Subido por Neculai I. Fantanaru

Leadership & Art Quotes by Neculai Fantanaru

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the
ladder is leaning against the right wall. (Stephen Covey)
The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is
necessary to management success. (James Cash Penney)
"Nowadays, a patron must be revolutionary to survive." - Vladimir Boukovsky
Efficiency does not mean reading a thousand books, but reading that one book that is worth a
thousand books.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.
A slight escape into the imagination of a woman full of that camouflaged fragility behind a shadowy
mask without which a more comprehensive artistic profile could not be achieved could culminate on
a symbolic protest a picture built just to attract sympathy, on the other hand, in a nostalgic horizon
of nostalgic spirit in the long-gone moments.
Very few fruitful dialogues, sordid memories, filtering of thoughts and false affirmations of affection,
glances thrown in a certain way, underlined by a grim silence, still fixed me however in a privileged
posture of spirit, increasingly marked by the joy of creation.
Drifting through a world that’s torn and tattered, Every thought I don’t mean a thing.
More specifically, it is about the moment of a crack between the objectual content of action that
becomes a good of consciousness and the means of formalizing a logic that links man and the world
into a single coordinate system:
A vengeful shadow will always be canceled by a guardian faith.
I live only enough that I may exist.
I strongly believe that I will meet her again one day, maybe she will recognize me, maybe not, but
we will certainly keep our distance from each other as two dice randomly cast by the hand of
inexorable destiny, which are no longer fortunate to never throw six-six.
Being the best in the world in one field is to weigh everything from a very strong position.
Mephisto does not guarantee his superiority through the deceitfulness of the human soul, but
through the strange play of luck that he himself created to monopolize a whole world.
I have not yet sold my soul to the devil.
And I do not even want to have bad luck.
In the artistic sphere, the vision that you form about a destiny inspired by the intensity of emotional
experiences and needs, which is at the same time an inexhaustible, fertile, imaginative, sensitive,
and very visual realm, is essential.
There are some people who actually write the future in the name of science, while the others only
endure their present.
People admire a painting for the artist’s talent.
Experience a new way of interpreting reality, contributing to personal story with the blood of reason
to not be too emotional.
And it is only in the 11th year that you begin to excel.
She didn’t want to accept anything less than her pride, this angry roar of her soul full of vengeful
shadows, rather the contrary.
You need 10 years of intense daily training to acquire skill.
She would always have to look for something new in exchange for everything that was keeping her a
prisoner in a lifeless past, experienced as a continuous death.
Her glances filled with harsh meanings, for which an artist would find the comparison with a lifeless
The best writer in the world is the one who taught you to write more profoundly than he did.
Seemed to be loaded with that feeling of the outcome concluding the destiny of a humanity upon
which the wind of aging had blown.
You would not even want to imagine this from a man who raises in front of any hopeful dream a flag
that never waves in the wind.
Only those who dedicate themselves 100% to the act of creation will discover all the secrets of art.
A simple flag and that is it, a symbol without any significance, enriching itself in the sign of an
ineffable echo, which is the seal of poetry.
A single person can change the whole world’s thinking if he firmly supports the idea of a creation
that speeds up the advance of existence and the course of nature.
Man’s vanity is measured in his attempts to forget his whereabouts, and even worse, without
realizing where he came to be in the unrecognizable verses of a life-reconciliation hymn.
No matter how large the value you give to yourself, he who has lost is the one who cannot afford to
connect to you.
The experience of suffering “a loss of self” allows for the freedom of association, dialogue, question
marks at different degrees of analysis of a subject addressed only in universal dramaturgy.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will
never get too far.
The only experience of this hard-to-reach woman is the result of a journey that traverses the
individual’s intuitive antennae hidden behind a particularly mischievous sensibility, descends into an
experimentally cold, surrealistic collage with a scalpel’s edge, then only to climb back into a space
inherent to an exacerbated Ego and ill of superiority.
Beauty should be deeper than your skin.
The truth is that in a way I felt attracted to this facet of reality full of shadows and mystery,
perceiving it as an existential attempt to understand the divine mystery of transforming the lost man
into passions, at a very low stage of virtue.
The first essential thing in order to have significant market power is to constantly increase your
visibility !
A woman’s depths result from the imagination you give to the reality to which they have lost sight of
the most striking meaning.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Do you turn the experience of self-creation on two distinct faces of the same personality, faces that
meet in a convergent point called “aesthetic emotion” into a triumph?
An exceptional writer always finds as the model of analysis only the hardest characters to believe,
the hardest to accept or follow by tolerant spirits, focusing on the description of the bodily
phenomena that produce or accompany psychic processes.
The splendid individual traits I see in this woman reside in the “dead nature” of a common man, but
one perceived only by the rarest human minds.
With her, everything seemed to be directed by a photographer who only captures the twisted parts
of a mysterious labyrinth of unrealistic uniqueness, framed between the presence and the absence
of a social reflection in the way of fixing an image-copy of reality in a frame of despair and
unanswered questions.
A frame whose general background is the same, but the props are changing.
To get the most out of your life first you need to value yourself as much as possible, then ask for as
much as possible !
The expression of an image that relates to another facet of reality is, in this respect, an expression of
the will to conceal any emotion, to betray any intention other than the one declared openly.
When you love someone, you may fall in love a little bit, as happens to the painter when he wants to
capture the essence of a second digging on the expression of the human face, but you must always
be prepared for any failure of a singular factor.
To love her is a mirage in a vast and deserted desert.
Abandoning her is similar to a release from Mephisto’s spell.
An aesthetic emotion is a persistent vibration of the self converted into an act of symbolizing the
imagistic language, a form of spiritual manifestation converted into an image that imitates an artist’s
style of painting.
Writing about Her is more of a kind of amazement due to intrusion into a strange world, a kind of
very intense doubt that is not a symptom of mistrust in a proud mind.
But an incentive to investigate a mysterious soul wound as is apparent from the question that the
Greek philosopher Cleanthes once addressed to a young disciple.
Are you ready to reach a superior form of consciousness in an imaginative space, compared to a
short story of the reality you have never spoken before?
I would not insist on her portrait now, especially dominated by the motif of the eyes full of
willingness, whose eyelashes can only understand her.
Who are you really?
For whenever I try to get closer to her, I hear, far away, like in a rebound, the interference of an echo
that came to my ear like a suggestion with a scent of caution.
Take care, boy, everything is deceptive in her life, at her age, including makeup that highlights the
perfection of the features of her face.
The man who is unable to permanently forget the past is condemned to relive it in an eternal and
profound depression.
I keep my distance from her, better than ending up alone like Faust and Margaret that end up falling
in love with each other.
With a sarcastic smile, Mephisto would admire his victory, I would become a servant of the outer
I could easily fall prey to seduction, harder would be to endure the hell that seduction itself prepares
for me.
This woman seems to be the kind of person who puts pressure on the events in your immediate
vicinity just to win a bloody battle.
But my blood will never be poured into the cup of her dangerous kisses.
At the back of a sweet mouth is a poisoned heart.
Well, such an unforgettable human model we find best outlined in a novel by writer Mary Balogh:
“How blind I was for not seeing it.
She looked up at me and stared me in the eyes.
In her eyes, which were her beast feature, I could detect pain, buried very deep under severe layers
of self-control.
She only ever loved herself, everyone was aware of this.
Generally, she was despised, even hated by people who fall victim to her exaggerated selfishness.
I wanted to love her.
I wanted to find the way to her heart and to be her favorite.
What a madness !” What is seen in a picture full of concreteness is actually the hidden picture of
another image more difficult to reproduce in words.
Inside an imaginative reality everything is done according to the criterion set by the gift of reading
Here, consciousness gains its superiority through the eye of admiration to the depth of a mind that
thinks of everything through oppositions, a mind that practically contradicts what it seeks to expose,
to convince.
Don’t know why there’s no sun in the sky with her.
Leadership is like a first-degree equation with one unknown. If you know the right formula,
everything becomes very easy. But the hardest thing is to find your own formula for success.
Can you build an event that brings to the forefront the art as a creative space, displaying
interpretations that transmit emotions full of the affirmation of a transcendent finality?
My mother says truth is all that matters, lying and deceiving is a sin.