
company, which employs 25
people and operates from
a modern purpose-built
facility at Kennedy Way,
specialises in supplying a
full range of fresh and frozen
seafood to many leading
hotels, restaurants, contract
catering outlets and public
sector units across Northern
Ireland. Keenan Seafood
deploys a fleet of nine
refrigerated vehicles to make
daily deliveries to their wide
customer base ensuring
their products arrive in
perfect condition.
Fish is sourced each
morning from the local
Northern Ireland ports as
well as from Scotland and
the West of Ireland. Only
the finest-quality seafood
is selected and transported
to the company’s premises
for further processing and
order assembly. A full range
of exotic seafood lines is
also imported each week
from Turkey and the Far East
to satisfy the increasingly
adventurous palates of
Keenan Seafood sells
around 250 lines of fresh
and frozen fish and has
its own team of expert
fish filleters who prepare
the fish each day to meet
customer specifications.
Alongside this, the company
has its own fish smoking
operation to produce on a
daily basis, their famous
natural, additive-free, brands
of smoked cod, haddock and
coley. The business buys
10 tons of fish every week
to meet the demand from its
500 customers in Northern
Ireland across the retail and
catering sectors. As well as
supplying hotels, restaurants
and foodservice outlets
the company has a strong
presence in the fish and
chip shop sector and the
independent retail trades
with its range of fresh prepacked fish and convenience
‘fish in sauce’ ranges for the
busy consumer market.
The business has been
reinvented in the last five
years, with a major capital
investment in the factory
facility. A comprehensive
Quality Management
System is in place covering
all legislative and technical
requirements, evidenced by
the SALSA and STS Public
Sector accreditations which
the company has achieved.
Much of the company’s
recent growth has been on
the back of its successful
product development
programme which has
seen the company achieve
success at the Great Taste
Awards with its Maple
Cured Whiskey Smoked
Salmon and Natural Smoked
Hake products. Product
development forms a key
part of the strategic plan for
the growth of the company
over the next few years.
Developing and training
staff is also a key objective
within Keenan Seafood.
“We have a very energetic,
dedicated committed team
who are central to driving
the business forward”
says Gerry Keenan. The
recent achievement of
Investors in People status
by the company reflects this
For more information on
Keenan Seafood Ltd:
Keenan Seafood Limited
Blackstaff Road, Kennedy
Way, Belfast BT11 9DT
T: +44 (0) 28 9061 8088
F: +44 (0) 28 9043 1096
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
McKeown’s Fish and Poultry
t the end of Ballymagee
Street, Bangor, Co.
Down lies the Central
Fish Hall built in 1890. If
this sounds only vaguely
familiar it is because in
2015 the street is called
High Street and the
Central Fish Hall has been
McKeown’s Fishmonger and
Poulterer since 1891.
This is Bangor’s oldest
family business and it
was founded and run by a
McKeown. Now it is Sean
who is in charge, but it was
his father before him, and
his grandfather before that.
When McKeown’s was
founded, there were three
other fishmongers shops
in Bangor. Scott’s in Main
Street, Thompson’s in
Market Street and Herron’s
in Abbey Street, but today
only McKeown’s remains.
Sean McKeown, the current
owner, still remembers
going to the wholesale fish
market in Belfast with his
father until the 1970s and is
proud of his family business
which still serves the local
community and businesses
with top quality seafood.
One of the interesting
things still connecting
McKeown’s to the past is
the fact that they were
not just fishmongers,
they were also poulterers.
In the old days getting your
chicken from the butcher
was simply not possible.
Poultry and eggs belonged
at the fishmonger’s counter.
This is how fish and poultry
were traditionally sold
throughout the British Isles.
Variety, quality and
freshness are the key
ingredients to the success
of McKeown’s with fish
sourced from mainland
markets at Peterhead and
locally from Portavogie,
Kilkeel and Ardglass. In
recent years they have
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
had to go further afield to
the North Sea, Sri Lanka
and even Singapore and
Indonesia to obtain the
best quality seafood and
to expand the variety they
stock for their increasingly
adventurous and discerning
McKeowns stock a wide
range of traditional fish
including haddock, cod,
plaice, lemon sole, brill,
trout, salmon, Dover sole,
bream as well as more
exotic species such as red
snapper and perch.
McKeown’s specialise
in their own smoked
salmon for which they
are renowned throughout
North Down and beyond.
They also produce delicious
pale smoked haddock and
Sean McKeown still
loves the business of
fishmongering and
continues to strive to
provide his customers
with the best and freshest
seafood available. He is
proud and slightly bemused
that the celebrity chef Rick
Stein endorsed McKeown’s
fishmongers shop in his
book ‘The Seafood Lovers’
For more information
about McKeown’s:
McKeown’s Fishmonger
and Poulterer
14 High Street,
Bangor BT20 5AY
T: +44 (0) 28 9127 1141
M: +44 (0) 7793 641 422
Twitter: @Mckeownsfish
Northern Ireland Women in Fisheries
ounded over a decade
ago, Northern Ireland
Women in Fisheries
(NIWIF) are a group of
women hailing from
Northern Ireland’s fishing
communities who are
passionate about the
seafood industry. Many
work in the industry and
are the wives, daughters
and mothers of fishermen,
seafood processors and
marine engineers.
The group meet once a
month and over several
years NIWIF have
developed a programme
of seafood cookery
demonstrations. They
have travelled across
Northern Ireland to tell
community and church
groups about their lives
and experiences of the
seafood industry and
to teach people about
preparing, sourcing and
cooking the best of local,
seasonal seafood.
As well as educating
consumers on how easy
it is to prepare and cook
seafood and the myriad
of health benefits to
be gained from
including it in the
diet, NIWIF also
provide guidance
on sourcing good
quality, responsiblysourced seafood.
Initially a small
scale, self-funded
programme of
support from Seafish
through their consumer
campaign, Fish is the
Dish, allowed NIWIF to
develop and expand their
programme of seafood
cookery demonstrations.
Seafish support has also
allowed NIWIF to provide
attendees with Fish is
the Dish recipe leaflets to
help them start cooking
more seafood at home and
ensure it is included in
weekly meal plans. NIWIF
have also supported Seafish
in Northern Ireland by
providing their recipes for
use in a Northern Ireland
Fish is the Dish recipe
booklet which has been
distributed widely across
the Province.
To date, NIWIF have
given presentations to
over 2000 people across
Northern Ireland and
demand for their unique
style of seafood cookery
demonstration shows no
sign of abating with lots
more events in the pipeline.
For more information
about the Northern
Ireland Women in Fisheries
Lou Henning,
NIWIF Secretary
T: +44 (0)28 4176 2335
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
EU-funded project investigates the
commercialisation of Integrated
Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in
the Atlantic Area
Jessica Ratcliff, Irish Seaweed Research Group,
Ryan Institute, NUI Galway
Anna Soler Vila, Irish Seaweed Consultancy Ltd.
ntegrated Multi-Trophic
Aquaculture (IMTA) is
a concept developed in
the early 1990’s, as a
variation on the concept of
IMTA differs from
polyculture by specifying
that co-cultivated species
must be from different
trophic levels. This means
that energy supplied to the
highest trophic level - often
a carnivorous finfish - spills
over to species lower down
the food chain. For example,
fish (salmon) are fed a
formulated feed, particulate
waste in the form of uneaten
feed and faeces is taken
up by filter and/or deposit
feeders (mussels), and
dissolved waste produced
by animal species is used by
algae to improve growth and
It is essentially a simplified
and artificially constructed
ecosystem which very
carefully manages inputs in
order to be more efficient;
in other words this is a
farm with its own built in
fertilization system.
While very intuitive
and appealing in theory,
and with the potential for
economic (greater total
productivity), environmental
(reduction of nutrient
pollution) and social (job
provision and better
utilization of space in the
coastal zone) advantages,
the implementation of IMTA
is complex in practice. This
is especially true under a
monoculture paradigm,
which focuses on production
of a single, high-value
species, while IMTA tends to
maximise the productivity of
the system as a whole.
In many parts of Asia IMTA
occurs by default; the huge
scale of aquaculture has
resulted in pressure for
space within the coastal
zone, resulting in many
cultivated species all
tightly packed together.
The interactions between
those species are being
studied with the idea of
taking advantage of their
natural interactions to
improve both growth and
water quality. In Europe
and the Americas, this is
also starting to happen –
individual farms are in close
proximity to one another,
and although not managed
as a single unit, practices
at one may affect the other.
What we are now trying to
do is better understand the
systems – this means more
research into the transfer
of energy and pathogens
between species, how to
maximise productivity, and
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Cultivation Alaria esculenta (Photo: Ben Quéuineur)
the regulatory framework
that governs it all.
There are already
examples where IMTA
has proved beneficial.
The abalone industry in
South Africa benefited
economically from
incorporating macroalgae
into their farms, with
wider benefits to the
environment (Nobre et al.
Workshop IMTA technical best-practices in Ireland, NUI Galway
Partners meeting in Olhão, Portugal, April 2018
2010). In Denmark stricter
regulatory hurdles meant
finfish production capacity
could only be increased if
the nutrient inputs were
lessened – i.e. more fish
with less waste. It was
recognised that cultivating
seaweeds and/or mussels
alongside the fish was the
“best available technique”
to balance the system
(Holdt & Edwards 2014).
In both cases, as in many
others, IMTA seems to need
an external driver to get it
In Europe, drivers might
similarly be emissions,
(e.g. the Water Framework
Directive), or space related.
In the future, we anticipate
that IMTA might be applied
in remediation of highvolume, low-concentration
effluent as produced in
land-based flow-through
systems; in management of
‘unintentional IMTA’ where
co-cultivation occurs as a
result of farm proximity at
sea, rather than planned
integration; and, perhaps,
in more technologically
advanced recirculating
systems (RAS) as a biofilter
that is also a crop.
Efficiency priority. Running
from 2017 to 2020 it
consists of eight partner
organisations from Spain,
Portugal, France, UK and
Ireland. The Irish partners
are the Irish Seaweed
Consultancy and NUI
Galway, with BIM and the
Bantry Marine Research
Station as Associated
Partners. Aiming to foster
cooperation for industrial
transition towards IMTA, the
project will provide tools to
Measuring and checking the quality of kelp (Laminaria digitata)
grown alongside Atlantic salmon.
increase competitiveness
and contribute to removing
barriers for growth within
the eco-aquaculture sector,
while improving the quality
and public image of aquatic
During the project
workshops, training events
and networking events
will focus on transferring
knowledge within and
between the wider
partnership. Educational
and training materials,
Holdt SL, Edwards MD
(2014) Cost-effective IMTA: a
comparison of the production
efficiencies of mussels and
seaweed. J Appl Phycol 26,
Knowledge Transfer
Following on from IDREEM
new project investigating
the next steps in research
and commercialisation of
IMTA to work towards these
goals. It is funded under
the Interreg Atlantic Area
programme – Resource
scientific papers and
networks through websites
and social media platforms
will be created alongside
production of policy
briefing documents that will
support development of the
regulatory framework. In
Ireland, the first workshop
took place in Galway on
April 13 (Picture 1). The
workshop, on IMTA Technical
best practices, put together
18 aquaculture experts
from different sectors
to discuss priority areas
and bottle necks for IMTA
development in Ireland.
Three more workshops
will follow, on Social and
Regulatory (Autumn 2018),
Environmental (Spring 2019)
and Economic (Autumn
2019) aspects.
You can follow the project
on www.integrate-imta.
eu, also in Linkedin Group:
Integrate Imta, and if you
have an account in Twitter:
Ready to check the biomass of the huge pseudo-kelp
(Saccorhiza polyschides) that was grown next to Atlantic salmon
Nobre AM, RobertsonAndersson D, Neori A, Sankar
K (2010) Ecological-economic
assessment of aquaculture
options: Comparison between
abalone monoculture and
integrated multi-trophic
aquaculture of abalone and
seaweeds. Aquaculture 306,
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
WEFTA 2017 - Dublin
WEFTA 2017, the 47th annual
conference of the West
European Fish Technologists
Association took place at
Dublin’s Aviva Stadium in
October with the theme
‘Innovative Technologies for
Healthy and Sustainable
Seafood Production’.
“The WEFTA conference has
become the leading platform
where seafood R&D experts
discuss hot topics and major
breakthroughs,” John Fagan,
Senior Food Technologist with
BIM and chair of this year’s
event told delegates.
“With a combination
of keynote lectures, oral
and poster sessions and
opportunities for active
discussion and networking
with SME’s from the seafood
sector this conference allows
experts working in diverse
fields to learn of the key R&D
trends and breakthroughs
which will impact production
techniques and markets in
coming years”.
New Technology
According to Fagan BIM is
fine tuning an exciting line-up
of of keynote speakers who
will demonstrate how R&D
can be used to underpin
our knowledge of new
technologies that can be
translated into profitable nextgeneration solutions for the
seafood sector.
Already confirmed are
global experts from Nofima
(Norway), Matis (Iceland),
Ifremer (France), Teagasc
(Ireland) and SKAGINN 3x
“SKAGINN 3x have
completed high-profile turnkey sub-chilling technology
projects with major Icelandic
whitefish and Norwegian
salmon processors. Their
highly efficient freezing
systems are already being
installed by major French and
Icelandic pelagic processors”,
John Fagan explains.
“Subchilling involves pulling
the core temperature of the
fish to approximately minus
1.5 degrees Celsius with the
fish effectively becoming the
refrigerant and negating the
need for ice. Super chilling
has been a hot-topic at WEFTA
for several years with Irish
and Nordic projects trying to
examine whether it actually
gives verifiable results in terms
of product quality, shelf life
and sensory”.
John Fagan says there is a
renewed focus internationally,
especially in the Nordic
countries, on how new
equipment and processes
affect the raw material and
this insight is being used to
develop new technologies
which ensure the raw material
is maintained in the best
Bord Iascaigh Mhara works
closely with the Irish seafood
sector to add further value
to processing, aquaculture
and fisheries companies and
individuals with a key role
of ensuring its clients have
access to the best-in-class
innovative technologies
and knowledge-base
The scientific content at
WEFTA is of direct relevance
to the Irish seafood sector
and the Irish research base
and presents opportunities
to learn from the leaders
in seafood R&D and to
integrate knowledge and
new technologies on fishing
vessels,aquaculture facilities
and on the factory floor.
“My day to day role with
BIM involves scanning the
horizon for new innovative
technologies across all the
major species groups and
making sure our clients
understand the most relevant
packaging, processing and
new product technologies,”
says Fagan.
The BIM team also links
with major international
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Cait Murray-Green, ceo, CuanTec Ltd; Minister for Agriculture,
Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D.; Jim O’Toole, ceo,
BIM; Kieran Calnan, chairman, BIM; Jón Birgir Gunnarsson,
chairman, Skaginn 3X AS
production equipment and
packaging technologies
suppliers and manufacturers
and maintains close links
with commercially relevant
international seafood
R&D groups involved
with industry-led projects
aimed at maximum use
and profitability from raw
“I work closely with national
and international equipment
and technology suppliers
and commercially-relevant
R&D providers to understand
both market-ready and nearmarket technologies which
can improve production and
differentiate Irish seafood
products,” he says.
Having worked previously
with Teagasc John Fagan
has introduced some of the
technologies used in beef,
poultry, dairy etc to the Irish
seafood sector via in-factory
trials and by maintaining
an international network of
commercially-aware R&D
“BIM is already working
with Teagasc to explore
technologies for development
use of currently under-utilised
shell material and appraisal
of opportunities for extraction
of chitosan from Irish
brown crab by-product for
potential ingredients, health
and wellness and technofunctional markets,” he says.
He believes that
international seafood
companies are “becoming
smarter and employing
experts” who understand
new technologies and can
quickly convert new ideas into
new products, processes and
market opportunities.
Pointing to byproduct
utilisation is a major issue
globally Fagan looks forward
to a key note presentation
at WEFTA 2017 by Scottish
company CuanTec Ltd on
new opportunities to utilise
previously discarded shell
material from Nephrops for
the development of smart
packaging concepts with
extended shelf life properties.
“WEFTA 2017 will fasttrack our knowledge of
relevant new innovative
technologies. It allows experts
working in diverse fields to
understand key R&D trends
and breakthroughs which
underpin knowledge of how
to produce the best seafood
and ingredients and to gain
first-hand knowledge of
technological breakthroughs
which will impact production
techniques and markets
in coming years”, Fagan
This article first appeared in Inshore
Ireland 13.4, Winter 2017)
SUB-CHILLING™ set to revolutionise
fisheries and aquaculture
Sub-chilling set to revolutionise fisheries and aquaculture
A more effective
method of chilling fish
developed by Skaginn3X
of Iceland which will
have a major impact
on the fisheries and
aquaculture industries
worldwide by reducing
carbon foot print and
extending product shelflife attracted plenty of
interest at WEFTA 2017
Jón Birgir Gunnarsson head
of sales and marketing
with Skaginn 3X told the
conference that its RoteX
technology ensured that
all fish receive the exact
same treatment in a systme
which allows complete
control of the timing and
temperature treatment all
the way through the system
to packaging.
“Skaginn3X did not invent
super-chilling, it has been in
use in the fishing industry
for many years. We have
refined and improved the
concept however which we
call sub-chilling which is a
method to achieve superchilling. We have also put
a lot of work into is how
to making sub-chilling
practical to use and more
widely available on a
commercial scale”, he told
the conference.
Gunnarsson says that
much research has already
been carried out on
super-chilling, primarily
in Norway, and mostly on
“Norwegian research
on salmon was mostly
conducted in a lab where
the environment was
controlled, but showed
positive results in
connection with product
quality and storage life.
Sub-chilling™ involves
cooling down the fish,
farmed or caught, as
quickly possible so that
their core
temperature is
close to -1.5 degrees
Celcius within an hour,
depending on species.
“All through the entire
process we control salinity,
temperature and the
speed of the water. It’s
very important to point
out however that we are
not freezing the product.
This is crucial because
freezing damages the tissue
resulting in gaping.”
Based on Skaginn3X’s
proven RoteX technology
the sub-chilling process
SUB-chilling™ tank designed for
the aquaculture sector
Fresh salmon,
boxed and ready
for transport – no
ice required
comprises an auger tank
with patented side injection
which circulates cold water
from a heat exchanger. The
RoteX tank also ensures
that each fish receives
exactly same treatment,
with complete control of
the timing and temperature
treatment of the fish all the
way through the system.
Although the temperature
of the fish is below freezing
point of water, the fish
remains fresh and unfrozen
in a subzero state. With
this new method, the fish
itself becomes the cooling
refrigerant and eliminates
the need of using ice to
store and chill the product.
According to Gunnarsson
a key advantage of subchilling is that it can
extend product shelf-life
by between five and seven
“Sub-chilling™ means
that the overall quality of
the product increases and
independent research
shows that both the
processing yield and
cooking yield is better
compared to traditional
cold handling. Sub-chilled
fillets also have less gaping
and are more resistant to
pin boning”, he says.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
box can carry more fish.
It also prolongs the shelf
life so that fish can now
be transported in more
environmentally friendly
ways such as on cargo
ships, and it also lowers
energy coss compared with
traditional methods”.
Sub-chiling™ is a proven
solution both for whitefish
and aquaculture products.
The system can be installed
both as an onboard or
onshore system, depending
on where the slaughtering
process takes place.
“Sub-chilling™ eliminates
the need for ice during
transportation so that each
Some Advantages
This article first appeared in Inshore
Ireland 13.4, Winter 2017)
The future is here!
• No ice required for transportation
• 5–7 days extended shelf life
Research overseen by Matís, with farmed salmon
tracked from slaughter confirmed that superchilled
salmon holds its water content better throughout
the production and storage processes; it has a better
culinary yield when poached. The qualities and the
firmness of the fish remain for longer, maintaining
quality more effectively through production.
Microbiological analysis has also confirmed that
the fish stays fresher for longer than conventionally
chilled fish, also confirming that superchilling can
extend the shelf life of the finished product by as
much as a week.
Improved Handling
With ice no longer a part of cooling, storage and
transport, handling becomes less arduous and there
are new opportunities for packaging. Until now it has
not been thought advisable to transport whole salmon
iced in tubs, as the ice can damage the fish. But the
best quality can be achieved using superchilling.
Extended Shelf Life
Longer shelf life means that fish can be transported
by sea rather than by air. This represents a saving
in transport costs, as well as a substantial reduction
in the carbon footprint. Until now, salmon has been
transported mainly in single-use packaging, but
superchilling means that tubs can be used instead.
Fish Farmer
Environmental Contribution
Reduced carbon footprint in production and
transport. Up to 20% of the overall weight in salmon
transport is ice. Superchilling makes ice redundant
and reduces the strain on much of the transport
chain, by air, road or by sea. The extended product
shelf life brings in possibilities to ship larger volumes
in containers to replace the amount of fresh whitefish
exported from Iceland by air. In general terms, we can
estimate that in the region of 200,000 tonnes of ice
are shipped with this salmon. Approximately 240,000
tonnes of salmon every year are freighted by air to
Asia, which means that an estimated 48,000 tonnes
of this weight is ice – so a saving equivalent to 1000
Jumbo jet flights could be made.
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Serving worldwide aquaculture
since 1977
Prince Charles drops in
on Marine
November Cover.indd
Industry launches long awaited
Vision for 2030
Time to comply with the
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A new way to recruit the
07/11/2016 12:50:03
For more information
E: [email protected]
+44 (0) 1371 851868
Storvik Aqua – Advertorial
Collaboration brings offshore innovation to
aquaculture industry
ARD Group AS, one of the major global designers and shipbuilders
of specialised vessels, acquired Storvik Aqua AS in the final quarter
of 2016 to take advantage of each other’s complementary competences.
The deal brings the expertise of Vard, a builder of offshore support
vessels, to the aquaculture sector and strengthens the position of both
companies in the industry.
Vard and Storvik Aqua have collaborated closely over the past
year, and this acquisition opens up an innovative environment
with a focus on customised, integrated and environmentally sound
Storvik Aqua will continue to operate under its existing brand name.
The company has a production facility at its headquarters in Sunndalsora,
Norway, plus subsidiaries in Chile and Scotland.
From feed control systems and equipment, to oxygen diffusers, and from
biomass measuring to Aqualog – which tells you everything you need
to know about water quality, Storvik Aqua’s products will enable Vard to
deliver specialised vessels for fish farming.
Vard’s reputation for technology and innovation in ship design and
shipbuilding is renowned in those industries. In aquaculture, the company
plans to take environmental sustainability to a higher level and ensure,
with its Vard 8 series, a good working environment and comfort for life on
Storvik Aqua has a close interaction with the Vard Aukra shipyard, which
is dedicated to the group’s focus on aquaculture, and has in the course of
a short time developed and delivered a portfolio of vessels and solutions
Above: Vard 8 52 feeding
that have been well received in the market.
Vard Aukra stands out in the market by having
innovative integrated solutions for specialised
fish farming vessels.
And, with a 30-year track record in the industry,
Storvik Aqua has an established customer base
that allows Vard Aukra to broaden its relations
with potential clients in the aquaculture business.
Storvik Aqua Ltd in Scotland is very excited
about this opportunity and believes that the
combined product portfolio and development of
new technologies and solutions will enable the
company to grow in an ever increasing industry.
Lorraine Campbell, director of Storvik Aqua Ltd,
said of the future with Vard: ‘Storvik Aqua have
been in the UK market since 2000 and welcome
this opportunity to bring new technologies and
solutions to the industry.
‘Vard is a well-known global firm in the ship
building industry and it will be hugely exciting
to play a part in bringing their futuristic designs
into Scotland. The combined product portfolio
will strengthen our presence and bring the
company forward.’
Stronger together
It will be hugely exciting to play
a part in bringing their futuristic
designs into Scotland
CEO and executive director Roy Reite said at the time of the acquisition:
‘Through this acquisition, Vard confirms its position as a provider of innovative solutions for the aquaculture business.
‘We are excited about the opportunities this
generates for Vard and welcome the employees,
new clients and business partners to Vard.’ FF
Storvik Aqua Ltd
Equipment and Technology for Aquaculture
Serving the industry for 30 years
Providing support and solutions
[email protected]
Tel: 01546 603989
T: Telephone
M: Mobile
F: Fax
Abalone Chonamara Teo
Co. Galway
T: (091) 591307
M: (087) 9051956
[email protected]
C: Cindy O’Brien
Shellfish Research Laboratory
Co. Galway
T: (095) 32201
F: (095) 32205
E: [email protected]
C: Dr. Majbritt Boltan-Warberg
Arctic Char
Stofnfiskur (Irl.) Ltd.
Galway Aquatic Enterprises Ltd.
Co. Galway
T: (091) 791303
M: (086) 3848776
E: [email protected]
C: Peter McGovern
Bottom Mussel
Ballylawn Shellfish Ltd
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 82805
M: (086) 2902462
C: Danny McDermott
Blake Conor
3 Chapel Road
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 58368
M: (087) 6186334
E: [email protected]
C: Conor Blake
Fresco Seafoods
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 81333
F: (07493) 81356
M: (086) 2516603
E: [email protected]
C: Gerard Kelly
LDC shellfish
Derry Road,
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 85749 / 82146
M: (086) 2889079
M: (087) 2137119
E: [email protected]
C: Liam McGuinness
E: Email
W: Web
C: Contact
Lough Swilly Shellfish Growers
Co-operative Soc. Ltd.
Station House
Malin Road, Carndonagh,
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 74285
T: (07493) 74623
F: (07493) 74685
C: Danny Gallagher
Tully Shellfish
Tullyally, Redcastle
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 82436
M: (087) 2296153
M: (085) 7313725
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Havlin
Cromane Mussels Ltd.
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769306
E: [email protected]
C: Tony O’Sullivan
Frank McCarthy
Lonart, Cromane Upper,
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769375
M: (087) 6432563
E: [email protected]
C: Frank McCarthy
Pathie O’Sullivan
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2198157
E: [email protected]
C: Patrick T. O’Sullivan
John O’Sullivan
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769306
C: John O’Sullivan
Derek O’Sullivan
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769306
C: Derek O’Sullivan
Jeremiah Costello
Lonart, Cromane Upper,
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 7696731
C: Jeremiah & Denis Costello
Dingle Bay Shellfish Ltd
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769247
M: (087) 9304870
[email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Stephen Foley
O. And P. Teahan Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Kerry V93 TVF3
M: (087) 2737825
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Teahan
Emerald Mussels Ltd
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 26431
M: (086) 1740860
M: (087) 2557938 George
E: [email protected]
C: Bryan Hyland
Emerald Mussels Ltd
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 26431
M: (086) 1740860 Brian
M: (087) 2557938 George
E: [email protected]
C: Bryan Hyland
Scannell Michael
Douglas, Killorglin
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9761614
M: (087) 7632453
C: Mike Scannell
Crescent Seafoods Ltd.
Ballagha blube, Curracloe
Co. Wexford
M: (087) 2933616
E: [email protected]
C: Simon Dingemanse
Moroney Michael
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769256
M: (087) 6040092
C: Luke Burke
Simon Lenger
Unit 2, Kilkeel Fish Market
The Harbour, Kilkeel,
Co. Down, BT34 4AX
T: (077) 36553822
E: [email protected]
C: John Doran
O’Sullivan McCarthy Mussel
Development Ltd.
Cromane Lower
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769243
F: (066) 9769293
M: (087) 2119955
E: [email protected]
C: Arthur McCarthy
Sugrue Group
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769505
M: (087) 9862453
M: (087) 9241211
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Sugrue
Teahan Partnership
Cromane Lower
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769357
M: (087) 2654681
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Teahan
Carlingford Lough Shellfish
Cooperative Society Ltd
Co. Louth
T: (042) 9383894
M: (086) 1053033
C: PJ Donnelly
Cloughmore Shellfish Ltd
(Cunningham, Brian)
16A, The Harbour
Co. Down, BT34 4LR
T: 7900113336
T: (028) 41769208
C: Brian Cunningham
Flynn, Liam
11 Chancellors Road
Bessbrook, Newry,
Co. Down, N.I.
C: Liam Flynn
William Casey Group
Cromane Cross
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 7709147
C: Willie Casey
Morgan, Ciaran
Co. Louth
C: Ciaran Morgan
Gerald O’ Reilly Group
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769256
M: (087) 6937028
C: Gerald O’Reilly
Caragh Clams Ltd.
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 6608569
E: [email protected]
C: Paul O’Sullivan
Griffin- Reilly Group
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769235
M: (086) 6094346
C: John Joe O’Reilly
Liam & Geno O’Connor
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 6107590
C: Geno O’Connor
O’Connor, Liam
North Commons
Co. Louth
C: Liam O’Connor
Crescent Seafoods Ltd.
Mytilus Ballagha Blabe
Co. Wexford
M: (087) 2933616
[email protected]
C: Simon Dingemanse
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Lough Garmin Harbour Mussels Ltd
84, Northumberland Road,
T: 353(0) 16602404
F: 353(0) 16765212
T: (0031) 113571310
E: [email protected]
C: Frank de Kok
Lett & Co. Ltd.
Ballagha Blube,
Co. Wexford
M: (087) 2933616
[email protected]
C: Simon Dingemanse
Riverbank Mussels /Fjord Fresh
Mussels /WD Shellfish Ltd
Clonard Business Park
Whitemill Ind Estate,
Co. Wexford
T: (053) 9121280
M: (087) 2722413
E: [email protected]
C: Mick Crowley
N&A Scallan Mussel Suppliers
29 William Street
Wexford Town
Co. Wexford
T: (053) 9122080(T&F)
M: (087) 9229152 Sean
M: (087) 6253759
E: [email protected]
C: Martin Scallan
Wexford Mussels Ltd.
Ivy Lane, Coolcotts
Co. Wexford
T: (053) 24351
M: (087) 2219077
W: [email protected]
C: Sean Ryan
Caragh Clams Ltd
Stookisland, Cromane
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769975
T: (066) 9769390
M: (087) 6608569 (PO’S)
E: [email protected]
C: Paul O’Sullivan
Freshwater Trout
Araglen Trout Farm
Araglen, Kilworth
Co. Cork
T: (058) 50049
M: (087) 8562073
E: [email protected]
C: John Haydon
Raford Fish Farm
Co. Galway
T: (091) 848137
C: Francis Burke
Goatsbridge Trout Farm Ltd.
Jerpoint, Thomastown
Co. Kilkenny
T: (056) 7724140
M: (086) 2544906
E: [email protected]
C: Gerard Kirwan
Arklow, Co. Wicklow
T: (0402) 36535
M: (087) 6526229
E: [email protected]
C: Damien O’Keefe
Gigas Oyster
Dolphin Seafarms Ltd.
41 Gleniha
Ennis, Co. Clare
T: (065) 6820616
M: (086) 6021704
C: Eamonn Chesser
Garvey Brendan
Clarecastle, Ennis,
Co. Clare
M: (065) 6891920
T: (086) 3840806
E: [email protected]
C: Brendan Garvey
Sea Lyons
c/o Sea Lyons Seafood
Pier Rodd, Carrigaholt
Co. Clare
T: (065) 9058321
T: (065) 9058322
M: (087) 6149539
E: [email protected]
C: James Lyons
Jasconius Ltd.
New Quay, Burrin
Co. Clare
T: (065) 7078189
M: (087) 9772069
[email protected]
C: Iarlaith Connellan
Pouldoody Aquaculture Ltd
Bell Harbour, Co. Clare
T: (065) 7078146
M: (087) 9787033
E: [email protected]
C: Feargal Langley
Lyons Gearoid (Sales)
c/o Sea Lyons Seafood
Pier Road, Carrigaholt,
Co. Clare
T: (065) 9058222
E: [email protected]
C: Gearoid Lyons
McKeown Martin
Rehy east
Co. Clare
C: Martin Mc Keown
McMahon Michael
Ballynote East
Kilrush, Co. Clare
T: (065) 9052571
M: (087) 2605796
C: Michael McMahon
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Moyasta Oysters Ltd
Kilrush, Co. Clare
T: (065) 9051965
F: (065) 6764406
M: (087) 6613097
E: [email protected]
C: Thomas Galvin
Kinsale Oysterhaven Seafood Ltd.
Ballynaclaset Creek
Co. Cork
T: 003354 6476298
T: 003354 6859785 / F 4887
E: [email protected]
C: Maryse Crine
O’Mahony Alan
Moveen West
Kilkee, Co. Clare
C: Alan O’Mahony
Ballynaclaset Creek
Co. Cork
T: 0033 546859785
M: (086) 1580338
T: 0033 546859785 / F 4887
E: [email protected]
C: Maryse Crine
Sheehy Hugh
Kilkee, Co. Clare
T: (065) 9058245
M: (086) 8579472
E: [email protected]
C: Hugh Sheehy
Sea Lyons Seafood Ltd.
Pier Road, Carrigaholt,
Co. Clare
M: (087) 6149537
C: James Lyons
Thomas Bluinne
Station House
Kilrush, Co. Clare
T: (065) 9052275
M: (087) 7604230
C: Tom Bluinne
Adrigole Oysters
Beara, Co. Cork
C: Dan O’Shea
Baile Mhic Oda (Youghal)
3 Harbour Row,
Ring Road, Cobh
Co. Cork
T: 068 2881791
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Damien Perdriel, Keane, Noel
Skibbereen Shellfish Ltd.
3 Harbour Row,
Ring Road, Cobh
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4813565
T: (068) 2881791
E: [email protected]
C: Damien Perdriel
Bere Island Coop
Bere Island, Co. Cork
M: (086) 1064363
M: (086) 8182457
C: David Andrews, John Walsh
Frank Dwyer
Church Cross,
Skibbereen, Co. Cork
M: (086) 8390678
C: Frank Dwyer
Jamie Dwyer
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4770664
M: (087) 2557429
W: [email protected]
C: Jamie Dwyer
Mestre, Jean Paul
2 Fairy Hill
Co. Cork
M: (021) 4841837
T: (087) 2456074
C: Jean Paul Mestre
Fota Oyster Farm Ltd
Co. Cork P24FX79
M: (087) 4476786
T: (021) 4813983
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Remi Louis
Utterly Oysters Ltd
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4813983
M: (086) 2656509
T: (021) 4813120
E: [email protected]
C: Killian Tighe
Sliogeisc na Rossan Teoranta
Donegal Town,
Co. Donegal
T: (0749) 522777
M: (086) 6022288
M: (086) 6044478
E: [email protected]
C: Edward O’Gallachoir (jnr)
Unit 1, Alexander Place,
Tonyhabboc, Newtowncunningham,
Co. Donegal
T: 0033 546859785
M: (086) 1580338
T: 0033 546859785 / F 4887
E: [email protected]
C: Maryse Crine
Askoysters Ltd.
Leenan, Kiel
Co. Donegal
M: (086) 1966203
M: (086) 0733501
E: [email protected]
C: Anthony Kearney
Barr Michael
Foyle Water View
Ballymacarthur, Greencastle,
Co. Donegal
C: Michael Barr
Seabreeze Oyster Farm Ltd.
Donegal Town
Co. Donegal
T: (07497) 22791
F: (07497) 22770
M: (087) 6536781
E: [email protected]
C: Des Moore
Donegal Oysters Ltd.
Donegal Town
Co. Donegal
T: (07497) 40366
M: (087) 2845420
T: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Damien Reid
McDermott, Danny
Balleighan East
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 81242
M: (086) 8053693
M: (086) 8053693
E: [email protected]
C: Danny McDermott
Boyle John
Co. Donegal
C: John Boyle
Natura Mussels Ltd.
Co. Donegal
M: (087) 4041537
C: Anthony Neveu
Ballylawn Shellfish Ltd
Co. Donegal
M: (086) 2902462
T: (07493) 82805
F: (07493) 82806
C: Danny McDermott
Trabay Ltd
180 Station Road,
Bruckless, Co. Donegal
(087) 6013798
W: [email protected]
C: Anthony Neveu
McGlinchy Alan
Co. Donegal
T: (074) 49378
M: (086) 8163553
E: [email protected]
C: Alan Mc Glinchy
Celtic Kerber
Unit 9E, Northwest Business Park
Collooney, Co. Sligo
M: (087) 4476786
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Remi Louis
Crocknagee Oysters Ltd
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 76159 P/F
T: (074) 9376303
M: (086) 8609114
[email protected]
C: Derek Diver
Blake Conor
Pier Road
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 58368
M: (087) 6186334
E: [email protected]
C: Conor Blake
Main Street
Ardara, Co. Donegal
M: (087) 6691648
E: [email protected]
C: Steve Robins
Ballylawn Shellfish Ltd
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 82805
M: (086) 2902462
C: Danny McDermott
Doherty Charlie
Roshine South
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 21815
C: Charlie Doherty
Doherty Philip
Malin Head
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 70164
M: (086) 8727268
C: Philip Doherty
Donegal Oceandeep Oysters Ltd.
Donegal Town
Co. Donegal
T: (07497) 23042
T: (07497 23331
M: (087) 6388843
E: [email protected]
C: Conor Reid
Duffy Anthony
Carrigart, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal
T: (074) 9155531
M: (087) 4185413
M: (087) 6252618
C: John Duffy
Gallagher James
Dungloe, Co. Donegal
M: (087) 7541308
E: [email protected]
C: David Gallagher
Heraghty Patrick & Shiels Michael
Kerrymeel P.O., Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 59629
M: (087) 2944071
M: (086) 8781081
C: Michael Shields
Doherty James
Maghery, Dungloe,
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 22820
M: (087) 9483266
C: John Doherty
James Ball
Malin Head, Co. Donegal
M: (086) 8678476
E: [email protected]
C: James Ball
LDC Shellfish
Seacrest, Derry Rd
Co. Donegal
M: (086) 2889079
E: [email protected]
C: Liam McGuinness
Coffey William A
Sheskin Bree
Malin Head, Co. Donegal
M: (086) 8625984
E: [email protected]
C: Billy Coffee
William Brittan
Donegal Town
Co. Donegal
M: (087) 2206696
E: [email protected]
C: William Brittan
McCahill Eamonn
Termon, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 39943
M: (086) 8460933
E: [email protected]
C: Eamon McCahill
McHugh Charles & Gavigan Vincent
Ard na Ratha,
Loughras Beg,
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 41574
M: (087) 9857461
E: [email protected]
C: Charles McHugh
McLoughlin Michael
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 74317
M: (087) 2150460
M: (087) 6035549
E: [email protected]
C: Eunan McLoughlin
Murray Denis &
McSweeney James G.
Roshine Acres
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 42962
C: Denis Murray
North Shore Oysters (Jim Walsh)
Co. Donegal
T: (074) 9376433
M: (086) 6057819
E: [email protected]
C: Jim Walsh
McKinney John
Harbour view
Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 81134
M: (086) 3331906
C: John McKinney
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 22268
T: (07495) 21183
M: (086) 8404945
E: [email protected]
C: John P. Monaghan
Sliogeisc Gaoth Beara Teoranta
Portnoo, Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 45281
M: (087) 9488044
C: Paddy Boyle
Sliogiasc Inisheane
Co. Donegal
T: (07495) 21457
M: (086) 8375430
C: Conal Hunter
Corbett Seamus
Corner House
Co. Donegal
(075) 31453
(087) 2029909
C: Corbett Seamus
Boet Mor Seafoods Ltd.
Co. Galway
T: (095) 44698
M: (087) 2631641
E: [email protected]
C: Jean Le Dorven
Huitre du Conemara
Collon, Drogheda
Co. Louth
M: (087) 9186997
C: David Keane
Coyne Anthony
Co. Galway
T: (095) 43501
M: (087) 2700672
E: [email protected]
C: Anthony Coyne
Krause Daniel & Rainer
Nuns Orchard, Kinvara
Co. Galway
T: (091) 637104
T: (091) 637232
T: (091) 638813
C: Rainer Krause
De Burca Oysters
Prospect Hill
Maree, Oranmore,
Co. Galway
T: (091) 794590
C: Michael John Burke
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Doorus Point Shellfish
Moy Road, Kinvara
Co. Galway
T: (091) 638233
M: (085) 8248847
E: [email protected]
C: Thomas Connolly
Quay Oyster Company
Co. Galway
T: (091) 794724
C: John Kelly
Galway Oysters Ltd.
Ballinderreen, Kilcolgan
Co. Galway
M: (087) 6444882
E: [email protected]
C: Gary Harty
Cromane Seafoods Ltd.
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9761563
M: (087) 2271221
M: (087) 2921205
C: Danny Sullivan
Keanes Seafood Ltd
Maree, Oranmore,
Co. Galway
T: (091) 794255
M: (087) 2623712
C: Diarmuid Keane
Emmet Casey
Cromane Lower,
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 7465707
M: (087) 9241211
E: [email protected]
C: Emmet Casey, Michael Sugrue
Maree Oysters Ltd.
Maree, Clarinbridge
Co. Galway
T: (091) 790525
M: (087) 6184182
C: Jimmy Killilea
Owen.And Paul Teahan Shellfish Ltd.
Stookisland, Cromane,
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2041403
[email protected]
C: Paul Teahan
Mattie Larkin
Killeenaran, Kilcolgan
Co. Galway
M: (087) 2831980
E: [email protected]
C: Mattie Larkin
Daniel McCarthy
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
C: Daniel MacCarthy
Michael John Harty
Tawin, Oranmore
Co. Galway
M: (087) 6888442
C: Gary Harty
Douglas Strand Shellfish Ltd.
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9761457
M: (087) 2662728
E: [email protected]
C: Pat Costelloe
Michael Kelly Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Galway
T: (091) 796120
E: [email protected]
C: Diarmuid Kelly
Frank McCarthy
Lonart, Cromane Upper,
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769375
M: (087) 6432563
E: [email protected]
C: Frank McCarthy
Mannin Bay Oysters Ltd.
Co. Galway
T: (095) 23640
M: (087) 0969730
C: Josie King
Pathie O’Sullivan
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2198157
E: [email protected]
C: Patrick T. O’Sullivan
O’Malley Michael
Co. Galway
T: (095) 44702
M: (087) 2852460
E: o’[email protected]
C: Michael O’Malley
Omey Oyster Company Ltd.
Claddaghduff, Clifden
Co. Galway
T: (095) 44022
C: Richard West
Fergal Langley
Bell Harbour, Co. Clare
T: (091) 637500
M: (087) 9787033
E: [email protected]
C: Feargal Langley
Cromane Point
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769256
M: (087) 6937028
C: Gerald O’Reilly
Cromane Oysters Ltd.
Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 9696883
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Tony O’Sullivan
Griffin- Reilly Group
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769235
M: (086) 6094346
C: John Joe Reilly
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Hayes Aquaculture
Tochar, Cromane
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769516
M: (087) 9366742
E: [email protected]
C: Thomas Hayes
Jeremiah Costello
Lonhort, Killorglin
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 7696731
C: Pat Costelloe
L&G O’Connor
Tullig Beg, Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2935960
E: [email protected]
C: Liam O’Connor
Martin Riordan
Tullig Cross, Killorglin
Co. Kerry
C: Martin Riordan
Moroney Michael
Glosha, Cromane, Killorglin,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769256
M: (087) 6040092
C: Luke Burke
Scannell Michael
Douglas, Killorglin
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9761614
M: (087) 7632435
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Scannell
Caragh Clams Ltd
Stookisland, Cromane
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
(087) 6608567
E: [email protected]
C: Paul O’Sullivan
Arthur McCarthy
Cromane Lower, Killorglin
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9769243
F: (066) 9769293
M: (087) 2119955
E: [email protected]
C: Arthur McCarthy
Teahan Partnership
Cromane Lower
Killorglin, Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2654681
T: (066) 9769357
T: (066) 9769504
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Teahan
BC Shellfish Ltd.
Unit 8, Carhan Lower,
Reenrushen, Caherciveen,
Co. Kerry
T: 0033 546859785
F: 0033 546854887
E: [email protected]
C: Maryse Crine
Jean-Yves Letanneur
Ankail, Tahilla
Sneem, Co. Kerry
T: (064) 45270
M: (086) 3603634
E: [email protected]
C: Jean-Yves Letanneur
Daniel O’Mahony
Ardcost, Portmagee
Co. Kerry
M: (087) 2342171
E: [email protected]
C: Daniel O’Mahony
Tighe Peter
1 Glenmore Grove
Ballinorig Road, Tralee,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 7129613
M: (087) 7870034
E: [email protected]
C: Peter Tighe
Shannon Shellfish Ltd.
103 Ballymacool Wood
Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
M: (087) 0699437
E: [email protected]
C: Alan O’Sullivan
Carlingford Oyster Company Ltd.
Mullatee, Carlingford
Co. Louth
T: (042) 9373800
T: (042) 9373367
M: (087) 6244879
C: Kian Louet- Feisser
Cooley Oysters Ltd.
Co. Louth
T: (042) 9373988
T: (042) 9373350
M: (087) 6486162
E: [email protected]
C: Donal Ferguson
Keenan Oysters Ltd.
The Harbour, Carlingford Lough
Co. Louth
T: (04293) 73306
M: (086) 3691222
[email protected]
C: Tom Keenan
Carrowholly Shellfish Ltd.
Carrowhooly, Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 26376
M: (087) 2557938
[email protected]
C: George Golden
Comhlacht Forbartha Toin Re Gaoith
Tonragee West
Achill, Co. Mayo
T: (098) 36171
M: (087) 2039604
C: Neil Kilbane
Shannon Estuary Oysters Ltd.
Kilmeena, Wesport
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 6245181
E: [email protected]
C: Karl Gautier, Andy Mulloy
Padraic Gannon
Roslaher, Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 41142
M: (087) 2497570
C: Padraic Gannon
Dooriel Fisheries
Dooriel, Ballycroy,
Westport, Co. Mayo
T: (098) 49244
M: (087) 2807959
E: [email protected]
C: Shane Ginty
Gavin Patrick
Clynish Island
Kilmenna, Westport,
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 26724
M: (087) 2339253
E: [email protected]
C: Patrick Gavin
Henry Tom
Belfarsad, Achill Sound
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 20852
M: (086) 3771648
E: [email protected]
C: Tom Henry
Achill Oysters Ltd.
Quin Road Ind. Estate
Ennis, Co. Clare
T: (098) 37017
M: (086) 8094091
E: [email protected]
C: Hugh O’Malley
Kilbane Michael/Gerard
Dooagh, Achill Island
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 43969
M: (086) 2200165
C: Michael Kilbane
Matt Burke (Eisc Riaga Teo, HighPort
Ltd, Lincroft Ltd) ceased
Fahy, Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 41343
M: (087) 2489101
E: [email protected]
C: Matt Burke
McGrath Tony
Pulothomas, Ballina
Co. Mayo
T: (097) 845366
M: (087) 2220622
E: [email protected]
C: Tony Mc Grath
McManamon John
Sandyhill, Carrowbeg, Tiernaur,
Newport, Co. Mayo
T: (098) 36020/36275
M: (087) 8411069
C: John Mc Manamon
McNulty Gerard Martin
Knockloughra, Newport
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 2920281
E: [email protected]
C: Gerard McNulty
Munnelly John
Ross, Killala
Co. Mayo
T: (096) 32056
M: (087) 2858358
C: John Munnelly
Killala, Co. Mayo
T: 0033 546859785
E: [email protected]
Rosmoney Shellfish Ltd.
Rosmoney, Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 25843
E: [email protected]
C: Stephen Fitzgerald
Sciana Mara Teoranta
Bothar na Scoile, Duacha, Achill,
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 43317
M: (087) 2495433
E: [email protected]
C: John J. Mc Namara
Murrisk Shellfish Ltd.
Murrisknaboll, Murrisk, Westport,
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 9882522
T: (098) 64854
E: [email protected]
C: Sean O’Grady
Sofi Shellfish Ltd (Donhar Teo) &
Mary Fahy
Knockmanus, Newport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 36978
T: (087) 3286283
M: (087) 1868657
E: anthony.neveu@
C: Anthony Neveu
Sweeney Frank
Saile, Achill, Co. Mayo
T: (098) 45333
C: Frank Sweeney
Aisling O’Leary
Treanbeg, Newport
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 9873030
E: [email protected]
C: Fergal Guilfoyle
Charlie O’Malley
Apt 15, The Kiln, James Street,
Westport, Co. Mayo
M: (087) 2682036
C: Charlie O’Malley
John Thornton & Des Moore
c/o John Thornton, Cllona
Westport, Co. Mayo
M: (087) 9136721
C: John Thornton, Des Moore
Haran Sean
Raughley, Cloughboley
Co. Sligo
T: (07191) 63622
C: Sean Haran
Armada Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Old Farm Buildings
Lissadell, Co. Sligo
T: (07191) 63153
F: (07191) 73034
M: (087) 2360364
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Leydon
Atlantic Clams Ltd
Old Farm Buildings
Lissadell, Co. Sligo
T: (07191) 42990
M: (087) 6739051 (Charlie)
M: (087) 4182185 (Frank)
E: [email protected]
[email protected]
C: Charles Kelly
Coney Island Shellfish
The Lodge,
Strandhill, Co. Sligo
T: (07191) 68443
M: (087) 7489384
E: [email protected]
C: Noel Carter
Moran Pat
The Mount
Co. Waterford
T: (051) 382293
F: (051) 382672
C: Pat Moran
Barron Thomas & David Cullinane
Mullinahorna, Ring,
Co. Waterford
T: 058 46283
M: (087) 3113748
C: Michael Burke Jr.
Paul Bennet
Commons Road
Dunmore East
Co. Waterford
T: (051) 383173
M: (087) 7859140
C: Paul Bennett
Bia Mara Deise Teoranta
7 Bishopscourt Lawn
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4543563
M: (086) 8909329
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Sean Burke
PKA Ltd.
Ring, Dungarvan
Co. Waterford
T: 0033 546859785
M: (087) 6998565
E: [email protected]
C: Maryse Crine
Seamus O’Hayes
An Rinn, Dungarbhan
Co. Waterford
C: Seamus O’Hayes
CK Oysters
Knoickeen Power
Ring, Dungarvan
Co. Waterford
T: (058) 46448
C: Criostoir Kinneally
Walsh Philip
Rosstuss, Woodstown
Co. Waterford
T: (051) 382036
M: (087) 4120291
C: Philip Walsh
Deise Premium Oysters Ltd.
New Ross, Co. Wexford
T: (051) 389349
M: (087) 2712150
E: [email protected]
C: William Dwyer
Waterford Oysters Ltd.
New Line
Abbeyside, Dungarvan
Co. Waterford
T: (058) 42320
M: (086) 3546062
C: Pat Cullen
Dungarvan Shellfish Ltd.
Gortnadiha, Ring
Co. Waterford
T: (058) 46120
T: (058) 46508
M: (087) 3298714
E: [email protected]
C: Ray Harty
Woodstown Bay Shellfish Ltd.
The Harbour
Dunmore East
Co. Waterford
T: (051) 385405
M: (087) 9028342
M: (087) 2565549
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Barlow
Green Oysters Ltd.
Gortnadiha, Ring
Co. Waterford
T: (058) 46120
F: (058) 46508
M: (087) 3298714
E: [email protected]
C: Ray Harty
Fitzpatrick Eugene
Tallaught, Saltmills
Co. Wexford
T: (051) 562587 P/F
M: (087) 6660829
C: Eugene Fitzpatrick
Harty Jimmy
Ring, Dungarvan
Co. Waterford
T: (058) 46215
E: [email protected]
C: James Harty
O’Maoileain Tadhg &
O’Conduin Sean
Cnocan an Phaoraigh Uachtarach
An Rinn,
Co. Phortlairge
M: (087) 8132235
T: (058) 46599
F: (058) 46208
E: [email protected]
C: Tadhg O’Maoileoin
Noel Roche
Lacken, Duncormick
Co. Wexford
T: (051) 8563438
M: (086) 8265367
C: Noel Roche
Hook Head Shellfish Ltd.
Ramstown, Fethard-on-Sea
New Ross
Co. Wexford
T: (051) 397492
M: (087) 6480109 John
M: (087) 6314913
C: Jodie Hickey
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Special Bannow Bay Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Wexford
T: (051) 561291
T: 0033 607436241
M: (086) 0622542
C: Anthony Neveu
Atlantic Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4883248
T: 0044 1736810867
E: [email protected]
C: Tristan Hugh-Jones
Jasconius Ltd.
New Quay
Burrin, Co. Clare
T: (065) 7078189
M: (087) 9772069
[email protected]
C: Iarlaith Connellan
Hatchery Edulis
Cartron Point Shellfish Ltd.
New Quay
Co. Clare
T: (065) 7078189
M: (087) 9772069
E: [email protected]
C: Iarlaith Connellan
Hatchery Gigas
Boet Mor Seafoods Ltd.
Co. Galway
T: (095) 44698
M: (087) 2631641
E: [email protected]
C: Jean Le Dorven
Tralee Bay Hatchery Ltd.
The Ponds,
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 7136811
M: (087) 2599237
E: [email protected]
C: Denis O’Shea
Lissadell Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Sligo Town
Co. Sligo
T: (07191) 63563
F: (07191) 41313
M: (086) 8313123
E: [email protected]
C: Kevin O’Kelly
Atlantic Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4883248
T: 0044 1736810867
E: [email protected]
C: Tristan Hugh-Jones
Native Oyster
Michael Kelly Shellfish Ltd.
Tyrone, Kilcolgan
Co. Galway
T: (091) 796120
E: [email protected]
C: Diarmuid Kelly
Dolphin Seafarms Ltd.
41 Gleniha, Ennis
Co. Clare
T: (065) 6820616
M: (086) 6021704
C: Eamon Chesser
Lough Swilly Oyster Fishermen.
St Johnston, Lifford
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 48286
M: (086)3186845
C: Alec Carlan
Lough Foyle Oyster Co-op
Whiskey Rock Ltd
Co. Derry
E: [email protected]
C:Liam Farren, (Ciaran McGonigle
Loughs Agency)
Malin Head Fishermen’s Cooperative
Society Ltd.
Malin Head
Inishowen, Co. Donegal
T: (07493) 70240
M: (086) 2694320
C: Charles O’ Donnell
Clarinbridge Oyster Co-operative
Society Ltd.
Cave, Clarenbridge
Co. Galway
T: (091) 796771
M: (087) 2581104
C: Michael Egan
Comharchumann Sliogeisc
Chonamara Teo
Tir Ni, Lettermore
Co. Galway
T: (095) 33489
M: (087) 0699437
E: [email protected]
C: Alan O’Sullivan
Tralee Oyster Fishermen’s Society
The Pier, Fenit
Tralee, Co. Kerry
T: (066) 7136811
M: (087) 2599237
E: [email protected]
C: Denis O’Shea
Clew Bay Oyster Cooperative
The Boathouse,
The Quay, Newport,
Co. Mayo.
M: (087) 9882522
W: [email protected]
C: Sean O’ Grady
Rope Mussel
Whooley Colin
Ballylinch, Baltimore
Co. Cork
T: 028) 20447
M: (086) 2483863
E: [email protected]
C: Colin Whooley
Beara Seafoods Ltd
Ardgroom, Beara
Co. Cork
T: (027) 74286
M: (086) 3845377
M: (086) 3845377
E: [email protected]
C: Gerard Lynch
Turk Head Enterprises Ltd.
Church Cross, Skibbereen,
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38173
M: (086) 2606473
C: Stephen Casey
Dunmanus Bay Mussels
Co. Cork
T: (027) 50977
M: (086) 2782434
M: (086) 2782434
M: (087) 6179358
[email protected]
C: Paul Connolly
Adrigole Mussels Ltd.
Bawn, Adrigole, Beara
Co. Cork
T: (027) 60030( parents)
M: (086) 8196625
C: Daniel O’Shea
Rodeen Fish Farm Ltd.
Droum South
Co. Cork
(087) 9456047
E: [email protected]
C: Ryan Murphy
North Mayo Oyster Development
Cooperative Society Ltd
Tallagh, Belmullet
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 6926919
E: [email protected]
C: Eddie O’Toole
Pallas Fish Farm Ltd.
110 Rathfarnham wood
Dublin 14
T: (01) 4946783
M: (086) 3770599 Donal O’Reilly
M: (087) 9484020 John O’Reilly
E: [email protected]
C: Donal O’Reilly
Keywater Fisheries Ltd
Caradeen, Maple Drive, Boyle
Co. Roscommon F52 A094
T: (071) 9662692
M: (087) 9957613
E: [email protected]
C: Mr Paul Kearney
O’Shea John
Co. Cork
T: (027) 74473
M: (086) 8328288
C: John O’Shea
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Mannin Seafoods Ltd.
Church Cross, Skibbereen
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38290
F: (028) 38016
M: (085) 1141574
C: Michael O’Neill
Murphy Patrick
Lissygriffin, Goleen
Co. Cork
T: (028) 87719
M: (086) 8569301
M: (086) 2360001
C: Patrick Murphy
Murphy Daniel
Glenvale Lodge Mardyke,
Skibbereen, Co. Cork
T: (028) 22001
M: (086) 8887799
C: Daniel Murphy
Leonard Patrick J. & Leonard Peter
7 Donegal West
Reengaroga, Baltimore,
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38293
M: (086) 8818266
C: Patrick Leonard
Southward Ltd.
Church Road, Bantry
Co. Cork
T: (027) 52689
M: (087) 2424738
M: (086)6073569
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Catherine O’Sullivan
Kush Seafarms Ltd.
O’Shea’s House, New Road,
Kenmare, Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6641714
M: (087) 2751610
E: [email protected]
C: Jose Perez
Lydon Pat
Lettergesh West, Renvyle
Co. Galway
T: (095) 43429
M: (086) 3776350
C: Pat Lydon
Greenline Shellfish Ltd.
Sherkin Island, Skibbereen
Co. Cork
M: (086) 8304231
T: (028) 20287
E: [email protected]
C: Richard Collins
Seal Harbour Enterprises Ltd.
Seal Harbour
Glengarriff, Bantry,
Co. Cork
T: (027) 63085
F: (027) 63878
M: (087)2599002
E: [email protected]
C: Tim Green
Nunan Mussels Ltd.
Ballylickey, Bantry
Co. Cork
T: (027) 51484
M: (086) 0619841
E: [email protected]
C: John M. Holland
Denis Hourican
Hillside House
Co. Cork
T: (027) 71238 (658)
M: (086) 3353618
C: Denis. Hourican
Dunmanus Bay Mussels
Co. Cork
T: (027) 54153
M: (086) 2782434
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Connolly
Crowley Michael
Church Cross,
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38830
M: (086) 2681278
C: Michael Crowley
Duggan Raymond
Church Cross,
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38281
M: (086) 8798942
C: Raymond Duggan
Courtney Richard
Co. Cork
T: (028) 21382
M: (086) 2306961
C: Richard Courtney
G&B Barge Ltd.
Bere Island
Co. Cork
T: (027) 75018
M: (086) 8350820
E: [email protected]
C: Brendan Sullivan
Collins & Minihane Ltd.
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38429 H
T: (01) 8900919
M: (087) 2134623
E: [email protected]
C: Sean Collins
Fastnet Mussels Ltd.
Co. Cork
T: (027) 61276
M: (086) 2440573
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
[email protected]
C: John Murphy
Hanley Paddy
Co. Cork
T: (027) 74232
M: (087) 9149052
C: Paddy Hanley
Ardgroom Shellfish Ltd.
Ardgroom, Beara,
Co. Cork
T: (027) 74369
F: (027) 74220
M: (087) 2408366
C: John Gerard Sullivan
AMC Fishfarms Ltd.
c/o Casey’s Cabin
Co. Cork
T: (028) 20197
F: (028) 20427
M: (085) 8016626
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Casey
Cormorant Mussel Ltd
25 The Meadows
Classis Lake, Ovens,
Co. Cork
T: (021) 4872703
M: (087) 2784819
E: [email protected]
C: William Murphy
Fundy Shellfish Ltd.
Co Cork
T: (027) 61254
M: (086) 1661947
C: John Hutchinson
Bantry Harbour Mussels Ltd.
Co. Cork
T: (027) 51199
M: (085) 1729177
E: [email protected]
C: Finian O’Sullivan
Krause Rainer
Nuns Orchard, Kinvara
Co. Galway
T: (091) 637104
T: (091) 637232
T: (091) 638813
C: Rainer Krause
Black Pearl Shellfish Ltd
Lettergesh East
Renvyle, Co. Galway
T: (095) 43525
M: (087) 2074738
C: Kieran Kane
O’Malley Michael
Co. Galway
T: (095) 44702
M: (087) 2852460
E: o’[email protected]
C: Michael O Malley
On-Line Mussels
Lettergesh West
Co. Galway
T: (095) 43418
M: (086) 3776350
M: (087) 9173800
C: Ciaran Coyne & Pat Lydon
Cronin Paddy V.
Lissyclearig Ullen
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6641540
M: (087) 0692077
C: Paddy V. Cronin
Laffey Liam & Michael
Lettergesh East
Co. Galway
T: (095) 42208
M: (086) 8222447
C: Mike and Liam Laffey
Lyons Kieran
Eyeries, Beara
Co Cork
T: (027) 74296
M: (086) 3637784
E: [email protected]
C: Kieran Lyons
Killary Fjord Shellfish Ltd.
Co. Galway
M: (087) 6227542
E: [email protected]
C: Simon C.Kennedy
Daly Carl
Drombohilly, Tousist
Co. Kerry
T: (064)66 84289
C: Carl Daly
Lydon Kevin & Lydon Michael
Maam, Co. Galway
T: (094) 9548918
M: (087) 6783725
E: [email protected]
C: Kevin Lydon
Iasc Sliogach Uisce Leathan Teo.
Kindrum P.O., Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal
T: (074) 9159259
M: (086) 8041451
E: [email protected]
C: Martin Coll
John Coyne
Renvyle, Co. Galway
C: John Coyne
Mulroy Bay Mussels Ltd.
Drim, Cranford
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 53478
F: (07491) 53260
M: (087) 2935852
E: [email protected]
C: Hugh Wilhare
Purple Spade Ltd.
Lettergesh West
Co. Galway
T: (095) 43814
M: (086) 6078508
E: [email protected]
C: Catherine Nee
Casheen Bay Seafood
Na Fabhrai Maoile
Co. Galway
C: Coleman McDonagh
Bruckless Bouchot Mussels
PO. Box 109
Co. Donegal
M: (087) 6013798
E: [email protected]
C: Anthony Neven
McIlwaine Shellfish Ltd.
Woodquarter, Cranford,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 53268
F: (07491) 53806
M: (087) 2390285
E: [email protected]
C: Hector Mc Ilwaine
Michael Lydon
Cleggaun, Maam
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Lydon
Kelly Paul
18 Henry Street
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6684513
F: (064) 6642590
M: (085) 1644329
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Kelly
Muskerry Seafoods(Kerry) Ltd.
Hedford, Killarney,
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 7750476
M: (087) 4140837
E: [email protected]
C: Finbar & Eileen Daly
O’Malley Jim
Long Street,
Louisburgh, Co. Mayo
M: (087) 6854886
C: Jim O’Malley
Killary Fish Farming Co-operative
Soc. Ltd.
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 2376700
C: John Kilcoyne
Ross Shellfish Ltd.
1 Reenkilla
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6683171
M: (087) 2508803
E: [email protected]
C: Ray Ross
Eddie Nee Jr.
Carrowniskey P.O., Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 68662
M: (087) 7410859
T: (095) 42394
C: Eddie Nee (Jr.)
Shamrock Shellfish Ltd.
Limestone Hse., Killowen
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6642200
M: (087) 2592209
E: [email protected]
C: Sean Mc Carthy
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Sneem Fishermen’s Cooperative
Society Ltd.
Tahilla, Sneem
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6645270
M: (086) 3623634
E: [email protected]
C: Jean-Yves Letanneur
Jean-Yves Letanneur
Ankail, Tahilla
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6645270
M: (086) 3623634
E: [email protected]
C: Jean-Yves Letanneur
Blackshell Farm Ltd.
Unit 15, Westport Industrial Park,
Newport Road, Westport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 50879
M: (087) 6875164 Paul Reynolds
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Mulloy
O’Malley Bartley
Loughta, Louisburgh
Co Mayo
T: (098) 66281
M: (087) 9242126
C: Bartley O’Malley
Comhlucht Iascaireacht Fanad Teo.
Cashel PO, Kindrum,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 59805
F: (07491) 59071
C: Catherine McManus
Curraun Blue Ltd.
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 36174
M: (087) 2858758
E: [email protected]
C: Tom Doherty Jr
Mannin Bay Salmon Co. Ltd.
Drinagh, Errislannan,
Co. Galway
T: (095) 21262
F: (095) 21773
M: (087) 6165860
E: [email protected]
C: Gerry O’Donoghue
Bradan Beo Teo
Leitirmeallan, Connemara
Co. Galway H91 X4T1
M: (087) 6328941
E: [email protected]
C: Bobby Kerr
Comhlucht Iascaireacht Fanad Teo.
Cashel PO, Kindrum,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 59805
F: (07491) 59071
C: Catherine McManus
Valentia Harbour Fisheries
Society Ltd.
Valentia Island
Co. Kerry
T: (066) 9476263
M: (087) 2390015
C: Peader Houlihan
Derrylea Holdings Ltd.
2 Railway Avenue
Co. Galway
T: (091) 574004
M: (087) 2405045
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Sommerville
Roaringwater Bay Seaweed Co-op
Society Ltd.
Cunnamore Point
Co. Cork
T: (028) 38173
M: (086) 2606473
C: Stephen Casey
Seastream Ltd.
Co. Mayo
M: (087) 2858758
E: [email protected]
C: Thomas Doherty
Bere Island Coop
Lowneys, Bere Island
Co. Cork
M: (086)1064363
C: David Andrws
Niall O’Boyle
Knockbreaga, Newport
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 41616
M: (087) 2255440
C: Niall O’Boyle
Whiddy Island Scallops Ltd
72 Reenrour East, Bantry
Co. Cork
M: (086) 1936247
E: [email protected]
C: Danny O’Leary
Dingle Bay Seaweed
Oakmount, Castletownbere
Co. Cork
M: (086) 2607991
M: (087) 2389998
[email protected]
C: Mike Murphy
Comhlucht Iascaireacht Fanad Teo.
Cashel PO, Kindrum,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 59805
T: (07491) 59071
C: Catherine McManus
North West Shellfish Ltd.
Upper Carrick
Carrigart, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 55195
M: (086) 8092246
[email protected]
C: Jerry Gallagher
Seastream Ltd.
Gortdrum Hatchery
Co Tipperary
T: (098) 36174
M: (087) 2858758
E: [email protected]
C: Tom Doherty Jr
Comhlucht Iascaireacht Fanad Teo.
Cashel PO, Kindrum,
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 59805
T: (07491) 59071
C: Catherine McManus
Ocean Farm Ltd
Donegal Road, Killybegs
Co. Donegal F94YF61
T: (07497) 31004
F: (07497) 31509
E: [email protected]
C: Paul McCrudden
Comharchumann Sliogeisc
Chonamara Teo
Tir Ni
Co. Galway
T: (095) 33489
M: (087) 0699437
E: [email protected]
C: Alan O’Sullivan
Douglas Valley Hatchery Ltd.
Kilclough, Kilworth
Co. Cork
T: (025) 27337
M: (086) 3162397
F: (025) 27635
E: [email protected]
C: Michael Walsh
Sneem Fishermen’s Cooperative
Society Ltd.
Tahilla, Sneem
Co. Kerry
T: (064) 6645270
M: (086) 3623634
E: [email protected]
C: Jean-Yves Letanneur
Errislannan, Clifden
Co. Galway
T: (095) 21262
F: (095) 21773
M: (087) 6165860
E: [email protected]
C: Gerry O’Donoghue
Santa Cruise Salmon Ltd.
Co. Tipperary
T: (09097) 47122
M: (087) 6890301
C: Peter Gibbs
Derrylea Holdings Ltd.
2 Railway Avenue
Co. Galway
T: (091) 574004
M: (087) 2405045
E: [email protected]
C: Paul Sommerville
Millbrook Salmon Hatcheries Ltd
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 37474
M: (086) 8269750
E: [email protected]
C: John O’Boyle
Cong Salmon Hatchery
Co. Galway
T: (094) 9546049 P&F
M: (087) 9100534
E: [email protected]
C: Matt Varley
Marine Institute Salmon Mangment
Co. Mayo
T: (098) 41112
F: (098) 41705
E: [email protected]
C: Deirdre Cotter
Comhlucht Iascaireacht Fanad Teo.
Cashel PO
Co. Donegal
T: (07491) 92105
T: (07491) 59805
T: (07491) 59071
C: Catherine McManus
Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would
email any corrections or additions to: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Fish Processors
T: Telephone
M: Mobile
F: Fax
E: Email
W: Web
C: Contact
Albatross Seafoods Ltd
Killybegs, Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 9731674
C: John Boyle
Castletownbere Fishermen’s
Co-op Society Ltd.
Dinish Island, Castletownbere,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 27 70045
C: John Nolan
Araglen Valley Trout Farm
Araglen, Kilworth, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 58 50049
C: John Hayden
Cavistons Food Emporium/Seatang
59 Glasthule Road, Glasthule,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 2809120
C: Peter Caviston
Atlantis Seafoods Wexford Ltd
Unit F1 Strandfield Business Park,
Rosslare Road,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 53 9123309
C: John Kenny/Mark O’Connor
Ballybay Perch Ltd.
Corkeeran, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan
E: [email protected]
T: +353 42 9756907
Ballycarbery Fine Foods
Unit 4, Caherciveen Business Park,
Caherciveen, Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 66 9473974
C: Darina Healy/Linda Macauley
Clarke Fish Exports Ltd.
O’Rahilly and Connolly Streets,
Ballina, Co. Mayo
E: [email protected]
T: +353 96 21022
C: Kevin Clarke
Clogherhead Fishermans Co-op
Port Oriel, Clogherhead, Co. Louth
E: [email protected]
T: +353 41 9881403
C: Paul Boyd
Coastguard Seafoods Ltd.
Harbour Road, Annagassan,
Co. Louth
T: +353 42 9372527
C: Terry Butterly
Dunmore East Fishermens
Co-op Ltd.
Dunmore East, Co. Waterford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 51 383377
C: Maurice Glody
Galway & Aran Fishermen’s Co-op.
The Pier, Rossaveal,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 572161
C: Sean Griffin
Dunn’s Seafare Ltd.
Jamestown Business Park, Finglas,
Dublin 11
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8643100
C: Ken Ecock
Galway Bay Seafoods
New Docks, Galway City,
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 563011
C: Noel Holland
Eany Fish Products Ltd.
Inver, Co. Donegal
T: +353 74 9736318
W: [email protected]
C: William Ward
East Coast Inshore Fishing Co. Ltd.
Unit 28 Millenium Business Park,
Cappagh Road, Dublin 11
E: [email protected]
T: +353 8649233
C: Brian O’Callaghan
Eiranova Fisheries
Dinish Island, Castletownbere,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 27 70250
C: Brendan Minehane
Fastnet Catch
Harbour Drive, Baltimore,
Co. Cork
T: +353 87 0966342
C: John Kearney
Fish Ahoy
Arthurstown, New Ross,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 51 389369
C: Michael Walsh
Beaumont Fish Sales
29 Millenium Business Park,
Blanchardstown, Dublin 11.
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8649977
C: Paddy Donegan
Connemara Smokehouse Ltd.
Bunowen Pier, Aillebrack,
Ballyconneely, Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 95 23739
C: Graham Roberts
Fishman’s Market
Unit 16B, 16 Hebron Business Park,
Co. Kilkenny
E: [email protected]
T: +353 56 7793929
C: John Hoyne
Beshoffs of Howth
17-18 West Pier Howth,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8397555
C: Alan Beshoff
Daly’s Seafood’s Ltd.
Kimego, Caherciveen,
Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 66 9472082
C: Michael Daly
Flemings Seafood
Old Coastguard Station, Ros a Mhil,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 572088
C: Gay Fleming
Byrne Seafoods
Beaugh, Malin,
Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 9370638
C: John Byrne
Dorans on the Pier
7-8 West Pier, Howth,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8392419
C: Sean Doran
Four Leaf Clover
67 Henry Street,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 860000
C: Ali Jalivandi
Glenmar Shellfish Ltd.
Main Street, Union Hall,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 28 33818
C: Diarmuid O’Donovan
Good Fish Processing Ltd.
Carrigaline Industrial Park,
Crosshaven Road, Carrigaline,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 21 4373917
C: Denis Good
Connemara Fisheries Ltd.
Cornamona, Connemara,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 94 9548193
C: Pat Somerville
Duncannon Fish Co. Ltd.
New Ross,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 51 421364
C: Kai Ronan
Garrihy Seafoods Ltd.
Doolin, Co. Clare
T: +353 65 7074075
C: Joe Garrihy
Goatsbridge Trout Farm
Goatsbridge, Thomastown,
Co. Kilkenny
T: +353 86 8188340
C: Mag Kirwan
Ballycotton Seafoods Ltd.
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 21 4646522
C: Adrian Walsh
Burren Smokehouse Ltd.
Co. Clare
E: [email protected]
T: +353 65 7074432
C: Peter/Birgitta Curtin
Gannet Fishmongers Limited
5-6 Royal Rock, Ballybane, Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 440168
C: Stephane Griesbach
Fish Sales Killybegs Ltd.
Stragar, Killybegs, Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 97 31297
C: Conal Molloy
Foyle Fishermen’s Co-op Society
The Pier, Greencastle, Moville,
Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 9381170
C: John O’Kane
Green Isle Foods Ltd.
Monread Road, Naas, Co. Kildare
T: +353 45 876511
Greencastle Fish Shop
Greencastle, Co. Donegal
T: +353 74 9381065
C: Harry McCormick
H J Nolan (Dublin) Ltd.
Rathdown Road, Dublin 7
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8680066
C: George Nolan / Jim Ryan
Hederman Smoked Salmon
(Belvelly Smokehouse)
Belvelly, Cobh, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 21 4811089
C: Frank Hederman
Iasc Ui Mathuna
Ballyhea, An Daingean, Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 66 9151136
C: Paddy O’Mahony
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Ireland West Seafarer
The Pier, Killala, Ballina,
Co. Mayo
E: [email protected]
T: +353 96 32717
C: Niall Byrne
M.J. Flanagan
Unit 603, Northern Extension
Industrial Park, Co. Waterford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 51 874926
C: John Whittle
Irish Seaspray Ltd.
Tir An Fhia, Leitir Moir,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 91 551222
C: Sean Gavin
Marine Harvest Ireland
Rinmore, Fanad,
Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 91 59071
C: Pat Connors
Joe Garvin Fish Sales
3 Nephin View,
Ardagh, Ballina,
Co. Mayo
T: +35396 71564
C: Joe Garvin
McKenna Fish Sales
Unit 30 Millenium Business Park,
Blanchardstown, Dublin 11
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8649040
C: Alan McKenna
Keem Bay Fish Products Ltd.
Pollagh Keel, Achill Island,
Co. Mayo
E: [email protected]
T: +353 98 43265
C: Gerry Hassett
Meylers Fish Merchants
Common Quay St, The Bullring,
T: +353 53 9122339
C: James Meyler
Keohane Seafoods Ltd.
Unit 25 Kinsale Road Industrial
Estate, Kinsale Road, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 21 4322059
C: Coleman Keohane
Kerry Fish (Irl) Ltd.
Renard Point, Caherciveen,
Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
TT: +353 66 9472177
C: Liam Quinlan
Kilkerrin Salmon/ISPG Ltd.
Cill Chiarain, Connemara,
Co. Galway
E: [email protected]
T: +353 87 2830641
C: Liam Roche
Kingfisher Fresh Ltd.
Kerlogue Industrial Estate,
Rosslare Road,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 53 9144704
C: Michelle O’Neill
Kirwan Fish Merchants
Strand Street, Clogherhead,
Co. Louth
E: [email protected]
T: +353 41 9830622
C: Patrick Kirwan
Kish Fish Co. Ltd.
Bow Street,
Dublin 7
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8543900
C: Tadgh O’Meara
Lett Seafoods
Kerlogue Industrial Estate,
Rosslare Road,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 53 9140446
C: Richard & Christian Lett
Millstream Ltd.
Kiltrea, Enniscorthy,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 53 9234282
C: Bryan Rothwell
Morgans Oceanfresh Ltd.
Ardaghy, Omeath, Co. Louth
E: [email protected]
T: +353 42 9375128
C: David Martin
Murrin Fisheries Ltd.
Roshine Road, Killybegs,
Co. Donegal
T: +353 74 9731362
C: James Murrin
Nicholas Lynch Ltd.
13 Ashbourne Manufacturing Park,
Ashbourne, Co. Meath
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8353666
C: Nicholas Lynch
Nicky’s Plaice Ltd.
Store F West Pier, Howth,
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8326415
C: Martin McLoughlin
Normandy Ireland Ltd.
The Pier, Schull, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 28 28599
C: Xavier Legrix
Oceanpath Ltd.
Claremont Industrial Estate,
West Pier, Howth,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8398900
C: Ken Ecock
Rene Cusack Ltd.
Raheen Industrial Estate,
E: [email protected]
T: +353 61 317566
C: Paul Cusack
Renvyle Fisheries Connemara Ltd.
Tullyillion, Renvyle, Connemara,
Co. Galway
T: +353 95 43486
C: Liam Diamond
Rockabill Shellfish Ltd.
Stephenstown Industrial Estate,
Balbriggan, Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8417874
C: Bill Price / Alan Price
Saltees Fish
Kilmore Quay,
Co. Wexford
E: [email protected]
T: +353 53 9129870
C: Michael O’Flaherty
Scibeen Foods Ltd.
Abington, Murroe,
Co. Limerick
T: +353 61 386005
C: Michael O’Callaghan
Seafood Cuisine Ltd.
Fastnet Industrial Estate,
Marsh Road, Skibbereen,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 28 21869
C: Padraigh O’Donovan
Sealyons Seafood Ltd.
Castle Pier, Carrigaholt, Co. Clare
E: [email protected]
T: +353 65 9058222
C: Gearoid Lyons
Select Seafoods Ltd.
Butterly Business Park,
Kilmore Road, Artane,
Dublin 5
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8486839
C: Brendan Boylan
Spillane Seafoods
Lockabane, Killarney,
Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 64 31320
C: Paudie Spillane
Star Seafoods Ltd.
Dauro, Kenmare,
Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 64 41427
C: Danny McCarthy
Starcrest Seafoods Ltd.
The Mullins,
Old Laghey Road,
Donegal Town,
Co. Donegal
E: [email protected]
T: +353 74 9721092
C: Alister McClay
The Fisherman
Unit 1, Ballybane Industrial Estate,
Co. Galway
T: +353 91 760127
C: Patrick O’Malley
Thomas Mulloy Ltd.
3 West Pier, Howth,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 6611222
C: Thomas Mulloy
Ummera Smoked Products Ltd.
Ummera House,
Inchybridge, Timoleague,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 23 46644
C: Anthony Creswell
Union Hall Smoked Fish Ltd.
Union Hall, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 28 33125
C: Sean Nolan
William Carr & Sons Ltd.
Curraglass, Mallow,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 58 56216
C: Billy Carr
Wrights of Howth
14 West Pier,
Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8323937
C: Mark Wright
O’Cathain Iasc Teo
The Quay, Dingle, Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 66 9151322
C: Ricky Keane
Shellfish De La Mer Ltd.
Dinish Island, Castletownbere,
Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 27 70461
C: Richard Murphy
Wrights of Marino
21 Marino Mart,
Dublin 3
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 8333636
C: John Wright
Ocean Marine Ltd.
25A Monkstown Farm,
Monkstown, Co. Dublin
E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 2802842
C: Darren Rogerson
Spa Seafoods
The Spa, Tralee, Co. Kerry
E: [email protected]
T: +353 66 7136901
C: Brendan Walsh
Yawl Bay Seafoods
Foxhole Industrial Estate,
Youghal, Co. Cork
E: [email protected]
T: +353 24 92290
C: David Browne
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Suppliers to the Aquaculture Industry
T: Telephone
M: Mobile
F: Fax
Aquafact International Ltd.
12 Kilkerrin Park,
Liosbaun, Tuam Road,
C: Brendan Costelloe
T: (091) 756812 / 756813
F: (091) 7556888
E: [email protected]
E: Email
W: Web
C: Contact
Hensey Glan-Uisce Teo
C: Mary Hensey
T: (091) 592174
M: 087 2860845
E: [email protected]
Aqua Consultant
Ballinahallia, Moycullen,
C: Mr. Diarmuid Mulcahy
M: 087 2266472
E: [email protected]
Air Products Ireland Ltd
Unit 950 Western Industrial Est.,
Kileen Road,
Dublin 12
T: 01 4659650
AquaTT Ltd
Unit 3, Olympic House,
Pleasants Street,
Dublin 8
C: David Murphy
T: (01) 6449008
F: (01) 6449009
E: [email protected]
Akva Group
36F Shore Road,
Inverness IVI INF,
C: Douglas Johnson
T: 0044 146322 1444
F: 0044 146322 3535
E: [email protected]
Atlantic Fare
Kilkieran, Connemara,
C: Valerie Cooke
T: (095) 33300
F: (095) 33453
M: 087 6502645
E: [email protected]
Alnamaritec Ltd
Workspace Quay Road, Blyth
Northumberland NE24 IPX, UK
T: 0044 1670 338475
E: [email protected]
IDF Monitoring
Unit 3, Killaoe Industrial Est.,
Co. Clare
C: Dr John Wallace
T: 061-375180
E: [email protected]
Jennings & O’Donnovan
Finisklin Industrial Estate,
C: Colm Jennings
T: (071) 9161416
F: (071) 9161080
Watermark Aqua-Environmental
Killarney Road, Bray,
Co. Wicklow
C: Dr. Neil Bass
T: 286200
M: 087 2481581
E: [email protected]
Alltech Ireland
Summerhill Road,
Co Meath
T: 8252244
Aquabeam BTB Innovation
357 Dysart Road,
NG31 7NB, UK
C: David R Holt
T: 0044 1476 576280
F: 0044 1476 561557
E: [email protected]
Sarl Besnard P&F
La Masseliere,
72200 Bazouges/Loir,
T: 00(0) 2 43 940982
E: [email protected]
Bonnar Engineering
Neil T Blaney Road,
C: Pat Bonnar
T: (074) 9122256
F: (074) 9124877
E: [email protected]
Aqua-Fact International Services Ltd.
12 Kilkerrin Park, Liosbaun, Tuam
Road, Galway
C: John Costelloe
T: (091) 756812 / 756813
F: (091) 756888
E: [email protected]
C H Marine
Marsh Road, Skibbereen,
C: Nicholas Bendon
T: (028) 23190
E: [email protected]
11 Rue Belles Ezines-BP2,
17680 Le Gua,
C: Christophe Pierre
T: 00 33 546228214 / 2983
F: 00 33 546228719
Delta Valves and Plastics
West Link Business Park,
Old Mallow Road,
C: Peter Harrington
T: (021) 4 399377/021-4399388
F: (021) 439 9388
E: [email protected]
Depur Systems Ltd
Moneycarragh Fishfarm,
62 Dromara Road, Dundrum,
Co. Down,
Northern Ireland
C: John Smyth
T: 048 43751860
E: [email protected]
Dryden Aqua Ltd
Butlerfield Ind. Est, Bonnyrigg,
EH I 9 3JQ,
Scotland UK
C: Howard Dryden
T: 00 44 1875822222
F: 00 44 1875822229
E: [email protected]
Industriholmen 59, 2650,
T: 0045 43208981
Dundrum Bay Oyster Fishery
24 Main Street, Dundrum,
Northern Ireland UK
C: Robert Graham
T: (048) 43751810
F: (048) 43751610
Eddie Carr and Co. Ltd
Colga. Calry,
Rep. of Ireland
C: Eddie Carr
T: (071) 9147180
M: 087 2544217
F: (071) 9147182
E: [email protected]
France Naissain
Polder des Champs,
85230 Bouin,
T: 00 33 299 8989 89r
E: [email protected]
Fishtechnic Fredelslomh Gmbh
37186 Moringen,
T: 0049 5555 99300
E: [email protected]
Fusion Marine
Marine Resource Centre,
Barcaldine, Oban,
Argyll PA37 15E,
Scotland UK
T: 0044 1631 720730
F: 0044 1631 720731
E: [email protected]
Gael Force Marine Ltd.
136 Anderson Street,
IV3 8OH,
Scotland UK
T: 0044 1463 229400
E: [email protected]
Gem Plastics
Co. Cavan
C: James King
T: 049 43 31077
F: 049 43 61157
E: [email protected]
JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd
Weir Road,
Tuam, Co Galway
T: (093) 24066
E: [email protected]
JF Moulds / Eco Tanks
C: John Fenton
T: (071) 9851025
E: [email protected]
J T Electric
Faroe Islands
T: 00298 47 4444
F: 00258 47 4445
E: [email protected]
J & W Stuart (Ire) Ltd
Co. Cork
C: Michael Murphy
T: 027 71663
F: 027 70973
M: 086 2667991
Kingspan/Aerobord Ltd.
Askeaton, Limerick
C: John Blessing
T: (061) 604600
F: (061) 604601
E: [email protected]
Garrafrauns, Dunmore,
Tuam, Co Galway
T: (093) 38677
E: [email protected]
Liftup Akua AS
N-5640 Eikelandsosen,
C: Jorgin Gunnarsson
T: 0047 56582711
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
The Pier, Ballycotton, Cork
C: Peter McKeown
T: (021) 4646134
M: (086) 8100113
F: (021) 4646756
E: [email protected]
Marinove SAS
Le Terrain Neuf
9570 L’Epine
T: 0033 228 129520
E: [email protected]
MSD Animal Health
Red Oak North,
South County Business Park,
Dublin 18
T: 01 237 0220
Mulot SAS
ZA des Brassons
17390 La Tremblade,
C: Patrice Godeau
T: 0033 6 13 223232
Maintenance and aftersales service
Skyport Engineering
T: 098 56414
E: [email protected]
Organic Trust Ltd.
Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3
T: 01 853 0271
Ocea Aquaculture Ltd
Torrangorm Industrial Est
Unit 1A, PA34 4PA
T: 0044 7511 114500
T: 0047 5538 5000
C: Stephane Duval
T: 00 33 (0) 233448036
F: 00 33 (0) 233231255
E: [email protected]
Sterner AquaTech
1 Longman Drive,
Inverness, Scotland UK
C: Mark Farquhar
T: 00441463 250275
F: 0044 1463 250275
E: [email protected]
Sotra Anchor & Chain
Videnes, 5363 Aagotnes,
T: 0047 56326852
E: [email protected]
Storvik As
Kilmory Industrial Estate,
Argyll PA 31RR, Scotland
C: Lorraine Campbell
T: 0044 1 546603989 /
0044 188077070
Techworks Marine
The Pottery Enterprise Zone
Potttery Road,
Dún Laoghaire,
Co Dublin
T: 01 2365900
Triskell Seafood Ltd.
Unit 9E,
North West Business Park
Co Sligo
T: +353 (0) 71 9115886
F: +353 (0) 71 9168064
M: +353 (0) 87 2451558
+353 (0) 89 4631003
E: [email protected]
Tropical Marine Centre
TCM Bristol
Cribbs Causeway Centre
Bristol BS10777
T: 0044 117 958 1150
E: commercial@
Tyson’s (Ship Riggers) Ltd
Unit 4, Omega B
usiness Park,
North East Lincolnshire,
T: 0044 1472 347065
Akralind, No. 4,
201 Kopauogur,
C: David Jarron
T: 00 354 5953000
E: [email protected]
BioMar Ltd
North Shore Road,
Grangemouth FK38UL,
T: 0044 1324665585
Le Gouessant Aquaculture
Zi Les Noes
22 400 St Aaron
C: Francois Ferrand
T: 0033 (0)2 96307474
F: 0033 (0)2 96307432
E: [email protected]
Coppens International bv
15 Swindon Road,
Redlands Highworth,
Wiltshire SN6 7SL
C: Matthew French
T: 0044 778 6083485
E: [email protected]
Wincham, Northwich,
Cheshire, CW9 6DF,
T: 0044 1606 561090
E: [email protected]
Veolia Water Ireland Ltd
Kilkenny Industrial & Business Park,
Dublin Road,
T: (056) 7763950
E: [email protected]
Triskell Seafood Ltd.
Unit 9E, North West Business Park
Co Sligo
T: +353 (0) 71 9115886
F: +353 (0) 71 9168064
M: +353 (0) 87 2451558
+353 (0) 89 4631003
E: [email protected]
C: Marie Aude Danguy
Wire Ropes Ltd.
North Quay,
C: Mr Clyde Wynne
T: (0404) 67375
F: (0404) 67053
United Fish Industries
C: John Healy
T: (074) 97 41800
F: (074) 97 41847
Aquaculture UK 2018
5M Publishing,
8 Smythywood Drive,
Sheffield, SC51QN, UK,
T: 0044 1142 46 4799
E: [email protected]
Landcatch Natural Selection A Hendrix Genetics Company
Scotland Pa31 8PE, UK
T: 0044 1880 770720
E: [email protected]
Aquanor 2017
Nor Fishing Foundation
N 7030Trondheim,
T: 0047 90841124
E: [email protected]
Aller Aqua (Ireland) Ltd.
Allervej 130,
DK 6070,
T: 00 45 7022 1910
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Marine Harvest
Kindrum, Fanad,
Co. Donegal
C: Jan Fennstra
T: (074) 9192820
E: [email protected]
Stofnfiskur SF Iceland
Stadarberg 2-4,
P O Box 24,
222 Hafnarfjordur,
C: Jonas Jonasson
T: (354) 564 63 00
F: (354) 564 63 01
E: [email protected]
MCM Insurance Brokers
Wellworth Buildings,
Bridge Street,
Co. Mayo
T: 096 72977
Suderland Marine
Aquaculture Risk
(Management) Ltd
The Quayside,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE13DU, England, UK
C: Robert Ferguson
T: 0044 191 232 5221
F: 0044 191 261 0540
LaTene Maps
Station House,
Co. Dublin
C: John Coleman
T: (01) 2823688
E: [email protected]
Aqualine AS
Post Boks 2200
7412 Trondheim,
C: Hans Olav Ruo
T: 0047 73809932
E: [email protected]
Cavanagh Nets Ltd.
Drumaweir House,
C: Mr. Lawrence Cavanagh
T: (074) 9381178
F: (074) 9381014
Coastal Cages
C: Martin Carr
T: (074) 9738406
F: (074) 9738406
Morenet Teo
Tiernee Industrial Estate,
Lettermore, Co Galway
T: (091) 551144
Swan Net Gundry Ltd
Co. Donegal
C: Martin Howley
T: (074) 97 31180
W and J Knox Ltd.
Kilbirnie, KA25 7DY,
Scotland UK
C: Ms. Julie McDonald
T: 00 44 1505 682511
F: 00 44 1505 682980
E: [email protected]
Aquaphoto Picture Library
Co. Mayo
C: Shay Fennelly
M: +353 (0)83 4658374
E: [email protected]
Ballinderry River Enhancement
Orritor, Cookstown,
BT80 9ND, Tyrone,
Northern Ireland UK
C: Alan Keys
T: (048) 86751201
Barry Electronics Ltd.
St. Catherines Road,
C: Donal Haughey
T: (074) 97 31215
E: [email protected]
Guernsey Sea Farms
Parc Lane, Vale,
Channel Islands
C: Mark Dravers
T: 00 44 1481 247480
F: 00 44 1481 248994
E: [email protected]
Marinove SAS
Le Terrain Neuf
9570 L’Epine
T: 0033 228 129520
E: [email protected]
Morecambe Bay Oysters
Old Gravel Works,
South Walney Island,
Cumbria, LA14 3YQ
C: Kelsey Thompson
T: 0044 1229 474158
F: 0044 1229 474500
E: [email protected]
Redbank Oyster Hatchery. Ltd.
New Quay,
C: Mr. Jarlaith Connellan
T: (065) 70 78189
F: (065) 70 78055
C: Stephane Duval
T: 00 33(0) 2 33448036
E: [email protected]
Tralee Bay Hatchery
The Ponds, Kilshanning,
Co. Kerry
C: Darragh Moriarity
T: 353 66713909
M: 00353863966566
E: [email protected]
Carrigadrohid Smolts Ltd.
Carridadrohid Hatchery,
Macroom, Cork
T: (026) 48132
M: 087 9080521
F: (026) 48054
E: [email protected]
Connemara Fishfarms
Corr na Mona,
C: Paul Sommerville
T: (094) 95 48193
F: (094) 95 48194
Douglas Valley Hatchery Ltd.
Kilworth, Cork
C: Michael Walsh
T: (025) 27337
F: (025) 27635
Eir Nor Teoranta
(Laschinger Aqua Group)
Dingle, Kerry
C: Gerald Hofmaier,
T: (066) 9151139
T: (066) 9150008/9
F: (066) 9151133
ESB Hatchery (Ballyshannon)
Knather Road,
C: John Gallagher
T: (071) 9851712
F: (071) 9852318
Seven Springs Trout Hatchery
Ballyhampton Road North,
Northern Ireland UK
C: David Baird
T: (048) 28260977
Sperrin Mountain Spring Hatchery
109 Fergarron Road,
Cookstown BT80 9QL,
Northern Ireland UK
C: Wilfred Mitchell
T: (048) 81659700
Fish Farmer Magazine
496 Ferry Raod,
Edinburgh EH52DL,
C: William Dowds
T: 00 44 1315511000
Sparsholt College
S021 2NF,
England UK
T: 00 44 1962776411
F: 00 44 1962776587
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture Development Centre
University College Cork,
Lee Maltings,
Prospect Row,
C: Gavin Burnell
T: +353 (0)21 4904590
M: +353 (0)86 8206464
F: +353 (0)21 4904593
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Co. Galway
C: Roger Cole
T: 353 (0) 2859111
E:[email protected]
Marine Times
Cranny Road
Co. Donegal
C: Mark McCarthy
T: (074) 97 36899
F: (074) 97 32635
E: [email protected]
Aquatic Veterinary Group
BioResearch Ireland,
National Diagnostics Centre,
University College Galway,
C: Ms. Margaret Ruttledge/
C: Ms. Evelyn Collins
T: (091) 524098
F: (091) 586570
Kaycee Veterinary Products
14 Enterprise Park
Lewes Road
West Sussex
T: 0044 1444482888
E: [email protected]
MSD Animal Health
Red Oak North,
South County Business Park,
Dublin 18
T: 01 237 0220
Marine Institute Salmon
Management Division
C: Deirdre Cotter
T: (098) 42300
Fish Farming International
Nexus Place,
25 Farringdon Street,
London EC4A 4AD, UK
C: Ratchel Mutter
T: 00 44 2070295714
Unit 15 Sandleheath Ind. Est.
Hampshire SP61PA, UK
T: 01 237 0220
E: [email protected]
Millbrook Hatcheries
C: John O’Boyle
T: (074) 9737474
Institute of Aquaculture
University of Stirling,
Stirling, FK9 4LA,
Scotland UK
T: 00 44 1786 467874
F: 00 44 1786 472133
E: [email protected]
Vet-Aqua International
Unit 7B Oranmore Business Park,
C: Hamish Rodger
T: (091) 792997
E: [email protected]
Northern Salmon Company
Glenarm Hatchery,
Northern Ireland, UK
C: John Russel
T: (048) 2841691
Inshore Ireland
Co Galway H65FR59
C: Gery Flynn
E: [email protected]
Santa Cruise Salmon Ltd.
C: Peter Gibbs
T: (090) 9747122
Irish Skipper
C: Hugh Bonner
T: (074) 9548935
F: (074) 9548940
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Irish Seafood Exporters
T: Telphone
F: Fax
Atlanfish Limited
Malin Road
C:Gareth Gallagher Managing Director
T:+353 74 937 4285
+44 777 486 4900
F: +353 74 937 4685
E: [email protected]
Bantry Bay Seafoods
Co. Cork
T: +353 27 50 977
F: +353 27 50 943
E: [email protected]
Bell’s Isle Seafoods
Co. Donegal
C:Des Moore Managing Director
T: +353 74 97 22 791
F: +353 74 97 23 858
M: +353 8 76 53 67 81
Breizon Limited
Dalriada Mina
Co. Galway
C:Loic Guenael Managing Director
T: +353 91 572 157
F: +353 91 572 246
E: [email protected]
Clogherhead Fishermen’s Co-Op
Co. Louth
C:Paul Boyd General Manager
T: +353 41 988 1403
F: +353 41 988 1405
E: [email protected]
Connemara Seafoods
Seafood House
Co. Mayo
C:Ann-Marie Mulloy Business Development Manager
T:+353 98 41000
+353 98 41328
+353 98 41772
F: +353 98 41666
M: Mobile
E: Email
Emerald Mussels Limited
C:George Golden Managing Director
T: +353 98 26376
F: +353 98 26431
Errigal Bay Seafood
Parkview House,
Beech Hill Office Campus,
Dublin 14 D04X7Z
C: Margaret Daly
T: +353 1 908 8100
E: [email protected]
Fastnet Mussels
Co. Cork
C:John Murphy Managing Director
T: +353 27 61276
M: +353 86 244 0573
F: +353 27 61264
Galway and Aran Co-Op
The Pier
Co. Galway
C:Sean Griffin General Manager
T: +353 91 572 161
F: +353 91 572 134
E: [email protected]
Glenmar Shellfish Limited
Main Street
Union Hall
Co. Cork
C:Mel Bendon Managing Director
T: +353 28 33818
F: +353 28 33099
E: [email protected]
Hannigan Fish Trading Limited
Fintra Road
Co. Donegal
C:Jimmy White General Manager
T: +353 74 973 2134
F: +353 74 975 3622
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
W: Web
C: Contact
Kush Shelfish
O’Sheas Buildings
Co. Kerry
C:John Harrington Managing Director
T: +353 64 664 1714
F: +353 64 664 1751
E: [email protected]
Wrights of Howth
14 West Pier, Howth
Co. Dublin
C:Mark Wright Managing Director
T: +353 1 832 3937
F: +353 1 832 0201
E: [email protected]
Michael Kelly (Shelfish) Limited
Co. Galway
C:Diarmuid Kelly General Manager
T: +353 91 796 120
F: +353 91 796 720
E: [email protected]
Rockabill Shellfish
Stephenstown Industrial Estate,
Co. Dublin
C:Alan Price Sales & Marketing Consultant
T: +353 1 841 7874
F: +353 1 841 7876
E:[email protected]
[email protected]
Shellfish De La Mer
Dinish Island
Co. Cork,
C:Damian Connolly Export Manager
T: +353 27 70461
F: +353 27 70333
M: +353 87 950 6599
E: [email protected]
Sofrimar Limited
Kilmore Quay
Co. Wexford
C:Yohann Pierard Sales & Marketing Manager
T: +353 53 912 9660
F: +353 53 912 9699
E: [email protected]
Triskell Seafood Ltd.
Unit 9E, North West Business Park
Co Sligo
T: +353 (0) 71 9115886
F: +353 (0) 71 9168064
M: +353 (0) 87 2451558
+353 (0) 89 4631003
E: [email protected]
C: Marie Aude Danguy
Burren Smokehouse Limited
Kincora Road
Co. Clare,
C:Birgitta Curtin Managing Director
T: +353 65 707 4432
F: +353 65 707 4303
E: [email protected]
Connemara Fisheries Limited
Co. Galway
C:Kathleen Nee Sales & Marketing Manager
T: +353 94 954 8193
F: +353 94 954 8194
E: [email protected]
Irish Seafood Producers Group
Co. Galway,
C:Valerie Cooke Export Sales Manager
T: +353 95 33300
F: +353 95 33454
E: [email protected]
Irish Seaspray
Tir An Fhia
Co. Galway,
C:Sean Gavin Managing Director
T: +353 91 551 222
F: +353 91 551 234
E: [email protected]
Kenmare Select
84 Rue du Cherche Midi
Paris 75006, France
C:Cyprien Benoit Director, Business Development
T: +33 61 637 1534
F: +353 1 4222 0206
Kinvara Smoked Salmon Limited
Co. Galway,
C:Declan Droney Managing Director
T: +353 91 637 489
F: +353 91 638 193
Marine Harvest Ireland
Co. Donegal,
C:Pat Connors Sales Director
T: +353 74 919 2820
F: +353 74 919 2825
Oceanpath/Dunns of Dublin
West Pier,
Co. Dublin,
C:Ken Ecock Managing Director
T: +353 1 839 8900
F: +353 1 839 8930
E: [email protected]
William Carr & Sons Limited
Co. Cork,
C:Billy Carr Managing Director
T: +353 58 56216
F: +353 58 56434
E: [email protected]
Wrights of Howth
14 West Pier
Co. Dublin,
C:Mark Wright Managing Director
T: +353 1 832 3937
F: +353 1 832 0201
E: [email protected]
BORD BIA - Irish Food Board
Clanwilliam Court
Lower Mount Street,
Dublin 2,
C:Director Markets Michael Murphy
C:International Markets Manager
- Breiffine Kennedy
T: +353 1 668 5155
F: +353 1 6687521
E: [email protected]
Seaweed producers
T: Telphone
F: Fax
M: Mobile
E: Email
W: Web
Algaran Teoranta
Co. Donegal
C: Rosaria Piseri
T: +353 74 9738961
F: +353 74 9738823
E: [email protected]
Carraig Fhada Seaweed Ltd
Co. Sligo
C: Betty Melvin
T: +353 96 49042
F: +353 96 49042
E: [email protected]
Arramara Teoranta
Co. Galway
C: Dónall Mac Giolla Bhríde
T: +353 95 33404
F: +353 95 33494
E: [email protected]
Cartron Point Shellfish
New Quay,
Co. Clare
C: Freddie O’Mahony
T: +353 27 62990
E: [email protected]
BioAtlantis Limited
Tom Crean Centre,
Kerry Technology Park
Co. Kerry
C: John T. O’Sullivan
T: +353 66 7118477
F: +353 66 7119802
E: [email protected]
Blath na Mara
Eoghnacht, Inis Mor,
Aran Islands
Co. Galway
C: Máirtín O’Conceanainn
T: +353 99 61411
E: [email protected]
Bord Iascaigh Mhara
(Irish Sea Fisheries Board)
New Docks
Co. Galway
C: Máirtín Walsh
T: +353 91 539364
F: +354 91 568569
E: [email protected]
Brandon Products Limited
Mounthawk Buisness Centre,
Co. Kerry
C: Paul Mullins
T: +353 66 7181160
F: +353 66 7181161
E: [email protected]
Celtic Seaweed Baths Products Ltd.
Maritime Centre
Co. Sligo
C: Mark Walton
T: +353 71 9168956
F: +353 71 9168012
E: [email protected]
Centre for Renewable Energy
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Dublin Road,
Co. Louth
C: Paul Macartain
T: +353 42 9370474
E: [email protected]
Cleggan Seaweed Company
Dock Road
Co. Galway
C: John King
T: +353 95 44649
E: [email protected]
Cybercolloids Limited
Site 13,
Unit 4A,
Carrigaline Industrial Estate
Co. Cork
C: Ross Campbell
T: +353 21 4375773
E: [email protected]
C: Contact
Department of the Environment,
Community and Local Government
(Marine Planning/Foreshore)
Newtown Road
Co. Wexford
C: Bernard Nolan
T: +353 53 9117367
E: [email protected]
Dingle Bay Seaweed Ltd
Co. Cork, Ireland
C: Mike Murphy
T: +353 86 2607991
C: Liz O’Leary
T: +353 87 9192397
Erris Seaweed & Shellfish
No. 6, Inver,
Barr na Tra,
Co. Mayo
C: Gerard Heneghan
T: +353 97 84976
Feamainn Fiain Teoranta
Co. Galway
C: Michael Beatty
T: +353 87 1376476
E: [email protected]
Feamainn Organach Chonamara
Ros a’ Mhil
Co. Galway
C: Noel Lee
T: + 353 87 2830809
E: [email protected]
Galway Bay Marine Limited
Mountain Road
Co. Galway, Ireland
C: Philip Casburn
T: +353 91 556239
F: +353 91 556239
E: [email protected]
7 Lyndon Crescent,
Co. Cork
C: Dermot Twomey
T: +353 21 4892726
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Indigo Rock Marine Research Station
Co. Cork
C: Julie Maguire
T: +353 27 61276
F: +353 27 61264
E: [email protected]
Institute of Technology, Sligo
Ash Lane
Co. Sligo
C: John Bartlett
T: +353 71 9155314
W: [email protected]
Irish Seaweed Conultancy
Clybaun Road,
Co. Galway
C: Anna Soler
T: +353 87 7208191
E: [email protected]
Irish Seaweed Processors Limited
Rossmore Quay,
Co. Galway
C: Tony Barrett
T: +353 909 749071
F: +353 909 749255
E: [email protected]
Irish Seaweed Research Group
Ryan Institute,
National University of Ireland
University Road
Co. Galway
T: +353 91 492377
K & M Aquatic Plant Enterprises
Co. Wexford
C: Mary Meyler
T: + 353 53 9175995
F: + 353 53 9175995
E: [email protected]
Lo-tide Fine Foods Limited
Co. Mayo
C: Seamus Moran
T: +353 98 42616
F: +353 98 42616
E: [email protected]
Marigot Limited
Strand Farm,
Co. Cork
C: Michael Ryan
T: +353 21 4378377
F: +353 21 4378466
E: [email protected]
Marine Institute
Co. Galway
C: Francis O’Beirne
T: +353 91 387250
E: [email protected]
Ocean Harvest Technology Limited
Co. Galway
C: Stefan Kraan
T: +353 93 51807
E: [email protected]
Oilean Glas Teoranta
Ballymoon Industrial Estate
Co. Donegal
C: Declan Gallagher
T: +353 74 9738860
F: +353 74 9738854
E: [email protected]
Quality Sea Vegetables
Co. Donegal
C: Manus MacGonagle
T: +353 74 9542159
F: +353 74 9542159
E: [email protected]
Rí na Mara Teoranta
Co. Galway
C: Seamas MacCathmhaoil
T: +353 91 553047
F: +353 91 553047
E: [email protected]
Roaring Water Sea Vegetable
East End,
Ash Tree Cottage,
Co. Cork
C: Paul Cobb
T: +353 86 7870657
Seahorse Atlantic
Co. Cork
C: Sarah Jane O’Sullivan
T: +353 27 71663
E: [email protected]
Sherkin Island Marine Station
Sherkin Island
Co. Cork
C: Matt Murphy
T: +353 28 20187
F: +353 28 20407
E: [email protected]
Waterford Sea Vegetables
Co. Waterford
C: Nicholas Paul
T: +353 58 46168
E: [email protected]
Wild Irish Sea Vegetables
Co. Clare
C: Gerard Talty
T: +353 87 0922555
E: [email protected]
Seamus O’Grady
Co. Kerry
C: Seamus O’Grady
T: +353 87 6737701
E: [email protected]
Seavite Bodycare Limited
26 Maunsells Road
Taylors Hill
Co. Galway
C: Kaye Mulrooney
T: +353 91 521351
F: +353 91 527701
E: [email protected]
Seaweed Limited
Co. Galway
C: Graham Casburn
T: +353 91 773370
F: +353 91 773371
E: [email protected]
Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would
email any corrections or additions to: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Fish Farms in Northern Ireland
T: Telphone
F: Fax
Glenariffe Trout Farm
5 Glen Road
Co. Antrim
E: [email protected]
T: 028 21772155
C: Hugh Delargy
Glenoak Fisheries
1 Nutts Corner Road
Co. Antrim
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: 02894452975
C: Raymond Mairs
Northern Salmon Company
Castle Demesne,
Co. Antrim
T: 02828841691
C: John Russell
Otterburn Farm
31 Caddy Road,
Co. Antrim
BT41 3 DL
E: [email protected]
T: 028 9447 2002
C: Lee Beverland
Seven Springs Hatchery
Ballyhampton Road
Co. Antrim
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: 028 28260977
C: Brian Johnston
Silverstream Fisheries Ltd
Old Corby Mill,
Limnavallaghan Road
Co. Antrim
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: 028 21758655
C: Ian McGrath
Straid Trout Fisheries
21 Castletown Road,
Co. Antrim
BT39 9PU
Marcus Malley
Movanagher Fish Farm DCAL
152 Vow Road,
Co. Antrim
N. Ireland
T: 048 29540533
M: Mobile
E: Email
W: Web
C: Contact
Moneycarragh Fish Farm
60 Dromara Road
Co. Down
C: John Smyth
Rectory Lodge Fishery
10 Rectory Road,
Co. Tyrone
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
C: Maurice Lyttle
Charlie Morgan
26 Wrack Road, Ballymartin
Co. Down
BT34 4NT
C: Charllie Morgan
Tommy Marshall
314 Coalisland Road
Co. Tyrone
BT71 6ET
N. Ireland
T: 02887740649
C: Tommy Marshall
126 Marble Arch Road, Killesher
Co. Fermanagh
E: [email protected]
T: 048 66349974
C: Paul Kearney
Orritor Hatchery, Orritor Road
Co. Tyrone
BT80 9ND
C: Alan Keys
Judestream Fish Farm
Scotchtown Lane,
Balindery Bridge
Co. Tyrone
C: Tommy Devlin
Blue Valley Fish Farm
14 Upper Kildress Rd
Co. Tyrone
BT80 9RS
E: [email protected]
T: 02887740649
C: Mark McAlister
Pluckmill Fish Farm
37, Cadian Road, Egllish
Co. Tyrone
C: Cathal Quinn
Rocks Lodge Trout Farm
24 Bunderg Rd, Lisnatunny,
Co. Tyrone
E: [email protected]
T: 028 2826 0977
C: Brian Johnston
Sperrin Mountain Spring Hatchery
22 Loughfea Road,
Co. Tyrone
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)7920085460
C: Wilfred Mitchell
Orritor Fish Farm
266 Orritor Road,
Co. Tyrone
BT80 9 NE
E: [email protected]
T: 028 86751201
C: Alan McKewon
Ballyarton Hatchery
Lower Ballyarton Road
Co Derry
E: [email protected]
C: Ian Gamble
Paddys Point Oysters Ltd
20 Blackstaff Road
Co. Down
BT30 8SW
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
C: Damien Perdriel
Killough Oysters Ltd
20 Blackstaff Road
Co. Down
BT30 8SW
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0) 7834120795
C: Patrice Bonnargent
Killowen Shellfish Ltd
31 Stewarts Road
BT34 4UE
T: +44 (0) 7742931211
C: Darren Cunningham
24 Main Street
Co. Down
BT31 0LX
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: 0033299894816
C: Michael Charrit
Henning Bros Ltd
The Harbour
BT34 4AX
N. Ireland
E: [email protected]
T: 02841762335
C: Harold Henning
Shinglebay Shellfish
70-72 Browns Bay Road
Co. Antrim
BT40 3RX
E: [email protected]
T: +353 (0) 85 831 3508
C Fabrice Richez
Greencastle Oysters
27A Fair Road
BT34 4LS
T: 0330546859785
C: Jean-Marie Alfonso
Foylemore Oysters
Coney Road
Co. Derry
BT48 8JP
T: +44 (0) 7795600327
C: Willie Lynch
Cuan SeaFisheries Ltd
Flat 25 89 Frances Street
Co Down
BT23 6SQ
T: +44 (0)7899756650
C: Michel Mousset
Stephen O’Hare
40 Leestone Road
Co. Down
BT34 4NW
E: [email protected]
C: Stephen O’Hare
Millbay Oysters
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
E: [email protected]
T: 048 4176 3071
C: John Rooney
Other Species
John Greene
103 Leestone Road,
Co. Down
BT34 4 NW
E: [email protected]
C: +44 (0)7740987577
Islander Kelp
Church Bay
Rathlin Island
Co. Antrim
BT54 6RT
E: [email protected]
C: Kate Burns
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Northern Ireland Seafood Companies
T: Telphone
F: Fax
Anglo North Irish Fish Producers
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
T: +44 (0) 28 41762855
F: +44 (0) 28 4176 4904
E: [email protected]
Cloughmore Shellfish
3 The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
Northern Ireland
T: 44 (0) 28 4176 9208
C & N Chambers
The Harbour
Co. Down
Northern Ireland
BT34 4AX
T: +44 (0) 28 417 65100
F: +44 (0) 28 417 64245
E: [email protected]
C: Mr. Charles Chambers
M: 07074465100
C: Mr. Norman Chambers
M: 07074663212
C& O Milligan
Downpatrick Road
Co. Down
BT30 7SF
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (028) 4484 1098
C: Comgall Milligan
Denholm Fish Selling Ltd.
Coastguard Cottages
Harbour Road
Co. Down
BT22 1EA
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (028) 4277 1429
E: [email protected]
C: Sam Mawhinney
Donegal Prime Fish
Skeoge Industrial Estate
Beraghmore Road
Co. Londonderry
BT48 8SE
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (028) 7135 0059
E: [email protected]
C: Dorothy Ryan
East Coast Seafoods
Old Boiler House
Killard Drive
Co. Down
BT30 7PW
Northern Ireland
T: 44 (028) 44 841196
E: [email protected]
M: Mobile
E: Email
Ewing’s Seafoods
6 Kendal Street
BT13 2JR
Northern Ireland
T: 44 (028) 9032 5534
C: Walter Ewing
Glenarm Organic Salmon
8 Castle Demesne
Co. Antrim
BT44 0AD
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 288 41691
Henning Bros. Fishing Co. Ltd.
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 4176 2335
F: +44 (0) 28 4176 2335
M:+44 (0) 78 0881 2188 /
079 2186 5833
E: [email protected]
Keenan Seafood Limited
Blackstaff Road
Kennedy Way
BT11 9DT
C: Gerry Keenan
T: +44 (028) 9061 8088
F: +44 (028) 9043 1096
E: [email protected]
Kennedy’s Direct Catch
Down Business Park
46 Belfast Road
County Down
BT30 9UP
C: Kenny Kennedy
T: +44 (028) 4461 7277
Kilhorne Bay Seafoods Limited
Moneydarragh Road
County Down
BT34 4TZ
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (028) 43 768261
F: +44 (028) 43 768900
Kilkeel Kippering Company
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
Northern Ireland
T: 44 (028) 4176 3164
C: Cecil McCullough
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
W: Web
C: Contact
Kilkeel Seafoods Ltd
The Harbour
Co. Down
N Ireland
BT34 4AX
T: +44 (028) 41762649
E: [email protected]
McKeown’s Fish & Poultry Shop
14 High Street
Co. Down
BT20 5AY
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 9127 1141
M: +44 (0)7793641422
McMullan Shellfish
The Lobster Ponds
5 Glenariffe Road
Co. Antrim
BT44 0QY
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 2177 1032
C: Alex McMullan
Mortons Fishmongers
22 Bayview Road
Co. Antrim
BT54 6BT
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 2076 2348
C: Patrick McLernon
Mourne Seafood Bar Fishmongers
34-36 Bank Street
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (028) 90 24 8544
Still Waters Fishing
Unit 1 Princess Anne Road
Co. Down
BT22 1DT
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 4277 1316
E: [email protected]
Rooney Fish
The Harbour
County Down
BT34 4AX
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 4176 3071
F: +44 (0) 28 4176 2188
E: [email protected]
C: John Rooney
S & P Milligan
20 Downpatrick Road
Co. Down
BT30 7SF
T: +44 (0) 28 44 841595
C: Seamus Milligan
Sea Source
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0) 28 4176 2855
F: +44 (0) 28 4176 4904
Something Fishy N.I. Ltd.
1 The Tides
Co. Down
Northern Ireland
T: + 44 (0) 7769 152244
C: Alan Coffey
T.H. Nicholson
The Harbour
Co. Down
BT34 4AX
T: +44 (0) 28 417 64919
E: [email protected]
Rathlin Island Lobster & Crab
Cleggan Cottage
Rathlin Island
Co. Antrim
BT54 6RT
Northern Ireland
T: 44 (0) 28 2076 3948
C: Liam & Benji McFaul
Aquaculture & Seafood Agencies
T: Telphone
F: Fax
M: Mobile
Aquaculture Initiative EEIG
12B Innovation House,
Down Business Centre,
46 Belfast Road,
Co. Down BT3094P,
Northern Ireland
T: 048 44619660
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture Licences Appeals
Kilminchy Court,
Portlaoise, Co. Laois,
T: 05786 67857
E: [email protected]
E: Email
NI Department of Environment &
Rural Affairs
Downshire Civic Centre,
Adrglass Road,
Northern Ireland
T: 048 44618059
Department of Agriculture,
Food and the Marine
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
T:1890 200 510
+353 238859500
E: [email protected]
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Development Centre
University College Cork,
Cooperage Building,
North Mall, Cork
T: 021 4904541
Department of Agriculture, Food
and the Marine
Coastal Zone Management
Sea Fisheries Administration
Seafood Policy & Development
West Cork Technology Park,
Clonakilty, Co Cork
T: 1890 25 27 41
AquaTT Ltd.
Unit 3, Olympic House,
Pleasants Street,
Dublin 8, Ireland
T: 353 1 6449008
C: David Murphy
E: [email protected]
Enterprise Ireland
The Plaza,
Eastpoint Business Park,
Dublin 3
T: 01 727200
Bantry Marine Research Station
Bantry P75 AX07
Co. Cork, Ireland
T: 353 27 29181
E: [email protected]
European Maritime Affairs &
Directorate General
European Commission
Rue de La Loi
Wetstraat 200
B-1049 Brussels
Bord Bía
Clanwilliam Court
Lower Mount Street,
Dublin 2, Ireland
T: 01 668 5155
F: 01 668 7521
E: [email protected]
BIM Ireland’s Seafood
Developemnt Agency
Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin.
T: 01 214 4100
F: 01 284 1123
European Aquaculture Society
Slijkensesteenweg 4,
8400 Oostende,
C: Alistair Lane
T: 0032-59 323859
F: 0032-59321005
E: [email protected]
Food Safety Authority
Abbey Court
Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1
T: 01 8171300
W: Web
C: Contact
Inland Fisheries Ireland (HQ)
Swords Business Campus,
Co Dublin
T:: +353 1 8842 600
F: +353 1 8360 060
E: [email protected]
Nutra Mara
Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
T: 01 8059955
Irish Salmon Growers Association
- (part of IFA Aquaculture)
Irish Farm Centre,
Naas Road,
Dublin 12.
T: 01 4508755
F: 01 4551043,
E: [email protected]
C: Richie Flynn
Salmon Research Agency of
Ireland (Marine Institute)
Co. Mayo.
T: 098 41107
Irish Shellfish Association (part of IFA Aquaculture)
Irish Farm Centre,
Naas Road,
Dublin 12.
T: 01 4508755
F: 01 4551043,
E: [email protected]
C: Richie Flynn
Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority
Park Road,
Co Cork
T: 023 885 93 00
E: [email protected]
A weekly programme covering
maritime matters broadcast on
RTE Radio 1 on Friday at 22.30,
presented by Fergal Keane.
Irish Seaweed Industry
Ryan Institute,
Orbsen Building,
University College Galway.
T: 091 493548
F: 091 495515
[email protected]
Loughs Agency
22 Victoria Road,
Northern Ireland
T: 028-71342100
T: 048-71342100 (RofI)
E: [email protected]
Marine Institute & Marine Data
Co. Galway
T: 091 387200
This Island Nation
Maritime radio programme
reporting on marine culture,
history, tradition and
development is broadcast by 10
local community stations around
Ireland and Podcast nationally
and internationally Soundcloud
and Mixcloud.
E: [email protected]
C: Tom MacSweeney
Údaras na Gaeltachta
Na Forbacha,
T: 091 503100
F: 091 592037
E: [email protected]
Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would
email any corrections or additions to: [email protected]
Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland
Shaping the
Seafood Industry