Subido por Grace Tapia


Unit 1
Vocabulary English:
Assessed juzgado
Allow  permitir
I will be  seré
Wich  cuales
Spend  gastar
However  sin embargo
Each  cada
Once  una vez
One is out of ten  uno de cada diez
Wich looks  que se ve
Quickly  con rapidez
Could  podría
Received  recibido
Hope esperanza
I hope you enjoy 
Enjoy  espero
Best wishes  los mejores deseos
Reply  respuesta
Subject sujeto
Forward  adelante
Trip  viaje
Least  menos
Guess  adivinar
Surname  apellido
Clues  pistas
Family vocabulary:
Uncle tío
Aunt tía
Father-in-law suegro
Brother-in-law cuñado
Daughter hija
Cousin primo/prima
Niece sobrina
Meet  reunirse
Will  será
Last  últim@
Look after  cuidar de
Manage  gestionar
Foreing  extranjero
Emigrated  emigró
Repeatedly - repetidamente
Tried  intentó
Since  ya que
Some time  algún tiempo
So moving  conmovedor
Match  partido
Granddaughter  nieta
Mother-in-law  suegra
Noun  sustantivo
Get  obtener
Engaged  comprometida
Were fueron
Got tiene
Being siendo
Getting  consiguiendo
While  mientras
Quote citar
Suggest  sugerir
Employees  emplad@s
Fluent  fluido
Bold  negrita
(Repasar) Explication:
Some of the words in the previous exercise can be used with both be and get.
Be is used with states. For example:
Gloria is married. Her parents are divorced.
Get is used with actions. For example:
My sister got engaged last week. She is getting married in the spring.
1. Gloria went to Australia after her parents got divorced.
2. My sister got married on 30 June 2001.
3. More people are getting divorced in Europe now than 50 years ago.
4. She is married and has two lovely children.
5. Melissa got pregnant while she was writing her thesis.
6. She was engaged to Tim for three years, but in the end she married Tom.
7. "You shouldn't smoke while you are pregnant."
8. In the past, people were engaged for years before they got married.
2. Tense review.
Choose the correct form for the verbs in bold.
1. Ruth Cable lives in Bristol with her family.
present simple
2. Gloria emigrated to Australia in 1974.
past simple
3. Gloria has lived in Australia for 30 years.
present perfect
4. Gloria is talking to her sister on the phone at the moment. present continuous
5. Next month Gloria is flying to England to visit her family.
present continuous
2. Tense review.
Choose the correct form for the verbs in bold.
1. Ruth Cable lives in Bristol with her family.
present simple
2. Gloria emigrated to Australia in 1974.
past simple
3. Gloria has lived in Australia for 30 years.
present perfect
4. Gloria is talking to her sister on the phone at the moment. present continuous
5. Next month Gloria is flying to England to visit her family.
present continuous
For para
Since desde (depende del texto)
Drag  arrastrar
I last saw you  la última vez que te vi
I was born  nací
Meeting  reunión
Been  estado
Have you had  has tenido
Have you been  has estado
Have you Known has conocid@
We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about actions that began in the past and
continue now.
We use for with a period of time:
I have lived in New York City for 10 years.
(I started living in New York City 10 years ago, and I live there now.)
We use since with a point in time:
I have lived in New York City since 2003.
(I started living in New York City in 2003, and I live there now.)
The present perfect consists of auxiliary verb have + past participle of the verb.
Often  a menudo
Far  lejos
Nephew  sobrino
I have to write about my life and i have to read the explication again.
7.Takeaway english
Take away  para llevar
Arranging arreglando
Fancy lujos@
fancy seeing you again  oh que bonito verte aqui
i´ll be in touch  estare en contacto
i don´t agree  no estoy de acuerdo
sort of algo asi como
you too  igualmente
what have u been up to  que has estado haciendo?
How´s things  como van las cosas?