Subido por erwin.van.dijkman

CHARZ Aircraft Repair Plant: History & Projects

‘Remont’ at Chuhuiv ARZ
Wim Sonneveld
Fred Hovestad
Erwin van Dijkman
Looking immaculate in its shiny blue and yellow new livery, this Albatros was shown off by the Kazakh Air Force at this year’s KADEX. Having
been overhauled and upgraded by the Chuhuiv Repair Plant in the Ukraine. (Astana, May 2012, Erwin van Dijkman)
Ukraine boasts a sizeable network of aviation rework facilities.
In this article we zoom in on the Chuhuiv (Chuguyev) aircraft
repair plant, its history, most important projects, current
work, and future plans.
The network of aircraft repair plants is governed by the State
of Ukraine. In order to streamline cooperation and chances
on the international market, the state economic association
Ukroboronprom was established by presidential decree on 28
December 2010. All state aircraft repair facilities resort under
that state association. Its director-general is appointed by the
president to underpin the importance of this sector. You are
therefore likely to see a joint presentation of all Ukrainian
repair facilities at international military exhibitions. But the
roots of CHARZ can be traced much further back of course; in
fact, next year will see its 75 year anniversary!
The CHARZ stylised emblem.
Scramble 402
Short history
Having been founded on 1 September 1938 as part of a
military aviation school, emphasis lay on training technical
personnel on a wide variation of military aircraft combined
In the dark years of war, the facilities were evacuated to
Shymkent, Kazakhstan, from 1942 to 1945. In that period
hundreds of aircraft still passed through the workshops. The
unit duly returned to Chuhuiv after the Great Patriotic War
ended. Obviously, its task was purely military in those early
years. It received several number plates in the Air Force order
of battle, like 1246
Repair Facility),
(Military Unit) 36986, and
(Aircraft Repair Plant).
The abbreviation for the latter in Russian is ARZ, a familiar
acronym for many of such facilities throughout Ukraine and
Russia proper.
Types serviced throughout the years
1938 – 1947
1938 – 1947
1939 – 1946
1945 – 1947
1944 – 1946
1946 – 1950
1953 – 1977
1961 – 1965
1966 – present
1975 – present
1994 – present
In the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic-era, industrialization further progressed, especially in the 1950s when the
jet-age provided new training needs. Main types present at
CHARZ for maintenance, overhaul and upgrades were MiG15/17s and L-29s. In 1975, the MiG-23 was added to this
line-up. On 16 July 1990, Ukraine declared state-sovereignty
within the Soviet Union, and a year later the parliament
passed the Act of Independence, on 24 August 1991. This
had a great impact because all of a sudden, Ukraine incorporated all Soviet military material present on its soil. This
inheritance can still be witnessed today, with well over 200
frames potentially to be upgraded by CHARZ. Nowadays, the
Chuhuiv ARZ is a modern aviation repair facility. It is AS/
and ISO 9001 for quality management; obviously it has come
a long way from being a collection of military workshops.
L-39s we tend to encounter at US air shows will never pass this
particular program, it will simply be too expensive for most
private owners. Hence the L-39D program was incepted.
Examples of recent L-39 maintenance projects
again and handed over. Also, some arrive and are redelivered
by air under their own power. It should be noted that this is
tions on or above the original manufacturer’s requirements
Upgrade and smoke dispensing
system for the aerobatic team
Equatorial Guinea
Sale and delivery of refurbished aircraft
Sale and delivery of refurbished aircraft
with the airframes, avionics and other components. The
entire process, obviously depending on the state of the air6 months and 20.000 man hours. The workforce is trained
L-39D upgrade
With the experience of overhauling
hordes of L-39C, L-39ZA and
L-39ZO aircraft and being well
aware of the growing market for
privately owned L-39 aircraft, the
Chuhuiv team set out to design
a dedicated package tailored to
that market. Idea was to provide
refurbished and de-militarized
airframes, and include a suite of
regularly required state-of-the-art
avionics at the same time. Dubbed
L-39D, the new incarnation of the
L-39 features the ability to use
navigation aids like GPS, VOR/
DME and ILS. Equipment that can
fall under military use is removed
and replaced by civilian style radio
equipment and transponders. It
keeps its AI-25TL engine, albeit
reconditioned by Motor-Sich, and
gets a service life extension.
Additionally, a smoke dispensing system, an extra external fuel
tank system, and a plug-in aircraft
maintenance test bench, to read
out the condition of the aircraft,
can also be delivered. The all-red
prototype can sometimes be seen
at aviation exhibitions, as well as
the striking black example with
dragon art work. With a cradle of
around 50 airframes still in their
back yard, we will probably see
a steady trickle of these aircraft
onto the market for many years to
Work in progress in the main rework hall as stripped and cleaned airframes are being readied for parts
installation and reassembly; headed by ‘55’. (August 2012, Erwin van Dijkman)
Examples of private L-39D clients
South Africa
United States
Meanwhile, the stripped frames are meticulously inspected,
Tailored to the customer, the aircraft can be inspected on site,
by CHARZ. As the Albatross is a very widely spread and
successful aircraft, many other countries entrust CHARZ with
their L-39s. It is fair to say that, despite other such centres,
the Chuhuiv plant carries the burden of military grade
heavy maintenance on the L-39. Instead of just providing
regular overhaul, the aircraft are returned to service with
another 1600 hours of service life before they need a major
overhaul again. After they are taken in and checked out, the
airframes are stripped bare. Avionics and other components
are processed by dedicated on-site workshops, inspected
and repaired or replaced as necessary (IRAN). On top of that,
CHARZ has designed its own upgraded avionics suite for the
L-39, more about that later.
aviation technical training in Ukrainian technical colleges.
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L-39 maintenance
First and foremost CHARZ’ legacy of providing heavy
maintenance on front line aircraft is still one of its most
important activities. The Ukrainian Air Force being a prime
pitch the de-militarized L-39 refurbishment and upgrade package to potential customers. (L-39D c/n 530530, August 2012, Erwin van Dijkman)
MiG-23 maintenance and upgrade
after all useable parts are removed. So the ultimate fate after
Another type that can be found in the grounds of the
de-militarization for these stored aircraft, is the axe.
repair complex is the MiG-23. This type was used by many
Towards the future
countries over the years but is being replaced by most air
Besides the successful L-39 programs, CHARZ embarked on
forces nowadays. Work on the MiG-23 is becoming a bit of a
niche market but on the other hand, this means there are not
indigenously designed UAV Strepet-L, -S, and -VM. The
many places to turn to if you need them looked after. Some
Strepet-S is a 200kg class launchable tactical UAV with a 50kg
payload and maximum range of 3000km, depending on the
Examples of recent MiG-23 projects
Sale and delivery of refurbished MiG-23UB
Maintenance and upgrade
Maintenance and upgrade
countries will still operate the type for a number of years,
alongside the MiG-27 as trainers mostly. This year’s KADEX
at Kazakhstan showed their MiG-23/27 program is alive and
kicking. Of course, the Indian Air Force still has a sizeable
numbers of MiG-23 are in stock, most will be disposed off
a parachute to be recovered. Strepet-L and -VM are believed
to be somewhat heavier and self-propelled.
Strepet-S was tested by the Ukrainian armed forces’ 61st
services this will probably be the main business for CHARZ
for many years to come.
Credits and sources: We would like to thank commercial
director Dmitriy Shlyaev and director Oleg Solovyov.
Scramble 402
And this is the end result you get as customer, provided you have the funds to pay for this brand new looking L-39. It has the original colours