Subido por Cassandra Lange

Shear Stress & Atherosclerosis: Pathogenesis & Mechanisms

Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
& 2005 USCAP, Inc All rights reserved 0023-6837/05 $30.00
The role of shear stress in the pathogenesis
of atherosclerosis
Kristopher S Cunningham1,2 and Avrum I Gotlieb1,2
Department of Pathology, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network, Canada and
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Although the pathobiology of atherosclerosis is a complex multifactorial process, blood flow-induced shear
stress has emerged as an essential feature of atherogenesis. This fluid drag force acting on the vessel wall is
mechanotransduced into a biochemical signal that results in changes in vascular behavior. Maintenance of a
physiologic, laminar shear stress is known to be crucial for normal vascular functioning, which includes the
regulation of vascular caliber as well as inhibition of proliferation, thrombosis and inflammation of the vessel
wall. Thus, shear stress is atheroprotective. It is also recognized that disturbed or oscillatory flows near arterial
bifurcations, branch ostia and curvatures are associated with atheroma formation. Additionally, vascular
endothelium has been shown to have different behavioral responses to altered flow patterns both at the
molecular and cellular levels and these reactions are proposed to promote atherosclerosis in synergy with
other well-defined systemic risk factors. Nonlaminar flow promotes changes to endothelial gene expression,
cytoskeletal arrangement, wound repair, leukocyte adhesion as well as to the vasoreactive, oxidative and
inflammatory states of the artery wall. Disturbed shear stress also influences the site selectivity of
atherosclerotic plaque formation as well as its associated vessel wall remodeling, which can affect plaque
vulnerability, stent restenosis and smooth muscle cell intimal hyperplasia in venous bypass grafts. Thus, shear
stress is critically important in regulating the atheroprotective, normal physiology as well as the pathobiology
and dysfunction of the vessel wall through complex molecular mechanisms that promote atherogenesis.
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23, advance online publication, 29 November 2004; doi:10.1038/labinvest.3700215
Keywords: shear stress; atherosclerosis; endothelium; smooth muscle cells; nitric oxide; cytoskeleton;
The parallel frictional drag force of shear stress is
one of the important blood flow-induced mechanical stresses acting on the vessel wall, which also
includes the perpendicular force of blood pressure
and the cyclic stretch of pulsatile flow. Shear stress
is a biomechanical force that is determined by blood
flow, vessel geometry and fluid viscosity that is
computationally estimated using fluid dynamics
models and is expressed in units of dynes/cm2.1
Shear stress forces are imposed directly on the endothelium and modulate endothelial structure and
function through the activities of local mechanotransduction mechanisms with the ultimate activation of shear stress response promoter elements/
transcription factors, that modulate endothelial gene
expression. Several molecules, structures and processes have been implicated in mechanotransduc-
Correspondence: Dr AI Gotlieb, MDCM, FRCPC, Department of
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Banting Institute, 100
College Street, Room 110, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 1L5.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received and revised 20 October 2004; accepted 21 October 2004;
published online 29 November 2004
tion of shear stress into specific biochemical signals
and/or activated intracellular signaling pathways,
resulting in modulation of cellular structure and
function. The precise molecular mechanisms remain unknown; however, much new knowledge has
been published to begin to understand how the cell
senses shear stress, what signaling pathways are
regulated by these molecular sensors and which
genes are regulated by the downstream elements of
these pathways. Indeed, due to normal laminar flow,
shear stress is a critical factor in maintaining normal
physiologic vascular function including thromboresistance, barrier function and vascular homeostasis. However, the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is
a complex multifactorial process of vascular wall
injury and atheroma formation due to dynamic local
and systemic factors2 (Figure 1). Shear stress,
especially when blood flow is disturbed and/or is
nonlaminar, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the atherosclerotic plaque, especially
where flow conditions are disturbed with low or
oscillatory shear stress. The combination of altered
arterial hemodynamics around curvatures, arterial
branch ostia and bifurcations,1 where secondary
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
Figure 1 A model of atherogenesis at sites of decreased hemodynamic shear stress. Note that the decreased shear stress affects cellular
morphology and numerous cell functions, several of which are atherogenic. In the presence of systemic risk factors, some of which are
listed, there is an increased likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque formation at these sites, which once formed, further disrupts flow and
promotes growth of the fibroinflammatory lipid plaque.
flows occur, and systemic risk factors promote
atherosclerotic lesion initiation, progression and
ultimately, development of complicated plaques.
For example, atherogenesis is promoted by decreased shear stress (o5 dynes/cm2) because it is
associated with reduction in several vascular wall
functions including endothelial nitric oxide
synthase (eNOS) production, vasodilatation and
endothelial cell repair. These are coupled with
increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS), endothelial permeability to lipoproteins, leukocyte adhesion, apoptosis, smooth muscle cell proliferation
and collagen deposition.3 In addition, many risk
factors linked to cardiovascular disease such as
hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidemia, hyperhomocysteinemia and diabetes mellitus have a
direct impact on endothelial cell function4 and
impair flow-mediated vasodilatation in a progressive
and additive fashion.5 This is significant because
endothelial-dependent vasomotion has been identified as an independent predictor of cardiac events.6
Fluid shear stress does play an important role in
blood vessel formation, especially in angiogenesis,
arteriogenesis and in aneurysm formation. These
topics are beyond the scope of this review.
Vascular shear stress
Shear stress is expressed in the case of laminar flow
where the profile of blood velocity is parabolic as
t ¼ 4mQ=pr 3
where m is the viscosity, Q is the flow rate and r is
the vessel radius. Vascular shear stress of large
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
conduit arteries typically varies between 5 and 20
dynes/cm2; however, significant instantaneous values range from negative measures to nearly 40
dynes/cm2 during states of increased cardiac output.1 This continuous exposure to a physiologic
range of shear stress, especially in straight sections
of the artery exposed to unidirectional laminar flow,
promotes the establishment of important physiologic characteristics of the artery wall promoting an
anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anticoagulative,
profibrinolytic and antihypertrophic state. Shear is
also integrally involved in flow-mediated vasodilatation as a means to normalize mechanical forces
and thus helps to maintain normal endothelial
function. Flow conditions in the artery are specified
by the Reynolds number (Re), which is a measure of
the stability of flow:
Re ¼ 4rQ=pmDðg=cm3 Þ
where r is the density of blood, D is the vessel
diameter, m is the blood viscosity and Q is the flow
rate. This represents a ratio of inertial fluid
momentum to viscous frictional forces. Thus, at
very low flow rates, Re below 1 g/cm3, viscous forces
dominate over inertial forces and flow follows the
geometry of flow channels. Secondary flows (vortices and other nonaxial flow phenomena) arise at
greater Re when viscous forces and inertial forces
are comparable. Secondary flows develop at arterial
bends and bifurcations. Transition to turbulence,
where lateral motion of the blood becomes fully
randomized, occurs at Re of 500 to 1500 g/cm3 and is
dependent on vascular geometries, the presence or
absence of lumen stenosis and on flow pulsatility.7
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
Transient turbulence has been shown to occur in the
human aorta at peak systole, during heavy dynamic
exercise in much of the central arterial system and
distal to arterial lumenal stenosis and aneurysms.
Thus, the endothelium is exposed to diverse flow
patterns: laminar flow, which is the steady tangential drag force noted above; oscillatory flow, where
time-averaged fluctuations in shear stress are very
low or zero due to forward-reverse flow cycles and
disrupted flows, which exhibit regions of flow
separation, recirculation and reattachment that are
associated with temporal and spatial shear gradients.1 Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) are also
directly or indirectly responsive to shear stress
resulting in regulation of cell proliferation, migration and differentiation between contractile and
secretory phenotypes.8 The vascular wall is continuously fine-tuning its activities in response to
vascular shear stress. However, significant changes
and/or disruption of laminar flow impart changes in
endothelial cell behavior, which alters the biology of
the endothelial monolayer and subsequently the
susceptibility of conduit vessels to atherosclerotic
In studies by Brad Berk’s group on how vascular
remodeling maintains vessel lumen diameter and
shear stress, they found that shear stress is differentially regulated among several inbred rat strains.
This suggested that genetic determinants were
important in regulating shear stress in response to
changes in blood flow.9 Linder’s group and Berk’s
group have also carried out vascular remodeling
experiments, which support the notion that in mice
vascular remodeling is strain dependent.10,11
tion.15,16 Chiu et al17 demonstrated that in a
modified coculture system exposed to the physiologic 12-dynes/cm2 fluid flow, vascular SMC tended to
orient themselves perpendicular to the direction of
flow in contrast to endothelial cells, which are
known to orient themselves parallel to flow. Also,
shear stress less than 2 dynes/cm2 had no effect on
vascular SMC orientation. Importantly, coculture
under static conditions induced leukocyte adhesion
proteins GRO-a and MCP-1 expression while application of shear stress attenuated this response. This
observation suggests that shear stress acts through
the endothelium to modulate SMC gene expression
imparting an atheroprotective phenotype on the
vessel wall. The uptake of acylated-low-density
lipoproteins (Ac-LDL) is decreased in endothelial–
SMC cocultures exposed to laminar shear stress
relative to static cultures. Interestingly, shear stress
increased uptake of unaltered LDL, suggesting that
uptake of oxidized LDL is favored under low flow
conditions,18 similar to that seen at those sites
predicted at risk of atheroma formation. Nonuniform
shear stress has been shown to influence the in vivo
density of SMC in the vessel wall through a graded
suppression of mitogenic activity at higher shear
levels. The level of shear stress was inversely
correlated with intimal SMC density, whereas
exposure to laminar flow did not influence cell
density.19 Altogether, these studies uphold the
premise that shear stress acts on vascular SMC in
part through endothelial interactions to modulate
SMC gene expression, uptake of atherogenic lipoproteins and proliferation as a means of suppressing
atheroma formation.
Endothelial and vascular SMC
Mechanotransduction of shear stress
Activated, proliferating vascular SMC play an
essential role during atherogenesis. These cells
contribute to intimal hyperplasia that forms the
bulk of the plaque, to expression of growth factors,
cytokines, and proinflammatory mediators such as
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and
vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) and to
synthesis of matrix molecules some of which are
important for retaining lipoproteins.12 Much of the
endothelial–smooth muscle communication is
through paracrine pathways; the best studied being
nitric oxide (NO) regulation of vasodilatation.
Although the internal elastic lamina separates
medial vascular SMC from the abluminal endothelium, numerous membrane pores (2–7 mm) permit
direct communication between the endothelial cells
and vascular SMC, potentially through myoepithelial bridges.13,14 Interactions between these cell
types are important for proper vessel wall function
and both have been shown to be responsive to shear
stress. For example, laminar shear stress inhibits not
only endothelial but also vascular SMC prolifera-
There appears to be several possible mechanisms by
which endothelial cells sense stress and act as a
shear transducer including those mediated by gene
expression and those not mediated by gene expression. Following the initial mechanosensing, cell
surfaces and cell membranes may be deformed, ions
may be translocated, local biochemical responses
may be activated, downstream intracellular signaling pathways may be activated and endothelial
genes may then be expressed, all to modulate
shear-induced endothelial function as well as
important shear-induced alterations in endothelial
cell morphology (Figure 2).
An early response to shear stress is the influx of
Ca2 þ leading to increased cytosolic Ca2 þ , which
may lead to numerous changes in intracellular
activation of molecules and production of bioactive
agents such as NO.11 The membrane potential
modulates the driving force for Ca2 þ transmembrane
fluxes since endothelial cells lack voltage-dependent Ca2 þ channels. Ion channels that are mechanosensitive have been identified and characterized.20
Laminar shear stress promotes upregulation of IKca1
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
Figure 2 A schematic diagram of the pathways by which shear
stress may regulate atherogenesis. The pathogenesis of the
atherosclerotic plaque is modulated by shear stress regulation of
atheroprotective and atherogenic influences, by systemic risk
factors and by genetic influences that affect both multiple cellular
processes in the wall and the plaque as well as the response of the
vessel wall to shear stress itself.
transcription, resulting in increased intermediateconductance Ca2 þ -activated K þ channel (IKCa)
activity, which results in hyperpolarization, and
membrane-driven Ca2 þ influx, which may be atheroprotective because of a likely increased synthesis of
vasodilator and antithrombotic factors.21 Flow-activated ion currents including the hyperpolarizing
current carried by inward rectifying K þ channels
and a depolarizing current due in part to outward
rectifying Cl-channels show different sensitivities to
high and to low shear stress and to oscillatory shear
stress.22 The endothelial cytoskeleton is also proposed to play a central role in the mechanotransduction of shear stress with direct participation of each
of the three main structural cytoskeletal fibers
as well as indirect involvement of cytoskeletalassociated structures such as focal adhesions and
adherens junctions.23–25 Conformational changes in
the cell cytoskeleton in response to shear forces may
promote mechanotransduction, as may conformational changes in the cell–cell and the cell–substratum adhesion complexes. At the substratum,
integrin–matrix interactions are also implicated in
transduction primarily by activation of downstream
pathways that are implicated in both anti- and
pro-atherogenic activities.26 The glycocalyx27 is
postulated to be disrupted by shear stress leading
to modifications of ion channels and membrane
receptors. Other factors and structures have been
studied including dystrophin,28 caveolae,29 PECAM1,30 gap junctions31 as well as many other ancillary
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
structural and signaling proteins. Rapid, shearinduced activation of Ras, a small G protein,32 may
lead to activation of mitogenic signaling
pathways through extracellular signal-regulated
kinase (ERK) and Jun kinase (JNK). Exposure of
endothelial cells to shear stress results in NO due to
the dissociation of eNOS from caveolin-1.32 Chronic
laminar shear stress induces translocation of caveolin-1 from the Golgi to the plasma membrane,
increases caveolin formation at the lumenal side
and changes ERK and Akt activation, reducing the
former and enhancing the latter.33 Resnick et al1
reviewed the data that suggest that induction of
laminar shear stress results in three patterns of gene
expression immediate followed by decrease to static
levels less immediate maintaining the altered levels
of expression for several hours and delayed induction several hours after onset of shear stress.
However, it is still unknown how shear stress
ultimately results in the numerous transcriptional
changes mediated by shear stress responsive promoter elements (SSREs) that bind transcription
factors, which are also activated by shear stress. It
must be noted that the exact mechanisms of
converting a mechanical stress into a biochemical
signal is thus not well understood and requires
further study. The hope is that both shear stress
receptors and shear stress responsive genes will be
useful as biomarkers of atherosclerotic disease and
as targets for therapies of atherosclerosis.
Vascular biologic activity regulated by
shear stress
Expression patterns of many endothelial gene
products that are recognized as being up- or downregulated in response to laminar and/or disturbed
flows have been examined either in individual
candidate gene studies or in large DNA array-based
genomic analyses.34,35 A subset of these shear
regulated factors are secreted by endothelial cells
and may be grouped into functional classes that
include vasoactive compounds, growth factors,
coagulation/fibrinolysis/complement factors and
extracellular matrix (ECM)/ECM modifying factors
(Table 1).36–56 That many of these secreted products
fall into functional classes should not be surprising
as disturbed shear stress is likely to alter endothelial
cell biology in a directed fashion, as a means to
adapt to the new environmental conditions.
Although for some gene products such as NO and
tumor growth factor b (TGF), the response to shear
stress is apparent, for others, such as plateletderived growth factor (PDGF), basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF) and angiotensin converting
enzyme (ACE), the impact of shear stress is less
clear.57 The majority of studies on candidate genes
and their products that were found to be responsive
to shear were performed using in vitro endothelial
monolayers exposed to various flow conditions in
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
Table 1 Atherogenic/atheroprotective factors modulated by
shear stress
Vasoactive compounds
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
NO—endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)
NO—induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
C-type natriuretic peptide
Growth factors
Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGFB)
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF)
Melanoma growth-stimulatory activity/
growth-regulated gene—chemokine (GRO)
Granulocyte monocyte-colony stimulating
factor (GM-CSF)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein
Tissue factor
tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)
Protease-activated receptor-1—thrombin
receptor (PAR-1)
Properdin—complement factor
ECM/ECM degradation enzymes
Collagen XII
Matrix metaloprotease-9 (MMP-9)
Monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1)
Vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1)
Intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1)
Bone morphogenic protein (BMP-4)
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (ecSOD)
Sterol regulatory element binding protein
Platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule
milieus quite different from the in vivo vessel. An
example of enhancing in vitro experimental models
is the work of Michael Gimbrone’s group who
designed an in vitro dynamic flow system to
reproduce arterial shear stress waveforms applied
on cultured endothelial cells. They used 3D flow
analysis based on actual aortic artery bifurcation
geometries and blood flow profiles to characterize
an athero-prone and an atheroprotective waveform,
which were applied to the endothelial cells in
culture to analyze gene expression using transcription profiling.58 Studies of gene expression in vivo,
under conditions of either uniform or disrupted
flow, have appeared35,59 confirming some but not all
of the large body of in vitro data and shedding
further light on potentially significant changes in
factor production in regions at risk for developing
in vivo atheromatous lesions.
Investigators in the field are cautious since gene
expression profiles differ among different studies;
however, among classes of genes there are similarities in global gene expression. For example,
laminar shear stress promotes expression of antiinflammatory, antiproliferative, antiapoptotic and
antioxidative genes. There are differences in the
findings between various in vitro studies, which
may reflect different models, use of cells from
different species or derived from different locations,
and different experimental design and sampling
times. These differences have not yet been pursued
with any rigor. In addition, flow preconditioning of
cultured endothelial cells is considered important
since these cells will change their phenotype, at
least to some extent, adopting phenotypes that may
not completely reflect those of in vivo endothelial
cells. Thus, designing experiments that allow for the
establishment of a hemodynamic environment prior
to studying how alterations in shear stress alter cell
morphology and function is a very useful experimental strategy.
Shear stress plays an important role in regulating the
inflammatory processes that initiate and enhance
the growth of the fibroinflammatory lipid plaque.
Shear stress appears to heavily influence vascular
inflammation through modification of endothelial
gene expression to a proatherogenic profile. Many
groups have utilized microarray analyses of endothelium under conditions of laminar vs disturbed
shear stress to suggest that nonlaminar flow can
result in gene expression of proinflammatory molecules in the vascular wall.60–62 Indeed, recent work
has shown that both shear stress and cyclic strain in
combination may better predict sites of proatherogenic gene expression.63 Analysis of vascular regions prone to atherogenesis due to disturbed blood
flow in vivo have revealed that altered shear stress
can prime the endothelium to respond to proatherogenic stimuli through upregulation of the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kB.35,59 Laminar
shear stress promotes an antiinflammatory and antioxidative expression profile, acting through promoter elements identified as SSREs,60 antioxidant
response elements (ARE)64 and PPARg-response
elements.65 Shear stress also induces phosphorylation of Ser-727 of the transcription factor STAT3
via the ERK 1/2 pathway, which inhibits Tyr-705
phosphorylation in STAT3. This results in a reduced
translocation of STAT3 into the nucleus and this
attenuation of STAT3 activation reduces inflammatory responses through reduced cytokine stimulation.66 However, the interaction between shear
stress and inflammation appears to be more complex
given that laminar shear stress can also modulate
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
proinflammatory cytokine (TNFa)-dependent transcription in endothelial cells.67 Thus, a fine balance
exists between the expression of atheroprotective
and proatherogenic genes mediated by levels of
laminar shear stress and decreased shear, respectively.
Low shear stress influences adhesion of leukocytes to activated endothelium through enhanced
expression of adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1,67
VCAM-1,68 MCP-169 and E-selectin.70 In addition,
laminar flows have been found to antagonize the
ability of the proinflammatory cytokine, TNFa, to
recruit leukocytes and induce expression of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-1 and E-selectin,67,71 reinforcing the balance sought between the
pro- and anti-inflammatory influences of oscillatory
and laminar shear stress, respectively. Mediation of
this antagonism may involve inhibition of MAP
kinase activation (eg JNK) as well as association of
TRAF-2 with TNFR-1.72 Interestingly, laminar shear
stress also inhibited vascular SMC-dependent promotion of endothelial adhesion molecule expression
in coculture under static conditions, a process
requiring close communication between the two
cell types.73 Bone morphogenic protein- 4 (BMP-4), a
member of the TGFb family of cytokines, has
recently been shown to be upregulated in endothelium over lipid-filled atheroma as well as in those
cells exposed to oscillatory shear stress.74 Elevated
levels of BMP-4 were also correlated with increased
ICAM-1 expression through an NF-kB-dependent
mechanism. It is worth noting that BMP-4 was
previously identified in calcified atherosclerotic
plaques75 and calcific heart valves,76 however, its
specific role in shear-stress-dependent leukocyte
adhesion is unknown.
Nitric oxide
NO is a central mediator in vascular biology and
physiologic flow is the primary stimulus for continuous NO production by the endothelium.77 NO
synthase (NOS) catalyzes the NADPH-dependent
conversion of L-arginine and O2 to L-citrulline and
the short-lived radical NO. One of the primary
functions of NO involves the regulation of vascular
caliber to modulate blood flow and normalize
endothelial shear stress and cyclic strain.78 The
molecular mechanisms of NO activity include roles
in signaling, free radical scavenging and posttranslational protein modification through S-nitosylation.79 NO is atheroprotective through enhanced
vascular relaxation as well as through inhibition of
platelet activation and aggregation, apoptosis and
endothelial-dependent monocyte adhesion.80–82
However, NO is not necessary to suppress endothelial activation chronically; rather it counterbalances
factors that arise, which promote proatherogenic
changes in endothelial cell behavior.83 Attenuation
of NO is one of the earliest biochemical changes
preceding endothelial dysfunction, which is an
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
important concept highlighted by a recent metaanalysis showing that common genetic variations in
the eNOS gene, and presumably NO availability, is
an important risk factor in atherosclerosis and
ischemic heart disease.84
Endothelial NOS is regulated by biomechanical
stimuli and multiple biochemical factors, including
acetylcholine,85 H2O2,86 estrogen,87 bradykinin,88
sphingosine-1-phosphate,89 VEGF,90 TNFa,91 as well
as shear stress and flow-related aerobic exercise.92 In
diseased vessels, the endothelium overlying atherosclerotic plaques shows a decrease in eNOS mRNA
and protein expression,93 which correlates well
with plaques occurring and growing in regions of
disturbed blood flow where there is impaired
endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation.93,94
The complexity of eNOS activity involves multiple levels of regulation, not the least of which is
gene expression. NF-kB is a transcription factor
activated in regions of disturbed flow and is
predicted to mediate proinflammatory gene expression in response to shear stress.35,59 This phenomenon is believed to be associated with a decrease in
eNOS activity. Interestingly, Davis et al37 show that
under conditions of laminar flow, NF-kB binds to
the eNOS promoter and transiently upregulates
eNOS transcription, followed by a prolonged increase in the stability of eNOS mRNA.95 Given that
NO inhibits NF-kB activation,96 it is suggested that
laminar shear stress may provoke a negative feedback loop with shear stress inducing eNOS expression through NF-kB, which is followed by increased
NO production and subsequent NO-dependent
decreases in NF-kB activity. Factors that interfere
with NO activity, such as ROS, that are produced in
regions of low shear stress, could potentially lead
to unchecked elevations in NF-kB-dependent, proinflammatory gene expression.37
The mechanism of eNOS activation appears to
involve its subcellular location, an association in
multiprotein complexes, as well as targeted tyrosine
phosphorylations. Endothelial NOS was shown to
be associated with caveolae and is inhibited through
its interaction with caveolin-1.97 Although eNOS
has also been found to be associated with other
subcellular structures such as the Golgi apparatus
and the mitochondrion, the functional significance
of these interactions is unclear.98 Multiple protein
partners of eNOS have been identified in which
some promote eNOS activity such as Ca2 þ /CaM,99
hsp90,100 dynamin-2,101 porin102 and guanylate
cyclase103 and some suppress eNOS activity such
as caveolin-1,97 G-protein coupled receptors,104 and
NO-interacting protein (NOSIP).105 Recent evidence
also demonstrates that eNOS interacts with and is
inhibited by the transmembrane intercellular adhesion molecule, PECAM-1, a protein postulated to act
in the mechanotransduction pathway.106 This interaction is disrupted over seconds in response to acute
increases in shear stress and correlates with a
parallel increase in eNOS activity. However, the
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
interaction is not perturbed in response to shear
stress with a low temporal gradient. Acute changes
in shear stress are also associated with tyrosine
phosphorylation of PECAM-1,107 an event required
for the flow-dependent activation of ERK,30 a MAP
Production of eNOS as a result of shear is
biphasic. Initially, there is a Ca2 þ /CaM-dependent
disruption of eNOS’ interaction with caveolin-1,
resulting in the production of NO secondary to acute
changes in shear stress. Then there is a more Ca2 þ independent, slow production of NO in response to
steady laminar flows.99 The precise mechanism of
steady NO production is not entirely clear, yet
binding of Hsp90 to eNOS100 and protein kinase A
(PKA)-dependent phosphorylation of eNOS S635
(bovine sequence) appear to play a role.108 Targeted
phosphorylation of eNOS on residues S1179, S635
and potentially S617 and S116 (bovine sequences)
may also increase enzyme activity in response
to shear stress.109 Additionally, it appears that
dephosphorylation of T497 is required for optimal
activation of eNOS;110 however, appropriate phosphorylation of T497 is argued to regulate production
of NO as oppossed to superoxide anions from
eNOS.111 Numerous kinases have been identified
for each site, especially S1179, including PKA,112
Akt,113 PKG,114 AMP-activated protein kinase
(AMPK)110 and CaM-dependent kinase II (CaMKII).115
Laminar shear stress appears to act primarily
through Akt and PKA. Supportive roles for the other
enzymes have been suggested.109 A recent observation demonstrated that the catalytic subunit of PKA
is associated with eNOS in luminal lamellipodia
located near endothelial cell junctions in restricted
intracellular locales,116 the existence of which may
help to elucidate differential regulation of eNOS by
PKA. Shear stress has been shown to activate the
vascular endothelial growth factor II receptor (VEGFRII) in a ligand-independent manner, recruiting
phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and subsequently
activating Akt and eNOS.117 Interestingly, like
PECAM-1, VEGFRII activation is associated with
shear stress-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation, in
this case known to be src-dependent, over the same
time frame of PECAM-1 phosphorylation and eNOS
release from caveolae and PECAM-1. However,
whether any of these events are linked is still
unknown. Exercise training has been shown to
induce a shear-dependent increase in c-src activity
associated with eNOS and extracellular superoxide
dismutase activation.118 Related studies have also
shown that shear stress induced by exercise induces
enhanced S1179 phosphorylation119 and potentially
recruites eNOS containing caveolae to the plasma
membrane,29 possibly helping to explain the means
by which regular exercise can be atheroprotective.
Laminar shear stress has also been shown to increase
the S-nitrosylation of proteins such as caspase-3 and
thioredoxin,120 facilitating the antiapoptotic and
antioxidative role of steady shear flows.
It is postulated that oscillatory shear stress,
disrupted flows and turbulent flows act on the
vascular wall to disrupt these atheroprotective
molecular pathways reducing the production of
NO and thus changing the biology of the vessel.
This results in the production of proinflammatory
mediators through NF-kB-dependent transcription,
impaired flow regulated vasorelaxation and reversal
of the antiapoptotic, antiproliferative (relevant to
vascular SMC) and antioxidative (relevant to LDL)
functions of the endothelium. Microparticles, which
are membranous vesicles released from activated T
lymphocytes with procoagulant and proinflammatory properties, induce endothelial dysfunction by
decreasing eNOS expression and overexpressing
caveolin-1 in endothelial cells activated during
atherogenesis.121 This observation serves to illustrate that once the atheroprotective role of the
endothelium, in part through its eNOS activity, has
been compromised, a vicious cycle of vascular wall
injury inducing plaque formation and subsequent
disruption in blood flow can facilitate atheroma
progression and potentially impart vulnerability
onto atherosclerotic lesions. An important recent
study shows that a single nucleotide polymorphism
of the human eNOS gene (786C/T) renders affected
patients at higher risk of coronary heart disease
through a mechanism that is the result of an
inability for shear stress to maintain basal levels of
eNOS expression.122
Reactive oxygen species
The association between ROS production and
atheroma formation is well established and involves
shear stress. ROS production occurs in many cell
types in the vascular wall such as endothelial cells,
vascular SMC, adventitial fibroblasts and macrophages.123 There are at least five different enzyme
systems contributing to the oxidation state of the
vascular wall. These include lysyl oxidase (LOX),
responsible for the covalent cross-linking of collagen
and elastin,124 xanthene oxidase (XO),125 monocytederived ROS,126 uncoupled eNOS127 and the
NAD(P)H family of oxidases, which are the primary
contributors of ROS species in the vasculature.128
ROS increase leukocyte adhesion molecule expression,129 stimulate SMC proliferation and migration,
promote lipid oxidation, upregulate matrix metaloproteinase activity and alter vasomotor activity.130
Shear stress modulates the redox state of the
vascular wall, in part, by regulating expression of
the different oxidase systems involved. The
NAD(P)H family of oxidases are structurally different from the well-known phagocytic NAD(P)H
oxidases and can be regulated by angiotensin II,
through a phospholipase D-dependent process,131
inflammatory cytokines and shear stress.132 Endothelial cells exposed to oscillatory shear stress show
a marked increase in NAD(P)H activity and ROS
production in contrast to the antioxidative state
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
induced by laminar flow.132 It has been proposed
that XO expression may be regulated by NAD(P)H
oxidase activity and that XO is actually the primary
source of ROS in the vascular wall in response to
oscillatory shear stress.125 Chronic exposure of
endothelial cells to oscillatory shear stress increased
monocyte adhesion, which is dependent on
NAD(P)H oxidase activity.129 Finally, it was recently
demonstrated that vascular NAD(P)H oxidase subunit, NOX4, expression increased in response to
oscillatory shear stress and was associated with an
increase in LDL oxidation relative to that in static
XO, expressed by endothelium binds extracellular
glycosaminoglycans and was found to be higher in
individuals with coronary artery disease compared
with normal controls.130 eNOS, although classically
described as being atheroprotective, can significantly contribute to ROS production if electron
transfer within the enzyme becomes uncoupled
secondary to loss of either the cofactor 5,6,7,
8,-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) or the substrate Larginine, resulting in the transfer of electrons to
O2, forming superoxide.127 Interestingly, hypercholesterolemia,134 diabetes135 and hypertension136 have
all been associated with eNOS uncoupling, potentially through ROS production, further potentiating
the creation of superoxide.
In addition to the upregulation of oxidases, shear
stress may promote changes in other antioxidative
systems. Intracellular glutathione, providing reduction equivalents, is decreased under nonlaminar
flows130,137 and the enzyme glutathione peroxidase
is upregulated under laminar flow conditions.138 Of
the three forms of the atheroprotective superoxide
dismutase (SOD) found in the vascular wall,139
extracellular SOD and Cu/Zn SOD may be stimulated by shear stress indirectly through enhanced
eNOS production.140,141 Elevated levels of extracellular SOD have even been found in patients with
acute coronary syndromes, potentially representing
an important protective factor against oxidative
stress associated with ischemic events.142 As stated
above, adequate eNOS-dependent NO radical production allows ROS to be continually scavenged.
Whether the vascular biology is impacted principally by loss of eNOS activity with an associated rise
in ROS vs primarily negative effects associated with
elevated ROS is unclear.
Systemic cardiovascular risk factors such as
smoking,143 hypertension,144 diabetes145 and hyperlipidemia,146 which are known to influence shear
stress, are associated with elevated NAD(P)H oxidase activity and increased oxidative stress in the
vessel wall. Importantly, angiotensin II receptor
antagonists and ACE inhibitors have been shown
to reduce NAD(P)H oxidase activity,147 suggesting a
role for the renin–angiotensin system in promoting
vascular oxidative stress.148 Statins also appear to
reduce oxidative stress through suppression of
NAD(P)H oxidase activity, independently of its role
Laboratory Investigation (2005) 85, 9–23
as an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor.149 A role for
antioxidants and L-arginine to modulate the
proatherogenic effects of turbulent blood flow has
been suggested using cell culture and murine
models;150 however, successfully reducing vessel
wall oxidative stress with antioxidants in human
patient populations has not been as encouraging.151
Although work has focused on the role of oxidative
stress in promoting atheroma formation, plaque
evolution and vulnerability are also advanced by
the redox state of the vasculature, potentially
associated with angiogenesis and thus with intraplaque hemorrhage.152
Vascular permeability
Disturbed shear stress directly influences endothelial integrity and thus permeability due, in part, to
modulation of cytoskeletal contractile function (see
below). Regions prone to atherosclerosis have
increased uptake by the arterial wall of fluorescent,
radiolabeled and chromogenic tracers modeled to
represent serum lipoprotein particles.153 Disturbed
flow may increase particle transit times in susceptible regions154 and it has even been suggested that
the proliferative effects of nonlaminar flows may
enhance permeability during mitosis of endothelial
cells.155 In the porcine proximal external iliac artery,
a region known for complex blood flow, endothelial
permeability to Evans blue dye tagged albumin
decreased with increasing time-averaged shear
stress in the physiologic range in contrast to the
increased permeability observed under oscillatory
shear conditions.156 However, enhanced retention of
lipoprotein particles by the extracellular matrix and
not increased transport per se25,154 may promote the
site selectivity of atheroma formation.
Shear stress has a profound effect on the endothelial
cytoskeleton,25,157–159 especially the actin and the
microtubule cytoskeletons, which are essential in
maintaining the integrity of the vascular endothelium, and regulating endothelial repair following
endothelial disruption and/or endothelial denudation due to cell loss.157–159 Actin microfilaments are
arranged both centrally and peripherally in endothelial cells to form stress fibers160 and a dense
peripheral band,161 respectively. Stress fibers are
long bundles of actin filaments containing myosin,
tropomyosin and alpha-actinin that can contract and
exert tension.162 They are linked to the plasma
membrane at focal adhesion sites where they serve
to promote strong attachment to the substratum.24
The dense peripheral band, on the other hand, plays
a role in cell–cell adhesion161,163,164 and likely acts,
at least in part, to regulate endothelial permeability.
Partial disassembly of the adherens junction complex is induced by shear stress and is followed by
Role of shear stress in atherosclerosis
KS Cunningham and AI Gotlieb
reassembly that is associated with endothelial shape
change and reorganization of F-actin distribution.164
The distribution and organization of the actin
cytoskeleton is altered in response to hemodynamic
shear stress. For example, low hemodynamic shear
favors prominent peripheral microfilaments,159
while elevated hemodynamic shear stress165 promotes an increase in central microfilaments. In cells
exposed to high shear conditions, the central
microfilaments become both thicker and longer,
while the dense peripheral band becomes disrupted.
These changes are reversible if normal shear is
reinstated.165 Sustained exposure to flow also induces cytoskeletal remodeling that results in orientation of the endothelial cells in the direction of
flow.166,167 Physiologic shear stress has been shown
to be necessary for timely repair of the mechanically
injured endothelium.159 Within in vivo mechanical
injury models, low flow rates are associated with
poor cell–cell contacts and disordered alignment of
the cytoskeleton in cells along the wounded endothelium resulting in disturbed repair.159 Disturbed
repair may not only promote atheroma formation
through enhanced endothelial permeability but may
also lead to the formation of endothelial erosions
and fissures that are associated with complicated
atherosclerotic lesions and rupture of unstable
plaques.169 In a hypercholesterolemic rabbit model
actin microfilaments undergo prominent changes,
which initially may promote endothelial–substratum adhesion but eventually results in a reduction
of stress fibers and dysfunctional adhesion.170 An
interesting finding linking shear stress, actin microfilament system and cholesterol metabolism is that
shear stress activates the Rho-ROCK-LIMK-cofilin
pathway, which results in modulation of sterol
regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) that
regulate lipid and cholesterol metabolism.171
Vein grafts and restenosis
Shear stress has been implicated in affecting longterm vein graft patency, following coronary artery
bypass procedures and vascular remodeling. Vein
graft adaptations following introduction of arterial
pressures involve elements of both intimal hyperplasia and expansive remodeling with local shear
stress levels determining the balance between the
two. Graft failure may be a consequence of enhanced
neointimal hyperplasia secondary to vascular SMC
proliferation from predominantly vein-derived
cells.172 Interestingly, preferential fibromuscular
hyperplasia of the vein intima at the distal anastomosis,173 which is likely secondary to disturbed
flows, may have a secondary effect on the long-term
flow velocity through the body of the graft, tipping
the balance toward lower shear stresses and enhanced neointimal hyperplasia. Late restenosis
following balloon angioplasty and stent placement
is also associated with neointimal hyperplasia,
which is inversely related to the shear stress
distribution within the arterial segment, such that
low shear stress regions are associated with maximal
intimal thickness and high shear regions with
minimal thickness.174 Numerous models have been
proposed to explain the changes in shear stress.
These include the creation of disturbed shear
secondary to the significantly elevated flow velocities,175 prolonged inflammatory response to the
stent promoting vascular SMC proliferation/migration176 and the stent design itself modulating local
shear gradients.177 It is intriguing to observe that
intimal hyperplasia has also been shown to occur in
regions of low shear stress proximally and distally to
the stent itself,178 suggesting that the stent may
indeed have more far-reaching influences on arterial
Shear stress is involved in both physiologic and
pathophysiologic vascular biology. Modulation of
vascular wall behavior in regions of disturbed blood
flow in conjunction with the impact of systemic
vascular factors such as smoking, hyperlipidemia,
hyperglycemia and hypertension promotes a
chronic fibroinflammatory response to the resultant
arterial injury. This response is associated with a
disarming of the atheroprotective defenses encouraged by laminar blood flow. The consequences of
this dynamic interaction between shear stressinduced changes and systemic risk factors not only
promotes atherosclerosis but also influences the
success of those therapeutic modalities used to
modify disease progression and clinical outcomes.
A major challenge in the field is to integrate the large
body of data on shear-dependent endothelial gene
expression to identify useful biomarkers for atherosclerosis, to design appropriate approaches to prevent atherogenesis and to provide useful therapeutic
interventions for atherosclerosis, especially complicated fibroinflammatory lipid plaques.
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