15/10/2015 21:51 1 Science: “Set of objective facts about the nature, the society, men and its thought”. Natural Science Social 15/10/2015 21:51 2 1. Sciences that are the result of the activity of men as a social being: Social Sciences Economy Political Science Law 2. Sciences that study men as a social being: Anthropology Sociology History 15/10/2015 21:51 3 Problems of the Social Sciences. 1. Events can’t be repeated. 2. Very difficult to practice experiments, because the variables can’t be controlled. 3. The lack of objectivity while doing the research. 15/10/2015 21:51 4 Objectivity To describe an event as it is without the interference the emotions and/or feellings of the researcher. In Social Sciences objetivity is lost because of a “selective perception”. Instead, the scientists need to have a Sistematic Skeptic 15/10/2015 21:51 5 Law Science that study the juridical norms that regulate the external conduct of men in. 15/10/2015 21:51 6 Norms Rules of conduc that establish duties. They show us what we can and can’t do. Types of Norms: Moral Religious Social, Juridical 15/10/2015 21:51 7 Positive Law Is the set of obligatory norms established in a certain time by a certain State. Political Constitution 1917 The Federal Electoral Law 1996 15/10/2015 21:51 8 Basic Principles of the LAW 15/10/2015 21:51 Justice Common Good Security 9 Sources of the Law Custom.- when the norms are formed according to the customs of the society at a certain time. Legislature.- when the norms are created following an established process. Jurisprudence.- when the norms come from the decisions of the 15/10/2015 21:51 judges. 10 Classification of the Law Public National Law Internal or National Law Private National Law Social Law External or International Public International Law Law Private International Law 15/10/2015 21:51 11 Funciones de la Ley 1. Control Social Promueven la conducta correcta Castigando la mala conducta 2. Resolver disputas Através de instiruciones legales * Cortes * Cámara Legislativa 15/10/2015 21:51 12 Disfunciones de la Ley 1. Corrupción 2. Podria ser usado como canal de vengansa 3. Sin fin de litigaciones 4. Interpretaciòn de la Ley 15/10/2015 21:51 13 Economìa “Ciencia Social Estudia el camino con que el hombre produce, intercambia y consume men la escasez de productos que pueden satisfacer sus necesidades”. Elementos Clave: Necesidades Escasez 15/10/2015 21:51 14 Necessity Is the sensation of not having something attach to the desire of satisfiying it. ¿Are the necessities objetive? 15/10/2015 21:51 15 Types of Necessities - Individual: Biological Social - Of the Comunity Public and social 15/10/2015 21:51 16 Scarcity * When there is not enough of something. * A difference between the needs and the resources available. * When for having more of something you have to sacrifice the aquisition of something else. Consequence: Economic agents have to choose. 15/10/2015 21:51 17 Cost of Opportunity The cost of opportunity of any good or sevice is the quantity of other goods of services we have stop buying so we can obtain this one. Means you have to choose 15/10/2015 21:51 18 Types of goods Free Goods there is an unlimited quantity of these and no one ownes them. Economic Goods they are scarce in relation to their demand. They can be acquiere by people. Economy is interested in these. 15/10/2015 21:51 20 Types of economic goods Capital goods: They are use to produce other goods. Consumer goods: directly satisfy the human necessities. 15/10/2015 21:51 Durable Not durable 21 Types of economic goods Intermediary goods: intervene in the production of another good. Final goods: go to the final consumer 15/10/2015 21:51 22 SERVICES The services are all those activities that, without creating any material object or good, serve in an direct or indirect way to the satisfaction of human necessities. 15/10/2015 21:51 23 Factors of Production Are the basic elements to create the goods and services that will satisfy men’s needs. Land Capital 15/10/2015 21:51 Labor Enterprise 24 Agentes Economicos a. Familias o Amas de casa: - Consumos y servicios buenos. - ofrecer sus recursos - laboral y capital - Ellos toman decisiones racionales b. Empresas - Crear y vender buenos servicios. - Uso de recursos del mercado laboral, capital y labor, capital, materia prima etc. 15/10/2015 21:51 25 c. Sector Publico : - Bienes y servicios bajo un control estatal. - el estado actuara como otro entreprenuer - Establece la politica económica nacional. 15/10/2015 21:51 26 Pago por los Productos Flujo de productos Familias o amas de casa Servicios Públicos y Estado Empresas Factores Productivos Pago por los factores Productivos 15/10/2015 21:51 27 Economic Systems Is the set of basic relations, (technical and institutional) that characterize the economic organization of a society. All economic systems have to answer three basic questions: What to produce and which quantity? For whom to produce? How to produce those goods and services? 15/10/2015 21:51 28 Types of Economic Systems Economic Systems • Market Economy • Mixed Economy • Central Planification + Socialism 15/10/2015 21:51 29