Internal Accountability Policy

Valerie Ramos V
Internal Accountability Policy
General Principles
Privacy Policy - Client Fiduciary
File Management
Compensation: Touch/Splits
 Mission:
To build careers worth having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living,
experiences worth giving, and legacies worth leaving.
 Statement:
Keller Williams thinks like a top producer, acts like a trainer-consultant, and
focuses all its activities on service, productivity, and profitability.
Win-Win: or no deal
Integrity: do the right thing
Customers: always come first
Commitment: in all things
Communication: seek first to understand
Creativity: ideas before results
Teamwork: together everyone achieves more
Trust: starts with honesty
Success: results through people
The team leader/ founder Anthony Gnagnarelli @ The Anthony G Team at Keller
Williams Valley Realty delegates authority and responsibilities to management,
team members and independent contractors (agents) for developing/ following safe
and sound procedures when dealing with clients. The team leader retains ultimate
responsibility for the safeguarding of clients. Notwithstanding this delegation, the
team leader will monitor for the control and compliance of client satisfaction and
overseas all process and handling of each & everyone to ensure we provide and
keep our promise.
Our Promise: Our Goal is to create an Experience our clients can’t honestly, really imagine
being better. Everyone on the team is focused in our client’s wants and needs; make every
effort to stop surprises and keep it as good as it can be. Although we are aware there might be
some challenges we will do our best to create that 10+ experience.
 Privacy Policy - Client Fiduciary:
The AG Team understands the importance of maintaining the privacy of our
clients’ personal information as well as any undergoing process we may be
representing. Client privacy is of the utmost important to us and maintaining the
trust and confidence of our clients is a top priority. We collect certain nonpublic
personal information about our clients that is provided to us by our clients or
obtained by us with their authorization or consent. However, we do not disclose
any personal information about our clients or former clients to anyone, except as
necessary to effectuate the purpose of our business relationship or as required by
law. We retain records relating to the services that we provide so that we are better
able to assist our clients with their needs and to comply with professional
guidelines or requirements of law. – We maintain physical, electronic, and
procedural safeguards that comply with federal and state laws to guard our clients’
nonpublic personal information.
 Scripts:
Utilizing script is an essential part when converting leads. Using this very
effective tool will enhance the productivity when contacting any prospecting client.
As a member of the AG Team the usage, practice and mastery of scripts is a
MUST. These are provided to you and are to be learn in your own time. Practice
and usage of this tool is what will help you be successful, as is a proven method
used by many mega agents and top producers even in other industries.
 File Management / Processing:
An Effective file management provides the basis or infrastructure for timely,
effective client service and appropriate management of client matters it as well
ensure compliance with regulatory requirements relating to matters such as the
preservation of client confidentiality and avoiding conflicts. It offers practical
suggestions for effective file opening and closing procedures, conflicts checking
and storage systems and considerations relating to the retention and disposal of
closed client files.
 Databank
Purpose: To ensure accurate conduct when prospecting and or dealing with any
client while being part of The Anthony “G” Team. The standard operating process
of team leads is to aid all team members in the event of ‘touching’ any of our
prospect/ current sellers/ buyer. The use of team leads is essential to keep track of
follow ups and contact with our clients.
 Compensation: Touch/Splits
This is to be discussed and determined by Team leader AG on a one on one
with each individual who joins the team.
I Acknowledge I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and
procedure of the Anthony G Team Internal Accountability; therefore, I will abide
and comply as a member of the team to the rules and regulations explained above.
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